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journal J . Am. Ccrm. SOC.

, 75 [21 259-76 (1 992)

SiAlON Ceramics
Thommy Ekstrom” and Mats Nygren*
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory,
Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

The phase relations in and physical bodies can now be prepared by pres-
properties of SiAlON ceramics pre- sureless-sintering techniques. Much of
pared by the hot isostatic pressing the improvement in mechanical prop-
technique or by pressureless sintering erties of SiAlON ceramics during the
with a sintering aid are reviewed. The last few years is the result of careful
sintering aid used is an AIN and A1203 control of Si3N4 starting powder qual-
mixture either pure or in combination ity, processing, and subsequent consoli-
with Y 2 0 3 and/or various rare-earth dation. Sintering aids, besides AlzOi
oxides. Special attention is paid to the and AIN, are normally used to allow
amount and type of phase(s) formed pressureless sintering to full density,
and to how properties such as hard- and in most cases this gives rise to a
ness (HVlO), fracture toughness ( K I C ) , residual intergranular phase in SiAlON
and oxidation resistance vary with the materials because the constituents of
sintering aid used for different types the liquid phase formed at sintering
of SiAlON materials, i.e., 0’-,almost temperatures cannot be fully incorpo-
monophasic a-,pure p-, and mixed rated into t h e Si3N4 structure. O n e
(a+/?)-SiAION ceramics. negative consequence of this result is
t h a t many of t h e m e c h a n i c a l a n d
chemical properties of ceramics at
higher temperatures are in fact deter-
I. Introduction mined by the propcrties of the inter-
THEconcept of ceramic materials cov- granular phase. This is especially the
ers a vast number of very different sub- case when this phase is glassy (amor-
stances if a broad definition is used; phous), a n d t h e p r o p e r t i e s of t h e
thus, ceramics are nonmetallic, inor- ceramic rapidly deteriorate at tempera-
ganic materials that require processing tures above the glass transition tcm-
temperatures above 500°C. If the scope perature, where the viscosity of the
of the definition is limited to the high- glass decreases significantly.
performance engineering ceramics, Si3N4occurs in two structural modifi-
however, the list of candidates with cations, a and p . T h e solid solution
high strength, wear resistance, and in p-SinN4, formed by simultaneous
chemical inertness at high tcmpera- equivalent substitution of AI-0 for
tures is fairly restricted. In this more Si-N was first called p ’ - S i j N 4 , later
restricted group the so-called silicon p’-SiAION, and nowadays p-SiAION.’.’
nitride- (Si3N4-) based ceramics are P-SiAION has most commonly been de-
among the prime candidates, including scribed by the formula Si6-zAlzOzN8-z,
the fairly recently dcveloped SiAlON since the unit cell contains two “Si3N4”
(from Si-AI-0-N) ceramics described units. I n this formula the ‘‘z value”
in detail in this paper. can be varied continuously from zero
SiAlON ceramic materials have been t o about 4.2.3-5 A formula using
d e v e l o p e d m a i n l y d u r i n g t h e last modern nomenclature should b e
decade, and fully dense polycrystalline Si3-,AI,0,,N4-x, which clearly demon-
strates the SilN4 parent. This phase is
R. E. Newnham-contributing editor found in the technically very important
p a r t of t h e S i - A I - 0 - N system with
Manuscript No. 1Y63OY. Received Septem- stable valence states, namely the quasi-
ber 27, I Y Y I ; approved December 10, 1 Y Y l . ternery Si3N4-SiO2-AlN-Al2O3 system
*Member, American Ccramic Society. given in Fig. 1.’ T h e “behavior dia-
260 Journal of the American Ceramic Society -Ekstrom and ~Vygren Vol. 75, No. 2

Panel A Structure

Si3N4 o c c u r s in t w o different 7.818(3) A and c=4.591(4) A.75Thc

crystallographic modifications, de- corresponding data for the p modi-
noted a and p.73,74 Both structures fication areoPh3 (hexagonal) wi;h
are built up of corner-sharing SiN4 a=7.595(1) A and c=2.9023(6) A ,
tetrahedra. T h e structures can be based on single-crystal refinement.7'
regarded as consisting of layers of It has been suggested, and its also
silicon and nitrogen atoms in the seems to be generally accepted, that
sequence A B A B . . . or ABCD- a-Si3N4 is a low-temperature modi-
A B C D . . . for the p and a modifica- fication which transforms to p at
tions, respectively. The A B layer is higher temperature^.^" T h e trans-
the same in the a and p phascs and formation implies breaking a n d
the C D layer in the a phase is re- formation of bonds, but the local
lated to the A B layer by a c-glide coordination is maintained. The rc-
plane. This also implies that t h e verse reaction has, however, not
silicon-nitrogen bonding distances been observed, possibly because of
in the p modification arc more uni- kinetic hindrance.?'
form than in the a modification. T h e structurc of S i 2 N 2 0is related
The SiN4 tetrahedra in p-Si3N4 are t o b o t h S i O z a n d SiiN4.77 T h e
linked together in such a way that a oxynitridc is built up of SiN,O tc-
phenacite-like structure is formed trahedra which are linked togethcr
which contains tunnels running par- to form a three-dimensional net-
allel to the c-axis of the unit cell as work. T h e s t r u c t u r c c a n b e rc-
shown in the accompanying figure. garded as consisting of puckcred
(The smaller circles represent sili- hexagonal laycrs comprising equal
con atoms and the larger ones nitro- numbers of silicon and nitrogen
gen.) Because of the glide plane atoms, and the laycrs are linkcd to-
relating the AB and C D layers, the gether by oxygen atoms which com- layer bclow. This implies that every
a phase contains cavities instead of plete t h e tctrahedra around t h e oxygen atom is connectcd to two
tunnels. T h e symmetry of t h c a silicon atoms. One-half of the sili- silicon atoms, as in S O z , and the
modification is trigonal, a n d its con atoms within a layer are, via nitrogen and silicon atoms are, rc-
space group is P31c with the fol- these oxygens, linked to the layer spectively, three and four coordi-
lowing unit-cell parameters: a = above, and the other one-half to the nated, as in Si3N4.

gram" of this systcm at different tem- solution rangc, named O'-SiAION, by

peratures is bcst illustratcd as a the same mechanism as P-SiAION; i.e.,
reciprocal salt system (see Fig. l(b)).3.h-K Si+N is replaced by A1+0." 0'-SiAlON
One should, however, be aware that can thus be rcprcsented by the formula
most diagrams similar to this one of Si2~,A1,01+,yN2 ,, where the "x-value"
nitride or oxynitride systems do not varies from zero to -0.2."' The five or-
necessarily represent true thermody- dered SiAlON polytypoid phases occur
namical cquilibrium phase rclation- close to the AIN corner in this system,
ships. and these phases arc structurally very
T h e silicon oxynitride phase similar to each other and are based on
(Si2N,0) found in this system is also of the wurtzite-type structure of the par-
interest as an engineering ceramic. The ent AIN phase." Each of the phases has
S i 2 N 2 0structure forms a narrow solid- a solid-solution rangc along lines with a
constant mctal: non-mctal ratio
A1,(O,N)x+,, and they arc named with
Al 3(Si02) 3AI2O3*SiO2 2(A1,03)
SI Ramsdell symbols, i.e., 27R, 21R, 12H,
15R, and SH.'." The SiAlON polytypoid
phases are not further discussed in this
0 Additions o f a n additional metal
B o x i d e ( o r n i t r i d e ) will c x p a n d t h e

-cW SiAlON phase diagram into a five-com-

5 poncnt system, Me-Si-Al-0-N. A conve-
n i e n t way t o i l l u s t r a t e t h i s is by
Si2N20 21 R a so-callcd J l n e c k e prism."," T h c
27R Janeckc prism that schematically de-
scribes the positions of the SiAION
phases in the wcll-known Y-Si-A1-0-N
StiNi 4(AIN)
Equivalent % Al system is shown in Fig. 2. Y20i has been
(6) one of the most successful oxide addi-
Fig. 1. (A) Si-AI-0-N system and the subsystem Si02-SiiNI-AIN-A120,. (B) Behavior because a refractory glass is
diagram of the subsystem, illustrated as a reciprocal salt system at temperaturcs of 1700" formed. This is also the case with the
1730"c,'."-x rare-earth-metal oxides. Thesc SiAlON
materials are especially describcd in
this paper.
February 1992 SALON Ceramics 261

a-SiAION is another solid solution

based on a Si3N4 structure: it i s iso-
structural with t h e low-tempcraturc Panel B Calculation of Equivalents
modification a-Si 3N4.Of special intcr-
est a r e t h e M e - S i - A I - 0 - N systems The location of the Si;NJ-SiO:- in the diagram. Equivalcnts i n the
where the a-SiAlON phase i s stabilized A1203-AIN phase area within the three-dimcnsional Y-Si-A1-0-N Jan-
by the added Me ion, whcrc Me is Li, ternary Si-A1-0-N diagram is illus- ecke prism are defined according to
Mg, Ca, Y, and the rarc-earth metals tratcd in Fig. L(A). The phasc rcla- the following equations:
except La, Ce, Pr, and Eu.”-l” T h e tions bctwccn Si?N,, S O 2 , Al2O1,
a-SiAION phase region has a two- and AIN are, however, commonly
dimensional extension in t h e plane describcd by t h e phase diagram
Si3N4-;(Al2O3.AIN)-McN,3AlN of thc given in Fig. 1(B). This diagram dif-
Me-Si-AI-0-N phase diagram in Fig. 2. fers from the one in Fig. 1(A) in Sic,= 1-Alcq- Y,,
The P-SiAION solid solution, which is that the x-axis and y-axis scales are
extended along t h e line Si3N4- expressed in equivalent percents of
(Al2O3.AIN),thus falls on one border aluminum and oxygen, rcspcctivcly, N,,=l -Ocq
of the plane mentioncd. The a-SiAION instead of molc percents. YzO, is
unit-cell c o n t e n t , comprising f o u r one of the most successful sintcring where the indices eq and at. dcnotc
“Si3N4” units, can be given in the gen- aids, and addition of this oxide will equivalents and atomic fractions, rc-
eral f o r m u l a M e ,n S I 2 ( I , ) n +?,,A1( I , i n + ,,)
thus expand the phase diagram il- spectively. It can be shown that any
OnNlh-,lfor a metal ion Me’”. Two sub- lustrated in Fig. 1(B) to a five-com- point in the Janeckc prism can be
stitution mechanisms may act; the first poncnt systcm, Y-Si-A1-0-N. T h c describcd by the formula
i s similar to that of P-SiAION with phase rclations in the Y-Si-AI-0-N
n(Si + N) being replaced by n(Al+ 0). systcm arc schematically shown in
Thc sccond mechanism i s further re- Fig. 2 by means of a so-called Jan-
placement of p s i 4 +by pmAl”, thc eckc prism.’’,’’ Only the phases of with O s l - A l c q - Y c ~ l s l .
electron balance being retained by in- interest in this paper are illustrated
corporation of mMe”+ into the a-phase
structure. a-SiAION has been most cx- to such a SiAlON ceramic will detcrio-
tensively studied in the Y-Si-AI-0-N rate the high-temperature propertics.
system, where t h e two-dimensional
phase field extension can be expressed 11. Microstructure and Properties of
as YxSil-(i,+,)Al(i,+,,~0,N4-,,, with 0.08 Y203-DopedP-SiAION
<x<0.17 and 0.13 <n <0.31.’x~”’-z’ T h e Addition of cquimolar amounts of
lower solubility limit is located at A1203 and AIN to Si?N4 prior to high-
x=-0.08 to 0.10, regardless of the mod- tempcrature sintcring will form t h c
ifying cation Me of the rare-earth se- important singlc-phase P-SiAION ce-
ries, whereas t h e higher limit i s at ramics. Studies by high-resolution
x=-0.15 to 0.20 for cations with a ra- transmission clcctron microscopy
dius of 0.095 to 0.1 nm, and signifi- (TEM) of such matcrials prepared by
cantly higher, x=0.25, for small cations glass-encapsulatcd HIPing have shown
such as ytterbrium with a radius of that the microstructure contains no. or
-0.085 nm.24 only extremcly small amounts of, glassy
By varying the overall composition g r a in - b o u n d a r y p h a s c .’.’ T h e grain
in the Me-Si-AI-0-N system, it is possi- sizc at low x values in S i 3 - ~ , A l , 0 , -
blc t o vary t h e a - S i A I O N : ( a + P ) - N, i s -1 p m , and it increases to

SiAlON phasc ratio of sintercd ceramics -5 p m at x = 2 . The crystal shape at

in a controllcd way, and this will give low x values is gcnerally roundcd or
rise to a series of materials where hard- slightly elongated grains with the typi-
ncss and fracture toughness can be cal hexagonal cross section. The grain
tai lored.?%?h Besides the mechanical morphology is practically unchanged at
properties, the chemical properties at high x values. despite the larger crystal
high tcmperatures are cqually impor- sizc. The mcchanical properties of the Fig. 2. Part of the Y-Si-AI-0-N system
tant in many applications, and these low-substituted P-SiAlON are very simi- drawn schematically as a Janecke prism to
will also be affected by changing the lar to those of P-Si3N4,but both hard- illustrate the positions of the a-, p-, and
phase composition. The presentation of ncss and fracture toughness deteriorate 0’-(“Si2N20”)SiAlON phases.
experimental results in following sec- with increasing x value, as demon-
tions describes the SiAlON ceramics strated in Fig. 3. T h e significantly
and their properties. By using the rc- lower hardness observed at high x values
sults from sintering Si3N4 with A1203 might be explained by the coarscning of
and A1N and various metal oxide addi- the grain structure. The absencc of a
tives, the effects of pressureless sinter- glassy grain-boundary phase in these
ing or hot isostatic pressing (HIPing) matcrials allows thcm to retain the me-
arc illustrated. It is shown that SiAlON chanical properties to high tempera-
solid solutions that form during sintcr- tures, and thcy have good hot hardness
ing might allow transient liquid-phase to at least 1200°C.
sintering by very careful processing, A small amount of Y 2 0 3 , corre-
lcaving a single-phasc SiAlON material sponding to 1 to 3 wt%, added prior to
with no or very little glassy intcrgranu- the sintering of P-SiAION ecramics re-
lar phase present. It i s also demon- sults in 2 to 6 vol% of residual glass in
strated that the addition of even very the microstructure? Even with only
small amounts of a glass-forming oxide 1 wt% Y2O3 added, -2 and 3 vol% of
Journal of the American Ceramlc Society - Ekhtriim und N y p e n Vol. 75, No. 2
glac\ are found in the matcrialc with

x=0.25 and x=1.9, respectively. Analy-
sis of the glass composition by energy
dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) is possi-
-0 1600
1 wt% Y 2 0 J addition
ble only in the x=l.9 material, where
; E 3 8 the glass volumes are larger. The analy-
I 1 wt% YzOJ addition #
j, 1400 # m
Single phase ~ S I A I O N
sis result varies somewhat from one
2 2 glass pocket to another, but to a good
E 9 Single
phase approximation the elcment proportions
1 Sir A1 0 N1 region , region are Si:Al:Y=2:2:1. Thus, the added
YzOi rcacts with thc S i 0 2 present and
,""" 0
0 1 2
also with some of the initially added
0 1 2
x value x value Al2O3,which explains why even small
(A) (6) additions of an oxide such as Y20, can
Fig. 3. (A) Vickers hardness (HVIO) and (B) indentation fracture toughness ( K K ) as initiate the formation of considerably
functions of the com osition of p-SiAION ceramics, Si;_,AI,0,N,-4, w i t h and without greater amounts of glassy phase. The
1 w t % Y,O, addition.
R,, hot hardness is negatively influenced

Panel C Characterization
Various methods have been used the studied material consists of well- final thinning is made by argon
t o characterize SiAlON materials crystallized phases with similar milling. To prevent charging in the
described in this paper. structures. X-ray diffraction has microscope, the specimens are cov-
Density measurcments in combi- been used to characterizc the crys- ered with a thin carbon o r gold layer.
n a t i o n w i t h optical microscopy talline phase(s) in the oxide scale Oxidation studies have been per-
studies of carefully polished sec- formed upon oxidation of Si3N4- formed by the thermogravimctric
tions have been used to determine based ceramics. (TG) method, which implies con-
t h e degree of solidification. T h e T h e microstructure of sintered tinuous rccording of the weight in-
densities of the sintered specimens SiAlON specimens has been studied crease with the time of oxidation
have been determined by the Archi- by scanning electron microscopy. To under isothermal conditions. T h e
medes principle. Because of the fact avoid charge effects, the polished carefully polished specimens are
that SiAlON ceramics contain inter- surface studied is coated with a connected to the TG unit via a plati-
granular phase(s), it is not possiblc thin layer of carbon or gold. In mi- num wire. Oxidation of this wire
to make any reliable calculation of crographs obtained with back-scat- occurs at higher tcmperaturcs undcr
the theoretical density of a SiAlON tered electrons, the brighter areas formation of gaseous PtO,. To ob-
c e r a m i c w i t h a specific overall contain more of thc heavy elemcnts tain reproducible data, one normally
composition. To experimentally es- than do the darker areas. To the has to apply a correction for the
tablish t h e maximum attainable extent that a sintering aid such as drift of the baseline, originating
density, SiAlON ceramics have been Yz03 is used in connection with the from the drift of the measuring unit
densified by hot isostatic pressing, preparation of SiAlON ceramics, an and from the loss of platinum. In
using glass-encapsulated samples. intergranular phase rich i n t h e the case of a low degree of oxida-
Optical inspection has shown that added sintering aid is formed, be- tion and high tempcratures, such a
t h e porosity is well below 0.5% sides the a and p modifications of correction is of great importance.
of the total volume in these samples, the SiAlON phases. Because some Thc best experimental setup is one
and they are accordingly described of the added sintering aid is incor- provided with two furnaces record-
as fully dense." porated into the a phase but not ing the weight diffcrcnce between a
Phase analysis has normally been into the p phase, the darkest arcas dummy and the specimen. The oxi-
based on analysis of X-ray powder in a micrograph of a SiAlON ce- dation curves described in this ar-
patterns obtained in a Guinier-Hagg ramic c a n b e ascribed to t h e /3 ticle have been obtained with use of
focusing camera with C u K a , radia- phase and the brightest areas to the such a unit having a resolution of
tion with silicon as internal stan- intergranular phase. The amount of 2 p g and a drift of the baseline
dard. The lattice parameters of the intergranular phase can be visually of 2 5 pg over 20 h.
different phases have been refined estimated by the relative amount of In connection with hardness
with a least-squares program. The bright areas, measured by a grid (HV10) and indentation fracture
equations a=0.38015+0.001484~nm technique on the micrographs, or it toughness ( K I c )measurements, spc-
and c=0.14535+0.001277~nm have can b e more accurately found via cia1 care in the polishing has to bc
been used to calculate the x value computer-controlled measurements taken to minimize any influence of
of the P-SiAION, Si3-LA1,0,N4-,.5 of areas of different darkness. The introduced compressive s u r f a c e
A recently revised method for quan- latter technique can also be used to stresses on the measurements. The
titative estimation of the amounts follow how the size and shape of hardness and indentation fracture
of Q and p phases in Si3N4-based the crystals formed vary with pro- toughness values rcportcd in this ar-
ceramic materials has been devel- cessing parameters such as amount ticle have been obtaincd by a Vick-
oped.28The method is based on de- of sintering aid used, temperature, ers diamond indenter using a 98-N
termination of intensity ratios of and pressure applied. (10-kg) load, and the fracture tough-
the reflections (101) and (210) of the In connection with transmission ness has been evaluated by t h e
p phase and (102) and (210) of the a electron microscopy and high-resolu- method of Anstis et al.'" Repeated
phase, and it allows the presence of tion electron microscopy studies, it measurements on the same sample
impurity phases. It has also been is necessary to use thinned samples. showed the precision of the mcasure-
shown that the use of peak height Thin plates (<0.2 mm) are cut with ments to be ?30 and k0.2 MPa.
measurements instead of integrated a diamond or wire saw and dimpled for the hardness and toughness
intensities is confined to cases where to a thickness of about 40 pm. The values, respectively.
February 1992 SiAlON Ceramics 263

even with only 1 wt% YzOi

and the matcrial is not suitable for usc
at tempcraturcs above -1000°C. This is 4
commented on further in Section VI(I).
However. for applications at low or
medium tcmpcratures, a small addition 3 3

of sintering aid has a positive influ-

ence on thc fracture toughness.?" The
glassy grain-boundary phase that forms
is a preferred crack path, and crack
fl SiAlON x ~ 0 25 I P-SiAION x = 1 9

branching occurs, thereby incrcasing 1

the fracture energy. For example, the

r o o m - t e m p e r a t u r c t o u g h n e s s of a 0 0
P-SiAION ceramic is significantly in- 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
creased by the addition of 1 wt% Y203 Time (h) Time (h)
(A) (6)
(Ref. 5) (cf. Fig. 3). Thesc results are in
accordancc with the recent findings of Fig. 4. Oxidation resistance a t 1400°C of single-phase p-SiAION ceramic? w i t h (A)
Tanaka et al.,'* who have found that x=0.25 and (B) x = l . 9 . As a comparison, the oxidation behavior of p-SiAION ceramics
the fracture toughness is greatly de- with 1 and 3 wt% Y;O? added prior to the sintering is included."
pendent on thc grain-boundary proper-
ties. When thc grain-boundary bonding 2100
6 *
is sufficiently strong, c.g., i n t h e 2000
absence of a glassy grain-boundary
phase, cracks propagatc transgranularly -0 1900 5 -

in t h e matcrial a n d t h e toughness 5 1800

is low. E 1700

Similarly, the oxidation resistance is n

affected by small Y203additions to a 1600

3~ o p SiAlON
p-SiAION material, as shown in Fig. 4. 1500
The oxidation resistance at 1400°C of
single-phasc P-Si AION ceramics pre- 0 05 1
pared without a sintering aid is good cl'(o+p) ratio
because of the formation of a protec-
tive oxide scale. The oxidation rcsist- Fig. 5. (A) Vickers hardness (HVIO) and (B) indentation f r x l u r e toughness (KIc.)as
ance varies with the x value of t h e functions of the cu:(a+p) phase ratio in (n+p)-SiAION materials.-'.-'
B-SiAlON, howevcr, and it seems to
decrease in the ordcr x=O.25, 0.5, and P-SiAION with x=0.25 than that for
1.9. Microstructural and X-ray investi- x = l . 9 . Microstructural studies show
gations have shown that t h e oxide that the oxide scale on materials with
scale contains cristobalite and mullitc low x-valucs and prepared with YzOi
besides an amorphous phase. Cristo- contcnts of 3 wt% or morc is very dis-
balite is found in materials with low rupted, implying that a solid protective
x values (0.25) a n d mullite i n P - layer is ncver formed.
SiAlONs with high x values (1.9),
whereas, for intermediatc composi- 111. Pressureless-Sintered p- and
tions, both mullite and cristobalite are (a+P)-SiAION Ceramics
T h e a m o u n t a n d composition o f (I) General
t h e amorphous phasc in t h e oxide T h e best-known group of SiAlON
scale also vary with the overall compo- ceramics is P-SiAION containing a
sition. The increased oxidation rate of substantial excess of sintering aids,
materials with higher x-valucs is be- which allows prcssureless sintering.
lieved to be due to oxygcn diffusing T h e s e matcrials contain elongated
more rapidly through an aluminum- grains in their microstrueturc and also
c o n t a i n i n g a m o r p h o u s phase t h a n a considcrable a m o u n t of residual
through amorphous S O ? . glassy phasc, and they have the highest
When 1 wt% Y 2 0 3is used as sinter- obscrved fracture toughness values at
ing aid, implying that yttrium is present room tcmperaturc among the different
in the intergranular phase, higher oxi- SiAlON materials. By changing t h e
dation rates are obscrved. The oxida- overall composition in the Y-SiAION
tion resistance decrcases in the order phasc diagram, (a+P)-SiAION ceram-
x=0.5, 0.25, and 1.9, but the differ- ics can be prcpared with a varying
ences between the rate constants are a-SiA1ON:P-SiAION phasc ratio."." a-
small, and, accordingly, the composi- SiAlON always appcars as cquiaxed
tion of thc amorphous phase is almost grains in the microstructurc of the ma-
the same for all compositions. As the terial a n d p-SiAION as elongated
Y 2 0 3 contcnt is further increased, the fiberlikc grains with an aspect ratio
oxidation rate increases rapidly. T h e typically in the rangc of 4 to 7. Hard-
Y203 is depleted from the ceramic and ncss incrcascs markcdly with increas-
gathered in the oxide scale. The dcgra- ing a-SiAlON phase content, whereas
dation of the oxidation resistance is thc fracturc toughncss decreases (see
substantially more pronounccd for Fig. 5). This dccreasc in toughness has
264 Journal of the American Ceramic Society - Ekstrijm ar;id Nygren Vol. 75. No. 2

been thought to be caused by the fact and the (a+P)-SiAION materials, re-
that the a-SiAION grains do not have spectively (cf. Fig. I@)). A constant
t h e typical elongatcd shape of t h e molar amount of added oxide was used
/3 grains, but other factors, such as the here in all preparations to simplify
intrinsic strength of the glassy phase comparison of the observed properties,
and the bonding between the glass and i.e., 6.0, 8.4, 8.9, 9.2, 9.3, 9.9. and
thc elongated P-SiAION grains, may 10.5 wt% of thc oxides Y z O ~ La203, ,
also have an influence. N d 2 0 i , CeOz, S m z 0 3 , Dyz03, and
T h e possibility of varying the a- Y b 2 0 3 ,respectively. The samples were
SiAlON : p-SiAION phase r a t i o by either pressureless sintered at 1700” to
slightly changing the overall composi- 1825°C for 1 to 2 h in a powder bed of
tion opens many possibilities to pre- submicrometer BN or glass cncapsu-
pare Y-SiAION ceramics with desired lated and HIPed at 1550” to 1900°C
properties. This is of the utmost im- with 200 MPa of argon.
portancc in connection with tailoring The composition of the added sinter-
the properties for specific applications. ing aids and the sintering temperature
Other ways of changing the properties and time are factors which influence
of SiAlON ceramics arc also available, the solidification process. In general,
for instance, replacing Y 2 0 3 by othcr more oxygen-rich overall compositions,
oxide additives. A wide range of metal r e p r e s e n t e d i n t h e s e examples by
oxides have been tried, but the most P-SiAION material, are easier to sinter
interesting ceramics a r e still those to full density than the nitrogen-rich
formed with additives giving refractory (a+P)-SiAlON materials. The sintering
glasses upon cooling, i.e., the rare-earth conditions for obtaining fully dense
oxides. Therefore, effects on solidifica- materials with a minimum of rcsidual
tion, phase content, microstructure, glassy phase are fairly restricted. Tem-
and mechanical and chemical proper- peratures above 1825°C cannot be used
ties are shown below for a number of because of rapidly increasing decompo-
rare-earth-metal oxides. These rare sition of the Si3N4.Temperatures below
earths have been chosen to represent a 1750°C extend the sintering time un-
group of more readily available and duly and may even cause some micro-
less expensive metal oxides ( C e 0 2 , porosity to remain, and the complete
N d 2 0 3 , and L a 2 0 3 ) and a group of a to p transformation is also very slow.
more cxclusive ones ( D y 2 0 3 , S m z 0 3 , If the YzOl content is reduced below
and Y b 2 0 3 ) . T h e latter rare-earth 4 wt%, the porosity level incrcascs in
metals have been selected for a wide the materials, implying that the 4 wt%
variation of atomic number (Z). level is about the lowest Y 2 0 3 addition
(2) Effects of Type and Amount of t h a t c a n be used t o o b t a i n dense
Sintering Aid on Solidification Y-SiAION materials by pressurcless
s i n t e r i n g . A d d i t i o n of m o r e t h a n
The p- and an (a+p)-SiAION ma-
6 wt% Y 2 0 3is not needed for p or for
terials used for this comparativc study
low a content (a+P)-SiAlONs, but it
are both located close to the Si3N4cor-
might be justified in preparing ceram-
ner of the Si-AI-0-N phase diagram.
ics with very high a-SiAION contents.
The two compositions have the same
Thus, at sintering temperatures in the
a l u m i n u m : silicon equivalcnt r a t i o
range 1750” to 1825”C, and 4 to 6 wt%
(x=0.095), and the oxygen: nitrogen
equivalent ratios of the materials are Y203 additive, fully dense materials
are obtained both for p- and (a+p)-
y=0.070 and 0.048 for the P-SiAlON
SiAlON ceramics.
The replacement of Y 2 0 3 by N d 2 0 3
3.35 1 or C e 0 2 at the “6 wt% Y 2 0 3 level”
gives dense materials for all Y : M e
compositions, whereas, at the “4 wt%
3.30 Y203 level,” only P-SiAION material
attains acceptable dcnsities, as shown
for Nd203 in Fig. 6. With this low
amount of sintering aid, the (a+p)-
SiAlON materials prepared with NdzOi
I 3.20

as a sintering aid are very poorly den-
sified, sometimes even below 95% of
theoretical density (TD). L a 2 0 3is a less
3.15 attractive sintering aid because, even
at the “6 wt% level,” fully dense ma-
terials with only L a 2 0 3 added arc dif-
3.10 ,
~7 1 ficult to obtain. The high solubility of
1oo:o 75:25 50:50 25:75 0:lOO nitrogen in the La-SiAION liquid at the
sintering temperaturc, with a corre-
Fig. 6. Variation in density as a function of amount of sintering sponding increase in viscosity, docs not
aid and the Y z O ~N: d 2 0 3 ratio after pressureless sintering at promote densification. It is known that
1825°C for 2 h.” the solubility of nitrogen in rare-earth
glasses prepared at high temperatures
can reach at least 25 at.%,, whereas in
February 1992 SiAlON Ceramics 265



0 Ce3’ La3‘

1oo:o 75:25 5050 2575 0: 100 0.09 0.10

Y2O3:Me2O3ratio lon radius (nm)

Fig. 7. Variation of the a-SiAION content determined by X R D Fig. 8. Effect of t h e ionic radius of yttrium and other rare-earth
for an (a+p)-SiAION with different Y 2 0 3 : M e Z 0 3additions at metals on the amount of a-SiAION phase formed after sintering,
1825°C. Two Y-Me-SiAION systems have been chosen to illus- as determined by XRD for a n (a+P)-SiAlON material.’8
trate t h e situation where Me=Nd stabilizes an a-SiAION phase
and M e = L a does not.”-”

the Y-SiAION system the highest solu- a maximum size limit for a-SiAION
bility is only about 15 at.%. formation is an ion radius of -0.1 nm
The use of a more expensive sinter- and that the smaller cations generally
ing aid can be helpful in special cases, cause larger amounts of a-SiAION to
but the more expensive rare-earth ox- form. The upper size limit for a metal
ides do not necessarily result in better ion to fit into the cages formed in the
sintering behavior. S m 2 0 3 and Dy203 a-SiAION crystal structure seems to be
results in fully dense (a+P)-SiAlON fairly sharp, but an interesting case is
materials at both sintering temperatures Cc3’ with an ionic radius close to the
used, 1775” and 1825”C,whereas Yb203 limit. It has been shown that if cerium
does not give densc (a+@)-SiAION ma- is added with yttrium, the latter metal
terials by pressureless sintering at either ion will stabilize the a-SiAlON phase,
temperature. For the more oxygen-rich and minor amounts of cerium are, in
P-SiAIONs, however, a fully dense ma- this case, also able to enter the crystal
terial has been obtained with ytterbium. structure.3K
Y b 2 0 3is thus found to be a poor sinter- (4) Effects of Type and Amount of
ing aid, whereas the other two rare- Sintering Aid on Microstructure and
earth elements (samarium and dyspro-
sium) are very good, and it is known Mechanical Properties
that the viscosity of the low-Z rare- Microstructure is also affected by the
earth-SiAlON liquids for a given level choice of sintcring aids, and this subse-
of nitrogen appears to be less than that quently has an influence on mechanical
of the high-Z rare-earth-SiAION liq- properties. Especially the development
uids. Even at fairly low temperatures of the elongated P-Si3N4 or P-SiAION
the use of samarium or dysprosium ox- grains has been stated to be of impor-
ides has proved to be very effective. tance for obtaining high fracture tough-
ness. Despite this opinion, there has
been little understanding of the funda-
(3) Effects of Type and Amount of mental mechanisms of microstructural
Sintering Aid on the Phase Ratio of a- development in these ceramics. T h e
and P-SALON influence of the starting material and
The use of different oxides as sintcr- its impurities, the metal dopant, and
ing aids will also affect other proper- the liquid-phase viscosity at the sinter-
ties of the sintered materials, such as ing temperature are factors involved
the a : P phase ratio. T h e a-SiAlON because elongated crystals form by a
phase is not stabilized by lanthanum, solution-reprecipitation process. Some
and replacement of Y201 by L a 2 0 3in typical microstructures of a P-SiAION
any “(a+P)-SiAlON” composition will and an (a+P)-SiAlON with the sinter-
therefore diminish the a :(a+P) phase ing aids S m 2 0 3or Y b 2 0 3are shown in
ratio, as determined by X-ray diffrac- Figs. 9(A) to (D). In the P-SiAlON ce-
tomctry (XRD)”.’” (cf. Fig. 7). Re- ramic, the addition of Sm2O3results in
placement of Y 2 0 3by N d 2 0 i also gives a finer overall grain size in the micro-
a lower phase ratio for the same (a+P)- structure and grains of a slightly higher
SiAlON composition, but some aspect ratio than from the addition of
a-SiAION is still present when N d 2 0 3 Y b 2 0 3 . In t h e (a+P)-SiAlON micro-
is used as a sintering aid.27.37Studies of structure the difference between the
other rare-earth-metal oxides as sinter- sintering aids is even more evident, be-
ing aids for the same elemental com- cause the Y b 2 0 3 causes formation of
position give varying values of t h e considerably more a-SiAION grains
a : ( a + P ) phase ratio.3K When the ob- (gray contrast in Fig. 9)(see the prcvi-
tained phase ratio is plotted against ous paragraph on the effect of ion ra-
the ion radius, an obvious trend is ob- dius on a-SiAlON formation).
served (see Fig. 8). Figure 8 shows that The observed structural differences
260 Journal o f the Americarz Ceramic Society - Ekstriim and Nygren Vol. 75,No. 2

can be cornparcd with thc cffccts on Howcvcr, the more cxpcnsivc dyspro-
t h c room t c m pcra t u r c m cc h ii n i ca 1
~ sium, samarium, or ytterbium oxidcs in
propcrtics whcn YzOl is rcplaccd by gencral have only a small, if any, posi-
thc rare-earth oxidcs (cf. Fig. 10). In tivc cffcct on the room-temperature
thc case of samarium, a higher fracture propcrt ics.
toughncss is shown, and in thc casc of Rcplaccmcnt of Y 2 0 Dby thc even lcss
ytlcrbium a significantly higher hard- expensive lanthanum, ncodymium, or
ncss is noted. For samarium this result cerium oxidcs prcscrvcs the overall
agrees well with thc previously shown good propcrties of t h e SiAlON cc-
microstructurc, containing P-SiAION ramics .14-37,1‘) T h c room-temperature
grains of a high aspect ratio. In the lat- mcchanical propcrtics o f thc different
ter case (ytlcrbium), t hc ( a+ P)-SiAION SiAlON matcrials with these sintcring
microstructure contains considcrably aids, at an additional lcvcl corrcspond-
more of the hard a-SiAION grains. ing to 6 wt% Y,03, arc s u m m a r i d in
Figs. 11 and 12. Thc fracturc toughncss
is of the samc magnitudc as that found
for yttrium-doped SiAIONs, but t h e
hardness of the (a+p)-SiAION ceramic
predictally dccreascs in all cascs, as the
a-SiAlON phase contcnt decreases in
the matcrials.
Reducing the additions of sintcring
aids to a lcvel corresponding to 4 wt%
Y203 is another parameter change that
also affects thc mechanical propcrtics.
A comparison of the use o f “4 wt%
level” with thc mcasurcd rcsults ob-
tained previously for “6 wt% Icvcl” is
given in Figs. 11 and 12. To ensure that
all matcrials are fully dense, they arc
prepared by t h e glass-cncapsulatcd
HIPing techniquc. For both P-SiAION
and (a+P)-SiAION matcrials, thc rc-
duction in thc amount of sintcring aid
causes the hardncss to increase and
the fracture toughness to dccrcasc.
T h c incrcase in hardncss of the materi-
als can be explained from thc Pact that
a lcss “soft” glassy phasc (with a hard-
ness HV10=-900 to 1000) is present in
the microstructures. T h c decrcasc in
fracture toughness may to somc cxtcnt
be causcd by t h e p-SiAION grains
being sterically hindcrcd to grow with
high aspect ratios, whcn lcss liquid
p h a s c is p r e s c n t a t t h e s i n t c r i n g
(5) Effects of Type and Amount of
(C) (1)) Sintering Aid on Oxidation Behavior
Fig. 9. Micro5tructure5 o f (A) and (B) B-SiAION and (C) and (D) (a+P)-SiAlON for (A) T h e cffect of thc amount and type of
aiid (C) 9.3 wt% SmzOi and (B) and (D) 10.5 wt% Y b z O i . sintering aid on the oxidation bchavior
is illustrated in Fig. 13 by a comparison
of the oxidation curves vicldcd bv thrcc
*Oo0 1
-z -
I I Sm DV Yb I $ 4
/?-SiAION 0 A

- 7

1oo:o 50:50 0:lOO 1oo:o 50:50 0:100

Y203:MeZ03ratio Y2O3:Me2O3ratio
(A) (6)
Fig. 10. (A) Vickers hardness (HV10) and (B) indentation fracture toughness (K,,.) of SiAlON ceramics measured as functions of the
Y ~ O I : M ~ratio ~ Me=Dy, Sni, and Yb.
~ Ofor
February 1992
SiAlON Ceramics 267

SiAlON ceramics of different overall to C and labeled 3; i.e., the oxidation

compositions. Each composition was behavior of the SiAlONs prepared with
prepared at 1825°C by pressureless Y203as the sintering aid is substantially
sintering and with the following sinter- better than both that of SiAlONs pre-
ing additions: Y 2 0 3 (samples A), Y203 pared with the N d 2 0 3 and Y2O3 mix-
and N d 2 0 3 in a molar ratio of 1 : l ture and Nd203.
(samples B), and Nd2O3 (sample C ) . (iii) The SiAlON ceramic with high
T h e SiAlON compositions labeled 1 a-SiAION content prepared with Y 2 0 ?
are pure P-SiAlON with x values of addition (A3) exhibits a very good oxi-
-0.25, while compositions labeled dation resistance.
2 consist of a n (a+P)-SiAlON, and
compositions labeled 3 possess a high IV. a-SiAION Ceramics
a-SiAION content. In the past, single-phase a-SiAION
These nine samples have recently has been most extensively studied in
been oxidized at 1350°C (Ref. 40), and the Y-Si-AI-0-N system." 2'1-23 Thc cx-
the oxidation curves obtained at this tension of the a-SiAION phase field has
temperature are reproduced in Figs. 13 clearly been demonstrated to be two-
(A) to (C). The following general con- d i m e n s i ~ n a l . ~ 'As
. ~ ~mentioned above,
clusions can be drawn: however, a-SiAION is also stabilized by
(i) Independent of the sintering aid a number of other cations such as single
used, t h e most oxidation-resistant lithium,42 single calcium,17 and a
SiAlONs are those with the highest number of single rare-earth oxides.24
a-SiAION content, and the P-SiAlONs Formation of a-SiAlON can also occur
oxidize most easily. This is in accord- by combinations of cations, e.g., neo-
ance with the fact that the amount of dymium along with calcium or lithium
intergranular phase decreases with in- ions43or even yttrium with cerium.3KBy
creasing a-SiAION content. addition of balanced mixtures of Y 2 0 3
(ii) T h e effect of the type of sinter- and AIN (Y~03+9AlN)to pure SiiN4,
ing aid used is illustrated by the oxida- a straight l i n e , Y,Si3-1 1 2 5 x A l1l2 5 , -
tion curves of the samples A to C and
labeled 1, A to C and labeled 2, and A Y Nd La Ce
I 1 1 4
1900 fiI I I

-- 1700
Y Nd La Ce I
8 1600
$ 3
I" 1500 G

1400 Oxide
additive 1

1300 0
10 1:1 0:1 6 10 1:1 0:1
Y:Me oxide ratio Y,Me oxide ratio
(A) (6)

Fig. Ll. (A) Vickers hardness (HV10) and (B) indentation fracture toughness ( K l c )as functions of the CeOz, LarO?, or NdzO? contents
for Y-Me-P-SiAION ~ e r a r n i c s . ~ ~ - ~ ~ . ~ '

V Y Nd La Ce



1700 4

8 1600

I 1500

Oxide Oxide
1400 additive 1 additive
(Wt%) (wi%)
1300 I 0
l:o 1:1 0'1 l f i 10 1 1 01 4
Y:Me oxide ratio Y Me oxide ratio
(4 (8)
Fig. 12. Vickers hardness (HV10) and the indentation fracture toughness ( K r ) as functions of the C e 0 2 , L a 2 0 3 ,or Nd203 contents for
Y-Me-(a+P)-SiAlON ~ e r a r n i c s . ~ ~ - ' ~ ~ ' ~
268 Journal of the American Ceramic Society - Ekstrom and Nygren Vol. 75, No. 2

Oo375xN4-,1 37Sx, in the plane Si3N4- respectively, at x=0.09, and 99% and
YN~3A1N-(AIN~AI2O3) in Fig. 2, is 97% of TD, respectively, at ~ = 0 . 1 8 . ” ~
followed, which traverses the single- On the other hand, the amount of
phase a-SiAION area, and monophasic residual intergranular phase was re-
samples are formed for 0 . 0 8 < ~ < duced to one-third of that observed
0.17.20-2’,44-46 previously. Post-HIPing heat-treatment
The oxygen inherently present in all of pressureless-sintered materials with
5.0 commercially available Si3N4 starting excess AIN yielded fully dense mono-
materials, however, shifts the overall phasic a-SiAlON ceramics containing
composition toward Si02 in the Mc-Si- the same low amount of intergranular
AI-0-N phase diagram and causes a phase as before the post-HIPing.
residual glassy phase to be present in The room-temperature mechanical
3.0 the sintered materiaL4’ In practice it is properties of the dense a-SiAlON ma-
very difficult to prepare single-phase terials differ very little between the

a-SiAION ceramics without some samples made in this study by presure-

<s 2.0 small amount of residual glassy phase. less sintering, pressureless sintering
Howcver, by hot-pressing mixtures of and HIPing, or HIPing!7,49 The frac-
1 .o SilN4, AIN, and Y203, a fine-grained ture toughness is of the order 4 to 4.5
(a+p)-SiAlON ceramic composite was and the hardness (HV10) is -1900 to
made by Ukyo and Wada.48With high- 2100. This is in accordance with the
0 investigations by Mitomo and co-work-
0 2000 4000 6000
resolution TEM, only a very small
Time (s) amount of the grain-boundary phase e r ~ ~of ~a-SiAlON
, ~ ~ ceramics;
, ~ ~ their
(A) was found at the multiple-grain junc- fracture toughness is 4.5 to 5.5, hard-
tions. Subsequent measurements of the ness -2000, and bending strength 600
5.0 bending strength at different tempera- to 900 MPa. Note that the observed
tures showed the beneficial effect of hardness values are remarkable for
the absence of a continuous glassy Si3N4-based materials. This group of
phase between adjacent grains. The ob- materials are interesting candidates in a
- served bending strength at room tem- number of applications, especially as a
perature was 1.3 GPa, and was found sinter-HIPed cycle, which will make
-F 3.0
as high as 1.0 GPa at 1400°C. complicated shapes fairly easy to attain.
The oxidation behavior of an almost

sf 2.0
The effects of the oxygen “impurity”
Q in the starting materials are demon- monophasic a-SiAION is discussed in
strated below by the results of attempts Section IV(5). Note that there is no ex-
1 .o
to prepare a single-phase a-SiAION ce- perimental evidence showing that the
ramic along the line given above, using a phase is more resistant to oxidation
two basically fine-grained starting ma- than the phase or vice versa.
0 terials: powder A , with a somewhat
0 2000 4000 6000 V. 0’-SiAION “SitNZO”Ceramics
Time (s) “high” oxygen content (3.4 wt% as
(B) Si02) and a “coarse-grained” starting (1) Sintering and Formation of
material, powder B, with somewhat 0’-SiAlON
5.0 lower oxygen content (2.8 wt% as The Si2N20phase is of interest as a
Si02).49The two high-quality Si3N4 ceramic engineering material mainly
starting powders solidified very well because of the expected oxidation
4.0 even by pressureless sintering at 1775” resistance at high temperatures. The
to 1825°C. Densities above 99.4% of formation of Si2N20from mixtures of
5 3.0
T D were obtained with t h e fine-
grained starting material and about
high-purity Si3N4 and S i 0 2 heated
at high temperatures is very sluggish
YF 97% to 98% of T D with the other because of kinetic hindrance. It has

2.0 (coarse-grained) material. The subse- been shown in a number of reports

quent XRD analysis of the sintered that additions of various sintering aids,
materials showed that the major phase which form a liquid phase at t h e
1 .o
was a-SiAION, with traces of melilite sintering temperature, greatly facilitate
as t h e only additional crystalline the process,5o352 but they may also
0 phase. The subsequent analysis by elec- have a strongly negative influence on
0 2000 4000 6000 tron microscopy showed, however, a the oxidation resistance at elevated
Time (s)
considerable amount of glassy inter- temperatures.
granular phase to be present in the For S i 2 N 2 0 materials intended for
Fig. 13. O x i d a t i o n c u r v e s of t h r e e materials, and the amount of residual high temperatures, addition of metal
SiAlON ceramics of different overall com- intergranular phase was about 10 vol% oxides, such as Y2O3 alone, which
positions with sintering additions: or higher. This high value can partly forms a refractory glass, is the most at-
(A), YzO3, (B) Y203 and Nd2O3 in a molar be explained by the fact that the over- tractive alternative. Similarly, C e 0 2
ratio of 1:1, and (C) Nd203. Compositions all composition of the samples was not
labeled 1 are almost pure P-SiAION with
has been used in a number of investi-
corrected for the excess SiOz present gations because of the high eutectic
x=0.25, compositions labeled 2 represent in the powders.
(a+P)-SiAION material, and compositions temperature with S O 2 , but also be-
labeled 3 have a high a ~ o n t e n t . ~ ” Adding an “excess” of 2 wt% AIN to cause it is among the least expensive of
the starting mixtures had a very nega- the rare-earth o ~ i d e s . ’ ~Otherwise,
tive effect on the densification process, the most effective sintering aid is a
and this was especially notable for low combination of Y203 and A1203,which
x values. The fine- and coarse-grained allows pressureless sintering.”-6’ A1203
starting materials thus yielded ceramics forms 0’-SiAION, which is described
with densities of 97% and 94% of TD, in more detail below.
February 1992 SiAlON Ccmrnics 269

First, thc cffects of using Y201 alone (see Fig. 14). The modulus of rupturc
as a sintering aid is dcmonstratcd. of similar O'-SiAION materials mcas-
Pressureless sintering at 1775°C of ured by T r i g and Jack" is -420 MPa.
Si,N,+ SiOL mixtures with an addition A possible explanation for the gener-
of Y 2 0 Rrcsults in a high yield of ally poor toughness behavior of t h c
SilNl@ and a material with lairly good 0'-SiAION ceramics is that bonding is
density (98% to 99% of TDj.62 because so strong between the SizN20 crystals
the densification is facilitated by the and the SiOl-rich glassy phase that the
-0 2000
presence of a liquid phase. Pressurclcss crack proceeds straight through both I
sintering at lowcr temperatures results glass and crystals. Therefore, no pull-
in highly porous materials, but hot- out or crack-branching effects con- P
pressing or HIPing can be used to ob- tribute to the fracture toughness in the I
t a i n fully dense materials even at 1500
manner described abovc for t h e p-
1600°C. Equimolar ratios of SilNl and SiAlON mr-iterials. This hypothesis is
SiO? with small a m o u n t s of C e O ? supported by the findings of Ohashi
added (2 to 3 molY';,) produce a similar et .,14,bl who have reported that an
behavior. Thus, at temperatures above S i 2 N 2 0 material with a glassy grain-
1750°C the reaction to form S i 2 N 2 0 boundary phase has a fracture tough-
proceeds and the process ness of 2.5 M P a m " . Howcver, heat
can be further promoted by introduc- treatment of the material to crystallize
ing sced crystals of S i 2 N 2 0 into the this phase has a dramatic effcct on the
powder mixture prior to sintering.'5 toughness, increasing it to about 5.5
As mcntioned previously, t h e MPa.m"*. In the heat-treated matcrial,
S i 2 N 2 0 phase forms a narrow solid- the bonding between the crystallized
solution range rcprcsented by thc for- intergranular phase and the S i 2 N z 0
mula Si2-,A1,0, FA wherc x varies crystals is much weaker. The hypothe-
from o to -0.2.j8 sis is also supported by t h e rcccnt ff '3
terials along this line, with only A1203 findings of Tanaka et ul.'? on Si3N4
and AIN added, rcsults in fully dense compositc ceramics without sintering HIP 1600°C
urclcss sintcring at aids and Kishi et al." on single-phase 0 HIP 1 7 5 0 6
ion o f YZO3further P-SiAION ccramics. HIP i900°c

aids the solidification process to take T h e hot hardness of S i 2 N 2 0 is pre-

place at 160O"C.""-"" The effect on the served at tcmperatures at least up to
formation of the O'-SiAION phase by 1200°C. Thc combined addition of Y:O3
Y 2 0 i addition is similar to that rc- and Al2O3 in an O'-SiAION material,
portcd abovc for the Y,O? addition to however, has a pronounced negative
Si 2 N 2 0 . Fig. 14. (A) Iiardness (HVIO) and (B) in-
effect, giving poor high-temperature
T h e l a t t i c e p a r a m e t e r s of 0 ' - dentation fracture toughness ( K I c )of sili-
properties. con oxynitride ceramics Siz-tAI,N2-xOI+,,
Si AION, Si2-,AI,,O I -,rNz-,!, increase in
where x=O.1.
a very typical way with the x value and (3) Oxidation Resistance of Siz N2O
can be used to determine t h e alu- Fully dense S i 2 N 2 0 ceramics, pre-
minum content." Y 2 0 3 is frcquently pared by the HIPing techniquc without
used as a sintering aid for preparation a sintering aid, have been used for oxi-
of 0'-SiAION materials. Y203, a good dation studies in the temperature range
glass formcr, has a greater affinity for 1300" to 1600"C.h4~,"5 S i 2 N 2 0 exhibits a 16.0
the A1203(initially added to form the very good oxidation resistance up to 70
14 0
0'-SiAION) than does the 0'-SiAION 1600°C. Typical oxidation curves arc 6 0 i;
phase, implying that the 0'-SiAION given in Fig. 15. The only oxidation s
formed contains less aluminum than
expected, and the ceramic material
c u r v e w h i c h s e e m s t o follow t h e
parabolic rate law is the one obtained -p - 5-

will comprise substantial amounts of at 1300°C. The weight-gain curves ob- 8.C
glassy phase. Refinement of the 0'-

tained at 1400°C cannot be interpreted % 6C

SiAlON phase lattice parameters in 4 3,
with the parabolic rate law, and curves 2 4c
2.0 s
these materials can be used to prove

of this type are obtaincd in the tem- 10

this reaction pattern. perature ( T ) range 135o"C~Ti145o"C.
At t e m p e r a t u r e s r1500"C, all t h e 0
(2) Mechanical Properties of curves obtained are similar, implying 25000 50000

O'-SiAlON Time (s)

t h a t t h e parabolic rate law in not
The mechanical properties of mono- obeyed until after a certain time ( t o ) . Fig. 15. Oxidation curves of SilN.0 at
phasic S i 2 N 2 0 are difficult to deter- T h e microstructure of t h e oxide 1300", 1400", and 1500°C. Symbols ( O ) ,
mine because of preparative difficulties scale formed at 1600°C is shown in (W), and ( 0 ) represent weight-gain values
in obtaining a monophasic S i 2 N 2 0ma- Fig. 16. A n X R D study of the same which a r e calculated according to t h e
terial without the use of a sintering aid. surface shows that it contains a-cristo- Eqs. (2), ( S ) , and (6) stated in Panel E,
A good approximation is, however, a balitc, and from the appearance of the'
Vickers hardness (HVIO) of 1600 and a microstructure it seems clear that the
fracture toughncss of -3.3 MPa . m' ', dcgree of crystallinity of the surface is
obtained from measurcmcnts on materi- rather high. Similar microstructures
als HIPed at 19OO"C, consisting of al- are observed for all samples oxidized
most pure, crystalline SilN20.62 at T21350"C. Thc microstructure of
A slight improvcmcnt of the tough- the surface of the oxide scale obtained
ness has bccn found in O'-SiAlON at 1300°C appears amorphous. Scan-
(x=O.1) material with Y z 0 3 addition ning electron microscopy (SEM) stud-
270 Journal of the American Ceramic Society - Ekstrom and Nygren Vol. 15, No. 2

ies of the cross sections of the oxide

scales show that they contain nitrogen-
gas bubbles. These observations sug-
gest that the curves obtained in the
temperature range 135OoC5T51450"C
should be interpreted with use of the
arctan function given in Panel D. The
same equation should also be appli-
cable for t h e curves obtained at
Tr1500"C and t<to, whereas, for t > t o
Eq. (6) in Panel D should be used. In
Refs. 64 and 65 it is shown that all ob-
served weight-gain curves can be inter-
p r e t e d . w i t h equations, and a com-
parison of the calculated and observed
weight gain at 1300", 1400", and 1500°C
is given in Fig. 15. The method applied
also gives diffusion coefficient values
for the oxygen diffusion in amorphous
S i 0 2 ranging from 5 . 2 8 ~ cm2/s at
1350°C to 2.98~10-"cm2/s at 1600"C,65
Fig. 16. SEM micrograph of the surface of Si2N20 oxidized at which compares favorably with those
1600°C showing a-cristobalite crystals surrounded by a glassy values obtained by other m e t h ~ d s . ~ ' , ' ~

Panel D Oxidation
It is well established that the oxi- the diffusion of oxygcn within the tives form an intergranular phase,
dation of SiiN4-based ceramics is oxide scale-rather than the out- which affects the oxidation so that
controlled by the diffusion of reac- w a r d diffusion of t h e nitrogen a more complex process is expected
tants. The rate of diffusion is given formed by the oxidation-controls to take place. The influencc of dif-
by Fick's first law: the kinetics of the growth of the ferent sintering aids on the oxida-
Due et a L X Xargue, how- tion behavior has been discussed by
_- dc ever, that the low oxidation rate of several authors.x"-" At higher tem-
dt dx S i i N 4 in comparison to that ob- peratures, oxygen ions are assumed
served for oxidation of silicon and to diffusc from the scalc-gas intcr-
where dm is the mass of the reac- Sic, is due to formation of a thin face toward the ucaie-ccramic in-
tant diffusing across a distance dx layer of S i 2 N 2 0between the Si3N4 t er f ac c , a n d , s i mu 1tan cou s I y , t hc
in time dt, dc is the concentration and the SiO, scale, and the rate-de- cations in the intergranular phase(s)
gradient across the oxide scale, A,) termining step of oxidation is the are assumed to diffuse from the in-
is the cross-section area through diffusion of oxygen through this terior of the ceramic to the oxide
which the reactant diffuses, and D S i 2 N 2 0 layer. The oxidation rate of scale as illustrated in the accom-
is the diffusion constant of the re- SiAlON-based ceramics prepared panying f i g u r e . It s e e m s t o b e
actant. If the oxidation process of without, or with various amounts generally accepted that the rate-
Si3Nd-based ceramics is monitored and types of sintering aids is gener- determining step is the outward dif-
by studying the weight increase (Aw) ally higher than that of Si3N4. fusion of cations from t h e intcr-
as a function of time at a specified granular phasc(s). T h c oxidation
temperature, the parabolic rate law Oxidation of a P-SiAION ceramic behavior of S i 2 N 2 0at high temper-
can be rewritten as of the composition S i 2 A I I 0 , N 3will aturcs, prepared without a sintering
have the overall reaction stoichiomc-
(2) =K,t +R try
aid, and of various SiAlON ccram-
ics, p r e p a r e d without a n d w i t h
Y 2 0 3N , d 2 0 3 , or a mixture of Y 2 0 3
2Si2AI 0,N3+4.50, and Nd201, as a sintering aid, is dc-
whcrc Kr, is the parabolic rate con-
stant and B is a constant. Thus, if a =4Si02+ A1203 3N2 +
uniform compact oxide scale is
Depending on t h e tempcrature of
formed, if A , ) is constant during thc
o x i d a t i o n , a complete o r p a r t l y
oxidation process, and if the reac-
tion is diffusion controlled, this re-
amorphous scale is formcd. In the
latter case, the crystalline product

lation should be valid. Oxidation of
chemically vapor deposited SiiNJ
most probably consists of mullite. In N2 bubbles r\2.
exhibits parabolic oxidation behav- this reaction it is assumed that the
SiAlON ceramic is prepared without
ior according to the overall rcaction
t h e use of a sintering aid. Densc
Si3N4+302=3Si02+2N2 SiAlON compacts arc, however, fre-
quently fabricated with sintering aids
It ha5 been shown that, in this casc, such as Y203and MgO. These addi- a-SiAlON 0-SiAION
Fcbriinry 1002 SiA10 N Cerum ics 27 1

VI. Applications will therefore not be elaborated hcrc.

A comprchcnsivc review o f the appli-
(1) General cations o f Si3N4-bascdmaterials has rc-
The combination of excellent chcmi- ccntly been published in Ref. 94. In
cal i n e r t n e s s w i t h high h a r d n e s s , this section a few cxamplcs arc given
toughness, and strength at tcmpcra- to show that the combinations o f prop-
turcs well above thosc where most erties obtainable with different SiAlON
stccls and a l l o y s cease to function ceramics also make these materials
makes the Si3Nz1-bascdmaterials, in- suited for a variety of applications. The
cluding the SiAIONs, premium candi- original idea in the development of p-
dates for metal-cutting tool inserts, SiAlON (with the trade name Syalon)
metal-forming tools, ctc. The thermal by Lucas-Cookson-Syalon, Ltd. (Shir-
shock resistance, with very little thcr- Icy, West Midlands, U.K.), was to ob-
ma1 fatigue, is much bcttcr for SilN4 t a i n a m a t e r i a l a s good a s S i 3 N 4
than for any competitive ceramic oxidc ceramics at a lower cost."""" This goal
material, implying that other applica- has been fulfilled, and, in addition, in
tions can bc found in heat engines or specific applications, different SiAlONs
cncrgy systems with fluctuating tcm- may havc an even greater potential.
pcrnturcs. For example, the potential As shown above, SiAlON materials
use o f SilN,I materials in both rccipro- must be thought of as a family of "al-
caf ing and gas-turbine engines has loys," with a wide range of properties.
;\ttr:ictcd attention for two to thrcc This variety is advantageous, since a
decades, and a vast number o f publica- profile of desirable material properties
tions have cxplorcd this arca, which for an application has a good chance

Panel D (continued)
scribcd in this paper. In the case tural and X-ray investigations of the tll during t h e experiment, i.c., ii
of S i 2 N 2 0 , t h e o x i d a t i o n ratc- oxidc scalcs formed by oxidation steady state is established, then O <
controlling step must bc the dilfu- show that thc scalcs contain cristo- to<t and A(t)=f& for l>tll. I n this
sion of oxygen ions through t h e balitc crystals. If the crystallization casc a mixed nonparabolic/parabolic
oxide scale because no sintcring aid occurs during the oxidation cxpcri- behavior is expected.
is used. Simultancoiisly, because the mcnt, the cross-section arca (All)
oxygen ions have t o diffuse from must vary with time. Not only crys- T h e function A(t) is incorporated
thc surface of the oxide scalc t o the tallization but also formation of ni- in thc parabolic rate law according
interface hctwccn this scale and the trogen-gas-containing bubbles and 10
ceramic, the oxidation-formed ni- cracks at the intcrl'acc between the
trogen has t o migrate the opposite oxidc scale and the ceramic con- d w KA(t)
direction. This can occur via diffu- t r i b u t e t o t h e reduction of t h e dt x
sion of nitrogcn ions o r nitrogcn- cffcctivc cross- section arca available
gas molecules, or by migration o f for oxygen diffusion.
n i t rogcn-gas bubbles. where K is a constant and X = ( L Y / ) " ~
A function A(t) has been dcrivcd (whcrc a is the rate constant for the
w h i c h d e s c r i b e s how t h e a r e a growth of t h e scalc). Integration
The overwhelming part o f t h e yields
oxidation studics o f Sil N,-based through which oxygen diffuses dc-
ceramics has bccn intcrprctcd with creases with the time o f oxidation:"'
the parabolic rate law given above. T = u arctan (h~)"'+ctI'~
A 0
This law is dcrivcd under the as- (3)
sumption that t h e phase composi- Within the framework of thi4 ap-
tion of the oxidc scale is constant proach the parabolic ratc law lor
where A l l is the cross-scction area
during the oxidation process, imply- t z tll reads
at t=O, f the fraction of A,, that rc-
ing that n o nitrogen-gas bubbles are
mains constant at ~ > t , ) ,and /3 a
formed, and, t o the extent that an
constant which describes the rate by
amorphous oxidc scale is formed
in i t i a I I y , no cry st a II i zat ion occurs which A,, decreases. This function
has the following propcrtics:
during the experiment. Recent oxi- Equations (2), ( S ) , and ( 6 ) havc
dation studics o f S i z N z O havc (i) A(t)=A,, for f = 1 and t11=0, shown to be applicable to the oxida-
shown that the oxidation curve ob- implying that a parabolic oxidation tion of S i 2 N 2 0as shown in Fig. IS.
tained at 1300°C can be intcrprctcd behavior is expected. From the refined values o f u , h , c,
with this parabolic ratc law. How- (ii) When All dccrcases during and f ,K,] in Eq. 2 can be calculated
ever, thc (Aw/All)' vs t curves ob- t h e entire oxidation experiment, according to K,,=(~h"~+c)'or from
tained at higher tcmpcraturcs could then tll=t,, which gives A(t,)=fA,, the relation Kij= K J 2 . An claboratc
not at all or only partly (c.g., for t with O < f < l , implying that a non- derivation of Eqs. (3), ( S ) , and (6)
exceeding a certain time tll) be thus parabolic behavior is expected. and a discussion of their physical
i ~ i t c r p r c t c d " ~ (. s" e~e a l s o S c c t - (iii) If the cross-section arca be- implications arc given in Ref. 65.
ion V(.?)). Subscqucnt microstruc- comes constant after a certain time
272 Journal of the American Ceramic Society - Ekstrom and Nygren Vol. 75, No. 2

to be met by a tailor-made SiAlON A recent example of a more specific

material or composite. On thc other use of onc of the SiAlON "alloys" is
hand, one cannot test only one arbi- the usc of 0'-SiAION ceramics as sub-
trary SiAlON material in a specific ap- merged pouring nozzles in the continu-
plication, as one has to be awarc of ous casting of steel." T h e expected
some general limitations of different oxidationicorrosion resistance at high
ceramics." The most important draw- temperatures of this special SiAlON
back for the pressureless-sintered /3- material implies that other similar rc-
or (a+P)-SiAION ccramics is that they fractory applications, e.g., refractory
a r c s u i t e d only for long-time use linings, might be developed. At very
at application t e m p e r a t u r e s below high application temperatures, single-
- 1"00"C ,Y5.Y6 However, the simplicity phase a- or P-SiAION ceramics have
of the solidification techniquc, which the potential to be strong competitors
has a complex shapc capability, still to the low-doped Si3N4 ceramics in
makes the pressureless-sintcrcd SiAlON heat engincs or energy systems. This
ccramics attractive in a number of latter area still remains to be further
applications, such as non-ferrous metal- explored.
tube or wire-drawing dies, seals, bear- In this section, three diffcrent ex-
ings, and valvcs.h.U5-4K Thus, the main amples of applications are given to il-
rcason to use /3- or (a+P)-SiAION in lustrate the range of uses of SiAlON
low- or medium-temperature applica- ceramics. In the first example, thc cx-
tions, instead of HIPed or prcssure- cellent wear resistance at low tempera-
sintcrcd Si3N4 ceramics, is t h e low tures is demonstratcd by the application
preparation cost of sintered bodies, as a milling mcdium. In ths second ex-
whereas the gcneral propcrties of the ample, the good chemical resistance at
materials arc similar. As described in medium-high temperatures is shown by
Panel E, a post-heat-treatment to pro- functions as wire- or tubc-drawing dies
mote crystallization of the glassy phasc for copper alloys. The third example
can raise the possible application tem- shows the extraordinary combination of
perature scvcral hundred degrees. mechanical and chemical rcsistancc in

Panel E Crystallization of Glassy Grain-Boundary Phase

In most cases the added metal paired if there is a large volume ficult to predict, becausc the com-
ions of t h e s i n t e r i n g a i d s have change causing stresses in the glass positions of intergranular phascs are
n o solubility in t h e precipitated residues which are constrained by usually neither particularly well-
SiAlON crystals, and they will form surrounding grains.x4 known nor uniformly distributed,
a residual nitrogen-containing metal The temperature at which strength and t h e stress states during t h e
silicate intergranular phase, which degradation is observed is t h e n crystallization of glass confined to
can be glassy (amorphous) or crys- raised from t h e glass transition multigrain junctions or thin grain
talline, depending on factors such as temperature (typically about 900" to boundaries are quite different. Onc
t h e overall composition and t h e 100O'C) t o t h a t of t h e e u t e c t i c example of typical results is found
cooling conditions applied. The in- temperature along t h e SiAION- in an article reporting how Si3NJ
tergranular phase is to a large ex- grain-boundary phase join. For a was sintered with a Y-Si-AI-0-N
tent found at multigrain junctions or P-SiA1ON-Y3Al5O12 (yttrium alu- glass additive a n d subsequently
between adjacent grains as t h i n minum garnet, YAG) ceramic, this heat-trcated to crystallize thc grain-
glassy films that may be only a few temperature is 1320"C, which is an boundary phase.x" At a post-heat-
tenths of a nanometer thick."," The improvement of several hundred treatment temperature of 1350"C,
structure and composition of these degrees over a P-SiAION-glass- only crystalline p-Y2Si207was de-
grain-boundary phases in SilN4- ceramic.'",x5 tccted at t h e g r a i n boundaries,
based ceramics is critical in de- The amount of nitrogen incorpo- whereas at slightly higher tempcra-
termining t h e mcchanical and ration into an oxide glass is fairly turcs (1450°C) morc complex crys-
chemical properties of the material, low compared with t h e range of tallization paths occurred, giving
especially at high temperatures. compositions that can be achieved primarily YSiOIN and Y4Si207N2
One way of improving the high- by cation variations. Dcpending on with some minor amounts of Y2Si05
temperature properties is to post- the oxynitridc system involved, the and p-Y2Si207.
heat-treat thc ceramic material to maximum nitrogen content is esti- Crystallization of thc glassy grain-
promote crystallization of the glassy mated to be 15 to 30 at.%, implying boundary phase in SiAlON ceramics
phase. It has been shown that the one nitrogen atom for every three is one way of improving the high-
ability to fully crystallize the glassy to six oxygcn anions. Therefore, the temperature propcrtics up to about
phase depends on the overall ma- concentrations of nitrogen that can 1300°C. T h e eutectic temperatures
terial composition in relation to that be incorporated into a homogeneous are rarely much higher than 1300°C
of the formed SiAlON phase(s) and oxynitride glass tend to favor the in metal-SiAION systems, but a
the potential crystalline phase in the primary crystallization of oxide- search is going on for improvcd re-
actual Mc-Si-AI-0-N system.""-84 silicate species. Thc crystallization fractoriness w i t h new or mixed
There are also kinetic factors which path in intergranular regions of oxide combinations of
may inhibit complete crystallization; oxide-dopcd Si3N2 materials during
e.g., nucleation kinetics may be im- post-hcat-treatment may also be dif-
February 1992 SiAlON Ceramics 273

metal-cutting operations at high tem-

peratures. 0.16 1-0.16l f
(2) SiAION as a Milling Medium -E 0.12 z l
D 0.12

SiAlON materials perform excellently g
in a number of wear applications. Wear v)
3 008
occurs by several mechanisms, but in -g 0.08 -
this example a hard material is milled z E
by a hard milling medium, and abrasive 20, 0.04 2 004

wear will therefore be of prime impor-

0 n
tance. In this application an (a+p)- AS92 AS99 SY70 AS92 AS99 SY70
SiAlON material with a high content of (A) (5)
a-SiAION is t h e natural choice for
milling bodies because of t h e high
hardness combined with acceptable
fracture toughness of the material.
Ceramic powders, such as Z r 0 2 ,
Al2O3,or Si3N4,can also be milled by
traditional balls of sintered alumina. If
commerical, low-cost 92% to 94% a h -
mina balls are used in a vibratory high-
energy mill, there occurs considerable
wear and "contamination" from thc Y
AS92 AS99 SY70 AS92 AS99 SY70
alumina balls, which can be of t h e (C) (D)
order of up to 0.5 wt% for normally
Fig. 17. Weight loss of ceramic milling balls in a vibro energy mill using alcohol slurries
used milling times (10 to 30 h). This of high-purity (A) Si3N4and (B) AlzOi powders.""' Ceramic materials in the balls are 92%
is a substantial contamination of the alumina-silica (AS92), 99% alumina-silica (AS99), and Y-doped (cu+p)-SiAION (SY70).
milled powder, which cannot always be Chemical analysis of the contamination of t h e milled powders is given as (C) aluminum
acceptcd. By using a SiAlON milling and (D) silicon contents.
medium t h e wear and consequently
t h e contamination c a n be reduced
considerably. between the SiAlON material and the
The effect of using 10-mm balls in a copper metal.hx Dies in practical use
vibro energy mill using alcohol slurrics for copper alloys havc performed well
of high-purity Si3N4 or A1203 is illus- and are better than the traditionally
trated in Fig. 17.'"" Two gradcs o f used Stellite metal tools (Stoody De-
alumina have been used: a 92% alumi- loro Stcllite, Inc., Industry, CA), for
na-silica-type and a 99% alumina- which the lower metal wear resistance
silica-type. These are compared with with concomitant loss of dimension
an (a+B)-SiAlON material. The weight tolerances is a problem.
loss of the SiAlON milling media is The situation is quite different, how-
lower, both in the case of Si3N4 and ever, if copper oxide ( C u 2 0 ) is mixed
A1203 powders, as shown in Figs. 17 with the copper metal, because con-
(A) and (B), respectively. Subsequent siderable attack is seen after very short
chemical analysis of the milled slurries heating times.h8 A complex reaction
shows that the contamination lcvels of takes place at the contact zone. This
aluminum in the Si3N4 slurry are very situation, however, never occurs in
low using SiAlON milling media com- metal forming where oxides a r e
pared with that using alumina balls (cf. avoided, but must be stressed as an
Fig. 17(C)). Similarly, the contamina- important limiting factor for other
tion of silicon was chemically analyzed applications.
in the Al2O3 slurry and was found
(4) SiAlON in Metal-Cutting Tools
to be of the order 2 ppm of silicon per
hour in the case of using SiAlON balls Metal-cutting tool inserts are used
(cf. Fig. 17(D)). Thus, especially when for turning, milling, drilling, and other
milling Si3N4 powder mixtures with operations in the fabrication of metal
SiAlON balls, t h e low wear of t h e components by machining."'~7'~y~~"~'~"'?
SiAlON milling media results in a T h e ceramic inserts are cxposed t o
low contamination level in the milled both stress and chemical aggression at
powder. very high temperatures at the tip of the
tool. Heat due to friction and distortion
(3) SiAlON in Metal-Forming Tools of the metal chip can build up tempera-
SiAlON materials have been used in turcs locally to well above 1200°C. The
metal wire- or tube-drawing tools for rate of chemical reaction between
non-ferrous alloys, especially alu- ceramic, metal, and atmosphere can be
minum and copper a110ys.".y55-yxSiAlON extremely fast if the wrong material is
ceramics that have been in contact used. A large thermal gradient is also
with thcsc metals for long times at ele- found in the ceramic insert, and very
vated temperatures show no reaction in rapid temperature fluctuations of sev-
the absence of oxygen or metal oxidcs eral h u n d r e d degrees might c a u s e
that can act as fluxing agents in form- microcracking by thermal fatigue.
ing new metal-SiAION glasses. No re- A1203 cutting tools were commcr-
action is observed at the contact zone cially introduced on a larger scale dur-
214 Journal of the American Ceramic Society - EkJtriim and Nygren Vol. 15,No. 2

ing the late 19SOs, but they were not It is difficult to find a universal ma-
vcry succcssful because of poor reli- terial that works well in all the diffrent
ability duc to low toughncss and inade- turning or milling operations. Instead,
quate thermal shock resistance. T h e in every operation, the workpiece ma-
AI2O3-bascd cutting tools have now terials and thc cutting conditions need
entered a ncw application era in the to be tested against the available ce-
form of different composite materials. ramics. Here the group of SilNl mate-
The first generation of composites were rials and their composites offer a great
t h e Tic- or TiN-particle-reinforced advantage because of the wide variety
Feed 0 3 mmlrev
A120i materials, and the latcst devel- of ceramics available. Hot-pressed, low-
Depth of cut 20 mml o p m e n t is S i c - w h i s k e r - r e i n f o r c e d doped SiiN4 ceramics have generally
AlzOi cutting tools.’* In many applica- performed very well for the machining
tions, however, Si3N4 materials could of cast iron in the automotive industry,
0 10 20 30
Cutting time (min) offer an alternative to or even a sub- but prcssureless-sintered (a+P)-
stantial improvement upon the Al;Oi- SiAlON is an attractive low-cost alter-
Fig. 18. C o n t i n u o u s turning of gray c a s t based cutting-tool inscrts. In general native (See Fig. 18).
iron w i t h di f f er ent Si3N4-based m a te ria ls .
it is the combination of toughness, Heat-resistant or aerospace alloys
F l a n k w e a r of the c u t t i n g tool is plotte d as
a function of cutting time.'"^"" strength, and thermal shock resistance are known to be among the most diffi-
that results in good performance. cult materials to machine, and the origi-
nally used cemented carbide in the
cutting-tool inserts has been replaced
by ceramic materials. A120i-based ce-
ramics were first used, but it has been
found that SiAlONs work extremely
well for nickel-based superalloy ma-
~ h i n i n g . * ” ~ ~Pressureless-sintered
”” p-
SiAlON materials perform better than
HIPed P-Si3N4 ceramics in this appli-
e pSi3N4 I cation, and the longest tool life is ob-
0 0.1 0.2 03 04 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
tained for (a+P)-SiAlON materials
il ( 0 + p) ratio o : ( w + ~ )ratio
(see Fig. 19).
(4 (6)

Fig. 19. Rel at i ve t ot al tool life i n c o n t i n u o u s t u r n i n g of t w o nickel-based superalloys:

(A) Incoloy 901 and (B) Inc one l 718 ( H u n t i n g t o n Alloy P r o d u c t Division, I n t e r n a t i o n a l
Nickel Co., H u n t i n g t o n , WV).2”,b‘’

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Thommy C. Ekstrom is Manager of the a full-time Adjunct Professor in the

Ceramics R&D Department of AB Department of Inorganic Chemistry,
Sandvik Hard Materials, Sweden, and Stockholm University, and, as chairman
part-time Professor of Chemistry of of the working committee of the newly
Ceramics in the Inorganic Chemistry initiated Powder Technology Center of
Department of Stockholm University, Stockholm, will coordinate industrial
Sweden. He has a broad scientific research toward this center which is com-
background with 24 years of practical ex- prised of the major materials research in-
periences in different governmental and stitutes in Stockholm. He received his
industrial analytical o r research Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry in 1975 at
laboratories within Sweden. Dr. Ekstrom Stockholm University, where his thesis
has worked with Sandvik AB since 1980 work was on ternary-transition-metal ox-
in a wide range of materials research, in- ide systems with molybdenum or tungsten
cluding cemented carbide, but has been as one of the major elements.
concentrating on ceramic materials since
1984, especially the silicon nitride-based
ceramics. Dr. Ekstrom will soon become

Mats E. Nygren is Professor of Material United States, France, England, and Ger-
Chemistry at the University of many. He is presently a delegate on the
Stockholm, Sweden. Dr. Nygen earned board of directors of the research pro-
his BSc. and Ph.D. in chemistry from the gram for high-T, superconductors in
University of Stockholm and has been Sweden.
employed by the University since 1975.
He is author or coauthor of more than
90 publications and has conducted
research in a wide variety of fields, in-
cluding ceramic materials, metal-
insulator transitions, solid electrolytes,
amorphous metals, and high-T, super-
conductors. He has also been involved in
development of various types of thermal
and electrical measuring apparatus. Dr.
Nygren has for various periods of time
worked at different laboratories in the

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