Narrative Report of Accomplishment in OJ

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Divine Word College of Legazpi

College of Business Education

Legazpi City

A Narrative Report of Accomplishment

in the On-The-Job-Training taken at
Willprint Graphics Centre, Inc. – Legazpi Branch
Washington Drive, Legazpi City, Albay

In Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements of the Course in


Submitted to:

Agnes Somera, MBA

Practicum Coordinator

Submitted by:
Erwin San Buenaventura Aguilar
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Operations Management

A.Y. 2014-2015

As one of the fourth year students undertaking the practicum subject as part of
the curriculum in the Business Administration in the College of Business Education, I
have been able to grab the opportunity to actually apply my academic training
experience for 400 hours to the workplace experience in the real world. The course has
provided me the venue to further enhance my knowledge and competencies in my
chosen field of specialization and future career objectives after graduation. As a student
trainee, I have been able to take advantage of the tools and skills I have been equipped
by my intensive academic formation in my school, the Divine Word College of Legazpi,
to be competent enough in pursuing the different opportunities available for us in the
outside world and to be able to contribute and actively participate in the endeavors of
actual work experience.

Practicum Experience

My objective was to be able to obtain an on-the-job-training position where I can

effectively apply my critical and analytical skills from my academic training experience
as a business administration student who has a special interest in the fields of operation
management. With this goal in mind, I pursued my application to be a student trainee at
the Willprint Graphics Centre, Inc. – Legazpi Branch. Fortunately, my application was
accepted. I was assigned in Pre-press Department to be part of Graphics and Layout
I started my on-the-job training in Willprint Graphics Centre, Inc. on November
10, 2014. Ma’am Cathy Santos as the Branch Manager gave me a brief orientation
regarding my 400-hour practicum under Pre-press Department where I will be handled
by Ma’am Margie Ajero, my Immediate Head as student trainee. I was introduced and
welcomed in the Pre-press Department where I met Sir Ariel Samalea, as the checker
of all the layouts and designs. He gave me an orientation regarding the duties and
responsibilities I have been tasked as their student trainee. Below is an enumeration of
the duties and responsibilities I was expected to accomplish during the schedule and
duration of my practicum.
1. Layout and design receipts, magazine, yearbooks, tarpaulins, invitations, etc.
2. Conduct daily calibration of software updates and internet connections.
3. Check and monitor the status of the released and finished jobs in the production
4. Entertain phone calls and customers regarding inquiries if some staffs are not
5. Checking and answer email inquiries.
6. Cleaning working station before and after the duty.
7. Coordinate with production staffs regarding the requisition of supply materials int
the pre-press department.

My schedule started from 8:00 to 10:00 in the morning and 1:00 to 4:30 in the
afternoon every Monday, Wednesday & Friday (MWF). 8:00 am to 2:30 pm every
Tuesday and Thursday (TTh), 8:00 am to 5:00 pm every Saturday. My first week at
Willprint was personally motivating and enhancing. I have been exposed to how the
printing-press publishes their magazines, receipts, etc. and how graphic artists exert
their creativity through graphics designing. I was also exposed to production area where
I learned how to consider and adjust designs of my layout including the exact
measurements that will fit to the off-set printing machine. I have been exposed to the
different clients of the company and how important their satisfactions, comments and
suggestions on the designs you have presented to them.
Since it was November and as Ma’am Cathy told me that it is one of the fixed or
in-demand seasons in all printing-press businesses, there are so many jobs and clients
that we need to cater, accept and entertain. Thus, she asked me if I’m willing to render
overtime from 7:00 to 11:00 in the evening from Monday to Friday every after my class
in Divine Word College of Legazpi. Due to my eagerness to finish my practicum as early
as January 2015, I decided to accept her offer.
I was invited in their Christmas Party on December 23, 2014 where I was
recognized and was given a gift for the valuable help and support during the fixed
Accomplishment and Contribution

My most important accomplishment and contribution from my practicum to the

Willprint Graphics Centre, Inc. – Legazpi Branch:
 Earned big projects and contracts through winning designs of yearbooks for Bicol
College Batch 2014 and Aquinas University High School Department.
 Encouraged and bring more clients to the company through advertising in my
blogs and different social accounts.
 Created and design document forms for the completion and accomplishment
reports of the employees.
 Fixed, updated, and calibrated all software as well as the internet connections for
faster and easy access to the web.

Competencies Gained and Learning Experience

I have gained further knowledge and skills in the actual operations of a printing
press business. I have also gained strategies on how to satisfy clients so that their
patronage to the company will create a long-term business relationship. The level of my
creativity was also lift-up and improved.

Impact to Field of Specialization

The on-the-job experience I have made in the Willprint Graphics Centre, Inc.
served as a motivation for me to improve myself and become better as a student of
business administration and an aspiring professional operations manager of the country
in the future. The impact that it has made in my field of specialization is that it
contributed to my realization in the significant role that operation manager plays is not
only to create profit to meet the financial-sales-quota but to create and give services
with quality as the relationship to clients strengthen as well as the environment of
working area/stations creates a tighter relationship with each other that helps for an
easy flow of all jobs.
The practicum experience is worth the time, effort and hard work. The short
period of time that I have spent in Willprint Graphics Centre, Inc. contributed a lot to the
increase in my awareness, understanding and practical application of my course. The
experience I have gained inspired me to always do good and always give the best of the
bests efforts.
The experience increased my commitment, competence and compassion as a
true Divinian and as a BSBA Major in Operations Management student who is soon to
become part of the society outside as a working professional.

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