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Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

B.Sc. Honours Degree in Engineering

End Semester Examination

Year 2, Semester II (2019)

CE2610 – Water Resources and Environmental


Duration: 2 Hours + 10 minutes reading time

October 2019

Additional material

Instructions to Candidates:

 This paper contains four (04) questions on five (05) pages including the cover page.
Answer ALL questions.
 End semester examination contributes to 60% of total marks of the module.
 This is a closed book examination.
 Mobile phones and other electronic devices are not permitted.

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Question 1 (25 marks)

i) State (03 marks)

ii) State objectives (04 marks)
iii) (a) Using a sketch, identify (05 marks)
(b) Identify (05 marks)
(c) Using sketches, briefly explain.
(08 marks)

Question 2 (25 marks)

i) State (04 marks)

(a) Calculate . (08 marks)
(b) Calculate (04 marks)
(c) Which? Give reasons (05 marks)
(d) Giving reasons, identify. (04 marks)

You may use the following equation with usual notations;

BODt = BODu.(1- e(-kt)) (Eq. 2-1)

Question 3 (20 marks)

i) Calculate. (04 marks)

ii) Calculate (08 marks)
iii) Calculate (04 marks)
iv) comment (06 marks)
v) What (03 marks)

You may use the following equations with usual notation;

where θ=1.135 (Eq. 3-1)

BODt = BODu.(1- e(-kt)) (Eq. 3-2)

where Tf is the final temperature of the mixture (Eq. 3-3)

(Eq. 3-2) (Eq. 3-2) (Eq. 3-4)

Question 4 (25 marks)

i) Estimate (10 marks)

ii) Estimate (07 marks)
iii) Estimate (04 marks)
iv) Calculate (04 marks)

You may use the following equations with usual notation;

With Usual notations;

(Eq. 4-1)

(Eq. 4-2)

(Eq. 4-3)

𝑡0 = (Eq. 4-4)

End of the Question Paper


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