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May-June 1981 27

The Government and UFOs criticized as long ago as 1952 by the pulsion are beyond our knowledge:
''Furthet scientific investigation of CIA. The CIA complained that the Air If the UFO phenomenon is indeed
Force's case·by-case investigations beyond the grasp of our understand-
UFOs is unwarranted." and explanations were insufficient to ing - technologically speaking- all the
'-Ai) Force, 1980 determine the exact nature of the more reason to strive towards learning
Perhaps most disturbing is the very phenomenon.' more about it. For although the United
fact that after thirty-two years, a small Similarly, the Air Force-sponsored States mav i nore the SHtmhcance of
but significant percentage of UFOs "Condon Committee" study by the t e Phenomenon, it ts ardlv
still remains unidentified. While the University of Colorado in 1968 never reasonable to supoose that the rest of
government has been concerned with earnestly intended to investigate the the world will do so. .
the psychological danger the UFO physical reality of the phenomenon. And there are other considerations
phenomenon poses, it has been un- Indeed, an early memorandum by one besides national security in following
willing to consider the prospect that of Dr. Edward U. Condon's staff in- up the UFO enigma. As a report from
some UFOs pose an actual physical dicates otherwise: "The trick would the National Securitv A2encv in 1968
threat. Fearful of generating undue be, I think to describe the project so put It,
concern, the government has that to the public, it would appear a "Perhaps the UFO question ~
deliberately chosen to debunk UFO totally objective study ... one way to might even make man undertake •
reports and has misinformed the do this would be to stress investiga- studies which could enable him
public as to the true importance of the tion, not of the physical phenomenon, to construct a society which is 2
phenomenon. but rather of the people who are doing most conducive to developing a -
Unconventional aerial objects that the observing ..."7 completely human being,
boast unlimited and unrestricted healthy in all aspects of mind and ?
access to our most sensitive nuclear Conclusion body-and, most importantly, ,
installations-and which can render In June 1978, a French government able to recognize and adapt to
inoperable the instrumentation, com- UFO study group (GEPAN) concluded real environmental situations."
munication/weapon systems of that "everything taken into considera· In isolating ourselves from the UFO
American-made jets, or which can tion, a material phenomenon seems to phenomenon we may risk missing·
shut down and restart at will be behind the totality of the what could be the most important
sophisticated hydraulic equipment- phenomenon - a flying machine adventure man has yet embarked
do warrant further scientific study. whose modes of sustenance: and pro- up~ 0
Awareness of an advanced technology
and potential threat is not an
1 unreasonable pursuit. As the National
Is the CIA Stonewalling?
l Security Agencr indicates, it could be
a matter ot survival. by RICHARD HALL

T ~ough adruitted~y the govern-

ment has '"Studied UFO
BASED ON the 892 pages of UFO- 1966-68 University of Colorado UFO
related documents released to lawyer project. The documents also clearly in-
Peter Gersten, it is clear that the CIA's dicate that in 1952 the CIA was·
reports, apparently no. government professed non-interest in UFOs is un- · prepared to mount a major scientific
body has dwelt on those official true. There is internal evidence of non- study of UFOs based on the extraor-
government reports that indicate cer- continuity within the CIA, and even of dinary radar-visual sightings that
tain UFOs pose a threat to national one group or analyst being unaware of year, but that the debunking conclu-
security. Is there any doubt that it is other files or previous work. This is siox:i of the Robertson Panel cut short
these reports which deserve further not surprising considering the highly that effort.
scientific investigation? compartmentalized nature of the In May 1953, following the Robert-
The now-defunct USAF twenty-year agency. But periodic studies or . son Panel report, •p&E Division
"Project Blue Book" UFO study never reviews were ordered and UFO assumed responsibility for the OSI
had a chance to receive the "outstand- reports, foreign and domestic, were project on unidentified flying objects.•
ing report" from Iran. An Air Force routinely monitored over long periods (December 17, 1953 memo to Assis-
document states: "Reports of UFOs of time. tant Director, Scientific Intelligence)
which could affect nati~nal security The statement is sometimes made A year later, the Chief of P&E (Physics
are made _in accordance with JAN AP that the CIA has had no •formal" study and Electronics) said he would "main-
146* or Air Force Manual 55-11, and of UFOs other than the 1953 Robert· tain the OSI central file on such ob-
are not part of the Blue Book system." son Panel, but these documents show jects,• which he did until August 1955,
The Air Force's UFO investigation was that the agency kept (and no doubt according to an August 8, 1955 memo
"joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication 146 is
keeps) plenty of "channels" open to to the Assistant Director of Scientific
published by the Military Communications Board gather information, including an Intelligence.
of the DOD joint Chiefs of Staff. It provided U.S.· acknowledged channel into the AFTER THAT, responsibility was
Canadian ·communications Instructions for
RICHARD HALL was former Assistant. Director assigned to the Applied Science Divi-
Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings {CIRVIS) sion, ~here W.E. Lexow, Division
of NICAP, the leading UFO organization during
from Airborne and Waterborne Sources.· Section
III {Security), paragraph 208, calls for stiffpenalties
the 1950s and 1960s. He is the Editor of Chief, stated in a February -1956
for divulging information about such sightings once
MUFON Journal and a Frontiers of Science memo: •A chronological file of all OSI
advisor.0 correspondence and action faken in
reported. - Ed.
iGr Force bases from Guam to w- maneuverability. speed, size a. sophisticated technology- a technolo-
foundland.z Another AF doc1.1 ••• ent shape. gy beyond our present development-
reveals that the Air Force conducted A Defense Intelligence Agency seems obvious. Why is it being ig·
an iitvestigation into the incidents but document reveals that on September nored by our government?
found no explanation for their occur- 19, 1976, American-made Iranian jets
rence. encountered several UFOs that A Question of Survival
It appears Air Force "security exhibited a technology beyond "It would seem a little more of this
measures" provided no protection present-day development. During the survival attitude is called for in
against the "invasion." One month night-time encounter, one F-4 jet, dealing with the UFO problem."
later, on January 21, 1976, UFOs "25 upon approaching one of the UFOs,
-National Security Agency. 1968
yards in diameter, gold or silver in col- lost all instrumentation and com-
or with blue light on top. hole in mid- munications functions. Another F-4's The evidence indicates that some
dle, and red light on bottom" were weapons-control panel became in- unconventional aerial objects could
observed "near the flight line of Can-
non AFB, N.M." Ten days later, on
January 31, a UFO was observed near
a radar site at Elgin A~B. Flqrida. On
The Federal Government has system-
July 30, 1976, a UFO was observed
"over the ammo storage area" at Fort
atically misinformed the American
Richie, Maryland.3
The above accounts have numerous
. people about the real threat...
historical precedents. From 1948 operable when the pilot attempted to provoke, either · intentionally or
through 1950, an FBI document fire at the object. unintentionally, an international in-
reveals, UFOs were sighted by "per- The DIA evaluation· (October 12, cident-with serious repercussions.
sons whose reliability is not ques- 1976) refers to this incident as "an In March 1967, an intercept techni-
tioned," near highly sensitive military outstanding report" because the ob- cian with the USAF Securitv Service
and government installations, in- jects were seen by many witnesses of intercepted a communication be-
cluding nuclear weapons design, con- high credibility; the visual sightings tween the 1lot ot a Russian-made ·
struction, testing and stockpiling sites. had radar confirmation; similar elec- uban · 1 an his command con-
Securify officials were greatly tromagnetic effects were reported by cermnga OFOencounter. 5 Thetechni-
alarmed by these incidents.' three separate aircraft; and CJ.all his smce stated that when the
A CIA document reveals that in 1952 physiological effects were reported by puot attempted to fire at the object, the
"sightings of unexplained objects at some of the crew members. Further· ,., MIG and its pilot were destroyed by
great altitudes and travelling at high more, the UFOs displayed an "inor- the UFO. Furthermore, the technician
speeds" were reported in the vicinity dinate amount of maneuverability.• alleges that all reports, tapes, log en·
of major U.S. defense installations and A State Department message {March tries, and notes on the incident were
posed a threat to national security. 7, 1975) from the American Embassy forwarded to the National Security
The evidence is clear and convinc- in Algiers tells of "strange machines" Agency at their request.
ing that the Federal government has seen near Algerian military installa- Not surpnsmgl~, several months
systematicall~ !Disixµ'ormed the tions by "respectable people." Some of ~ter, the agency rafted a report en-
American people about the real threat the sightings were confirmed by titled UFO H othesis and Survival
to our national security posed by such radar. uestion. Released in ctober 1 79
UFO encounters. And another State Department under the U.S. Freedom of Informa-
message from our embassy in Kuwait tion Act, the report states that ~the
UFO As Advanced reports that during November 1978, a leisurely scientific approach has too
series of UFO sightings caused the often taken precedence in dealing
Technology Kuwaiti government to appoint an in- with the UFO question." The Agen~
The Government's position: vestigatory committee from the concluded that no matter-what UFO
"There has been no evidence sub- Kuwait Institute for Scientific Re- hypothesis is considered, "all of them
mitted to or discovered by the Air search. One UFO appearing over the have serious survival implications."
northern oil fields "seemingly did Comparing the UFO problem to a
Force that sightings categorized as strange things" to the automatic pump- rattler on a forest path, the NSA report
'unidentified' represent technolog- ing equipment. The equipment is says, "you would have to treat the
ical developments or principles designed to shut itself down when any alarm as if it were a real and
beyond the range of present-day failure occurs that could seriously immediate threat to your survival. ln-
scientific knowledge." damage the petroleum-gathering and vestigation would become an inten-
transmission system; when such an sive emergency action to isolate the
-Air Force, 1980
event occurs, the pumping equipment threat and to determine its' precise
The official documents reveal hun- must be restarted manually. When the nature. It would be geared to develop-
dreds of sighting reports- many con- UFO ·appeared, the pumping system ing adequate defense measures in a
firmed by tadar and other tracking automatically shut down. But when minimum amount of time. It would
devices- that describe·-- unconven- the UFO "vanished," the. system seep a little more of this survival at- ,
tional objects exhibiting advanced started up again, automatically. titude is called for in dealing with the •
performance characteristics involving The presence of a highly UFO problem:

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