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Objective Questions

1. Which of these statements are incorrect about the Chipko Movement?

(a) Was an environmental movement to prevent cutting down of trees.
(b) Raised questions of ecological and economic exploitation.
(c) Was a movement against alcoholism started by the women?
(d) Demanded that local communities should have control over their natural resources.
2. Some of the statements gives below are incorrect. Identify the incorrect statements and rewrite
those with necessary correction:
(a) Social movements are hampering the functioning of lndia’s democracy.
(b) The main strength of social movements lies in their mass base across social sections.
(d) Social movements in India emerged because there were many issues that political parties did not
Very Very Short Answer Questions (Answer in One Word or One Line)

1. What is NBA?
2. Why did NBA protest?
3. What is Chipko Movement?
4. What was the demand of Chipko movement?
5. What is Anti—arrack movement?
6. Why was Anti—arrack movement launched?
7. `What is RTI?
8. Why was fish movements organised in the South India?
9. Name the activities for which women are fighting.
Very Short Answer Questions

1. What is Chipko Movement?

2. Why have popular movements failed in India?
3. Why is there no link between pressure groups and political parties in India?
4. What are the demands of NBA?
Short Answer Questions (100 words each)
1. Write short notes:
(a) Chipko Movement (b) Party-based Movement
(c) Non—party Movement
(d) Dalit Panthers
(e) Features of BKU
(f) NPP
(g) Anti—arrack Movement
(h) NBA
(i) Lessons from popular movements.
2. Describe the limitations of popular movements.
3. How far have popular movements been successful?
Long Answer Type Questions

1. Identify the reasons which led to the Chipko Movement in UP in early 1970s. What was the impact of
this movement?
2. The Bhartiya Kisan Union is a leading organisation highlighting the plight of farmers.
What were the issues addressed by it in the nineties and to what extent were they successful?
3. The anti—arrack movement in Andhra Pradesh drew the attention of the country to some
serious issues. What were these issues?
4. Would you consider the anti-arrack movement as a women’s movement? Why?
5. Why did the Narmada Bachao Andolan oppose the dam projects in the Narmada Valley?

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