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Examination Normal Values Findings Analysis

WBC 3.98-10.04 7.14 Normal
RBC 3.93-5.22 4.56 Normal
HGB 11.2-15.7 11.7 Normal
HCT 34.1-44.9 35.6 Normal
MCV 79.4-94.8 78.1 Normal
MCH 25.6-32.2 25.7 Normal
MCHC 32.2-35.5 32.9 Normal
PLT 182-369 26.9 Normal
RDW-SD 36.4-46.3 36.9 Normal
RDW-CV 11.7-14.4 13.0 Normal
PDW 79
MPV 9.4-12.3 8.2 Normal
P-LCR 11.4
PCT 0.22
NEUT% 34.0-71.1 68.2 Normal
IU% 0.1
LYMPH% 19.3 23.9 Normal
MONO% 4.7-12.5 78 Normal
EO% 0.7-5.8 0.0 Normal
BASO% 0.1-1.2 0.1 Normal

Radtech Report “CXR”

Chest Pedia

Faint opacities seen at the inner lung zones

Heart is not enlarged

Rest of the study is unreadable


Consider Interstitial Pneumonia

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