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BEJB.Tech, DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2014, Fifth Semester Computer Seicnce and ngineering ‘MA, 2266/MA 52/10144 C8 501 — DISCRETE MATHEMATICS (Common to B.Tech. Information Teehriolégy) (Regulation 2008/2010). (Common to PIMA 2265 ~ Discrete Mathematits fo 2ai-Time) ‘Third Semester ~ Computer Science and mrs uFtion 2009) ‘Time: Three hours a) ‘Answer ALL questi rath 0 ein Is (Tp-a(p vq) ¢ a tautology. ° 2 Let E = -1,0,1,2}:-denote the tho truth value of (Vz) Gy) p ay 3. Stata the principle of's ‘ction, 4: What is well order le? gra] 5. Define a comple 6. Define isi yn Betwoen graphs, 7. Provo ther S@aity element is unique in a group. 8. ae qe ~ 9. attice. roan example of a lattice that is'not complemented. PART B—(5 16 = 30 marks) Prove that (p > q) ay 91) > (p > 7) (@)_ Prove that A» ]Dis a conclusion from. the iaximum : 100 marks discourse. If p(x,y): x+y =1, find ABC, B+ 7A and D + 1C by using conditional proof.(8) Or (>) @ State and explain the proof methods. (i) Show that (=) P@) > ve Q(x) = ()(P(x) > Qe). 2. 14. () @) Prove that the number of subsets of set having n clements is © GD Solve the recurrence relation a, =-So,.-3a,.; a, given . that G. = 5,0, =9 anda, =15 (8) Or (>) (i) Find the-number of Positive integers <.1000 and not divisible by any of 3,5, 7 and 22. . (8) Sil) Solve the:recurrence relation a,, = 84,1 +2821, with a, =1,by the method of generating functions. ® (a) @. Prave that any undirected graph has an even number of vertices of odd degree: . . (3) Show: tiat the following graphs GandH are not isomorphic: opt 8 () -@ Define: Q) Adjacency matrix and _ 2) Incidence matrix of a gr () Show that a connected mult each of ts vertices has a (@) - Gi) “Leb. (4f,9),be a mon {$pGt, there exists'a subnet 7c M™ ightgmo¥pbic to the monoid (7,0): here M¥ lapping from M'to M and “O"-donoles the ‘compositigg of ve ®) Gi) Find thie of the subgroup H = {(0)(3]} of the group Fete). . 8) Or \7 prove Lagrange’s theorem on: finite groups. (3) all'the subgroups of (ey, +5). @ @ G ow that in a.lattice ifa <6 and ¢r) and (pv) sr are logically equivalent, 2. Bind a counter example, if possible, to these universally quantified statements, whose the universe.of discourse for all variables consists of all integers. @) Wxvy(x?=y? 4x25), 0) vevy@y2x) 8. How many permutations of {a,b,¢,¢,e,/.2} and with a? In how many ways can a 2xn rectangular board be tiled using Ix 2 and 2x2 pieces? 5. Define isomorphism of directed graphs. & What do you strongly connected components of a telephone call graph represent? Give an example for homomorphism. 8. Define semigroups and Monoids, : 13. () Gi) >” Determine whether the following graphs G and H are isomorphic. Gi) &) @ a a e@ Mu. @) @ Gi) eo) @ Gi 6 @ © « &) @ Gi) Givereason, ® us + G H + wy Ms vg Ma Bs ty ve ‘3 Prove that a given connected graph G is an Buler graph if and only ‘if all the vertices of G are of even degree. (8) Or Prove that a simple graph with n vertices and k components cannot have mére than (*=#)(a—k +1) edges. ® Which of the following simple graphs have a Hamilton cireuit'er, if not, a Hamilton path? 8) oe & boa » “es 3 ZA “TL. a cog oe ef dL. Prove that the intersection of any two subgroups of a group (C, +) is again a subgroup of (G, *). ©) State and prove the Lagrange’s theorem for group. Is the converse true? ao) Or Prove that every cyclic group is-an abelian group. © State and prove the fundamental theorem of group homomorphisms (10) Show that in a lattice if aR, R+S,S—>~Rand PaS are inconsistent. ® Show that the premises “one student in this class knows how to ‘write programs in JAVA" and “Everyone who knows how to write programs in JAVA can get a high paying job imply a conclusion “Someone in this class can get a high—paying job”. ® Or Without ‘constructing the. truth tables, obtain the principle disjunctive normal form of(~P>R)a(Q. P) ® Show that R+S can’ be derived: from the premises P-(Q3S),~RvP andQ. ® ‘Using induction principle, prove that n’ + 2nis divisible by 3. (8) ‘Use the method of generating function, solve the recurrence relation 5, +35, —4s,2=0;n22 given s)=3and s,=-2. @ Or Prove that in a group of six people, atleast three must be mutual friends or at least three nrust be mrutwat strangers. ®) From. cub consisting of six men and seven women, in how many ways we select a committee of (1) 3 men and four women? (2) 4 person which has at least one women? (3) 4 person that has at niost one man? (4) 4 persons that has children of both sexes? (8) Prove that number of vertices of odd degree in a graph is always even. ® Prove that the maximum number of edges in a simple disconnected (n=k)(n-h+1) graph G with n vertices and k components is : ® Or” Prove that a connected graph G is Euler graph if and only if every vertex of of even degree. - (10) Examine whether the following pairs of graphs G1 and Gz given in figures are isomorphic or not. © D d G co) 2) 27340 14, 1b. - . 1 O}f-1 ojf1 o7f-1 0 © 0. Prove aa f il I, I Jems an adatin © lo aflo jlo 1 ) (a) (b) Gi) ® @ @ Ga @ broup under matrix multiplication, . (10) Prove that the Stroup homomérphism: preserves the identity element. - © Or Prove that the intersection of two subgroups of a sroup Gis again a subgroup of G. © Prove that the set Zi =" (0, 4 respect té the binary operation Let Dio = (1,2,3,5,6,10,16,30)’ and let the relation R be divisor Ds @) alll the lower bounds of 10 and 16 (2) ‘the glb of i0’and 15 @® all upper beund of 10 and 16 @) the lub of 10. ana 15 (©) draw the Hesse diagram. (8) Prove that ina Boolean algebra (aviyeataby. ®) Or Examine whether the lattice given in the following Hasse diagram is distributive or not, a 1 ° @) If PS) is the power set of a non—empty S, prove that {P(S)UN..6,S}is a Boolean algebra, (12) 3 27340 Question Paper Code:71777 BE/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2015. Fifth Semester Computer Science and Engineering MA 265/MA 52/10144 OS 501 — DISCRETE MATHEMATICS (Common to B.Tech. Information Téchnology) ‘Regulation 2008/2010) (Common to PTMA 2265/1014 CS 501 - Discrete Mathematics for BE. (Part-Time) ‘Third Semester ~ Computer Science and Engineering ~ Regulation 2009/2010) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A— (10 x 2= 20 marks) 1. Construct the truth table for the compound proposition (p> 4)(lp > 1a). 2 Given P=(2,3,4,5,6), state the truth value of the ‘statement Gre P) (e43=10). 3. What is the ‘number of arrangements of all the six letters in the word PEPPER? 4. Use mathematical induction to show that 142+34--4n= Aer %. Give an example of a graph which is Eulerian buf not Hamiltonian; 6. Define a connected graph and a disconnected graph with examples. 7. Find the left cosets of {{0} (3]} in the group (Z,, +). 8. Define a Field in an algebraic system. 9. Define lattice homomorphism. 10. Prove the Boolean identity : a.b+a.b L 12, 13. @ &) (a) @) (a) @ Gi) @ a Gi) oO @ Gi) PART B— (6x 16=80-marks) Provethat. (ov@)a Clea W)MCla Tale Clea) is a tautology. ® Show that (Pa)alr>3,(Q>AG>u), Y(tau) and (p3)> 1p. ) Or 7 Show that Vx(p(x)vq(x))=Wxp(x)v3xq(z) using the indirect method. ® Write the symbolic form and negate the following statements : () Every one who is healthy can do all kinds of work. (2) Some people are not admired by every one. (3) Every one should help his neighbors ,or his neighbors will not help him. (4) Bvery one. agrees with some one and some one agrees with every one. (8) ‘There are three files of identical-red, blue and green balls, where each file contains at least 10 balls. In how many ways can 10 balls be selected (1) if there is no restriction (2) if at least 1 red ball must be selected (8)if at least 1 red ball, at least 2 blue balls and at least 3 green balls must be selected (4) if at most 1 red ball is selecied. (8) Kind the number of integers between. 1 and 250 both inclusive that are not divisible by any of the integers 2, 3, 5 and 7. (8) Or Use the method of generating function to solve the recurrence relation a, = 8a, +1;n21 given that ay =1 ® Prove by mathematical induction that. n(n D (202) ® 6 PsP ae gn’ Prove that the number of vertices of odd degree in any graph is even, 8) Examine whether the following pair of graphs are isomorphic or not. Justify your answer, ® & 4 P 5 z hr cr a, e R oa x Or na @ 4 15. &) @ ©) @) b) @ a @ Gi) @ Ga) @ Gi Gi) Prove that the maximum number of edges in a simple disconnected (n-Rn— kD raph G with m vertices and k eompenenis 8 gobo. & Find an Buler path or an Euler circuit, if it exists in, the following tgraphs. Ifit does not exist, explain why? ® a & A [Ko , ¢ > Ee e C2 Show that Ma, the set of all 2% 2 non-singular matrices over Ris a group under usual matrix ‘multiplication, Is it abelian. @® Show that the union of two subgroups of group G is 8 SUDEIONE of G i and only if one is contained in the other. 3) or . state and prove Lagrange’s theorem. Go If S=NXN, the set of ordered pairs of positive integers with the operation * defined by (eb)*ed) =( and if 1:(S.*) > (Q,#) is defined by f(a.b)= a show that fis a semigroup homomorphism. © If S, is the set of all divisors of the pasitive integer n and D is the relation of ‘division’, prove that (Syp, D} 18 8 Jattice. Find also all the sub lattices of {Sjp, D} that contains 6 or more elements. @) Show that every chain is a distributive lattice, 8 Or State and prove De Morgan's Law in a complemented distributive lattice. @ If abe S={1,2,3,6} and a+b=LCM(a.b), aeb=GCD(a,b) and 6 a'e-=, show that {S. +, ». ‘, 1,6} is a Boolean Algebra. @ nqt1 © * Reg. No. Question Paper Code: 57517 a Ong y Log B.EJ/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2016 Fifth Semester Computer Science and Engineering MA 6566 - DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. (Regulations 2013) ‘Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks Answer ALL questions. PART ~ A (10 x2 = 20 Marks) 1. Find the truth table for p —» q. 2. Express A «+ B in terms of the connectives {»,—}. 3. How many different words are there in the word ENGINEERING ? 4, Statethe pigeon hote principle. 5. How many edges are there in a graph with 10 vertices each of degree 5? 6. - Define self complementary graph. 7. Show that every cyclic group is abelian. 8. LetZ be the group of integers with the binary operation * defined by a *b =a +b— forall a,b € Z, Find the identity element of the group (Z, *). 9 LetX= {1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6} and R be a relation defined as (x, y) € R if'and only ifx~y is divisible by 3. Find the elements of the relation R. 10, Show that the absorption laws are valid in a Boolean algebra. 1 57517 (> W 12, fa) Gi) () oe @ ) @® @ (i) o @ Gi) PART -B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) ‘Show that “2 is irrational’ 6 Show that “It rained” is a conclusion obtained from the statements. “If it does not rain or if there is no traffic dislocation, then the sports day ‘will be held and the cultural programme will go on”. “If the sports day is held, the trophy will be awarded” and “the trophy was not awarded”. (10) OR Obtain the principal conjunctive normal form ‘and principal disjunctive normal form of (7P —* R) a (Q + P) by using equivalences. 8) Show that R — Sis logically derived from the premises P — (Q — S). Rv PandQ. ey Find the number of integers between 1 and 250 that are divisible by any of the integers 2,3, 5 and 7. eo) Use generating function to solve the reciirence relation S(n + 1) ~ 28(n) = 4" with $(0) = 1, n> 0. @) OR Using mathematical induction show that )) 3°'= 2 8) ‘=o There are six men and five women in a room. Find the number of ways four persons can be drawn from the room if (1) they can be male or female, (2) two must be men and two women, (3) they must all are of the same sex. 8) 2 87517 13. (a) b) (a) ) i) @ (i) @ «i w FG isa conmiested simple graph with n vertices with n> 3, such that the degree of every vertex in G is at least > then prove that G has Hamilton cycle, 0) FG is self complementary graph, then. prove thet G has n = 0 (or) 1 (mod 4) vertices. © OR Define isomorphism between two graphs. Are the simple graphs with the following adjacency matrices isomorphic ? (10) O10001 010001 lo1010 101001 O10101 010110 001010 001010 O10101 OO1101 lo1ro10)8 T10010 Prove that the nuniber of odd degree vertices in any graph is even, © In any group (G, *), show that (a* by-! = prt * g , foralla,be G. © State and prove Lagrange’s theorem on groups. (10) OR Prove that every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic, (8) Let: G+ H_ be a homomorphism from the group (G, *) to the group (H, A) . Prove that the kemel of fis a normal subgroup of G 8) 3 57517 I @® i) ® @ Gi) ‘Show.that every chain is a distributive lattice. . @) In a distributive complemented lattice. Show that the following are equivalent. @ a. 10. Show that the absorption laws are valid in a Boolean algebra. i. @ (b) 2 @ «i @ Gi) @ (i) PART ~B (5 x 16 =.80 Marks) Show that (P v-Q) »2(7 Pa (7Q v 7R))) v (7P 4 7Q) v (IP A 7R) is a tautology by using equivalences. Show that (Wx)(P(x) v Q(x)) => (¥x)(P@) v Gx) Q@) OR ® @) Obtain the truth table for the statement (7P — R) a (Q > P) A(Q— P) and comment on the statement. 8) Show that R — $_ is logically derived from the premises P — (Q—+S), >Rv Pand Q @) Find the number of integers between | and 500 that are not divisible by any of the integers 2, 3 and 5. 8) Use generating function to solve the recurrence relation S(n) — 7S(n~ 1) + 6S(n-2)= 0, forn > 2, with $(0) = 8, S@)=6, OR @) sim o) @ Gi) 13. (@) - Gi) &) @ 14. @) @ ) @ Using mathematical induction show that 3° :2 = MO Went) ®) : = A box contains six white balls and five red balls. Find the number of ways four balls can be drawn from the box if (1) they can be any color, (2) two ‘must be White and two red, (3) they must all are of the same color ® Prove that ain) is the maximum number of edges in a simple graph with n vertices, 6) Define isomorphism between two graphs. Find whether the following graphs are isomorphic or not. ° (8) OR Prove that the number of odd degree vertices in any graph is even. 8) Give an example of a graph (1) which is Eulerian but not Hamiltonian (2) Hamiltonian but not Eulerian (3) both Eulerian and Hamiltonian (4) not an Eulerian and not.a Hamiltonian. (8) State and prove Lagrange’s theorem on groups. 8) Let f: GH be a homomorphism from the group (G, *) to the group (H, 4) Prove that the kemel of fis anormal subgroup of G. (8) OR. 3 ‘Si777 oo " b. @ @ Gi) Piove that every subgroup ofa cyclic cyclic. . 8) State end prove the necessary and sufficient condition fora subgroup. (8) i s ‘Show that cancellation laws are valid in a distributive lattice. ® In a distributive complemented lattice. Show that the following are equivalent. i)a (@,4) be a group Bomomorphism. Then prove that ® [el = Ke) vee G, > Ke isan identity of G, when ¢ is an identity of G, ) Or Prove that the intersection of two normal subgroups of a group G ig again @ normal subgroup of G. @ State and prove Lagrange's theorem ina group, @ Tn a complemented and distributive lattice, prove that complement ofeach element is imique. ® Prove that every chain is distributive Lattice. ) Or Consider the Lattice Dogs with the partial ordered relation divides, then (Draw the Hasse diagram of Das. @) Find the complement of each elements of Dio, Bind the set of atoms of Das. @ Find the number of subalgebras Of Dios @ Show that in a Boolean algebra @sbaande ® 80615 ‘A A Reg. No. : L] Question Paper Code : 50789 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2017 Fifth Semester Computer Science and Engineering MA 6566 - DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Regulations 2013) Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks Answer ALL questions PART-A. (10x2=20 Marks) y 10. . TE (R, +,.) isa ring then p . Find the truth value of Vx(x" > x) if the universe of discourse consists of all real numbers. Also write the negation of the given statement. . Ifthe universe of discourse consists of all real numbers then translate the following formula into a logical statement : vxayValex > 0) + [y? =x = Cyy*Ifale? =) > @=yv-y)] . How many cards must be selected from a standard deck of 52 cards (4 different suits of equal size) to guarantee that at least three cards of the same suit are chosen ?) . Write the particular solution of the recurrence relation a, = 6a,_,—9a,_9 +3. . Draw a graph that is an Euler graph but not Hamiltonian. . Can you draw a graph of 5 vertices with degree sequence 1, 2, 3, 4,5? . Define ‘kernel of —— in a group. 0 that a. 0=0,VaeR and 0 is the identity element in R under addition. . State modular inequality of lattices. Write the only Boolean algebra whose Hasse diagram is a chain. x \ 8 ae 50789 og (ern ae 11. 12, 13, PART-B (616=80 Marks) a) i) Show that the following two statements are logically equivalent : “It is not true that all comedians are funny” and “There are some comedians who are not funny”. ) ii) Prove that the conditional statement [(P > Q) (Q>R)]—> (P >R) isa tautology using logical equivalences. @) (OR) b) i) Use rules of inference to prove that the premises “A student in this class has not read the book” and “Everyone in this class passed the first exam” imply the conclusion “Someone who passe the first exam has not read the book”. (8) ii) In an island there are two kind of inhabitants Knights (who always tell the truth) and their opposites, Knaves (who always lie). Let A and B be any two people from that island. A says “Bisa knight” and B says “The two of us are opposite types”. Define exhaustive proof strategy and use it to find the nature of A and B. (8) a) Avalid code word is an n-digit decimal number containing even number of 0's. Ifa,, denotes the number of valid code words of length n then find an explicit formula for a,, using generating functions. (16) (OR) b) i) IfH,, denote harmonic numbers, then prove that Hyn 21 at using mathematical induction. (io) i) A total of 1232 students have taken a course in Spanish, 879 have taken a course in French and 114 have taken a course in Russian, Further, 103 have taken courses in both Spanish and French, 23 have taken courses in both Spanish and Russian and 14 have taken courses in both French and. Russian. 1f2092 students have taken at least one of Spanish, French and Russian, how many students have taken a course in all three languages ? ©) 8) i) Examine whether the following two graphs G and G’ associated with the following adjacency matrices are isomorphic, : 010100 010010 101001 101000 910100 .o010101 and 101010001010 (10) 000101 100101 910010 oo1010 ii) Discuss the various graph invariants preserved by isomorphic graphs. (6) (OR) 3 . 50789 b) i) Prove that a simple graph with n vertices and k components can not have more than eiRelkey) edges. ii) Prove that a simple graph is bipartite if and only if it is possible to assign one of two different colors to each vertex of the graph so that no two adjacent vertices are assigned the same color. ) (10) 14. a) IfGis a group of order n and H is a sub-group of G of order m, then prove the following results : i) ae G is any element, then the left coset aH of H in G consists of as many elements as in H. (4) ii) Any two left cosets of H in G is either equal or disjoint. (8) iii) The index of H in G is an integer. (4) (OR) aa b) i) Examine whether on{(: } av0e x is a commutative group under matrix multiplication, where R is the set of all real numbers. (10) ii) Prove that (Z;, X,) is a commutative monoid, where X, is the multiplication modulo 5. (6) 15. a) i) Let (L,<) be a lattice in which * and @ denote the operations of meet and join respectively. For any a,be Lasbeoaxb=aea@b=b. (8) ii) Prove that every chain is a distributive lattice. (8) (OR) b) i) Ina Boolean algebra B, if a, b, ce B, then prove that asbesarb’=0ea'@b=leb’sa’. (2) ii) Let (L,*, ) and (S, a, v) be any two lattices with the partial orderings < and <’ respectively. If g is a lattice homomorphism, then g preserves the partial ordering. ()

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