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Flwtagropltic IAterputaJ.ion by GEORGF. KARGER

Uilliard: "4 tleight oj hand,,/fIr when most bop are mfHIlpuIaling

m«rble,,~ Scame know. every turn aRd twut hI hU an!1 . . .
I lun:, yet to see lUlyOnP who SurpnUP.lI SCl1rntt in Qriginality
aoo sheer linin ollumd."

The pint i .. simple and direct. There are no complicated sleight I..
The mOVe6 are natural. Everything is ~1(,4n aua above board. Thereia
UlPjf the beauty.
Scurne shOWiI you a logical reason for .wery action. H~ hall l«)
simplified the working that you 1'Ic'iU rfiJuire little praetit'e to learn from
tbe dPAr pbotcgrephs how to perform thilJ mlrMWOWl ~lYec1.

(Jiilng two ordinar~; decks ~ith hacks of dillerent design, i:lp«tt.ator
t;hufHes one deck while peeforesee shuffles the other, At no dme does
performer IOUf~h spp.r.Iator·s m,('.k. Sppctafbl' ruts hh tlPr.k three timlM,
f'i{1ch time i1xchnnging II card Jcilh pprlormer.
When both elbbcn-epeeed their decks" a miracle i$ ecccmplfshed -
each time spectator and performer rurn up one of the three totrtmger
card. in their deeka, the cu~s turn out lo be alike - a knm-uut triple
coincidence. Berh flecks are left on table foe examination.

Uu~ two decks with backs of contra&ting deefgn,
From deck 4:;1 which will laler be used by epectetcr, l"t'mo\'~ any
three card.. and ins.ert them into diftt::l"ctll pUt't. of deck #2whicll wilJ. be
used by perfurmer. From deck #2 seleer the duplicate. of lheK three
eard.s and place them on lop of deck #2, Put thi~ deck in il,f ease and
in peeket.

T~ ,t<t.tlr
tlft1t4n<e the iJl1l1ttivprteu qf 'hi' tri<k. Scorne ,Ironet,. f~"".. ~nd.
IMI rtIU Ulili1 At a lor/cw-up GJI~r r,m ktwe dune U/U" HI' 'fltJWtd ".rJ. 'rid"" with
d~ #1 (Ullhirh. i" "unw; ,#UN' "Gr.1,).


Request spectator- to shuffi., Deek :f,:-I whidl you h ave just been usill!! for -;iOIlIl' otflt,,. car-d vIT<:t'I,
Take (Jul D,',..k .=2 {rom p\.Jekel end riffie·shuffit" it fw:r up un taMe (Iht' reasun heing I" prt'vf>ul "1If'f'tatm
from sef'in~ th .. h:u'k"~ of the 1hrel! i'ltrangt'r ;'ar&,,). fk> .,Inp nol to dhturb thl;' three lop I'nl'd!< {whidl ;)N
now Ott OOWHll in..a sm uch (IS the deck is face Oil).
Aflt>l" ~'l1U heve holh f'flmplf'fpd '!huff'lin!!: ~ 11f>('k& turn ~ollr pack f.~c-t' down, hQldiuj! it '-'1'0 in po;;itl'Hl
ror dealin!! end push top card off onto table. ftequhl:! specuuor 10 cut his ,lo:-ek lUi:"lflll:r~-, h,:'s. TOll...
the cart! at fhl' Jwint '""here speetutur- cut and place it on top of your deek , Then placr- th ... ('arll, whir-h
)UU pushed nJT onto tahle, in Ihf' 'lam!" place ,",,'ht'rt' ~tlU rf'muvt'f! lht" card from ;;.pf>i"lator's deck. Ht''1I1I''$1
"pf'Nahir to es-place llppi'r stork on fowN "lock. Ih('rell~. bllr~-ill:': ~ou,r ('ani somewh..r-e in hi* deck.
At this puint N~qucsl spectetce 10 ~humt' his Jeck tlUJflHlghly. In the mf>antirrH', s-ur vonr Il.. rk ll,.ill~
l!llt>i,l!ht A or R in orlfl",r 10 msmenrer sppr,alof's card '0 tJu' iWUmn wilholtl tiiMUrMng tllf' two top cards,
Repeat lite ahcve peoceduee twice. eeeh time- pushing ofT une 0/ your lop ''fINbi until table an.I t'"dlang.
in~ dU'lJl wilh hp(~lalut"s l'aras,

Spectator 'nnn- has three Mranger eatds separated in dlff'ec-em purl" of his lkek. 'iQU ha"(' Illl:" thlldinol,'",
of these three t'anb separ-ated in ~{jur tit'<'&. and the thrpe indifJf'fNlI r"rriP; t)n the ""Hom.

Speetetor is requested to pluee his tll't'k on tahle. Pluce :,'our der-k 011 top of hi". H"fJUt'",t ~!w,'tator 10
separete the two tIN'k ..< (You haH!' thu~ ~nbtly di~p.t",e-tl uf the ,hr('(' indlffereut Nlnh),
Each om- ribbon-:iprl"adll his deck (Fig. 6). -"'\o'\< puilll out thai each tlf'"k hal' Ihr_ "lr.lIlj!.. r '';It.l,,,.
Take ad... anlagt' of the I\ituatinn In build up the- t'ffecl 10 a ~'al'lllng finish, Emphuelae that spt"-1u",r
..hufflf:fI his deck in the bE-gitming to hi!; heart"!> content, that you hdY" at tW tiltH' low,lwd hi!; ,h... k ; Ilml
he chose any thre-e cards al Muuknn h~ cutting: th e deck wher-eve-r h .. llt'liir.. d. \Vhilt' ~'rr-f<i~ill~ 111l'~t' Jl{Jjlll~.
setae lite uppurlunit'~, to gHmp6f' al two of Ih.. ilrang.. r ear-ds in yUhI' .I("<:'k, h)' pullin;!! lIlt' Ih,',·\· $li;::hll~
out of ltne, a .. If to . .~ thRll _ . .d out a liltle- better fr-om ilw rest of llw deek.
Request speets!or to turn u-"~r ont' of hi", i'i'rtm~f!r card",. 'low ,,[owly lurn O"','r tit", (';\nl Ihal wah·h e-",
hi". Earh lim... bj'H!'("tatot' lurns OH~'r OD~ of Ihe r<:'lllaiuiug 9tI'lmger cartts, )"9" (.i.ek out tit<" ,iuJllit,tll...utll
s{Qu.'i-y IU1"n il V\'(':'I:'. Tlt1U.," bork~ul lriplf",

T.eave both tk-da OIl l-abk- in !he event e-caminetlun is deHiTl'l1.


H6ldlfl~ ~oue del,"k i,q Id't Itaad.. "oilh SJ>fi'talor's raro fin top, righl hand undercuts ;a ptlrlilJll. (II I!J('
udioo of pladng und.. rrut part _ lOp. ript hand little fin)!er !>U~hES off' lht~ speclatu("!!l card slightJr (Fig.
11. iO thai when ~·ou pl~ thlt: ua~t pul1ion on top of and in lin.. with fhl' pU!!.hNI-of( carll, ,--on fllrm
S $Iep IFig. 2. t><ize uf "Iep e:\;~lf!'d (or darit:!-·). Then nndt>t'eU! 10"''''1'' part (Fiilt. 3), pla('I' it un 1111' liud
Sfluare up (1t>('k.

\ou haH' thUii manru\'rrM thr .apt"('fatoT's card IQ the IwthJm withQut disturiJinJ! Ihe tlt'O lop l'urlI..

:-<peclator'~ r.ud. ",'hittlt is ... top of y_r ~k.. i~ pushed off sli,2:ht1y \rith eight h:md «ri51 fingt>r ('f'
--l-). Ri~hf hahd Utult"tTUlS (F'lfl\' 5) JUld pI.-:n; unMrt"ul porliun on top of and in line with pushed-off Cit
forming a :.;Iep (rtg. 2). '\\4\"" uu~t IO_1"!" part (Fig:. 3), place it on lop aud squa,.~ up derk.
In this Hlunl\<!'r. ,you ha" It ali<O m:.neu\,,,.n-d >-pedalOf"<!i c-,ar-d to ,he /lollnm withQut disturbillg
11!(J ,·ar"d.'!.

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