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Lampiran 6. Uji Reabilitas

Tingkat Kinerja Pelayanan Solar

Case Processing Summary

Cronbach' N of Items Reliability Statistics

s Alpha Cronbach's N of Items

,850 20 100,0 Alpha

a ,850 20
Cases Excluded 0 ,0

Total 30 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Cronbach's

Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Alpha if Item
Correlation Deleted

item1 60,57 43,151 ,316 ,848

item2 60,70 40,838 ,586 ,837
item3 60,83 40,213 ,670 ,834
item4 60,73 41,926 ,459 ,843
item5 60,10 42,300 ,265 ,854
item6 58,87 44,189 ,164 ,855
item7 58,97 43,137 ,263 ,851
item8 58,73 41,237 ,498 ,841
item9 60,87 42,395 ,459 ,843
item10 60,87 42,395 ,337 ,848
item11 60,83 40,213 ,670 ,834
item12 58,90 42,783 ,280 ,851
item13 61,13 42,051 ,582 ,839
item14 60,70 40,838 ,586 ,837
item15 58,67 40,989 ,557 ,838
item16 58,67 43,885 ,235 ,851
item17 60,83 40,213 ,670 ,834
item18 58,60 42,248 ,562 ,840
item19 58,70 43,252 ,259 ,851
item20 58,73 41,099 ,514 ,840

Tingkat Kinerja pelyanan air bersih

Case Processing Summary

N % Reliability Statistics

Valid 30 100,0 Cronbach's N of Items

Cases Excluded
0 ,0 Alpha

Total 30 100,0 ,781 20

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Cronbach's

Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Alpha if Item
Correlation Deleted

item1 75,17 25,040 ,373 ,770

item2 75,13 25,430 ,295 ,775
item3 75,07 24,823 ,428 ,767
item4 75,03 26,102 ,170 ,781
item5 75,20 24,717 ,440 ,767
item6 75,23 25,633 ,256 ,777
item7 76,57 26,461 ,044 ,793
item8 75,70 24,424 ,265 ,780
item9 74,17 23,523 ,536 ,758
item10 74,27 23,857 ,635 ,756
item11 74,23 23,564 ,600 ,755
item12 74,17 25,247 ,192 ,784
item13 74,30 23,872 ,400 ,768
item14 74,17 24,764 ,369 ,770
item15 74,57 25,426 ,229 ,779
item16 74,23 24,254 ,468 ,764
item17 74,17 24,420 ,501 ,763
item18 74,60 25,628 ,179 ,783
item19 74,43 25,220 ,222 ,781
item20 74,27 24,133 ,575 ,759

Tingkat Kinerja Pelayanan Es

Case Processing Summary

N % Reliability Statistics

Valid 30 100,0 Cronbach's N of Items

Cases Excluded
0 ,0 Alpha

Total 30 100,0 ,868 20

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Cronbach's

Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Alpha if Item
Correlation Deleted

item1 65,57 42,599 ,476 ,862

item2 65,10 41,266 ,537 ,859
item3 65,23 40,392 ,652 ,855
item4 65,20 42,579 ,364 ,866
item5 64,40 41,559 ,344 ,869
item6 63,00 44,276 ,250 ,868
item7 63,00 44,138 ,230 ,869
item8 65,23 40,392 ,652 ,855
item9 63,07 40,409 ,701 ,854
item10 63,03 41,206 ,653 ,856
item11 65,30 41,252 ,584 ,858
item12 65,23 40,392 ,652 ,855
item13 63,07 41,651 ,532 ,860
item14 63,03 41,068 ,674 ,855
item15 63,07 42,547 ,371 ,865
item16 63,13 43,154 ,255 ,871
item17 63,23 43,013 ,245 ,872
item18 63,00 42,000 ,609 ,858
item19 63,17 42,144 ,371 ,866
item20 65,53 43,292 ,394 ,864

Tingkta Kepentingan Pelayanan Solar

Case Processing Summary

Reliability Statistics
N %
Cronbach's N of Items
Valid 30 100,0
Cases Excluded 0 ,0
,875 20
Total 30 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Cronbach's

Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Alpha if Item
Correlation Deleted

item1 64,73 50,823 ,531 ,868

item2 65,07 46,754 ,827 ,857
item3 65,00 48,138 ,757 ,861
item4 64,97 47,620 ,730 ,860
item5 65,13 47,085 ,671 ,862
item6 66,73 52,064 ,272 ,876
item7 66,77 52,254 ,252 ,876
item8 66,73 50,547 ,342 ,875
item9 65,47 50,809 ,369 ,873
item10 64,87 50,395 ,545 ,868
item11 64,90 49,610 ,591 ,866
item12 65,20 50,786 ,406 ,872
item13 67,07 49,582 ,559 ,867
item14 65,17 51,454 ,350 ,873
item15 67,00 52,828 ,112 ,885
item16 67,17 48,213 ,621 ,864
item17 64,97 50,171 ,446 ,870
item18 65,40 46,800 ,575 ,866
item19 67,07 52,616 ,239 ,876
item20 65,40 49,352 ,504 ,868

Tingkat Kepentingan Pelayanan Air Bersih

Case Processing Summary

Reliability Statistics
N %
Cronbach's N of Items
Valid 30 100,0
Cases Excluded 0 ,0
,821 20
Total 30 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Cronbach's

Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Alpha if Item
Correlation Deleted

item1 63,80 25,338 ,538 ,807

item2 65,80 26,372 ,328 ,817
item3 65,93 25,995 ,444 ,812
item4 65,90 26,921 ,236 ,820
item5 63,83 24,971 ,623 ,803
item6 63,93 27,306 ,164 ,823
item7 63,87 27,016 ,209 ,822
item8 65,93 25,857 ,308 ,819
item9 63,90 24,300 ,611 ,801
item10 63,83 24,213 ,788 ,795
item11 63,83 24,626 ,697 ,799
item12 64,40 26,041 ,251 ,823
item13 63,87 24,464 ,572 ,803
item14 63,80 25,890 ,425 ,812
item15 65,90 26,369 ,198 ,827
item16 66,07 25,099 ,484 ,808
item17 66,13 25,913 ,378 ,814
item18 64,73 26,547 ,290 ,818
item19 66,23 26,254 ,223 ,825
item20 64,73 26,547 ,290 ,818

Tingkta kepentingan Pelayanan Es

Case Processing Summary

Reliability Statistics
N %
Cronbach's N of Items
Valid 30 100,0
a Alpha
Cases Excluded 0 ,0
,772 20
Total 30 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Cronbach's

Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Alpha if Item
Correlation Deleted

item1 78,60 32,662 ,376 ,762

item2 78,67 32,575 ,400 ,761
item3 78,87 31,844 ,312 ,765
item4 78,90 31,748 ,402 ,759
item5 79,17 30,833 ,438 ,755
item6 78,67 32,989 ,242 ,769
item7 78,93 33,513 ,142 ,776
item8 78,60 31,076 ,468 ,754
item9 78,93 31,789 ,411 ,758
item10 78,87 31,499 ,385 ,759
item11 78,83 31,385 ,359 ,761
item12 78,73 33,926 ,114 ,776
item13 78,67 32,368 ,377 ,761
item14 78,80 31,683 ,317 ,765
item15 78,83 31,730 ,318 ,764
item16 78,77 30,806 ,415 ,757
item17 78,93 32,064 ,302 ,765
item18 78,90 31,403 ,321 ,765
item19 80,97 32,792 ,247 ,769
item20 78,63 32,447 ,418 ,760

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