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104 Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression

Sample Structure and Written

Expression Test
Time: 25 minutes

This section tests your ability to recognize grammar and usage suitable for standard written
English. This section is divided into two parts, each with its own directions.


Directions: Items in this part are incomplete sentences. Following each of these sentences, there
are four words or phrases. You should select the one word or phrase-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that
best completes the sentence. 111en fill in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of
the answer that you have selected.
Example! Sample Answer

Pepsin ____ an enzyme used

in digestion.
(A) that
(B) is
(C) of
(D) being

This sentence should properly read "Pepsin is an enzyme used in digestion." You should fill in (B)
on your answer sheet.
Example II Sample Answer

____ large natural lakes are found

in the state of South Carolina.
(A) There are no
(B) Not the
(C) It is not
(D) No
This sentence should properly read "No large natural lakes are found in the state of South
Carolina." You should fill in (D) on your answer sheet.
As soon as you understand the directions, begin work on this part.

Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression 105

1. Martha Graham, of the pioneers 5. Many communities are dependent on

of modern dance, didn't begin dancing groundwater from wells for their
until she was twenty-one. water supply.
(A) who, as one (A) that obtained
(B) she was (B) obtained
(C) one (C) is obtained
(D) was one (D) obtain it

2. Tiger moths ____ wings marked with 6. experimental studies of the

stripes or spots. aging process, psychologist Ross McFarland
(A) have determined that people could work
(B) with productively much longer than had
(C) their previously been thought.
(D) whose (A) In that
(B) Through
3. Platinum is harder than copper and is
almost as pliable _ _ __ (C) Since
(D) Into
(A) gold
(B) than gold 7. often raise funds from the sale
(C) as gold of stock.
(D) gold is (A) For corporations to operate
(B) The operations of corporations
4. Most ofAnnie]ump Cannon's career as an
(C) Corporations operate by
astronomer involved the observation,
(D) To operate, corporations
classification, and _ _ __
(A) she analyzed stars 8. While all birds are alike in that they have
(B) the stars' analysis feathers and lay eggs, great
(C) stars were analyzed differences among them in terms of size,
(D) analysis of stars structure, and color.
(A) there are
(B) but are
(C) if there are
(D) to be

106 Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression

9. There were _ _ _ federal laws 13. In 1791 Quebec was divided into two
regulating mining practices until 1872. sections, Upper Canada and Lower Canada,
(A) none ____ were ruled by elected
(B) not assemblies.
(C) no (A) they both
(D) nor (B) both of them
(C) in which both
10. The Masters, one of the most important of
(D) both of which
all golf tournaments, every year
in Augusta, Georgia. 14. are a form of carbon has been
(A) has held known since the late eighteenth century.
(B) being held (A) Diamonds
(C) is held (B) Because diamonds
(D) holding (C) That diamonds
(D) Diamonds, which
11. Not only places of beauty; they
serve scientific and educational purposes 15. Designed by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi,
as well.
(A) are botanical gardens (A) the United States was given the Statue
(B) botanical gardens to be of Liberty by the people of France
(C) botanical gardens are (B) the people of France gave the Statue of
(D) to be botanical gardens Liberty to the United States
(C) the Statue of Liberty was given to the
12. quicksand can be found all
United States by the people of France
over the world, little was known about
(D) the French people presented the
its composition until recently.
United States with a gift, the Statue of
(A) Except Liberty
(B) Although
(C) Even
(D) Despite

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Section 2 .. Guide to Structure and Written Expression 107

Written Expression

Directions: The items in this part have four underlined words or phrases, (A), (B), (C) and (D).
You must identify the one underlined expression that must be changed for the sentence to be
correct. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and fijI in the space
corresponding to
the letter.
Example! Sample Answer
Lenses may to have either concave or convex shapes.
ABC --0-

This sentence should read "Lenses may have either concave or convex shapes." You should
therefore select (A).

Example II Sample Answer

When painting a fresco, an artist is applied paint directly to the damp plaster of a wall.
A B C 0

This sentence should read "When painting a fresco, an artist applies paint directly to the damp
plaster of a wall." You should therefore select answer (B).
As soon as you understand the directions, begin work on this section.

108 Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression

16. There are thousand of different types of roses.
--A-- BCD

17. Since 1908 breeders set out to produce chickens that could survive Canada's cold climate.
A --B- C D

18. From 1865 to 1875, a remarkable various of inventions was produced.

-A- B C D

19. The simplest kind of plant, alike the simplest kind of anim:u, consists of only one cell.
A --B- C D

20. The fIrst recorded use of natural gas to light streetlamps it was in the town of Frederick,
A B --c- D
New York, in 1825.

21. A museum in Denver, Colorado, chronicles black cowboys and his role in the history of the
A -""Be- D
American West.

22. Bluegrass music is a kind of country music who was pioneered by Bill Monroe of Rosine,
A -B- C 0

23. A number of the materials used in manufacturing paint are potential dangerous if mishandled.

24. There are several races of giraffes, but there are only one species.
--A- BCD

25. Chestnuts were once the most common tree in the eastern United States, but almost of them
A B --C-
were destroyed by a disease called chestnut blight.

Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression 109

26. Despite they are small, ponies are strong and have great stamina.
A -B- -C------n-
27. Physical therapists help patients relearn how to use their bodies after disease or injure.
A -B- -C- --D-

28. Liquids take the shape of any container which in they are placed.
A C --D-

29. The Sun supplies the light and the warmth that permit life on Earth existing.

30. For seventeen years, between 1932 to 1949, FredAllen was one of the most popular
A "-B C
comedians on radio.

31. Boolean algebra is most often used to solve problems in logic, probability, and engineer.
A B -C- D

32. Attorney Clarence Darrow is knowing for his defense of unpopular persons and causes.
ABC --D-

33. Phi Beta Kappa is a honor society that encourages scholarship in science and art.

34. The French Quarter is the most famous and the most old section of New Orleans.

35. There was once a widespread believe that all lizards were poisonous.

36. In the late nineteenth century, many public buildings, especially that on college campuses,
A -B-

were built in the in the Romanesque Revival style of architecture.


110 Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression

37. Sponges have neither heads nor separate body organs.
- B - """"C -D-

38. A wooden barrel is made from strips of wood called staves holding together with metal hoops.
A -B- C -D-

39. Salt was once too scarce and precious that it was used as money.

40. Sharks acquire many sets of tooth during their lifetimes.

-A- --B---C--o-



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