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Power supply Internal power supply of indicator is switch mode power supply (SMPS). 2.5ampere fuse is
provided for AC power supply. The rated AC supply is 90 V to 270 V AC 50 Hz./ 60 Hz. Before connecting
power to the indicator, ensure that the input voltage is within specified range. When the instrument is
switched ‘ON’, the display will show test cycle and then software revision details for indicator.

Mains Connection

1) Ensure a proper earth connection to indicator. The Earth connection should be connected through
the three terminal power supply point provided on the rear panel.

2) Check voltage difference between Earth and Neutral terminal. It should be less then 2 volts AC. If this
voltage difference is greater, it results in unstable process variable reading.

3) Check for proper supply voltage before making connection to the indicator.

Input The system accepts input in the form of voltage signal in milli volts range from load cell; the
system is capable of handling load of 6 load cells of 350ohms each.

Output Serial communication is possible through RS-232 port provided in indicator. Remote display can
be connected using remote display port provided on rear panel. Printout can be taken, by using
centronics compatible parallel port provided on the back panel of indicator, on any Epson LX 800 or
TVSE compatible printer.

Keyboard IBM compatible keyboard can be attached using, keyboard connector provided on back panel
of indicator.

Description of Terms for Installation:

To achieve fast, accurate & reliable installation: To achieve fast, accurate & reliable installation, the
sequence of operation should be as explained in steps below,

Step1: Connect the load cells properly and switch on the indicator, indicator may show Adc Error . . ! !
Step2: Perform Adjust dead load procedure (Alt, 0), this will adjust dead load and indicator will show 0
kg weight.

Step3: Check the load-cell connections by procedure After entering into this procedure put test weights
one by one in increasing order, the displayed “Tc:” value should increase. If the displayed value is
decreasing on increasing the weight on the platform, it means load cell connections are reverse,
interchange the wires of signal+ and signal- to correct the problem.

Step4: Roughly calibrate by using any weights

Step5: Check the performance by flicker test

Step6: If the performance is found to be “Flicker Lowest/low/normal”, then proceed to next step. If
flicker is found to be high/highest then check the indicator with load cell simulator and then remove the
structure error if any.

Step7: Remove corner error

Step8: Calibrate properly with known weights

Step9: Check the calibration

Step10: Observe actual loading, unloading, performance on weight and on empty platform to view
stability of weight and stability of zero weight display.

Step 11: After completing Successful calibration, view the calibration data and note down the readings
V1 and V2. These values should be noted and kept safely. In case of calibration disturb on site due to
electrical spikes etc., re-entering these values will restore the calibration.

Chapter 3: Trouble Shooting Problem:

• Indicator is dead after switching “Power On” Probable Cause/ Remedy: a. The AC supply switch is
damaged. b. The Power fuse on back panel has blown off. Replace with a 2.5Amp fuse. c. There is no
power output from the mains (check by a multimeter).

Problem: • The display completes the test cycle but does not display the weight and the indicator hangs
after test cycle. Probable Cause/ Remedy: a. The internal ADC circuit is faulty. Replace ADC card (upper
card in 3 card system) or replace the Combo card in 2 card system. b. The inter connecting cable
between ADC card and Mother board (in 3 card system) is loose or faulty. Check or replace.

Problem: • The display shows ADC-OR or Load cell error (ADC over range condition):

Probable Cause/ Remedy:

a. The load cell is not properly connected and the ADC circuit cannot sense the load cell. Check for loose
connection from Load Cell end and check the complete path from load cells to indicator including
junction box.

b. The internal ADC circuit is faulty. Replace ADC card (upper card in 3 card system) or replace the
Combo card in 2 card system.

c. The inter connecting cable between ADC card and Mother board (in 3 card system) is loose or faulty.
Check or replace.

d. The weight on the platform exceeds the value which can be handled by the analog circuit. Reduce the
weight on platform.

Problem: • The Display shows WT-OR (weight Over range condition):

Probable Cause/ Remedy:

a. The weight on the platform exceeds the programmed over capacity of the scale. Reduce weight on
the platform or recalibrate with higher value of maximum capacity of scale.

b. Load cell faulty.

Problem: • Unstable Weight Display (Flickering). The weight display is not stable and moves UP and
DOWN (both direction) in a fixed band.

Probable Cause/ Remedy:

a. The Load cell port connection is loose or open. Check and connect the load cell connector properly on
the rear panel.

b. If the fault continues, a load cell Simulator should be used with indicator in place of the load cells to
check if the fault is with indicator internal circuit or external faulty Load cell assembly or faulty Load cell.
If there is no flicker with load cell simulator and there is flicker with load cell connection, it is a strong
indication that the fault is with load cell assembly or load cell or the external Earth connection. Check
Load Cell Assembly, Load Cell connections and the Earth Connection. Either the Earth wire from the pit is
broken or not properly connected. It may have been wrongly connected to two points (indicator and
junction box). If so, disconnect from the junction box end. The shield of the junction box to indicator
cable should be connected to earth wire at any one end (not on both ends). Refer to Earthing
connection for more details.

c. If there is flicker with load cell simulator, it is a strong indication that the fault is in the internal circuit
of the indicator. The internal ADC circuit is faulty. Check and clean the ADC circuit board / section with
Isopropyl Alchohol.

d. Very low signal from load cell. Check for load cell capacity compared with platform weighing capacity.
Use lower capacity Load cells. If it is not possible to increase the load cell capacity, then the minimum
division size should be increased. If the minimum division size is 5kg, then increase the same to 10 kg or

e. Increase the averaging. This will reduce the speed of weighment but will generate more stability in
weight display. The normal values for averaging is 1 to 3. In case of flicker, it can be increased to 5 or

Problem: • Unstable Weight Display (Drifting). The weight display is not stable and moves in UPWARD
direction (continuously increasing and not stopping) or DOWNWARD direction (continuously decreasing
and not stopping).

Probable Cause/ Remedy:

a. Faulty Load cell or flux deposits on the Junction Box PCB. Check by using a Load cell Simulator in place
of actual Load cells. If the Fault is eliminated with Load cell Simulator, it confirms that either the Load
cell is faulty or there is contamination or flux deposit on Junction Box PCB. If the Fault continues after
cleaning this PCB, then one of the Load cells is faulty. Check by method of elimination.
b. If the fault continues with Load cell Simulator, then there is contamination or flux deposit on analog
section of the Indicator. Clean the analog section of the indicator with Isopropyl Alchohol. If the drifting
fault continues after cleaning the analog section, replace ADC card (upper card in 3 card system) or
replace the Combo card in 2 card system.

Problem: • The Keyboard is not working. Probable Cause/ Remedy: a. If none of the keys on the key
board are working then: 1. The key board is faulty. Change the key board and check again. 2. The key
board connector on the mother board or rear panel is damaged. 3. If the same keyboard is working with
computer, then check the SMPS board by replacing with another OK SMPS board. If the keyboard starts
working then send the faulty SMPS for repair. b. If some keys are working and others are not, then
probably the key board is not compatible with the indicator. Change the key board for another make
and try again.

Problem: • The internal calibration data or other operational parameters like ticket header footer or
subtitles, are damaged. Probable Cause/ Remedy: There is large electrical noise present in the operating
environment and the Earthing connections are not proper. Check for reliability of True Earth connection
and avoid use of electrically noisy appliances like tube lights and motors in the weigh-bridge room. The
system will have to be set again and also re-calibrated.


1. Operator login For operator login, press 'ENTER' key. 2. Engineer login For engineer login enter
password - - - - - and press ENTER key. Default password= 44644


1. First Weighment Press ‘F1’ key for First weighment.

2. Second Weighment for RST wise recall

Press ‘F2’ key for Second weighment

3. Second Weighment for Vehicle wise recall

Press ‘F3’ key for Second weighment

4. View/Print Ticket by Rst No. Press ‘F4’ key for Viewing any ticket or printing duplicate copy by
Entering Rst number.

5. View/Print Ticket by Vehicle No Press ‘F6’ key for Viewing any ticket or printing duplicate copy by
Entering Vehicle Number

6. Report Printing Press ‘F7’ key for Report Printing.

7. Zeroing Weight Press ‘Alt’ key and then press ‘Z’.

8. Taring Weight Press ‘Alt’ key and then press ‘X’.


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