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One day, a frog sat on a lily pad, still as a rock.

A fish swam by.

“Hello, Mr. Frog! What are you waiting for?”

“I am waiting for my lunch, “said the frog.

“Oh, good luck!” said the fish and swarm away.

Then, a duck waddled by.

“Hello, Mr. Frog! What are you waiting for?”

“I am waiting for my lunch, “said the frog.

“Oh, good luck!” said the duck and waddled away.

Then a bug came buzzing by.

“Hello, Mr. Frog! What are you doing?” asked the bug.

I’m having my lunch! Slurp!” said the frog

Mr. Frog smiled.


1. Who is the main character in the story?

a. The bug
b. The duck
c. The fish
d. The frog

2. What was he doing?

a. resting on a lily pad
b. chatting with a bug
c. hunting for his food
d. waiting for the rain

3. In what way was he able to get his lunch?

a. he was able to fool the fish
b. he was able to fool the duck
c. he was able to fool the rock
d. he was able to fool the bug

4. Why should the frog be “still as a rock?”

a. so that he will not scare the other animals away
b. so that he can catch his lunch
c. so that the other animals will think he is friendly
d. so that the fish will say nice things about him

5. Which of these words describe the duck?”

a. Patient
b. Eager
c. Curious
d. Careful

6. Which of these words describe Mr .Frog?

a. Patient
b. Eager
c. Curious
d. Careful

7. Which of these characteristics would have helped the bug?

a. Being patient
b. Being eager
c. Being curious
d. Being careful
One day, a frog sat on a lily pad, still as a rock.

A fish swam by.

“Hello, Mr. Frog! What are you waiting for?”

“I am waiting for my lunch, “said the frog.

“Oh, good luck!” said the fish and swarm away.

Then, a duck waddled by.

“Hello, Mr. Frog! What are you waiting for?”

“I am waiting for my lunch, “said the frog.

“Oh, good luck!” said the duck and waddled away.

Then a bug came buzzing by.

“Hello, Mr. Frog! What are you doing?” asked the bug.

I’m having my lunch! Slurp!” said the frog

Mr. Frog smiled.

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