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This Portfolio on Practice Teaching Experiences prepared and submitted by Dynnamae

S. Enjaynes is hereby accepted in partial fulfillment of the course requirement in PrEd200
(Student Teaching).


Student Teaching Supervisor



Accepted as partial fulfillment of the course requirements in PrEd200 (Student Teaching).


Head, Department of Teacher Education

and Dean, College of Education




Cover Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Table of Contents iii-iv

I. Statement of Purpose 1-2

II. My Prayer 3

III. My Practice Teaching Site 4

Let’s Explore SPCFI- Bulacao

Basic Education Department (Description) 5

Photos of the School 6-7

Various Emotio/Feelings and “What if”

questions at School Site (Reflection) 8-9

IV. Lesson Plan Writing 10

Lesson Plan Writing: My Daily Map (Description) 11

Lesson Planning: Teacher’s Light in darkness

(Reflection) 12

V. My Best Lesson Plan and IM’s 13

Sample of Lesson Plan 14

Photos of IM’s 15

Best Lesson Plan: The Fun

was priceless (reflection) 16

VI. Learners’ Work and Feedback 17

Sample of Learners’ Work and Feedback 18-19

Learner’s Work : Give and take Relationship 20


VII. Community Involvement 21-22

Community Involvement: A Harmonious

Collaboration (Description)

Photos about the Community Involvement

Community Involvement: Lifelong Investment


VIII. Observation and Evaluation Forms 23

Samples of Observation and

Evaluation Forms 24-25

Developing my strengths and

weaknesses (reflection) 26

IX. Professional Readings 27-28

Real-time teacher-student interactions:

A Dynamic Systems Approach (Summary) 29-30

Real-time teacher-student interactions:

A Dynamic Systems Approach (Reflection) 31

Math tech improves student performance 32

Math tech improves student performance

(Summary) 33-34

Math tech improves student performance

(Reflection) 35

Deeper Learning 36

Deeper Learning (Summary) 37

Deeper Learning (Reflection) 38


XI. RESUME 41-43



School Forms


Other Practice Teaching related 45-46

Statement of Purpose

In this portfolio, it serves as a record of my understanding and

expriences, dealing with different kinds of problems I encountered during the
practice teaching or field. It is also shows my weaknesses and strengths as
a student teacher and for self-improvement.

As a future teacher in basic Ed., I will teach my students easily, or

step by step process because not all students are the same capabilities,
understanding and abilities. They are all not the same, so as future teacher
to them I will adjust myself . share my knowledge to them, I will let them
treasure their learnings that can related to thier real life situations. I work
hard to nurture my students for better learnings, so tthat they will adapt or
well equippped with their skills needed to think critically. In this philosophy I
agreed,becuase “it is not about the beauty of a building you should look at;
it’s the construction of the foundatioon that will stand”. In this philosophy its
means a lot to me because as future teacher the beauty in your lessons its
not that important,maybe the beauty in your lesson can help but the for me
from the word the “construction of foundation” is most important because
when you make a lesson plan for your students make sure that they can
learn from it or from your lessons or has sense.

In my teaching philosophy, i have my own style or strategies in

teaching. In making IM’s also can helps a lot specially to the visual learners.
I have some experiences and I learned from that experienced that’s why I
applied it on my teaching for better goal. I also learned how to make an
assessments that’s fits to their learnings, understanding and comprehension.
through this I can manange my lessons and negotiate with my students,
mentors and supervisor.
Teacher’s Prayer

Our creator of heaven and Earth , our God almighty, thank you for your huge
of gifts and blessings, the opportunity to teach and give each of my students best
learnings that I can offer. Now I am here now say that thank you for all of this opportunity
that you given me, to teach my studdents and share my knowledge to them.

Heavenly father, enable me to teach wisdom, for I help to shape the mind of
my students.Equip me to teach with truth, for I help to share the conscience. Encouarage
me to teach with vision , for I help to shape the future. Empower me to teach with love,
For I help to shape the world.

Oh lord, I humbly ask for your guidance as I impart my lknowledge and guide
my students to right path. Help me to all problems that I encourter, don’t allow negatives
on me and my students. Help my students to enlighten the their minds. Encourage them

Help me become a good role model to my students, an open minded towards

my students Lord, give me a lot of patience, possitive minds.

Help me to be merciful to my students, to balance mercy and discipline at the

right measure, genuine praise and feedback at all the times. Blessed me Oh lord and my
students also, keep them away from danger and negative mind.

I want to teach my students how to live this life on earth, to face the struggles and
its strife and improve their worth, not just the lessons in a book but all the right thingto do.

Blessed all Catholic school teachers , not for catholic but all of us and help us to nurture
the faith of our children. Gove them the wisdom to pass on their own knowledge and
experience and show our children your love. Amen.
Let’s Explore SPCFI- Bulacao Basic Education Department


A school that we can be proud of, a scool that always improving for better one. Talking
about the history of this school, St. Pual is a private educational institution with a main
campus that can be found at 279 N. Bacalso Avenue, Bulacao, Pardo, Cebu City. It has
also campuses on F. Ramos Street corner Junquera Street, Cebu City and in Maguikay,
Manduae City along the highway.
The Cebu St. Pual college was established in 1985 by Atty. Lourdes Libres Rosaroso,
MD, who served as its president as well as chairman of the board. Its program offerings
include Bachelor of Science degree in nursing and graduate degree in midwifery. There
are some courses 4 year degree offered by St. Paul , Bachelor of Elementary Education
major in Genaral Education (BEED), Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Math,
Science Mapeh and English (BSED), College of Computer Studies (COCS), College of
Crimonoloy (COC). It has also Grades school , Senior high and Junior High school which
is new program and in part of K to 12 Curriculum.

St.Pual College Foundation, Inc. and its programs are dully recognized by the Department
of Education( DepED), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Technical
Education and skills Development Authority. ( TESDA).

There are Amenities in St.Pual College Foundation, Inc. , the Computer Labaratory,
Chemistry Labaratory, Audio-Visual Rooms and the Library.

When Atty. Lourdes Libres Rosaroso died, Dr. Randolph M. Libres is the new president
in St. Paul. St.Pual College Foundation, Inc. are now improving because President Dr.
Randolph M. Libres, attending the 30th Annual General Assembly of PACUCOA at
Novotel Manila, Araneta City last Monday, December 2, 2019, reprensting St.Pual
College Foundation, Inc. are now Acrredated with the PACUCOA.



School Gymnasium



School Classrooms

School Computer Room School Library

Audio-Visual Room Chemistry Labaratory

Various Emotion/Feelings and “What if”questions at School


Teaching for me is a noble profession. It is a process in which learner, teacher curriculum

and other variable are organized in systematic ways to attain some determined goals.
Teachers also giving some knowlegde to the students, passing the information to
students, making a students acquire some skill and changing the attitude of lraners.

If there is need of teaching then we need a place for teaching, we need a place that
everyone feel free to dream and learn that’s why schools were build. Schools is not only
for cultivate their own garden of knowledge but also free to dream and learn more and
achieve their goals in life.

My first impression what will happen to me in this school was, a lot of experience, failure,
struggles and on how I manage it and last is the excitement. I have lots of what if in my
mind but still I think positively that I will passed this all. First , the feeling of excitement
why? Because it was my first time in St. Paul and I don’t have friends, I felt nervous at
that time cause I don’t know where my room are, I felt lonely at that time ,I sat in the
corner only, until 1 person talk , she ask whats my name and what course that I enrolled.
Then we started talking to each other, we shared our what ifs in this school. My what if
this is “ What if my cooperating teacher didn’t like me? Will the faculty and staff of the
school supportive? What if I cant pursue to become a teacher? What if I failed to this
course? I was so worried about myself , I have lots what if running in m mind. Worried to
not get along with my cooperating teachers. But in God guide and strength I break that
unpleasant emotions of mine. I said gto my self I am a woman, I will do my best to become
a teacher someday, I think positively in every struggles I encountered. I ask God too
guide me in the right path for my dreams in life and especially dream of my parents for
me. When the time I became a students teacher, I always said thank you lord for
everything in 4 years in St. Paul, I am now near to my dreams. I encourage to myself that
“fighting” cause all my sacrifices will be paid off. When Im now in field, ofcourse we need
to have patience , adjustment, humble always, kepp positive mind. It is good that I
experience this kind of field, I’ve learned a lot with my students and others.

As a future teacher, I need to be more opimistic and flexible enough and accept the
changes of environment. I can be a good example to my students. I am kind of a teacher
to disciplined them well for their better one, always understand, observe and accept the
people that sorround me. One thing I would say is I am blessed with my profession and I
will do my best to teach my students .
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan Writing: My Daily Map


An Bussiness man before she/he do a any kind of bussiness they need to think
twice or trice a plan before they start a bussiness. An engineer will not dare to build a
building without a plan. A doctor will dare to operate a person with critical condition without
plan. Same goes to the teacher they need to think before they write a lesson plan.
Everything teacher do , they need to plan it before thay give an output on. Being a teacher
and writing lesson plan is not a easy job that why teacher is a noble profession of all.
What is Lesson Plan? A lesson plan is a detailed guide for teaching a specific lesson. It
is serve a guide for the teacher when they are dealing with the students and discussed
the lesson.

Making a lesson plan is the most tiring work for the teacher. It took many times
before you have an output. In making lesson plan is you need to think twice or trice before
have a great lesson plan. I make my best lesson plan for the sake of my students and
me. I needed to to finish may lesson plan early as I can because of my demonstration for
next day. I will make sure my lesson will nice ang clean before I present it.

The most tirinh part for me in making lesson is my objectives because my

objectives in the lesson plan the main goal that I need to achived when Im demonstrating.
I need also to think the wonderful activity for my students so that they will not feel bored.
I will do any kind of strategies for my lesson demo for satisfying my goal. As a students
teacher my mentor handling 3 graders, the grade 5, grade 6, and grade 4, I observed
that all of the students are not totally well learned because there are some not good in
reading or did’nt know how to read, don’t know how to spell the word even the easiest
word and last they are low of learmimg of math, I’m not saying that all of them but few of
students are slow learner so as a student teacher to them I need to guide them when they
feel difficult in that subject. They cannot expound their learnings because they are always
spoon feed, that I observed.

In general , lesson plan writing is good guide because it involves settings goals,
developing activities and determning the materials that will be use. It helps also to improve
self esteem.
Lesson Planning: Teacher’s Light in darkness


Teachers help students to learn but it doesn’t men that the teacher doesn’t
need help at all. We believe in the word “no man is an island” all of us need partner to
guide our path to the right way to the light. As a teacher we need help to other people
also so that we cant go to the darkness way. It is serve a map to track with the lesson
that we created.

When I had my first deployment as a tudent teacher, I feel so nervouse and

worried on how to overcome with this and how I manage my students. It made me realize
that when you are in teaching you nedd to have a patience in terms in making lesson
plan, and the students. I know that teaching is not a easy job for me. As a students techer
also that I need to make my intructional materiels beautiful that can attract my students
and the words can be seen and clear in far. It was very tiring because after I finished my
lesson plan I need to do the 2nd step which is making materials. Still Im new in this field I
don’t have a lot of ideas an strategies to do it Im just adjusting myself then.

I considered lesson plan as a good guide for us. It will helps us to stay in light
of effective teaching. Even I had an a little bit experience in field I need to study very well
to achieve my perfect lesson demonstration.

Having lesson plan we can easily delivered the lesson welll, in this experience
in mine I can apply it to my future someday. With the lesson planning and applying it for
real. I experience this field indeed.
The Fun was priceless


The best Bussiness man choose the right bussiness that she build. And
engineer prepares the best blueprint in building a house.The same goes with the
teacherhe/she needs the best lesson plan to create the best teaching learning processfor
the student.

In my first week of handling grade 5 students, I found its hard for me because
there are some students are not interested , from the word that I am the tudent teacher
only not their original teacher. So what I do I introduce myself to them , I entertain one by
one students, I try to close with them and know them. I observed them very well until I
catch their attenhtion. I see my students active , they love to play more but instead I let
them play what they want. I came to observed them what are their weaknesses because
of knowing their weakness I can managed them now, I can control their behavior also.
They love to play the Boat is sinking so as their teavher I apply the game in my lesson.
After lesson I see my students enjoy ang learned. Me as a student teacher to them , I will
not end up my lesson if some other students cant understand the lesson well, I will feel
tired to teach them because if I will surrender that’s mean that Im not thatbkind of effecrive
teacher to them. For me its better to repeat and repeat.if ican see my students are learning
and enjoy while im discussing , I will never feel tired to do my lesson plan and make
instructional material.

In god’s perfect time, if I will be teaching in the future , I will do my best to make my
studentrs enjoy and learn from my lesson, I will give my best on it. For this experience
not just my students will learn but also me it can helps me a lot to reconcile the past
discussion when I was in graders. That’s why when I will be teaching I will apply it to my
Sample works and Feedbacks
Give and Take Relationship


God create us unique. We have different skills, strategies, talents and intellegence. Our
teacher stand for second mother in school they are the one to guide us in developing our
strength and knowledge. In order to see every individual uniqueness of the students
teacher must come up with effective way in knowledgewhich does not only focus on topic
but cater the individual differences of the syudents. In order to know or test the learning
of a students you must have an assessment serve as basis of learnings of student like
quizzes, assignments, projects, oral, and etc.. Their results good in the assessments
means that learners learn from it.

For almost 3 months in field in, I St.Paul College Foundation Inc. , I learned and experince
between my menhtor and the students and my strategies in demonstrating. Since I was
assigned in grade4 , grade 5 and grade 6, ofcourse as a first timer I struggle a lot imparting
knowledge from my students. I came up with different style and strategies to have a good
result when Im demostrating. I also lowered my standards to other students interms in
mathimatics, I not saying Im good enough with math but I have some learning of it, when
the first in field we handle grade 6 and it their examination day some students don’t how
to multiply number, dividing number, that’s why I low my standards and apply the easiest
way in solving math and yes they successful learmed with my own strategy.

Despite in all my struggle and experiences, I learned to be patient and understanding

towards them. I am very thankful of what I have experience in this field. This is what we
call give and take relationship between a teacher and students. I love to see that they
appreciate and value my efforts when Im teaching them.
Never been into
community service
Samples of Observation and Evaluation Forms
Developing my strengths and weaknesses
(A Reflection)

An Evaluation form is a documents used to measure an employee’s performance. One of

the keys to the success of your performance management process is to have good
evaluation form. It invoves collecting and analyzing information about a program’s
activities, characteristics, and outcomes. Its purpose is to make judgement about a
program, to improve its effectiveness and to inform promming decision. It will also
determine the strenths and weknesses of the student teacher that will help to improve
his/her way of teaching.

I found my evaluation form important because this my basis on how to improve my ways
of teaching. To know my weaknesses also so that I can improve it. That’s why I need jthe
negative comments to my cooperating teacher sop that I can adjust myself and improve
it more that I do last. When our cooperating teacher gaves us feedbacks and comments,
shes directly spoke up to us about what we need to improve more. Last I remembered
she said to us that “we need to improved our lesson plan, and if we will get a job soon ,
find a school that you push more and teach us more so that we enchance our skill and
ability”. The things that I need to improve are (10 classroom management, (2) questioning
skills, (3) lesson plan.

I need to improve my classroom management and questioning skill. Classroom

manangement is very important of all also. And nthe questioning skills also. Our
cooperating teacher teaches us and suggest us that we need to that strategies and yes
I apply what she said to us so that I can improved my skills in ways of teaching. Through
this tool, I need to develop my strength and weaknesses im my ways of teaching.
Real-time teacher-student

A Dynamic Systems

Real-time teacher-student interactions:

A Dynamic Systems Approach


Teacher–student relationships develop from real-time teacher–student interactions.

These real-time interactions can be characterized by interpersonal content, structure, and
complementarity. We studied how teacher–student interactions measured in terms of
these characteristics differed for two teachers with distinct teacher–student relationships.
A computer joystick device enabled us to measure teacher and student interpersonal
behavior as a two-dimensional construct, a blend of Agency and Communion. Our results
indicated that interpersonal content and complementarity discriminated between
teachers, and that interpersonal structure did not. Measuring these characteristics seems
promising to understand differences in teacher–student relationships

Good relationships between teachers and students are important for student motivation,
their academic achievement and for teachers' well-being. Poor teacher–student
relationships are related to classroom management issues and are an important reason
for leaving the profession. Many studies have been carried out all over the world to study
teacher–student relationships in various countries (e.g., The Netherlands, the United
States, Canada, Australia, China, and Indonesia) and various educational contexts (e.g.,
secondary, vocational, and university education). All of these studies reported the
significant and crucial role of teacher–student relationships in education. Teacher–
student relationships develop from daily classroom interactions between teacher and
students. The knowledge base on the relation between these daily interactions and the
teacher–student relationship is limited. With the present study we want to add to this
knowledge base.
In this study we define interactions as real-time behavioral exchanges of two or more
participants (e.g., teacher–student or student–student, and relationships as relatively
stable patterns in these behavioral exchanges. When studying how daily classroom
interactions and teacher–student relationships influence each other, it is fruitful to use an
approach based on Dynamic Systems (DS) theory. According to this theory any
development of a system (e.g., a person, a dyad or a group) is hierarchically nested in
time. Development is therefore studied by examining the relation between experiences
and processes on different time levels, i.e., micro-level (e.g., real-time teacher–student
interactions) and macro-level (e.g., teacher–student relationships). Experiences and
processes on a real-time level denote what happens within or between humans from
second to second. Experiences and processes on a developmental time level denote the
relatively stable state of certain human characteristics. Studying the development of
teacher–student relationships using a DS approach includes three basic tenets (a) real-
time interactions between teachers and students in classrooms are the building blocks of
teacher–student relationships ; (b) these relationships become manifest through the
development of recurrent, relatively stable patterns in real-time interactions; and (c) these
relationships constrain real-time processes and experiences.
In various social contexts studies on relationships have been carried out using a DS
approach. Examples are studies on parent–child relationships on homogeneous
interaction partners, and on mixed-sex relationships emphasized the importance of power
in classroom interactions as dynamic systems. Yet, to our knowledge only very few
studies have been carried out using this DS approach to empirically study interpersonal
relationships in educational settings.
In studies that use the DS approach real-time interactions are characterized by their
content and structure. In the present study we will study these characteristics in the
context of teacher–student relationships: interpersonal content and interpersonal
structure. According to identifying the interpersonal content and interpersonal structure in
teacher–student interactions may be critical for understanding teacher–student
relationships. We will also add a third distinctive characteristic of real-time interactions
that is used in studies building on Interpersonal theory interpersonal complementarity.
According to Gurtman (2001) interpersonal complementarity is probably the most
predictive characteristic of interactions for studying differences in relationships.
As a first step in studying on the relation between real-time teacher–student interactions
and teacher–student relationships we will explore if teachers with different relationships
with their students also differ in interpersonal content, structure and complementarity of
the real-time interactions with their students. This discriminant validity of these real-time
characteristics is a prerequisite for studying the relation between real-time (micro-level)
and developmental time (macro-level) processes and experiences. Insight in the relation
between real-time and developmental time processes and experiences contributes to the
understanding of the development of teacher–student relationships, and to interventions
to improve teaching practice.
Real-time teacher-student interactions:

A Dynamic Systems Approach


In building interpersonal connection between students and their teacher, it requires

a lot of time based on my experience in the field of teaching. . . It took me weeks before I
fully understand the strength, weaknesses and needs of my students. I struggled a lot in
adjusting to the environment of teaching Grade 7 students since all of my expectations
was not aligned with the reality when I taught them. I can't even believe that some of my
slow learner students.
With the use of everyday interpersonal interaction between me as their teacher
and to my learners, it gave me the courage to find a way on how to cope up with the
problems I encountered. Also through the teacher-student interaction, I learned to adjust
my standards into very little since I want the lessons to be meaningful and effective to

I could say that I like to communicate with my students and I want to be an

approachable teacher to develop well my interpersonal skill toward my students. As a
future teacher, believe that interacting with the teacher and students can build strong
relationship with each other.
Math tech improves

student performance

Math tech improves student performance


The Philippines lags behind the rest of the world in mathematics and science expertise,
as shown by Filipino students’ dismal scores in global tests like the 2004 Trends in
International Math and Sciences Study.Technology has been touted to fix education
problems. Open-source codes and open universities, PowerPoint presentations and
iPads in class all make the most of technology. Commercial software, including games,
is trying to cash in on the urgent need of parents to raise their kids’ scores, of schools to
supplement the lack of qualified teachers and of students to learn in a “fun” way.But
technology use in class is controversial. Studies in the United States show it can be linked
to distracted behavior and attention deficit disorders.

Courseware by Filipinos In 2011, Science Secretary Mario Montejo wanted to create a

viable math courseware and test whether it could make an impact on student
learning. With Science Undersecretary Fortunato de la Peña and Education
Undersecretary Yolanda Quijano, I cochaired the project “Technology Package for
Student Learning Empowerment.”We worked to make the courseware neither too fast nor
distracting, providing sufficient time for students to understand math concepts.

Several government units worked together: The Science Education Institute (SEI) of the
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) financed and monitored the project; the
University of the Philippines National Institute for Science and Math Education wrote the
lesson scripts; the Advanced Science and Technology Institute provided hardware and
software resources; the Department of Education made possible the pilot testing of the
material in public schools; the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging
Technology Research and Development supported the production. Math tech improves
student performance. AGUJA students interact with each other as they learn on
the math tablet. ... Technology has been touted to fix education problems. Open-source
codes and open universities, PowerPoint presentations and iPads in class all make the
most of technology. Teachers were trained to use the courseware. Two Grade 1 classes
(with students of mixed abilities) were chosen in each school, one used the courseware,
the other did not. Other than this, conditions were similar for both groups: Teachers,
lesson, evaluation.

All students took a pretest. One group supplemented lessons by using the courseware
and going through the activities, with the guidance of teachers. The other, the control
group, followed the traditional classroom lesson plan, without the courseware. Later, they

all took a posttest.The scores of the students who used the courseware soared, compared
to those who did not. Statistical tests showed we could be 95-percent confident the
increase in scores was due to the courseware.In short, the courseware was effective for
practically all the students who used it. After the posttest, the control group was finally
allowed to use the courseware.

Future directions

Students were excited to use the courseware. Some were so enthusiastic that teachers
found it difficult at times to manage the class.Because of the Mother Tongue Law, English
was still not taught in Grade 1, so many of the children could not understand the text. But
when the teachers translated it into the local language, the students quickly grasped the

We plan to have the courseware translated into various languages. We also plan to
create math courseware for Grades 2 to 6.
Math tech improves student performance


Using technology can improved the skills of a child. It has a great advantage to the

21st century learners. But too much using technology can cause dangerous to ourselves

that’s why we can use the technology sometimes or limit our time to use technology.

The advantages with this is can enhance the learning process and make concepts

come live through engaging and interactive media. It can also increase student’s interest

in learning, motivation and performance, it can encourage lifelong learning and it

facilitates positive interactions and relationships.

The disadvantage of this is point of view and the advantage/benefits. The article is about

practicality and efficiency. The practicality of using technology to fix education problems

such that math courseware and the efficiency of it through the results of the experiment

that was conducted. In my point of view as a future educator, I also believe that this

courseware has a good impact to the learner’s development especially in terms of math

but I can’t deny the fact that I may be asking that “If we use technology too much, what if

the time will come when the learners will not need the teachers anymore?”. It is not about

being negative-minded and coward, it is about facing the reality and possibility.
Deeper Learning

Deeper Learning


In our education nowadays, there are many techniques and approaches. Students learn

to self-direct their own education and to adopt what is known as academic mindsets and

they learn to be lifelong learners. Deeper learning is the process of learning for transfer

meaning it allows a student to take what’s learned in one situation and apply it to another.

With this existing pedagogical learning belief, I could say that as a future teacher,

it is a big opportunity for me to apply it in the future. Deeper learning is much worth it

since the students were given a chance to engage in the discussions and develop their

own unique skills necessary for them. They said that “education do exist since students

exist” and “no man is an island”, then we must find a way that the students are free to
work and learn in a group activity rather than alone. All of the things I mentioned are the

quality of deeper learning that could be offered to each of the learners out there.


Five years from now, my first goal is to pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers

(LET) and gain on a teaching job in the province of Vito, Minglanilla Cebu.

Five years from now, I will take up my Master’s Degree.


1. To obtain Bachelor’s degree Bachelor of Education Major in General Education.

2. To attend review classes.

3. To attend seminars and trainings related to my field of expertise.

4. To obtain a high rank and pass the interview.

5. To take a Master’s Degree.


1. I will graduate with the degree of Bachelor of Education Major in General Education.

2. I will pass the LET.

3. To teach in my own province.

4. I will become an effective teacher not only for my future students but also contribute to

the education in the Philippines.

5. I will become well-trained and competent teacher.

Contact Number: 09273745387

Email Address:

Intermediate Objective: To pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).

Long Term Objective: To use the knowledge, skills, values and experiences I have

learned through tertiary study; to educate and provide students with the necessary

learning they needed to become a good citizen in our society.


Date of Birth June 19, 1997

Place of Birth Brgy. Imot Tagaytay, Vito Minglanilla Cebu

Age 22

Gender Female

Civil Status Single

Nationality Filipino

Religion Roman Catholic

Height 5’5

Weight 55 kgs.


Tertiary Level: St. Paul College Foundation Inc.

Bulacao, Pardo Cebu City

Course: Bachelor of Elementary Education

Major: General Education

Secondary Level: Vito National High School

Brg.Teves, Vito Minglanilla Cebu


Primary Level: Vito Elementary School

Brg.Teves, Vito Minglanilla Cebu



 Can communicate both written and oral in Filipino and English Language

 Can draw and paint some appropriate learning and support materials.

 Computer literate (MS Word, MS PowerPoint and editing software)






Applicant’s Signature

Other Practice Teaching related stuff (photos)

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