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To mentally feel the soul of the idea will

completely eliminate the mechanical ten

dency of mental action, and this is extreme
ly important because no mechanical action
of mind can impress the subconscious.

Perfect faith in the process is indispensa

ble, and to inwardly know that results will
be secured is to cause failure to become
The deeper and higher the attitude of
faith while the subconscious is being
impressed, the more deeply will the impres
sion be made, and the deep impression not
only enters the richest states of the sub
conscious, but always produces results.

The attitude of faith takes the mind into

the superior, the limitless, the soul of
things, and this is precisely what is wanted.
When the mind transcends the objective
it enters into the subjec tive, and to enter
into the subjective is to impress one’
ideas and desires directly, deeply and com
pletely upon th e great within. Such
impressions will invariably produce re
markable expressions, not only because
they have entered more deeply into the
subconscious, but also because every im
pression that is made in the attitude of
faith is given superior quality, greater
power and higher worth.

The subconscious should never be ap

proached in the attitude of command or
demand, but alway s in the attitude of
faith and desire.

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