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Instructor: Marcia Vaillant Date/Session Number: May 25, 2017

Course Title: Advanced ESL Writing Course Unit: Formal Writing

Language Level: Intermediate-Advanced Length of Lesson: 2 hours (120 minutes)

CLB 6 to CLB 12

Topics to Cover: formal letter writing, focus on letters to the editor

The students will brainstorm and discuss what they know about Letters to the Editor.
The students will fill in a template of a Letter to the Editor while watching a video on You Tube.
The students will read examples of Letters to the Editor and highlight the parts of the letter with their
The students will write a Letter to the Editor on a chosen issue.
The students will read their letter to a partner.
The students will discuss their stand or point of view on the issue with the writer.
The students will discuss the power of writing a letter to express one’s opinion after watching a video.
Length/Time Content, Activity, Strategy Materials and Equipment

10 minutes Recap or review of yesterday’s lesson -chart paper or white board

on Personal letter writing. Review
vocabulary. (salutation, body, heading)

Introduce the topic by posing three You Tube video: “Letter to the
10 – 15 min. questions. Students answer orally while Editor” from Teaching English
video is paused. Students read given Online.
answers and discuss validity.
Students complete the format of a
10 minutes Letter to the Editor on the handout -handout (pens, pencils)
provided. (Teacher pauses the video for -video 1:20
the students to write the content) -answer key for teacher to
informally check students’
Students and teacher read an example
10-15 minutes of a Letter to the Editor from the Globe m/opinion/letters/
and Mail website. Format is identified.
Students find and read Letters to the -multiple copies of The Chronicle
Editor in the Chronicle Journal to a Journal
partner. As a class, students identify
differences in formatting of letters.
30 minutes Students write their own Letter to the -paper and pens
Editor using the given format. When
finished, students can read the
newspaper for a topic for the
homework assignment.

Students read their letter to a partner.

5-10 minutes The partner discusses their opinion on
the topic of the letter. Students hand in
their letter to the teacher.

Students watch the video, “The power

10-15 minutes of ONE”. Students identify influential You Tube
historical figures who have made a
difference. Teacher: “What does this qOl2N9c
video have to do with writing Letters to
the Editor?” “Can one person make a

Students will begin to write a Letter to -paper, pens

10 minutes the Editor on a topic of their choice. -handout - rubric
Teacher provides a rubric for
evaluation. Letter is due on a
negotiated due date.

Students will write on a post-it or email

5 minutes the teacher three pieces of information Post-its, or phone, laptop, I Pad etc.
they learned in the lesson.

To Do After Class:
Instructor Students
-teacher reads and makes comments on Students complete their Letter to the Editor and hand it
students’ first Letter to the Editor. No in on the negotiated due date.
assessment is given. Teacher makes
grammar corrections.

Teacher reflects on and annotates strengths and weakness of the lesson for future reference.
Teacher makes anecdotal notes on student participation/interaction, language acquisition progress
during the lesson, and CLB level of written submission (Letter to the Editor)
Teacher makes note of any student who may need any extra help or a private consultation.


Writer’s address


The Editor

Name of the Newspaper


Dear Sir


Paragraph 1

Explain what the letter is about. State your position.

Paragraph 2

Give your first reason and example.

Paragraph 3

Give your second reason. Summarize your reasons. Suggest a solution.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully

Your name

__________________________ (Your address)



________________________________ (Date)

The Editor

___________________________________________ (Newspaper)




Dear _________:


Paragraph 1

Explain ______________________________________________________________________________

State _____________________________________________________

Paragraph 2

Give _____________________________________________________

Paragraph 3

Give _______________________________________

Summarize ______________________________

Suggest ___________________________________________

Thanking you


__________________________________ (Your name)

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