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Questions 1–4 are incomplete sentences. Below each sentence you will see
four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one word or phrase
that best completes the sentence.


In the past, lions _______ common in many parts of the world.

A. were
B. once
C. when
D. only
The correct choice is A.
As you're going through the questions below, select the appropriate answer
for each by clicking on it. When you have answered all the questions, click
"Show all answers" at the end of the page to highlight the correct answer for
each question.
Now begin work on the questions.

Practice Questions
1. Vegetables are an excellent source ________ vitamins.
A. A. have
B. B. of
C. C. where
D. D. contain

2. Microscopes make small things appear larger than ________.

A. A. really are
B. B. are really
C. C. are they really
D. D. they really are

3. The city of Montreal ________ on an island in the Saint Lawrence River.

A. A. was built
B. B. has built
C. C. that built
D. D. built

4. A singer's struggle to succeed in popular music is the kind of story ________

a fascinating film could be made.
A. A. with
B. B. by
C. C. for whom
D. D. about which

Written Expression
In questions 5–10, each sentence has four highlighted words or phrases. The
four highlighted parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C and D. Identify
the one highlighted word or phrase that must be changed in order for the
sentence to be correct.


1. A large (A) number of automobile (B) part are now (C) made of plastic (D)
instead of steel.
The correct choice is B.

Practice Questions
5. Although a kangaroo (A) normally uses (B) its large feet and strong legs (C)
for hopping, (D) but it can also swim.
6. When a (A) severe ankle (B) injury forced (C) herself to give up reporting in
1926, Margaret Mitchell (D) began writing her novel, Gone with the Wind.
7. (A) The pineapple, a fruit (B) grow in tropical climates (C) throughout the
world, (D) is native to parts of South America.
8. Canals are (A) artificial waterways, often constructed (B) either to transport
heavy loads or to (C) delivering water (D) to cities and farms.
9. Anne Elizabeth McDowell is (A) best (B) remembered for a (C)
weekly journal, Woman's Advocate, (D) who she launched in January 1855.
10. A ray of light passing (A) through (B) the center of a thin lens (C) keep its (D)
original direction.
Questions 1–15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence are four words or
phrases marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose one word or phrase which best
completes the sentence.

1. Vasco Nunez de Balboa . . . the Pacific Ocean in 1513.

A. discovered
B. was discovered
C. discover
D. had discover

2. If we . . . salt, the soup would have been tastier. ⇢ ANSWERS:

A. had added
B. add
C. don’t add
D. could add

3. My cousin lives . . . a farm. ⇢ ANSWERS:

1. within
2. in
3. on
4. at

4. For a variety of reasons, many American young adults are returning home or are
not leaving home at all, . . . . ⇢ ANSWERS:
1. which makes families react in different ways to this
2. which has made families to react in different ways
3. to which makes families react in different ways
4. which is making families react in different ways

5. When he was going away for the weekend, he . . . his neighbor water the
lawn. ⇢ ANSWERS:
1. has
2. had
3. requested
4. got

6. Travelers checks are useful when one is traveling because . . . people refuse to
accept them. ⇢ ANSWERS:
1. quite a few
2. many
3. few
4. a few

7. Your friends won’t be late, . . . ? ⇢ ANSWERS:

1. won’t they
2. will they
3. isn’t it
4. is it

8. . . . , guns had been made by skilled gunsmiths, one at a

time. ⇢ ANSWERS:
1. In 1798, Eli Whitney came up with a new idea
2. In 1798, when Eli Whitney came up with a new idea
3. Until 1798, when Eli Whitney came up with a new idea
4. Since 1798 Eli Whitney had been working on a new idea

9. We usually expect that . . . bring bad news. ⇢ ANSWERS:

1. telegram
2. a telegram
3. the telegrams
4. telegrams
10. Not only did many people volunteer to bring food for the picnic, . .
1. but also drinks and games
2. many people did not offer to bring drinks and games
3. many people offered to bring drinks and games
4. they brought food

11. You . . . better study a lot next week, if you want to get through that
exam. ⇢ ANSWERS:
1. had
2. should
3. will
4. must

12. When she was a young girl, she used to wish she . . . a
princess. ⇢ ANSWERS:
1. became
2. is
3. was
4. were

13. Paterson was angry . . . his friend and threw a book at him. ⇢ ANSWERS:
1. on
2. about
3. at
4. with

14. Had I run out of gas, I . . . called the garage. ⇢ ANSWERS:

1. would
2. had
3. would have
4. should have
15. While my brother has excellent eyesight, he . . . hard of
hearing. ⇢ ANSWERS:
1. has
2. was
3. is
4. isn’t

In questions 1–25 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. Choose one
word or phrase which is incorrect and must be changed to make the sentence
1. A few and the 50 stamps that my sister had were either for sale
or trade. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. and
2. trade
3. were
4. the

2. “The Starlight Cafe” is a good place for order seafood but not to order
1. is
2. for
3. but
4. not

3. The professor managed to attending to the needs of his family while working day
and night for the prestigious award. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. attending
2. working
3. of
4. the
4. The lab’s conversational desktop is a voice-controlled computer system that acts
like an automatic receptionist, personal secretary, and travel agent which screening
all calls, taking messages, and making airline
reservations. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. which
2. lab’s
3. that
4. is a

5. The legendary Robin Hood used to steal from the rich people to give to all
1. The
2. all poor
3. to
4. used

6. In the event something happening to the family, the lawyer assured her that the
house would go to her friend. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. the lawyer
2. go to
3. to
4. the event

7. Noise is external and excessive stimulus that increases rather than decreases your
tension. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. than
2. rather
3. increases
4. external and excessive
8. Having spent his childhood longing for books, Andrew Carnegie realized their
value and went on to become the largest donor of funds the American public
library system has ever had donors. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. went on to become
2. Having spent
3. the American
4. had donors

9. Peter Weir, the prominent Australian filmmaker and screenplay writer, and was
planning to visit the United States to make a film. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. the prominent
2. make
3. was planning
4. and

10. While most Americans may admire a person who speaks more than one language,
most of them do not place any value on learning another
language themself. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. on
2. speaks
3. themself
4. language

11. Americans tend to embody to what many is a curious combination of

admiration for their political system in general and disdain for its particular
operations. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. its
2. to what
3. for
4. is

12. Frank and Anna Johnson had a daughter who were born in 1950, but who died a
few years later. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. had
2. later
3. died
4. were

13. The survival instinct of cockroaches are so great that they are known to reproduce
even within a ring of fire. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. are
2. within
3. are
4. survival instinct

14. Hunger is not an unavoidable phenomena as are death

and taxes. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. not
2. taxes
3. Hunger
4. phenomena

15. Coastal erosion is the only natural process that has altered the world’s shorelines
ever since the oceans formed first some three billion years
1. the only
2. process
3. has altered
4. formed first

16. The entire city except the western section is being plunge into darkness for the
night. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. being plunge
2. entire city
3. is
4. except
17. Surveys note however, that the elderly are frequent victims of certain types
of crimes, like purse-snatching. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. crimes
2. note
3. like
4. purse-snatching

18. Thousands years ago, the world had several ice ages; or periods of time when the
climate was very cold and thick sheets of ice covered much of the
earth. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. Thousands
2. ages
3. much of
4. periods

19. Even among the general public, consciousness has been raised high enough so
that anyone sporting finery made from the skins of an endangered animal run the
risk of at least a verbal assault. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. run
2. so that
3. has been
4. verbal

20. Jan later laughs about having fell into the pond, although she was very
embarrassed about it then. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. then
2. about
3. having fell
4. into
21. Only one egg hatched after twenty-eight days, while all the others hatched
after twenty-ninth day. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. the
2. while
3. others
4. twenty-ninth day

22. Although teachers around the world are separated by thousands of miles, their
methods of trying to encourage children to write springs from a common
source. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. separated by
2. of
3. springs
4. Although

23. Although the poor families are fast learning the new trade, the lack
of education are hampering their advancement. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. lack of
2. are
3. fast learning
4. their

24. My grandmother could never understand why I preferred a 20-stories building to a

rambling house in the fields. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. 20-stories
2. to
3. in
4. preferred

25. I have been having headaches so often later that I think I ought to see a
doctor. ⇢ THE ANSWER IS
1. later
2. ought to
3. that
4. have been

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