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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no.2
1. Organized crime is highly structured with an order of authority.
a. hierarchical c. non-ideological
b. self perpetuating d. exclusive membership
2. It is referred to as beauty, perfection, grace and excellence.
a. mafioso c. Sicilian
b. Cosa Nostra d. Yakuza
3.In some cases, people instead of using the term mafia uses amici digli amici which in English is-
a. good for nothing c. friends of friends
b. boss of all bosses d. enemy within
4. An agreement between two or more people to violate the law.
a. conspiracy c. band
b. tongs d. maras
5.A form of theft where there is the use of violence or threatened use of such to achieve criminal end.
a. coercion c. corruption
b. extortion d. violence
6. A product verbally or visually portraying sexual anatomy and behavior with the main purpose of eliciting sexual arousal.
a. pornography c. hard core pornography
b. homosexual pornography d. soft core pornography
7.These are prostitutes that arrange with bellman or manager in a certain hotel where they can operate to look for customers for purposes
of sexual gratification.
a. Stag party girls
b. Massage parlor prostitutes
c. Hotel and Convention prostitutes
d. Bar Girls
8. This is an integral part of criminal group in which they employ it as means of control and protection. Murder is already a commonplace.
a. coercion c. threats
b. violence d. vendetta
9. They have two roles, they let men buy those drinks and later on they offer sexual services.
a. Stag party girls c. Hotel and Convention prostitutes
b. Massage parlor prostitutes d. Bar Girls
10. depicts explicit sexual acts.
a. pornography c. hard core pornography
b. homosexual pornography d. soft core pornography
11. Mafia’s code of secrecy and informal,unwritten code of organized crime, which demand silence and loyalty among other thing, of family
a. vendetta c. oath
b. silence d. omerta
12. It includes public officials, business persons, judges, attorneys who protect the interests of the criminal group through abuse of their
a. specialized support c. protectors
b. user support d. social support
13. Organized crime is made up of criminal patrons who exchanged information, connections with governmental officials and access to a
network of operatives for the client’s economic and political support.
a. Albini’s Patron Client model
b. Ianni’s Kinship model
c. Smith’s Enterprise model
d. Chambliss crime network model
14. Each new wave of immigrants affects the character of organized crime where it changes as new groups emerge.
a. the edge c. ethnic succession
b. queer model d. globalization
15. Ethnic succession develops as one group replaces the other. Earlier group moves on to respectability along with a legitimate social
status and livelihood.
a. Mark Haller’s model
b. Ianni’s Kinship model
c. Smith’s Enterprise model
d. Bell Queer Ladder of mobility
16. It blamed outsiders or outside influences for the prevalence of organized crime in American Society. Sicilian immigrants were
responsible for the foundations of American organized crime group.
a. Alien conspiracy theory
b. Rational choice theory
c.Bell Queer Ladder of mobility
d. Deterrence theory
17. Organized crime is nothing more than an extension of normal business operations into the illegal market.
a. Albini’s Patron Client model
b. Ianni’s Kinship model
c. Smith’s Enterprise model
d. Chambliss crime network model
18. Organized crime is nothing more than a traditional social system organized by cultural values that have nothing to do with modern
bureaucratic virtues.
a. Albini’s Patron Client model
b. Ianni’s Kinship model
c. Smith’s Enterprise model
d. Chambliss crime network mode
19.It provide contract services that facilitate organized crime such as the hiring of pilots, chemists or hijackers.
a. specialized support c. protectors
b. user support d. social support
20.It provides criminal groups with their audience of consumers such as patrons or purchasers.
a. specialized support c. protectors
b. user support d. social support
21.The process of recognizing, searching, collecting, preserving, and documenting physical evidence at the crime scene. It covers the
process of identifying and interviewing witnesses and/or victims at the crime scene, including on-the-spot arrest of suspects. There are two
primary objectives of this operation – to establish what happened and to identify the responsible person/s. establishing what happened and
identifying the perpetrators can be achieved by carefully documenting the conditions of the crime scene and recognizing all relevant
physical evidences.
a. crime scene reconstruction
b. crime scene processing
c. crime scene documentation
d. crime scene investigation
22. Documenting major event, times and movements relating to the search efforts. It is also appropriate in recording initial and continuing
management and administrative steps which are taken to insure that an organized search is accomplished.
a. Administrative worksheet
b. evidence recovery log
c. narrative documentation
d. photography
23. Documentation of the general appearance of the scene as first observed. Extreme detail regarding evidence or actual collection of
evidence is normally beyond the scope of the narrative description.
a. Administrative worksheet
b. evidence recovery log
c. narrative documentation
d. photography
24. Consist the record of the recognition, collection, marking, and packaging of lift made of latent prints discovered at the scene.
a. Administrative worksheet c. narrative documentation
b. evidence recovery log d. photography
25. Photographs of the locality, points of ingress and egress, normal entry to the property, exterior of the building/premises, and street
signs or other identifiable that will establish location.
a. long range c. close range
b. mid range d. infinity
26. The documentation of physical evidence location, as well as measurements showing pertinent size and distance relationship in the
crime scene area. The investigator’s sketch of the crime scene can be more descriptive than hundreds of words, just like photographs.
a. crime scene sketch c. crime scene photography
b. crime scene reconstruction d. crime scene recording
27. Photographs of the immediate crime scene and the location or objects of evidence within the area or room.
a. long range c. close range
b. mid range d. infinity
28. Graphic representation of the scene of the crime, with complete measurements or relative distances of relevant objects and conditions
obtaining therein.
a. photography c. portrait parle
b. sketch d. cartography
29. Photographs of specific evidence such as hairs, fibers, footprints, bloodstains. The entire surface of some objects may be
photographed to show all the evidence.
a. long range c. close range
b. mid range d. infinity
30. The post-mortem examination using authorized dissection procedures of the human body, especially to determine the cause of death
for medical or legal purpose.
a. hospital autopsy c. autopsy
b. post mortem examination d. any of the above
31. The killing of a human being by the act, procurement, or negligence of another.
a. parricide c. murder
b. homicide d. infanticide
32. This technique requires the process of collecting information first. Analysis and evaluation of collected information will follow before a
theory is developed.
a. inductive c. deductive
b. crime reconstruction d. mental reconstruction
33. During life, the body temperature is kept at approximately ___ degrees Fahrenheit. However if death has taken place, the body
assumes the temperature of the surrounding.
a. 96 c. 98
b. 97 d. 99
34. Entails immediate assumption of a theory followed by collection of facts or information to prove or disprove the initial theory.
a. inductive c. deductive
b. crime reconstruction d. mental reconstruction
35. A purplish discoloration of the body that occurs on those parts of the body which are nearest the floor. The discoloration is caused by
the settling of the blood by gravity into those areas.
a. algor mortis c. livor mortis
b. rigor mortis d. diffusion lividity
36. A buckle maker, a brothel operator, and a master criminal became London’s most effective criminal investigator. He was the most
famous thief catcher. His methods made popular the logic of “employing a thief to catch a thief.” He conceived the idea of charging a fee
for locating and returning stolen property to its rightful owners.
a. Jonathan Wild c. Patrick Colquhoun
b. Henry Fielding d. Thomas Byrnes
37. A notorious thief catcher and former convict. He proposed the unique idea of a sizeable uniform force to police the city. He and those
criminals under his direction operated with the complete sanction of the police.
a. Charles Dickens c. Robert Peel
b. Jonathan Wild d. Patrick Colquhoun
38. He introduced the term “detective,” the first recorded appearance of the word specifically designating an investigative law enforcement
officer in his novel Black House.
a. Charles Dickens c. Thomas Byrnes
b. Howard Vincent d. Jonathan Wild
39. He became the first detective of the Chicago Police Department in 1849. The following year, he worked in the same city as a special
US mail agent, detecting mail thieves.
a. Allan Pinkerton c. Thomas Byrnes
b. Edward Rucker d. Jonathan Wild
40. Under his dictatorship in 1924, the Federal Bureau of Investigation was organized. This bureau then contributed to the overall
development of criminal investigation.
a. Howard Vincent c. J. Edgar Hoover
b. Robert Peel d. John Fielding
41. Based on etymology, the term investigation came from the Latin word investigare (vestigare in some books) which means “to track or
look into for trace”. Fundamentally, it may have been derived from vestigium, another Latin word which means:
a. shoeprint c. footprint
b. fingerprint d. imprint
42. Official inquiry conducted by a government agency in an effort to uncover facts and determine the truth. This type of investigation is
usually considered as some form of inquiry concerning criminal activity. In effect, formal investigation is typically done by law enforcement
agencies to discover facts concerning a civil or criminal case.
a. Inquest c. Inquisition
b. Formal Investigation d. Probe
43. An effort to search the basic cause of an incident such as the commission of crime. It is used to describe a form of judicial inquiry.
a. Inquisition c. Probe
b. Inquest d. Investigative Report
44. A more historical description than a current usage to describe any penetrating investigation concerning a religious issue.
a. Probe c. Investigative Report
b. Inquisition d. Inquest
45. A type of investigation that is initiated on the basis of a complaint filed by a victim or any concerned citizen.
a.Reactive Investigation c. Investigation
b. Criminal Investigation d. Probe
46. The initial inquiry into a reported crime and is generally conducted by a uniformed patrol officer. The patrol officer must prepare first
prepare the written report of the crime, which is generally called “an incident or complaint report”.
a. Preliminary Investigation c. Walk Through
b. Follow up Investigation d. Where are they
47. Use of photographic files/mug files wherein the witness is invited to the police station and then requested to examine the photographic
files of known criminals.
a. Rogues Gallery c. General photograph method
b. Portrait parle d. Police line up
48. The investigator shows to a witness/victim a variety of faces that may not necessarily/directly represent the face of the criminal. The
photographs shown to the witness only represent different features of faces.
a. Rogues Gallery c. General photograph method
b. Portrait parle d. Police line up
49. The witness and the investigator develop a picture of the criminal with the help of a skilled cartographer. Based on the description of
the witness, the artist draws a composite face that approximates the criminal’s facial appearance.
a. Cartography c. Sketching
b. Rogues Gallery d. General Photograph
50. This involves a process of letting/allowing a witness to select the primary suspect from a group of chosen persons (suspect and
innocent person).
a. Rogues Gallery c. General photograph method
b. Portrait parle d. Police line up
51. Assigned to train police detectives and it usually involves processing physical evidence, interviewing witnesses, interrogation suspects,
conducting record search, surveillance operations, and following other investigatory practices.
a. Preliminary Investigation c. Walk Through
b. Follow up Investigation d. Where are they
52. Investigation conducted by the police based on their own initiative. These are designed to catch a criminal in the act of committing a
crime, rather than waiting until a crime is reported by a concern citizen.
a. Proactive Investigation c. Reactive Investigation
b. Criminal Investigation d. Preliminary Investigation
53. The first vital key of successful investigation.
a. Information c. Investigation
b. Instrumentation d. Interrogation
54. Anyone, regardless of a criminal or law abiding background, who provides information to the public without ulterior motive or payment.
a. Voluntary Informant c. Confidential Informant
b. Informer d. Paid Informant
55. Individuals who provided the police with information for self-serving reasons. They do not demand or receive money for their
information; however, serving as informant benefits them in some fashion.
a. Paid Informants c. Informants with ulterior motives
b. Voluntary Informants d. Confidential Informant
56. Those acts by which a man harms himself or his property.
A. Vice C. Drug Abuse
B. Crimes D. Alcoholism
57. Gamblers that are usually domineering, controlling, manipulative men with large egos. They see themselves as friendly, sociable,
gregarious and generous. Their average IQ is over 120.
A. Action C. Escape
B. Senior D. Teen
58. The single largest preventable cause of premature death and disability in the United States.
A. Cigarette Smoking C. Gambling
B. Alcoholism D. Prostitution
59. Importation of Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals.
A. Life imprisonment and a fine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos (P500, 000.00) to Ten million pesos (P10,
B. Imprisonment ranging from twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years and a fine ranging from One hundred thousand
pesos (P100, 000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos (P500, 000.00)
C. Twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years of imprisonment and a fine ranging from One hundred thousand pesos (P100,
000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos (P500, 000.00)
D. Six years(6) years and one (1) day to Twelve (12) years and a fine ranging from fifty thousand pesos (P50, 000.00) to one hundred
thousand pesos (P100, 000.00)
60. This pertains to the planting, growing and harvesting of plants, which are the sources of raw materials in the manufacture of precursors
and/or dangerous drugs; such as marijuana, ephedrine, coca and opium poppy.
A. Production C. Manufacture
B. Harvesting D. Financing
61. The fourth link of the drug chain that pertains to the surreptitious movement and delivery of dangerous drugs in big amount of cash.
A. Retailing C. Harvesting
B. Financing D. Production
62. Refers to the actual use of the drugs by the end-users through injection, ingestion, inhalation or smoking.
A. Retailing C. Harvesting
B. Financing D. Consumption
63. Any act of introducing any dangerous drug into the body of any person, with or without his/her knowledge, by injection, inhalation,
ingestion or other means, or of committing any act of indispensable assistance to a person in administering a dangerous drug to
himself/herself unless administered by a duly licensed practitioner for purposes of medication.
A. Administration C. Admonitions
B. Administer D. Oral
64.The sale, distribution, supply or transport of legitimately imported, in-transit, manufactured or procured controlled precursors and
essential chemicals, in diluted, mixtures or in concentrated form, to any person or entity engaged in the manufacture of any dangerous
drug, and shall include packaging, repackaging, labeling, relabeling or concealment of such transaction through fraud, destruction of
documents, fraudulent use of permits, misdeclaration, use of front companies or mail fraud.
A. Chemical Diversion C. Harvesting
B. Chemical D. Consumption
65. The investigative technique of allowing an unlawful or suspect consignment of any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and
essential chemical, equipment or paraphernalia, or property believed to be derived directly or indirectly from any offense, to pass into,
through or out of the country under the supervision of an authorized officer, with a view to gathering evidence to identify any person
involved in any dangerous drugs related offense, or to facilitate prosecution of that offense.
A. Controlled Delivery C. Deliberation
B. Control D. Delivery
66. An analytical test using a device, tool or equipment with a different chemical or physical principle that is more specific which will
validate and confirm the result of the screening test?
A. Screening Test C. Drug Test
B. Confirmatory test D. Pap smear test
67. Manufacture of Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals.
A. The penalty of life imprisonment and a fine ranging Five hundred thousand pesos (P500, 000.00) to Ten million pesos
(P10, 000,000.00)
B. Imprisonment ranging from twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years and a fine ranging from One hundred thousand
pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00)
C. Twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years of imprisonment and a fine ranging from One hundred thousand pesos
(P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00)
D. Six years(6) years and one (1) day to Twelve (12) years and a fine ranging from fifty thousand pesos (P50, 000.00) to one hundred
thousand pesos (P100, 000.00)
68. A place where any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical is administered, delivered, stored for illegal
purposes, distributed, sold or used in any form.
A. Den C. Resort
B. Dive D. All of the above
69. The illegal cultivation, culture, delivery, administration, dispensation, manufacture, sale, trading, transportation, distribution, importation,
exportation and possession of any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical.
A. Illegal Trafficking C. Manufacture
B. Drug Chain D. Consumption
70. Street name of Codeine is:
A. School boy C. heroin
B. Magic mushroom D. none of the above
71. The word “traffic” is believed to have originated from the French word “Trafic” from old French “trafique,” and or from Italian word
“traffic” or “trafficare.” (Italian). These ancient words mean the following, except –
A. to trade c. carry on trade
B. commerce d. to move
72. The actual legal owner of a motor vehicle, in whose name such vehicle is duly registered with the LTO.
A. Owner C. Proprietor
B. Operator D. Operator-owner
73. Pedestrian refers to people who are travelling along the Trafficway by walking. The term originated from the Latin word “pedester”
which literally means -
A. To travel C. Foot traveler
B. On foot D. Hitch hiker
74. The English term nomad came from the Greek word nomas or nomein which originally refers to –
a. All of these apply
b.Groups of people travelling by foot to look for foods
c.People who wander for foods and has no permanent address
d. Groups that migrate in an established pattern to find pasture lands for their domestic livestock
75. The carrying device which is used by balance on one shoulder is called –
a.Balance pole c. Shoulder balance
b. Carrying pole d. None of these
76. Which was used by the Carthaginians in their war against the ancient Rome?
a.Horses c. Elephants
b.Camel d. Llama
77. What was the contribution of Etienne Lenoir as far as transportation is concerned?
a.Pneumatic tires c. Motor vehicle
b.Dandy horse d. Internal combustion Engine
78. Which of the following ancient wheeled vehicles refers to the travelling wagon where the passengers were protected by a covering of
leather or cloth fixed over a wooden framework?
a.Italian cocchio c.Greek quadrica
b. Roman carpentum d.Horseless carriage
C. Sumerian chariot with flank wheels
79. Henry Ford is known in Land Transportation as the –
a.inventor of the internal combustion engine
b.inventor of the popular Model T
c. Both B and D
d. pioneer in mass production of vehicles
80. The construction of an alternate route or road ease traffic in a particular area addresses the problem on –
a.Human errors c. Poor maintenance
b.Poor control measures d. Physical inadequacy
81. A road that interconnects cities and municipalities are classified to as –
a.City road or highway c. Provincial Road or highway
b.Municipal road or highway d. National Road or highway
82.The road referred by the preceding number is a responsibility of
a. DPWH c. Municipal government
b.Provincial government d. Both C and D
83. The government agency having the primary responsibility of enforcing the R.A. 4136 is the –
a.DOTC c. Both B and C
b.LTO d. All of these
84. Training of traffic auxiliary personnel answers the problem concerning –
a.Human errors c. Physical inadequacy
b.Poor control measures d. All of these
85.The conducting of fact-finding activities, surveys, and recommendations of traffic rules and regulations is a function of –
a.Traffic Enforcement c. Traffic Education
b.Traffic Engineering d. All of these
86. Which causes the greatest number of fire?
A. spontaneous combustion C. electrical wiring
B. leaking gas pipes D. smoking and matches
87. Which of the following does NOT fall under class A fires?
A. none of these C. burning nipa hut
B. exploding gas depot D. forest fire
88. Which of the following best illustrate arson?
A. simultaneous fire C. faulty electric wiring
B. unexplained explosion D. thick relish smoke
89. There is an increased quantity of carbon monoxide produced when fuel is burned in limited supply of oxygen because___________
A. carbon reacts with carbon monoxide
B. carbon reacts with carbon dioxide
C. carbon monoxide is an effective reducing agent
D. greater oxidation takes place
90. Why water is prohibited to quench class D fires?
A. burning metals are too hot
B. water is not capable of extinguishing the fire
C. there is the danger of electrocution
D. explosion may occur
91. Mechanical device strategically located in an installation or street where fire hose is connected so that water with pressure will be
available to extinguish fire.
A. fire hose box C. fire truck
B. hose reel D. fire hydrant
92. Which of the following is considered as the most effective fixed installation for controlling fire which will discharge water into incipient
fire from heads located near the ceiling?
A. fire hydrant C. standpipe
B. automatic water sprinkler D. fire extinguisher
93. These are fires which are caused by flammable liquids like kerosene, gasoline, alcohol, etc
A. class D C. class A
B. class C D. class B
94. When firemen are working at the nozzle of a hose they usually lean forward on the hose. What is the most likely reason for taking this
A. the stream is projected farther
B. the surrounding air is cool making the firemen comfortable
C. a backward force is developed which must be counter acted
D. the firemen can see better where the stream strikes
95. What is the most common excuse by a fire prober when no evidence is found?
A. lack of witnesses’ C. electrical wiring
B. no evidence D. no determination
96. The vehicle is the “extension” of the owner’s house. Is the intentional burning of a car by another constituting arson?
A. no B. yes C. it depends D. sometimes
97. If arson is only the means of killing the victim, the crime that you have to file is:
A. arson with murder C. murder
B. arson D. murder with arson
98. What is the most common motive in burning cars?
A. household grabbles C. financial difficulties
B. political ideology D. concealment of fire
99. Which of the following occur when a room is heated enough that flame sweep over the entire surface?
A.oxidation C. flash over
B.back draft D. combustion
100. The use of one or more electrical appliances or devices which draw or consume electrical current beyond the designed capacity of
the existing electrical system.
A.self closing door C. jumper
B. overloading D. oxidizing material

________END OF THE EXAM________

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