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泡芙教育 你的学习好伙伴


TEACHER : Dayana

TIME AND DATE: 09/30/2019 15:00-15:50


Fluency and Coherence

Ability to talk with normal levels of continuity, speech rate and effort, and to link the ideas and language together
in coherent and connected speech

Student: 5.0

You are willing to speak at length, though may lose coherence at times due to occasional repetition, self-correction
or hesitation,Make sure that you use a range of connectives and discourse markers appropriately to get at least
6.0. You are close. Trust yourself.

Lexical Resource
Using a range of words and paraphrasing, Using collocations Using less common vocabulary Avoiding errors

Student: 4.5

You need to have wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length. Make sure to use them appropriately. This
part can be your strength. Show your skills. But make sure your pronunciation is intelligible.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Using grammatical structures accurately and appropriately

Student: 4.5

You said: Nearly every day I walk in the playground.

Better: I walk daily SPECIFICALLY in the evening

You said: I walk in the evenings about 8 or 9 o’clock

Better: I prefer taking a walk at night.
泡芙教育 你的学习好伙伴

Ability to produce comprehensible utterances.

Student: 5.0

Problem [pruhb-lem]


1. Omit gap fillers.
2. Listen to the questions carefully.
3. Do not give limited responses to questions. Try to elaborate them as much as possible.
4. Don’t repeat the keywords of the question in your answer.
5. Always remember that you will be given only 1-2 minutes to talk about the task given. Maximize that as
much as possible.
6. Be mindful of the prepositions. Most of your prepositions were correct. However, there were some
prepositions that were used mistakenly.
7. Always follow the task outline but don’t focus on just one part of it. Remember that the task has to be
8. Do not say the outline as you answer the task. We want to sound spontaneous as much as we can.
9. Relax and focus.



- 2-3 sentences (warm up)
Idea - your opinion about the question.
泡芙教育 你的学习好伙伴

Start your answer with Yes, No, It depends

Reason - Explain your Idea

- Start your reason by : Because, cause, as, since

Do you like to send expensive gifts?
Idea – Definitely yes
Argument – because it is a way to show my best respect and love to others
What’s more it means that you really value someone especially your family and
Topic Practice:
Do you like to take photos?

Part 2: Introduction + Idea

= Length of 2 minutes would be best*

Introduction: Speaking of this topic, I would like to talk about (TOPIC)
泡芙教育 你的学习好伙伴

Idea – Guide Questions


Describe a time you received bad service at a shop or a restaurant.

You should say: ( guide questions)

 what goods or services you bought
 who you were with when you were served
 why you went there
 and explain how you felt about the service


Part 3

= 4- 5 sentences
泡芙教育 你的学习好伙伴

1 . Method = Idea + Reasons

Idea = (example: Yes / No)

Reasons (3 points)
a. Because –
b. What’s more -
c. In addition –
Topic Practice:

- What kinds of services are bad services?**

2. Comparing 2 things

Example: City and Countryside

a. City (give 2 points)
- Use: linking word: On the other hand / However
b. Countryside - (give 2 points)

Topic Practice;

Do young people in china prefer traveling with their friends or families?

Buying some time/ Stalling for time:

Thats an interesting/ difficult/ tough question…
泡芙教育 你的学习好伙伴

I have never really thought about it, but…

I dont know much about it but…

I have not given enough thought on that…

Well, not sure where should I start…


1. That's an interesting question and I would like to thank you for asking me this. I
believe that waste recycling is not a choice but a mandatory task.

2. I don't know much about it but from my personal experience, I can say that we should
focus on more pressing issues rather than wasting money on things that are yet to bring
any positive output.

3. I have not given enough thought on that but I feel the trend is not a good one.

Asking for help/ Asking to repeat something/ Asking for an

I am not sure what you meant by (…)
Could you please, say that in other words?
Could you please, repeat the question?
Do you mean……….?
I am sorry. Could you please, repeat that?
I beg your pardon…
Could you please repeat that…?
Could you please explain it to me in another way?
I did not quite get that. Did you mean…?

泡芙教育 你的学习好伙伴


Do you walk a lot?

Student Answer: Yes I do I walk a lot because my workplace is not far from my
apartment so I go my work place on foot every day.

Suggestion: Of course! I walk a lot for my workplace is just a walking distance from my
apartment so I always go to work on foot. This is also a form of exercise for me since
walking is a good way to relax before working.

Sample answer:

Itisashametosaythat I don’t walk often I use my bicycle to move around but I make
it a point to walk after dinner. I put effort in walking for it is the most basic form of
exercise though there are many ways in keeping healthy and fit but walking is the most
practical one.



 What is your favorite color?

 Is it important to focus on things?
 Can people focus on two different things at the same time?
泡芙教育 你的学习好伙伴

What is your favorite color?

1. Point – my favorite color is pink.
2. Reason – because pink color is cute.
3. Example:
a. Like for example in my case I use a lot of product in pink color like
Pink clothes which most of my friends see as cute whenever I wear these clothes
When I hang out with them in addition, I also use pink bags. Because this color is not
Only cute but it’s also gone well with any style of fashion you wear.
4. Conclusion – that is why my favorite color is pink

Is it important to focus on things?

1. point - absolutely yes
2. reason - by the fact that you can do better if you focus on something
3. example
a. for instance, one of your hobbies is drawing, when you focus on doing it and the more that you p
ractice you will be able to make better drawings that before. similar to my situation before when
I was studying chemistry there are alot of details that I need to remember fortunately because of
being able to concentrate on my classes I was able to get a high grade on the chemistry class.

4. conclusion – that’s why I think it’s important to focus

Can people focus on two different things at the same time?

1. point - I think it’s impossible
2. reason- because it will be challenging to do two things at the same time
3. example
a. like for example edward one of my friends who is studing IT, there was a time when he was revie
wing and at thesame time doing a program and,
in the end, there was a lot of error on the program that he made because he was not concentrati
ng enough on it. while in the other hand another friend of mind who is also a programmer did th
ose things one at a time and didn’t had any problem

4. conclusion – that’s why I think its impossible to do 2 things at a time

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