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Ho Chi Minh City Open University

Author: Lê Trần Thụy Khanh Class: Tdip173



Group: TESOL Dip 173

Lecturer: Dr. Nguyen Thuy Nga
Student: Le Tran Thuy Khanh

Ho Chi Minh City Open University
Author: Lê Trần Thụy Khanh Class: Tdip173

Topic1: Prepare a detailed lesson plan to teach a

language point

I. Introduction
A lesson plan is a detailed step-by-step guide that outlines the teacher's objectives for
what the students will accomplish during the course of the lesson and how they will
learn it. Creating a lesson plan involves setting goals, developing activities, and
determining the materials that the teacher will use. All good lesson plans contain
specific components or steps, and all essentially derive from the seven-step method
(Cox, 2018). As one of the teacher’s roles is that of designer and implementer of
instruction, the preparation of lesson plan will ensure the organization of the English
lesson according to some criteria. Regardless of the format, wise decisions about the
strategies and methods need to be made to employ to help students move
systematically toward learner goals. The more organized a teacher is, the more
effective the teaching, and thus the learning, is. Writing daily lesson plans is a large
part of being organized. (Rhalmi, 2009). This lesson plan will illustrate the way the
teacher leads a grade 7 class to a grammar lesson with a quite difficult grammar point
od unit 12. Also, the author will show the teacher’s method applied to the class to
clear the structure without making students feel bored.

II. Literature review

The teacher combines grammar translation method to communicative method in order
to help improve students’ 4 skills. Because this is a grammar lesson, the teacher has to
translate the language into Vietnamese sometimes to make sure all class understand
the use of the structure. In Grammar-Translation Method, the first language is
maintained as the reference system in the learning of the second language. That the
teacher translates from one language to another plays a certain part in language
learning. Systematic study of grammatical rules plays an important role in fostering
students’ ability of reading comprehension and producing grammatically correct
sentences. It has special importance for students in teachers’ colleges for whom a
good mastery of the grammar system of the target language. Understanding and
manipulating the morphology and syntax will develop students’ ability of analyzing
and solving problems. The focus on understanding literary texts provides the situation
in which reading and writing abilities are well trained. It makes few demands on
teachers although it often creates frustration for students. In this Method, comparison
between two languages helps students to have a better understanding of the meaning
of abstract words and complicated sentences (Mkhaledbh, 2015).Through this
method, fluency of speech, good pronunciation and power of expression are properly
developed. Grammar Translation method will be used to tackle students’ problems
when they do not get the content and the teacher is responsible for explaining the
Ho Chi Minh City Open University
Author: Lê Trần Thụy Khanh Class: Tdip173

lesson again in their mother tongue. Also, the direct method is applied to the class to
ensure students listen and speak English during the periods. Additionally, this method
cannot be overlooked because it improves students’ communicative ability day by
day. Firstly, the learning of English is created interesting and lively by establishing
direct bond between a word and its meaning (Prakash, 2010). Secondly, students, for
their part, do not suffer much confusion in determining which part of the lesson is
important and which part is not (Markusic, 2012).


Grade 7
Unit 12: Let’s eat!
Grammar point: so, too, either, neither

I. Aim: To help Ss learn and practice skill of writing and speaking, using the words
and expressions that they have learned in previous lesson.
II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Speak a sentence that has similar meaning to the previous
- Organize ideas well.
- Broaden the range of vocabulary related to the structure.
- Feel more interested in expressing ideas when speaking.
III. Method of teaching: Integrated, mainly communicative approach, pairs work,
groups work.
IV. Materials: textbook, handout, board, chalk, card, videos or songs

V. Anticipated problems:

- Ss may not have a sufficient vocabulary to speak or Ss do not know the new words, so
T. should be ready to help them.
- Ss may feel uninterested in grammar lesson, or they may feel difficult to distinguish
the use between “so” and “too”, or between “either” and “neither”. Therefore, T.
should explain them slowly.
Ho Chi Minh City Open University
Author: Lê Trần Thụy Khanh Class: Tdip173

- Ss may make mistakes during the lesson. Therefore, T. should be ready to assist them.
- Ss may be shy when they express their ideas or participate in some activities, so T.
should be enthusiastic to aid them.
VI. Procedures:

Stages T’s activities Contents Ss’s


- T. gives students a Suggested answers: Work in

handout of a  too and either stand in the end of the groups.
paragraph second sentence
- T. asks students to  either and neither stand in the beggining
of the second sentence
find the key word
Warm-up “so”, “too”, “either”,
3ms and “neither”
- T. explains which
position those key
words are used
- T. asks Ss to fill those
key words in the
Whole class
- T. checks Ss’s
answers and leads to
the lesson.

- T. shows the Paragraph: Whole class

structure on the “I and Ba are best friends. Every
board and raises a time I have something happy, I share it
question to Ss. with Ba. Also, we have many things in
common. My family has 4 members,
and Ba’s does, too. I am 12 years old,
and so is Ba. I don’t like blue, and Ba
doesn’t, either. I don’t eat pizza, and
neither does Ba. I am tall, and so is Ba.
In short, we have the same habit and

Ho Chi Minh City Open University
Author: Lê Trần Thụy Khanh Class: Tdip173

Pre-speaking Questions: In which sentence are the

13ms key words used? What are they?

Suggested answers:
My family has 4 members, and Ba’s
does, too.
I am 12 years old, and so is Ba. Work in
- I don’t like blue, and Ba doesn’t, either. groups.
I don’t eat pizza, and neither does Ba.
- T. let Ss work in I am tall, and so is Ba.
groups of two
tables and discuss
which structure can
be used in each
- T. goes around and Whole class
offer help.
- T. checks and gives
- T. summaries the
sue of key words
S + do/ does/ did/ special V + too
So + do/ does/ did/ special V + S
Ex: I am hungry, and Lan is, too. / I am
hungry, and so is Lan.
Minh likes fish. I do, too. /Minh likes
fish. So do I.
S + don’t/ doesn’t/ didn’t/ special V +
not + either
Neither + do/ does/ did/ special V + S
Ex: I don’t like any pork, and neither
does she. / I don’t like any pork, and
she doesn’t either.

- T. asks Ss to do
Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with Individually
relating exercises in “too” and “either”
their work book

Ho Chi Minh City Open University
Author: Lê Trần Thụy Khanh Class: Tdip173

- T. asks Ss the
differences between the
sentences using “ too”
and the ones using
T. goes around and
assists Ss.
- T. asks Ss that they
exercises finish or not.
15ms - If Ss finish their
outlines, T. moves
to the next

- T. asks Ss the Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with “so”

differences between and “neither”
the sentences using
“ so” and the ones
using “neither”

- T. goes around and

assists Ss. Individually

- T. asks Ss to check
they finish
exercises or not.

Ho Chi Minh City Open University
Author: Lê Trần Thụy Khanh Class: Tdip173

- T. asks Ss to
exchange their work
book to friends next to
them and correct based
on key things from the
Post-doing - T. fives ss answers
exercises - T. explains the
10ms answers if they are
- T. gives Ss five Pair work
- Ss volunteer to speak in front of class
minutes to practice
the structure in front
of class by giving them
the pictures on the

- T. reviews the
lesson and gives
homework to Ss.
Homework: Complete a short
- T. asks Ss to
complete a short paragraph using those key words
Consolidation paragraph using Whole class
2ms those key words
about any topic
they like.
- T. asks Ss to
prepare the new lesson.

Ho Chi Minh City Open University
Author: Lê Trần Thụy Khanh Class: Tdip173


IV. Evaluation

1/ What went well in this lesson?

The lesson finished on time and the teacher gained success in helping students
understand the new lesson (90%). Not only did learners gain knowledge from the
lesson, but they could also use English fluently and confidently. Thanks to direct
method which was used at the same time as grammar translation method, learners
could easily get the grammar point and quickly produced a short paragraph contained
those structures.

2/ What problems did the teacher experience?

During the lesson, it was difficult to make sure that all students understood the
structure exactly. The thing was the structure was not easy to students who were in
grade 7 and it was hard for them to distinguish the ways of using every key word. To
address this problem, the teacher had to translate what she had just said to Vietnamese
to make sure students get the point.

3/ What could the teacher have done differently?

The teacher gave a lot of chance to students to volunteer and get bonus every time
they answered the teacher’s questions correctly. Students often give less than full
effort when attempting class projects, assignments, classwork and various tasks.
Through a reward-based system, students showed interest and increased
participation in everyday classroom duties and responsibilities. Motivating
students to learn is part of the challenge that teachers face when teaching
content, especially difficult grammar and giving rewards will result in more
effort on the part of the student (Dawe, 2010). After playing games and

Ho Chi Minh City Open University
Author: Lê Trần Thụy Khanh Class: Tdip173

receiving gifts from teacher, students are more interested in the lesson and
remembered it longer.

4/ What did the teacher learn from this experience that will help
her in the future?
The teacher can see her mistakes during the period and she will change the lesson
plan for the next class to suit the students level. Also, not all students can understand
the lesson quickly, some have to listen to the lesson 2 or 3 times. Therefore, the
teacher should spend more time for them after class in order to make sure they all
understand the use of the structure. The more mistakes she realizes, the more perfect
her lesson will be in the future as she can learn from her failure. More specifically,
she can give more games for the students to play rather than just give them handouts
with some exercises.

V. Discussion
It is quite new as well as challenging when the teacher combines 2 contrasting
methods to apply to a class because she must understand which part needs to be
translated and which one is not. Many researchers support the idea that translation is a
motivating activity. Carreres (2006) conducted a questionnaire and concluded that
learners overwhelmingly perceive translation exercises as useful for language
learning. As a result, it was in response to student feedback that he decided to
introduce translation more substantially in language classes. He added that translation,
by its nature, is an activity that invites discussion and students are only too happy to
contribute to it, often defending their version with remarkable passion and
persuasiveness. Furthermore, Lavault (1985) pointed out that one of the reasons
quoted by teachers to explain their use of translation in the classroom was that
students asked for this exercise and enjoyed it, too. Similarly, Conacher (1996)
reported excellent student response to a translation course. Hervey et al. (2002) also
gathered enthusiastic feedback from the students attending her translation course at
the University of St Andrew's in Scotland (Mogahed M. Mogahed, 2011). A direct
contrast between English and the learner’s own language may also pay dividends
in the study of grammar. Some aspects of the grammar of one’s own language
can be very hard to shake off when learning another language. Conscious
awareness of what these are can help learners make progress in these areas.
Translation is likely to be the most unambiguous and efficient way of achieving
this awareness.

Cox, J. (2018). Here's What You Need to Know About Lesson Plans.
Ho Chi Minh City Open University
Author: Lê Trần Thụy Khanh Class: Tdip173

Dawe, T. (2010). The Advantages of Rewards in the Classroom.

Markusic, M. (2012). Classroom Instruction: Pros and Cons of Direct Teaching.
Mkhaledbh. (2015). Advantages and disadvantages of Grammar Translation Methods.
Mogahed M. Mogahed, P. (2011). To Use or not to Use Translation in Language
Prakash, J. (2010). What are the advantages and disadvantages of Direct Method of
Teaching English?
Rhalmi, M. (2009). WHy do teachers need lesson plans?


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