Wi Manual For Stem 2020 2021

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One of the goals of the K to 12 Basic Education Program is to develop among learners the
competencies, work ethics, and values relevant to pursuing further education, acquiring more
skills and/or joining the world of work in order to achieve greater congruence between basic
education and the nation’s development target. Work Immersion, a required subject, has been
incorporated into the curriculum. This subject will provide learners with opportunities to become
familiar with the work place, for employment simulation, and to apply their competencies in areas
of specialization/ applied subjects in authentic work environments.
To achieve the above objectives, Work Immersion is thus a requirement for graduation
from secondary education. Learners are immersed in actual work environment such as workshops
offices and laboratories to make their prior training relevant. DepEd Order No. 30, s. 2017 page 1


Work immersion will help develop among the learners’ life and career skills, and will
prepare them to make decisions on postsecondary education or employment. Through
partnership building, the Department of Education hopes that the Partner Institutions will provide
learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace or hands-on experience, and additional
learning resources. It aims to make the learners appreciate the importance and application of the
principles and theories learned in school; enhance their technical knowledge and skills; enrich
their skills in communications and human relations; develop good work habits, attitudes,
appreciation for the job, respect and value for work.
By the time learners finish Senior High School, they would already acquire almost all the
competencies and skills that would prepare them for the curriculum exits (higher education,
employment, middle-skills development, and entrepreneurship). Work immersion provides them
with an avenue to test them and apply what they have learned in school to a non-school scenario.
In work immersion, learners are not only able to apply their previous training but are also able to
experience the social interactions in a work environment. Their experiences during work
immersion will develop many skills and values that would help them as their transition from high
school to real life. Department of Education Order No. 30, s. page 2


1. Memorandum of Agreement is a legally binding document, which spells out the specific terms
and conditions between and among parties entering into a partnership to implement a program,
project, or any other similar undertaking. The scope and limitations of the Memorandum of
Agreement shall not be contrary to laws, public customs, and moral compasses.

2. SHS- Senior High School, (SCC – CI) St. Cecilia’s College- Cebu, Inc.
3. Work Immersion refers to the subject of the Senior High School Curriculum, which involves
hands-on experience or work simulation in which learners can apply their competencies and
acquired knowledge relevant to their work.

4. Work Immersion Teacher/Coordinator is the school personnel who is assigned to supervise

the learners at the Work Immersion Venue in coordination with the Work Immersion Partner
Institution Supervisor.

5. Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor serves as the counterpart of the Work
Immersion Teacher and may be the representative of the partner institution in forging partnership
with SCC-CI. This person shall be identified in the MOA.
6. Partners Institution are public or private institutions or organizations that are able and willing
to lend their expertise and resources; and enter into agreement with SCC-CI. This enables St.
Cecilia’s College–Cebu Inc., to strengthen its capability to offer Senior High School, without
monetary requirements from both entities.

7. Workplace immersion Venue is the place where work immersion is conducted. It shall conform
to the law and the rules and regulations on safety, appropriateness for learning, and availability
of facilities and equipment, which are issued by the Department of Education No. 40s. 2015),
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and other relevant government
agencies. Examples of work immersion venues includes offices, factories, hotels and suites, resto
bars, resorts, and project sites.


To adequately prepare the students for work Immersion, the students are required to
attend the following activities:
a) Orientation on work immersion for students with their parent/ guardian
b) Mock Interview Assessment
c) Consultation Sessions with the Work Immersion Coordinator


A. Application
1. Students should apply for their work immersion to any Institution Partners with
the recommendation and endorsement by the Work immersion Coordinator
and Principal.
2. Only those Institutions (business establishments) that are recognized by the
School are legitimate for placement of the work immersion of students.
3. No student is allowed to start their work immersion without the appropriate
permit to work issued by the Office of the Principal based upon the
recommendation of the Work Immersion Coordinator.

B. Duty Hours
1. The students are required to render a total of 240/ 350 work immersion hours.
2. A maximum of 40 hours per week and no more than eight (8) hours per day as
provided for by law, for child below 18 but older than 15.
3. Students should submit a Daily Time Record (SHS Work Immersion Form 03,
page 16) to the Work Immersion Coordinator at the end of each work week.
4. All DTRs must be signed by the Institution’s duly assigned work immersion
5. All absences (excused or unexcused) must be properly reported. (SHS Work
Immersion Form 04, page 17), Duly filled out excuse form must be submitted to
the Work Immersion Coordinator not later than 3 days after the absence
otherwise it shall be automatically considered unexcused.
C. Special Cases
1. Students who are differently-abled or have special needs have to discuss their
situation with the Work immersion coordinator on or before the Work Immersion
2. Since the student is expected to fulfill the same requirements for the work
immersion, he/she has to explain fully or clarify his/her exact need and work
together with the Work Immersion Coordinator to give a positive experience. He/
she must accomplish Work Immersion program Waiver for Physically Unfit. (SHS
work immersion form 05, page 18)

D. Conduct and Behaviour

1. Be courteous, respectful, and work harmoniously with others.
2. Refrain from unnecessary conversation with others during work hours.
3. Playing games (of any kind-online or offline), texting, accepting social calls,
gambling, intoxication and possession of deadly weapons are strictly prohibited
in the work place.
4. Social activities may be carried out after office hours but must have the
approval of the Work Immersion coordinator.
5. Company facilities should be used properly and with care.
6. Do not divulge any information about your work in the institution partner or
about the institution partner itself to unauthorized people.

E. Appearance and Attendance

1. Proper office attire must be worn to work at all times unless otherwise specified
by the Institution Partner.
2. Proper grooming must be observed at all times.
3. A Daily Time record must be filled out.
4. Absences must be supported with excuse slips (SHS Work Immersion form 04,
page 17) and/ or medical certificates. The Work Immersion Coordinator must be
notified immediately by mobile phone or through a letter of absence.
5. Excuse slips must be noted by the Work Immersion Coordinator. Otherwise, the
absence will be unexcused.

F. Duties and Responsibilities

1. Attend preparatory and post Work Immersion Activities.
2. Report to the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor during actual
3. Perform the duties and tasks as indicated in the prescribed template for work
immersion list of tasks/activities (SHS Work Immersion Form 06, page 19).
4. Prepare the documentation and reports required in the curriculum and by the
partner institution.
5. Unwritten rules of ethics, loyalty, cooperation, respect and courtesy must be
6. Abide by other rules set forth by the Principal and Work Immersion Coordinator
during the course of the Immersion.
7. Presence in the Immersion venue must be known by filling up and signing the
Daily Time Record (DTR).
8. Documents must not be brought out of the Immersion venue without
9. Incident reports must be submitted within 24 hours for any untoward incident
happening during duty hours and concerning the student.
10. Facilities must be used with care at all times.
11. Institution Partners rules and regulations not stipulated in this manual must be
observed at all times.


A. Make sure that all Work Immersion Program Application Forms are approved by the
SHS Principal.
B. Conduct a Work Immersion Program orientation and other related assemblies.
C. Search, evaluate and negotiate Partner Institutions for placement and partnership
within Cebu.
D. Provide a list of Partner Institution to all students enrolled in the Work Immersion
E. Coordinate with the Partner Institution Supervisor Student’s activities and class and
venue schedules.
F. Conduct regular visits to the venue to ensure that student’s activities are properly
G. Submit report regularly to the Principal on the performance and completion of
students, performance of Partner Institution, and issues and concerns.


A. Attendance
1. Absences
a. Excused…………………………………………………………….additional 4 hours
b. Each Unexcused Absence…………………………………additional 8 hours
c. After the 5th Unexcused Absence……………………..repeat the Work
Immersion Program
2. Tardiness
a. First Offense……………………………………………………..excused
b. Second Offense………………………………………………..additional 2 hours
c. Third Offense ……………………………………………........additional 4 hours
d. Succeeding Offense………………………………………….additional 6 hours

B. Deficiencies, Misbehaviour, and Infractions

For Minor Offense………………………………………………………………….additional 4 hours
1. Late submission of Weekly Report.
2. Late submission of Work Immersion Requirements.
3. Absence during Work Immersion related assemblies.
4. Not wearing of appropriate uniform
5. No proper grooming
6. Leaving the office premises without permission
7. Making unnecessary noise during duty

For Less Grave Offense…………………………………………………………….additional 8 hours

8. Improper use and care of Partner Institution Facilities.
9. Loss of Partner Institution materials and equipment.
10. Entertaining guests while on duty.
11. Doing things not related to work during office hours (texting,
reading, and the like).
For Grave Offenses
12. Sleeping during work hours.
13. Bringing office documents outside the Immersion Venue without
14. Falsification of documents (false entries in the DTR, false entries in
incident reports, logging in/out for other student,
15. Insubordination
16. Theft
17. Gambling
18. Intoxication with alcohol or drugs during duty hours
19. Vandalism
20. Assault, physical or verbal abuse and threats towards the superiors,
coordinators and fellow students.
21. Deliberate disrespect to authorities.
22. Violation of unwritten rules of ethics, loyalty, and courtesy.
23. Dating/ partying/romantic relationship with employees of the
Partner Institution.
24. Violation of Partner Institution’s policies.
25. Any other acts committed by the students, which affects the
reputation of the school.
26. Late submission of Final Work Immersion Program Report.( Final
Work Immersion Program Report will not be accepted after the
For Offense 26, 2 points demerit per day for a maximum of 5 days
after the deadline.


For the Academic Track WORK IMMERSION

Written 35%
(Final Work Immersion Program Report)
Performance (Evaluation by WIPI Supervisor1) 40 %

Evaluation by WIPI (Work Immersion Partner Institution)

Coordinator and Punctuality 25 %
100 %


Written 20%
(Final Work Immersion Program Report)
Performance (Evaluation by WIPI Supervisor1) 60 %

Evaluation by WIPI (Work Immersion Partner Institution)

Coordinator and Punctuality 20 %
100 %

1 Evaluation must be done by the immediate supervisor/ specified by the HR/ Training Director of the Institution upon
St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program

Application Form

I, _____________________________, would like to apply for the Senior High work Immersion
Program for the Second Semester SY __________________________.

I understand that this application is pending upon the evaluation from the Senior High School
Principal’s office as stated below.

Student’s Signature


Grade SY Semester Major Subjects Remarks

11 First _____________ _______
Second _____________ _______
_____________ _______

Based on the evaluation above, the application of _______________________________ for the

SHS Work Immersion Program is:

 Approved
 Disapproved


WI Coordinator


SHS Coordinator Basic Education Principal
St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program

Agreement and Consent Form

This is to certify that we have read and understood the foregoing Manual of the Senior High
School Work Immersion Program with rules and regulation. We hereby agree to abide by them.

I, ________________________________(name of student) will submit myself to any and all

disciplinary actions that may be imposed upon me and to assure the Program of my

I, _________________________________(name of parent/guardian), hereby give my consent

to the admission of my son/daughter/ward to the SHS Work Immersion Program and hereby
accept the Rules and Regulations of the Program as presented in the Manual.

We hereby hold St. Cecilia’s College-Cebu, Inc. free from any liability that may arise, monetary
or otherwise, for any and all acts or commissions and/or omissions that may cause damage or
prejudice to any person during the entire period of my work immersion with the assigned work
immersion partners.

Student’s Signature

Student’s Printed Name


Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature

Parent’s/Guardian’s Printed Name

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767



executed this _____ day of ____________ at Minglanilla, Cebu by:
__________________________________, of legal age, Filipino citizen and a resident of
__________________, Cebu hereinafter referred to as the “PARENT”;
St. Cecilia’s College-Cebu, Inc., a corporation duly organized under the laws of the Republic of
the Philippines, an educational institution wherein in the trainee is enrolled as a student
represented herein by the Principal, EPIFANIA M. REYES, M.A.ED hereinafter referred to as “SCC”
That SCC-CI has requested its partner institution,
______________________________________ that the student,
______________________________________ be accommodated to undergo Work Immersion
Program for a minimum/maximum of 80 hours as part of his/her academic requirement for
That ________________________________________________________________
hereinafter referred to as the “COMPANY” is willing to accommodate the request of SCC-CI to
allow the student to undergo Work Immersion program subject to the following terms and
a) The Student and Parents/Guardian understand and admit that participation
in the Work Immersion Program is voluntary and assumes full responsibility
for any damages or injuries which may arise from or result from
participation on the program;
b) The Student and Parents/Guardians affirm that the student is in good
health and physically fit to participate in the training program;
c) The Parent acknowledge that it is his/her responsibility to inform the
Company, person in the company of any relevant medical information;
relating to the students;
d) Parents/Guardian assumes full responsibility for the safety of the students
in all phases of the training program, such travel to and from the training
e) During the duration of the work immersion the company is under no
obligation to pay the salary, allowance or compensation to the students;
f) The student shall abide by all rules and regulations observed by the
employees of the company for the duration of his/her training;
g) The student shall abide by all the rules and regulations contained in the
Students Manual/Handbook of SCC-CI for the duration of his/her training;
h) The company and SCC-CI shall not be in any way held liable for any injury
or injuries that the student may sustain in the course of his/her training;
i) The company and SCC-CI shall be held free and harmless from any
liability/damage/injury caused to third parties due to the unintentional or
negligent act of the student;
j) The parent/guardian of the student bind themselves to indemnify the
company for damages on its property or equipment which may be caused
by the student’s intentional or negligent acts;
k) It is clearly understood that during the course of the training, no employer-
employee relationship exists between the company and the student;

That SCC-CI shall through its Work Immersion Coordinator, observe the “diligence good
father of a family” In supervising the students for the duration of his/her Work Immersion through
periodic visits at the work immersion location and weekly reports which are to be submitted by
the student on the course of the training;

That the student hereby releases SCC-CI, its officers, agents and employees free of any
and all liability from accident/injury/damage to his/her life or property;

That the parents/guardian likewise releases SCC-CI, its officer, agents and employees free
of any and all liability or injury sustained by the third parties due to the student’s intentional or
negligent act/s;

That this WORK IMMERSION TRAINING WAIVER will be in effect for the whole duration of
the Work Immersion Program of the student until duly report to the school the completion of
his/her training by submitting a Work Immersion Report personally;

That student and his/her parent/s acknowledge that they have read this Parental Consent
and Work Immersion Liability Waiver and the SCC-CI Handbook/Work Immersion Manual, that
they fully understand its terms and conditions hereby hold SCC-CI and
________________________________, its officers, heirs and assigns harmless from any and all
claims, actions, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, completely and
unconditionally, to the greatest extent allowed by law.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto affix their signatures this______ of ____________.

___________________________ _________________________
Student Parent/Guardian


St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.


___________________________________ ________________________________
Before me, Notary Public for and in Municipality of ___________, Cebu , this _______ day
of __________________ personally appeared the following:

NAME _______________________ IDENTIFICATION CARD____________

PARENT/GUARDIAN _______________________

Known to me be the same persons who executed the foregoing Parental Consent and Work
Immersion Liability Waiver and presented to me competent proof of their identities as indicated
above and acknowledged to me that the same is their true and voluntary act and deed.

Doc. No. _____________

Page No. _____________
Book No. _____________
Series of ______________
/SHS Work Immersion Form 03
St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


TO: The Principal of the Senior High School:

This is to certify that I have been in consultation with the School physician and that he/she
considers me physically unfit to proceed with the Work Immersion Program.

Even with this limitation, I am still willing to go through with the Work Immersion Program
provided that I will be communicating regularly with the School physician and my family physician.

In this regard, I hereby hold St. Cecilia’s College-Cebu, Inc. free from any liability that may
arise, during the entire period of my work immersion with the assigned work immersion partners
in connection with my health.

Student’s Signature

Student’s Printed Name



Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Based upon the recommendation of the Work Immersion Coordinator

and endorsement by the Principal,
this is to certify that

Name of the Student
is hereby granted Permit To Work at the

Name of the Institution Partner

under the Work Immersion Program of the Senior High School, St. Cecilia’s College-
Cebu, Inc. Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway, Minglanilla, Cebu.
The duration of this permit takes from ________________________ until __________________.

This permit is issued for the Work Immersion program Purposes only.

Recommended by:


Work Immersion In-charge

Endorsed and Approved by:


Principal, SCC – CI
/SHS Work Immersion Form 05
St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Month_______________ Year__________

Name of Student: _______________________________

Date A.M Signature P.M Signature
Start End Start End

/SHS Work Immersion Form 06

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Month_______________ Year__________

Name of Student: _______________________________

Date A.M Signature P.M Signature
Start End Start End

/SHS Work Immersion Form 06

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Date: ______________________________

Please excuse my ward/son/daughter __________________________________________ who

will be/for being/who was absent from duty on ________________________ due to the following
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________

Note: Medical Certificate may be attached.

Signature over Printed Name (Parent/Guardian)

/SHS Work Immersion Form 07

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Name: _______________________________________________________________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
Institution Partner: ________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________
Department/Area: ________________________________________
Date(s): ___________________________________________________
Training Time: Start: ____________________ End: ______________________


Incident Report:

/ SHS Work Immersion Form 08

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Name: _______________________________________________________________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
Institution Partner: ________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________
Department/Area: ________________________________________
Date(s): ___________________________________________________
Training Time: Start: ____________________ End: ______________________


Incident Report:

/ SHS Work Immersion Form 08

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Name: _______________________________________________________________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
Institution Partner: ________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________
Department/Area: ________________________________________
Date(s): ___________________________________________________
Training Time: Start: ____________________ End: ______________________


Incident Report:

/ SHS Work Immersion Form 08

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Name: _______________________________________________________________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
Institution Partner: ________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________
Department/Area: ________________________________________
Date(s): ___________________________________________________
Training Time: Start: ____________________ End: ______________________


Incident Report:

/ SHS Work Immersion Form 08

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Name: _______________________________________________________________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
Institution Partner: ________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________
Department/Area: ________________________________________
Date(s): ___________________________________________________
Training Time: Start: ____________________ End: ______________________


Incident Report:

/ SHS Work Immersion Form 08

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Name: _______________________________________________________________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
Institution Partner: ________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________
Department/Area: ________________________________________
Date(s): ___________________________________________________
Training Time: Start: ____________________ End: ______________________


Incident Report:

/ SHS Work Immersion Form 08

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Name: _______________________________________________________________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
Institution Partner: ________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________
Department/Area: ________________________________________
Date(s): ___________________________________________________
Training Time: Start: ____________________ End: ______________________


Incident Report:

/ SHS Work Immersion Form 08

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Name: _______________________________________________________________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
Institution Partner: ________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________
Department/Area: ________________________________________
Date(s): ___________________________________________________
Training Time: Start: ____________________ End: ______________________


Incident Report:

/ SHS Work Immersion Form 08

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Name: _______________________________________________________________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
Institution Partner: ________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________
Department/Area: ________________________________________
Date(s): ___________________________________________________
Training Time: Start: ____________________ End: ______________________


Incident Report:

/ SHS Work Immersion Form 08

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Name: _______________________________________________________________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
Institution Partner: ________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________
Department/Area: ________________________________________
Date(s): ___________________________________________________
Training Time: Start: ____________________ End: ______________________

DAY 10

Incident Report:

/ SHS Work Immersion Form 08

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Name: _______________________________________________________________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
Institution Partner: ________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________
Department/Area: ________________________________________
Date(s): ___________________________________________________
Training Time: Start: ____________________ End: ______________________


Incident Report:

/ SHS Work Immersion Form 08

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Name: _______________________________________________________________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
Institution Partner: ________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________
Department/Area: ________________________________________
Date(s): ___________________________________________________
Training Time: Start: ____________________ End: ______________________


Incident Report:

/ SHS Work Immersion Form 08

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767


St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767


St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767


St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Name of Grade and

Student Section
School ST. CECILIA’S COLLEGE, CEBU – Immersion
INC. Site
of Work 80 HOURS

School Partnership EDLYN JANE C. Contact Number

Focal Person ABAQUITA
Work Immersion JOHN DAVE P. Contact Number
Teacher/ Coordinator RAMOS


Competencies Task/Activities Time Allotment Actual Schedule Remarks
Understanding Pre-immersion
work immersion orientation
Appreciating the Preparation and
importance of secures required
credentials documents
Appreciating Company
management orientation
process by
identifying and
Applying skills Performs hands-
learned and on activities
proper values related to
acquired in specialization
Evaluating work Portfolio making
Students shall not be given other activities outside of those previously agreed upon, which are anchored on
the stated competencies.

Certified true and correct:

________________________________ _______________________________
Student’s Signature over Printed Name Parent’s Signature over Printed Name

_________________________________ _______________________________
Work Immersion Teacher’s Signature Over Industry Supervisor’s Signature Over
Printed Name Printed Name
/SHS Work Immersion Form 09
St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767



This Memorandum of Agreement is entered into by and between:

St. Cecilia’s College- Cebu, Inc. , a corporation duly formed and organized under the laws
of the Republic of the Philippines with principal office at Natalio B. Bacalso South National
Highway, Minglanilla, Cebu, represented herein by its principal, Mrs. Epifania M. Reyes
hereinafter referred to as “SCC” for brevity;


__________________________, a duly registered ____________________ operating

under the law of the Philippines, with principal address at
___________________________________________, represented in this Agreement by
its _______________, __________________________, Filipino, of legal age, hereinafter
referred to as the “COMPANY” for brevity;


WHEREAS, the Department of Education of the Philippines , hereinafter referred to as

“DepEd”, is the primary government instrumentality mandated to formulate, implement,
and coordinate policies, plans, programs, and projects in the areas of formal and non-
formal basic education; supervise all elementary and secondary education institutions,
including alternative learning systems, both public and private; and provide for the
establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate, and integrated system of basic
education relevant to the goals of national development;

WHEREAS, the DepEd has introduced the K to 12 basic education reform program that
includes Senior High School, hereinafter referred to as “SHS”, with the major objective of
ensuring that graduates of basic education are ready for employment, entrepreneurship,
and higher learning;

WHEREAS, the DepEd believes that for the effective delivery of SHS instruction, there is a
need for school- industry partnerships that will provide the school the necessary expertise
and venue for practical, on- the-job, enterprise-based training for SHS learners;
WHEREAS, DepEd have started full implementation of SHS in School Year 2016-2017;
WHEREAS, SCC is among those that offers SHS to students in the community to carry out
DepEd’s objectives for SHS as spelled out above;
WHEREAS, to achieve this objective, SCC–CI needs to enter into a Work Immersion
Partnership with the company;

WHEREAS, the COMPANY operates in the area where SCC–CI is located and has offices,
facilities, project sites, and expertise that it can make available to the School purposes of
student Work Immersion;

WHEREAS, the COMPANY considers going into a Work Immersion partnership with DMC
as part of its mission to create a positive impact on the community, especially the young

WHEREAS, the COMPANY may avail itself of the revenue regulation no. 10 s. 2003
implementing the tax incentives provision of R.A. 8525 otherwise known as the Adopt-A-
School Act of 1998;

WHEREAS, SCCCI and the COMPANY hereinafter collectively referred to as “PARTIES”,

undertake to collaborate for the successful implementation of the SHS in Minglanilla
cognizant of the need for special protection of the child and with the best interest of the
SHS learner at heart;

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the following premises, the parties hereby
bind themselves to the terms and conditions set forth below:


With passage of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 or Republic Act 10533, DepEd
was tasked to implement the K to 12 Program, essentially adding two (2) years of
specialization within the Basic Educational System;

DepEd designed the implementation of RA 10533 within the framework of increased

community involvement in the learner’s experience;

With this premise, DepEd offers venues for various stakeholders to participate in the
implementation of RA 10533 and, the same offer, accepted by the PARTIES herein;
The Work Immersion Program is one of the course requirements for graduation. A SHS
student has to undergo Work Immersion in a business organization or establishment with
work requirements related to the specialization. Through Work Immersion, the students
are exposed to and are familiarized with the work environment related to their field of
specialization. Specifically, the students are able to:

1. Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories learned
in school.
2. Enhance their technical knowledge and skills.
3. Enrich their skills in communications and human relations.
4. Develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.

The Work Immersion Partnership has the following objectives:

1. To supplement the formal curriculum of the SHS program with special inputs from
the COMPANY experts and practitioners in order to align the SHS program with
work standards.
2. To develop in the students of the SHS program the knowledge and skills that are
relevant to the needs of the job market in the area.

3. To provide SHS students relevant learning experiences by giving them exposure

to the actual work place setting.

4. To form Work Immersion Partnership between SCC and the COMPANY, allowing
the students, faculty, and the staff of the schools concerned the use of and access
to the COMPANY workplace and equipment as part of their Work immersion


A. Joint Responsibilities

Both the Company and the SCC-CI shall;

1. Create a joint working group that will prepare the action plan to operationalize
the partnership.
2. Form a joint steering committee to monitor the progress of the partnership and
to make sure that the provisions of this Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) are

3. Adhere to all laws, memorandums, and circulars especially those pertaining to

child protection as provided for in the Guidelines for Work immersion

4. Develop the students’ Work Immersion module specifying goals and objectives,
desired outcomes of the program and how these outcomes will be achieved, also
nothing the specific knowledge, skills, attitudes, and competencies that the
student should acquire after completing the program.( See Annex A and Annex c
of the Guidelines.)

5. Develop a Work Immersion Daily Schedule of Activities that will be followed by

the students during the whole duration of the Work Immersion Program. (See
Annex C of the Guidelines.)

6. Formulate Local school Work Immersion policies and guidelines on selection,

7. placement, monitoring, and assessment of students (immersion participants) to
ensure that each student is assigned to an Immersion partner matched to his/her
desired track, qualifications, and aptitude.

B. Responsibilities of the School

SCC-CI shall:
1. Identify and indicate the SHS track/s, strand/s, and/or specialization/s which will
be the subject of the partnership.

2. Make the needed adjustments to contextualize the SHS subjects based on inputs
from the COMPANY.

3. Designate a person in charge of coordinating with the COMPANY and supervising

the activities of the students for the duration of the Work Immersion Program.

4. Provide insurance coverage for learners during work immersion program.

5. Continue to exercise its Special Parental Authority under the Family Code over
the Senior High School student under immersion in the premises of the partner.

6. Monitor each student’s progress throughout the duration of the entire work
immersion program so as to make sure that the tasks assigned to each student
are meaningful, challenging, and applicable to his/her particular programs, and
are able to maximize the quality of the learning experience.

7. Provide the COMPANY an evaluation tool for the students’ Immersion


8. Issue a final grade to the student upon completion of the requirements within a
prescribed period.

9. Ensure that the student will adhere to the nondisclosure policies of the
COMPANY as agreed to by the School.

10. Provide signed Consent forms from the parents as applicable.

11. Provide the COMPANY a Certified of Participation in the SHS program for
whatever purpose it may serve.

12. Review, facilitate, and endorse the application of the COMPANY to avail of the
tax incentives/ exemption as specified in R.A. 8525 otherwise known as The
Adopt-A-School Act of 1998.
C. The COMPANY shall:

1. Assign a competent Immersion Coordinator from the COMPANY to liaise with the
School and supervise the students without prejudice to the special parental
authority of the school, its administrators, and teachers for the duration of the
Work immersion program so as to ensure efficient implementation of all stages of
the program.

2. Provide inputs into the curriculum through the discussions or workshops that
DepEd will organize.

3. Lead its expertise by making available its resident resource persons to provide
training to the students.

4. Allow the students to be deployed to the different

sections/departments/project sites of the COMPANY based on the Work
Immersion Daily Schedule of Activities.
5. Agree to the required number of hours of the immersion program set under the
DepEd SHS curriculum. (See Annex A of the Guidelines.)

6. Provide immersion opportunities for ___ students for _______________.

7. Provide students with an orientation about the COMPANY, its line of business,
and the work its employees do, and expose them to the various stakeholders of
the community in which the COMPANY operates for the students to get holistic
understanding of its business.

8. Similarly ensure that students undergo training related to their course, and
provide the students with work or activities based on the activities listed in the
prescribed template for the Immersion Program of Activities (Annex C of the

9. Make its workplace and facilities available to students and teachers, and shall
similarly take all necessary action to ensure the safety of students within their
areas of operation at all times, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, the
provision for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), if applicable. Ensure that the
students will not be exposed to hazardous materials and working environment
throughout the duration of the immersion.

10. Evaluate students’ performance in the Immersion venue by accomplishing

provided evaluation tool.

11. Issue a Certificate of Completion to the student trainees upon satisfactory

compliance with all requirements of the program.

12. Submit to the Adopt-A-School Program Secretariat all pertinent documents in

support of the amount specified/claimed for the tax exemption application of the


This agreement shall hold for the duration of the 2018-2019 Academic School Year
and is renewable every year. The COMPANY and SCC-CI shall submit their intention for
renewal of this agreement through formal notice within thirty (30) days before the
expiration of this agreement.

The COMPANY and SCC-CI reserve their respective rights to terminate their
participation in the agreement through formal written notice within (30) days before the
effectivity of the termination. Both parties shall turn over all deliverables agreed thereto
in the Work Immersion Program. Termination shall be subject to the mutual agreement
between the parties.

A material breach of the Work Immersion Guidelines and/or this MOA shall
constitute a ground for termination of the MOA, in whole or in part, by the aggrieved
party without prejudice to other legal remedies.


The school, its administrators, and teachers exercising authority and supervision
over the Senior High School Student undergoing Immersion in the premises of the partner
may be held accountable for the student’s acts.

Each party shall answer for losses and damages arising from any accident, act, or
omission directly attributable to its fault or negligence, which may cause death or bodily
injury to any persons, or loss or damage to property, by or on account of the performance
of the respective obligations by the parties pursuant to this Agreement. Such
responsibility shall continue to remain that of the responsible party’s even after the
termination of this agreement, if such losses and damages were incurred during the
effectivity of this agreement.

DepEd shall not be liable for opportunity losses of the Company during the
duration and after the termination of this agreement.


It is expressly understood by DepEd and the students that all information on

technology, manufacturing process, process standards, quality assurance methodologies,
quality standards, production capabilities, raw materials purchasing, marketing, finance,
and all other related documents, manuals, operational, and technical matters that the
Company shall make available to them shall be used for the sole purpose of student
training. All of these matters are classified as confidential in nature and proprietary to the
Company and thereby each students hereby undertakes to prevent transfer of such
information by any of its members to any party outside of the Company.

It is expressly understood by the PARTIES that the Company is not obliged to pay
wage or salary since no employer-employee relationship exists between them. However,
the Company is not precluded from providing the student with any monetary or financial
assistance in the form of transportation fee, food allowance, etc.

In determining the existence of an employer-employee relationship, the following

elements are considered: (1) the power to hire; (2) the payment to wages; (3) the power
to dismiss; and (4) the power to control the employee’s conduct, with the control test
generally assuming primacy in the overall consideration.

No employer-employee relationship exists between the student and the partner

in work immersion if all the following criteria are met:
1. The training, even though it includes actual operation of the employer’s
facilities, is similar to training provided in an educational program.
2. The training is for the benefit of the student.
3. The student does not displace regular employees, and work under close
4. The students are not entitled to a job at the conclusion of the training period
and are free to take jobs elsewhere in the same field.
5. Any clinical training is performed under the supervision and direction of
people who are knowledgeable and experienced in the activity.
6. The training is general, and qualities the students to work in any similar
business. It is not designed specifically for a job with the employer that offers
the program.
7. The screening process for the Immersion program is not the same as for
employment, and does not appear to be for that purpose. The screening only
uses criteria relevant for admission to an independent educational program.
8. Advertisement, posting, or solicitations for the program clearly discuss
education or training, rather than employment, although employers may
indicate that qualified graduates may be considered for employment.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby affix their signatures in
_____________, Philippines, this ___________ of.

For St. Cecilia’s College-Cebu, Inc.: For the COMPANY:

Epifania M. Reyes, M.A.Ed _____________________

School Principal

Signed in the presence of:

_______________________ ___________________

Republic of this Philippines )

City of ________________ ) S.c

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public ___________________________ personally

appeared _______________________ exhibiting to me his ID No.
______________________ issued by the ________________________________, known
to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument and respectively
acknowledged to me that he signed the same as his own free and voluntary act and deed.
This instrument consists of 10 pages, including the page in which this acknowledgement
is written, and has been signed on the left margin of each and every page thereof by the
parties and their witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this

_______________________ at the place above written.

Doc. No. _____;

Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of ______.
SHS Work Immersion Program Documentary and Output Requirements

Students who are in Grade 12 and will be enrolling in Work Immersion Program for the
second semester must submit the following documents (1 original copy and 2
photocopies of each document)

1) Work Immersion Program Application Form (Form 01)

2) Work immersion Program agreement & Consent Form (Form 02)
3) Work Immersion Program Permit to Work (Form 05)
4) Resume with cover letter
5) Notarized Work Immersion Liability Waiver (Form 03)
6) 4 pcs. 2 x 2 pictures
7) Work Immersion Program Waiver for Physically Unfit Students (if needed)
8) Photocopy of student ID card
9) Community Tax Certificate (Parent/Guardian/Student)
10) Barangay Clearance
11) Police Clearance
12) Medical Certificate
13) Enrollment Form

Students must submit their Wok Immersion Program Report using this format:
1) Title Page
2) Table of Contents
3) Company profile/ description of the operations of the institution partner/s
where the student was deployed.
4) Pictures of work site
5) Certificate of Completion (photocopy) specifying the number of hours
6) Copies of the weekly report (narrative/ account of learning and achievements,
Issues faced and corresponding resolutions).
7) Copies of the Daily Time Record (DTR)
8) Illustration of activities performed
9) Work Immersion Highlights and Lowlights
10) Other relevant pictures/ documents
St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Work Immersion Program


Name of Students: _________________________________ Date: __________________

Direction: Please rate the student using the following scoring system:
5 ---------------------- EXCELLENT
4 --------------------- VERY GOOD
3 --------------------- GOOD
2 --------------------- NEEDS IMPROVEMENT
1 --------------------- UNSATISFACTORY
NA --------------------- NOT APPLICABLE

1. Does he/she have to know-how and is well informed as to
nature and details of the duties and responsibilities assigned to
2. Does he/she consider the amount of work accomplished and
the promptness with which the work is completed?
3. Is he/she able to perform his/her work with accuracy and

4. Does he/she turn in work that is up to standard?

5. Does he/she show honesty and trustworthiness in the

observance of confidential matters and the proper use of
official time?
6. Is he/she careful in handling materials and equipment entrusted
to him/her?
7. Does he/she practice preservation, conservation and recycling
of materials entrusted to him/her?
1. Does he/she have good appearance; wear proper attire for
work; is neat and well-groomed?
2. Does he/she have strong sense of personal initiative? Is he/she
able to think and plan by himself/herself?
3. Does he/she work harmoniously with others? Is he/she flexible
and willing to help out when and where needed?
4. Does he/she possess self-confidence? Does he/she try his/her
best to adjust to the demands of the situation?
5. Is he/she courteous, respectful and tactful?
6. Is he/she able to make decisions and establish a course of action
even under stressful conditions?
1. Does he/she participate in staff and other required meetings?
2. Does he/she participate in official company activities and

3. Does he/she submit requirements punctually?

4. Does he/she show punctuality and attendance in work?



Evaluated by:

Position: _______________________________________
Establishment: __________________________________
Note: Please return this evaluation form in a sealed envelope.
St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu, Inc.
LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National Highway
Minglanilla, Cebu
Tel. No. 032-268-4746/032-490-0767

Requirements Checklist


1) Work Immersion Program Application Form (Form 01)

2) Work immersion Program agreement & Consent Form (Form 02)

3) Work Immersion Program Permit to Work (Form 05)

4) Resume with cover letter

5) Notarized Work Immersion Liability Waiver (Form 03)

6) 4 pcs. 2 x 2 pictures

7) Work Immersion Program Waiver for Physically Unfit Students (if needed)

8) Photocopy of student ID card

9) Community Tax Certificate (Parent/Guardian/Student)

10) Barangay Clearance

11) Police Clearance

12) Medical Certificate

13) Enrollment Form

LASSO Supervised School
Natalio B. Bacalso South National HIghway, Minglanilla, Cebu
Academic Year 2020-2021



Student’s Name

Work Immersion Partner

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