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Math review

1st periodical

Shade the circle of the correct answer.

1. __________What is the value of 4² + 7 ¹?

2. _________ How do we express 5ᶟ?
3. __________ Forty- eight thousandths is written as ___
4. __________ compare the numbers by writing › ‹ or =. O.59
_____ 0.82
5. _________ the decimal that is less than 0.7428 is ______
a. 0.7567 b. 0.82 c. 0.7419 d. 0.785
6. __________ what is the smallest possible number that rounds
off to
a. 7,500 b. 5.83 c. 7,875 d. 8,401
7. __________ a decimal number that is less than 5.9 but can be
rounded off to. 5.9
a. 5.78 b. 5.83 c. 5.87 d. 5.92
8. __________ what is 3.2 more than the difference of 9.3 and
9. __________ what is the value of N in 5x4+6-12/4 = N
10. ________ which of the following is incorrect?
A. 8x3/4+6=12
B. 10+6/2x5=25
C. 2x6/3+20-6=18
D. 2x5+9/3=15
11. ___________ around how many more is 62.875than39.962?
12. ___________ may bought a dozen of apples. If each apple
costs 24.50, how much will she pay?
13. ___________ what is the product of 2013 and 12.4
14. ___________ which of the following expressions will result
to 30?
a. 4x(15/3)-5+6
b. 5x7+8/2-3²
c. 3²+4²x2
d. 8+(2ᶟx2)-6
15. __________the sum of the digits of a decimal number is 9.
The thousandths digit is twice as the tenths digit. The
hundredths digit is one more than its tenths digit. What number
am I?
16. __________ I am a 4-digit number that rounds off to 5. My
tenths digit is 1 more than my thousandths digit. The product
of my digits is 0. My thousandths digit is 6. What is number am

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