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e-content developer:

The rapid development in the computer technology, together with the

use of computers by the teachers, paved the way for the introduction
of computers in teaching and learning. With the advancement of
technology, the computer has become more user friendly, so the
teachers can attempt to develop E-content.
Content production in the electronic format is the need of the hour.
With the powerful medium namely internet, the content can be
communicated to the needy target group with less cost and more
effectively. E-content is a very power full tool of education. E-content is
valuable to the learners and also helpful to teachers of all individual
instruction systems; E-content is the latest method of instruction that
has attracted more attention to gather with the concept of models
E-content technical definition: (Electronic-content) Digital content that
can be transmitted over a computer network such as the Internet
(Wikipedia definition)
E-content is termed as Electronic content that include text, image,
graphics, animation, audio and video, sometimes e-content will be
single element carrying anyone of the above element or all of the
above together to display offline or online web-pages and also to be
transferable to computer to another computer and internet.
The contents can be in any of the following forms:
 Any one information type (for example fully textual, only graphics
content, or only audio content)
 Multimedia or hypermedia (i.e. mixing more than two
information type)
 It is all forms of digital information that is used for multiple
purpose in different fields and areas.
 It is the living expression of the life in country with all its images,
sounds and recorded heritage.
 It is innovative application of computer in the teaching and
learning process.
 It may be internet based which includes text, video, audio,
animation and visual environment.
 E-content is technologically friendly to pupil for downloaded text
materials and used on any computer in independently for the
purpose of learning process.
 E-content is having learner friendly for easy navigation. Another
important feature of e-content is learner centric, it is useful in self
instructional model.
 E-content is also teachers friendly, it is used in various teaching
learning methods such as classroom, lecturing to a group, lab
Phases of e-content development
In e-content development aspects consists of six phases viz., analysis,
development, testing, implementation and evaluation.
The Analysis Phase: It is the most important as it identifies area‟s in
our current situation. This phase accountability considered by the views
of subject experts, target audiences, objectives and its goals. In this
phase, we must know the audience, and their skill, budget of the e-
content, delivery methods and its constraints with due dates.
The Design Phase: It involves the complete design of the learning
solution. It helps to plan of an e-content preparation. In this phase, we
must know the planning, use of relevant software; required skills;
creative and innovative interactions of subject contents like texts,
pictures, videos and suitable animations.
The Development Phase: It concerns the actual production of the e-
content design. It helps to create the e-content by mixing of texts,
audio, video, animations, references, blogs, links, and MCQs
(multiple choice questions) with some programming specifications
like home, exit, next etc.
The Testing phase: It helps to administer the e-content in the actual
educational field. In this phase, we must test the spelling mistakes,
content errors, clarity of pictures, relevant videos, appropriate audios,
timing of animations, and hyperlinks.
The Implementation Phase: It helps to administer the e-content to the
target audience. This phase explains how to install and how to use it
and their difficulties experienced while using e-content. It checks
the product accuracy and quality maintenance.
The Evaluation Phase: It helps to satisfy the e-content and its
effectiveness. This phase considers feedback from both learners and
instructors. After the feed back reactions, the e-content is designed
again as post-production for effective delivery of e-content.
 Hyper linking - contents can be linked to other pages inside and
outside the book;
 Non-linearity - i.e. the order of access can be determined by
 addition of multimedia - i.e. content presentation is enhanced by
mixing information type (i.e. sound, video and so on)
 data density - storage capacity is decreased while at the same
time increasing portability
 Searching - the usefulness of the content is enhanced by the
ability of the users to locate any piece of information, or to access
any section instantly.
The seven internet safety topics you should teach in middle school are:
1. Verifying someone's identity
2. Verifying a link is safe
3. Identifying an online scam
4. Protecting privacy
5. Creating and using passwords
6. Identifying, not participating, and stopping cyberbullying
7. Becoming a good digital citizen
A Teacher’s Guide To Student Online Safety
Students are more connected than ever before thanks to the internet.
Being “always on” can be great, as it can help young people learn and
connect with others more easily than you ever did as a child. However,
like any communication tool, it does have its downsides. All adults in a
child’s life have the responsibility to teach them about internet safety.
As their teacher, though, you’re in a unique position to help them.
Here’s how you can teach kids about using the internet more safely.
Create a School Policy, and Have Students Sign It
The first thing you’ll need to do is create a school policy about internet
usage. Lay everything out in clear, easy-to-understand terms. Describe
how you expect the students to use the internet, what they should
avoid and how they should communicate with others online. Then,
share this policy with students and require them to sign in before using
IT facilities at school. Having a policy will help pupils understand how
seriously they should be taking their online safety.

Teach Students About Online Privacy

Kids these days often know better than to share passwords or their
addresses online; however, there are new threats that they may not
understand. Take the time to have a conversation with your students
about how their favorite sites and apps store their information. Do they
know that Snapchat, for example, keeps messages on a server for 30
Create an Effective Cyberbullying Reporting System
“Cyberbullying is a common problem that nearly every school is dealing
with,” says educational expert Janet Moran from Elite Assignment Help.
“You need to be able to support your students when it happens and
educate them on the correct way to use the internet. Create a good
reporting system that both students and parents can use to report
cyberbullying, and follow through on any reports that you get.”
Get Students Involved
When you’re creating new technology usage guidelines or introducing
new hardware or software, ask students for their input. They’re much
more likely to work with you if they feel as though have some
ownership of the process. They can also inform you of devices, apps
and programs that you may not have known about.
Keep Up With Technology
Teens often turn to their friends for advice online because they may
feel more comfortable talking to peers or think their parents and other
adults are unaware of the current technology landscape. Keep yourself
up to date about online developments, and make sure that students
can come to you about any concerns they have. The more you know,
the more you can help.
Provide Resources to Students
There’s lots of educational services out there, but not all of them are
trustworthy. Research educational resources before recommending or
using them to make sure others have had a positive experience from a
security, online safety and privacy perspective.
Know the Laws on Sexting
Sexting has become a real problem, and there have been many
instances in which private photos and messages have been shared
more publicly than the senders had originally intended. Look into the
laws on sexting, and ensure the whole school staff know what to do if
they discover evidence of it in your school. Then, talk openly and
honestly with students and parents about it. Give the students the
information on the law, and ask their parents to discuss with them.
Teens are much less likely to engage in risky behavior if their parents
are open with them.
Blocking Sites Won’t Fix Everything
It’s a good idea to block risky sites at school, but that won’t stop
students trying to access them. Talk about why the sites being blocked,
and educate the students on better ways to use the internet. The more
knowledge they have, the less vulnerable to risk they’ll be.
These tips will help you keep your students safe and educate them
about how to use the internet. Put them to use and keep your school
safer online.

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