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The right to form or join a labor

3. SAMAHAN NG MANGGAGAWA V. BLR organization necessarily includes the right to

refuse or refrain from exercising the said
SUMMARY: SAMAHAN filed an application right. It is self-evident that just as no one

for registration of the name “Samahan ng should be denied the exercise of a right
Mga Manggagawa sa Hanjin Shipyard” with granted by law, so also, no one should be
the DOLE, but Hanjin filed a petition praying compelled to exercise such a conferred right.

for the cancellation of registration of DOCTRINE: As Article 246 (now 252) of the

SAMAHAN’s association on the ground that Labor Code provides, the right to self-
its members did not fall under any of the organization includes the right to form, join
types of workers enumerated in the second or assist labor organizations for the purpose

sentence of Article 243. Hanjin filed a of collective bargaining through

supplemental petition, adding that the representatives of their own choosing and to

alternative ground that SAMAHAN engage in lawful concerted activities for the
committed misrepresentation in connection same purpose for their mutual aid and
with the list of members and/or voters who protection.; The right to form or join a labor

took part in the ratification of their organization necessarily includes the right to
constitution and by-laws in its application for refuse or refrain from exercising the said
registration. DOLE Regional Director and CA right. It is self-evident that just as no one

ruled to cancel. Main issue is WoN Samahan should be denied the exercise of a right

can form a worker’ association of employees granted by law, so also, no one should be
in Hanjin. The Court ruled in the affirmative compelled to exercise such a conferred right.
stating that the right to self-organization
includes the right to form a union, workers’ 4. ATLAS LITHOGRAPHIC SERVICES INK V.
association, and labor management councils. UNDERSECRETARY LAGUESMA

In the case at bench, the Court cannot

sanction the opinion of the CA that Samahan SUMMARY: The supervisory, administrative

should have formed a union for purposes of personnel, production, accounting and
collective bargaining instead of a worker’s confidential employees of the ALSI affiliated
association because the choice belonged to with Kaisahan ng Manggagawang Pilipino
(Kampil-Katipunan), a national labor intent of the law is clear especially where, as

organization. Kampil-Katipunan filed on in the case at bar, the supervisors will be co-
behalf of the “supervisors” union a petition mingling with those employees whom they
for certification election so that it could be directly supervise in their own bargaining

the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of unit.

the supervisory employees. ALSI opposed
Kampil-Katipunan’s petition claiming that 5. TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS V. TAGAYTAY

under Art. 245 of the Labor Code, Kampil- HIGHLANDS UNION

Katipunan cannot represent the supervisory

employees for collective bargaiing purposes SUMMARY: A petition for certification
because Kampil-Katipunan also represents election was filed by THEU with the Med-

the rank-and-file employees’ union. The Arbiter which was opposed by THIGCI. The
issue in this case is WoN there was a latter argued that that the list of union

violation of the respondent’s right to self- members was fatally defective because: (a) it
organize. included the names and signatures of
The court ruled in the negative. There is no supervisors, resigned, terminated, and AWOL

violation of such a guarantee to the employees; (b) employees of The Country

employees. Club, Inc., a separate corporation from
DOCTRINE: Supervisors are not prohibited THIGCI; and (c) that out of the 192

from forming their own union. What the law signatories to the petition, only 71 were

prohibits is their membership in a labor actual rank-and-file employees. THIGCI also

organization of rank-and-file employees (Art. alleged that some signatures were procured
245, Labor Code) or their joining a national through fraud and it also submitted
federation of rank-and-file employees that handwritten denials and withdrawals of some
includes the very local union which they are of the employees participating. Lastly, they

not allowed to directly join. The prohibition alleged that some signatures were procured
extends to a supervisors' local union through fraud and it also submitted

applying for membership in a national handwritten denials and withdrawals of some

federation the members of which include of the employees participating. On the other
local unions of rank-and-file employees. The hand, THEU asserted that it was already
granted a Certification of Affiliation by DOLE. disagrees with THIGCI. After a certificate of

Med-Arbiter Bactin upheld the arguments of registration is issued to a union, its legal
THEU, saying that the documents submitted personality cannot be subject to collateral
show that THEU is a legitimate labor attack. It may only be questioned in an

federation and the chapter was duly independent petition for cancellation. Again,
reported as an affiliate chapter. THIGCI for the argument that some signatures were
appealed to the Office of the DOLE Sec and obtained through fraud, THIGCI should have

the latter reversed the Med-Arbiter’s order, filed a petition for cancellation of the

stating that there is a clear absence of certificate of registration, and not to

community or mutuality of interests. THEU invervene in a petition for certification
filed an MR and DOLE Usec Dimalipis-Baldoz election. For the issue regarding the alleged

reversed the aforementioned order, withdrawal of union members, jurisprudence

upholding the statements of the Med- has declared that the best forum for

Arbiter. The issue is W/N THIGCI can determining such retractions is in the
collaterally attack THEU’s legitimacy? No certification election itself.
because THEU is already regognized as a DOCTRINE: Since THEU was already issued a

legtimiate labor union. Art. 245 of the Labor certificate of registration, its personality
Code expressly prohibits supervisory cannot be attacked collaterally.
employees from forming a union with rank-

and-file employees, but it doesn’t state the 6. SAN MIGUEL CORP UNION V. SAN

effect if a rank-and-file union counts MIGUEL PACKAGING PRODUCTS

supervisory employees as members, and EMPLOYEES
vice-versa. Jurisprudence has held that a
labor organization composed of both types SUMMARY: SMCE is the incumbent
of employees is not a labor organization at bargaining agent of the bargaining unit of

all. Now, THIGCI argues that before even the three divisions of San Miguel
allowing a certification election, there is a Corporation. SMPP was a registered chapter

need to inquire into the composition of any of PDMP, a registered trade union. SMPP
labor organization whenever its status is filed three petitions to represent the three
challenged based on Art. 245. The SC divisions of San Miguel Corporation, but was
dismissed. SMCE, afterwards, filed a petition DOCTRINE: Under the pertinent status and

to cancel the registration of SMPP as a applicable implementing rules, the power

legitimate labor organization, on the granted to labor organizations to directly
grounds of fraid, falsification, and non- create a chapter or local through chartering

compliance with registration requirements, is given to a federation or national union,

specifically, submitting a list of 20% of the HOWEVER it not expressly given to a trade
members of the bargaining unit it seeks to union center, thus such is without authority

represent. SMCE also claims that PDMP to charter directly.

cannot make a local chapter as it is a trade

union. The DOLE Regional Director ruled that 7. THE HERITAGE HOTEL V. PINAG-ISANG
PDMP is allowed to make a local chapter, but GALING AT LAKAS

SMPP did not follow the 20% requirement.

SMPP appealed to the BLR, and the BLR SUMMARY: In 2000, certain rank and file

ruled that SMPP is not required to comply employees of the Heritage Hotel Manila
with the 20% requirement. The CA affirmed formed Heritage Hotel Employees Union
the ruling of the BLR. The issue before the SC (HHE union) which was issued a certificate of

is whether SMPP is required to submit the registration by DOLE-NCR. The union later
number of employees and names of all its filed for a petition for certification election
members comprising at least 20% of the which was opposed by Heritage Hotel on the

employees in the bargaining unit where it basis of misrepresentation. The hotel alleges

seeks to operate. YES. although PDMP as a that the union intentionally omitted the fact
trade union center is a legitimate labor that it was actually a local chapter of a
organization, it has no power to directly national union NUWHRAIN. Moreover,
create a local or chapter. Thus, SMPP cannot Heritage Hotel filed a petition for
be created under the more lenient cancellation of the HHE union’s registration

requirements for chartering, but must have certificate. While the Med-Arbiter granted
complied with the more stringent rules for HHE’s petition, when the case reached the

creation and registration of an independent CA a writ of injunction was issued against

union, including the 20% membership holding HHE union’s certification election
requirement. until the petition for the cancellation of HHE
union’s registration has been resolved with granted a registration certificate, the union

finality. only needed 20% of the bargaining unit or

In 2003, another union was formed called 50 members. Thus, the discrepancy of 90 to
PIGLAS union which was also issued a 128 would not make a difference. Such

registration certificate. Two months later, discrepancy is immaterial.

HHE union filed for a cancellation of their There was also an issue on dual unionism
union registration. PIGLAS union also filed a where Heritage Hotel claimed that one

petition for certification election. This was cannot be a member of two unions. The SC

opposed by Heritage Hotel on the basis that ruled that since HHE union was dissolved.
the members of PIGLAS are the same as Such is moot and academic.
those in HHE, and that the former was made DOCTRINE: The charge that a labor

in order to circumvent the injunction against organization committed fraud and

the latter. Moreover, Heritage Hotel filed a misrepresentation in securing its registration

petition to cancel the union registration on is a serious charge and deserves close
the basis of misrepresentation as can be scrutiny. It is serious because once such
gleaned in documents submiited by PIGLAS charge is proved, the labor union acquires

(See Fact #13). The lower courts dismissed none of the rights accorded to registered
the petition. Hence, this petition for review organizations.
under 45. The issue is W/N there was

mispresentation in the case. The SC ruled NO 8. EAGLE RIDGE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB V.

there isn’t. While there certainly are CA

discrepancies in the number of members
stated in the documents, the discrepancies SUMMARY: On Dec. 6, 2005, about 26 or at
can be explained. While only 90 members least 20% of the rank-and-file employees of
responded in the roll call at the beginning of Eagle Ridge had a meeting where they

the meeting, it cannot be assumed that the organized themselves into a labor union,
number of attendees did not increase as the EREU. They then applied for registration and

meeting went on –as reflected in the this was granted by the DOLE Regional
signature sheet for attendance-- because the Office IV. Afterwards, the union filed a
meeting was 12 hours long. Further, to be petition for certification election. Eagle Ridge
(employer) opposed. First, it opposed the was complied with. Discrepancies were

petition for certification election alleging sufficiently explained: the 4 people were
misrepresentation, false statements and/or admitted 2 days after the meeting. Thus, as
fraud. It said that (a) the application said 30 of the date of application for registration,

members, but in the minutes of the meeting, there were 30 members. There is also a
there were only 26 members; (b) there was a distinction between Art. 234(b) and (c). (b)
discrepancy between the certification issued requires submission of the meetings and the

by the Union Secretary and the President, list of participants. (c) merely requires the

which said that 25 members ratified the names of all union members comprising the
Constitution and by-laws, and the fact that 20%. These are different cause the number
there were 26 signatures (so may isang of participants in the meeting does not neet

forged daw), (c) and 5 employees executed to be the same number of members in total.
affidavits claiming that it was just a drinking The infirmity with the 4 members was

spree and that they were not aware of what explained. Any infirmity should be viewed in
they signed. Then another one executed an favor of valid membership. The difference
affidavit later on. So Eagle Ridge was saying with the 25/26 ratifying members was a

that the number of employees now falls typographical error. The affidavits of
below the 20% threshold. They also filed a retraction were inadmissible as evidence.
petition for cancellation of certificate of And even so, without them, the 20%

registration on the same grounds. The DOLE threshold would still be met. Lastly, the two

Regional Director favored Eagle Ridge. BLR petitions had the same grounds.
ruled in favor of EREU. The CA denied the DOCTRINE: Art. 234[c] requires the list of
appeal of Eagle Ridge saying that the names of all the union members of an
allegations were without any basis. The issue INDEPENDENT UNION comprising at least
in this case is WoN there was fraud and/or 20% of the bargaining unit. This should not

misrepresentation on the part of the union, be equated with the list of workers who
warranting the cancellation of its certificate participated in the organizational meetings

of registration. SC held no. The union (Art.234 [b]). Subsequent affidavits of

submitted the required documents. The retraction (withdrawal of membership) will
mandatory minimum of 20% membership not retroact to the time of application for
registration or even way back to the findings of the Med-Arbiter. Issues: 1.

organizational meeting. Whether or not the Unions charter certificate

must be certified under oath? No. Section 1,
9. SAMAHANG MANGGAGAWA V. CHARTER D.O. No. 9, series of 1997 requires that a

CHEMICAL charter certificate be under oath. However, in

San Miguel Corporation case, which was
SUMMARY: Petitioner union filed a petition decided under D.O. No. 9, Series of 1997, we

for certification election among the regular ruled that it was not necessary for the charter

rank-and-file employees of Charter Chemical certificate to be certified and attested by the

and Coating Corporation (respondent) with local/chapter officers, since it does not make
the Mediation Arbitration Unit of the DOLE, sense to have the local/chapters officers

National Capital Region. On April 14, 1999, certify or attest to a document which they
respondent company filed an Answer with had no hand in the preparation of. In

Motion to Dismiss on the ground that accordance with this ruling, petitioner unions
petitioner union is not a legitimate labor charter certificate need not be executed
organization because of (1) failure to comply under oath. Consequently, it validly acquired

with the documentation requirements set by the status of a legitimate labor organization
law, and (2) the inclusion of supervisory upon submission of (1) its charter certificate,
employees within petitioner union. The Med- (2) the names of its officers, their addresses,

Arbiter agreed with the respondent and its principal office, and (3) its constitution

company. Though the DOLE disagreed with and by-laws the last two requirements
the Med-Arbiter on its findings regarding the having been executed under oath by the
documentation requirements and the proper union officials as borne out by the
inclusion of supervisory employees in the records. 2. Whether or not the mingling of
union, it ruled that the petitioner union did supervisory employees with rank and file

not file its petition on time. Another union employees nullifies the legal personality of
(Pinag isang lakas manggagawa), the union? After a labor organization has

supposedly, had filed a petition for been registered, it may exercise all the rights
certification election and its petition has been and privileges of a legitimate labor
decided with finality. The CA upheld the organization. Any mingling between
supervisory and rank-and-file employees in SUMMARY: YEU filed a petition for

its membership cannot affect its legitimacy certification election. On the other hand, YTPI
for that is not among the grounds for filed a petition for revocation of YEU’s
cancellation of its registration, unless such registration based on alleged

mingling was brought about by misrepresentation, false statement, or fraud

misrepresentation, false statement or fraud committed by YEU. YTPI alleged, among
under Article 239 of the Labor Code. As a others, that YEU fraudulently included the

result, petitioner union was not divested of signature of a certain Pineda in the

its status as a legitimate labor organization organizational documents and that YEU
even if some of its members were fraudulently obtained the employees’
supervisory employees; it had the signatures by making them believe that they

right to file the subject petition for were signing a petition for increade in the
certification election. Petition granted. minimum wage, not a petition for

DOCTRINE: A Union’s charter certificate need registration. The Regional Office ruled in
not be executed under oath. A labor Union’s favor of YTPI and held that there was
personality cannot be collaterally attacked in misrepresentation. On appeal, BLR and CA

a certification election proceeding. The right both ruled in favor of YEU and held that YEU
to file a petition for certification election is did not commit fraud or misrepresentation.
accorded to a labor organization provided Hence, this petition. The issues are (1) WON

that it complies with the requirements of law the CA erred in finding that YEU did not

for proper registration. The inclusion of commit fraud or misrepresentation and (2)
supervisory employees in a labor WON the CA erred in holding that YTPI had
organization seeking to represent the the burden of proving that YEU committed
bargaining unit of rank-and-file employees fraud and misrepresentation. As regards the
does not divest it of its status as a legitimate first issue, the SC ruled that the

labor organization. determination of the existence of fraud or

misrepresentation is a question of fact which

10. YOKOHAMA TIRE PH, INC. V. is not reviewable by the SC unless the case
YOKOHOMA EMPLOYEES UNION falls under certain exceptions. The case does
not fall under exceptions which would
require the SC to review the facts of the case. those who participated in the organizational

As regards the second issue, the SC held that meeting, the adoption and ratification of its
YTPI, being the one which filed the petition Constitution and By-Laws, and in the election
for the revocation of YEU’s registration, had of officers mainly arguing that in an

the burden of proving that YEU committed organizational meeting of SALAMAT, only 68
fraud and misrepresentation. YTPI had the attendees signed the attendance sheet which
burden of proving the truthfulness of its comprised only 17% of the total number of

accusations—that YEU fraudulently failed to the 396 regular rank-and-file employees

remove Pineda’s signature from the which SALAMAT sought to represent, thus
organizational documents and that YEU failing to comply with the 20% minimum
fraudulently misrepresented that it membership requirement. SALAMAT denied

conducted an election of officers. the charge and countered that the 119 union
DOCTRINE: The charge that a labor members were more than the 20%

organization committed fraud and requirement for union registration. DOLE

misrepresentation in securing its registration Regional Director granted the petition for
is a serious charge and deserves close cancellation. BLR reversed the Order and

scrutiny. It is serious because once such found that Takata’s basis for the alleged
charge is proved, the labor union acquires non-compliance with the minimum
none of the rights accorded to registered membership requirement was the

organizations. Consequently, charges of this attendance of 68 members to the

nature should be clearly established by organizational meeting supposedly

evidence and the surrounding circumstances. comprising only 17% of the total 396 regular
rank-and-file employees. However, the list of
11. TAKATA PH V. BLR employees who participated in the
organizational meeting was a separate and

SUMMARY: Takata filed with the DOLE a distinct requirement from the list of the
Petition for Cancellation of the Certificate of names of members comprising at least 20%

Union Registration of SALAMAT on the of the employees in the bargaining unit and
ground of misrepresentation, false statement that there was no requirement for signatures
and fraud with respect to the number of
opposite the names of the union members. Article 234 (b) and (c) provide for separate

CA affirmed. requirements, which must be submitted for

The issue is whether SALAMAT is guilty of union’s registration, and which SALAMAT did
fraud and misrepresentation warranting the submit. Here, the total number of employees

cancellation of the union registration to in the bargaining

which the Court ruled in the negative. Article unit was 396 – 20% of which is 79. SALAMAT
234 of the Labor Code provides for the submitted a document entitled “Pangalan ng

requirements of registration of labor unions. Mga Kasapi ng Unyon” showing the names

It requires, among others, the names of its of 119 employees as union members. Thus,
officers, their addresses, the principal address SALAMAT sufficiently complied even beyond
of the labor organization, the minutes of the the 20% minimum membership requirement.

organizational meetings and the list of the DOCTRINE: For fraud and misrepresentation
workers who participated in such meetings. to be grounds for cancellation of union

Further, it provides that in case the applicant registration under Article 239 of the Labor
is an independent union, the names of all its Code, the nature of the fraud and
members comprising at least twenty percent misrepresentation must be grave and

(20%) of all the employees in the bargaining compelling enough to vitiate the consent of
unit where it seeks to operate. It does not the majority of union members.
appear in Article 234 (b) of the Labor Code

that the attendees in the organizational

meeting must comprise 20% of the

employees in the bargaining unit. It is only
Article 234 (c) that requires the names of all
its members comprising at least twenty
percent (20%) of all the employees in the

bargaining unit where it seeks to operate.

Clearly, the 20% minimum requirement

pertains to the employees' membership in

the union and not to the list of workers who
participated in the organizational meeting.

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