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Average Monthly Expenses Average Monthly Income

Monthly Take Home Pay $
Rent/Mortgage $
Heat (Average)* $ Partner's Take Home Pay $
Electric $ Other Income $
Water $ (include roommate, second job, child support, alimony, Social Security)
Phone/Cell Phone $
Total Monthly Income: $
Property Taxes $
Household Expenses/Furnishings $
Monthly Income: $
Repair/Improvements* $
Less Monthly Expenses: - $
Home Insurance $

Groceries $ Amount Available for Debt: = $
Paper/Cleaning Supplies $
Mid-week Shopping $
Meals Out $
Debt: (i.e. credit cards, home equity loan, car payments, student loans,
Transport: medical bills, etc.)
Gas/Fares $
Maintenance $ Creditors Balance Owed Minimum Payment
Parking $
Car Insurance $
Clothing $
Medical/Dental/Vision $
Education* $
Life Insurance $
Gifts $
Donations $
Entertainment** $
Child Care $
Vacations $
Laundry Services $
Personal/Haircuts $ Total Debt Owed: $
Pets $
Cable/Satellite TV/Internet $
Other gym $ Total Monthly Debt Payments: - $
Other $ Subtract from Amount
Expense Subtotal: $
Available for Debt (see above)
Savings: $
This is your Bottom Line! = $
Emergency Fund $
Other $ *Take year's estimated total and divide by 12 for the average monthly expenses.
Monthly Living Expenses: $ **Entertainment includes: Reading, Videos, Music, Hobbies, Going Out & Sports.

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