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One from of seduction which is hard to resist is the insinuation

.Insinuation is the art of planting an idea in someone’s mind

.The idea will take root days later

.It will seem they have thought about it on their own

.It is the most effective way to influence people

.Learn to conceal your true intentions by being ambiguous

.Make everything suggestive

.A slight physical touch

.A brief but seductive glance

.A compliment out of the blue

.Appear to be conservative but make alluring glances

.Make bold statements, act as if you made a mistake and apologize

.Your target will think about your actions and words in your absence

.Insinuation is leading someone into your trap

.What’s sinister about this is they are unaware you are in charge

?How can they resist an idea if they are unaware what is influencing them


.If you take a direct route and say exactly what you mean, you will face resistance

.People do not like to-be-told what to do

.Their habits, preconceptions, and biases protect them

.Your target will block your obvious intentions and they will forget about you

.First Key, Insinuation as a banal remark

.The Character assassination

This is when you want to destroy someone’s reputation but you don’t want it to come

.back and hunt you

.The following are three steps to covertly implant an idea to someone’s subconscious
.Step 1: Plant the idea

.Step 2: Apologize or Retract

.Step 3: Change the subject

.For example

When you are in the middle of a conversation, drop a short comment about your victim's
.emotional issue

.For instance, your friend is ranting about her temperamental boss

You can say "Is that so, speaking of which, what are your thoughts about John’s crass


".I'm sorry, didn't mean to put it that way, please continue

.Following these steps is crucial

.The idea would creep in - in the subconscious when your target is distracted

.The apology would make it seem you didn’t mean to say it, making it more genuine

.Finally, changing the subject has two purposes

.First, it would seem what you said was only a passing thought

Second, you want to make sure your target snaps back to reality after your idea has

.been implanted

.The idea would take root days later

.And your target would think it was his own


.A mentalist implanting subliminal message while his target is under hypnosis

.When he’s done casting his spell he snaps his finger to wake him up

?The question is, is he awake

?Or is it just another dream

.Doubt the lover

This is when you want to implant doubt to your target's perfect perception of his/her

.This is more effective when you have a hint of an existing issue in the relationship

.Step One: Plant the idea

.Ask if your target's lover makes him/her happy

.For example

Does his controlling behavior bother you?" or "How do you deal with her extreme "

If you want to suggest someone’s infidelity you can say, “I notice Jessica’s been

."acting strange around Bryan, I wouldn’t be happy about it if I were you

.Step two: Apologize

".Say "I'm sorry I should not inquire into such private matter

.Then Step Three: Quickly change the subject

.And let the seed take root in the fertile ground of you target’s distracted mind

.Second Key, Insinuation as a seductive idea

.Here are two best examples of implanting a seductive idea to the imagination

.First, The Casanova approach

.Casanova was one the greatest seducers of the Renaissance

.He would give whatever his target deeply desires

?A boring husband

.He will offer her adventure

?A lonely tourist

.He will be a gentleman companion

ask your self ?What does your target fantasizes

?What is her deepest yearning

If you show these to her through actions, she will yours even if you don’t verbally

.confess your desire

.Second, The political tongue

.Do not make detailed promises to people

.Instead ignite their imagination and emotion by vague words

.For instance, Speak of returning a glorious past

.Promise of creating wealth for everyone

.Invite people to a grand collective adventure

?Sounds good right

?But does it work

.If you make detailed promises, they would despise you if would not fulfill them

But if you make ambiguous statements, they would make sense of them in many ways

.did not intend to

.Third Key, Insinuation as flattery

.The sneaky compliment

.Show your interest by giving your target a subtle praise

.For instance, you are conversing about interesting people you both admire

".Say, "I admire this person, there is more to her than meets the eye, like you

.Then change the subject

.Say it like it’s a passing thought

.The subtlety and ambiguity of the statement will linger in her mind when you are away

.Fourth Key, Insinuation as gestures and looks

.In seduction, gestures speak louder than words

.Here we have two seducers who have used subtle gestures to send a strong message

.The first one is The Lord Byron underlook

.Lord Byron is a 19th Century British Poet

.He is one of greatest seducers of all time ,belonging with the likes of Casanova

.He was famous among women for his signature underlook

During a mundane conversation around him, he would glance at the woman he likes with

.an underlook
.His targets thought the underlook seemed dangerous yet also alluring

.It was unclear what message he was trying to send

.The ambiguity made his target crazy, crazy in a good way

.The Juliet Recamier eyes

.Madame Recamier was one of the most beautiful woman of the 18th century

.She would keep the conversation mundane but she would look at her target seductively

Her seductive technique broke the hearts of men like the Lord of Wellington and

.The insinuation by gesture is a powerful tool in attraction

.We are so used in reading faces that it’s easy to send a message by using facial gestures

It isn’t obvious but it’s powerful because you’re not using words, leaving room for

.the imagination


.If you’re sure your target is yours, use direct approach with reckless abandon

The master seducer Casanova would use direct approach if he was certain a woman


.He would flatter her with seductive words to cast a surprising spell

.The Italian journalist Gabriele D Annunzio used the same approach

.He was one of the greatest sweet talkers of all time, an epitome of a rake

.He would shower his targets with flattery, delivered with a mighty deep voice

.If you are unsure your target is yours, use insinuation

.Otherwise your target will be suspicious and defensive

.So when in doubt - be indirect

.It is the best and safest way of luring your target into your trap

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