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School of Business and Management

Institut Teknologi Bandung

Knowledge Management as one of the management concepts related to a real-life is very

important to be implemented in this new era. Prof. Dr. Ir. Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja, MSIE and

Mr. Donald Crestofel Lantu in their book "Knowledge Management Dalam Konteks Organisasi

Pembelajar" define a new era in three main problems (Speed change, complexity era, and

uncertain). Because of the rapid change of technology, the information becomes exploded and we

only have limited power. We need to mind the power to get a lot of knowledge. Meanwhile, in this

complexity era, the company only employed a smaller number of workers to enter the global

market without any constant and through the uncertainties, their income is decreasing and they

become skeptic with technology.

From this book, Mr. Tjakraatmadja and Mr. Lantu are concern about the development of

knowledge; with his brilliant mind, he found the solution to solve this problem. He believes by

increasing our knowledge we will survive in this globalization world, avoiding the same mistake

to lower the cost, make a better and faster decision, and he also adds manage the knowledge as a

formula to make a better country, especially Indonesia. The authors are very upset about

knowledge management in Indonesia, from his point of view to make this country becomes the

leader of the world we need change, learn, and knowledge. The main problem of why is this

country hard to compete with others is because Indonesia cannot learn from the past and only

concern about their interests without thinking about the whole national welfare.

Reformation in Indonesia runs very slowly because they are trap in a comfortable zone of

mind without preparation for the possibility of bad things that will happen. Indonesian society is a

loss of identity because of the reformation the runs too far. The authors believe that people in
Indonesia want to change and learn for the sake of national welfare, but they have a lack of

knowledge to implement it. Again, this is evidence of the importance of knowledge management.

Book Resume

Knowledge management emphasizes the importance of communication and information

that needs to be share in organizations. The challenges lie within an organization are the quality

and dedication of people, define the speed that the company can adapt to change, invest in

requirement and training as priorities and human development index. We need to realize that

people are an intangible asset that needs to be developed by learning and change.

In this book, Mr. Tjakraatmadja and Mr. Lantu define Three Pillars of Learning


a. Learning Individual: every people have an ability to become mature, they are willing to

make an innovation without any influence from their environment. In this stage, people

need to gain their mastery. Without any maturity, organization learning cannot be achieved.

b. Learning Organizational: this is the place that facilitates all mature people to share their

minds. Because every people are unique and social, so they can do something big too and

give advantages to their environment. From this action, we can cooperate with much

different thought and innovation to solve any complex problem.

c. Learning Habitat: this stage is useful for integrated, combine, and synergizes the

knowledge from individual to human capital as the result of learning organizations.

Without this stage, all the commitment and action will not be adding a significant benefit

to the organization.







Learning individual and learning organizations have no significant differences but, they

are pointing out the institutional process and quantity where learning organization needs a double

earning loop to create culture or habit and it will be used by individuals as a repository. The

outcomes are learning the organization process will create new hidden knowledge and build it into

outspoken knowledge.

As the picture above, Mr. Tjakraatmadja wants to emphasize that people as intangible asset

need to be motivated through efficiency process where the tools and methods are easy to access,

useability to collaborate with a good touch and the leader as a main enabler is serve to make sure

that all of these processes will back to the trust, culture, and learning disciplines. Additional

information will be described below:

a. The root foundation consists of trust and culture to learn

b. The first pillar structure consists of the ability to learn that people need to have skills to

solve the problem with systematic, do an experiment with a new approach, learn from their

experience, take a good example from a success people, and can transfer our knowledge

faster and efficient.

c. The second pillar structure consists of systemic information, structure organization, and

awarding system.

d. The roof of the building is consists of personal mastery discipline, sharing vision discipline,

menta model discipline, systematic thinking discipline, and a team of learners discipline.

e. The last is the enabler that is affected by the quality of leadership.

To make an intensive and effective learning process all of the members in an organization

not only need a conducive learning habitat but also need support from the technology that really

effective and give a good impact on them. We can make an effective learning organization only if

we have a high quality of human capital, resources of technology, and habitat. But the most

important thing is how we can collaborate the three of them into a good integration. This is not

about the individual process but more like the whole process from human, technology, and habitat.

The author is of genuine concern about this issue, he dreams that someday people will

know the importance of sharing knowledge and how to make good knowledge management.

Because learning organization is a set of individual, team, organization, skills for creating new

knowledge for sharing and transferring to people who need knowledge. Knowledge Management

synergize marketing operational, finance, human capital, and engineer. This concept becomes an

enabler to integrated all of them into the business process.

To develop a learning organization the authors said we need a smart organization, as we

can see from the House of Learning Organization – Jann Model:







the picture above is about the smart organization of learning that stated in Jann model:

a. Learning Habitat: The leader encourages the employee to increase knowledge in a wider

area and build mutual trust with an employee by sharing knowledge in every organization.

b. Learning Change Enablers: the leader has to encourage the employee to change because

learning is a foundation to change and they need to concern with the future and present

(external) and leader need to have skills to make the employee understand and transforming

into a good coach (internal).

c. Knowledge Workers: discipline by a set of rules, integrity, fairness, and social

responsibility. Every worker needs to have skills to solve the problem, experiment with a

change to minimize risk before implementing, learning from the past, sharing best practice

to others, and transferring knowledge quickly.

d. Learning Facilities: by information technology, it will help us to transfer knowledge but

we need to realize that information. technology is only a tool to support a smart

organization and only people who can deliver knowledge to others.

e. Learning Disciplines:

- Personal Mastery: Employees need to develop what they learn and become a master of

it, they also have to have a commitment and spirit to make a good organization.

- Building Shared Vision: they need to understand the future and understand the

company's mission and vision to qualified the future.

- Working with mental models: culture to understand and break differences between each

other and improve those differences assumption habit into a positive advantage.

- System Thinking: understanding the whole parts because sometimes each department

has a different think. As a leader, we need to realize that it will bring a bad impact.

Therefore, the solution is we have to look back to our goals and not only look from

your department only.

Based on learning individual and learning organizational process the author develop the two

concepts of learning organizational:

a. Single Cycle of Organizational Learning: it happens when the organization is the success

to integrate knowledge integration process through a mechanism way (the combination of

intellectual and emotional way)

b. Double Cycle of Organizational Learning: it happens when the organization is the success

to integrate their intellectual, emotional, and spiritual simultaneously through the way of

thought and way of the heart

When we can reach a learning organization through a perfect process sometimes will

appear some problems. To make a good learning organization is not easy when we aim to do it,

sometimes we meet a lot of challenges and threats that can impede it. In this book, Mr.

Tjakraatmadja and Mr. Lantu define four obstacles that may appear when we face the learning


a. Personal Obstacle: It refers to the maturity of each worker, based on their intellectual and

emotional. The worker who has a lack of maturity will come up with fear to face and solve

the problem, sometimes they are not able to solve it on their own and rely on others. That

will make learning organization is not conducive and have a certain quality. Again, the

most important thing to face this challenge is, without any commitment from their top

leader, there will be no success learning organization.

b. Lack of support for learning relational factors: it will appear when their mutual trust is

decreasing or even gone, the culture of learning and leadership that are less effective. This

obstacle happens when each worker does not have a sense of belonging to their job, hard

to get effective dialogue, and does not have a strong relationship between the internal and

external organization.

c. Lack of support from managerial factors: the workers feel that the leader does not know

the importance of employees. The leader never pays attention to their work and seems does

not care that the worker needs to develop their knowledge to gain the quality of an

d. The obstacle to learning infrastructure factors: system and organization in some companies

only use it as a control tool and reduce the learning organization. They are supposed to

transform the knowledge into new knowledge, but with a piece of minim information, this

process runs very slowly and not effective. Meanwhile, the awarding system can’t motivate

the spirit of learning together so it comes up with a lack of development in human capital.


In the globalization era where change is happening so fast, an organization needs to have

good human capital and realize that human is an important asset for them. Having a strong

transformation system will develop the capacity of the organization in the long term. Knowledge

management is one of the tools that we can use to make many improvements for human capacity

and quality. Reading this book, we can learn and understand how important sharing knowledge is.

Because the authors define it clearly and sure that without sharing knowledge will create a collapse

from top to bottom. It states clearly that knowledge management is the preventive action that a

company or human can do to avoid failure.

From this book, I very interested in the House of Learning Organization – Jann model that

really impresses me about how to become a good leader and make a smart organization. Mr.

Tjakraatmadja emphasizes that learning organization cannot be achieved without having a good

leader who can motivate and care to their employee and he also added the importance of good

technology. I believe a leader is the most important position who will guide every sector of its

human resources to reach the goals.

I agree with his perspective when he said that, without learning from bottom-up or top-

down, our knowledge means nothing. But, with the sincerity of sharing knowledge people will

always hone deeper and broader knowledge. Knowledge management is also important to maintain

the optimal performance of the organization to remain a long term basis. In the end of this book,

the authors explain about the obstacles that may appear when we want to implement smart

organization. Mr. Tjakraatmadja and Mr. Lantu give a solution to face this problem, getting start

from the small and develop step by step and stay committed to making a good change. They also

said the importance pilot group to monitor the process and make sure it runs well.

This book "Knowledge Management Dalam Konteks Organisasi Pembelajar" is a

recommended book to read. The authors have a good explanation of knowledge management and

give us a description of a systematic plot. The research they have been done before writing this

book, also supports the uniformity of this book becomes more perfect and gives an important

contribution to all people.

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