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WAR EXAMPLES a weak central authority are factors that

reinforced this conviction. As a result,

1. Civil War demands to return to a federal political
A civil war, is a war between organized groups system of government became vocal.
within the same state or country. The aim of
one side may be to take control of the country
or a region, to achieve independence for a DURING THE LIBYAN WAR
region or to change government policies.
• Bombing across Libya.
• Clash between rebels and Gadaffi
LIBYAN WAR OF 2011 loyalist.
(February 15-October 23,2011)
• Rebels hunt after Gadaffi.
In 1951, Libya became a unified independent
country within its current borders. Initially, it OUTCOMES
started as a federal monarchy made up of three • Rebel victory
distinct regions; Tripolitania, Cyrenaica and • Overthrow and collapse of the Libyan
Fezzan, each with its own regional government Arab Jamahiriya
and legislative body alongside a main central • Death of Muammar Gaddafi and end
government and parliament. of his rule over Libya
However, in 1963 the federal system was • Assumption of interim control
abolished giving way to a totally unified country by National Transitional Council (NTC)
with central political and sovereign institutions • UN authorisation of NATO military
Col. Muammar Gadaffi seized power in 1969 • Diplomatic recognition of NTC as sole
governing authority for Libya by 105
For almost 42 years, power and wealth were
countries, UN, EU, AL and AU.
under the control of one absolute
dictator, Muammar Gadaffi. LIBYA AFTER WAR

FACTORS THAT LED LIBYA TO WAR • The United Nations initiated a national
dialogue back in September 2014. This
• Lack of political consensus among the
resulted in a new Presidency Council,
various political actors, and their
led by Fayez Sarraj, and the
inability to resolve regional differences
pending Government of National
through peaceful national dialogue,
Accord (GNA) provides one of the last
resulted in two parallel civil wars raging
hopes of keeping the country united.
in the east and west of Libya.

• The lack of real political change on the • This agreement transferred most of the
ground, the feeling of marginalisation political powers to the new GNA's
among certain groups and regions, and Presidency Council that has a clear
mandate to reunite the country, steer it losing sides of the war had a lot
out of conflict and back on track to of casualties. The total death
complete the post-revolution toll was over millions soldiers,
transitional period. with people of all nationalities
lost their lives fighting for the
2. TOTAL WAR country they call home.
People believed that
• Total war, military conflict in World War 1 was going to be
which the contenders are the war that ends all wars
willing to make any sacrifice in because of the destruction and
lives and other resources to human slaughter that war
obtain a complete victory. created. The Allied troops
• Total war is the most extreme created a peace treaty with
form of warfare, one where Germany, hoping the hatred
any action or behavior is between these countries would
acceptable to stop or conquer die down. The Allied troops
an enemy. created a treaty called the
Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty
Example: of Versailles is an outcome of
1. World War I World War 1 because they
• First of the only two global created the treaty to end
wars in history, it is also called World War 1 and its friction
the Great War. The First World left behind.
War was fought from 1914 to
1918, claiming 17 million lives. 2. World War II (AXIS vs. ALLIED POWERS)
It resulted in the victory of
Britain, France and Russia over • World War II: Fought from
Germany, Italy, Austria and 1939 to 1945, the Second
Hungary. The League of World War is the deadliest
Nations was formed after the conflict in history, with over 70
First World War, but it failed to million fatalities. Involving all
ensure world peace and the great powers of the world,
eventually World War II was divided into allied and axis
fought. powers, it is the only war to
have used nuclear weapons till
OUTCOMES OF THE WORLD WAR 1 date. Marked by Hitler's
Holocaust and mass deaths,
• The Great 5 Powers: United
World War II changed world
Kingdom, United States,
politics forever.
France, Italy and Japan
eventually won the war in
1918. Both the winning and
AFTERMATH OF THE WWII rule of his own country. For their part,
the Soviets resented the Americans’
• After the end of the war, a decades-long refusal to treat the USSR
conference was held in as a legitimate part of the international
Potsdam, Germany, to set
community as well as their delayed
up peace treaties . The entry into World War II, which resulted
countries that fought with in the deaths of tens of millions of
Hitler lost territory and had to Russians. After the war ended, these
pay reparations to the Allies . grievances ripened into an
Germany and its capital Berlin overwhelming sense of mutual distrust
were divided into four parts.
and enmity.
The zones were to be
controlled by Great Britain, the THE COLD WAR: CONTAINMENT
United States, France and
the Soviet Union. The three • By the time World War II ended, most
western Allies and the Soviet American officials agreed that the best
Union disagreed on many defense against the Soviet threat was a
things and as time went on strategy called “containment.”
Germany was divided into • In 1946, in his famous “Long Telegram,”
two separate countries : East the diplomat George Kennan explained
Germany , which had this policy:
a Communist government and
West Germany, which was a “The Soviet Union is political force committed
democratic state . Berlin was fanatically to the belief that with the U.S. there
also divided into East and West can be no permanent modus vivendi [agreement
Berlin. Austria was between parties that disagree]; as a result,
also occupied by the America’s only choice was the “long-term,
four Allies from 1945 to 1955 patient but firm and vigilant containment of
Russian expansive tendencies.”
• The containment strategy also provided
ORIGIN OF THE WAR the rationale for an unprecedented
arms buildup in the United States.
• During World War II, the United States
and the Soviet Union fought together as • In particular, American officials
allies against the Axis powers. However, encouraged the development of atomic
the relationship between the two weapons like the ones that had ended
nations was a tense one. Americans had World War II. Thus began a deadly
long been wary of Soviet communism “arms race.”
and concerned about Russian leader
Joseph Stalin’s tyrannical, blood-thirsty
• In 1949, the Soviets tested an atom the stagnant economy faltered under
bomb of their own. In response, the combined burden. Attempted
President Truman announced that the reforms at home left the Soviet Union
United States would build an even more unwilling to rebuff challenges to its
destructive atomic weapon: the control in Eastern Europe. During 1989
hydrogen bomb, or “superbomb”. and 1990, the Berlin Wall came down,
borders opened, and free elections
THE COLD WAR EXTENDS TO SPACE ousted Communist regimes everywhere
• .On October 4, 1957, a Soviet R-7 in eastern Europe. In late 1991 the
intercontinental ballistic missile Soviet Union itself dissolved into its
launched Sputnik, the world’s first component republics. With stunning
artificial satellite and the first man- speed, the Iron Curtain was lifted and
made object to be placed into the the Cold War came to an end.
Earth’s orbit.
• In 1958, the U.S. launched its own
satellite, Explorer I, designed by the U.S.
Army under the direction of rocket
scientist Wernher von BrauN.


• The fight against subversion at home
mirrored a growing concern with the
Soviet threat abroad.
• In June 1950, the first military action of
the Cold War began when the Soviet-
backed North Korean People’s Army
invaded its pro-Western neighbour to
the south
• Many American officials feared this was
the first step in a communist campaign
to take over the world and deemed that
non-intervention was not an option.
• Truman sent the American military into
Korea, but the war dragged to a
stalemate and ended in 1953.


• The Soviet economy faced the

continuously escalating costs of the
arms race. Dissent at home grew while

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