Research Summary

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RESEARCH – is a systematic inquiry that uses disciplined Paradigms and Methods: Quantitative

methods to answer questions or solve problems. And Qualitative Research

Nursing research is systematic inquiry designed to
develop knowledge about issues of importance to the Research methods are the techniques used by
nursing profession, including nursing practice, education, researchers to structure a study and to gather and
administration, and informatics. In this book, we analyze information relevant to the research question.
emphasize clinical nursing research, that is, research
designed to generate knowledge to guide nursing practice Quantitative research, which is most closely allied with
and to improve the health and quality of life of nurses’ the positivist tradition, and qualitative research, which is
clients. most often associated with naturalistic inquiry— although
positivists sometimes engage in qualitative studies, and
naturalistic researchers sometimes collect quantitative
Evidence-based practice (EBP), which is broadly
defined as the use of the best clinical evidence in making
patient care decisions. The ―Scientific Method‖ and
Quantitative Research

- To develop, refine and expand a body of Scientific method - refers to a general set of orderly,
disciplined procedures used to acquire information.

Inductive reasoning is the process of developing

Quantitative researchers use deductive reasoning to
generate hunches that are tested in the real world.
generalizations from specific observations. For example,
a nurse may observe the anxious behavior of (specific)
hospitalized children and conclude that (in general) Quantitative researchers gather empirical
children‘s separation from their parents is stressful. evidence—evidence that is rooted in objective reality
and gathered directly or indirectly through the senses.
Empirical evidence, then, consists of observations
Deductive reasoning is the process of developing gathered through sight, hearing taste, touch, or smell.
specific predictions from general principles. For example,
if we assume that separation anxiety occurs in
hospitalized children (in general), then we might predict Quantitative—that is, numeric information that results
that (specific) children in Memorial Hospital whose from some type of formal measurement and that is
parents do not room-in will manifest symptoms of stress. analyzed with statistical procedures.

NURSING RESEARCH Basic research is undertaken to extend the base of
knowledge in a discipline, or to formulate or refine a
A paradigm is a world view, a general perspective on theory.
the complexities of the real world. Paradigms for human For example, a researcher may perform an in-
inquiry are often characterized in terms of the ways in depth study to better understand normal grieving
which they respond to basic philosophical questions: processes, without having explicit nursing applications in
• Ontologic: What is the nature of reality?
• Epistemologic: What is the relationship between the Basic research is appropriate for discovering
inquirer and that being studied? general principles of human behavior and
• Axiologic: What is the role of values in the inquiry? biophysiologic processes
• Methodologic: How should the inquirer obtain
knowledge? Applied research focuses on finding solutions to
existing problems.
Assumption - refers to a basic principle that is For example, a study to determine the
believed to be true without proof or verification effectiveness of a nursing intervention to ease grieving
would be applied research.
Determinism - refers to the belief that phenomena are
not haphazard or random events but rather have Applied research is designed to indicate how
antecedent causes. these principles can be used to solve problems in
nursing practice.
The specific purposes of nursing
research include identification, description,
exploration, explanation, prediction, and

Qualitative methods are especially useful for exploring the
full nature of a little-understood phenomenon.
Exploratory qualitative research is designed to shed
light on the various ways in which a phenomenon is
manifested and on underlying processes.


Prediction and Control

Many phenomena defy explanation. Yet it is
frequently possible to make predictions and to control
phenomena based on research findings, even in the
absence of complete understanding. For example,
research has shown that the incidence of Down
syndrome in infants increases with the age of the mother.
We can predict that a woman aged 40 years is at higher
risk of bearing a child with Down syndrome than is a
woman aged 25 years. We can partially control the
outcome by educating women about the risks and offering
amniocentesis to women older than 35 years of age.
Note, however, that the ability to predict and control in
this example does not depend on an explanation of why
older women are at a higher risk of having an abnormal
Explanation child. In many examples of nursing and health-related
studies—typically, quantitative ones—prediction and
The goals of explanatory research are to
control are key objectives. Studies designed to test the
understand the underpinnings of specific natural
efficacy of a nursing intervention are ultimately concerned
phenomena, and to explain systematic relationships
among phenomena. Explanatory research is often linked with controlling patient outcomes or the costs of care.
to theories, which represent a method of deriving,
organizing, and integrating ideas about the manner in
which phenomena are interrelated. Whereas descriptive
research provides new information, and exploratory Example
research provides promising insights, explanatory Of a Quantitative Study
research attempts to offer understanding of the
underlying causes or full nature of a phenomenon.
Thomas and Moore (2001) conducted a study to
determine the effectiveness of a preoperative pain
management intervention for relieving pain among elders
undergoing surgery.
McDonald (who had conducted earlier research on
the topic of pain and pain management) and her colleagues
developed a preoperative intervention that taught pain
management and pain communication skills. The content
was specifically geared to older adults undergoing surgery.
Forty elders, all older than age 65 years, were recruited to
participate in the study. Half of these elders were assigned,
at random, to participate in the special intervention; the
remaining half got usual preoperative care. Postoperative
pain was measured for both groups on the evening of the
surgery, on postoperative day 1, and on postoperative day 2.
The results supported the researchers‘ predictions that (a)
pain in both groups would decline over time; and (b) those
receiving the special intervention would experience greater
decreases in pain over time. PAIN CAN BE MEASURE
Research Example Subjects who provide information to researchers by
answering questions directly—e.g., by filling out a
Of a Qualitative Study questionnaire—may be called respondents.)

Cheek and Ballantyne (2001) undertook a study to

Informants or key informants in a qualitative study
describe the search and selection process for an aged care
facility after discharge of a family member from acute Research Settings
hospital settings in Australia, and to explore the effects the
process had on the individuals and their families. Twelve Research can be conducted in a wide variety of
residents and 20 of their sponsors (the primary contact locales in health care facilities, in people‘s homes, in
person responsible for the resident) participated in the study. classrooms, and so on.
Face-to-face in-depth interviews were conducted with
residents in the aged care facilities and with family members
in their homes. They were all asked to talk about their Site is the overall location for the research—it could be
personal experiences of the search and selection process an entire community
and its effect on their well-being.
These interviews were audio taped and then Settings are the more specific places where data
transcribed. Analysis of the interview transcripts revealed collection occurs. In some cases, the setting and the site
five themes. One theme, for example, was labeled ―dealing are the same, as when the selected site is a large
with the system—cutting through the maze.‖ Dealing with the hospital, and information is collected exclusively within
system was perceived as being in the middle of a war zone. that setting.
This sense of battle was related to confusion, lack of control,
and the feeling of being at the system‘s mercy. Contributing Naturalistic settings (in the field), such as in people‘s
to this perception of being at war with the system was the homes or offices. When researchers go into the field to
stress of having to deal with multiple aged care facilities on collect their information, they are engaged in fieldwork.
an individual basis. A second major theme was labeled
―Urgency—moving them on and in.‖ Sponsors felt a sense of
urgency in finding a suitable facility to have their family
member transferred to from the acute setting. Sponsors felt
pressured to make on-the-spot decisions to accept or reject :
a place in a facility once it had become available.
This thorough and careful study provides a firsthand
perspective on the experiences of people going through the
process of selecting an appropriate long term care facility for
aging family members. One of the central implications for
practice of this study concerns the need to revise the search
and selection process to make it more efficient in terms of
time and effort of the sponsors and residents. In addition, the
study suggests that increased communication—from the
acute setting to the aged care facilities being considered
could play an important role in decreasing the stress of this
guilt-ridden experience. The clinical implications of the study
are strengthened by the fact that the researchers took steps
to ensure its rigor. For example, the transcripts of these
interviews were read by at least two members of the
research team who individually identified themes from each
interview. The researchers then compared and discussed
the themes from all the interviews until consensus was THE BUILDING BLOCKS
reached. Moreover, the researchers took steps to weigh their
evidence for their thematic conclusions against potentially
competing explanations of the data.
Phenomena, Concepts, and Constructs

Research focuses on abstract rather than

tangible phenomena. For example, the terms pain,
coping, grief, and resilience are all abstractions of
The person who undertakes the research is the:
particular aspects of human behavior and characteristics.
RESEARCHER Quantitative
These abstractions are referred to as concepts or, in
INVESTIGATOR & Qualitative
qualitative studies, phenomena.
SCIENTIST - quantitative studies
Subjects or study participants - in a quantitative study, Researchers (especially quantitative researchers)
also use the term construct. Like a concept, a construct
the people who are being studied.
refers to an abstraction or mental representation inferred variable. If it rained continuously and the temperature was
from situations or behaviors always 70_F, weather would not be a variable, it would be
a constant. CONSTANT VARIABLE – there are no
changes (ex: 24 carat gold)
Theories and Conceptual Models
For example, lung cancer research is concerned with the
A theory is a systematic, abstract explanation of some variable of lung cancer. It is a variable because not
aspect of reality. In a quantitative study, researchers often everybody has this disease. Researchers have studied
start with a theory, framework, or conceptual model what variables might be linked to lung cancer and have
discovered that cigarette smoking is related. Smoking is
also a variable because not everyone smokes. A variable,
Variables – Subject To Change then, is any quality of a person, group, or situation that
In quantitative studies, concepts are usually referred to as varies or takes on different values.
variables. A variable, as the name implies, is something
that varies. Weight, anxiety levels, income, and body Variables are the central building blocks of
temperature are all variables (i.e., each of these quantitative studies.
properties varies from one person to another). To
quantitative researchers, nearly all aspects of human
beings and their environment are variables. For example,
if everyone weighed 150 pounds, weight would not be a
Continuous, Discrete, and Categorical Variables Lung cancer - dependent variable (effect)
Smoking - independent variable (cause)
Continuous variables have values that can be Pain - dependent variable (effect)
represented on a continuum. In theory, a continuous Nursing actions - independent variable (cause)
variable can assume an infinite number of values
between two points. The effect of smoking is lung cancer.
For example, consider the continuous variable weight: The cause of lung cancer is smoking
between 1 and 2 pounds, the number of values is The effect of wrong nursing actions is pain
limitless: 1.005, 1.7, 1.33333, and so on. The cause of pain is the wrong nursing action

Discrete variable is one that has a finite number of

values between any two points, representing discrete A dependent variable in one study could be an
quantities. For example, if people were asked how many independent variable in another study. For example, a
children they had, they might answer 0, 1, 2, 3, or more. study might examine the effect of nurses‘ contraceptive
The value for number of children is discrete, because a counseling (the independent variable) on unwanted births
number such as 1.5 is not a meaningful value. Between (the dependent variable).
the values 1 and 3, the only possible value is 2.
Another study might investigate the effect of unwanted
births (the independent variable) on the incidence of child
Dichotomous variable - The variable gender has only abuse (the dependent variable).
two values or two choices ex:
male and female
Pregnant/not pregnant
HIV positive/HIV negative

Variables that take on only a handful of discrete non-

quantitative values are categorical variables. Another
example is blood type (A, B, AB, and O).

Active variables For example, if a researcher is

interested in testing the effectiveness of patient controlled
analgesia as opposed to intramuscular analgesia in
relieving pain after surgery, some patients would be given Definitions of Concepts and Variables
patient-controlled analgesia and others would receive The concepts in which researchers are interested
intramuscular analgesia. In the context of this study, are, as noted, abstractions of observable phenomena.
method of pain management is a variable because Researchers‘ world view and their outlook on nursing
different patients are given different analgesic methods. shape how those concepts are defined. A conceptual
definition presents the abstract or theoretical meaning
Attribute variables are often characteristics of research of the concepts being studied. Conceptual meanings are
subjects, such as their age, health beliefs, or weigh based on theoretical formulations, on a firm
understanding of relevant literature, or on researchers‘
Dependent versus Independent Variables clinical experience (or on a combination of these).

Independent variable
presumed cause or antecedent
Does a nursing intervention cause more rapid
Does smoking cause lung cancer?

Dependent variable
Presumed effect or outcome

For example, researchers investigate the extent to which

lung cancer (the dependent variable) depends on
smoking (the independent variable). Or, investigators may
be concerned with the extent to which patients‘
perception of pain (the dependent variable) depends on
different wrong nursing actions (the independent
In qualitative studies, the researcher collects primarily
An operational definition of a concept qualitative data, that is, narrative descriptions.
specifies the operations that researchers must perform to Narrative information can be obtained by having
collect the required information. Operational definitions conversations with the participants, by making detailed
should correspond to conceptual definitions. notes about how participants behave in naturalistic
settings, or by obtaining narrative records from
participants, such as diaries.
Research data (singular, datum) are the
pieces of information obtained in the course of the Example: Suppose we were studying depression
investigation. qualitatively. ―Tell me about how you‘ve been feeling
lately— have you felt sad or depressed at all, or have you
Quantitative researchers collect primarily quantitative generally been in good spirits?‖ Here, the data consist of
data—that is, information in numeric form. As an rich narrative descriptions of each participant‘s emotional
example, suppose we were conducting a quantitative state.
study in which a key variable was depression; we would
need to measure how depressed study participants were. Typically, an operation known as coding is required to
We might ask, ―Thinking about the past week, how make research data amenable to analysis. In
depressed would you say you have been on a scale from quantitative coding studies, coding is the process of
0 to 10, where 0 means ‗not at all‘ and 10 means ‗the translating verbal data into numeric form. For example,
most possible‘?‖ answers to a question about a subject’s gender might be
coded “1” for female and “2” for male (or vice versa). In
qualitative coding, researchers develop coding categories
that represent important themes in the data.

A relationship is a
bond or a connection between phenomena.
For example, researchers repeatedly have found a
relationship between cigarette smoking and lung cancer.
Both qualitative and quantitative studies examine
relationships, but in different ways.

As an example of a descriptive study, a researcher might

do research to determine the percentage of patients
receiving intravenous (IV) therapy who experience IV
infiltration. In this example, the variable is IV infiltration
versus no infiltration.

Descriptive - no intervention but merely observe &

collect data. It is a non experimental res. design.
Study on absentism in St Lukes
Study on environmental pollution in Quezon
Quantitative studies. Relationships are usually
expressed in quantitative terms, such as more than, less
than, and so on.

For example, let us consider as our dependent variable a

person‘s body weight. What variables are related to
(associated with) a person‘s weight? Some possibilities
are height, caloric intake, and exercise. For each of these
independent variables, we can make a prediction about
the nature of the relationship to the dependent variable:
Height: Taller people will weigh more than shorter
Caloric intake: People with higher caloric intake
will be heavier than those with lower caloric
intake. Quantitative researchers use several criteria to assess
Exercise: The lower the amount of exercise, the the quality of a study, and two of the most important
greater will be the person‘s weight. criteria are reliability and validity. Reliability refers to the
accuracy and consistency of information obtained in a
Each statement expresses a predicted relationship study.
between weight (the dependent variable) and a
measurable independent variable. Terms such as more For example, if a thermometer measured Bob‘s
than and heavier than imply that as we observe a change temperature as 98.1F one minute and as 102.5_F the
in one variable, we are likely to observe a corresponding next minute, the reliability of the thermometer would be
change in weight. If Nate is taller than Tom, we would highly suspect.
predict (in the absence of any other information) that Nate
is also heavier than Tom. Most quantitative studies are Validity is a more complex concept that broadly
undertaken to determine whether relationships exist concerns the soundness of the study‘s evidence—that
among variables. is, whether the findings are cogent, convincing, and well
Quantitative studies typically address one or grounded.
more of the following questions about relationships:
Does a relationship between variables exist? (e.g., is Trustworthiness encompasses several different
cigarette smoking related to lung cancer?) dimensions—credibility, transferability, confirmability, and
What is the direction of the relationship between dependability.
variables? (e.g., are people who smoke more likely Dependability refers to evidence that is
or less likely to get lung cancer than those who do consistent and stable.
not?) Confirmability is similar to objectivity; it is the
How strong is the relationship between the degree to which study results are derived from
variables? (e.g., how powerful is the relationship characteristics of participants and the study
between smoking and lung cancer? How probable is context, not from researcher biases.
it that smokers will be lung cancer victims?) Credibility, an especially important aspect of
What is the nature of the relationship between trustworthiness, is achieved to the extent that the
variables? (e.g., does smoking cause lung cancer? research methods engender confidence in the
Does some other factor cause both smoking and truth of the data and in the researchers‘
lung cancer?) interpretations of the data.

Triangulation is the use of multiple sources or referents

to draw conclusions about what constitutes the truth.

Bias is a major concern in designing a study

because it can threaten the study‘s validity and
trustworthiness. In general, a bias is an influence that
produces a distortion in the study results. Biases can
affect the quality of evidence in both qualitative and
quantitative studies. Random bias, a handful of study
Patterns of interconnected themes and processes are
participants might fail to provide totally accurate
identified as a means of understanding the whole.
information as a result of extreme fatigue at the time the
data were collected. Systematic bias, on the other hand,
results when the bias is consistent or uniform.
Each circle represents all the variability associated
with a particular variable.
The large circle in the center stands for the
dependent variable, infant birth weight.
Smaller circles stand for factors contributing to infant
birth weight.
Overlapping circles indicate the degree to which the
variables are related to each other.

One of the central features of

quantitative studies is that
they typically involve efforts to control tightly various Experimental research
aspects of the research. Research control involves Researchers actively introduce an intervention
holding constant other influences on the dependent or treatment.
variable so that the true relationship between the Active manipulation
independent and dependent variables can be Active participation to sample population
understood. In other words, research control attempts to Controlled setting – laboratory unit
eliminate contaminating factors that might cloud the
relationship between the variables that are of central Nonexperimental research
interest. Researchers collect data without making
changes or introducing treatments.
Observe sample subject
Massive participation
Describe and record
Natural setting – where pop. exists
Phenomenology which has its disciplinary roots in both
philosophy and psychology and is rooted in a
philosophical tradition.
Step 1: Formulating and Delimiting the Problem
Step 2: Reviewing the Related Literature

Literature review provides a foundation on which to

base new knowledge and usually is conducted well
before any data are collected in quantitative studies.

Step 3: Undertaking Clinical Fieldwork

Step 4: Defining the Framework and Developing
Conceptual Definitions
Step 5: Formulating Hypotheses

A hypothesis is a statement of the researcher‘s

Ethnography is the primary research tradition within expectations about relationships between the variables
anthropology, and provides a framework for studying the under investigation.
meanings, patterns, and experiences of a defined cultural
group in a holistic fashion. Ethnographers typically engage in Phase 2: The Design and Planning Phase
extensive fieldwork, often participating to the extent possible
in the life of the culture under study.
Step 6: Selecting a Research Design

Research design
Is the overall plan for obtaining answers to the
questions being studied and for handling some
of the difficulties encountered during the
research process.
Architectural backbone of the study.

Step 7: Developing Protocols for the Intervention

Step 8: Identifying the Population to be Studied

Population refers to the aggregate or totality of those

Phase 1: The Conceptual Phase conforming to a set of specifications. Also known as
The early steps in a quantitative research project universe
typically involve activities with a strong conceptual or
intellectual element. These activities include reading, Step 9: Designing the Sampling Plan
conceptualizing, theorizing, reconceptualizing, and
reviewing ideas with colleagues or advisers. During this
phase, researchers call on such skills as creativity, Probability sampling methods, which use random
deductive reasoning, insight, and a firm grounding in procedures for selecting subjects. In a probability
previous research on the topic of interest. sample, every member of the population has an equal
probability of being included in the sample.


Step 10: Specifying Methods to Measure the

Research Variables
Step 11: Developing Methods for Safeguarding
Human/Animal Rights
Step 12: Finalizing and Reviewing the Research

Phase 3: The Empirical Phase

The empirical portion of quantitative studies involves
collecting research data and preparing those data for
analysis. In many studies, the empirical phase is one
of the most time-consuming parts of the investigation;
although the amount of time spent collecting data varies
considerably from one study to the next.

Step 13: Collecting the Data

Step 14: Preparing the Data for Analysis

Phase 4: The Analytic Phase

Step 15: Analyzing the Data usually filled with rich verbatim passages directly from
Step 16: Interpreting the Results participants.

Interpretation is the process of making sense of the

results and of examining their implications. The process
of interpretation begins with an attempt to explain the
findings within the context of the theoretical framework,
prior empirical knowledge, and clinical experience. A research problem is an enigmatic, perplexing, or
troubling condition. Both qualitative and quantitative
Phase 5: The Dissemination Phase researchers identify a research problem within a broad
topic area of interest. The purpose of research is to
Step 17: Communicating the Findings ―solve‖ the problem—or to contribute to its solution—by
Step 18: Utilizing the Findings in Practice accumulating relevant information. A problem
statement articulates the problem to be addressed and
indicates the need for a study.

Problem Statements
A problem statement is an expression of the dilemma or
disturbing situation that needs investigation for the
Conceptualizing and Planning a
purposes of providing understanding and direction. A
Qualitative Study problem statement identifies the nature of the problem
that is being addressed in the study and, typically, its
1. Identifying the Research Problem context and significance. In general, the problem
2. Doing Literature Reviews statement should be broad enough to include central
3. Selecting and Gaining Entrée Into concerns, but narrow enough in scope to serve as a
Research Sites guide to study design.
4. Research Design in Qualitative Studies

Emergent design—a design that emerges during the A research problem is a perplexing or enigmatic
course of data collection. situation that a researcher wants to address through
disciplined inquiry.
5. Addressing Ethical Issues
6. Conducting the Qualitative Study
7. Disseminating Qualitative Findings

Quantitative reports almost never present raw data—

that is, data in the form they were collected, which are
numeric values. Qualitative reports, by contrast, are
Simple hypotheses state a relationship between a single
independent variable, which we will call X, and a single
dependent variable, which we will label Y. Y is the
predicted effect, outcome, or consequence of X, which is
the presumed cause, antecedent, or precondition.

Grounded theory: Processes; social structures;

social interactions
Phenomenological studies: Experience; lived
experience; meaning; essence
Ethnographic studies: Culture; roles; myths;
cultural behavior

A hypothesis is a prediction about the relationship
between two or more variables.

Simple versus Complex Hypotheses

Simple hypothesis as a hypothesis that expresses an

expected relationship between one independent and one
dependent variable. A complex hypothesis is a
prediction of a relationship between two (or more)
independent variables and/or two (or more) dependent
In general, hypotheses should be worded in the
present tense

Research versus Null Hypotheses

Research hypotheses (also referred to as

substantive, declarative, or scientific hypotheses) are
statements of expected relationships between

Null hypotheses (or statistical hypotheses) state

that there is no relationship between the independent
and dependent variables.

The null form of the hypothesis used in our preceding

examples would be a statement such as: “Patients’ age
is unrelated to their risk of falling” or “Older patients
are just as likely as younger patients to fall.” The null
hypothesis might be compared with the assumption of
innocence of an accused criminal in our system of
justice: the variables are assumed to be ―innocent‖ of
any relationship until they can be shown ―guilty‖ through
appropriate statistical procedures. The null hypothesis
represents the formal statement of this assumption of
Content of Research Reports The Introduction
The central phenomena, concepts, or variables
under study.
The Abstract The statement of purpose, and research
The abstract is a brief description of the study placed at
questions or hypotheses to be tested
the beginning of the journal article. The abstract
A review of the related literature.
answers, in about 100 to 200 words, the following
The theoretical framework.
questions: What were the research questions? What
The significance of and need for the study.
methods did the researcher use to address those
questions? What did the researcher find? And what are
The Method Section
the implications for nursing practice? Readers can
The research design.
review an abstract to assess whether the entire report is
The subjects
of interest.
Measures and data collection
Study procedures
identifying information on them, responses would be


One of the most fundamental ethical principles

in research is that of beneficence, which
encompasses the maxim: Above all, do no harm.

Self-determination means that prospective participants

have the right to decide voluntarily whether to participate
in a study, without risking any penalty or prejudicial

Coercion involves explicit or implicit threats of penalty When anonymity is impossible, appropriate
from failing to participate in a study or excessive rewards confidentiality procedures need to be
from agreeing to participate. implemented. A promise of confidentiality is a pledge
that any information participants provide will not be
Full disclosure means that the researcher has fully publicly reported in a manner that identifies them and will
described the nature of the study, the person‘s right to not be made accessible to others. This means that
refuse participation, the researcher‘s responsibilities, research information should not be shared with
and likely risks and benefits. strangers nor with people known to the participants (e.g.,
family members, physicians, other nurses), unless the
One technique that researchers sometimes use in such researcher has been given explicit permission to share
situations is covert data collection or it.
concealment— the collection of information without
participants‘ knowledge and thus without their consent. Obtain identifying information (e.g., name,
This might happen, for example, if a researcher wanted address) from participants only when essential.
to observe people‘s behavior in a real-world setting and Assign an identification (ID) number to each
was concerned that doing so openly would result in participant and attach the ID number rather than
changes in the very behavior of interest. The researcher other identifiers to the actual data.
might choose to obtain the information through Maintain identifying information in a locked file.
concealed methods, such as by observing through a Restrict access to identifying information to a
one-way mirror, videotaping with hidden equipment, or small number of people on a need-to-know
observing while pretending to be engaged in other basis.
activities. Enter no identifying information onto computer
A more controversial technique is the use of deception. Destroy identifying information as quickly as
Deception can involve deliberately withholding practical.
information about the study, or providing participants Make research personnel sign confidentiality
with false information. For example, in studying high pledges if they have access to data or identifying
school students‘ use of drugs we might describe the information.
research as a study of students‘ health practices, which Report research information in the aggregate; if
is a mild form of misinformation. information for a specific participant is reported,
take steps to disguise the person‘s identity, such
as through the use of a fictitious name.
Justice which includes participants‘ right to fair
treatment and their right to privacy.
Informed consent means that participants have
adequate information regarding the research, are
capable of comprehending the information, and have the
Anonymity occurs when even the researcher cannot power of free choice, enabling them to consent to or
link participants to their data. For example, if decline participation voluntarily.
questionnaires were distributed to a group of nursing
home residents and were returned without any

In such experimental studies, researchers play an
active role by introducing the intervention. In other
studies, referred to as nonexperimental studies, the
researcher observes phenomena as they naturally occur
without intervening.

1. Comparison between two or more groups.
2. Comparison of one group’s status at two or more
points in time.
3. Comparison of one group’s status under different
4. Comparison based on relative rankings.
5. Comparison with other studies.
Cross-Sectional Designs Panel studies, the same people are used to
supply data at two or more points in time. The term
Cross-sectional designs involve the collection of data panel refers to the sample of subjects providing data.
at one point in time: the phenomena under study are
captured during one period of data collection. Cross-
sectional studies are appropriate for describing the
status of phenomena or for describing relationships
among phenomena at a fixed point in time. For example,
we might be interested in determining whether
psychological symptoms in menopausal women are
correlated contemporaneously with physiologic

Follow-up studies are similar to panel studies,

but are usually undertaken to determine the subsequent
development of individuals who have a specified
condition or who have received a specified
intervention—unlike panel studies, which have samples
drawn from more general populations. For example,
patients who have received a particular nursing
intervention or clinical treatment may be followed to
ascertain the long-term effects of the treatment. As
another example, samples of premature infants may be
followed to assess their later perceptual and motor
Longitudinal Designs development.
A study in which data are collected at more than one
point in time over an extended period uses a
longitudinal design. (A study involving the collection
of postoperative patient data on vital signs over a 2-day
period would not be described as longitudinal.) There
are several types of longitudinal designs.
Trend studies are investigations in which
samples from a population are studied over time with
respect to some phenomenon.

Experiment, researchers are active agents, not passive
observers. Early physical scientists learned that although
pure observation of phenomena is valuable, complexities
occurring in nature often made it difficult to understand
important relationships.

A true experimental design is characterized by

the following properties:
Cohort studies are a particular kind of trend Manipulation—the experimenter does
study in which specific subpopulations are examined something to at least some subjects
over time. The samples are usually drawn from specific Control—the experimenter introduces controls
age-related subgroups. For example, the cohort of over the experimental situation, including the use of a
women born from 1946 to 1950 may be studied at control group
regular intervals with respect to health care utilization. In Randomization—the experimenter assigns
a design known as a cross-sequential design,* two or subjects to a control or experimental group on a random
more age cohorts are studied longitudinally so that both basis
changes over time and generational (cohort) differences
can be detected.
Manipulation involves doing something to study
participants. The introduction of that ―something‖ (i.e.,
the experimental treatment or intervention) constitutes
the independent variable.

Control is achieved in an experimental study by

manipulating, by randomizing, by carefully preparing the
experimental protocols, and by using a control group.
The term control group refers to a group of subjects
whose performance on a dependent variable is used to
evaluate the performance of the experimental group or
treatment group (the group that receives the
intervention) on the same dependent variable.

Hawthorne effect, which is a placebo effect. The term

Randomization (also called random assignment) is derived from a series of experiments conducted at the
involves placing subjects in groups at random. Random Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Corporation in
essentially means that every subject has an equal which various environmental conditions, such as light
chance of being assigned to any group. If subjects are and working hours, were varied to determine their effects
placed in groups randomly, there is no systematic bias on worker productivity. Regardless of what change was
in the groups with respect to attributes that could affect introduced, that is, whether the light was made better or
the dependent variable. worse, productivity increased.

cluster randomization, which involves randomly For example, if an experiment to investigate the effect of
assigning clusters of individuals to different treatment a new postoperative patient routine were conducted,
groups nurses and hospital staff, as well as patients, might be
aware of their participation in a study, and both groups
might alter their actions accordingly.

Experimental Designs

Quasi-experiments, like true experiments, involve the
manipulation of an independent variable, that is, an

Factorial Design

This factorial design permits the testing of multiple

hypotheses in a single experiment.
Retrospective Designs

Studies with a retrospective design are ones in which a

phenomenon existing in the present is linked to
phenomena that occurred in the past, before the study
was initiated. That is, the researcher is interested in a
present outcome and attempts to determine antecedent
factors that caused it.

Prospective Nonexperimental Designs

A Nonexperimental study with a prospective design

(sometimes called a prospective cohort design) starts
with a presumed cause and then goes forward in time to
the presumed effect. For example, we might want to test
NONEXPERIMENTAL the hypothesis that the incidence of rubella during
RESEARCH pregnancy (the independent variable) is related to infant
abnormalities (the dependent variable). To test this
hypothesis prospectively, we would begin with a sample
of pregnant women, including some who contracted
Reasons for Undertaking Nonexperimental Research
rubella during their pregnancy and others who did not.
Most studies involving human subjects, including
nursing studies, are Nonexperimental. One reason for
using a Nonexperimental design is that a vast number of
human characteristics are inherently not subject to
experimental manipulation (e.g., blood type, personality,
health beliefs, and medical diagnosis); the effects of
these characteristics on other phenomena cannot be
studied experimentally.

Ex Post Facto/Correlational Research

There are two broad classes of Nonexperimental

research, the first of which has been called ex post
facto research. The literal translation of the Latin
term ex post facto is ―from after the fact.‖ This means Natural Experiments
that the study has been conducted after variations in the
independent variable have occurred. Ex post facto Researchers are sometimes able to study the outcomes
research attempts to understand relationships among of a ―natural experiment‖ in which a group exposed to
phenomena as they naturally occur, without any natural or other phenomena that have important health
intervention. Ex post facto research is more often consequences are compared with a noNexposed group.
referred to as correlational research. Such natural experiments are Nonexperimental because
the researcher does not intervene but simply observes
the outcome of an external event or circumstance.


A population is the entire aggregation of cases in which

a researcher is interested. For instance, if a nurse
researcher were studying American nurses with doctoral
degrees, the population could be defined as all U.S.
citizens who are registered nurses (RNs) and who have
acquired a Ph.D., D.N.Sc., Ed.D., or other doctoral-level
Descriptive Research degree.

The second broad class of Nonexperimental

studies is descriptive research. The purpose of
descriptive studies is to observe, describe, and Samples and Sampling
document aspects of a situation as it naturally occurs
and sometimes to serve as a starting point for Sampling is the process of selecting a portion of the
hypothesis generation or theory development. population to represent the entire population. A
sample, then, is a subset of population elements. An
Descriptive Correlational Studies is to describe element is the most basic unit about which information
the relationship among variables rather than to infer is collected. In nursing research, the elements are
cause-and-effect relationships. Descriptive correlational usually humans.
studies are usually cross-sectional.
Representative sample is one whose key
characteristics closely approximate those of the

Sampling designs are classified as either probability

sampling or nonprobability sampling.

Probability sampling involves random selection in

choosing the elements.

Nonprobability samples, elements are selected by

nonrandom methods.

Sometimes, it is useful to think of populations as
consisting of two or more subpopulations, or strata. A
stratum is a mutually exclusive segment of a population,
established by one or more characteristics. For instance,
suppose our population was all RNs currently employed
in the United States. This population could be divided
into two strata based on gender. Alternatively, we could
specify three strata consisting of nurses younger than 30
years of age, nurses aged 30 to 45 years, and nurses 46
years or older. Strata are often used in the sample
selection process to enhance the sample‘s
who are judged to be typical of the population or
NONPROBABILITY SAMPLING particularly knowledgeable about the issues under study.

Three primary methods of nonprobability sampling are

convenience, quota, and purposive.

Convenience Sampling

Convenience sampling entails using the

most conveniently available people as study participants.
A faculty member who distributes questionnaires to
nursing students in a class is using a convenience
sample, or an accidental sample, as it is sometimes

Snowball sampling (also called network sampling

or chain sampling) is a variant of convenience
sampling. With this approach, early sample members
are asked to identify and refer other people who meet
the eligibility criteria.

Probability sampling involves the random selection of
elements from a population.

Random sampling involves a selection process in

which each element in the population has an equal,
independent chance of being selected. The four most
commonly used probability sampling methods are simple
random, stratified random, cluster, and systematic

Simple Random Sampling

Quota Sampling Simple random sampling is the most basic
probability sampling design. Because the more complex
A quota sample is one in which the researcher identifies probability sampling designs incorporate features of
population strata and determines how many participants simple random sampling, the procedures involved are
are needed from each stratum. described here in some detail.

Purposive Sampling
Purposive sampling or judgmental sampling is based
on the belief that researchers‘ knowledge about the
population can be used to hand-pick sample members.
Researchers might decide purposely to select subjects
Stratified Random Sampling
In stratified random sampling, the population
is first divided into two or more strata. As with quota
sampling, the aim of stratified sampling is to enhance
representativeness. Stratified sampling designs
subdivide the population into homogeneous subsets
from which an appropriate number of elements are
selected at random.

The aim of most qualitative studies is to discover
meaning and to uncover multiple realities, and so
generalizability is not a guiding criterion.

Types of Qualitative Sampling

Qualitative researchers usually eschew
probability samples. A random sample is not the best
method of selecting people who will make good
Cluster Sampling informants, that is, people who are knowledgeable,
articulate, reflective, and willing to talk at length with
For many populations, it is impossible to obtain a listing researchers. Various nonprobability sampling designs
of all elements. For example, the population of full-time have been used by qualitative researchers.
nursing students in the United States would be difficult to
list and enumerate for the purpose of drawing a simple
or stratified random sample.
Convenience Sampling
In cluster sampling, there is a successive random
Sometimes referred to in qualitative studies as a
sampling of units. The first unit is large groupings, or
volunteer sample. Volunteer samples are especially
clusters. In drawing a sample of nursing students, we
likely to be used when researchers need to have
might first draw a random sample of nursing schools and
potential participants come forward and identify
then draw a sample of students from the selected
themselves. For example, if we wanted to study the
experiences of people with frequent nightmares, we
might have difficulty readily identifying a sufficient
number of potential participants.

Systematic Sampling
Systematic sampling involves the selection of every kth
case from a list or group, such as every 10th person on
a patient list or every 100th person in a directory of
American Nurses Association members.
Snowball Sampling CENTRAL TENDENCY

This method is sometimes referred to as nominated Frequency distributions are a good way to organize data
sampling because it relies on the nominations of others and clarify patterns. Often, however, a pattern is of less
already in the sample. interest than an overall summary. Researchers usually
ask such questions as, ―What is the average oxygen
For example, in the study of people with nightmares, we consumption of myocardial infarction patients during
could ask early respondents if they knew anyone else bathing?‖ or ―What is the average stress level of AIDS
who had the same problem and who was articulate. We patients?‖ Such questions seek a single number that
could also ask for referrals to people who would add best represents a distribution of data values. Because an
other dimensions to the sample, such as people who index of typicalness is more likely to come from the
vary in age, race, socioeconomic status, and so on. center of a distribution than from either extreme, such
indexes are called measures of central tendency.

The Mode
The mode is the most frequently occurring score value
in a distribution. The mode is simple to determine; it is
not computed but rather is established by inspecting a
frequency distribution. In the following distribution of
numbers, we can readily see that the mode is 53:

50 51 51 52 53 53 53 53 54 55 56

Purposive Sampling The Median

The median is the point in a distribution above which
Sampling strategy—that is, hand-picking cases and below which 50% of cases fall. As an example,
that will most benefit the study. consider the following set of values:
Judgmental sampling, based on the personal
knowledge / info. 2233456789

For example. Research on prostitution The value that divides the cases exactly in half is 4.5,
I known location of prostitution – ermita which is the median for this set of numbers. The point
Prost also in pasay and Makati, iwill not choose pasay that has 50% of the cases above and below it is halfway
and Makati only also ermita b‘coz I havepersonal info. between 4 and 5.

Consider making one change to the previous set of


2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 99

Although the last value was increased from 9 to 99, the

median is still 4.5. Because of this property, the median
is often the preferred index of central tendency when a
distribution is skewed. In research reports, the median
Theoretical Sampling may be abbreviated as Md or Mdn.

The process of data collection for generating theory

whereby the analyst jointly collects, codes, and analyzes The Mean
his data and decides what data to collect next and where The mean is equal to the sum of all scores divided by
to find them, in order to develop his theory as it the total number of scores. The mean is the index
emerges.‖ usually referred to as an average. The computational
formula for a mean is
Let us apply this formula to compute the mean
weight of eight subjects with the following weights:

85 109 120 135 158 177 181 195

Unlike the median, the mean is affected by each

and every score. If we were to exchange the 195- pound
subject in this example for one weighing 275 pounds, the
mean would increase from 145 to 155. Such a
substitution would leave the median unchanged.

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