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VOL. 12 • NO. 1

 8 Through the Looking Glass—2020 Edition
By Denis C. Daly, Laura C. Fujino,
and Kenneth C. Smith

25 Basics of Clock and Data

Recovery Circuits
By Amir Amirkhany

39 Yield Analysis for Electrical Circuit Designs

By Stephan Weber and Cândido Duarte
To read more about plotting high-dimensional images
as a 3D projection of an E8 lattice, see “Yield Analysis
for Electrical Circuit Designs” by Stephan Weber and
Cândido Duarte.


Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951649


President, Kenneth O Alison Burdett, Eugene Cantatore,
IEEE SOLID-STATE UT Dallas Kofi Makinwa, Dennis Sylvester,
CIRCUITS MAGAZINE Vice President, John R. Long Kathryn Wilcox
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF U Waterloo Terms to 31 Dec. 2022
R. Jacob (Jake) Baker Secretary, Emre Ayranci Andreia Cathelin, Vivek De, Makoto Ikeda, Peregrine Semiconductor Alvin Loke, Makoto Nagata
TECHNOLOGY EDITOR Treasurer, Wanda Gass Region 7 Representative
Tim Hollis Design, Connect, Create Ali Sheikholeslami Past President, Bram Nauta
University of Twente Region 8 Representative
Ali Sheikholeslami
Other Representatives Representative to Sensors Council Region 10 Representative
THE FAR EAST Representative to CAS from SSCS Vice Presidents of Standing Committees
Open Shanthi Pavan Awards—John J. Corcoran
ASSOCIATE EDITOR FOR Representative to SSCS from CAS Chapters—Stefan Rusu
EUROPE AND AFRICA Franco Maloberti Conferences—Bill Bowhill
Marcel Pelgrom Representatives to EDA Council Education—Ali Sheikholeslami Bryan Ackland, Vivek Tiwari Membership—Patrick Yue
Representative to ISSCC
Behzad Razavi Jan Van der Spiegel
Representative to CICC
Tom Lee
Christophe Antoine IEEE PERIODICALS/
Representative to A-SSCC
Abira Altvater Representative to ESSCIRC MANAGING EDITOR Christian Enz Mark Gallaher
COMMITTEE Stephen Kosonocky, Philip Wong Geraldine Krolin-Taylor
Chair: Rakesh Kumar. Jake Baker, Representative to Sustainable ICT SENIOR ART DIRECTOR
Bill Bidermann, Glenn Gulak, Earl McCune Janet Dudar
Erik Heijne, ­Hideto Hidaka,
Richard Jaeger, Michael Kelly, Representative to IEEE YP Program ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTOR
Tom Lee, Marcel Pelgrom, Sevil Zeynep Lulec Gail A. Schnitzer
Willy Sansen, Abira Altvater, Representatives to Nanotechnology Council PRODUCTION COORDINATOR
Ali Sheikholeslami, Lewis Terman, Edith Beigne
Theresa L. Smith
Alice Wang, Patrick Yue Representative to Technical Committee on RFID
Peter M. Tuohy
Representative to Engineering Technology
IEEE SOLID-STATE Mike Beunder Felicia Spagnoli
CIRCUITS SOCIETY Representative to Biometrics Council DIRECTOR, BUSINESS
Executive Director, Michael Kelly Bruce Hecht DEVELOPMENT—MEDIA & ADVERTISING
IEEE SSCS, 445 Hoes Lane Representative to Internet of Things (IoT) Mark David
Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA Ramin Poorfard +1 732 465 6473, FAX: +1 732 981 1855
Tel: +1 732 981 3400 Future Network Initiative Aarno Pärssinen
Technical Community Program Nominations Committee Chair EDITORIAL SERVICES DIRECTOR
Specialist, Abira Altvater Bram Nauta Kevin Lisankie
IEEE SSCS, 445 Hoes Lane Women in Circuits Committee Chair STAFF DIRECTOR, PUBLISHING OPERATIONS
Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA Azita Emami Dawn M. Melley
Tel: +1 732 562 2676
Administrator, Lauren Caruso Elected AdCom Members at Large IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment,
IEEE SSCS, 445 Hoes Lane Terms to 31 Dec. 2020 and bullying. For more information,
Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA Edith Beigne, Azita Emami, Daniel Friedman, visit
Tel: +1 732 562 3871 Payam Heydari, Vivienne Sze whatis/policies/p9-26.html.

SCOPE: Each issue of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine is envisioned as a self-contained

resource for fundamental theories and practical advances within the field of integrated cir-
cuits (ICs). Written at a tutorial level and in a narrative style, the magazine features articles
by leaders from industry, academia and government explaining historical milestones, current
trends and future developments.
CONTACT INFORMATION: See the “Contact Us” page on SSCS Web site:
.org/soc/sscs/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id= 10&Itemid=3.
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine (ISSN 1943-0582) (SCMOCC) is published quarterly by The
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Headquarters: 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor,
New York, NY 10016-5997, USA +1 212 419 7900. Responsibility for the contents rests upon

the authors and not upon the IEEE, the Society, or its members. The magazine is a member-
ship benefit of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society, and subscriptions are included in Society
fee. Replacement copies for members are available for US$20 (one copy only). Nonmembers
can purchase individual copies for US$194.00. Nonmember subscription prices are available
on request. Copyright and Reprint Permissions: Abstracting is permitted with credit to the
source. Libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond the limits of the U.S. Copyright law for
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For other copying, reprint, or republication permission, write to: Copyrights and Permissions
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by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. Periodicals ABOUT THE COVER:
postage paid at New York, NY, and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address This issue provides a glimpse “through the
changes to IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA.
Canadian GST #125634188 PRINTED IN USA looking glass” of what will be highlighted
during the 2020 International Solid-State
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951650 Circuits Conference (ISSCC).

Promoting Sustainable Forestry


2 W
R 2 0 218

R. Jacob Baker

Welcome to the Winter 2020 Issue

of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine!

In this first issue of the 12th year
of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine,
we are pleased to feature a sam-
pling of forecasts for trends in ICs
and systems on chip, compiled
In this first issue
of the 12th year
of IEEE Solid-State
provides an article on the basics of
clock and data recovery circuits,
and Stephan Weber and Cândido
Duarte contribute an article on yield
analysis. Readers should find these
Circuits Magazine,
from research by members of the both interesting and useful.
we are pleased to
11 subcommittees of the Interna- The goal of the magazine contin-
feature a sampling
tional Solid-State Circuits Conference ues to be to provide Society news
of forecasts for
(ISSCC) 2020 Program Committee. and information as well as a series
trends in ICs and
This year, these subcommittees are of self-contained resources to keep
systems on chip.
as follows: the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
■■ Analog Systems member up to date with changes in
■■ Data Converters technology, while at the same time,
■■ Digital Architectures Digital Cir- The 2020 theme for ISSCC is Inte- providing reviews of circuit design
cuits and Systems grated Circuits Powering the AI Era. concepts. These include contributions
■■ Innovative Topics: Medical, Imag- We appreciate the efforts of Denis C. from experts describing the current
ers, and Technology Directions Daly, Laura C. Fujino, and Kenneth C. state of affairs and evolution of a
■■ Machine Learning and Artificial Smith, and the many subcommittee particular IC technology. We will also
Intelligence (AI) chairs in putting together a feature continue to feature articles focused
■■ Memory article about ISSCC for this issue. on contributions by luminaries. Of
■■ Power Management As usual, several topics of inter- course, suggestions from readers are
■■ Radio-Frequency Circuits and Wire- est to our magazine’s readers, rang- always welcome.
less Systems ing from tutorials to technology We hope you enjoy reading IEEE
■■ Wireless overviews, are included in the issue. Solid-State Circuits Magazine. Please
■■ Wireline. These include the always w e l l - send comments to me at rjacobbaker@
received editorials/tutorials from
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951653 Marcel Pelgrom and Ali Sheikholesl-
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 ami. In addition, Amir Amirkhany 



Kenneth O

The Opportunity to Serve

IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS)
members represent the innovation
engine for the half-trillion-dollar semi-
conductor industry that enables the
electrification of our surroundings.
I am also
committed to
ensuring that
someone in a
class 30 some years ago. It was beyond
my imagination that I would some-
day serve as SSCS president. I would
not have this opportunity without the
help, camaraderie, and mentorship
They have made the use of informa- far corner of of the amazing people of our Society
tion, communication, and radar tech- the globe who I have met along the way or without
nologies possible in daily life. Now, hears about the what the Society has given me by
our members are creating technologies ISSCC and SSCS being faithful to its mission of serv-
that increase the use of artificial intel- for the first time ing members through education, com-
ligence (AI). It is a great honor, as your will have the munication, recognition, leadership
incoming president for 2020–2021, to opportunity to opportunities, and networking.
represent and serve the Society. someday become As your incoming president, I am
There is so much happening in our a leader of our committed to ensuring the legacy
Society’s field of interest. AI integrated Society. of excellence our Society is known
circuits, hardware security for mixed- for, exciting the younger generation
signal circuits, codesign of power sup- by cultivating a greater appreciation
ply and systems, millimeter-wave and in publishing: the requirement for re­­ and understanding of the miraculous
terahertz circuits, and advanced sen- searchers to publish in open access technologies our members create,
sors are just a few examples. It is an forums. Starting in the fall of 2019, enhancing our ability to respond to
exciting time to be a member of SSCS. the open access Journal of Solid-State the accelerating pace of technology
However, the accompanying rapid Circuits began to accept submissions. changes, and augmenting programs
change is also challenging for our If you are interested in learning more that provide career development help
members as well as industry and soci- about this new journal, please visit the to members. I am also committed to
ety more generally. Society website. ensuring that someone in a far corner
With members’ help in managing Our journals and conferences are re­­ of the globe who hears about the ISSCC
this challenge, the Society can increase cognized as being a primary venue for and SSCS for the first time will have
its value to members as well as its rel- reporting and learning about research of the opportunity to someday become a
evance. Overcoming this challenge the highest quality and greatest impact leader of our Society due to our con-
will require greater participation of in our field of interest. The SSCS’s mem- tinued perseverance in executing our
members from all regions, ages, and bership and educational programs mission of fostering innovation and
backgrounds. I look forward to work- are growing. Our young professional excellence in solid-state circuits for
ing and serving with many of you. and diversity programs are energetic. the benefit of humanity.
Having said this, the Society is in This, of course, is due to the efforts Once again, it is my honor to have
excellent shape. Under the leadership of the Society’s dedicated Administra- this opportunity to serve, and I hope
of immediate Past President Bram tive Committee, leadership team, and to work with many of you to improve
Nauta (2018–2019), the SSCS has estab- professional staff, as well as our past the Society’s value and relevance for
lished a strategy to proactively man- presidents, all of whom are committed members. Please share your thoughts
age a potentially disruptive change to excellence in serving our members. on how we can make our Society even
I first heard of the International better by emailing me at k.k.o@ieee
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951651 Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) .org or talking to me at our meetings.
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 and Bob Widlar during a VLSI design 



Marcel Pelgrom

A Sad, Sad Story

He caught my eye at the first lecture.
Strong students (not to be confused
with arrogant students) stand out
because of quick responses, comments
that are just a little ahead of the mate-
regular written exams but instead took
a dozen oral assessments. For exam-
ple, he may have simply been asked to
summarize Chapter 7. And who cruci-
fies a stuttering student who is strug-
of philosophy; therefore, he had a cor-
responding feeling of entitlement.
The job application process became
a lottery for him. His many unsuccess-
ful attempts at finding a job took so
rial, and a relaxed attitude. He didn’t gling with a nonnative language? much time that the market became
have that. Was it the glance, the slightly He came into the picture again as hot: human resource departments of
late reaction to a technical joke, or his a Ph.D. student. The university had large companies offered a job with a
uncertainty in class assignments? appointed him based on only a resume leased car to any applicants with the
After the first few homework cor- and a telephone call. The first year term IT in their curriculum vitae. He
rections, he dangled at the bottom of was very difficult. Even though the got a lucky strike.
the score list. In conversations during language problem should no longer But it was not the start of a spar-
breaks, I noticed his language defi- have been considered an excuse, kling career. Everyone was surprised
ciency, but speaking proper English sending this man back to his home to discover what simple things this
was a problem for almost the entire country would have been seen as a Ph.D. graduate was incapable of doing.
class. If I called him aside to explain a major loss of face. The first chance to After a long run-up with various
problem with the homework, I never terminate the preliminary Ph.D. con- courses, and improvement programs,
knew whether he understood until the tract expired. The state policy of output it was clear that he would not make
next assignment; of course, I advised monitoring means that departments a crucial contribution to the com-
him to retake some prerequisite classes receive considerable compensation for pany’s bottom line. Although he was
before attempting the course again. each successful Ph.D. graduate. For- now socially skilled, his poor perfor-
A while later, a university intern tunately, after two years, the professor mance remained a barrier. Still, as
came to my department. It was the saw the futility of achieving reim- his boss assured me, a pink slip was
same young man. When new people bursement and took his loss. bad for public relations and the com-
joined my department, I chatted with That is why, a year later, he turned pany’s atmosphere. Fortunately, it also
their supervisors more often, just to up at a different university, one that became clear to my former student
keep a finger on the pulse. After a few also does not check past achievements. that his first career attempt was no
days, the supervisor grumbled, “Do you Apparently, the subject or the Ph.D. success. Everyone was happy when he
know how he calculates a spectrum? requirements better suited his capaci- left for the next stop, now as an ambi-
He counts pulses!” He had been sent to ties. I was surprised to receive an email tious applicant with several years of
us by the signal-analysis department of from his professor a month before industry experience. And it went on,
a renowned institute and was unable to his defense requesting that I act as time and time again. He was highly
calculate a spectrum. After two weeks, a replacement for an unexpectedly overrated because of his Ph.D. degree,
we sent him back. I took this failure resigning committee member. I like even though his skill set did not even
personally. How could we have missed to participate in the defense of candi- meet the bachelor’s degree level.
this during the initial interview? He dates who have successfully presented How he ended up is unfortunately
had passed all master’s subjects with at an International Solid-State Circuits very different from what all those will-
70–80% scores. However, because of Conference or can show a first-author ing teachers, supervisors, and bosses
his language problems, he did not take publication in an IEEE journal. He had hoped for. Gentle healers make
could only show much less selective smelly wounds, and that also holds for
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2952234 and prestigious conferences and local our profession.
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 workshops. Still, he was now a doctor 



Ali Sheikholeslami

Equalizer Circuit

Welcome to the 23rd article in the “Cir-
cuit Intuitions” column series. As the
title suggests, each article provides
insights and intuitions into circuit
design and analysis. These articles are

VTx(f )

Hw (f )
Vid(f )

Heq(f )
Vod(f )
– – –
aimed at undergraduate students but
may serve the interests of other read-
ers as well. If you read this article, I FIGURE 1: A simplified block diagram of a high-speed wireline transceiver. An equalizer at the
receiver end of the channel compensates for the channel attenuation of the transmit signal.
would appreciate your comments and
feedback as well as your requests and
suggestions for future articles in this
H w (f )/(dB)

series. Please email me your comments:

+ – Vod
In a previous article [1] in this series, Vid /2 –Vid /2
we discussed how a piece of wire con- M1 M2
necting a data transmitter to a receiver fN (a)
attenuates the transmit signal at high
H eq(f )/(dB)

frequencies, making the task of reli- IB
able data recovery by the receiver dif-
ficult. To compensate for the channel
f FIGURE 3: A differential circuit implemen-
attenuation, we design an equalizer
fz fp1 fp2 (b) tation of a continuous-time linear equalizer.
circuit and place it after the channel
H (f )/(dB)

(Figure 1). The equalizer circuit has a to use the equalizer to undo what
transfer function that is the inverse the channel (the wire) has done to it.
of the wire’s transfer function in the Intuitively, since the transmit signal is
frequency range of interest, as shown f attenuated at high frequencies, we wish
in Figure 2. The equalizer is designed (c) to amplify the received signal at high
such that the combined transfer func- frequencies. Therefore, we need a high-
tion of the wire and the equalizer FIGURE 2: (a) The channel’s (wire’s) transfer pass filter; such a filter will amplify the
function exhibits a low-pass characteristic.
circuit will be flat up to the Nyquist high-frequency content of the signal
The attenuation at the Nyquist frequency fN
frequency fN , defined as half of the is highlighted. (b) The equalizer’s transfer or, equivalently, attenuate the low-fre-
baud rate. In this article, we review a function exhibits a high-pass characteristic quency content. With this circuit, all
common equalizer known as the con- at the frequencies of interest. It has one zero frequency components of the transmit
tinuous-time linear equalizer. We rely and two poles. (c) The combined transfer signal receive the same treatment and
function of the channel and the equalizer
on the techniques described in the are, hence, equalized.
has a flat frequency response up to fN .
first article in this series [2] to find the Let us first understand intuitively
transfer function of this equalizer. tive degeneration (C s and R s) and a how this circuit performs equaliza-
Figure 3 presents a circuit diagram parallel combination of resistive and tion. If we assume the input is differ-
of an equalizer consisting of a differ- capacitive load (R L and C L). The input ential, that is, the left side sees Vid /2
ential pair with capacitive and resis- to the differential pair is the differen- and the right side -Vid /2, then, by
tial received signal, Vid . This signal is symmetry, the circuit can be reduced
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2952233 essentially a low-pass-filtered version to a half circuit, as demonstrated in
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 of the transmit signal, and we wish Figure 4(a). Note that the transfer function


of this circuit is identical to that of the
differential one since both the input
and the output are divided by two in RL CL
the half circuit. We observe that the Zeqd
Vo Vo
half circuit is an amplifier with source
degeneration [3]. In general, the gain Iscd Vi
Vi M1 Vi M1 M1 Iscd
of a common-source amplifier is VS
reduced when a resistor is added to
its source terminal. In this case, at low RS RS Zeqs Iscs VS
frequencies, when C s is considered 2CS 2CS
2 2
open, a nonzero R s does reduce the
voltage gain of the circuit. At higher (a) (b) (c)
frequencies, however, the capacitor
(C s) begins to short R s, reducing the FIGURE 4: (a) A small-signal half circuit for the differential equalizer in Figure 3. We use this
degeneration and increasing the gain. circuit to derive an expression for Vo . (b) A circuit model to derive an expression for Vs while
the output node is shorted to ground. (c) Calculating the short circuit current at the output
So, in effect, this capacitor produces
node given Vi and Vs.
a frequency-dependent gain where
the gain increases with frequency (as
the capacitor becomes a short circuit We now use Figure 4(c) to find the fer function. More explicitly, in con-
with increasing frequency). This is the output short circuit current nection to the parameters shown on
exact effect we wished to produce. Figure 2, we have
I scd = g m (Vs - Vi).
Let us now find Vo in the half cir-
fz = 1/2rC s R s,
cuit using the method described in If we further divide I scd by Vi, we
fp1 = a/2rC s R s,
[2]. We find the short circuit current find the short circuit transadmittance
fp2 = 1/2rC L R L .
at the output node (I scd) and multi- of this amplifier, which is
ply it by the total impedance (Z eqd) The reader can verify that, by
- g m 1 + sC s R s
seen at the output. G (s ) = , changing C s, we can move fz and fp1
a 1 + sC s R s /a
Figure 4 presents the steps toward without changing fp2 or the equal-
finding I scd . In the first step [Fig- where a = 1 + g m R s /2 is the degen- izer’s dc gain. Indeed, by making C s
ure  4(b)], we find Vs by multiplying eration factor. tunable, this circuit can equalize a
its short circuit current (I scs) and its We note that G (s ) does not include wider variety of channels, although an
equivalent impedance Z eqs . We then the load. This is simply because equalizer with only one zero may not
use Figure 4(c) to find I scd . we have shorted the output node to be able to compensate for higher-order
The short circuit current at the ground. This transfer function exhib- channel attenuations. In these cases,
source node can be written as its a gain at dc (-g m /a) and has one we may require two to three stages of
zero at 1/2rC s R s and one pole at equalization or a more sophisticated
I scs = g m Vi,
a/2rC s R s . The high-pass characteris- equalizer altogether.
where g m is the transistor’s transcon- tic of this equalizer is due to the fact In summary, an equalizer provides a
ductance. Note that this is the short that the zero frequency is lower than transfer function in the signal path that
circuit current at the source node the pole frequency (since a 2 1). is the inverse of the transfer function
while the drain is also shorted to We now multiply this transfer introduced by the wire connecting the
ground. The equivalent impedance at function by the equivalent output transmitter and the receiver. In doing
this node, while the drain is shorted, impedance (Z eqd) to find the overall so, the equalizer compensates for the
can be written as voltage gain of this amplifier: frequency-dependent loss caused by
the wire and restores the original spec-
Z eqs = 1 , Z eqd = RL . trum of the transmit signal.
g m + 2/R s + 2sC s 1 + sC L R L

where we have ignored the body In writing this equation, we have References
[1] A. Sheikholeslami, “Circuit intuitions: The
effect and the channel-length mod- ignored the impedance looking down electrical length of a wire,” IEEE Solid-State
Circuits Mag., vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 7–9, 2019.
ulation (that is, we have assumed into the drain of the transistor as it is doi: 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2922885.
g me = g m and g m ro & 1). The voltage assumed to be much larger than the [2] A. Sheikholeslami, “Circuit intuitions: Look-
ing into a node,” IEEE Solid-State Circuits Mag.,
at the source node, while the drain load. Finally, we can write vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 8–10, 2014. doi: 10.1109/
is shorted, can be written as the MSSC.2014.2315062.
Vo -g m R L 1 + sC s R s 1 [3] A. Sheikholeslami, “Circuit intuitions:
product of I scs and Z eqs: = .
Vi a 1 + sC s R s /a 1 + sC L R L Source degeneration,” IEEE Solid-State Cir-
cuits Mag., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 5–6, 2014. doi:
g m Vi This expression clearly identifies
Vs = .
g m + 2/R s + 2sC s one zero and two poles of the trans- 



Denis C. Daly, Laura C. Fujino, and Kenneth C. Smith

Through the Looking

Glass—2020 Edition
Trends in solid-state circuits from ISSCC

he International Solid- the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Era.” Ad­­ maintain connections and support net-
State Circuits Con- vances in solid-state circuits and sys- works not otherwise possible; they pro-
ference (ISSCC) is the tems have brought ever more powerful vide the ability to access information
flagship ­c onference communication and computational instantaneously and from any loca-
of the IEEE Solid-State capabilities into mobile form factors. tion, thereby helping to shape world
Circuits Society. The theme for ISSCC Such ubiquitous smart devices lie at events and culture, empower citizens
2020 is “Integrated Circuits ­Powering the heart of a revolution shaping how of all nations, and create social net-
we connect, collaborate, build relation- works that help worldwide communi-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2952282 ships, and share information. These ties develop and form bonds based on
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 social technologies enable people to common interests.


ISSCC covers a spectrum of design Power Management promise better utilization of active
approaches in various technical areas semiconductors and passive compo-
and advances, broadly categorized Subcommittee Chair: Yogesh nents, are beginning to mature and
as analog systems, power manage- Ramadass, Texas Instruments, spread into diverse applications (from
ment, analog-to-digital data conver- Santa Clara, California LEDs and display drivers to high-con-
sion, communication systems, digital Power and energy management is im­­ version load-power delivery). At lower
systems (including machine learning portant for a number of applications voltages, hybrid approaches are push-
and AI), and memory. It also covers spanning embedded and performance ing toward higher integration with
innovative topics such as microelec- computing, communications systems, all passive components integrated
tromechanical systems, imagers, consumer devices, automotive/indus- on chip.
sensors, and biomedical devices, in­­ trial sensing, and control. Over the The need for higher-voltage power
cluding forward-looking solutions past decade, new topologies, semi- conversion is also growing, with more
that may be several years away from conductor technologies, and control designs targeting the 48–400-V line,
becoming commercialized. paradigms have driven fundamen- power delivery, and cross-domain iso-
The 12 ISSCC technical subcom- tal changes at the architecture and lation interfaces. GaN semiconductor
mittees annually update their analy- system levels. Hybrid and resonant technologies are improving in their
sis of industry trends for the benefit switched-capacitor topologies, which integration levels and functionality,
of the community at large. This arti-
cle summarizes some of these views
in selected technical areas. 1.0E+03
Analog Systems
Resolution FOM (nj . K2)

Subcommittee Chair:
Kofi A.A. Makinwa, Delft 1.0E–01
­University of Technology, 1.0E–02
The Netherlands 1.0E–03
At ISSCC 2020, new analog-circuit 1.0E–04 Resistor
techniques are enabling improved 1.0E–05 ISSCC 2020
performance and reduced power 1.0E–06
for temperature sensors, frequency 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
references, voltage references, and Year
amplifiers. Copackaged bulk-acous-
tic-wave technology with stability FIGURE 1: Trends in the energy efficiency of integrated temperature sensors: the resolution
figure of merit (FOM) versus time. BJT: bipolar-junction transistor.
better than ! 30 parts per million
(ppm) enables crystal-less radio ap­­
plications. Gallium nitride (GaN)
technology provides the ability to
realize voltage references that span CICC ESSCIRC
the ver y wide temperature range 100 ASSCC ISSCC 2020
of -50 to 200 °C. Class-D amplifiers
achieve the highest total harmonic
FOM (nW/kHz)

distortion to date by utilizing delta- 10

sigma techniques.
In the case of integrated tempera- 1
ture sensors, bipolar and resistor-
based designs continue to dramati­­cally
improve energy efficiency, as revealed 0.1
by Figure 1. In addition, single-trim,
resistor-based temperature sensors’
accuracy is approaching that of their 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022
bipolar-junction transistor counter- Year
parts. Noncrystal oscillators continue
FIGURE 2: Trends in the power efficiency of noncrystal oscillators versus time. CICC: IEEE
to improve in power efficiency while Custom Integrated Circuits Conference; ASSCC: IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference;
achieving accuracies below !500 ppm, VLSI: Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits (VLSI: very-large-scale integration); ESSCIRC:
as indicated in Figure 2. European Solid-State Circuits Conference.


reliability of high-voltage, high-fre-
Advances in solid-state circuits and quency switching power converters.
systems have brought ever more powerful These circuit techniques resemble
communication and computational capabilities “old school” NMOS-only techniques
of many decades ago yet add new
into mobile form factors. and important capabilities.
■■ Hybrid and resonant switched-ca-
pacitor converter techniques are
with power devices, gate drivers, instru- Perhaps the most important observ- increasingly leveraged in a wide
mentation, and interface circuitry able trends in power-management ICs range of topologies to reduce the
starting to share the same die. In addi- pertain to the diversification of appli- voltage stress on switches, shrink
tion to high-voltage isolated power cations, voltage, and power ranges. passive component size, and en-
delivery, data transmission across The following trends are observed at able a higher switching frequency.
galvanic isolation boundaries is in­­­ ISSCC 2020: ■■ The number and diversity of high-
creasingly important in many appli- ■■ As GaN gains greater capability for voltage IC designs are increasing to
cations. Energy harvesting continues high-level integration, a variety deal with challenges related to the
to mature for a variety of piezoelec- of circuit techniques is emerging grid interface, signal and power
tric, electromagnetic, and optical trans- that can improve the electromag- isolation, and powering embedded
ducer systems. netic interference, efficiency, and and sensor interface systems from
high dc-voltage domains.

1.E+07 Data Converters

1.E+05 Subcommittee Chair: Michael Flynn,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
P/fsnyq (pJ)

Data converters are a critical link

1.E+03 between the analog physical world
1.E+02 and the digital computing and sig-
nal processing prevalent in modern
electronics. The need to faithfully
preserve the signal across domains
1.E–01 continues to pressure data converters
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 to deliver more bandwidth and linear-
SNDR at fin,hf (dB)
ity while continuing to increase power
ISSCC 1997–2019 FOMS = 185 dB efficiency. ISSCC 2020 continues the
FOMW = 1 fJ/Conv. Step ISSCC 2020 trend of highly energy-efficient ana-
log-to-digital converters (ADCs) with
a combination of successive-approx-
FIGURE 3: ADC power efficiency (P/fsnyq) as a function of the SNDR. Conv.: conversion;
FOMW: FOM-Walden; FOMS: FOM-Schreier. imation-register (SAR), noise-shaping
SAR, and delta-sigma-based designs.
Time-interleaved pipeline architec-
tures are pushing the speed limits of
converter design.
180 Figures 3–5 represent traditional
170 metrics that capture the innovative
FOMS,hf (dB)

progress in ADC design. Figure 3 plots

160 ISSCC 1997–2019
the power dissipated relative to the
150 ISSCC 2020 Nyquist sampling rate (P/fsnyq) as a
function of the signal-to-noise and dis-
tortion ratio (SNDR) to give a measure
130 of ADC power efficiency. Note that
120 a lower P/fsnyq metric represents a
1.E+02 1.E+04 1.E+06 1.E+08 1.E+10 1.E+12 more efficient circuit on this chart. For
fsnyq (Hz) low-to-medium-resolution convert-
ers, energy is primarily expended to
FIGURE 4: Power-normalized noise and distortion versus the Nyquist sampling rate. quantize the signal; thus, the overall


efficiency of this operation is typically
measured by the energy consumed per
New analog-circuit techniques are enabling
conversion and quantization step. The improved performance and reduced power for
dashed trend line represents a bench- temperature sensors, frequency references,
mark of the 1fJ/conversion-step. Cir-
cuit noise becomes more significant voltage references, and amplifiers.
with higher-resolution converters,
necessitating a different benchmark
proportional to the square of the sig- Communication Systems: continue to trend lower in power con-
nal-to-noise ratio, represented by the Radio-Frequency Subcommittee sumption and integrated timing jit-
solid line. Designs published from ter, with all-digital PLLs continuing to
1997 to 2019 are shown in circles. Subcommittee Chair: Piet Wambacq, displace traditional analog designs.
ISSCC 2020 designs are shown in black IMEC, Leuven, Belgium Fractional-N bang–bang, all-digital,
dots, which continue moving toward ISSCC 2020 features terahertz imag- and hybrid fractional-N/integer syn-
the lower right of the figure. ing demonstrators, CMOS power thesizers are also demonstrating
Figure  4 shows the signal fidelity amplifiers (PAs), and phase-locked- continuing innovations in more tradi-
versus the Nyquist sampling rate nor- loop (PLL) prototypes. App­lications tional PLL designs.
malized to power consumption. At driving advances in the field of radio- The trend in the FOM for PLLs, which
low sampling rates, converters tend frequency (RF) ICs in silicon technolo- depends on integrated jitter (jitter vari-
to be limited by thermal noise, inde- gies include 1) broadband and 5G ance) and power consumption, is illus-
pendent of the sample rate. Higher communications using massive mul- trated in Figure 6. ISSCC 2020 presents
speeds of operation present addi- tiple input/multiple output (MIMO) two fractional-N PLLs with outstand-
tional challenges in maintaining accu- and millimeter-wave (mm-wave) tech- ing timing-jitter performance:
racy in an energy-efficient manner, nologies, 2) the Internet of Things 1) a 12.8–15.2-GHz digital bang–bang
indicated by the roll-off versus fre- (IoT), and 3) sensing and imaging at PLL that realizes 66-fs rms jitter and
quency in the dashed line. The past sub-mm-wave frequencies. performs a 1-GHz hop to within
10 years have resulted in an improve- 0.1% of the steady-state frequency
ment of more than 10 dB in power- PLL Synthesizers in 18.55 ns
normalized signal fidelity, i.e., a 10# Visible highlights are PLLs generating 2) a 12.5-GHz fractional-N sam-
improvement in speed for the same mm-wave frequency carriers directly pling PLL in 28-nm CMOS that in-
normalized signal fidelity. Of note at or via on-chip multipliers; synthesiz- corporates a digital background
this year’s ISSCC is that two designs ers offering lower integrated jitter phase-error correction to enable
are pushing toward thermal-noise- and power consumption (for exam- 58-fs integrated jitter (fractional
limited efficiency, using delta-sigma ple, a –250-dB jitter-power FOM); mode) and 51 fs (operating in in-
and noise-shaped SAR architectures. and wideband, frequency-modulated, teger mode).
A pipelined SAR architecture deliv- continuous-wave radar-chirp gen- The overall FOM for these PLLs is con-
ers record-setting performance in eration. Overall, subsampling PLLs sistent with previous designs, as seen in
the speed-versus-efficiency corner of
the graph.
Figure 5 illustrates the ADC band-
width as a function of the SNDR. 1.E+11
Sampling jitter and aperture errors ISSCC 1997–2019
coupled with an increased noise band- 1.E+10 Jitter = 1 psrms
width make achieving high resolu- Jitter = 0.1 psrms
tion and bandwidth a particularly ISSCC 2020
fin,hf (Hz)

difficult task. While a state-of-the-art

data converter sho­wed an aperture
error of approximately 1ps rms 10 1.E+08
years ago, designs with aperture
errors below 100 fs rms have been 1.E+07
published in recent years. ISSCC 2020
further advances the state of the art 1.E+06
with an extremely high-performing, 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
time-interleaved pipeline archi- SNDR at fin,hf (dB)
tecture that surpasses the 100-fs rms
aperture line. FIGURE 5: The bandwidth versus the SNDR. psrms: picoseconds/root mean square.


M ISSCC 2015 JSSC 2014
1 T = 1
–2 FO
30 M
M =–
T 0
40 ESSC IRC 2015 ISSCC 2013
Jitter Variance (σRMS 2) (ps2)

Jitter Variance (σRMS 2) (ps2)

ISSCC 2015
JSSC 2016
0.1 ISSCC 2010 0.1
JSSC 2015 ISSCC 2013 JIT
VLSI 2013 ISSCC 2014 ISSCC 2014 [2] 23
ISSCC 2018 ISSCC 2015 [3] ISSCC 2018 [6]
ISSCC 2016 JSSC 2014
JSSCC 2009 JSSCC 2018

0.01 0.01 FO
ISSCC 2020 M
ISSCC 2020
ISSCC 2019 =–
ISSCC 2019 0
ISSCC 2019 ISSCC 2019
–2 = =–
–2 25
60 50 0
0.001 0.001
1 10 100 1 10 100
Power (mW) Power (mW)
(a) (b)

FIGURE 6: Oscillator trends for (a) subsampling PLLS and (b) frequency synthesizers above 20 GHz. JSSC: IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits.

added efficiency (PAE) at the higher

100 peak-to-average power ratios de­­
90 manded by advanced modulation for-
80 mats, such as 5G New Radio (NR). A
Peak PAE (%)

24–30-GHz watt-level Doherty PA fully

50 integrated in 45-nm silicon-on-insu-
40 lator CMOS employs a multiprimary
30 distributed active-transformer power
20 combiner and is capable of support-
ing 5G NR transmissions. Multiway
10 20 30 40 50 60 power combing and active load mod-
Psat (dBm) ulation are achieved simultaneously.
A digital polar PA prototype operating
in class-G mode also functions above
CMOS Trend SiGe Trend ISSCC 2020 CMOS
1 W but in the 2.4-GHz industry, sci-
ence, and medicine band (Figure  7).
FIGURE 7: The under-6-GHz PA trend. SiGe: silicon germanium; GaAs: gallium arsenide; Remarkably, when the output power
LDMOS: laterally diffused metal-oxide semiconductor.
is reduced by 18 dB, this PA can still
provide drain efficiencies approach-
the figure. Advanced voltage-controlled in frequency synthesis will continue for ing 50% of peak performance. The
­oscillatorandmm-waveoutputfrequency- the foreseeable future. signal quality under 1,024  quadra-
generation circuit designs operating with ture amplitude modulation (QAM) is
greater stability at a lower power con- RF and mm-Wave PAs excellent at a - 44.5-dB error vector
sumption redefine the state of the art in Doherty-type PAs integrated in CMOS magnitude for a 23.2-dBm RF power
CMOS designs and ensure that advances are demonstrating an improved power- output (Figure 8). ISSCC 2020 will also


feature the first d-band PA in 16-nm ISSCC 2020, Wi-Fi and cellular stan- aggregation to support higher data
CMOS [fin field-effect transistor (Fin- dards continue to evolve with 5G NR rates. This year, an advanced cellular
FET)]. It demonstrates a peak gain of and Wi-Fi 6 (IEEE Standard 802.11ax) to transceiver features 10 downlinks in
25.6 dB, saturated output power of deliver ever increasing data throughput 12-nm FinFET CMOS. The transceiver
15 dBm, and peak PAE of 11.7%. The using dense 1,024-QAM modulation, a extends carrier aggregation to sup-
active chip area for this 135-GHz PA wide bandwidth of up to 200 MHz, and port up to six interband 3G, 4G, and
is just 0.062 mm 2 (Figure 9). multiple parallel data streams employ- 5G carriers while also enabling NR
ing uplink and downlink MIMO. Fur- and LTE protocols with dual connec-
Emerging Technologies for thermore, carrier aggregation and tivity (evolved universal terrestrial
­Communication and Terahertz concurrent operation enable cellular radio access NR dual connectivity).
­Sensing/Imaging and Wi-Fi radios to obtain larger spec- Operation at the low supply ­voltages
At ISSCC 2020, terahertz (THz)-frequency trum resources when a single contigu- available from energy harvesting and
imaging and sensing chips—demon- ous frequency range is not available. small form factors are vitally impor-
strating higher levels of complexity Figure  10 shows the trend in the tant for IoT and insertable medical
and power outputs than ever before— number of downlinks for recent cel- devices. A low-voltage Bluetooth low-
and radio front-end circuits enabling lular SOC implementations as well energy transceiver capable of oper-
full duplex communication are impor- as the shift in process nodes. It indi- ating through energy harvesting
tant developments. Computational cates an increasing interest in carrier is being introduced at ISSCC 2020;
THz imaging debuts at ISSCC 2020
w i t h a n 8 # 8-p i x e l s o u r c e - a r r a y
system-on-chip (SOC) with an on-
chip, built-in self-test that radiates up
to 9.2 dBm at 0.42 THz and can support 60
imaging at up to 30,000 frames per sec- 50
Peak PAE (%)

ond. The highest radiated power for 40

silicon-based sources above 0.35 THz
is produced by a beam-steerable
array implemented in 40-nm CMOS.
It combines 36 coherent radiators 10
producing 24.1  dBm of equivalent 0
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
isotropically radiated power and a
Psat (dBm)
beam-steering range of 30° at a fre-
quency of 0.59 THz. CMOS SiGe GaN GaAs LDMOS InP
Future low-latency radio-access CMOS Trend SiGe Trend ISSCC 2020 CMOS
networks demand clocks with 0.1 ISSCC 2020 SiGe ISSCC 2020 GaN
parts per billion (ppb) stability. A
70-mW chip-scale molecular clock FIGURE 8: The over-20-GHz PA trend. InP: indium phosphide.
probing the 231.06-GHz transition
of carbonyl sulfide demonstrates
a stability of ! 3 ppb with changing
temperature. Finally, a sub-THz back-
scattering wireless tag operating at
260 GHz has a 5-cm range for bidirec-
Peak PAE (%)

tional communication via an on-chip 30

antenna array capable of beam steer- 25
ing across 30c. 20
Communication Systems: Wireless 10
Subcommittee Chair: Stefano –5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Pellerano, Intel, Hillsboro, Oregon Psat (dBm)
The continuing demand for faster
wireless-data rates in the context of
mobile-battery limitations drives the CMOS Trend SiGe Trend ISSCC 2020 GaN
development of high-throughput
and power-efficient transceivers. At FIGURE 9: The over-50-GHz PA trend.


it has a –96.4-dBm sensitivity and
12 60 4.1-dB adjacent-channel rejection
Downlinks Process Node while dissipating 1.9 mW. Further-
10 50 more, a small-form-factor, crystal-
Number of Downlinks less medical implant communication

Process Node (nm)

8 40 system transceiver for insertable
smart pills is being presented with a
6 30 3.5- # 3.8-mm footprint.
Figure 11 displays the trend in
4 20
energy efficiency for 60-GHz and
beyond-80-GHz receivers. A receiver
2 10
being presented at ISSCC 2020 lever-
ages dual-polarization and circuit
0 0
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 techniques to demonstrate a 1 2 pJ/b
Year efficiency while achieving throughputs
of 250 Gb/s at mm-wave frequencies,
FIGURE 10: Trends in the number of downlinks and process nodes for recent cellular SOC reaching a 64-Gb/s data rate. This is
the first 60-GHz phased-array recei­­
ver with 250 Gb/s throughput. The
growing demands on high-data-rate
transceivers are reflected in cellular
communications, with the develop-
ment of mm-wave systems for 5G NR
Energy per Bit (pJ/Bit)

in the 28- and 39-GHz bands.
Communication Systems: Wireline
Subcommittee Chair: Frank
4 60 GHz O’Mahony, Intel, Hillsboro, Oregon
2 Above 80 GHz Over the past few decades, electrical
2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 and optical interconnects have been
Year key components bridging the gap
between the exponentially growing
FIGURE 11: The receiver power-efficiency trend. demands for data bandwidth across
electronic components/systems and
the relatively gradual increase in pin/
cable density. Ranging from hand-
256 held electronics to supercomputers,
128 PCIe wireline data-communication band-
Per-Lane Transfer Rate (Gb/s)

64 QPI/KTI width must grow exponentially to

32 HT avoid limiting the performance scal-
16 ing of these systems. By increasing
the data per pin or cable of various
electronic devices and systems, such
as memory, graphics, the chip-to-chip
2 DDR fabric, the backplane, rack-to-rack,
1 GDDR and local area networks (LANs), wire-
0.5 CEI line input–­output (I/O) has fueled
0.25 incredible technological innovation
2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 in electronic devices and systems.
Figure 12 shows that the data rate per
pin has approximately doubled every
FIGURE 12: The per-pin data rate versus year for a variety of common I/O standards. PCIe: four years across I/O standards rang-
peripheral component interconnect express; QPI/KTI: QuickPath Interconnect/Keizer Technol-
ogy Interconnect; HT: HyperTransport; SATA: serial advanced technology attachment; ing from double data rate (DDR) to
SAS: serial attached small computer system interface; GDDR: graphics DDR; CEI: comparably graphics and the high-speed Ethernet.
efficient interconnection. Figure 13 demonstrates that the data


rates for published transceivers have for linearity, noise, and multilev­ Both transceivers exhibit flexible
kept pace with these standards while ­e l signaling. equalization capability and consume
taking advantage of CMOS scaling. This trend motivated the develop- 15 pJ/b (not including the DSP power).
Figure 14 depicts the published trans- ment of low-power data converters,
ceiver energy efficiency versus chan- digital equalization, and clock recov- Silicon Photonic Bandwidth
nel losses at the Nyquist frequency in ery as well as linear high-bandwidth Scaling and Integration
the 40–50-dB range. transceiver and receiver analog front The explosive growth of data and
In part, this incredible improve- ends. During the past two years, the data-centric computing places strin-
ment is enabled by the power-perfor- first such components were demon- gent demands on the bandwidth
mance benefits of process technology strated to extend these transceivers and energy efficiency of data-center
scaling. However, sustaining this expo- to 112 Gb/s. At ISSCC 2020, a 56-Gb/s interconnects, spurring the develop-
nential trend for I/O bandwidth scal- DAC/ADC-based transceiver, a 100-GBd ment of several 200–400-Gb Ethernet
ing requires more than just transistor DAC-based transmitter, and the first standards. Within the rack, much of
scaling. Significant advances in energy descriptions of complete 112-Gb/s the interconnect bandwidth is pro-
efficiency, channel equalization, and PAM-4 long-reach transceivers in 7-nm vided by electrical links over copper
clocking must be made to enable the CMOS will be presented. Xilinx will interconnects, and optical intercon-
next generation of low-power, high- describe a 112-Gb/s PAM-4 transceiver nects are increasingly used to bridge
performance computing systems. for long-reach copper interconnects longer distances. Silicon-photonics-
ISSCC 2020 includes examples of short- employing a 36-way, time-interleaved, based solutions are of particular inter-
reach electrical interconnects operat- 56-gigasamples/s, 7-b ADC. MediaTek est for low-cost 50+ -Gb/s/m optical
ing at up to 25 Gb/s, long-reach copper will present a complete four-lane, transceivers. Furthermore, multilevel
interconnect transceivers operating at 112-Gb/s DAC/ADC-based transceiver. modulation schemes, such as PAM-4,
up to 112 Gb/s, and optical transceiv-
ers and components operating at up
to 112 Gb/s (direct modulation) and 1,000 2007
640 Gb/s (coherent). New techniques 2008
for noise and power reduction, chan- 2009
nel equalization, and clock recovery
Data Rate (Gb/s)

100 2011
are reported. These transceivers and 2012
transceiver building blocks are imple- 2013
mented in CMOS and bipolar CMOS 2014
(BiCMOS) technologies. 10
Scaling Electrical Interconnects 2018
to 100 Gb/s 1
Bandwidth requirements in data cen- 5 50
ters and telecommunication infra­ Process Node (nm)
structure continue to drive the demand
for ultrahigh-speed wireline commu- FIGURE 13: Data rate versus process node and year.
nication. During the past few years,
complete transceivers operating at up
to 56 Gb/s were demonstrated across a
variety of channel lengths. Two notable
Power Efficiency (mW/Gb/s)

trends in these transceivers, especially ISSCC 2020

for long-reach channels, are the adop- 100
tion of pulse amplitude modulation
(PAM)-4 and a transition to digital-to-
analog converter (DAC)/ADC archi-
tectures with digital signal processor
(DSP)-based equalization. Although 1
PAM-4 provides twice the data rate
at the same baud rate as conventional
nonreturn to zero (NRZ) and thereby 0 20 40 60
relaxes channel loss requirements Channel Loss at Nyquist (dB)
for bandwidth doubling, it also comes
with more stringent requirements FIGURE 14: Transceiver power efficiency versus channel loss.


improve the tradeoff between circuit classical discrete implementation a 55-nm BiCMOS technology that is
bandwidth, power consumption, data toward obsolescence. 3D-assembled onto a silicon-photonic
rate, and optical-link range compared Intel will describe a PAM-4 micror- front-end IC through copper pillars.
with NRZ optical signaling. Since many ing-based optical transmitter using Data-rate scaling of coherent optics for
such modules are packed side-by-side a 3D-integrated silicon-photonic and longer-reach optical interconnects is
in networking and computing infra- CMOS circuit assembly with a robust also being highlighted at ISSCC 2020.
structure, low power consumption 112-Gb/s operation. The thermal vari- NTT will demonstrate a four-chan-
is required to prevent the equipment ability and nonlinearities that usually nel Mach-Zehnder modulator driver
from overheating. The highly inte- plague such modulators are addressed capable of transmitting 640 Gb/s over
grated silicon-photonic approaches with nonlinear equalization and closed- a single fiber, using dual-polarization
presented at ISSCC 2020 will address loop thermal control. STMicroelec- 32-QAM modulation while consuming
this need by communicating at 50– tronics will demonstrate a transceiver only 1.4 pJ/b.
100 Gb/s across each fiber using for the IEEE P802.3bs 200GBASE-DR4 Continuing to aggressively scale
PAM-4 modulation with low-power standard. The four-channel electro- the I/O bandwidth is essential for the
consumption, reducing the need optical transceiver provides an aggre- industry, but the tradeoffs among
for expensive cooling and pushing gate bandwidth of 200 Gb/s using bandwidth, power, area, cost, and
re­­liability are extremely challeng-
ing. Advances in circuit architecture,
interconnect topologies, transistor
100 scaling, and integrated silicon pho-
90 tonics are changing the way that I/O
will be done during the next decade.
The most exciting and promising of
70 these emerging technologies for elec-
60 trical and optical interconnects will

50 be highlighted at ISSCC 2020.

Digital Systems: Digital Architectures
30 and Systems
Subcommittee Chair: Thomas Burd,
Advanced Micro Devices, ­Santa 
1 Clara, California
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Year ISSCC 2020 features a plethora of flag-
ship industry processors covering
FIGURE 15: Core-count trends (the red diamonds designate a multichip module). servers, desktops, mobile applica-
tion processors (APs), and automotive
processors ranging from 28- to 7-nm
CMOS. Additionally, there are invited
industry papers on graphics process-
ing units (GPUs) (a first for ISSCC),
a field-programmable gate array, an
Clock Frequency (MHz)

industry full-3D mobile processor, and

1,000 a next-generation, high-performance
ARM core. The trend continues to
exploit multichip integration technolo-
gies to drive the core count and on-die
100 cache (Figure 15).
The computational performance of
mobile AP SOCs historically grew as
silicon process technology advanced
10 (Figure 16). AP SOCs continue to gain
more features, including 5G modems,

























multimedia intellectual-property cores
(Figure  17), and accelerators on chip
FIGURE 16: Clock-frequency-scaling trends. to enhance functionality (Figure  18).


Mobile phones are receiving more efficiency and performance, lowering PVT margins and enabling circuit-
camera sensors, which drives additional the cost/design effort, and enhancing driven, chip-level performance gains.
complexity onto SOCs (Figure 19). Dedi- security. Classic technology scaling A trend toward application-specific
cated neural-network accelerators exe- has slowed, and circuit-design efforts accelerators is leading to the devel-
cute machine-learning functions faster are exploiting technology features opment of new circuit techniques
and with higher energy efficiency such as body biasing and passive- that benefit a range of emerging ap­­
than generic CPUs and GPUs. Neural- device ­advancements to enable circuit plications, including navigation in
network processing units (NPUs) will innovation. In addition, variation mit- microrobotics, deoxyribonucleic-acid-
be adopted in most future AP SOCs, igation has become a major trend in sequencing engines, and annealing
establishing an important direction digital circuits to improve robustness processors for solving large combina-
in which an efficient software solu- and power efficiency across process, torial problems. Some of these accel-
tion utilizes heterogeneous computing voltage, and temperature (PVT). Spe- erators leverage compute-in-memory
combining CPUs, GPUs, and NPUs. On- cifically, all-digital sensors and adap- (CIM) strategies, while others rely on
device training features continue to be tive (clocking) techniques continue to circuit operation in nonconventional
incorporated for private-data security be proposed to mitigate these effects modes/domains, including time-and
and device personalization. on chip, with the goal of reducing the charge-domain computation.
Wired and wireless links continue
to increase in bandwidth, with a trend
of 10 times higher data rates every
five years (Figure 20). The changes are
modest this year at ISSCC 2020 rela-
tive to last year. mm-wave and massive 10,000
Transistor Count (Millions)

MIMO technologies are being actively

studied to realize 5G communication.
The first 5G mobile device was com-
mercialized in 2019. The explosion
of Internet of Everything (IoE) devices 100
will require the evolution of narrow-
band, wide-area networks.

Circuits for Hardware Security

With the growing risk and cost of infor- 1
mation theft, hardware-implemented 14


























security has become a common circuit Year
component. Alt­hough the focus on
cryptographic implementation contin- FIGURE 17: Chip-complexity-scaling trends (the red diamond designates a multichip module).
ues, cost-effective physically unclon-
able functions (PUFs) (Figure  21) are
now a focus area in, for instance, smart
cards, consumer devices, and automo-
tive applications. True random-number 350
generators are also commonly lever-
aged to strengthen secret-key genera- 300
tion in cryptographic applications.
Cache Size (Mb)


Digital Systems: Digital Circuits 200

Subcommittee Chair: Edith Beigne, 150

Facebook, Menlo Park, California 100
The demand for higher performance
across ubiquitous, connected, and 50
energy-constrained platforms, rang-
ing from the IoE to cloud data centers, 0
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
continues to drive innovations in all Year
CMOS digital-circuit building blocks,
with the goals of improving energy FIGURE 18: On-die cache-size trends (the red diamonds designate a multichip module).


Graphics (ES1.1) (ES2.0) AR VR Vulkan


Display at 60 f/s at 60 f/s at 60 f/s at 60 f/sx2 (VR) WQXGA+at 120 f/s

Camera 5–8 M 10 M 16 M 20 M 24 M 12 MxDual 16 MxDual 80 M

360° VR 3D Depth/AR Triple

Image/Video H.264/AVC H.264/AVC H.264/AVC H.264/MVC H.265/VP9 H.265/VP9 AV1

(VGA) (D1) (Full HD) H.264/SVC HDR HDR10+
Audio WMA Dolby DSD TWS
AAC AAC Plus Dolby 5.1 TrueHD/Digital+ Dolby Atmos Truly Wireless
Accelerator SMID Multicore Heterogeneous Neural-Net 5 TOPS
FPU Multicore (2–4) (4–8) Multiprocessing Processor
Downlink LTE-A LTE-A 5G
(Mb/s) 0.4–2 1.8–7 7–42 100 150–750 1,600 2,000 5,000
CPU (MI/s) 300 500 800 2,400 6,000 12,000 13,000 19,000 22,000
500 800 2,400 6,000 12,000 100,000 112,000 162,000 180,000

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

FIGURE 19: AP trends in smartphones. OpenGL: Open Graphics Library; VG: vector graphics; MAX: media acceleration; AR: augmented
reality; VR: virtual reality; VGA: video graphics array; WVGA: wide VGA; SXGA: super extended GA; WQXGA: wide quad-extended GA;
fps: frames per second; AVC: advanced video coding; HD: high definition; MVC: multiview video coding; SVC: scalable video coding; HDR:
high dynamic range; AV1: Alliance for Open Media Video 1; AAC: advanced audio coding; WMA: Windows Media Audio; DSD: direct-
stream digital; TWS: true wireless stereo; FPU: floating-point unit; SIMD: single instruction, multiple data; TOPS: tera operations;
UMTS: universal mobile telecommunications service; HSPA: high-speed packet access; MI/s: million instructions per second; M: megapixel.

There is a recent movement toward

Data Rates Over Time Short Links, 1 Mb/s making these digital LDOs synthesiz-
100-Gb Ethernet 400-Gb Ethernet able, reducing the design effort and
100 Gb LAN, 10 Mb/s easing portability. Another trend is
10-Gb Ethernet IEEE 802.11ax toward hybrid LDOs that incorporate
10 Gb USB 3.0
PCI Express the best features of analog and digital
IEEE 802.11ad 5G
USB 2.0 IEEE 802.15.3c designs. Figure  22 shows the conver-
1 Gb
Data Rate (Hz)

UWB sion efficiency and current density of

IEEE 802.11ac Cellular, 100 Mb/s
100 Mb IEEE 802.11ag 802.11n these integrated voltage regulators,
IEEE 802.11b LTE which continue to improve.
10 Mb
Synthesizable Digital PLLs
1 Mb IEEE 802.11 WiMAX
for Low-Jitter Applications
3G R99/EDGE PLL trends include the migration from
100 Kb
analog to digital to include more function-
GPRS ality, cope with variability, and ease
10 Kb
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 scaling to finer geometries. Demand
Year for compact, low-jitter PLLs is increas-
ing. The use of more automated digital
FIGURE 20: Data-rate trends in wired, wireless, and cellular communication. UWB: ultrawideband; design flows (such as synthesis and
GSM: Global System for Mobile Communications; GPRS: general packet radio service; HSDPA: high- automated placement and routing) dra-
speed-downlink packet access; WiMAX: Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. matically reduces development costs
but can degrade the jitter, requiring
Integrated Voltage Regulators even inductor-based buck-voltage new compensating techniques. Figure 23
At ISSCC 2020, energy reduction re­­ regulators (LCVRs) are integrated in highlights the metrics for PLLs and
mains a top priority as power density scaled process nodes to enable faster digital PLLs (DPLLs) published at ISSCC
continues to increase. ­Voltage regula- and fine-grain dynamic voltage and over roughly the past 10 years. The plot
tors, while traditionally being off chip, frequency scaling (DVFS) of individual shows the relationship between the
have increasingly been integrated on functional blocks. In turn, the low reference (input) frequency and FOM,
chip to reduce cost. Low-dropout (LDO) voltages supported in DVFS systems demonstrating the tradeoff between
linear regulators, switched-capaci- necessitate a move from analog-based cost (a higher reference frequency) and
tor voltage regulators (SCVRs), and LDOs to digital implementations. overall PLL performance.


Machine Learning and AI
14,000 10
Subcommittee Chair: Marian Verhelst,
KU Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium 12,000
Owing to the worldwide trend of deep-
learning enthusiasm in recent years,

Bit Error Rate

ISSCC 2020 has established a dedi- 0.1

Area/Bit (F2)

cated subcommittee on machine learn-
ing and AI. As deep neural networks 6,000
succeed in achieving better accuracy
in a wide variety of tasks, their com-
putational complexity rises. For data 2,000
center, mobile, and IoT workloads, this
results in continuous demand for more 0 0.0001
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
energy-efficient and higher-through- Year
put neural-network computing. This
year’s submissions have targeted those FIGURE 21: Area/bit and bit-error-rate trends for the PUFs published recently at ISSCC. F2:
objectives across a broad power spec- feature squared.
trum, ranging from 0.5-nW always-
on accelerators to 276-W data center efficiency. A particular challenge
AI processors. in this context is to combine the
It is important to note that the met- exploitation of sparsity with in-
rics that matter at the system level are memory computing, a topic that 100
energy/inference and inference/s for will also be addressed. 95
a specific task and a given inference 3) At ISSCC 2020, it can be noted, in 90

Peak Efficiency (%)

accuracy. This year’s submissions again general, that machine-learning pro- 85
significantly push the state of the art of cessors are increasingly realized in
these efficiency and throughput num- the most advanced technology, with 70
bers by combining multiple enhance- chips exploiting 7 and 12 nm. 65
ment techniques in tandem within a As different chipsets are often char- 60
single chip, implemented in the most acterized on a different set of tasks, 55 LCVR
advanced technology (Figure 24): network topologies, and accuracy lev- 50
0 10 1,000 100,000
1) Support for different levels of els, comparing the true system-level Current Density (mA /mm2)
computational precision is now benchmarking metrics, such as energy/
almost omnipresent to efficiently inference and inference/s, is not always
allow multiple tasks. In addition straightforward. It is, therefore, inter-
to fixed-point accuracies between esting to look at the achieved low-level FIGURE 22: The integrated voltage regula-
2 and 8 b, some architectures sup- metrics of operations/s and energy/ tors (large LDO symbols represent 2020
port floating-point (FP)8 and FP16 operation within the neural network, papers).
for training as well as pixel-ma-
nipulation workloads.
2) It is clear that the exploitation of –250
FOM10*(Power/1 mW*Jitter/1 ps)

sparsity has become a common –245

log M)
theme; it boosts throughput be- –240 = 10* ref/10
0 F
tween two and four times and en- –20 ps*
–235 M T = Jitter/1
F o *
ergy efficiency up to an order of –230 mW
magnitude. In fact, more than 50% wer/1
–225 (P
of the techniques at ISSCC 2020
specifically leverage input, out-
–215 200
put, and/or weight sparsity as one T =–
of their key innovations. We fur- –210 FoM Pre-2013 2013 2014 2015
ther see an increase in the num- –205 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
ber of approaches concerned with –200
10 20 40 80 160 320 640
multibit, in-memory computing, Fref (MHz)
gradually perfecting resolution
and accuracy as well as energy FIGURE 23: PLL and multiplying-delay-locked-loop trends. FoMT: FOM with tuning.


technique and a synergetic on-
Continuing to aggressively scale the I/O die scheme
bandwidth is essential for the industry, but the ■■ An 8.5-Gb/s/pin, 12-Gb LPDDR5
tradeoffs among bandwidth, power, area, cost, synchronous DRAM with a hybrid
bank architecture, skew-tolerant
and reliability are extremely challenging. and low-power schemes, and speed-
boosting techniques
■■ A 128-Gb, 1-b/cell, 96-word-line-lay-
as illustrated in Figure 25 for new data- (MAC) operations in 7-nm SRAM as er 3D flash memory to improve ran-
points from ISSCC 2020 compared to well as in a leading-edge, 22-nm resis- dom-read latency with t PROG = 75 ns
the state of the art in 2018 and 2019. tive RAM (ReRAM). In dynamic RAM and t R = 4 ns
Yet one should be well aware that (DRAM), the performance of high- ■■ A 32-Gb/s, digital-intensive, single-
these tera operations (TOPS)/W and bandwidth memory evolution (HBM2E) ended PAM-4 transceiver for high-
TOPS/s are strongly dependent on the is extended to 640 GB/cube and speed memory interfaces with a
exercised neural-network topologies, 8.5 Gb/s for low-power double data two-tap, time-based decision-feed-
computational precision, and network rate 5 (LPDDR5) components. For back equalizer
sparsity. Going forward, as the field NAND, the lowest latency is reported ■■ An 8-nm, 18-Gb/s/pin graphics dou-
matures, we believe that a common as well as a quad-level cell NAND with ble-data-rate type-six synchronous
benchmarking methodology must be the highest program bandwidth ever dynamic random-access memory
established, accounting for the appli- publicized. For span-transfer-torque (GDDR6) PHY with a transceiver-
cation context. But, without any doubt, magnetic RAM (STT-MRAM), the high- bandwidth extension and receiver-
the clever combination of sparsity, vari- est read bandwidth ever is shown as training technique
able precision, and in-memory comput- well as the first near-memory STT- ■■ A 22-nm, 2-Mb ReRAM CIM macro
ing technologies enables continued MRAM. The growing number of papers with 121–128 TOPS/W for multibit
enhancement of deep-learning proces- on high-speed memory interfaces MAC computing for tiny AI edge
sor efficiency and throughput. emphasizes the trend to push mem- devices
ory bandwidth limits further. ■■ A 22-nm, 1-Mb, 1,024-b read and
Memory Papers of note at ISSCC 2020 include near-memory-computing, dual-mode
the following: STT-MRAM macro with a 42.6-GB/s
Subcommittee Chair: Jonathan ■■ A 5-nm, 135-Mb SRAM in extreme read bandwidth for security-aware
Chang, TSMC, Hsinchu, Taiwan ultraviolet lithography (EUV) and mobile devices.
The demand for high-density, high- high-mobility-channel FinFET tech-
bandwidth, and low-energy mem- nology, with metal coupling and SRAM
ory systems continues to grow charge-sharing, write-assist cir- Scaling in SRAM continues, and the
­everywhere, from high-performance cuitry schemes for high-density first 5-nm FinFET EUV SRAM is being
computing to SOCs, wearables, and and low-VMIN applications presented. Innovations in SRAM sup-
the IoT. ISSCC 2020 presents the first ■■ A 351-TOPS/W and 372.4-GOPS CIM port high densities, CIM, high energy
5-nm FinFET static random-access SRAM macro in 7-nm FinFET CMOS efficiencies, and applications with
memory (SRAM). CIM boosts the per- for machine-learning applications very low latency requirements. Shift-
formance and energy efficiency of ■■ A 1.1-V, 16-GB, 640-GB/s HBM2E ing computation inside the memory
multiplication-and-accumulation DRAM with a data-bus-extension array (CIM) is a leading approach

Benchmark INT1 INT2 INT4 INT8 FP8 FP16 Energy/
Strongly Dependent On

Adaptive Precision
Keyword Spotting at 93, 6%
Sparse I/O/Weight Sparsity Dense Inference/s ImageNet at 80%
Adaptive Sparsity ResNet50
Operations/s InceptionV3
7 nm 12 nm 28 nm 40 nm 65 nm Inference
Accuracy at ...
Silicon Technology
(Task, Data Set)

FIGURE 24: Various parameters impacting the low- and system-level benchmarking metrics. INT: integer.


enabling breakthroughs in energy
efficiency and throughput. Four SRAM 1.E+3
(with CIM) papers are being presented,
with the potential of enabling further

Energy Efficiency (TOPS/W)

breakthroughs for AI and deep-learn- 1.E+2
ing applications, featuring low-power 16 bit
and/or high-performance operation; 8 bit
high-accuracy, in-memory, multibit 1.E+1 4 bit
MAC operation; and the ability to run 1 bit
forward as well as backward calcula- 2019 16 bit
tions for inference and training. Fig- 2019 8 bit
2019 1 bit
ure  26 shows the SRAM bit-cell area
2020 8 bit
and VMIN scaling trend.
2020 FP8
High-Bandwidth and Low-Power 1.E+0 1.E+1 1.E+2 1.E+3 1.E+4 1.E+5 1.E+6
DRAM Throughput (GOPS)
To keep pace with the ever-increas-
ing performance requirements in FIGURE 25: Deep-learning processor throughput and efficiency. GOPS: giga
various applications from mobile to operations/s.
supercomputing, DRAM continues
to scale in density, form factor, and
bandwidth. ISSCC 2020 will include 0.999
1 1.2
benchmarks for the latest interface
standards, e.g., an 8.5-Gb/s LPDDR5 0.525 1
1.00 0.346
for high-speed mobile and a 640-GB/s 0.9
HBM2E for the highest performance 0.242 0.8
Bit Size (µm2)

applications (cloud and AI). Three 0.171 0.75

papers focus on improvements for 0.1 0.6
very-high-speed interfaces, such as 0.092
a PAM4 32-Gb/s transceiver and an 0.05 0.4
18-Gb/s GDDR6 PHY. Figure 27 illus-
trates DRAM bandwidth scaling over 0.027 0.2
the past 12 years. 0.021
0.01 0
Nonvolatile Memory 90 65 45 40 32 28 22 20 16 14 10 7 5
During the past decade, significant Technology Node (nm)
investment has been put into the
FIGURE 26: The bit-cell area and VMIN scaling trend for SRAM.
emerging-memories field to find an
alternative to floating-gate-based non-
volatile memory (NVM). The emerging
NVMs, such as phase-change memory 1,000 DDR3
(PCM), ferroelectric RAM (FeRAM), HBM
STT-MRAM, and ReRAM, exhibit the DDR5
Data Bandwidth (GB/s)

potential to achieve a high cycling GDDR3

capability and lower power per bit in 100 GDDR5
read/write operations. At ISSCC 2020, GDDR6
a 22-nm, 1-Mb STT-MRAM macro dem- LPDDR(x) LPDDR2
onstrates a high read bandwidth LPDDR3
of 42.67 GB/s, while a 4-b/cell NAND DDR(x) LPDDR4
improves the write bandwidth up LPDDR5
to 30 MB/s. Figure  28 highlights the WIO2
achievement of MRAM read bandwidth HBM
as well as improvement of the 4-b/cell 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
NAND flash write throughput. Such Year
high densities are achieved through
advancements in 3D vertical bit-cell FIGURE 27: DRAM data-bandwidth trends. WIO: wide I/O.


stacking and multibits (2–4 b) per bit- which achieves an 8.4-Gb/mm 2 area life interference and under stringent
cell technologies. Figure  29 presents capacity. On the other hand, fast-speed power and size constraints. These new
the trend in NVM capacity. 3D NAND with a 75-ns program time SOCs and corresponding techniques
and 4-ns read latency was developed. for wireless power/data transfer pave
NAND Flash Memory With a flexible suspend operation for the way toward robust microdevices
NAND flash memory continues to program and erase, a smaller random- that involve direct sensing, multisen-
advance toward a higher density and read latency of fewer than 50 ns is sor fusion, and implantable closed-
lower power, resulting in low-cost stor- achieved. Figure  30 describes the loop sensor/actuator systems. These
age solutions that replace traditional observed trend in NAND-flash capaci- advancements enable multimode phys-
hard disks with solid-state disks. In the ties at ISSCC during the past 20 years. iological recordings from nearly every
semiconductor industry, 3D-memory major organ system.
technology has been the mainstream Innovative Topics: Medical The state of the art in biomedical ICs
for NAND flash memory in mass pro- and systems is being advanced at ISSCC
duction. At ISSCC 2020, there are two Subcommittee Chair: Chris Van Hoof, 2020, with miniaturization, higher
papers demonstrating improvement IMEC, Leuven, Belgium sensitivity, higher dynamic range, and
of the write bandwidth of 4-b/cell, 3D As illustrated during ISSCC 2020, sen- interference mitigation presented as
NAND flash at 1-Tb capacities. One is a sor and actuator systems for on-body major trends in implantable and in
92-stacked-word-line, 3D vertical NAND wearable and in-body implantable vivo diagnostic devices at the same
(VNAND) flash memory featuring 5G use continue to evolve toward more time that power efficiency continues
technology with 1.2-Gb/s high-speed robust, functionally complex, and to improve. High-dynamic-range sens-
interfaces. Another exhibits a 30-MB/s energy-efficient solutions as well as ing systems (2100 dB) improve toler-
program throughput utilizing the highly closed-loop operation. Wearable and ance to large amplitude interference and
area-efficient technology of peripheral implantable SOCs record weak biopo- motion artifacts, while new techniques
circuits under the memory cell array, tential signals in the presence of real- are introduced to sense physiological

Cond. >1 Mb
ASSCC (2001–2017)
(ISSCC’09) (ISSCC’17) r
(ASSCC’07) (ISSCC’18)
Write Bandwidth (Mb/s)


(ISSCC’06) (ISSCC’11)
NAND-MLC (ISSCC’16,’17,’18)
10 PCM (ISSCC’18) (ISSCC’20)
(ISSCC’07) (ISSCC’15)
100 1,000 10,000
Read Bandwidth (Mb/s)

FIGURE 28: A comparison of read/write bandwidth for NVMs. VLSI Circuits: Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits. SLC: single-level cell;
TLC: triple-level cell; MLC: multilevel cell; eMRAM: embedded MRAM; PCM: phase-change memory; SG-MONOS: split-gate metal-oxide–nitride-
oxide–silicon; QLC: quad-level cell; NOR: an inverted NAND; eNOR: embedded NOR.


signals, such as photoplethysmograms global shutter pixels with –105-dB pa­­ Innovative Topics: Technology
and electrocardiograms. Miniaturiza- rasitic-light sensitivity have been Directions
tion combined with a high level of announced. Sony reports noise-level
integration enables minimally invasive improvements and selectable in-pixel Subcommittee Chair: Makoto ­Nagata,
implants with low tissue displacement gain without adding transistors. A sin- Kobe University, Japan
for interfacing with the body. Multi- gle-exposure, 132-dB dynamic range Technology innovations bring the
modal physiological sensors have the that maintains a high signal-to-noise promise of enabling new system func-
potential to offer improved monitoring ratio across the full range is presented. tionalities and substantially increasing
and diagnosis of a number of chronic Finally, two image sensors are intended the efficiency of existing ones. Harness-
conditions. The form factor of a low- for low-power/low-data-rate applica- ing such innovations for solving tangi-
cost, easy-to-use wearable device will tions, with always-on imaging and ble real-world problems requires novel
enable continuous monitoring of mul- event-based dynamic vision. Improve- system-level solutions. With a focus on
tiple vital signs, facilitating health ments in the architecture and data con- envisioning the future, emerging trends
tracking outside the hospital. These version have continued to drive down in technology directions presented at
advances offer tremendous market power consumption while providing the ISSCC 2020 cover a wide range of topics,
potential in the medical and consumer necessary compression, image quality, including quantum engineering; embed-
market spaces. and detection for targeted applications. ded NVM-based computing devices

Innovative Topics: Imagers

Subcommittee Chair: Chris Van Hoof, NAND Flash 1.33 Tb
IMEC, Leuven, Belgium 1,000,000
Cond. 1 Mb
CMOS image-sensor business remains
one of the fastest-growing segments of
Storage Capacity (Mb)

32 Gb
the semiconductor industry, expected 8 Gb
to reach US$18 billion in 2024, up 10,000
from US$11.8 billion in 2018. Image 4 Gb
sensors are essential components in 1,000
mobile devices and are found in many 128 Mb
consumer-electronics products. Strong 100
demand for automobile driver assis-
tance and autonomy propels progress
in time-of-flight sensors as well as
high-performance 2D imagers. Backside 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
illumination and 3D-stacked process- Year
ing offer improved performance with
increased on-chip functionality and new FIGURE 29: The memory-capacity trend for emerging NVMs. IEDM: IEEE Electron Devices Meeting.
features integrated at the pixel level.
At ISSCC 2020, four of the 10 image
sensors were designed for direct and
indirect time-of-flight imaging. Prog- 1,000
ress has been made in spatial and
depth resolution compared to previ-
ous designs, leading to a longer range
and higher accuracy. In Toshiba’s lidar 100

chip, circuit optimizations facilitate a

2# higher channel density in the same
die size. Four other image sensors
being presented at ISSCC 2020 target 10 1 b/cell (SLC)
mainstream applications with improve- 2 b/cell (MLC)
3 b/cell (TLC)
ments in pixel size, global shutter, low
4 b/cell (QLC)
noise, and high dynamic range.
Samsung has scaled down the pixel 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
pitch to 0.7 nm while improving or Year
maintaining critical performance para­
meters. Robust backside-illuminated FIGURE 30: NAND flash-memory trends.


ated US$468.8 billion in sales in 2018,
Multimodal physiological sensors have the an increase of 13.7 percent compared
potential to offer improved monitoring and to 2017! In this environment, ISSCC
diagnosis of a number of chronic conditions. continues to be the premier technical
forum for presenting advances and
predicting trends in solid-state cir-
cuits and systems. Beyond this arti-
for next-generation AI architectures; work processors. The trend continues cle, a complete trends document will
low-power circuits for IoT and health this year with CIM support for multi- be available at These
technologies; and biomedical sensing, bit inputs/weights/outputs and low- trends will be highlighted in papers
stimulation, and harvesting. ISSCC 2020 power, parallel-data-path operations. presented at the 67th ISSCC, being
features four sessions representing the ISSCC 2020 highlights two ReRAM- held at the San Francisco Marriott Mar-
latest technological innovations in the based energy-efficient silicon chips quis on 16–20 February 2020. Atten-
following areas. using analog in-memory operation: one dance at ISSCC 2020 is expected to
with a reconfigurable dataflow and the be around 3,000. Corporate attendees
Quantum Engineering second with fast, parallel multibit com- from the semiconductor and system
Quantum technologies are emerging putation enabled by a signed-weighted industries typically represent about
as a major multidisciplinary research ReRAM array. 60% of attendees. We look forward to
topic, including computing, sensing, seeing you there!
telecommunications, information tech- Low-Power Circuits for the
nology, and security. Common to these IoT and Health Acknowledgments
technologies are properties typical of The papers from ISSCC 2020 in this We would like to acknowledge the
quantum mechanics, such as super- area push the frontiers of lower-power ISSCC 2020 Technical Program Com-
position and entanglement. Recently, solutions in IoT and health applica- mittee for providing original content
engineers have developed techniques tions. One paper presents an ultralow- for this article and each of the 12
to exploit these properties using solid- power IC designed for communicating subcommittee chairs as referenced in
state circuits, employed to control and with commodity Wi-Fi transceivers via each of the trends sections for their
observe a growing number of quantum backscattering. Another introduces leadership role. Without their collec-
devices. Since most quantum devices a nanowatt-class (54-nW) always-on tive efforts, this article would not
must be operated at deep cryogenic wake-up chip for general-purpose IoT have been possible.
temperatures, circuits must also oper- devices. A third describes an elec-
ate at those or comparable tempera- tronic nose with very accurate limit About the Authors
tures to ensure compact, reliable, and, of detection. In addition, advances in Denis C. Daly (
especially, scalable systems. Lever- silicon for 3D localization based on is senior vice president of High-Perfor-
aging more than 60 years of CMOS- magnetic-field-gradient sensing for mance Data Conversion at Omni Design
technology development, researchers surgical implants is presented. Technologies and the press coordinator
are increasingly engaged in cryogenic for ISSCC 2020.
CMOS (cryo-CMOS) circuits and systems Biomedical Sensing, Stimulation, Laura C. Fujino (,
to fill this gap. Cryo-CMOS technologies and Harvesting ISSCC director of publications and
will serve a range of quantum devices ISSCC 2020 includes innovative and presentations, is associated with the
that can be used in several quantum- emerging biomedical systems for wear- Department of Electrical and Com-
engineering problems. ISSCC 2020 will ables and implantable components for puter Engineering at the University
feature a session devoted to some of timely medical intervention. The devel- of Toronto, Canada, where she is a
these topics, including a cryo-CMOS oping trends encompass advances in member of the Board of Advisors for
controller for spin and superconduct- implantable sensors and stimulators, Engineering Science.
ing qubits and an integrated system for human-body coupled communication, Kenneth C. Smith is a ­p rofessor
the control of a double quantum dot ambient energy harvesting, and novel emeritus and serves as chair of the
that is also integrated in CMOS. magnetoelectric effects for power and Board of Advisors for the Division
data transfer. The technologies demon- of Engineering Science, University of
Next-Generation Nonvolatile D
­ evices strate the promise to advance cancer Toronto, Canada. Since 1975, he has
Nonvolatile devices are enabling novel therapy, neurostimulation, retinal pros- volunteered for ISSCC in various capac-
architectures with improved energy thesis, and diagnostic devices. ities, including as a member of the
and area efficiencies. A relentless push Program Committee, in press-related
to intersect evolving AI applications Summary roles, and, for 40-plus years, as chair of
embodies larger-scale NVM-based CIM According to the Semiconductor Indus- the Awards Committee.
implementations featuring neural-net- try Association, the industry gener- 


Amir Amirkhany

Basics of Clock and

Data Recovery Circuits
Exploring high-speed serial links

he choice of clock parameters and system-level perfor- A serial link consists of a transmitter
and data recovery mance metrics. (Tx) and a receiver (Rx). Figure 2 shows the
(CDR) architecture typical building blocks of a high-speed
in serial links dic- Basic Principles link. The Tx includes a clock source, such
tates many of the block- High-speed serial links find applications as a phase-locked loop (PLL), serializer,
level circuit specifications (specs). in many electronics devices where and driver circuit for driving the output.
Block-level specs ultimately determine gigabits per second of data must be The Rx comprises an analog front end, a
the energy efficiency of the system. transferred over one or several lanes. CDR circuit to recover a clock and sample
Therefore, to design energy-efficient Figure  1 depicts some of these use and recover the incoming data, and a
serial links, it is important to under- cases. In televisions, high-data band- deserializer. The focus of this article is
stand the basics of CDR operation, width (BW) must be delivered to the the CDR circuit at the Rx in terms of three
CDR’s main performance metrics, and integrated circuits that drive the pixels main questions:
the relationship between circuit-level on the display screen. In a smartphone, 1) How can an Rx generate a clock
e.g., the front and back cameras, touch to sample the data?
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939342 controller, memory, and USB connector 2) What impacts the performance
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 all deploy serial links. of CDR?


1943-0582/20©2020IEEE W I N T E R 2 0 2 0 25
Panel Front Back
Camera Camera

65 in Pixel Drivers
Rx Touch Display




(a) (b)

FIGURE 1: The high-speed links applications in (a) a television and (b) a smartphone. PCB: printed circuit board.

Rx that deploys a 100-ppm oscillator,

RN, PSIJ e.g., slips 100 unit intervals (UIs) in only
Tx Rx 1 million bits. For a 10-Gb/s serial link,
that equals merely 0.1 s. Another practi-
cal reason is that a clock source may not
SER DESER be available at the Rx side due to system
AFE cost considerations.
Figure 3 depicts a basic CDR archi-
tecture. Data recovery mainly involves
techniques such as continuous-time
PLL CDR or decision-feedback equalization. In
this article, the focus is primarily on
RJ, DJ PSIJ ISI, XTALK RJ, DJ the clock recovery portion. In particu-
lar, the article discusses how to gen-
FIGURE 2: The serial link building blocks. RJ: random jitter; DJ: deterministic jitter; PSIJ: erate a stable clock source for the Rx
power supply-induced jitter; ISI: intersymbol interference; XTALK: cross talk; SER: serializer;
(functionality) and how to maximize
DESER: deserializer ; AFE: analog front end; RN: random noise.
the data recovery margin (quality).
The quality of data recovery is
3) How does a CDR spec impact the on design tradeoffs through the use directly related to jitter. Jitter refers to
rest of the system, such as the Tx PLL of various design examples, will be the deviations of a clock or data wave-
spec or the Tx and Rx noise budget? covered. The same notation as past form’s transitions from an ideal clock,
This article is an abridged version tutorials will be referenced where pos- as shown in Figure  4(a). In some lit-
of a tutorial given at the ISSCC in Feb- sible, and readers are referred to the erature, jitter may be represented by a
ruary of 2019 [27]. In the past years, past tutorials for some of the detailed jitter sequence diagram. Various jitter
there have been two other tutorials on derivations. In-depth information on measurement metrics, such as period,
this topic. A tutorial in 2011  [1] spe- jitter definition and measurement is cycle to cycle, and so on, have been
cifically focuses on digital PLL-based included in [3] and may be used as introduced over the years [4]. The spe-
CDRs and includes in-depth analysis of a companion. cific metric of interest for CDR charac-
digital phase-interpolator-based CDRs, When considering CDRs, a fair terization is the relative jitter between
their theory of operation, and design question to ask is “Why not just include the received data stream and recov-
examples. Another tutorial [2] covers at the Rx a clock source, such as a crys- ered clock at the Rx. Figure 4(b) depicts
CDR fundamentals as well as various tal oscillator, that matches the Tx’s clock a data stream with jitter and a recov-
CDR architectures. In this article, the source?” The answer is that all crystal ered clock with zero jitter. Because
theory of operation, with an emphasis oscillators have limited accuracy. An clock transitions in this figure do not


track data transitions, the clock edge
may deviate from the center of the data
Mitigating the impact of data-dependent
symbol, resulting in lost data recovery jitter is primarily the domain of data
margin. Conversely, if the clock tran- recovery circuits.
sitions fully track data transitions, the
clock edge can always be centered with
respect to data transitions, leading to
the best data recovery performance. Full the expense of an extra lane. In many forwarded-clock lane can be shared
jitter tracking is one of the major goals implementations, the circuits between between multiple data lanes. However,
of a good CDR circuit. the clock and data paths are matched in many applications, adding the extra
Jitter in serial links can be catego- as much as possible to achieve maxi- lane may not be an option.
rized into three types: data dependent, mum jitter tracking between the data
source, and CDR jitter. In Figure 2, data- and clock. Figure 5 displays the block Main CDR Performance Metrics
dependent, i.e., channel-induced, jitter diagram of such a system where for- To design a good CDR, it is impor-
is caused by intersymbol interference warded-clock frequency is half the tant to have metrics that can quantify
(ISI) or cross talk. Mitigating the impact bit rate. In this type of system, data- performance. Jitter tolerance (JTOL)
of data-dependent jitter is primarily dependent jitter does not exist, source is one such metric adopted in many
the domain of data recovery circuits. jitter tracking can be maximized with standards [6]. JTOL is the measure
The role of clock recovery circuits is proper circuit architecture, and self- of how much sinusoidal source jitter
to suppress this jitter as much as pos- generated jitter can be very small due a CDR can tolerate at a given sinusoi-
sible in most CDR implementations. to the simplicity of the clock path in dal frequency at a given bit error rate
Source jitter includes the effect of the the Rx. Forwarded-clock systems are (BER). JTOL includes the effects of ISI,
Tx PLL, clock distribution random jit- popular in many standards, such as cross talk, data recovery performance,
ter (RJ) and deterministic jitter (DJ), DDR2-5, MIPI D-PHY, and High-Defini- and clock recovery performance. Fig-
as well as Tx power-supply-induced tion Multimedia Interface, where one ure 6(a) shows a typical JTOL graph.
jitter (PSIJ). Source jitter is data inde-
pendent (to the first order), and the
role of clock recovery circuits is to
Data Recovery

track this jitter as much as possible. Input

CDR self-generated jitter includes Data Data Recovered
the RJ and DJ from clock recovery Samplers
blocks, such as a voltage-controlled
oscillator (VCO) and charge pump as
Recovered Clock
well as Rx clock and data path PSIJ. A
Clock Recovery

good CDR creates only negligible self-

PD Loop Filter
induced jitter.
One alternative architecture to a
CDR-based system is a forwarded-clock
system. In a forwarded-clock system,
the Tx forwards a clock to the Rx at FIGURE 3: A simple CDR architecture. PD: phase detector.

Ideal Lost Margin With
Recovered Zero-Jitter Clock
Clock Recovered Data
1 1 1
Clock Data: 101010 0 0 0

Jitter Zero-Jitter Clock

Time Clock With Jitter Tracking
Data UI: Width of 1 b in NRZ or a Symbol in PAM4
(a) (b)

FIGURE 4: (a) Jitter definition and (b) jitter tracking. NRZ: nonreturn to zero; PAM: pulse amplitude modulation.


At low jitter frequencies, a typical ensure proper domain crossing from To measure JTOL in a lab, the CDR
CDR should be able to track very the CDR to a CDR-independent clock is driven by an ideal Tx [typically a
large amounts of source jitter. In this domain. CDR’s jitter tracking generally BER tester (BERT)], and sinusoidal jit-
region, the practical tracking of jitter degrades at higher frequencies until it ter is injected at various frequencies
is limited by the depth of the data buf- becomes negligible and creates a floor at the Tx while the CDR BER is mea-
fer in the Rx data path provisioned to for the JTOL curve. sured. Jitter amplitude is increased
at every jitter frequency until the
measured BER falls below the target
Tx Rx threshold. Figure 6(b) depicts a typi-
cal JTOL measurement setup [4].
JTOL is employed to ensure that
SER DESER someone’s Rx works with someone
AFE else’s Tx. In other words, JTOL is
a system characterization method
and very important tool for setting
specs in standards. Using JTOL, the
PLL Shared Tx designer can be tasked with guar-
anteeing that the Tx jitter at a given
Clock-Pattern frequency never exceeds the spec.
Generator Conversely, the Rx designer can be
tasked with making certain that
the receiver achieves target BER if
the transmit data stream meets the
JTOL spec. JTOL is easy to measure;
FIGURE 5: A forwarded-clock system.
however, it is practically impossible
to simulate at the transistor level
In-Band Out-of-Band at a very low BER. Another metric,
Jitter Jitter therefore, is required to guide the
Typically >1 UI clock recovery circuit design.
Limited by FIFO ho The jitter transfer (JTRAN) function
uld J
Jitter Amplitude

Depth Above Tra TOL defines the ratio of the clock recovery’s

PHY Layer ck Ma
Ab sk output jitter to input jitter at a given
his sinusoidal jitter injection frequency.
Timing Margin e) JTRAN is a clock recovery characteriza-
Available for tion metric that does not include BER, is
Untracked easy to simulate at the transistor level,
Source Jitter Sinusoidal Jitter Frequency and is closely related to JTOL. JTRAN
(a) can be used to define parameters such
as CDR BW and phase margin to guide
Data the design process. CDR is a feedback
Pattern Check/
BERT CDR system and is often nonlinear; none-
Error Count
theless, a linearized model can often
be used for qualitative analysis with
satisfactory precision. Figure 7(a) shows
Jitter Amplitude (UIpp)

(Jitter Modulator) a typical JTRAN of a CDR. Again, at
low frequencies, all of the source jit-
Fail (BER > 10–x )
ter is transferred to the output of the
Pass (BER < 10–x )
CDR, while some frequency depen-
dence exists at the midfrequencies.
CDR BW is defined as the 3-dB BW of
Jitter Frequency the JTRAN curve, and jitter peaking
JTOL Measurement Setup (Casper) and peaking frequency are defined as
the peak of JTRAN and its associated
frequency, respectively. Although jitter
FIGURE 6: (a) A typical JTOL graph [6] and (b) a JTOL measurement setup [4]. FIFO: first in/ tracking is good for a CDR, high jitter
first out; PHY: physical; UIpp: unit interval (peak to peak). amplification (i.e., large jitter peaking)


can be detrimental, particularly for a
JTOL is a system characterization method and very
relay system where a cascade of CDRs
may be deployed. Figure 7(b) shows a important tool for setting specs in standards.
JTRAN measurement setup that con-
sists of a data generation instrument
with jitter injection capability (such as it is desirable to increase the JTRAN data-dependent jitter filtering and
BERT) and a spectrum analyzer [4]. BW. This argument ignores the fact data-independent jitter tracking (and
As mentioned previously, JTOL that T in the equation is also a func- self-jitter suppression). To find the
and JTRAN are closely related. Con- tion of JTRAN BW because the CDR BW right balance, an accurate system-level
sider a CDR with a timing margin of has a direct impact on how much data- modeling is necessary.
T at a given BER when source jitter dependent jitter gets suppressed.
is zero (Figure  8): This timing mar- To summarize so far, as we dis- CDR Design Tradeoffs
gin includes the impact of everything cussed in the first section, a good Figure 9 shows the block diagram of a
(e.g., ISI, cross talk, CDR self-induced CDR would filter as much of the data- simple analog CDR. The phase detector
jitter, and data recovery performance) dependent jitter as possible, track compares the transitions of the input
except for source jitter. Therefore, this as much of the Tx data-independent data sequence with the locally gen-
timing margin T is available for any jitter as possible, and minimize its erated clock and creates up or down
untracked source jitter: own self-generated jitter. Increas- signals. Because the phase detector’s
ing CDR bandwidth will increase operation relies on data transitions,
JTOL( j~) = T data-dependent jitter and source jit- input data often require transition
ter tracking, and thus, it reduces the encoding schemes such as 8 b/10 b.
= T .
1 - JTRAN( j~) impact of both source jitter and self- Figure  10(a) depicts the block dia-
generated VCO jitter [2]. Therefore, gram of a Hogge phase detector [11]. For
A note of caution with this equation. the choice of the right CDR tracking every rising data transition, both the
It may be argued that, for better JTOL, bandwidth is a balancing act between DE and DR outputs create a pulse. For

Spectrum Analyzer
Jitter Peaking ∆Pin
0 dB ∆Pout
–3 dB –fmod +fmod
Jitter-Tracking BW Clk/
Data fc
CLKin CLKout

JTF (fmod) = ∆Pout/∆Pin

Sinusoidal Jitter Frequency f3 dB
(a) (b)

FIGURE 7: (a) A typical CDR JTRAN graph and (b) a JTRAN measurement setup [4]. CLK: clock; Gen.: generation.



∆ ω PL ω PH logω
JTOL ( jω ) = [Hanumolu]
JTRACK ( jω )
∆ Assume ∆ = 0.5
1 – JTRAN ( jω )

FIGURE 8: The JTOL and JTRAN relationship [2].


JTRAN can be used to define parameters ~ PL . 1
such as CDR BW and phase margin to guide ~ PH . K VCO .K PD .I CP .R,
the design process. JTRAN BW . ~ ug . ~ PH,

U M = tan -1c m,
~ ug


the DE pulse, the timing of the rising systematic offset in the locking phase Jitter Peaking . 8.686~ Z .
~ ug
edge depends on the timing of data and is better to be matched in the D
arrival while the falling edge depends input of the DE logic. Third, the half- In these equations, ~ Z , ~ PL, and ~ PH
on the clock rising edge. For a DR pulse, cycle delay between the DE and DR are the zero, lower pole, and higher
the rising and falling edges depend pulses creates DJ in the CDR output. pole frequencies, respectively, of the
solely on clock edge timing. As a All of these issues can be solved by JTRAN function and { M is its phase
result, subtracting the area under the proper circuit design, but designers margin. These approximations are
DE pulse from the area under the DR often opt for the simpler, but non- accurate when ~ PL % ~ PH .
pulse creates an output that is linearly linear, bang–bang (Alexander) phase To gain a sense of its design trad-
proportional to data versus clock edge detector (described in the “CDR Archi- eoffs, let us design a 10-Gb/s CDR with a
timing, i.e., the phase error, as dis- tectures” section). tracking BW of 5 MHz. For calculations,
played in Figure 10(b). When the CDR Figure 11 shows the phase-domain let’s assume a linear phase detector with
locks, the data-to-clock-rising time is model for the CDR with a linear phase a gain of KPD = 1/(2pi), and a ring VCO
equal to the clock’s half-period; there- detector. Using this model, we can with a gain of KVCO = 16 GHZ/V. Table 1
fore, data are sampled at the middle derive a number of important ana- lists the CDR BW, phase margin, peak-
of the UI. lytical equations for the CDR that ing, and zero frequency as functions of
A Hogge phase detector has several will help us with understanding the choices for I CP, loop-filter resistance (R),
limitations. First, most systems today design tradeoffs: and capacitance (C). Note that the values
are low swing due to power consid- in Table 1 are obtained from accurate
erations. Having a low-swing signal H JTRAN (s) = 1 + sRC , formulas rather than the approxima-
1 + sRC + s 2 C
directly driving combinational logic K VCO K PD I CP tions discussed earlier to maintain accu-
creates some challenges. Second, the racy when the two poles of the system
~z = 1 ,
flip-flop clk-q output delay causes a RC are comparable.
In the first trial, for reasonable values
of 100 µA, 1 kΩ, and 60 pF for the CDR
components, the CDR BW significantly
IUP exceeds the target spec. The simple, ana-
D UP VCO log CDR offers two knobs for reducing
PD the BW. We can reduce R by eight times;
DN R however, to maintain stability, we
IDN must increase C while being conscious
of the required area. Although using
this knob gets us closer to the target
of a 5-MHz BW, the system requires
FIGURE 9: A simple CDR architecture. a large capacitor with considerable


D –π +π
tdata t clk(0→1) ΦE
1 α
CLK t clk(0→1) t clk(1→0) α Is the Transition Density
α = 0.5 for Random Data
(a) (b)

FIGURE 10: (a) A linear phase detector [11] and (b) the Hogge phase detector’s response. KPD: phase detector gain.


peaking and marginally acceptable let us assume the up and down sig- bit (LSB) current digital-to-analog
phase margin. Alternatively, we can nals are binary (Table 2). Therefore, converter (DAC). But, in fact, it is
reduce I CP to 12 µA; however, we are the output current I OUT has a range slightly worse because of the cur-
left with large peaking and a modest of - 4I Unit   # I OUT   # +4I Unit , where rent subtraction. In any subtrac-
phase margin. It is only by using both I Unit   = 12 µA. Therefore, the block tion, although signals subtract, the
knobs together that we can achieve shown in Figure  12(a) is really a errors can add. For example, there
the target BW with good stability. We 2.5-GS/s, ~3-b, 12-µA least significant are exactly 19 UP/DN combinations
should remember, however, that if
any of these variables change due to
process, voltage, or temperature vari- Φ in Φe Φ out
ations, both the tracking BW and jitter – KPD ICP R + 1/(sC ) KVCO/s
peaking of the system would at least
increase proportionally.
Now, let us assume that the fourth (a)
configuration with 400-pF loop capac- HJTRAN(s)
itance and 12-µA charge-pump current
is acceptable. Let us now consider
how difficult it is to create the 12-µA
charge pump current.
In most process nodes, a straight
10-G sample/sec charge pump is not
easy to implement. Alternatively,
ωz ω PL ω PH logω
the phase detector and the charge
pump can be parallelized to operate (b)
at a lower rate. A four-way parallel
system is shown in Figure 12(a). The FIGURE 11: A CDR analytical model [2]. ~ PL: zero frequency; ~ PH : lower pole frequency; ~ z:
higher pole frequency. ICP: charge-pump current.
output of the four-way system can
be described as
I out = / (UP[m]I UP[m] - DN[m]I DN[m]) COMPONENT VALUES.
m =1

+ / 1(UP[m]TI UP[m] - DN[m]TI DN[m])
44444444424444444443. NUMBER (μA) (Ω) (pF) (MHz) (0) (dB) (MHz)
m =1
1 100 1,000 60 44 86 0.4 2.7
The terms TI UP and TI DN represent 2 100 125 400 8 61 2.5 3.1
a current mismatch in the parallel 3 12 1,000 60 7.4 64 2.2 2.7
charge pumps. Thus far, this article
4 12 1,000 400 4.9 85 0.5 0.4
has discussed a linear phase detec-
tor, but for the immediate argument PM: phase margin; PK: peaking; fz: zero frequency.

D UP[3:0] IOUT D UP[3:0] Adder IOUT
PD PD or CODE[2:0]
+ +
DESER (1:4) R DESER (1:4) Major R
DN[3:0] DN[3:0] Vote
2.5 Gb/s IDN IDN 4X
4 4
IOUT = (UP[m]IUP[m] – DN[m]IDN[m]) Code [2:0] = (UP[m] – DN[m])
m=1 m=1
(a) (b)

FIGURE 12: (a) A four-way parallelized PD and charge pump (CP) and (b) a four-way parallel CP with digital subtraction.


and reduces the BW, but sometimes it resistor impacts both the BW and sta-
COMBINATIONS THAT RESULT IN is a good tradeoff to make. bility. Moving elements of the opera-
ZERO IOUT. Thus far, we have neglected loop tion to the digital domain may relax
latency in our CDR modeling; how- some design constraints, but it intro-
NUMBER UP[3:0]−DN[3:0]
ever, with the introduction of digi- duces latency issues.
1 4’b0000−4’b0000 tal logic to the loop, which is often
2 4’b0010−4’b0001 implemented in the lower frequency CDR Architectures
3 4’b0100−4’b0001 domain at the register transfer level To address the limitations of analog
(RTL), we must be cognizant of the CDR, various architectures have been
4 4’b1000−4’b0001
effect of latency on the loop parame- developed. Each has its own benefits
5 4’b1001−4’b0110 ters. The loop phase-margin equation and limitations, and the choice of archi-
in the presence of loop latency of D is tecture depends on power and perfor-
mance specs, as well as the process
that should create zero I OUT but due node in which CDR is implemented.
U M = tan -1 c m - D~ ug .
~ ug
to the error term, some can current ~Z
a positive IOUT and some can create Alexander (Bang–Bang)
a negative IOUT. Similarly, there are Therefore, loop latency becomes im­­ Phase ­Detector
many ways to get IOUT = +IUnit and portant when D~ ug is not negligible, An Alexander phase detector is a non-
IOUT = –1 IUnit. As a result, the overall e.g., for jitter-tracking BW of 5 MHz, linear phase detector used in most
charge pump may not even be mono- D % 30 ns. Figure 13 plots the jitter- CDR implementations. Figure 14 shows
tonic with respect to UP/DN input transfer function for various values the block diagram. This phase detec-
code if it is not designed carefully. of loop latency. As shown, even loop tor takes two samples per symbol (bit)
To simplify the design of the par- latencies in the nanosecond range period: a data sample (dn) and a cross-
allelized charge pump, some CDRs can noticeably change the system ing sample (xn). When there is a transi-
move the subtraction logic to the digi- phase margin and, consequently, tion in data sequence (dn ! = dn+1), the
tal domain, as shown in Figure 12(b). its jitter peaking. One nanosecond xn sign determines whether the clock
This change relaxes the monotonicity is a pipeline stage for a 1-GHz syn- is early or late. A CDR with this type
requirements on the charge pump and thesized logic. Therefore, not many of phase detector locks onto the data
greatly simplifies its design; however, pipeline stages are allowed for any crossing point and “assumes” that the
the digital logic will introduce some digital implementation. optimal data sampling point is a half-bit
latency into the loop. Some CDRs push To summarize this section, the sim- period away. This leads to a suboptimal
this idea further, using only the sign ple analog CDR has many limitations: operation when the data eye shape is
of the final subtraction result and a a linear PD has mismatch issues and not symmetric.
simple 1-b charge pump instead. This other design issues. It requires a large The bang–bang phase detector (BBPD)
operation is equivalent to a majority cap and small currents to ensure sta- is a nonlinear circuit; therefore, the
vote, makes the system nonlinear, bility. In particular, the choice of loop CDR loop gain and BW are dependent

KPD = 1/2 π, ICP = 12 µA,

JTRAN R = 1 KΩ, C = 400 pF, KVCO = 16 GHz/V
0 ns D (ns) CDR BW PM (°)
10 ns (MHz)
0 20 ns 0 5.4 85
30 ns
2 5.8 82
–10 4 6.2 78
6 6.7 75
8 7.4 71
10 8.3 67
105 106 107 108 109
(a) (b)

FIGURE 13: The effect of loop latency on the jitter-transfer function. (a) Jitter transfer functions for various loop latencies. (b) CDR BWs and
phase margins for various loop latencies.


dn xn dn+1

D +1
xn –π +π ΦE

DE KPD = ∞

xn (Assuming Zero Jitter)

Useful Range = [–π, π ]
dn xn dn+1

FIGURE 14: The Alexander (bang–bang) phase detector.

on data jitter, and CDR stability should

be verified with different assumptions +1 + α
about jitter distribution. For a 50% +1 – α
transition density, the BBPD gain can α
be expressed [1] by
–1 + α
1 –1 –1 – α
K PD = (Gaussian jitter),
v 12 dn xn dn+1 xn+1 dn xn dn+1 xn+1
(a) (b)
K PD = 1 (uniform jitter).
v 2r
FIGURE 15: The signal transition diagram for (a) an NRZ no-ISI and (b) an NRZ 1+ az−1 channel.
Because BBPD locks onto the data tran-
sition point, if channel ISI creates
deterministic deviations in the transi-
tion point from the half-symbol point, +1
the CDR can lock onto the suboptimal +2/3
phase or exhibit deterministic jitter. +1/3
The best way to analyze such issues is 0
with the help of the signal transition –1/3
diagram (or trellis) at the Rx input. Fig- –2/3
ure 15 illustrates the trellis diagram for
dn xn dn+1 xn+1 Major Minor Intermediate
nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) signals over
Transition Transition Transition
no-ISI and 1 + az -1 channels. Let us
consider the latter: the channel out-
FIGURE 16: Transition classification in a PAM4 system for BBPD-based clock recovery.
put at time n can be either +1 - a or
+1 + a if the data transmitted at time
n were +1 and the data transmitted also includes crossing slicers placed up/down generation would lock with a
at time n - 1 were -1 or +1, respec- at +a and -a . As the trellis in Fig- slight phase offset. This issue is more
tively. If the data bit for time n is +1, ure 15 shows, however, only the tran- pronounced in PAM4 Rxs, as shown
the channel output at time n + 1 can sitions from +1 + a to -1 + a and in Figure 16 [7]. Although the optimal
be only +1 + a or -1 + a, depending the transition from -1 - a to +1 - a crossing thresholds are at 0, !1/3,
on whether the transmitted bit at time pass through the half-UI point at the and !2/3, the right transitions should
n + 1 was +1 or -1, respectively. A +a and -a threshold, respectively. be selected for each slicing threshold.
loop-unrolled decision-feedback equal- The other two transitions (+1 - a to A CDR with an Alexander phase
izer with samplers placed at +a and -1 + a) and (-1 + a to +1 - a) pass detector has a natural oscillation
-a thresholds is often used at the the aforementioned thresholds at an frequency determined by its limit
front end to cancel the first postcur- offset from the midpoint. Therefore, a cycle. The period and amplitude of
sor ISI tap a. In such systems, the PD CDR utilizing all of the transitions for this oscillation is proportional to the


ever, these CDRs gained popularity
In general, MM CDRs are not as robust only over the last decade as a low-
as oversampled CDRs and should be power alternative to oversampled archi-
deployed with care. tectures. The updated equation for an
MM CDR is given by

Tx k = e k d k - 1 - e k - 1 d k
CDR loop latency. Figure  17 demon- because designs started deploying = y k d k - 1 - y k - 1 d k,
strates this relationship. When the analog-to-digital converters at the
limit-cycle oscillation frequency falls front end, the power overhead of a where the sampled received data are
within or is close to the tracking two-times oversampled front end y k = R m d mh(mT + x) and the sampled
BW of the CDR, it adversely affects have become prohibitive. Therefore, error is e k = y k - d k h(x).
the jitter peaking and CDR perfor- lately, many designs have begun using For an uncorrelated input sequence
mance. This issue can be addressed baud-rate CDRs instead. dm, it can be shown that
by reducing the loop latency or add-
ing a feed-forward path to the VCO Baud-Rate CDRs E (Tx k) = E (d 2k) ([h (T + x) - h (-T + x)]) .
with small latency, as discussed fur- Baud-rate CDRs take only one set of
ther in this section. samples per UI and, therefore, require Therefore, the timing error is mini-
The BBPD is effectively a two-times half the clock phases of BBPD-based mized where the postcursor ISI tap
oversampling system and doubles the CDRs. A Mueller–Muller (MM) CDR is is equal to the precursor ISI. Fig-
number of clock phases and front-end the most popular form of baud-rate ure  18 depicts one implementation
samplers in the CDR. As the complex- CDR. The original paper that describes of an MM phase detector for an NRZ
ity of serial links grows and especially the CDR algorithm dates to 1976; how- link [16]. The implementation is a
sign-sign variation of the MM algo-
rithm and requires the VREF level to
Φe (t) Φe(t) be adjusted to match h0, the main
tap of the channel. Other variations
D of the algorithm are proposed in [7]
up/dn up/dn and [17] to tune the locking point of
the CDR in favor of the precursor
ΦCLK(t) ΦCLK(t) or postcursor ISI taps. In general, MM
CDRs are not as robust as oversam-
pled CDRs and should be deployed
FIGURE 17: The effect of limit-cycle dependency on loop latency. with care.

VREF– + errm Error
– Sampler ERR = +1
DFF Dn–1
ERRn Target
+ errp Point
VREF+ – 0 ERR = –1

Phase Early: DN = 1 Dn
Data Dn –VREF
Phase Late: UP = 1 ERR = +1
Phase Error:
∆Tn = Dn × Dn–1 × (ERRn – ERRn–1)
+1 1 0
PD 0 0 0
Output Truth Table –1 0 1

FIGURE 18: An MM CDR implementation: (a) PD architecture and (b) early and late regions [16]. ERR: error.


Proportional-Integral CDR tor and the other driven by the inte- The following are a few important
As discussed previously, in the sim- grator in the integral path. Figure  20 points to note, based on the equations
ple analog CDR, the resistor R value displays one example implementation in this section:
controls both the BW and stabil- of this type of CDR [21]. The equations 1) Proportional gain (K P) determines
ity of the CDR loop. Therefore, to for the poles, zeroes, and BWs of this the jitter-tracking BW. It can there-
reduce BW, we have to either reduce type of CDR are given as fore be used to trade off ISI-in-
R and increase C or reduce I CP . Fig- duced jitter for source jitter.
ure 19 shows a redrawn model of the 1+ s 1 2) For a fixed K P, integral gain (K I) de-
analog CDR that is mathematically H JTRAN (s) = , termines open-loop ~ z; therefore,
1+ s 1 + s2 1
equivalent to the model in Figure 11. ~ PL ~ PL ~ PH a lower K I increases the phase
However, viewing the CDR in this ~z =
KI , margin and reduces jitter peak-
framework allows us to conceptu- KP ing. However, K I determines ~ PL
alize an alternative implementation ~ PL .
KI , as well, which sets the CDR’s loop
of a CDR where the proportional time constant. As a result, a lower
and integral gains are independent ~ PH . K P , K I increases the CDR locking time.
variables. Physically, this requires a JTRAN BW . ~ ug . K P , 3) Also, K I is the term that makes the
VCO that has two control inputs: one CDR loop second order; ­therefore,
U M = tan -1c m.
~ ug

directly driven from the phase detec- ~Z CDR cannot track frequency change

Φ in Φe Φout
1/s In simple-analog CDR, R controls
both BW and stability.
Reducing BW Requires:
Small R and Large C
(a) Or Small I
Can Re-Architect the Loop to
Have Independent Knobs:
KP Proportional Path: KP
Φ in Φe Φout Integral Path: KI
With the proper VCO
Kl 1/s architecture, it will have a different
set of knobs to optimize.


FIGURE 19: (a) An equivalent model of an analog CDR. (b) The model of a proportional-integral CDR.

Phase- 20-Gb/s, 2-b Microstrip
Detection Recovered
40 Gb/s UP0+
Logic Data DN0–

CK1 CK0 UP1+ CK2 CK3

Four-Phase, Proportional UP1/DN1 DN1–
20-GHz Clock Control Path UP0/DN0

Proportional Path
Control Path
Directly From PD

Integral Path (No R)

FIGURE 20: An example implementation of a proportional-integral CDR [21].


10 10
0 ns 0 ns
10 ns 10 ns
0 20 ns 0 20 ns d

30 ns 30 ns

–10 –10

–20 –20

–30 –30
105 106 107 108 109 105 106 107 108 109
Frequency Frequency
(a) (b)

FIGURE 21: The proportional-integral CDR’s sensitivity to loop latency. (a) The effect of delay in the proportional path and (b) the effect of
delay in the integral path on the CDR’s JTRAN function.

Digital CDR
DCO A proportional-integral CDR architec-
ture lends itself very well to a digi-
KP PDAC tal implementation, the concept of
PD which is shown in Figure  22. Here,
the integrator is replaced by an accu-
mulator, thus eliminating the need
Z –1 for a large capacitor, and the integral
and proportional paths are merged
with a digitally controlled oscilla-
tor (DCO). Because the integral path
FIGURE 22: A digital (hybrid) DCO-based CDR. PDAC: proportional path DAC. is less sensitive to delay, it is often
implemented in the RTL.
Although this architecture does
DCO not require a charge pump, it does
require a high-resolution DAC in the
D CLK integral path, which can have chal-
PD lenging specs. To better understand
∆Σ the requirements on the integral-path
Modulator DAC (IDAC), let us perform some calcu-
Z –1 lations using the CDR parameters we
have been using all along. In the digi-
tal CDR, each phase-detector update
Signed Unsigned Signed
Saturate would change the oscillator’s control
M+D D D+1 Carry M+1
+ + + voltage (i.e., current) by K I # LSB IDAC .
D Therefore, to match the analog CDR
Z –1 M Z –1 M
example with I CP  = 12 µA, C = 400 pF,
∆Σ_State and UI  = 100 ps, LSB IDAC  1 12 µA #
100 ps/400 pA  = 3 µV. This means
that the digital CDR requires a 3-µV,
FIGURE 23: Enhancing resolution with a TR modulator. 10-GS/s DAC, instead of the 12-µA,
10-GS/s charge pump required by the
(e.g. sinusoidal jitter) with zero K I . paths on the CDR’s JTRAN for the same analog CDR. Fortunately, we can use
As a result, there is a limit to how CDR parameters, as depicted in Fig- TR techniques to achieve the desired
small K I can be, a value that is set ure 13. The plots demonstrate that this resolution without much complex-
primarily by the JTOL spec. type of CDR can tolerate significant ity overhead.
Figure 21 shows the impact of delay latency in the integral path without Figure  23 shows a model of the
in the CDR’s proportional and integral much impact on the CDR’s stability. digital CDR with TR modulator in the


integral path [1]. The TR modula-
tor toggles the LSB at the DAC input
In many implementations, the output of
with the proper duty cycle to create the phase detector is decimated before it is
a high-resolution DAC output. Borrow- passed to the integral path.
ing an example from [1] with a minor
modification, let us assume that the
accumulator is 7’b00011_00 (M  = 5
and D  = 2) and the phase detector In cases where a local precision oscil- at what frequencies. It also specifies
generates a series of “1” outputs. The lator is available at the Rx, it is possible how much of the budget can be taken
accumulator, TR state (initial condi- to remove the oscillator from the CDR by equalization and how much by
tion 3’b0_00), and DCO input would loop and instead use a phase interpola- clock recovery.
change as follows over multiple phase tor (PI), as depicted in Figure 24. In this The next phase in the design is to
detector updates: architecture, the phase-accumulation create a JTRAN spec for the CDR using
■■ TR _state = 3’b0_01, IDAC_in = logic together with the PI effectively the JTOL spec to guide the transistor-
3 + 0 = 3 form a DCO. In such architectures, level design.
■■ TR _state = 3’b0_10, IDAC_in = the phase-interpolator’s integral non- A high-level model of the CDR is often
3 + 0 = 3 linearity and differential nonlinearity the best way to iterate through architec-
■ ■ TR _state = 3’b0_11, IDAC_in = are important for CDR performance. A ture choices and derive the block-level
3 + 0 = 3 detailed analysis of such architectures specs. The CDR model should include
■■ TR _state = 3’b1_00, IDAC_in = is provided in [1], and a design example everything that impacts the CDR BW
3 + 1 = 4 can be found in [23]. and dynamics. In particular, all poles,
■■ TR _state = 3’b0_01, IDAC_in = zeroes, and latencies in the loop must
3 + 0 = 3 Summary and Conclusions be properly modeled.
■■ f. This article covered various aspects of An analog bang–bang CDR may be
The pattern repeats, with a “1” generated CDR design through the use of exam- adequate if a large loop capacitor and
every fourth cycle. The gain of the inte- ples. This concluding section reviews two-times oversampled front ends
gral path in this architecture is K I /2 D. the CDR design flow and provides (slicers and clocks) are acceptable.
Although TR helps with the DAC brief references to a few topics not A proportional-integral architec-
resolution problem, the integral path, previously covered. ture may provide more flexibility if a
including the accumulator and DAC, CDR design typically begins by VCO with two frequency adjustment
still operates at one sample per phase- defining the JTOL spec for the sys- knobs can be designed.
detector update. This could lead to high tem. If the design has to comply with A baud-rate CDR may reduce the
complexity and power consumption. In a standard, the JTOL spec is often number of required clock phases,
many implementations, the output of already specified. but it is more sensitive to channel
the phase detector is decimated before JTOL is essentially a means by which response. There is also more interac-
it is passed to the integral path. Deci- to negotiate the jitter spec between tion between the CDR and equaliza-
mation by N reduces the integral gain the Tx and Rx and between the data tion circuits in a baud-rate CDR.
of the CDR by a factor of N. An example recovery and clock recovery circuits Hybrid architectures may lead to
implementation of such a CDR can be at the Rx. JTOL specifies how much jit- more optimized designs, but it is impor-
found in [20]. ter the Tx is allowed to generate and tant to watch for latencies. Often it is a

External Clock Source

PI Phase Select

PI Clock Source
PD + + PI
NI NI + Z –1
Z –1 PI

FIGURE 24: A fully digital PI-based CDR.


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[27] A. Amirkhany, “Basics of clock and data re-
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About the Author
act with the equalization circuits, as [11] C. Hogge, “A self correcting clock recov- Amir A m i rk h a ny (a.amirkhany@
ery circuit,” J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 3, no.
the choice of sampling phase deter- 6, pp. 1312–1314, 1985. received his B.S. degree
mines the sampled channel response [12] J. D. H. Alexander, “Clock recovery from from Sharif University of Technology,
random binary signals,” Electron. Lett.,
of the system. Therefore, it is impor- vol. 11, no. 22, pp. 541–542, 1975.
Tehran, Iran, his M.S. degree from the
tant to simulate clock recovery with [13] M. Verbeke, P. Rombouts, X. Yin, and G. University of California, Los Angeles,
Torfs, “Inverse Alexander phase detector,”
data recovery. Electron. Lett., vol. 52, no. 23, pp. 1908–
and his Ph.D. degree from Stanford
Many of today’s systems require 1910, 2016. University, California, all in electrical
[14] K. Mueller and M. Muller, “Timing recov-
fast transitions between the power- ery in digital synchronous data receiv-
engineering. He is a senior director
down state and the active state. In ers,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 24, no. 5, of engineering at Samsung Electron-
pp. 516–531, 1976.
such cases, fast wake-up CDR archi- [15] V. Balan et al., “A 4.8–6.4-Gb/s serial link
ics, in charge of the development of
tectures are required. In digital CDR for backplane applications using decision future generations of high-speed inter-
feedback equalization,” IEEE J. Solid-State
architectures, frequency information Circuits, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 1957–1967,
faces for Samsung displays. Prior to
may be stored and recovered between 2005. Samsung, he was a design manager at
[16] F. Spagna et al., “A 78 mW 11.8 Gb/s se-
states; however, phase information rial link transceiver with adaptive RX
Ramus Inc., where he led the devel-
must still be acquired after every equalization and baud-rate CDR in 32 nm opment of proprietary high-speed
CMOS,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Cir-
state transition. Some examples of cuits Conf. (ISSCC), 2010, pp. 366–367.
memory interfaces. He won the best
fast wake up CDR architectures can be [17] R. Dokania et al., “10.5 A 5.9pJ/b 10Gb/s student paper award at the 2008 IEEE
serial link with unequalized MM-CDR in
found in [2]. 14nm tri-gate CMOS,” in Proc. IEEE Int.
Global Communications Conference,
Solid-State Circuits Conf. (ISSCC) Dig. Tech. has authored or coauthored over 25
Papers, 2015, pp. 1–3.
Acknowledgments [18] P. Upadhyaya et al., “A fully adaptive 19-
IEEE conference and journal papers,
I thank Dr. Valentin Abramzon, Dr. to-56 Gb/s PAM-4 wireline transceiver and has more than 40 issued U.S. pat-
with a configurable ADC in 16 nm FinFET,”
Anup Jose, Prof. Sam Palermo, and in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf.
ents. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.
Prof. Ali Sheikholeslami for their (ISSCC), 2018, pp. 108–110. 


Stephan Weber and Cândido Duarte

high production yield,
Y = 1 - p fail, and thus
a low failure rate, p fail,
is a key requirement for
successful chip design
and the design of many other technical
products and systems. We focus on
IC design in the analog and mixed-
signal domains, where Monte Carlo
(MC) techniques have been a stan-
dard method for many years (see
“Important Monte Carlo Rules
Engineers Should Know”). Cir-
cuits have to be reliable under
certain ranges of environmental
parameters, such as supply volt-
age (V) and temperature (T ) .
Furthermore, the set of semicon-
ductor technology parameters
(P) varies significantly, from die
to die (global variations) to device
to device (local variations, called
mismatch). Many circuit tricks are
known to minimize all of these influ-
ences (for example, using cascodes for
a high power-supply rejection, differen-
tial pairs to cancel out threshold voltages,
special layout techniques, and so on), but at
some point problems become hard to antici-
pate, and further improvements are difficult to
achieve. We must accept such variations and need
to analyze their impact on production yield, which is a

Yield Analysis for

Electrical Circuit Designs
Many problems and some recent developments
in electronic engineering

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939341

Date of current version: 23 January 2020


about which problems are simple and
We focus on IC design in the analog and mixed-
which are not. The classical shortcut
signal domains, where Monte Carlo techniques to verify 6v or 1 part per billion loss
have been a standard method for many years. is to run an MC analysis, calculate n
and v from the simulated data point
set X (for this, we may need only a few
function of these parameters and the specification limit x spec is 6v beyond hundred MC points), and check the
specifications (such as design topology the mean n , then the yield becomes specification distance: Is it $ 6v or
and component sizes, among others). approximately 99.9999999%, or sim- not (with some safety margin)? How-
Dealing with many variables can ply 6v. In this way, we use sigma as ever, using such a simple approach of
be difficult, and mathematically the distance to specification, or speci- just inspecting the normalized speci-
there is a general troublemaker: the fication margin, but also indirectly as fication distance (x - n) /v is risky,
curse of dimensionality. We discuss the yield measure. In principle, we and it will become very inaccurate for
which aspects are causing the most could use other distance measures, nonnormal distributions [3], [4].
headaches and which topics will mat- but for the normal distribution, the The alternative brute-force method
ter more and more when applying standard deviation v gives the most is still possible in any situation: cal-
advanced technologies (such as fin stable fit, so specification distance or culate the sample yield, Y, and p fail
field-effect transistors and others). distance method are simply more gen- directly from the number of pass
eral names for this sigma method. and fail samples. Unfortunately, for
Design Complexity This is similar to decibels in using good high-yield designs, a too-short
A general trend in design is com- not the logarithmic function but MC run (for example, using “only”
plexity. A state-of-the-art device, such another—indeed, not that exotic— 10,000 points) would usually still give
as a system on chip built from hun- compressing function. Instead of using no fail sample with an output value
dreds (or even millions) of blocks, the effective sigma, it is also popular X beyond specification x spec; thus,
can have a high yield, Y = (number of to use a process capability index, such Y = 100%, and in terms of sigma this
good or conforming devices)/(total as the well-known C pk [1], [2], which, would be infinite. This is obviously
number of devices) = 1 - p fail, beyond for an upper specification limit, is sim- incorrect, because all real designs
90% only if all blocks (which tend to ply v/3. This gives even more simple will start to fail at some point in the
become more complex as well) have numbers, because C pk $ 1.0 is a typi- statistical variable space. The count-
a very high individual yield, such as cal minimum design requirement. For ing-fails method is usually already
greater than 99.8% or even far beyond simpler blocks, this target is usually very inefficient (see Table 1) and time
99.99%. Engineers want simple num- achievable with moderate effort, but consuming for verifications beyond
bers, so, in quality engineering, it is 4.5v (or C pk = 1.5) is often a challenge 4v ^C pk = 1.333h because then such
very common to express the yield for critical blocks. fail events are very rare and will not
simply in terms of sigma, according produce a very stable statistic! If we
to an equivalent normal Gaussian Yield Verification With MC use fewer than N = 1/p fail points,
distribution (Table 1). If we have a Many experienced designers of tech- we would typically see one fail, but
Gaussian distribution and the (upper) nical systems have good intuition even observing a fail sample (often
in hundreds of hours) does not auto-
matically give a good statistic. The
N min reported in Table 1 is derived
Important Monte Carlo Rules Engineers Should Know
•• Always inspect your data visually.
•• In case of problems, follow common sense, and do not overinterpret your MC results, TABLE 1. LOSS VERSUS SIGMA AND
such as using C pk, if data do not look like a Gaussian bell curve.
•• Counting fails and using p fail = fail/N makes no assumptions on the distribution shape, USING THE COUNTING METHOD.
but the sigma or C pk method works correctly only for purely normal distributions.
•• Use approximations based on assuming normal data only if you have good arguments for
doing so—for example, because the statistical variables themselves are normal and the
circuit behaviour is almost linear. 50% 0.0 0.0 e.g., 50
•• A 2× reduction of the random standard variation from one Monte Carlo run to another 0.135% 3.0 1.0 ≈2,000
Monte Carlo run requires four times more points. 0.016% 3.6 1.2 ≈19 × 103
•• If no fails can be observed, the lower confidence interval limit is approximately 3/N. 0.00034% 4.5 1.5 ≈900 × 103
Guaranteeing a loss lower than 0.1% requires 3,000 points.
0.99 ppb 6.0 2.0 ≈3 × 109
•• Getting reasonably stable estimates for µ and v requires approximately 50 to 200 points.
ppb: parts per billion.


from the 90% confidence interval (CI)
Dealing with many variables can be difficult,
and for observing no fail. On the one
hand, the CI gives us some safety mar- and mathematically there is a general
gin, but, if the design is close to the troublemaker: the curse of dimensionality.
yield target, we may need many more
MC points. The counting method is
mainly good for proving that a design sense to inspect other methods, and Obviously, a big improvement
still needs improvement, so it is very there are many of them. can be expected if we place the MC
useful in the initial design phases, samples for our statistical variables
usually in parallel with the faster spec- MC in Math not randomly, but “dedicatedly.” For
ification-margin (sigma) method. So far, we have given no clear definition example, in the special case of a single
Both methods are standard MC tech- of what MC actually is. Engineers would variable with uniform distribution, a
niques, so why is the n-and-v method say, “We run simulations in a computer, set of equally spaced points would fit
so efficient and the counting method with values of variables coming from much better. We would get rid of ran-
very inefficient for high yields? The random-number generators, which fol- domness in the results, and we would
good news is that, in both methods, low statistical models created by clever get roughly 1/N convergence speed;
the complexity of the design on which people. We just inspect how the circuit we could use fewer points for the
we run MC does not matter at all. When would behave in production, looking same accuracy.
looking at histograms by using the at specification margins, histograms, Several improvements are pos-
mean and sigma or counting fails and correlations, yield, and so on.” MC is a sible, and, by common sense, almost
so on, it does not matter if your sys- kind of time machine, because nothing anything dedicatedly designed should
tem consists of a few transistors or bil- else puts the design into a scenario as be better than a random process. How-
lions; only the histogram and output close to reality as possible. One hun- ever, usually these ideas for improve-
samples themselves matter. In both dred nominal or corner simulations are ments tend to fail as more variables
cases, we will typically observe that only a type of proof of concept, but a are present. Many problems become
the MC accuracy (for example, in terms single MC simulation point can tell if exponentially more difficult with the
of standard deviations or CI width), a new design has a chance to work in number of dimensions, which is called
roughly improves by 10 times if we use real hardware. the curse of dimensionality. Numeri-
100 times more points. This makes MC, However, mathematically, MC is cal integration is just one important
compared to other numerical methods, nothing more then a (simple) numeri- example. Hard to believe? No—already
such as Simpson’s rule for integra- cal integration method in which we for two dimensions we can see the
tion or the Newton-Raphson method approximate an integral (for example, onset of this curse, when using Rie-
for solving nonlinear equations, very defining the expected value, E, of a mann’s sum (or Simpson’s rule, or
slowly converging. certain statistic or the volume of a geo- any other) for integration. If we have
However, as MC works even in the metric shape) by a sum (1). MC does one variable and a range from 0 to 1
most complex situations, it will remain nothing very clever; the samples X i and we want to use N = 100 samples,
extremely useful. MC works even if the are created randomly, not at all well then the optimum 1D spacing 3 X
number of variables itself is a random distributed along the variable ranges would be approximately 1/N = 0.01.
number, and any statistical distribu- (which would be the case if using Rie- However, to cover the 2D unit square,
tion is possible, even those that have mann’s sums); also, no weights are we would need a 10-by-10 grid; thus,
no mean value at all (such as the Cau- used (as in Simpson’s rule or Gauss- within each dimension we can only
chy distribution). ian integration): achieve a sample spacing of rough­
The general wide applicability of ­ly 1/:100 = 0.1, which is 10 times
the counting method to both normal # f (X) dX . 1/N $ / f^X i h for i = 1 to N. worse. The advantage of roughly
and nonnormal data usually does not (1) 1/N versus 1/√N speed in MC would
matter so much because most techni- almost disappear!
cal designs are quite well behaving; We use an uppercase X to indicate A second aspect is also interest-
that is, they are not too nonlinear. that MC can also be used for multi- ing: with dedicated spacings, we can
Methods exploiting smoothness or variate functions. derive hard error bounds related to
linearity can easily outperform the Purely random MC is the only method function properties, such as their
counting method. For small blocks in which we magically do not really face derivatives f ’ or f ” or the functional
and moderate yield levels (such as 3v the problem that complex designs lead variation, but random MC provides
or C pk = 1.0; that is, p fail . 0.2%), the to a much more difficult yield analysis. only statistical error limits, such as
runtimes with the counting method The pure count of variables per sample CIs. In an MC analysis for real tech-
are usually still no issue, but, for (the dimension d) does not matter. One nical systems, we usually must deal
more difficult verifications, it makes price to pay is a slow convergence. with dozens or hundreds (sometimes


would make the v too small; thus,
Many problems become exponentially more
the normalized specification distance
difficult with the number of dimensions, which and C pk would become too large, as
is called the curse of dimensionality. would the yield. Too-optimistic yield
estimates bring the designer to an
unsafe situation, and there can be sev-
millions) of statistical variables, and function. Both the PDF and CDF of a eral other reasons for such estimates.
this makes most non-MC techniques normal distribution are available in
surprisingly inefficient. In fact, this advanced pocket calculators or in Nonnormal Data
aspect becomes more and more impor- most math libraries. Checking for sample yield and deter-
tant in modern designs. Electronic Using both methods (pass–fail and mining specification distance are core
engineering and electronic design sigma), we can double-check our re­­ techniques, and most designers already
automation (EDA) tools are increas- sults, but why is the sample-yield- use them, but how, for example, can we
ingly cursed. counting method so inefficient? It is treat nonnormal data or speed up MC
An interesting math aspect of because it exploits only the informa- further, at least moderately?
dimensionality is that things are often tion of whether a sample point mea- A native attempt to model nonnor-
easy to prove for an arbitrary sample surement result X is above or below mal data would be to try another fit.
point count N (for example, by induc- the specification limit x spec (not how In many electrical problems, a lognor-
tion) but not for an arbitrary dimen- much above or below)! This method mal model could be a basis, having at
sion d. For instance, dense packing of is clearly wasting information. On the least some deeper physical justifica-
spheres or balls [5] in a box is easy in other hand, using the sigma method is tion. Often, we know that all data sam-
d = 1 or 2 but quite hard for d = 3, and almost the best possible method for ples are positive, and we know that
there are special dimensions (such as normal Gaussian data. A consequence exponential functions are involved in
eight and 24) in which exact solutions is that using further tricks will not our design (which is often the case for
have been found and proven but not help much: calculating the average n leakage currents or bipolar devices). A
many others. Quite often, experiences and the standard variation v is almost lognormal model is suited for asym-
from lower dimensions are not so the best you can do; indeed, this sim- metric data; if we have both positive
easy to transfer to high-dimensional ple method exploits all information in and negative samples, then a native
problems. For instance, systematic the data (in a Gaussian case). extension would be an extended log-
ball packing should lead to a higher In the sigma method, we take the normal distribution model, which
density than random packing, but, (hopefully correct or best-suited) model also includes a shift and, if needed,
at higher dimensions, the poten- and apply a fit according to our cur- (scaled) mirroring. This model would
tial advantage becomes smaller and rent MC results (sample data); using further include the usual lognormal
smaller, and we simply do not know the CDF, we can calculate a yield distribution and pure normal distribu-
what the densest packing looks like value from the fit. This fitting method tion, and it requires three parameters
in, for example, d = 100. is not easy to improve because quite to fit, not just n and v. Such a com-
often the data are almost Gaussian, plex three-parameter model would
Comparing Two Key Techniques and one can hardly use a better fitting lower the systematic errors arising
Let us come back to our two native model than the true data-generating from a simple normal fit to asym-
random MC techniques: counting fails model. Here, the intuition of most metric data. Unfortunately, this more
and getting Y directly versus calculat- people is correct. complex fit will often be statistically
ing n and v and applying a Gaussian The remaining uncertainty is that less stable, so it might be not easy to
fit. Equation 2 connects the sample we do not know the true mean and decide for one of the models if the
yield Y to the sigma method via the true sigma values; we only estimate data asymmetry is quite small. More-
cumulated distribution function (CDF) them by using the MC sample val- over, the extended three-parameter
of the normal distribution: ues, based on a finite point count lognormal model would still not fit
N. There is one little trick to men- well to uniform data or to data having
Y = p ^X < x h = CDFnorm (x, n, v) . (2) tion: use “' ^N - 1h” to calculate your multiple modes (such as a mix of two
sigma estimate, not “ ' N. ” Without normal distributions shifted against
CDF(x) is, in general, the integral Bessel’s correction, we introduce a each other). This means that sev-
(from –∞ to x) of the probability den- small systematic error, especially if N eral further extensions are required
sity function (PDF). For the normal is not large. Luckily, this finite-sample to model difficult types of data. In a
Gaussian distribution, the PDF is bias error is small and proportional normal distribution of samples, x can
the well-known bell curve accord- to 1/N, so it quickly becomes much range from –∞ to +∞, but the standard
ing the exp (- x 2) law, whereas the smaller than the statistical variations deviation sigma is still finite, because
CDF is related to the so-called error (decreasing with 1/√N). Using “' N ” the PDF values lower very quickly for


large values of x. However, this is not
Quite often, experiences from lower
the case for many other technically
important distributions; for some, the dimensions are not so easy to transfer
standard deviation might not exist, so to high-dimensional problems.
we need to use other scale measures
and, for example, measures for asym-
metry, tail shape, and so on. infinity, we can make the error as From a designer’s perspective a
Mathematically, this is possible in sev- small as we want. However, for finite somewhat conservative yield estimate
eral ways. One recent solution attempt N, even with averaging across infinite is desirable. C pk is not conservative
called generalized C pk can be found in MC runs, there would be the already and is often highly optimistic on
[4], or, alternatively, one could simply mentioned finite sample bias. One lognormal data; for example, with
try out many distribution models and can show, if we create our estimates a test case having a true yield of 3v
take the best-fitting one. by maximizing the probability to get and data with skew of one (giving an
the given data, that such estimates asymmetry as in Figure 1), we get a
How to Be on the Safe Side? would only be asymptotically maxi- +50% sigma error if using the normal
“All models are wrong” is a common mally efficient and unbiased. Mean Gaussian C pk . For 6v verification,
saying. When multiple models are and standard deviation are such max- even very mild deviations from nor-
used, two further problems will pop imum likelihood estimates (MLEs) for mality can have a significant impact.
up. First, our extended lognormal a normal distribution and, thus, are Many methods for model selection
model will almost surely better fit a usually preferable over other estima- have been developed since the 1970s,
normal Gaussian data sample than tors for the model parameters (such and model averaging is possible too,
the Gaussian model itself. However, as median or location of maximum allowing a smooth transition from
the more complex model will be less density for parameter n ). a simple model to a more complex
stable, which means that our yield Luckily, the MLE finite sample bias model. (Even more than two models
estimate will be less stable against is usually of order 1/N, so it decreases can be used.) Using such model-infer-
random variations. Model selection much faster than the random varia- ence techniques, we treat each model
is not a simple thing, and a second tions. However, this bias is only one fac- not as something that is hopefully
problem is that quite often the data, tor leading to overoptimism, and it is correct but for being able to make
just by chance, might indicate a too- not as easy to correct as for the normal reliable predictions. These are pos-
high yield. Figure 1 reflects this situ- case. This problem becomes quickly sible, even if the used models are not
ation: we applied the three-parameter critical as you fit more parameters. 100% correct. The random sampling
fit many times to Gaussian MC data
with N = 512 but with different seed
values. The median value is very close
Too Pessimistic Median Too Optimistic Far Too Optimistic
to the true value, but, of course, there
will be some variation, which exhib-
its a long tail on the right (high-yield) Cpk Histogram
side. If we aim for the best fit purely 1.1
in terms of probability, we may often 1
get, surprisingly, yield estimations
that are far too optimistic. We would
also get yield estimates that are too
pessimistic, but, here, strong outliers 0.7
are less likely; that is, there is a kind 0.6

of asymmetry. 0.5
Only if we run a very long “golden”
MC analysis will the problem of asym-
metry and yield optimism disappear 0.3
(slowly). Such highly asymmetric dis- 0.2
tributions and CIs are very typical for 0.1
good-fitting but too complex models.
Random MC itself, as an integration 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
method, has no systematic errors, Cpk
and this is also true for our extended
lognormal fit. However, discussing FIGURE 1: The distribution and CI (yellow bars) of the estimated effective C pk based on an
errors is a bit tricky. For N going to extended lognormal fit. N = 512, and true yield is 4v.


error can be often quantified, but the
quantification of systematic errors is
Comments on Artwork Regarding the Curse of Dimensionality
somewhat more difficult.
A multidimensional standard normal distribution looks like a ball whose density fades out slowly
from the center to the outer space. This means that outer samples are rare; this is already true in
Conservative Yield Estimation
1D but even more so in many dimensions. One similar effect occurs when looking at a sphere
Techniques for conservative yield
inside a cube.
estimation have been well known for
some time. For instance, [6] describes Unit Cube Versus Touching Sphere
that using the normal model fit (used We inspect a unit cube, so its edge length is 1.0 unit on dimension d. The sphere has fixed radius
in the sigma method and C pk ) does r = 0.5 to just touch the cube planes. Obviously, the volume of the cube is larger than that of the
not lead to conservative estimations, sphere, but it is interesting to inspect what the additional volume looks like and how the volume
even if the underlying data are gener- ratio behaves versus d.
ated from an ideal Gaussian random-
number generator. Luckily, this effect 2D (d = 2)
is important only if your sample point The “cube” in 2D has four edges, and the distance from the center to an edge point is
count is simply too small, but, if more 0.5 # :2 = 0.707 according to Pythagoras. At the cube edges, the cube reaches points more
complex models are used (such as the away, by 0.27 or 0.5 # ^:2 # 1h, than the sphere (Figure S1).
shifted lognormal model or the gener-
3D (d = 3)
alized C pk ), the minimum point count
The center-to-edge distance is now 0.5 # :3 = 0.866 according to Pythagoras. The extension
will increase significantly. Figure 1
beyond the circle is increased to 0.366. This means the extension no longer looks like a slightly
has been created from an extended
distorted triangular but is somewhat spikier if we plot a kind of 2D projection of this 3D arrangement.
three-parameter lognormal fit, but,
In addition, we would, of course, have eight such extensions, each spanning not 90° but
at 4v, the histogram of the classical
only 45° (because these extensions do not overlap). Such 2D visualization has similar distortions
Gaussian two-parameter C pk would
as you would find on a world map, but it helps provide an understanding for higher dimensions.
also look as nonnormal as Figure 1
The calculation for one edge is shown in Figure S2, and the full picture of the 3D case pro-
if we used only 30 points. The gen-
jected to 2D is shown in Figure S3.
eralized version, C gpk, would require
approximately 2,000 points in this
situation, but it would work with
very low bias even for difficult data 0.27
(such as data that are neither normal
nor lognormal).
In [6], different methods are des­­
cribed for modifying the yield esti- 0.5
mation for normal data to achieve
an acceptable level of conservativity 0.707
without being overly pessimistic. Of
course, by avoiding too optimistic esti-
mates, we introduce some yield pessi- FIGURE S1: A unit cube and unit sphere FIGURE S2: The calculation for one edge
mism in general. In the ideal case, we in 2D. in 2D.
can achieve almost symmetric distri-
butions for the effective C pk, leading to
CIs that are much easier to handle and
nearly symmetric. Being too optimistic chance; to estimate the variance, we bootstrap MC run would be almost the
would be approximately as likely as could do this MC analysis 50 times, same as for the original bit-error-rate
being too pessimistic. which would be, unfortunately, very MC run. Most people would probably
One approach to achieve this is time consuming. However, alterna- not recognize the switch at all, and the
use of so-called bootstrap techniques. tively, we can apply a trick: we run “new” results would still look almost
Normally, behind each MC result there MC only once, then use an integer random. For instance, over a long
is a (quite long) circuit simulation. random-number generator to pick an period, we can assume that each num-
Bootstrap executes a kind of fake MC existing sample by its MC index. If we ber appears roughly with the same
analysis without running new circuit do this, for example, again 100 times, probability, and this would still be the
simulations. Imagine we run 100 MC we might get a few values twice, and case for the new bootstrap results.
points and get a vector for number of some original values would be miss- With such techniques, we can also
bit errors as the result. The mean bit ing; but many statistics (such as mean get CIs for statistical estimates, even
error rate would depend slightly on value and standard deviation) of that for nonnormal data. For instance, by


true yield of 5.3v and your MC result
has, for example, CI = 64.8; 5.8@, then
n-Dimensional you should run more MC points if you
n-Dimensional Ball Within
Unit Cube of the Cube want to verify 5v (for a given confi-
Volume 1 (Radius 1/2)
dence level, such as 90%). An MC run
with the same point count, on a simi-
2n “Spikes”
lar design but now with a true yield of
of Length
n1/2/2 ≈ ∞ 5.8v, shows a typical result, such as
CI = (5.3, 6.5) . This means that, with
the same point count, we would have
FIGURE S4: The cube and sphere in
already verified 5.3v. The larger the
higher dimensions.
design margin, the easier the verifica-
tion, but, of course, much overdesign
is sometimes not possible because it
FIGURE S3: The 3D case projected to 2D.
would come with other problems (such
as increased chip area, more heat dis-
If we created a similar picture but, for example, sipation, and so on).
in 3D style from the 4D scenario, then the blue
spikes would be not only around the circle but dis- Improving Space Filling
tributed across the full sphere surface. The spike Up to now, we have discussed random
length in the 4D case is 0.5 # :4 = 1, and sampling, but isn’t there something
the extension beyond the circle is further in- beyond random or grid sampling?
creased to 0.5. Yes, there is, and it is called low-dis-
At d = 5, the spike length is larger than 1.0 crepancy sampling (LDS).
and so goes beyond the cube planes, which is FIGURE S5: The E8 lattice plotted as a An older better-than-random
strange. In general, we get the image shown 3D projection. method is so-called Latin hypercube
in Figure S4. sampling (LHS) (see “Comments on
The unit ball volume tends to zero, and almost all volume is moving into the spikes. This means Artwork Regarding the Curse of
that the normal distribution loses its center tendency; in high dimensions, even the center would Dimensionality”). However, LHS fills
be sparsely sampled. the space well only for each variable
The general equation for the spiky extension is l = 0.5 # d - 0.5, as mentioned. For d = 4, it X j but not, for example, for multivari-
already becomes 0.5, that is, as long as the radius of the sphere, and it will increase without limit for high- able terms, such as X j + X k - 2X i . A
dimensional spaces. The volume of the cube will remain 1 unit d, but the volume of the touching sphere second problem is that LHS cannot be
will decrease as d approaches zero. All of the missing volume is in the spikes, and putting samples into easily extended; for example, the vec-
each spike to verify a design requires an exponentially increasing number of samples. This effect makes tor X = (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9) is an LHS
a full corner analysis very time consuming for design verification. set for N = 5, but how can we place
Another nice high-dimensional image can be created if we plot the E8 lattice as a 3D projection a sixth sample without losing the
(Figure S5). Such an 8D lattice offers many more symmetries than typical 3D figures. Very beautiful! equidistant spacing? LDS solves these
A similar structure is the E24 lattice. Its symmetry group has 8,315,553,613,086,720,000 elements. problems, with minor degradation
This is beyond any picture a human could fully understand. for the one-variable terms. In 1D, one
extendable method would be to use a
sequence such as X = (0.5, 0.25, 0.75),
so we toggle to fill the gaps. Then, the
creating many MC fake results, we too small. In this way, we can avoid next extensions are nonperfect, but
can get stable statistics in millisec- getting overly optimistic, unrealistic we can go for X next = (0.125, 0.625,
onds because no circuit simulations yield estimates. For this reason, boot- 0.375, 0.875) to again achieve a very
are required. We can check how many strap techniques are often a part of good distribution, and the intermedi-
results are beyond a certain limit or more complex algorithms beyond ate sets are still much better than ran-
determine the interval in which we random MC. dom sampling. This scheme is quite
can find 90% of the results. Such inter- Model averaging and conservative old, and, for a long time, mathema-
vals could lead at least to an accuracy yield estimation can also be combined, ticians were not very active in this
estimation and to conservative yield and this can improve the reliability of field. However, in recent decades,
estimates. In [6], different methods yield estimates without requiring a huge often for financial mathematical mod-
are compared, and bootstrap is one number of MC points. The required els, LDS has become popular. This is a
of the preferable methods, at least number of MC points depends on the nice example of how math and appli-
if the original MC point count is not desired accuracy. If the design has a cations influence each other.


The random sampling error can be often in modeling based on sampled data,
and so on.
quantified, but the quantification of systematic One limitation is that, even if you
errors is somewhat more difficult. use a model able to give an almost
perfect fit, the information you collect
in your statistical analysis is limited.
In Figure 2, we compare sets cre- point count is not very la’rge. Fig- Therefore, in all random-sampling
ated by different sampling methods ure 3(c) nicely shows that, in many techniques, entropy comes into the
regarding 2D space filling, mathemat- variable combinations, we get much game. Interestingly, using the normal
ically quantified by the discrepancy better, smoother, and less erratic his- Gaussian distribution as a model is
(D). D is directly connected to the tograms, as you would normally see quite a good assumption regarding
integration error f if this set is used in random MC with such a low point entropy. Not only does the central
for MC sampling. A random set has count. However, some combinations limit theorem justify its use; along
very bad space-filling characteristics still look very bad; the only way with the fact that, in the foundry-pro-
because all samples are independent, to make them better is to use more vided models, normal distributions
so random gaps or crowds are quite points or degrade other combina- are often coded, it is also the kind
likely. In this context, LDS has much tions. This always happens because of model that makes, besides given
better characteristics and much lower the number of possible combinations mean and sigma (standard deviation),
discrepancy, but, unfortunately, these grows exponentially in dimension. the “fewest further” assumptions.
advantages will almost disappear if However, for engineers, something The normal distribution is the
we inspect high-dimensional point beyond these qualitative descriptions maximum-entropy model for a given
sets. With a typical MC point count, and concepts matters more, and variance ^V = v 2h . More general maxi­­
such as N = 1,000, LDS would not be this, unfortunately, is not a strength mum-entropy techniques have be­­come
significantly better for d ≥ 20. For this of mathematicians. Concepts do not popular, such as fitting nonnormal
point count, LDS behaves well approx- matter much until you are able to data. MLE entropy estimates are always
imately up to d = 10; due to the curse present hard numbers: for example, biased for finite N; that is, the sampled
of dimensionality, there is no hope how much can we improve MC on cir- data for fix N can range only up to a
that this will improve much in the cuits with LDS, or how big is the dif- certain number, whereas a true Gauss-
future. One method would help use of ference between the sigma method ian distribution extends to infinity. The
the typically good lower dimensions and the counting method? Engineers choice of feature might be a bit arbi-
for the most important statistical need this information for realistic trary, but entropy-based methods are
variables; however, most simulators use cases. Such numbers depend at least a good building block for con-
simply follow a random variable on the application and implementa- servative estimations.
assignment, and usually no reliable a tion of an algorithm, but there are What happens if we make too-
priori knowledge is available. clear fundamental limitations: in strong or wrong assumptions? You
One such LDS problem can already random-sampling processes, in LDS could easily end up with yield esti-
be seen in very low dimensions if the due to the curse of dimensionality, mations that are far too optimistic.

1 1 1
0.9 0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6 0.6



0.5 0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1 0.1
0 0 0





x1 x1 x1
(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 2: Different 2D point sets with N = 20. (a) A random set. (b) An LHS set. (c) An LDS set.


XY Scatter Plot YZ Scatter Plot XZ Scatter Plot
1 1 1
0.9 0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1 0.1
0 0 0




x y x


Normalized 1D Projected Gaussian Data


Data y




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Variable Itself Typical 1D Projection Bad Projection

1 1 1
0.9 0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7 0.7



0.6 0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1 0.1
0 0 0




x x x

FIGURE 3: A highly optimized nine-point 3D LDS set and some histograms and scatterplots based on it. (a) We can find three sample points in
almost any such red boxes, so the distribution is highly uniform. (b) The set converted to a 3D normal distribution and corresponding scatter-
plots (including different combinations). Only the variables themselves (green) lead to almost perfect normal distributions. (c) Some histograms
and kernel density estimation fits from the 3D set.


Concepts do not matter much until you are less efficient methods do not suffer
at all (such as the counting method).
able to present hard numbers. For more advanced methods, not only
does the histogram matter (and the
nonnormality we can see there) but
For instance, fitting a uniform distri- have a feeling for the charge of a also the type of nonnormality, such
bution to your data could lead to an capacitor, the power dissipation in as how many variables with impact
ideal yield of 100% if your specifica- resistors, or Ohm’s law and circuit- on a certain performance histogram
tion value x is beyond the corner of simulator convergence problems. behave nonlinearly and how differ-
your uniform fit. Maximum-entropy ently they behave.
fits can avoid this in a systematic Nonlinearity and MC Only in a very few cases can non-
way. Using the counting method, So far, we focused on problems aris- linearity be compensated for with a
you use no parametric model or a ing from high dimensionality and transformation, such as using exp(X)
model with as many parameters as having many variables, but what instead of X. Not all cases with asym-
data points. Unfortunately, looking about nonlinearity? Obviously, a non- metric histograms and exponential
only to pass and fail is acting like a linear transfer function will distort functions involved lead to lognormal
1-b analog-to-digital converter (ADC), the MC results, and, in such cases, data. The use of decibels on a simple
which is not famous for high resolu- the assumption of normality should normal distribution leads to nonnor-
tion: it adds quantization noise, you not be used. mal data, but, although the log func-
lose signal-to-noise ratio, and the CI Often, designers can still make tion is used and although the data
becomes wide. good guesses on the resulting distri- become asymmetric, the data are still
Models are seldom right; usefulness bution. For example, leakage currents not lognormal. This is another type of
is a better criterion. Often an assump- are generally related to exponential distribution—a much uglier one.
tion, such as normality, can lead to functions, and that will often lead to
almost correct results, although we lognormal distributions, which are Statistical Techniques Beyond
may know for sure that the underlying almost as easy to treat as normal dis- Verification
true model is not Gaussian. However, tributions; you need to deal with two There is a certain gap between MC as
engineers should be skeptical because parameters but apply all calculations a mathematical integration method
a wrong model can also lead to com- to the log of the data. and MC analysis used by engineers,
pletely overoptimistic or far too pessi- However, here complexity can al­­ because not only integrals, yield, and
mistic results. For instance, using C pk ready cause further problems, because performance verification matter. If
in lower yield regions is not far from it is not only one variable that matters there are problems, they need to be
using a kind of interpolation method, but the sum or the worst-case scenario analyzed, and the design needs to be
but using C pk in higher regions (such of many; for example, the sum of two improved. In this light, a further disad-
as C pk >1.5) is usually equivalent to a independent lognormal random vari- vantage of the specification-distance
risky extrapolation method. ables is not lognormal again! Another method becomes obvious: even if we
An interesting question is whether example can be found in an ADC. The could prove or disprove a certain yield
we can make a statistic of “nothing”— offset voltage of a comparator usually level, we may have no MC sample that
for example, if our MC analysis shows follows a normal distribution, but, for shows how the design behaves when
no fail event at all. This is obviously a flash ADC and its differential nonlin- it starts to fail. For debugging pur-
a frequent problem when it comes earity differential nonlinearity (DNL), poses, having such a corner sample is
to high-yield verification, and many the worst comparator in the ADC extremely helpful.
special methods are known for these matters, so the DNL of an 8-b ADC Random MC is not so cursed, but
kinds of rare-event problems. is connected to the max 1f255 ^Voffseth, LDS-based MC is cursed, and, unfor-
Having no fails provides at least and this gives an asymmetric distri- tunately, many other advanced tech-
some information, so we can make a bution; continuing to use a normal niques also suffer from dimensionality
statistic out of “no fail”; for this and approximation can lead to overop- as well, such as finding such corners.
other standard situations in MC result timistic estimations regarding yield The usual meaning of corners in electri-
interpretation, engineers should fol- and DNL. The more complex a sys- cal engineering terms is a combination
low common sense (being skeptical tem, the more specifications need of parameters, such as maximum tem-
if very little information is available), to be checked, and the higher the perature, lowest supply voltage, and
apply basic rules (such as how many probability that we must deal with maximum load capacitance. That might
points are required for a meaningful very difficult nonnormal data. Some be the worst-case setting for a cer-
MC analysis according to Table 1), and methods suffer quite a lot under non- tain performance, such as delay time.
have a certain quantitative feeling— normality (such as C pkh, others only a Also, certain process and mismatch
such as when electrical engineers bit (such as the C gpk [4]), and, often, variables can be related to worst-case


performances. A major difference
WCD can deliver quite accurate statistical
between these statistical parameters
and the environmental ones is that corners, but it suffers, at least mildly,
statistical parameters often follow a from dimensionality.
Gaussian distribution, ranging from –∞
to ∞, so they have no fixed finite range,
such as VDD = ^1.8V, 2.2V h . However, and here we still must fight a bit against standards), and the transistor mod-
statistical corners can also be defined dimensionality. The major advantage of els become more complex as well. In
if we assign a yield level, so we can cre- WCD is that at least there is no strong WCD, we could improve different parts
ate, for example, 6v corners, a full set exponential relation between the num- of the algorithm, such as the variable
of statistical variables, in which we just ber of variables, which is the dimension screening or optimizers, but at some
touch the specification limit and have d of the search space and WCD vector point improvements will become very
6v yield. Usually, there are infinite (the statistical corner), runtime t, and hard, and you will simply need (much)
variable combinations that can exactly point count N. Often, N increases “only” more simulation time, even for the
hit the specification limit, but one of quadratically with d. same kind of circuit (such as a band-
these has the highest probability den- Another characteristic of many gap or active filter). Therefore, alter-
sity: this is called a statistical corner. designs can help as well: d might native methods have been created to
These can be used for debugging and be huge, such as much greater than allow yield analysis beyond 5v. WCD
testing circuit improvements, as we 500, but usually only a few variables can deliver quite accurate statistical
can use normal environmental corners. are important and contribute to the corners, but it suffers, at least mildly,
The yield depends not only on statis- WCD. A variable screening can speed from dimensionality.
tical parameters but on full combination up the optimization part a lot, and One such technique is performance
with the environmental parameters. A it also can also be done based on a modeling in combination with standard
good way to make sure that a design (midsize) MC run. MC [8]. To verify 6v, we would need
can be manufactured with high yield A further WCD advantage is that the to simulate roughly 3 billion points
is to inspect the design behavior at the optimization time does not depend or more with random MC. However,
complete worst-case combination. Usu- much on the yield target, so even a 7v we can split this task: we first run an
ally, these combined corners are quite WCD can be found almost as quickly MC analysis of moderate size (such
different for each specification; for as a 5v WCD. This makes WCD a well- as 1,000 points) and create a perfor-
example, VDD max + Tmax +  FastProcess suited method for high-yield verifi- mance model that relates the statistical
might be the worst-case for leakage cation and for a full yield analysis input variables to the simulated circuit
current, but for dynamic range it might and optimization. performances. If we have an accurate
be VDDmin + Tmax + SlowProcess.Some Why can WCD outperform MC so enough model, we could pass all the
performances are usually dominated well? Again, it is because WCD makes remaining MC samples (that is, 3 bil-
by mismatch, and here we can hardly better use of the data: WCD exploits lion – 1,000) to the model, and that, of
anticipate them; we would require indi- exactly how the statistical variables are course, requires much less simulation
vidual tool-created statistical corners. set, whereas, in MC, there is no need time. If we see fails, then we can double-
Besides running an MC analysis for this for counting or specification- check this by passing only these critical
and hoping to hit such corners with distance evaluations; the variable set- samples to the full circuit simulation.
acceptable accuracy, we can also run tings are completely ignored in all of In this way, such a model-based MC can
a dedicated search algorithm for this these histogram-based yield-verifica- overall be much faster, and it would not
task. A key technique following this tion methods! In principle, WCD could depend too much on the initial perfor-
statistical corner idea is called the even skip the initial MC part and run mance models. The tricky part remains
worst-case distance method (WCD) [7]. an optimizer and the statistical vari- the modeling task, but, like WCD, this
Searching is mathematically related able setting directly. Unfortunately, type of “sorted MC” works quite well for
to optimization, and MC can be this would reduce reliability because electrical circuits if the implementation
regarded as brute-force global optimi- fast local optimizers will usually find is done very carefully.
zation, in an inefficient random style. the true global optimum only if a good Both methods still suffer signifi-
Obviously, there is a good chance that starting point is used. cantly from the curse of dimensional-
dedicated optimization algorithms be However, the situation might change ity, and we need to run them for each
can run much faster. negatively in the future, with more output individually; the more perfor-
The speed of an optimization tech- complex designs in which the number mances that must be checked, the
nique depends on the starting point, of variables increases significantly; smaller the advantage over MC. One
but a short MC analysis can often pro- the circuit blocks tend to have more may wonder, are there methods that
vide quite a good one. A second factor is transistors (to implement calibration suffer from complexity but not more
important too: the number of variables, structures or support multiple system than random MC itself?


trate how terrible the curse can be.
The promise of optimization is that it can be
The ugly face pops up when we have
performed in a more efficient way than just high-dimensional problems and non-
running multiparameter sweeps. linearity, as in many designs. This can
break almost any algorithm.
When people try to break algo-
Indeed, there is no completely this is more difficult. For example, if rithms, they typically use test cases
free lunch, but one successful trick there are five specifications and we with known difficult functions, such
is to scale up MC. If we double the get a vector of worst-case distances as x 2 or exp(x), 1/(1 – x), |x|, sin(100x),
sigma values of all input statisti- b = (6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 6.5, 4.0), then the and so on. On many of these, MC will
cal variables, then the specification total yield is obviously dominated by behave excellently because nonlin-
distance in sigma will roughly go to the worst-case, or lowest, b, which earity does not matter; only the varia-
half. For a linear circuit and Gauss- is 4.0 here. Often, one performance tion in function f over the integration
ian variables, this is an even, accu- dominates, but not always, and if we region counts. However, often you
rate relation for any scaling factor s. have two critical, small WCDs such as do not need difficult functions. For
We can run an MC analysis with a b = 4.0, then the overall yield would example, you can pick a simple con-
certain up-scaling factor (such as certainly not be greater than 4.0, but tinuous function, such as x 1 + x 2 or
s = 2.0) and obtain a certain yield how large it really is depends on the max (x 1, x 2), but increased in dimen-
in sigma, such as Y ^s = 2h = 3.5v. correlation between these two perfor- sion to realistic values occurring in
Then, we can calculate the potential mances. If they are correlated (as rise electrical circuits.
true, unscaled yield by correcting the time and bandwidth often are), then Already, very simple counterexam-
result, just by multiplying by s to get b overall = min ^ bh is a good approxi- ples can break great methods, such as
Y ^s = 1h = 2 # 3.5v = 7v) . mation; but, if these specifications are WCD [4], not because these methods
Scaled-sigma sampling (SSS) [9], fighting each other, then we should are bad but because they are based on
[10] is another type of extrapolation calculate the loss p fail of both and approximations; if you know how a
method, such as C pk, but it often add the two losses to obtain the over- method works, you can easily break it.
works very well, even for many non- all loss. This would give a somewhat In one dimension, the WCD worst-case
linear cases where C pk becomes very smaller value. error on failure probability is just a
misleading. For both techniques and More general solutions are avail- factor of two (because it can be left and
in general, a careful error estima- able, such as multivariate C pk and right sided). For high-sigma problems,
tion needs to be implemented, and even mixes of the sigma method and this is still a small error in sigma, such
we should not work too much in the the binomial pass–fail method [11]. as < 0.1v at 6v. However, in higher
extrapolation region. In SSS, we have However, these are more difficult to dimensions, the error can reach up to
a kind of intrinsic error checking by calculate (even more so when extended 100% in absolute terms (so no limit
comparing the yield estimates from to nonnormal distributions). All sam- in terms of sigma!). Usually, you can
two (or more) different scale factors. pling-based methods have a natively trust WCD results, and, in real-world
WCD is based not so much on extrap- limited accuracy (for random sampling designs, the errors are generally fully
olation but, clearly, on approxima- represented by CIs), whereas WCD acceptable. However, we already saw
tion because we hope that the length works directly in the variable domain that WCD is a method that can suf-
of the WCD vector b gives the yield and has almost no variance (but has fer considerably from dimensionality
in sigma. This might be inaccurate, other disadvantages, such as from because it has to deal directly with all
especially if multiple fail regions multiple failure mechanisms or non- statistical variables, unlike random or
exist. In this case, most methods, such linearity, difficulties in optimization, LDS-based MC.
as WCD, SSS, or sorted MC, become and so on). What about competing high-yield
problematic, and which one remains methods? SSS was patented in 2013
at least somewhat accurate is highly All In: Dimensionality [9]; in 2015, some fuzziness in the
dependent on the test case. A small and Nonlinearity original algorithm was removed; and,
parameter tweak can easily let one or A famous maxim of modern statistics in 2016, [10] was awarded best paper
another method win. is “Let the data speak.” Assuming a from preceding two years for qual-
A certain advantage of the scaled linear model, you often do not need ity, originality, subject matter, and
MC technique is that we can extract much data; even with a quadratic influence. However, in 2017, SSS was
not only the yield regarding each indi- model (often used in optimizations), falsified in [12]: a famous blog battle
vidual performance but also the overall the onset of the curse of dimension- in the EDA industry, it reads like a
yield, taking all of our specifications ality is quite moderate. Our small 2D crime novel for people with unlimited
into account. If WCD or the sigma and 3D examples are easy to under- IQ. What went wrong? The curse of
method (C pk, C gpk, and so on) is used, stand but probably do not fully illus- dimensionality!


SSS runs like MC, and the individ- The trend in circuit design is complexity, but
ual scaled yield estimates are unbi-
ased. However, for the overall SSS the key elements and number of key variables
yield estimate, unbiased simply does will remain quite limited.
not exist for nonlinear functions; any-
thing can be only an approximation.
“Let the data speak” is often great if of optimization is that it can be per- optimization techniques. Many algo-
you have a huge amount of data and formed in a more efficient way than rithms were invented in the 1960s for
discrete features—for example, to just running multiparameter sweeps. non-Pareto optimization, but good
correctly identify a person based on For instance, if we have 10 vari- techniques have also been developed
his/her habits—but it is impossible ables, such as the length and width over the years for Pareto optimization
here. Still, the assumed model has a of important transistors, and we use and applied to (small) circuit blocks
big impact on your estimates. Each 10 values for each parameter, we [13]—only their implementation in
trick, such as WCD, SSS, or response could cover the search space with the commercial EDA environment
modeling, has its benefits and limi- a 10-by-10 sweep, which requires is lacking. Figure 4 shows how a
tations. Applying a single trick usu- 10 10 simulations! Such a huge setup designer can work with a Pareto opti-
ally fits for electrical circuits; when would deliver many combinations mizer: the optimization result is a full
it comes to difficult circuits or to that surely are not optimum in any front of Pareto optimum circuit siz-
making an algorithm robust, how- way, whereas a clever adaptive search ings (green curve), and each point of
ever, multiple mechanisms need to engine, may require only a few hun- such a Pareto front is optimum in the
be implemented to provide engineers dred simulations. In short, full global sense that it cannot be improved any
with correct error estimates or hints optimization is cursed, but local more without impairing other perfor-
on how the setup can be improved. optimization not as much so; many mances. A simpler standard optimizer
optimizers have proven quadratic would require setting the weights
Further Key Design Topics convergence and can find the opti- up front; often, a somewhat good,
We have seen that yield v ­ erification mum of a quadratic function in n vari- but nondesired, optimum would be
and analysis can easily become cursed, ables with approximately n 2 function selected (such as the blue star in Fig-
difficult, and time-consuming tasks, evaluations. In addition, the trend in ure 4). In a Pareto optimization, the
so they should be done in a system- circuit design is complexity, but the user can select the desired point (such
atic and efficient way. Verification key elements and number of key vari- as the green star in Figure 4) directly
must include the full environmental ables will remain quite limited. For after the optimization, whereas a nor-
variable space, making a complete instance, for an operational amplifier mal optimizer would require restart-
verification even more cursed than of the same gain we may use struc- ing the optimization procedure with,
a pure statistical analysis. Focusing tures that are a bit more advanced for example, a higher weight-for-noise
on critical cases is the most efficient (such as active cascodes), but there value. Of course, Pareto optimization
way, but it is still a computation- are also constraints that limit the requires more runtime than a single
intensive task. complexity. For any stable feedback standard optimization, but, taking
Based on overall worst-case cor- system, we need a dominant pole, into account restarts with different
ners, the design can be analyzed and increasing the number of stages weights, Pareto optimization often com-
further and improved. The latter is too much will lead to more parasitic petes and obviously offers a higher
mathematically an optimization task, poles so that, at some point, the sys- level of automation.
which also can be automated. Math- tem might become unstable.
ematical optimization is equivalent to For optimization, the simple classi-
functional minimization of a function cal way is to define a single real-num-
f (or maximization of –f), but which bered goal function f, for example, as
function? And isn’t this complex task the weighted sum of individual perfor- IDD
even more cursed? mances (or their differences to a uto-
Indeed, local and global optimiz- pian optimum performance). In this
ers have been available in many IC way, the user receives a somewhat opti-
design environments for many years, mized circuit, but the results depend
but they are not very popular in IC on the weighting factors, which usually Utopian Point NF
design—“driving” them is not easy. need to be set up front. (NF Lowest and
The optimization result, the set of The more advanced method is to IDD Lowest)
circuit design parameters, depends allow the weight definition to select
on which optimization goal func- the desired best compromise after- FIGURE 4: Pareto optimization of noise
tion the user defines. The promise ward, and this is possible with Pareto figure (NF) and current consumption ^ I DDh .


[8] A. Singhee and R A. Rutenbar, “Statistical
Can we expect to find such highly advanced blockade: a novel method for very fast Mon-
te Carlo simulation of rare circuit events,
methods as Pareto yield optimization soon and its application,” in Proc. 11th DATE Conf.,
Mar. 2007, pp. 10–14.
in commercial tools? [9] S. Jallepalli, E. K. Hunter, E. A. Maalouf, V.
M. Mooraka, and S. R. Parihar, “Scaled sigma
sampling,” U.S. Patent 8 806 418, Aug. 12,
Can we expect to find such highly only that t startup $ t sim . Luckily, this is [10] S. Sun, X. Li, H. Liu, K. Luo, and B. Gu, “Fast
statistical analysis of rare circuit failure
advanced methods as Pareto yield opti- enough information to create a reli- events via scaled-sigma sampling for high-
mization soon in commercial tools? able estimate. The so-called censored dimensional variation space,” IEEE Trans.
Comput.-Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst.,
Isn’t optimization always something MLE is often used in other fields of vol. 34, no. 7, pp. 1096–1109. July 2015.
on top of verification and other design science and engineering but not yet doi: 10.1109/TCAD.2015.2404895.
[11] A. Amiri et al., “A process capability index
steps? Yes, it is, but, once the overall in circuit design. There is no need for mixed binary-normal quality character-
worst-case corners are found (although to extend the simulation time and istics,” Int. J. Qual. Eng. Technol., vol. 4, no.
1, 2014, pp. 66–79.
the curse of dimensionality works rerun the whole MC analysis. Thanks [12] M. Pronath, “MunEDA mocks both Solido
against us), then the optimization to the maximum likelihood principle, HSMC and Cadence SSS for lame Monte
Carlo,” Aug. 25, 2017. [Online]. Available:
part is no longer too difficult. In some a small censorization will usually
articles, even topology optimization degrade the accuracy only very little. .html
[13] T. McConaghy, P. Palmers, M. Steyaert, and
has been demonstrated successfully For many problems, we see that G. Gielen, “Trustworthy genetic program-
[9]. This works best for well-defined there is indeed no almost-free lunch ming-based synthesis of analog circuit to-
pologies using hierarchical domain-specific
design problems, such as filters, oper- because fundamental mathematical building blocks,” IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput.,
ational transconductance amplifiers limits exist, especially when it comes vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 557–570. Aug. 2011.

or operational amplifiers. Of course, to complexity. In these cases, math

the same algorithms can be applied cannot deliver results that go too far About the Authors
to almost all arbitrary designs, and beyond common sense. If something Stephan Weber (weberconnect@
the engineer must make them well is too good to be true, then it is often received his master’s and
defined: providing all specifications not true. Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
relevant to find a good tradeoff, find- from the Technical University Berlin. In
ing a good starting point, and becom- Acknowledgments 1990, he moved to the Hahn-Meitner
ing trained on such tools. We thank Michael Pronath from Institute for Nuclear Physics, where he
MUNEDA (Munich, Germany) for the dis- focused on the modeling of discrete
Conclusions and Outlook cussions on difficult algorithm aspects semiconductors and integrated circuits.
After the introduction of transistor- and Cadence Design Systems R&D. In 1995, he moved to Siemens/Infineon
level circuit simulators in the late Technologies, where he worked on
1960s and their widespread adoption References radio-frequency receivers and power
[1] S. Kotz and N. Johnson, Process Capability
in the 1980s, many tasks have been Indices, New York: Taylor & Francis, 1993.
amps, among other things. He holds
made available in design environ- [2] M. R. Coglio, J. M. Coglio-Flórez, and A. Ren- more than 20 patents on analog circuits
don, “Estimating process capability indices
ments, such corner and MC analy- for inaccurate and non-normal data: A
and system topologies.
ses, automated search techniques for systematic literature review,” Quality Ac- Cândido Duarte (candidoduarte@
cess to Success, vol. 18, no. 158, pp. 50–59,
worst-case corners and statistical cor- June 2017. received his Licenciatura and
ners, and circuit optimization. How- [3] H. Schmid and A. Huber, “Measuring a small Ph.D. degrees in electrical and com-
number of samples, and the 3v fallacy:
ever, the quiver of math techniques is Shedding light on confidence and error in-
puter engineering (ECE) from the Fac-
still not empty. Many researchers have tervals,” IEEE Solid-State Circuits Mag., vol. ulty of Engineering of the University
6, no. 2, pp. 52–58. 2014. doi: 10.1109/
demonstrated much higher levels of MSSC.2014.2313714.
of Porto (FEUP), Portugal. Since 2009,
automation and generality, especially [4] S. Weber and C. Duarte, “Yield prediction he has been with the ECE Department
with a new generalized process capability
regarding optimization. index applicable to non-normal data,” IEEE
at FEUP as a lecturer in courses on
In addition to these big topics, Trans. Comput.-Aided Des. Integr. Circuits electronics, sensors, and instrumen-
Syst., vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 931–942, June 2016.
other little tricks can also help design- doi: 10.1109/TCAD.2015.2481865.
tation. He is also a researcher at the
ers. For instance, often a test bench [5] N. J. A. Sloane, “The packing of spheres,” Institute for Systems and Computer
Sci. Amer., vol. 250, no. 1, pp. 116–125, Jan.
does not run well for all MC points; 1984.
Engineering, Technology and Sci-
for example, the simulation stop time [6] V. Picheny, N. H. Kim, and R. T. Haftka, “Ap­­ ence (INESC TEC) (formerly INESC
plication of bootstrap method in conser-
has been set too small to observe an vative estimation of reliability with lim-
Porto). His research interests include
event, such as “output voltage ramped ited samples,” Structural Multidisciplinary wireless transceiver architectures,
Optimization, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 205–217,
up.” This leads to a mixed data set: for 2010.
low-power mixed-signal design, and
many points you can extract correct [7] K. J. Antreich and H. E. Graeb, “Circuit op- CMOS circuits for mobile communica-
timization driven by worst-case distances,”
values for t startup, but for others the in The Best of ICCAD, A. Kuehlmann, Ed.
tion systems.
data are not available, and we know Boston, MA: Springer, 1991, pp. 585–595. 



IEEE SSCS Kolkata Chapter Holds Summer Activities

The IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
(SSCS) Kolkata (India) Chapter spon-
sored two events last summer. On
25 July 2019, the Chapter along with
the IEEE Meghnad Saha Institute of
about design flow and challenges in
analog circuit design. Students asked
questions, which led to a productive
discussion at the end of the lecture.
On 26 July 2019, the Department
Computer Engineering Department
sponsored the event, with 34 students
participating. Students were tasked
with explaining their circuit designs
to the judge, Prof. C.K. Sarkar, chair
Technology, Kolkata Student Chapter, of Electronics and Communication of the SSCS Kolkata Chapter. The top
jointly organized the lecture “An Over- Engineering, RCC Institute of Informa- three designs were presented awards.
view of Analog VLSI Industry.” Priyanko tion Technology, Kolkata, organized Following the competition, Sarkar
Mitra of Sankalp Semiconductor spoke a technical competition on circuit gave a talk on current technological
design. The SSCS Kolkata Chapter and trends in semiconductor research.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939446 the Institution of Engineers (India)
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 Student Chapter of the Electrical and —Sagar Mukherjee

Students present their circuit designs during the competition. Audience members and judges of the circuit design competition.

Priyanko Mitra gives his lecture on the analog very-large-scale

Prof. Sarkar (left) with competition winners. integration industry.


IEEE SSCS Bordeaux Chapter Organizes SSC Day

On 28 June 2019, the IEEE Solid-State
Circuits Society (SSCS) Bordeaux
University Student Chapter held SSC
(Solid-State Circuits) Day, a day of
technical talks, at the Integration:
From Material to Systems Labo-
ratory. The Chapter was happy to
welcome three eminent research-
ers: Prof. Asad Abidi from the Uni-
versity of California, Los Angeles;

The SSCS Bordeaux

Chapter organized
Prof. Abidi gives his talk “A Tripled Loop CMOS PLL That Synthesizes Frequencies With Low
SSC Day to promote Jitter and Spurs, Without Calibration.”
on ICs.

Prof. Ramesh Harjani from the Uni-

versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis;
and Dr. Stefano Pellerano from Intel
Labs, Hillsboro, Oregon. Abidi, Har-
jani, and Pellerano delivered techni-
cal talks on three topics of interest
to the SSC community: “A Tripled
Loop CMOS PLL That Synthesizes Fre-
quencies With Low Jitter and Spurs,

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939700

Date of current version: 23 January 2020 Dr. Pellerano presents “Quantum Computing: An IC Design Perspective.”

Prof. Harjani (front row, fourth from left), Prof. Abidi (fifth from left), and Dr. Pellerano (sixth from left) with attendees of SSC Day.


Without Calibration,” “Integrated dc–
dc Converter Designs,” and “Quantum
Computing: An IC Design Perspec-
tive,” respectively.
The SSCS Bordeaux Chapter orga-
nized SSC Day to promote interna-
tional collaboration on ICs. The
day attracted more than 30 people,
including students, professors, and
local IEEE Members.

David Gaidioz, SSCS Bordeaux University Student Chapter chair (right), introduces Prof. Harjani. —Romane Dumont, David Gaidioz

IEEE SSCS Kansai Chapter Technical Seminar

Given by DL Keith Bowman

On 14 June 2019, IEEE Solid-State Cir-
cuits Society (SSCS) Distinguished
Lecturer (DL) Dr. Keith Bowman from
Qualcomm gave the tutorial “Adap-
tive and Resilient Circuits for Pro-
cessors” for the SSCS Kansai (Japan)
Chapter. B ow m a n’s w ide spr e a d
knowledge about designing adap-
tive and resilient circuits made for
an informative talk.
Dynamic device, circuit, and sys-
tem parameter variations degrade Keith Bowman from Qualcomm gives his talk in Kyoto.
processor performance, energy effi-
ciency, and yield across all market seg-
ments, ranging from small embedded
cores in an Internet of Things device
to large multicore servers. Bowman
introduced the primary variations
during the processor operational
lifetime, including supply voltage
droops, temperature changes, transis-
tor and interconnect aging, radiation-
induced soft errors, and workload
fluctuations. He also talked about the
Bowman (front row, center), SSCS Kansai Chapter officers, and lecture attendees.
negative impact of these variations on
processor logic and memory across a
wide range of voltage and clock fre- design techniques for implement- Integration Symposium in Kyoto,
quency operating conditions. To miti- ing adaptive and resilient circuits and Japan. More than 30 people attended
gate the adverse effects from dynamic highlighted the key desig n trad- and participated in thoughtful dis-
variations, he proposed many circuit eoffs and testing implications for cussion after the lecture.
product deployment.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939447 Bowman’s lecture was held fol- —Kazutoshi Kobayashi
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 lowing the 2019 Very Large Scale Vice-Chair, SSCS Kansai Chapter


The University of Limerick Holds Oversampled
Data Converter Design Course

The Circuits and Systems Research
Group ( of the Depart-
ment of Electronics and Computer
Engineering, University of Limerick
(UL), Ireland (, held its fifth
annual two-day short-course “Selected
Topics in Mixed-Signal IC Design” in
Limerick on 24–25 June 2019. The
2019 course focused on oversam-
pled data converters, building blocks,
topologies, and limitations.
Course instructor Prof. Johns talks about mixed-signal IC design in Limerick, Ireland.
Eighty-six participants from the
Czech Republic, Switzerland, Spain,
England, Ireland, and other Euro-
pean countries attended the course.

The 2019 course

focused on
oversampled data
converters, building
blocks, topologies,
and limitations.

The course instructor, Prof. David A. The lecturers, organizers, and participants of the “Selected Topics in Mixed-Signal
Johns from the University of Toronto, IC Design” course.
has over 35 years of expertise within
the semiconductor sector, both at the Switched-capacitor circuit design was Building on the tradition of inviting
academic research level in industry. also covered. The second half of the two guest speakers to present postlunch
His research interests include equal- course was devoted to oversampled lectures during the course, this year’s
izers, amplifiers, line drivers for high- data converters [such as analog-to-dig- theme was the topical subject Artificial
speed digital communications, data ital converters (ADCs) and digital-to- Intelligence and Machine Learning. Daire
converters, phase-locked loops, and analog converters] used across a range McNamara, cofounder of Emdalo Tech-
general analog ICs. of speeds and resolutions. Particular nologies (, presented
The first half of the seminar focused emphasis was placed on bandpass del- “Real World AI Applications,” while Dr.
on operational amplifier design, spe- ta–sigma ADCs and incremental ADCs Tony Scanlan, senior research fellow at
cifically regarding stability, optimiza- for sensor designs, with a final focus the Circuits and Systems Research Cen-
tion, low-power analysis, and biasing. on circuit-noise limitations. tre, UL (, gave the lecture
Participants offered positive feed- “Computation for Deep Learning.”
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939448 back and said that the course was rel-
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 evant to their work and research. —Hooman Reyhani


IEEE SSCS Oregon Chapter Hosts DL Sudhakar Pamarti

On 26 June 2019, the IEEE Solid-State
Circuits Society (SSCS) Oregon Chap-
ter held a technical seminar at the
Intel Hawthorn Farms Campus in Hill-
sboro, Oregon. SSCS Distinguished
Lecturer (DL) Dr. Sudhakar Pamarti,
University of California, Los Angeles,
delivered his lecture “Stable, Low-
Energy Clocking for IoT Applications”
to over 20 SSCS and IEEE Members.
Pamarti gave audience members an Sudhakar Pamarti delivers his talk to the IEEE SSCS Oregon Chapter at the Intel Hawthorn
in-depth overview of state-of-the- Farms Campus.
art start-up techniques for ultralow-
p o w e r c r y s t a l o s c i l l at o r s , t h e
dominant energy-consuming block
in Internet of Things devices. Attend-
ees asked many questions, creating
a lively discussion during and after
the talk.

—Richard Dorrance
Vice-Chair, SSCS Oregon Chapter

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939449

Date of current version: 23 January 2020 Pamarti answers questions from attendees.

IEEE SSCS DL Zhihua Wang Visits Lehigh Valley Chapter

IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
(SSCS) Distinguished Lecturer (DL)
Prof. Zhihua Wang from Tsinghua
University, Beijing, presented the
seminar “Binaural Hearing Aid Sys-
In some ways, the two sectors are
similar, such as in market volume. In
other ways, they are different: semi-
conductor companies do business
worldwide, whereas medical device
electronics including vacuum tubes,
transistors, integrated operational
amplifiers, and, as discussed in Wang’s
talk, the smartphone.
Wang presented some of the con-
tem and the Intelligent Acoustic Sig- businesses are not yet strongly rep- straints involved in making a binau-
nal Processing” at the SSCS Lehigh resented in China, so there is an op- ral hearing aid, such as power con-
Valley Section at Lehigh University, portunity for significant growth in sumption, size, and communication
Bethlehem, Pennsylva nia, on 21 the future. In addition, the medical between two ears. For a hearing aid
August 2019. devices sector is not dominated by a to be effective, it must not simply
Wang opened his presentation small number of companies, so there amplify all sound coming into the
by comp a r i ng t h e semiconduc- are opportunities for start-up enter- ear but, rather, only the range of fre-
tor and medical device industries. prises to enter the market. Hearing- quencies where hearing has dimin-
aid technology is an important part ished for the individual. This means
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939450 of the medical devices industry, and that the hearing aid must be adapted
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 it has used every advancement in to the individual, at least initially.


Wang described how this can be done
continuously using a novel adaptive
approach. As hearing-aid technology
advances, there is a need for reduced
size and much lower power consump-
tion, while advanced signal process-
ing is still required. Wang discussed
an approach that he is using: perform-
ing the power consuming signal pro-
cessing in a remote device while the
hearing aids broadcast the analog-to-
digital converted audio signals and
receive the processed result. Betty Nelson (left) with Prof. Wang at the SSCS Lehigh Valley Chapter. (Photo courtesy of
In this case, the remote device Dale Nelson.)
is a smartphone with an additional
plug-in device. The broadcast chan- way, performance becomes better on aid is a medical device, these concerns
nel must have very low latency and a day-to-day basis. must be weighed against the positive
high resolution, which means that a After the discussion, questions benefits of using the device.
specially designed wireless interface included concerns about privacy, wire-
is required. To fit the hearing aid, the less power levels, and how the device
smartphone is adapted to recognize may interact with the human body. —Richard Booth
voice cues from the user regarding These apply to many devices, includ- Webmaster,
the hearing aid performance. In this ing the smartphone. Since the hearing SSCS Lehigh Valley Section

IEEE SSCS Switzerland Chapter Hosts

Prof. Armin Tajalli at ETH Zurich

The IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
(SSCS) Switzerland Chapter orga-
nized a lecture on circuits and sig-
naling co-design for ultrawideband
communications at ETH Zurich on
18 June 2019.
Prof. Armin Tajalli of the University
of Utah, Salt Lake City, gave a tutorial
on industrial problems in wireline
communication from the signaling
and circuit design perspective. The
meeting started with a brief introduc-
tion by Prof. Taekwang Jang, chair of
SSCS Switzerland.
Tajalli began his lecture began
by considering the requirements
of high-bandwidth links. Modern

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939451

Date of current version: 23 January 2020 Prof. Jang (right) introduces Prof. Tajalli.


as energy consumption, is extremely
crucial. Due to a stringent power bud-
get, industry is seeking new design
methodologies to implement very
dense and energy efficient links.
The most critical limitation of
high speed is intersymbol interfer-
ence and equalization. The main

Due to a stringent
Attendees listen intently to Tajalli’s lecture on high-speed data communication. power budget,
industry is seeking
new design
methodologies to
implement very
dense and energy
efficient links.

focus of Tajalli’s talk was on archi-

tectural design and circuit tech-
niques that overcome this challenge
using data encoding on a many-
wire parallel bus and optimal bi­­
nary decoders.
The meeting was closed after ques-
tions by the audience on channel
crosstalk, linearity, speed limit, and
circuit topologies were answered.

Tajalli lectures on circuits and signaling co-design for ultrawideband communications.

—Taekwang Jang
Chair, SSCS Switzerland Chapter

computing systems rely on high-band- multicore processor is eight and that —Michel Bron
width data communication between further integration should be per- Vice-Chair, SSCS Switzerland Chapter
different units. From a computing formed by including multiple chips in
—Mathieu Coustans
perspective, CMOS technology scaling a computing platform. In such a dis-
Secretary, SSCS Switzerland Chapter
was successful until 2005 [1], when tributed system, chip-to-chip commu-
heat dissipation began to limit the nication over very short distances is
single-core frequency, provoking the a highly demanding topic of research. References
[1] M. Horowitz, E. Alon, D. Patil, S. Naffziger,
development of multicore processors. According to Tajalli, many com- R. Kumar, and K. Bernstein, “Scaling, pow-
er, and the future of CMOS,” in Proc. IEEE
More recently (in approximately panies are moving toward multichip- Int. Electron Devices Meeting, 2005.
2015), a study based on cost and fab- module systems-on-chip because of [2] N. Beck, S. White, M. Paraschou and S.
Naffziger, “Zeppelin’: An SoC for multichip
rication yield reached the conclusion heat, yield, and performance concerns architectures,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Cir-
that the optimal number of cores in a [2]. This is where the data rate, as well cuits Conf. (ISSCC), 2018.


IEEE SSCS Kansai Chapter Hosts Technical Seminar
by DL Meng-Fan Chang

On 22 August 2019, IEEE Solid-State
Circuits Society (SSCS) Distinguished
Lecturer (DL) Prof. Meng-Fan Chang
from National Tsing Hua University
(NTCU), Hsinchu City, Taiwan, gave
the talk “Computing-in-Memory for AI
Chips: Trends and Challenges” for the
SSCS Kansai Chapter in Osaka, Japan.
Chang has served on many technical
conference committees in the past,
including for the IEEE International

DL Prof. Chang lectures in Osaka, Japan.

To mitigate the
bottleneck, beyond-
von Neumann
architecture is

Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)

and the IEEE International Electron
Devices Meeting (IEDM).
Chang began his lecture by intro- Prof. Chang (fourth from left), SSCS Kansai Chapter officers, and lecture attendees.
ducing several IC chips, such as non-
volatile memories [resistive random-
access memory (RAM), phase-change Very Large-Scale Integration Sympo- for the Internet of Things (IoT) and
memory, and spin-torque-transfer sium, the IEEE Asian SSC Conference, artificial intelligence (AI) chips. He
magnetic RAM], nonvolatile logics, 3D the IEEE Design Automation Confer- also introduced edge devices (such
memories, low-power static RAM and ence, and IEDM. He explained that as AI–IoT) using nonvolatile memory.
computing in memory (CIM), smart the von Neumann bottleneck limits Chang concluded by stating that
memory, and CIM-based processors. computer performance due to the interaction among devices, circuits,
Chang noted that he has fabricated latency and bus widths between the systems, software, and applications
more than 40 chips in 10 years. The processor and memory. To mitigate is needed to develop semiconductor
results were submitted to ISSCC, the the bottleneck, beyond-von Neumann chips for the IoT and AI.
architecture is required. Chang’s
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939452 research group at NTCU proposed a —Kazutoshi Kobayashi
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 concept of CIM using resistive RAM Vice-Chair, SSCS Kansai Chapter


IEEE SSCS Seoul Chapter Hosts DL
Prof. Makoto Takamiya

Distinguished Lecturer (DL)
Prof. Makoto Takamiya, from
the University of Tokyo, Japan,
visited the IEEE Solid-State
Circuits Society (SSCS) Seoul
Chapter on 12 April 2019, pre-
senting his talk “Integrated
Power Management Circuits for
Energy-Efficient IoT Systems”
at Korea University, Seoul,
South Korea. The lecture cov-
ered the various challenges
and circuit design solutions of
integrated power management Prof. Takamiya presents “Integrated Power Management Circuits for Energy-Efficient IoT Systems.”
circuits. More than 40 attend-
ees, including graduate and
undergraduate students, researchers, mains, large current transients, and put buck converter, and a sub-0.1-V
and professors, enjoyed the lecture wide dynamic ranges. He also exam- input boost converter for thermoelec-
and follow-up Q&A session. ined recent issues in Internet of Things tric energy harvesting.
Takamiya first reviewed integrated systems that need high-power efficien- This talk provided a great oppor-
power management circuits with an cy at ultralow input voltage and output tunity to consider recent trends and
emphasis on several challenges, such current conditions. For design solu- development of integrated power
as the large number of voltage do- tions, he introduced several circuit ex- management circuits and was well
amples, including a sub-0.5-V digital received by attendees.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939453 low-dropout regulator (LDO), digital-
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 to-analog hybrid LDO, a sub-0.5-V in- —Hyung-Min Lee

Prof. Takamiya (middle behind the flag) with attendees of his talk.


Kang, Sheikoleslami, and Aflatouni Deliver
IEEE SSCS Seminars in San Diego

This past quarter, the IEEE Solid-State integrated electronic-photonic co- categorized into two groups: electronic-
Circuits Society (SSCS) Webinar Program design and how it can profoundly assisted photonics, where integrated
and San Diego SSCS Chapter hosted impact data communication, signal analog, radio frequency (RF), millimeter-
three seminars at the Qualcomm cam- processing, imaging, and sensing. wave (mm-wave), and terahertz (THz)
pus in San Diego, California. Examples of such a co-design may be circuits are employed to improve the
On 8 August 2019, Dr. Seung Kang
from Qualcomm delivered his seminar
“Emerging Memories and Pathfinding
for the Era of Sub-10-nm System-on-
Chip.” He presented a broad overview
of phase-change memory, magnetore-
sistive random-access memory (RAM),
resistive RAM, and ferroelectric RAM
from the perspectives of device, design,
integration, reliability, and applica-
tions. Kang also provided insights on
the potential incorporation of these
emerging technologies in the Internet
of Things, security, automotive, and
machine-learning space. Alvin Loke (right) presents Dr. Kang with a certificate of appreciation.
On 23 August 2019, SSCS Education
Chair and Distinguished Lecturer Prof.
Ali Sheikholeslami from the University
of Toronto delivered a fundamentals
seminar, “Basics of Jitter in Wireline
Communications.” Sheikholeslami
reviewed the basic definitions of jit-
ter and its properties, the relationship
between jitter and phase noise, and the
effects of jitter on a wireline system. He
then described jitter transfer, genera-
tion, and tolerance and the methods
for characterizing, modeling, and sim-
ulating jitter before covering his recent
work on jitter measurement and miti-
gation techniques. Sheikholeslami also Prof. Sheikholeslami (front row, fourth from right) with attendees of his lecture at the
gave an afternoon lecture at the Univer- Qualcomm campus.
sity of California, San Diego, “Circuit
Intuitions: Looking Into a Node,” based
on his quarterly contributions to IEEE
Solid-State Circuits Magazine. The talk
was hosted by Prof. Ian Galton.
On 30 August 2019, Prof. Firooz
Aflatouni visited from the University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, to pres-
ent “Electronic-Photonic Co-Design:
From Communication to Optical Phase
Control.” He made the case for an

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939701

Date of current version: 23 January 2020 Prof. Aflatouni with attendees of his lecture at the Qualcomm campus.


Prof. Sheikholeslami accepts a certificate of appreciation from Alvin Loke at the University of California, San Diego.

performance of photonic systems; and grated RF, mm-wave, and THz systems. —Alvin Loke, Jeff Shi, Mohamed
photonic-assisted electronics, where Aflatouni proceeded to describe his Abouzied, Albert Chou,
photonic systems and devices are used group’s recent work on optical synthe- Alan Islas-Cital
to improve the performance of inte- sis and low-power laser stabilization.

2019 IEEE SSCS Summer Camp—HKUST ICDC Annual Symposium

The IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
(SSCS) Hong Kong Student Chapter is
dedicated to creating an ideal plat-
form for researchers, engineers, and
young scholars to exchange ideas
and gain inspiration on potential
future technologies such as artifi-
cial intelligence (AI) and the Internet
of Things (IoT).
The SSCS Hong Kong Student
Chapter, together with the Hong Kong

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939915

Date of current version: 23 January 2020 Prof. Cheng gives the opening remarks.

SSCS Summer Camp speakers and participants.


University of Science and Technol-
ogy (HKUST) Electronic and Com-
puter Engineering Integrated Circuits
Design Center, coorganized the 2019
Annual Symposium on 9–10 August
2019. This year’s theme was AI- and
IoT (AIoT)-inspired IC designs.
The summer camp served not
only as a gateway for Student Mem-
bers and engineers to connect with

Twelve world- Prof. Mok presents additional opening remarks.

renowned academic
pioneers and
industry leaders
were invited to
share their insights
covering a wide
range of topics.

academic and industry leaders but

also inspired participants to par-
take in various sports activities.
Twelve world-renowned academic
pioneers and industry leaders were
invited to share their insights covering
a wide range of topics.
The symposium featured two tracks.
Track one focused on academic talks Prof. Lee delivers a lecture.

9 August 2019 SSCS Summer Camp—HKUST ICDC Annual Symposium


9:00–9:15 Prof. Tim Cheng

Dean of Engineering
Prof. Philip Mok
Associate Dean of Engineering and director of ICDC
9:15–10:00 Prof. Patrick Yue “What Is AIoT-Inspired IC Design All About?”
Associate director, ICDC, and director of HKUST-Qualcomm
Optical-Wireless Lab
10:00–11:00 Prof. Hao Yu, SUSTech “Energy-Efficient and High-Throughput AI Edge Computing”
11:00–12:00 Prof. Nan Sun “New Ingredients in the Pot—Rethink Analog IC Design”
University of Texas-Austin

— Prof. Makoto Ikeda “Advanced Sensor Interface Circuit Design”

University of Tokyo
2:30–3:30 Prof. Yan Lu, University of Macau “Power Management IC Design for the IoT”
3:30–4:30 Prof. Zhao Zhang, Hiroshima University “Low-Power Phase-Locked Loops for IoT Applications”
4:30–5:30 Russell Lee
Technical director, Mentor Graphics “AIoT Driven IC Design”
6:00–10:00 Invited speaker and guest dinner (Chinese restaurant on campus)


10 August
9:15–10:00 Jeremy Chau “University Tech Transfer and Entrepreneurship in the AI Era”
CEO, Zeegle
10:00–10:45 Wei Wang “Next Generation AI Computing Platform”
Founder and CEO, Moffett AI
10:45–11:30 Prof. Jri Lee “NTU Spin-off MidasMicro Focusing on Energy-Efficient Optical Transceiver
NTU and founder and CEO, MidasMicro ICs for Data Centers”
11:30–12:30 Moderator: Prof. Patrick Yue Panelist: Panel discussion on “AIoT-Applications Inspired IC Startups:
Dr. Simon Law, director of the Technology Transfer Boom or Doom”
Center, HKUST
Dick Wei, PYJ-Dynasty Venture Fund
Jeremy Chau
Mr. Wei Wang
Prof. Jri Lee

1:00–2:00 Prof. Patrick Yue, HKUST Closing remarks on “What IEEE SSCS and ICDC Are Doing
in the AIoT Era?”
Inspiration From Hollywood—Clips From “A.I.” and “Minority Report”
Light lunch for all

3:00–6:00 Sports activities open session

Lab tour: IC Design Center and HQ Optical Wireless Lab
NTU: Nanyang Technological University; CEO: chief executive officer.

Prof. Yue during opening remarks. Prof. Lu presents a speech.

Prof. Yu delivers his lecture to attendees. Prof. Zhang gives a lecture to participants.


Prof. Sun delivers a talk to audience members. Jeremy Chau gives a lecture.

Prof. Ikeda presents a lecture to attendees. Wei Wang delivers a lecture.

sporting event for attendees, who

engaged in basketball, ping-pong, and
badminton) at HKUST’s new ocean-
front indoor sport center.
For the first time, summer camp
participants had the opportunity
to use visible light communication
(VLC) technology to receive a copy
of the slides on their mobile devices.
Participants scanned the LED light
with the VLC function installed
Prof. Ikeda playing badminton with student members. in the lecture theater to download
the slides.
on the key circuit areas for enabling learning algorithms for different appli- More than 50 students and engi-
the AIoT, such as AI-centric processor cations, cloud versus edge computing neers, including 40 SSCS members
design, low-power analog-to-digital design methodology, and technology and student members, joined the
converters, power management ICs, transfers from academic and industrial two-day summer camp.
high-speed input/outputs, and phase- research labs to entrepreneurship.
locked loops. Track two focused on After the technical talks, the orga- —Li Wang, Sylvia Xuan Wu,
industrial talks including AI and deep- nizing committee arranged a half-day Patrick Yue


Yogesh Ramadass Delivers Lecture at Fudan University

On 23 July 2019, Yogesh Ramadass
gave a talk at the School of Microelec-
tronics, Fudan University, Shanghai,
China. The lecture, “Power Electron-
ics for the Future: Research Trends
and Challenges,” was organized by
the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
(SSCS) Shanghai Chapter.
Ramadass received his B.Tech.
degree from the Indian Institute of
Technology Kharagpur and his S.M.
and Ph.D. degrees from the Massa­
chusetts Institute of Technology, all in
electrical engineering. He is currently
Lecture attendees listen intently to Ramadass’ talk “Power Electronics for the Future: Research
the director of power management Trends and Challenges.”
R&D at Kilby Labs, Texas Instruments,
where he is involved in research and
product development efforts that verters, small form-factor converters his ongoing research efforts and the
explore high-power-density and low- for consumer electronics, nanopower challenges that lie ahead.
electromagnetic-interference auto- Internet of Things designs, and high- Prof. Zeng, Prof. Hong, Associate
motive and industrial switching con- voltage power systems. Prof. Chen, Associate Research Fellow
Ramadass’ talk examined trends Cheng, and their students attended
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939702 in power electronics across different the lecture.
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 application spaces and described —Yun Chen

Ramadass (back center) with attendees of his lecture at Fudan University.


IEEE SSCS-USTC Chapter Members Organize Autumn Excursion

The IEEE Solid-State Circuits Soci-
ety (SSCS) University of Science
and Technology of China (USTC)
Student Chapter arranged a trip to
the mountains in Anhui, China. On
17–18 November 2018, Prof. Fujiang
Lin and Prof. Lin Cheng, along with 30
student members, set out on the trip,
which was sponsored by the Micro/
Nano-Electronics System Integration
Center and the School of Microelec-
tronics, USTC.
The journey started in Hefei, and USTC faculty and students at the Shitai Mountain Town, where they visited natural caves
the first stop was the Shitai moun- and forests.
tain town. After a lunch of special
local dishes, members visited Ciyun, made its way to a forest, replete with ships with one another and allowed
a natural cave with underground riv- mountains, flowers, and waterfalls. members to explore nature and pro-
ers, stalactites, and various rock for- In addition, Chapter members vis- mote physical health.
mations. After the cave, the group ited the Yuanxi Dam, Xing yuetan
Underwater Park, and Suyue Bridge.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2939703 The trip gave student members a —Muhammad Hunain Memon
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 chance to strengthen their relation- —Xu Yan

IEEE SSCS/Photonics Society Joint PES Institute of Technology

Bangalore Student Chapter Holds Inaugural Event

The People’s Education Society (PES)
Institute of Technology Bangalore Joint
Chapter of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits
Society (SSCS) and IEEE Photonics Soci-
ety held its first event on 16 October
2019, at the PES Electronic City Cam-
pus in Bangalore, India. The event
was organized in collaboration with
the IEEE Bangalore Section and intro-
duced the newly formed Joint Society
to students and promoted enthusiasm
toward future endeavors in the indus-
try. Word was spread prior to the event
The event commenced with an introduction
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951638 of the Joint Chapter and its supporting IEEE Prof. Agrawal, Chapter chair, discusses the
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 Societies by Vidyuth, the Society secretary. future agenda for the Society.


It is a tradition to light a lamp before starting any auspicious event
or ritual. Dr. Kulkarni speaks about the benefits of joining the Chapter.

Dinesh Nair (left) is welcomed by Dr. Kulkarni. Dr. Shankar (left) is thanked for his presentation by Dr. Annapurna.

Dr. Shankar gives a talk about terahertz graphene technology and its challenges.


through social media and classes to
ensure participation.
The event began with a traditional
lighting of the lamp and an invocation
song performed by a student. Dr. Sub-
hash Kulkarni, head of the Electronics
Department, welcomed the speakers
and discussed the benefits of join-
ing the Chapter. He was followed by
Dr. Bhawani Shankar, a student of Prof.
Mayank Srivastava (president of the
IEEE SSCS Bangalore Section) from the
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru,
and postdoctoral fellow at Stanford
University. In his presentation, Shan- The event organizers (from left): Dr. Annapurna, Dr. Shankar, Dr. Kulkarni, Dinesh Nair, and
Prof. Agrawal.
kar explained his current areas of
research, the importance of photonics,
and the large scope of this niche area, these technologies are to the next from the attendees. The top eight win-
creating considerable interest among generation of electronic devices. ners were given SSCS items as prizes.
the attendees. He discussed a career in solid-state The event concluded with the an-
Next, Dr. Annapurna, head of the devices and how a society, such as nouncement of the officers of the
Information Science and Engineering SSCS, can help members achieve pro- Society, who were chosen through a
Department and IEEE Student Branch fessional goals. highly selective interview process.
counselor, welcomed Dinesh Nair, The final part of the event included These new officers were told of
deputy director of GlobalFoundries. a technical quiz with basic questions their responsibilities and what the
Nair spoke about the current impor- from the photonics and solid-state Society will expect of them in the
tance of solid-state electronic devices, domains, which provided insight to upcoming year.
the progressive changes in the field these topics. The competitive atmo-
over the years, and how imperative sphere was met with an eager response —Mayank Agarwal

IEEE SSCS-USTC Student Branch Chapter Hosts

Prof. Songbin Gong

The IEEE Solid-State Circuits Soci-
ety (SSCS)–University of Science and
Technology of China (USTC) Student
Branch Chapter organized a talk on
17 October 2019. The lecture was
presented by Prof. Songbin Gong,
Department of Electrical and Com-
puter Engineering and the Micro and
Nanotechnology Laboratory, Univer-
sity of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign.
The event was held at the Micro/Nano
Electronic System Integration Center

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951639 Prof. Gong leading an interactive question-and-answer session with Chapter members and
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 lecture attendees.


Prof. Gong presenting his lecture, “Radio-
Frequency Microsystems for 5G and
IoT Applications: From Acoustic Filters
and Circulators to Mechanically Driven
Antennas.” SSCS-USTC Chapter members with Prof. Gong (center).

Laboratory, School of Microelectron- Things (IoT) applications. Specifically, active session was held, during which
ics, w ith the assista nce of P rof. the most recent developments in Gong answered questions and shared
Chengjie Zuo. lithium niobate microelectromechani- his experiences.
Gong discussed several new types cal systems resonators, filters, delay
of radio-frequency microsystems that lines, and circulators from 100 s MHz —Muhammad Hunain Memon and
can enable various front-end func- to 30 GHz were presented. He also Jiahui Shi
tions, including filtering, radiation, spoke about crosscutting acoustics Cochairs, SSCS USTC Student Chapter
nonreciprocity, and equalization, and electromagnetics to miniaturize
with unprecedented size, weight, and antennas without compromising their —Fujiang Lin and Patrick Yue
performance for 5G and Internet of performance. After the talk, an inter- Advisors, SSCS USTC Student Chapter

SSCS Lehigh Valley Section Hosts Technical Presentation

by Prof. Maurits Ortmanns

Prof. Maurits Ortmanns, University
of Ulm, Germany, presented a semi-
nar, “Continuous-Time Delta–Sigma
ADCs for Receiver Applications,” for
the Lehigh Valley Section of the IEEE
characterized by a large number of
interfering signals caused by other
users on many adjacent channels.
Indeed, communication traffic is
increasing, and 4G and 5G carrier
first boosted along with the desired
signal. Therefore, very strong filter-
ing is required before analog-to-digital
conversion. A delta–sigma ADC offers
filtering capability that can reject the
Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) at aggregation may require (as one quantization noise involved in the con-
Lehigh University on 7 October 2019. option) wideband channels, neces- version. Its signal-transfer characteris-
After a brief introduction to the sitating wideband analog-to-digital tic, then, is also of interest in the rejec-
SSCS, the city of Ulm, and the Uni- converters (ADCs), many mixers, and tion of unwanted interfering signals. In
versity of Ulm, Ortmanns began his many local oscillators. fact, a system with a delta–sigma ADC
lecture with a technical discussion In a mobile radio receiver, the stron- might use the ADC itself as the final
about the present-day wireless com- gest interfering signal is the onboard bandpass and an anti-aliasing filter as
munications environment, which is transmitter; however, it is also chal- well as the final digitizer.
lenging to reject strong adjacent chan- Ortmanns also discussed two alter-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951640 nels. These signals are not rejected native architectures in which the sig-
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 early in the receive path and are, in fact, nal is digitized in the radio-frequency


domain and signal processing is done
in the digital domain; these require
bandpass or frequency-translating
delta–sigma converters. To reduce the
number and power of multiple local
oscillators, wide- or multiband ADCs
can be used, so there is much interest
in their development.
The filtering configuration in the
delta–sigma converter can be feedfor-
ward, feedback, or both. Any of these

In a mobile
Prof. Maurits Ortmanns giving his lecture “Continuous-Time Delta–Sigma ADCs for Receiver
radio receiver,
Application” at the SSCS Lehigh Valley Section.
the strongest
interfering signal
is the onboard
however, it is
also challenging
to reject strong
adjacent channels.

systems may produce identical noise-

and signal-shaping characteristics, but
Ortmanns (fourth from left) with lecture attendees.
each entails different physical chal-
lenges. For example, a feedforward
structure may offer smaller internal and Ortmanns demonstrated some phase noise. Once sampling is accom-
signal swings, so it is less challenging examples of how to use this toolbox. plished, jitter becomes less important
to maintain linearity. Because analog One fascinating result that Ort- for signal corruption. To deal with
elements dominate the analog inter- manns described is the fact that the these issues, stronger signal-transfer-
nal signals in the delta–sigma ADC, filtering function can easily include a function shaping is required. However,
strategic scaling of signals within the notch to reject the known transmitter using a filter notch for the transmit-
architecture as well as proper choice blocking signal. Sampling-clock jitter is ter relaxes this requirement, and the
of sufficiently linear elements is also a major problem for continuous-time signal-to-noise ratio is improved. Ort-
important. Feedforward configura- delta–sigma converters. The sampling manns’s talk was a very detailed and in-
tions may cause signal-transfer char- of out-of-band interferers folds back teresting tour of the use of delta–sigma
acteristic peaking, which is more chal- into the digitized frequency range. converters in receivers.
lenging to shape so that out-of-band Moreover, out-of-band harmonics
signals are sufficiently rejected. Sig- quantization noise (of the delta–sigma — Angelo Mastrocola and
nal- and noise-shaping functions can converter) folds back into the in-band Richard Booth
be designed with the Schreier toolbox, by way of digital-to-analog converter IEEE SSCS, Lehigh Valley Section


IEEE SSCS Singapore Chapter and the Institute of Microelectronics
Organize a One-Day Short Course Presented by Prof. Nan Sun

The IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Sun kicked off the short course by to logic circuit and least-significant-
(SSCS) Singapore Chapter jointly with the introducing the latest development bit correction.
Institute of Microelectronics, Agency for trends in successive-approximation- In discussing sparkle-code reduc-
Science, Technology, and Research (IME register (SAR) analog-to-digital con- tion, Sun introduced the compara-
A*STAR), hosted a one-day short course verters (ADCs), which mainly appear tor metastability reason based on
by Prof. Nan Sun from the Department in two directions on the roadmap: one transistor-level analysis. Because
of Electrical and Computer Engineer- focus is on low-power SAR, and the metastability depends strongly on
ing, ­University of Texas at Austin. The other is on high-speed SAR design. Sun the time parameter and input sig-
course, “Advanced ADC Design Tech- discussed the basics of low-power SAR nal value, a tunable clock block
niques,” was held on 16 July 2019 at IME ADCs, such as the operation of SAR and an even-probability-monitoring
Science Park II, Singapore. and depth noise analysis in the struc- scheme improve ADC performance.
ture and transistor levels. He provided Sun ended this part of his lecture by
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951641 many design examples of high-speed introducing a design from his group:
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 SAR ADCs, from system architecture an integrated asynchronous clock,

Prof. Sun presents the short course Approximately 60 participants from local universities, research institutes, and multinational
“Advanced ADC Design Techniques.” companies attended the short course.

Sun (front row, far right) with SSCS Singapore Chapter members and the course participants.


metastability detector, random dither noise-shaping capability. SAR is suit- Sun’s talk attracted 60 participants
injection, and background calibra- able to act as a quantizer but must from industry, research institutions,
tion function. meet the system’s speed require- and the academic community, includ-
Recently, SAR ADCs integrat- ments. Sun provided a few design ing Broadcom, Infineon, Media Tek,
ing delta–sigma noise shaping have examples illustrating how to achieve IME, the National University of Sin-
become a popular topic, and many noise shaping in SAR ADCs. gapore, and Nanyang Technological
high-performance ADCs based on new Sun concluded by considering mis- University. Audience members were
structures have been implemented. match error. Mismatch is a generic very interested in the topic and many
Sun reviewed earlier designs and problem in feedback digital-to-analog asked questions.
divided this technology into two cat- converters. If used smartly, a dynamic
egories: 1) delta–sigma ADCs using an element-matching structure even sup- —Jianming Zhao
SAR quantizer and 2) SAR ADCs with plies noise shaping. SSCS SG Committee Member

IEEE SSCS Poland Chapter Connects Engineers

Through Technical Talks

The IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
(SSCS) Poland Chapter coorganized
and hosted several interesting events
at the AGH University of Science and
Technology, Kraków. The sessions
On 9–11 April 2019, Willy Sansen
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bel-
gium) joined Randy Caplan (Silicon
Creations) to deliver a series of lec-
tures on different aspects of micro-
attended this event, including not only
AGH students in the microelectronics
branch but also employees of Silicon
Creations as well as those of research
institutes and microelectronics com-
brought together many young people electronic circuit design. The pre- panies throughout Poland.
from throughout Poland; they focused senters introduced phase-locked-loop On 30–31 July, more than 80 people
on microelectronic circuit design and design and discussed the noise per- attended a two-day course taught by
enhancing the quality of microelec- formance of transistor stages, stabil- Dr. Charvaka Duvvury on the basics,
tronics teaching. ity of operational amplifiers and their circuits, and techniques of electrostatic
configurations, offset and common- discharge (ESD). ESD phenomena are
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951642 mode rejection ratio effects, and band- essential for successful microelectronic
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 gap circuits. More than 120 people product design, and circuit robustness

Willy Sansen (left center) and Randy Caplan (right center) with attendees of the three-day course at the AGH University of Science and
Technology, Kraków, Poland.


Attendees of the Kraków Quantum Informatics Seminar with Prof. Bogdan Staszewski (center).

electronic circuits for quantum-com-

puting applications. On 21 May 2019,
Pieter Harpe (Eindhoven University
of Technology, The Netherlands), an

A system-level
approach for an ESD
protection strategy
is essential for
feasible high-speed

expert on low-power, mixed-signal

Dr. Charvaka Duvvury (front left) with Randy Caplan during the two-day course on ESD in microelectronics, presented “Basics
microelectronics at AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland. of Successive-Approximation-Register
Analog-to-Digital Converters: Circuits
and Architectures.”
needs to be addressed at not only the protection. He also addressed ESD Chapter volunteers were also deeply
chip level but also the system level. A aspects for silicon-on-insulator and fin involved during the 49th European
system-level approach for an ESD field-effect transistor technologies. Solid-State Device Research Conference
protection strategy is essential for The SSCS Poland Chapter also (ESSDERC)/45th European Solid-State
feasible high-speed designs. Duvvury sponsored several other activities, Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), held
discussed multiple aspects of ESD-tar- including a lecture by Prof. Bogdan in September in Kraków. A full report
geted design, beginning with the fun- Staszewski (University College Dub- on the ESSDERC/ESSCIRC appears on
damentals of ESD, electrical overstress, lin, Ireland) on 30 January 2019. Dur- page 87.
and latch-up and moving on to stress ing the Kraków Quantum Informatics
models, test standards and techniques, Seminar, Prof. Staszewski introduced —Krzysztof Kasinski
and design options for advanced ESD topics related to cryo-CMOS micro- Vice-chair, SSCS Chapter Poland


2019 Baltimore Mini-Colloquium: Next-Generation
Technologies for 5G and Beyond

With support from the IEEE Electron
Devices Society’s (EDS’s) Mini-Collo-
quium program (MQ), the EDS and IEEE
Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Balti-
more Joint Chapter hosted its seventh
annual Fall Colloquium on 9 October
2019. The theme was Next-Generation
Technologies for 5G and Beyond. This
one-day event featured a slate of three
IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturers (DLs)
and six presenters from the Baltimore/
Washington community; together,
they represented diverse perspectives,
with two speakers from industry, three
from government laboratories/institu-
tions, and four from academia. The
The 2019 Baltimore MQ was chaired by Dr.
Pankaj Shah of the U.S. Army Research Lab,
The MQ agenda displayed in the lobby at who also delivered the final presentation of
This one-day event the American Center for Physics. the program.
featured a slate
of three IEEE EDS
Lecturers and six
presenters from
the Baltimore/

site of the MQ was the American Cen-

ter for Physics, near the University of
Maryland College Park campus.
The morning session was led by
Colloquium Chair and Chapter Trea-
surer Dr. Pankaj Shah from the U.S.
Army Research Lab. The afternoon
sessions were led by Chapter Chair
Dr. Paul Potyraj from Northrop Grum- Attendees were quick to take advantage of promotional items provided by the SSCS.
man Corporation and Chapter Vice-
Chair Dr. Richard Fu. Cosponsored The full-day panel of speakers
by the Washington/Northern Virginia included the following:
Chapter for Electron Devices, the ■■ Dr. A. Bandyopadhyay (GlobalFound-

event drew 36 attendees, including ries): “Silicon Technologies for 5G

29 IEEE Members and seven nonmem- Enhanced Mobile Broadband Radio”
bers. Mirroring the speakers, partici- ■ ■ Dr. Paul Lane (National Science

pants included representatives from Foundation): “Advances in Devic-

industry, government, and academia, es and Circuits for Next-Genera-
including students. tion Communications”
■■ Dr. Patrick Fay (University of Notre
EDS DL Dr. Patrick Fay from the University
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951643 Dame, South Bend, Indiana): “Advanc- of Notre Dame discussed advances in
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 es in III-N Devices for 5G and Beyond” III-N devices.


■■ Dr. Mario Miscuglio (George Wash- ■■ Dr. David Meyer (Naval Research
ington University, Washington, Laboratory): “Transition Metal Ni-
D.C.): “Photonics for Neuromorphic tride Materials and Devices for Fu-
Computing” ture RF Electronics”
■■ Dr. Mina Rais-Zadeh (University of ■■ Dr. Aristos Christou (University
Michigan, Ann Arbor, and NASA of Maryland, College Park): “Crys-
Jet Propulsion Laboratory): “Phase tal Defects in Gallium Nitride and
Change Radio-Frequency (RF) to Diamond Electronics”
Optical Microdevices” ■■ Dr. Pankaj Shah (Army Research
■■ D r. R o b e r t Yo u n g ( N o r t h r o p Laboratory): “Transfer-Doped Dia-
G r u m m a n ): “ D e v e l o p m e n t o f mond Field-Effect Transistors for
Third-Generation Germanium- EDS DL Dr. Mina Rais-Zadeh from the Next-Generation RF Applications.”
Telluride-Based Phase Change RF University of Maryland during her
Switches” presentation. —Paul Potyraj

Region 8 Chapter Chairs Meeting at ESSCIRC 2019

The IEEE European Solid-State Circuits
Society (SSCS) Chapter chairs meeting
was held on 25 September 2019 dur-
ing the European Solid-State Device
Research Conference (ESSDERC)/Euro-
pean Solid-State Circuits Conference
(ESSCIRC) in the conference center
of Jagiellonian University in Kraków,
Poland. This annual event brings
tee leadership to review recent Chap-
ter activities and exchange ideas for
future events.
The meeting opened with Stefan
Rusu, SSCS Chapters coordinator,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951644 together European Chapter chairs welcoming participants and high-
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 with the SSCS Administrative Commit- lighting the importance of local

Attendees of the Region 8 Chapter chairs meeting at ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2019, (from left): Chris Rudell, Joao Olivera, Filip Tavernier, Stefan Rusu,
Pawel Grybos, Donnacha O’Riordan, and Krzysztof Kasinski. In the background are paintings of the rectors of the Jagiellonian University in


Chapters for the growth of the Soci- zerland, and Seattle Chapters were dent Chapter at Katholieke Universit-
ety. Rusu presented an update on reviewed. Highlights included DL eit Leuven to promote microelectron-
the growth in SSCS Chapters, includ- visits, meetings with figures from ics for M.S. and Ph.D. degree students
ing a summary of the subsidies and academia and industry, local techni- and bridge the gap between industry
awards available to support Chapter cal conferences cosponsored by SSCS and academia.
activities. As of December 2019, the Chapters, and short courses organized The next Chapter chairs meet-
Society had 113 chapters, with sev- by local Chapters. The IEEE Poland ing was scheduled at the IEEE Asian
eral more in the pipeline. The SSCS Chapter organized ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Solid-State Circuits Conference in
Distinguished Lecturer (DL) program 2019 as well as ­multiple distinguished November 2019 to be followed by
enables experts from industry and lectures. The IEEE U.K./Ireland Chapter another meeting the International
academia to present, at the Chapter sponsored the Microelectronics Cir- Solid-State Circuits Conference in
level, information about the latest cuits Center Ireland Technical Confer- February 2020.
technology developments. ence in March 2019, with 12 technical
The activities of the Portugal, papers presented over four sessions. —Stefan Rusu
Poland, Benelux, U.K./Ireland, Swit- The Benelux Chapter spawned a Stu- IEEE Fellow, SSCS Chapter Coordinator

Six San Diego SSCS Seminars in September and October 2019

The San Diego IEEE Solid-State Cir-
cuits Society (SSCS) Chapter recently
hosted six seminars at the Qual-
comm campus in San Diego, Cali-
fornia, drawing a local attendance
ranging from 35 to almost 100.
On 26 September 2019, past SSCS
Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Daniel
town Heights, New York) presented
the seminar “Hybrid Phase-Locked-
Loop (PLL) Architectures and Imple-
mentations.” Combining the advan-
tages of analog proportional and
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951645
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 Friedman from IBM Research (York- digital integral paths, hybrid PLLs

Attendees at the seminar presented by Daniel Friedman (center).

The attendees gather following the seminar by Shanthi Dr. Pavan (behind podium).


Alvin Loke (right) presents a certificate of appreciation to Pavan (left) enjoying a morning canyon hike with Loke and Hasnain
Dr. Friedman. Lakdawala.

Attendees following the talk by Gabriele Manganaro’s talk (center, holding certificate).

Participants who attended the presentation by Mial Warren (center left in dark jacket).

implemented in advanced CMOS trol of the loop transfer function, Continuous-Time Delta–Sigma Con-
nodes offer reduced dependence fractional-N synthesis without sacri- verters.” Pavan made a strong case
on special technolog y elements, ficing performance, sub-square-mil- for implementing finite-impulse-
reduced PLL area without a large inte- limeter area, fast-frequency settling, r esponse ( F IR) feedback , wh ich
grating capacitor, improved testabil- and reduced spurious content. His offers the benefits of a simple 1-b
ity, and new functionality. Friedman lecture will be broadcast as an SSCS analog-to-digital converter (ADC),
described the progressive develop- webinar at a future date. reduced ADC power and area, sim-
ment of a feature-rich frequency syn- On 30 September 2019, past SSCS plified clock distribution, inherently
thesizer enabling a wide continuous DL Shanthi Pavan from the Indian linear digital-to-analog converter to
tuning range of 2–26 GHz using two Inst it ute of Technolog y Madras obviate dynamic element matching,
voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs), delivered the seminar “Dissecting relaxed integrator linearity and jitter
flexible programmability and con- Design Choices for Power-Efficient requirements, and free chopping. FIR


Manganaro (third from left) with Chapter members during lunch of Korean barbecue before A certificate of appreciation is presented to
his talk. Warren.

feedback leverages the benefits of On 16 October 2019, Dr. Paul proposed two discrete-time-delay com-
1-b and multibit operation to achieve Rousseau from Taiwan Semiconduc- pensation architectures to overcome
the highest reported Schreier figure tor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) receiver design challenges. The first
of merit. Furthermore, it is process- North America (San Jose, California) is an interpolating time interleaver to
agnostic, with the aforementioned covered “TSMC’s Excellent Adventure generate multiphase clocks that drive
benefits realized irrespective of tar- a switched-capacitor adder. The second
get specifications. provides spatial interference cancel-
This was an
On 3 October 2019, SSCS DL Gabri- lation using a media-access control-
ele Manganaro visited from Analog compute engine employing a truncated
and enjoyable
Devices (Wilmington, Massachusetts) Hadamard transform matrix.
overview of the
to present “Mixed-Signal Technologies Finally, on 22 October 2019, Dr. Mial
exciting prospects
for Ultrawideband Signal-Processing Warren from TriLumina (Albuquerque,
of integrating
Systems.” The talk was motivated New Mexico) presented “Navigating
lidar systems
by the ever-increasing consumer Automotive Lidar Technology.” This
for autonomous
demand for connectivity that is driv- was an informative and enjoyable over-
ing the need for 5G massive multiple- view of the exciting prospects of inte-
input/multiple-output/beamforming grating lidar systems for autonomous
and corresponding advances in base- Into 7 nm and Beyond.” He provided driving. Warren provided a brief history
station infrastructure. Manganaro an overview of the market segments of lidar development for autonomous
argued that, with technology scaling driving the insatiable demand for vehicles before describing the require-
not keeping up with mixed-signal advanced CMOS technologies and ments of automotive and current lidar
performance requirements, precision described samples of TSMC’s 7- and technologies, namely, the flash and
high-performance data converters 5-nm offerings. scanned lidar approaches. High cost
require frequent architectural inno- On 18 October 2019, Prof. Sub- remains the primary gating factor to
vations to meet market demand. This hanshu Gupta from Washington State widespread adoption, but advances in
set the stage for discussing time-inter- University (Pullman) gave the talk silicon-based detection technologies
leaved, continuous-time pipelines and “Integrated True-Time-Delay-Based could be the game changer.
VCO-based ADCs as well as increasing Large-Scale Arrays for Spatially Diverse
dependence on digital circuitry to Applications.” He provided an over- —Alvin Loke, Albert Chou,
achieve up to 14-b resolution and 12-G view of phase-arrayed beamforming Alan Islas-Cital, Jeff Shi, and
sample/s performance. approaches in wireless receivers and Mohamed Abouzied


IEEE SSCS DL Paul Wesling Visits SSCS Lehigh Valley Chapter

IEEE Life Fellow Paul Wesling, [Hewlett-
Packard (retired) and past commu-
nications director for the IEEE San
Francisco Bay Area Council] presented
the lecture “The Origins of Silicon Val-
ley: Why and How It Happened” for the
Lehigh Valley Section of the IEEE Solid-
State Circuits Society (SSCS) at Lehigh
University on 25 September 2019.
Wesling began by motivating the
audience with an anecdote about how
the famous Silicon Valley innovation
partnership of Steve Wozniak and
Steve Jobs grew their venture from a
garage in Los Altos to the most valu-
able brand in the world. He asked,
“How could this happen?” and “Why in
the San Francisco Bay area?”
Wesling continued with a concise
history from the agricultural days of SSCS Lehigh Valley Chapter Chair Robert Peruzzi (right) thanks Paul Wesling for his lecture
1880 to the formation of Federal Tele- and visit.
graph and the invention of the Audion
vacuum tube in the early 1900s. A in a spirit of competitiveness and pete clauses, and he concluded with
key concept of Federal Telegraph was collaboration that carried forward to a reading list of recommended books.
raising funds from angel investors the Home Brew Computer Club and In keeping with the spirit and phi-
(an early example of venture capital) today’s Silicon Valley. By 1947, Silicon losophy of Silicon Valley, Wesling made
and close involvement with Stanford Valley was the “big dog” of electron- his slides and a video recording of his
University, California. Current events, ics centers, and, by the 1960s, it was talk available. The slides can be found at
economic motivation, and, especially, central to the U.S. defense effort and
independent wealth available from the the manufacturing economy. Wesling -wesling.pdf, and the video record-
California gold rush played roles. spoke about the Silicon Valley business ing can be accessed at https://www
The ham radio subculture of cama- climate, contrasting its decentralized
raderie and egalitarianism resulted structure to the East Coast’s large, ver-
tically integrated firms. He made the —Robert O. Peruzzi
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951646 important point that, since the 1870s, Lehigh Valley Section SSCS
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 California has not enforced noncom- Chapter Chair

Wesling (right) presents his talk on the origins of Silicon Valley.


An Exciting Year of Events for the SSCS Seattle Chapter

The newly formed IEEE Solid-State
Circuits Society (SSCS) Seattle Chap-
ter, Washington, had an exciting year
of events in late 2018–2019. Chris
Rudell, Chapter chair, and Visvesh
Sathe, Chapter vice-chair, hosted
speakers in the field of IC to provide
informative and innovative talks on
the latest developments in the field.
The inaugural event held by the SSCS
Seattle Chapter was a presentation
by Alvin Loke (Qualcomm) in December
Brian Ginsburg gives a radar presentation to students, faculty, and IEEE Members. Some IEEE
SSCS Seattle Chapter presentations are sponsored jointly with the University of Washington
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951647 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering’s Colloquium series. The presentations are
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 professionally filmed and will be placed online for viewing by SSCS members.

Dr. Bertan Bakkaloglu presents state-of-the-art work on voltage Chapter Chair Chris Rudell (left) and Bakkaloglu at the University of
regulation. Washington.

The attendees listen to Bakkaloglu’s talk.


(From left) Rudell, Visvesh Sathe (Seattle SSCS Chapter vice-chair),
(From left) Rudell (SSCS and CAS Seattle Chapter chair), Joe Decuir (IEEE Brian Ginsburg (Texas Instruments), Prof. Sumit Roy (University
Life Fellow), Alon Newton (IEEE Seattle chair), Alvin Loke (Qualcomm), of Washington), Joe Decuir, Prof. Jenq-Neng Huang (University of
and Titus Lo (Microsoft Research) with several Chapter members. Washington), and Prof. Matt Reynolds (University of Washington).

2018 at Microsoft Research Building for Automotive and Beyond,” which of Arizona State University, Tempe,
99. Loke presented the lecture “Ana- sparked significant interest among presented “High-Power-Densit y,
log/Mixed-Signal Design Challenges attendees. More than 100 students Fully Integrated Voltage Regulators for
in 7-nm CMOS and Beyond.” and IEEE Members attended the pre- High-Performance Digital-Core Supply
On 8 October 2019, the Chapter sentation, which will eventually be Management” on 22 October 2019. The
held a joint forum with the Univer- made available on video. talk was well attended by students,
sity of Washington Department of As a continuation of the lecture faculty, and local IEEE Members.
Electrical and Computer Engineer- series organized by the University
ing’s weekly colloquium series. Brian of Washington and the SSCS and IEEE —Chris Ruddell and Visvesh Sathe
Ginsburg of Texas Instruments gave Circuits and Systems Society (CAS)
the talk “Millimeter-Wave Imaging Seattle Chapters, Bertan Bakkaloglu 

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In Step With Gabor Temes

Decades of Experience in the Laboratory

Prof. Gabor Temes’ journey to become
an engineer was not an ordinary one.
He took the unbeaten path to become
a circuit designer. He did not know
from an early age that he wanted to
worked as a technician at the Tech-
nical University of Vienna.
After a short stay in Vienna, Temes
and his wife immigrated to Canada
in 1957, a nd he st a r ted to work
be an engineer, and he did not dream at the Université de Sherbrooke’s
of it since he was a little boy, but he School of Medicine in Québec. Later
became one of the greatest engineers that year, he joined Measurement
in the field of analog circuits. Engineering Ltd., where he designed
Temes was born in 1929 in Buda- instruments to measure the viabil-
pest, Hungary. This was a tumultu- ity of bull sperm, brightness of pulp
ous time because Hungary was an and paper, and clarity of beer. He
early ally of Nazi Germany. By his then moved on to Northern Electric
15th birthday, Budapest was sur- Co. Ltd, to work as a filter designer
rounded by the Soviet army. Temes for its R&D laboratory. He developed
and his family struggled during this novel filter-design techniques along
time, fighting starvation. However, Prof. Gabor Temes. with his colleagues John MacDonald
he managed to graduate from high and Brian Smith.
school in 1948. After graduation, these attributes,” Temes said. So he In 1964, Temes became head of
Temes grappled with the idea of his chose engineering. The rest, as they the Light Electronics Group at the
future. He was close to graduating say, is history. Stanford Linear Accelerator Cen-
from the Academy of Music as a con- Temes graduated from the Tech- ter, California. This change of pace
cert violinist. However, he also was nical University of Budapest (TUB) and move to warmer temperatures
very interested in engineering. in 1952. He started working in the and sunshine were just what he and
Department of Theoretical Electric- his wife needed. A few years later,
ity at TUB while still a student and Temes decided to go back to circuit
Temes credits the stayed on as a faculty member after design and accepted a position at
IEEE (which was the graduation. During his time there, Ampex Corp., where he managed the
Institute of Radio Temes designed and built counters, design of analog signal-processing
Engineers when he
counting rate meters, and high-volt- circuits. He designed filters, equal-
joined) for being an
age sources for these experiments. izers, and tunable delay lines for
excellent resource
as he was beginning He also researched nuclear phys- time-base control.
his career. ics instrumentation, circuits, and
plasma physics.
In 1956, following Joseph Stalin’s The article is part of a series highlight-
“To become a success as a profes- death, there was an uprising in Hun- ing an SSCS member in each issue of the
sional musician, you need extraor- gary. Temes and his wife, Ibi, along magazine. If you would like to nominate
dinary manual skills, motivation, w ith thousands of Hungarians, a member to be featured or would like to
and discipline. I didn’t think I had decided to flee the country. Arriv- be featured yourself, please email News
ing in Vienna, Austria, after a long Editor Abira Altvater (Abira.Altvater@
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2952729 and debilitating journey, Temes and
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 his wife settled down, and Temes


Temes (in the yellow shirt), his past and present students, and Oregon State University faculty members celebrating Temes’ 90th birthday.

Temes then joined the University

of California Los Angeles (UCL A)
in 1970, where he was one of the
key people to help with building a
strong electrical circuits program. At
UCLA, Temes worked on computer-
assisted design topics as well as the
abstract properties of linear circuits
and systems. He also finished up a
coauthored book on linear circuit
design, which was a core text for
graduate courses in many schools.
Between 1975 and 1979, Temes was
chair of the Electrical Engineering
Department at UCLA, leading it to
be ranked as the sixth best electri-
cal engineering department in the
United States.
The exodus from Hungary. Temes and his wife, Ibi, are on the left.
In 1980, Temes became a consul-
tant to Xerox Microelectronics, which
developed ICs for copy machines In 1990, it was time for a change
and other Xerox products. In 1985, again. Temes headed to Oregon State “IEEE allowed me
he went on a sabbatical leave to University (OSU) to head the Elec- to learn through
the Swiss Federal Institute of Laus- trical and Computer Engineering
publications and
meetings, rather
anne (EPFL), where he helped create Department. He is still at OSU today,
than in isolation.”
MEAD Education, which organized teaching courses and carrying out
short courses at EPFL. research funded by three grants
and gifts from semiconductor com-
panies. Temes’ recent research has (IEEE Press, 1997), and Understand-
dealt with CMOS analog ICs, as well ing Delta-Sigma Data Converters
FUN FACTS ABOUT GABOR as data converters and integrated (Wiley/IEEE Press, 2005). In addi-
■  loves to hike with his students sensor interfaces. tion, he has published more than
in McDonald Forest on Saturday Temes is coeditor or coauthor of 300 papers in engineering journals
­mornings. several books, including Modern Fil- and conference proceedings.
■  He likes to read and to listen to classi- ter Theory and Design (Wiley, 1973), Temes is a Life Fellow of the IEEE,
cal music. Introduction to Circuit Synthesis and corecipient of the IEEE Circuits and
■  He played competitive bridge when Design (McGraw-Hill, 1977), Analog Systems Society (CAS) Darlington
he was younger. MOS Integrated Circuits for Signal Award in 1968 and 1981, and recipi-
■ He now plays canasta. Processing (Wiley, 1986), Oversam- ent of the 1984 Centennial Medal of
pling Delta-Sigma Data Converters the IEEE. He received the Andrew


Kirchhoff Award in 2006, IEEE CAS
Mac Van Valkenburg Award in 2009,
and OSU College of Engineering
Research Award in 2010. In 2015,
Temes was elected to the National
Academy of Engineering.
Temes credits the IEEE (which was the
Institute of Radio Engineers when he
joined) for being an excellent resource
as he was beginning his career. “IEEE
was a blessing for me starting as a cir-
cuit designer at Northern Electric in
1959,” Temes said. “It allowed me to
learn through publications and meet-
ings, rather than in isolation. This
blessing has now grown to monstrous
dimension, with more papers and con-
ference talks appearing than what can
be followed by an old engineer.”
Temes during a hike with his students.
—Abira Altvater

Chi Award from the IEEE Instrumen- ment Award in 1998, the IEEE Mil- Reference
[1] G. Temes, “Fifty-five fun-filled years in
tation and Measurement Society in lennium Medal in 2000, and the circuit design,” in IEEE Solid-State Circuits
1985, the Education Award from CAS CAS Golden Jubilee Medal in 2000. Mag., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 8–21, Spring 2013.
in 1987, the CAS Technical Achieve- He also received the IEEE ­Gustav R. 


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European Summit on Solid-State Device and Circuit Research

Double Conference in Kraków, Poland

The joint 49th European Solid-State
Device Research Conference (­ESSDERC)
and the 45th European Solid-State Cir-
cuits Conference (ESSCIRC) was held in
Kraków, Poland, on 23–26 Septem-
in parallel, share plenary keynote pre-
sentations, and are governed by a
joint steering committee. The confer-
ences are technically cosponsored by
the IEEE, with the ESSCIRC financially
CEZAMAT) and the TPC chair of ESS-
CIRC was Bogdan Staszewski (Univer-
sity College Dublin).

ber 2019. With approximately 550 sponsored by the IEEE Solid-State The magical city of Kraków is the sec-
participants from 42 countries attend- Circuits Society (SSCS) and the ESS- ond-largest municipality in Poland.
ing, ESSDERC/ESSCIRC was a great event. DERC sponsored by the IEEE Electron Located in the southern part of the coun-
Statistically, 48% of the participants came Devices Society. The conferences in try on the Vistula River, it is the capital
from academia, 38% from industry, and Kraków were co-organized by the AGH of Lesser Poland Voivodeship. Kraków is
14% from research and development University of Science and Technology a place where history and tradition inter-
(R&D) centers. This representation dem- (AGH UST) in Kraków, Jagiellonian Uni- twine with culture, modern technology,
onstrates how important this conference versity Kraków, Warsaw University and economic development.
is for industry and R&D centers. of Technology, and the Center for Officially rooted in the 13th cen-
The aim of the ESSDERC/ESSCIRC is Advanced Materials and Technologies tury, its history is much older. Since
to provide an annual European forum (CEZAMAT) in Warsaw. The conference serving as the capitol of the Crown of
for the presentation and discussion of chairs were Pawel Grybos (AGH UST, the Kingdom of Poland from 1038 to
recent advances in solid-state devices Kraków) and Maciej Ogorzalek (Jagiel- 1569, it has never stopped thriving as
and circuits. The two conferences run lonian University Kraków); the Techni- an economic and cultural center, and the
cal Program Committee (TPC) chair uniqueness of this place has not gone
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951652 of ESSDERC was Thomas Skotnicki unnoticed. The entirety of Kraków’s his-
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 (Warsaw University of Technology and toric center (Old Town) is on the United

The Steering and Organizing Committees of ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2019 in Kraków.


Kraków’s Old Town is on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

Nations Educational, Scientific, and and nearly 2,000 public firms conduct Toshio Yanagida (Osaka University)
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World business in Kraków. delivered the talk “Single-Molecule
Heritage list. It is recognized for having Nano-Science: Noise and Function of
the largest medieval market square in Paper Submission Life”; and Donhee Ham (Harvard Uni-
Europe and for its architecture, origi- The ultimate success of a conference versity) presented “Copying Brain With
nating from the Gothic through the is based on the support of the authors Semiconductor Technology.”
Renaissance and Baroque eras. The who submit their papers. This year,
Royal Wawel Castle, the seat of Polish the ESSDERC/ESSCIRC received a total ESSCIRC Keynote
kings and their largest necropolis, is a of 345 submissions, of which 235 con- The ESSCIRC featured three keynote
diamond that rules over the landscape tributed to ESSCIRC and 110 to ESS- presentations. Ram K. Krishnamurthy
of the city. DERC. About 56% of the submissions (Intel) gave the talk “Machine Learning
Another important feature of Kraków came from Europe, 24% from Asia, and and Hardware Security Technologies
is its academic prowess. With over 650 20% from North America, demonstrat- for the IoT Era: Challenges and Oppor-
years of scholarly tradition, the city has ing the international character of the tunities”; Jeff Walling (Tyndall National
one of the oldest universities in Europe conference. The TPC held a meeting on Institute) presented “Leveraging the
(Jagiellonian University). Currently, 20 May in Warsaw at CEZAMAT. Mem- Switched Capacitor Power Amplifier
it is home to five major universities bers of each of the 15 tracks selected a for Future Communications Systems”;
(with AGH UST leading in engineer- total of 164 best papers, grouped into and Pieter Harpe (TU Eindhoven) deliv-
ing research) and numerous schools 40 regular and three focus sessions. ered the talk “Low-Power SAR ADCs:
of higher education, creating a total Trends, Examples, and Future.”
population of approximately 200,000 Joint Plenary
students. The high-tech landscape in The conference had four plenary key- ESSDERC Keynote
Kraków continues to expand. It boasts note speakers. Edoardo Charbon (École The ESSDERC also featured three key-
a special economic zone (Kraków Tech- Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) note presentations. Michael Heuken
nological Park) for major high-tech presented “Cryo-CMOS: 60 Years of (AIXTRON SE) gave the talk “GaN-Based
investments, with several major R&D Technological Advances Toward Emerg- HEMT Technology for Power and RF
centers focused on industrial electron- ing Quantum Technologies”; Franck Applications”; Subhasish Mitra (Stan-
ics and software, four enterprise incu- Arnaud (STMicroelectronics) presented ford University) presented “The N3XT
bators, three commercial fairgrounds, “28-nm FDSOI Platform With Embed- 1,000X for the Coming Superstorm
and seven higher schools of econom- ded PCM for IoT, ULP, Digital, Analog, of Abundant Data: Carbon Nanotube
ics. Over 100,000 private businesses Automotive, and Other Applications”; FETs, Resistive RAM”; and Jong-Ho Lee


A conference session in the Auditorium Maximum, Jagiellonian University. (Source: Foundation for AGH UST; used with permission.)

(Seoul National University) presented

“Review of Promising Devices for Neu-
romorphic Applications.”

On Monday, 23 September 2019, there
were seven excellent tutorials and a Si
Nano workshop with over 200 partici-
pants. The parallel tutorial presenta-
tion covered topics such as nanoscale
technology and transistor modeling,
Kofi Makinwa delivers a talk during the SSCS Diversity Luncheon.
circuits and systems enabling quantum
technologies, 5G radios, low-power
radio-frequency and analog circuits,
jitter and phase noise, and terahertz
technologies and Internet of Things
devices. These provided additional
opportunities for updating knowledge
in the state-of-the-art technology in the
areas covered. Selected tutorials were
recorded as part of the SSCS Education
Program; the SSCS will release these
recordings free of charge to members
in the coming months.

SSCS Diversity Luncheon

The SSCS Women in Circuits Group
sponsored a luncheon on 24 Septem-
ber 2019 to discuss ways of increas- The Young Professionals Micro-Mentoring and Career Coaching Event.
ing diversity in the SSC community.
The luncheon featured talks by indus- (Delft University), Téa Williams (Texas Young Professionals and Students
try and academic professionals who Instruments), and Maud Vinet (French Micro-Mentoring and Career Coaching
shared career experience where a chal- Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Session, which brought together over
lenge, project, or mentor helped them Commission Leti). 50 participants. During the event,
become a better engineer and problem leading experts from industry and aca-
solver. The meeting was chaired by SSCS Young Professionals Event demia shared their experiences with
Viola Schäffer (Texas Instruments), On 23 September 2019, the IEEE Poland young engineers and students. Stu-
and the panelists were Kofi Makinwa, Section and the SSCS organized the dent volunteers played an important


role in ensuring the success of the As many as 38 outstanding ESSCIRC The reception was kicked off by the
ESSDERC/ESSCIRC conferences. papers have been accepted after addi- reading of a letter to participants writ-
tional editorial and quality reviews to ten by Andrzej Duda, president of the
Postconference Publications the special issue of IEEE Solid-State Cir- Republic of Poland. President Duda
and Awards cuit Letters and will be posted online. welcomed the conference partici-
All presented ESSDERC/ESSCIRC papers Papers presented at the conference pants and emphasized how important
were sent to IEEE Xplore after the are considered for the Best Paper Poland is in its active role in the devel-
conference. Authors of outstanding Award and Best Young Scientist Paper opment of microelectronics. The hon-
articles from ESSCIRC were invited to Award. The award ceremony will be orary patrons of ESSDERC/ESSDERC
submit their work to a special issue held at ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2020 in included the Ministry of Entrepreneur-
of IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Grenoble, France. ship and Technology, the Ministry of
while authors of outstanding ESSDERC Science and Higher Education, the
papers were invited to submit work to Social Events Ministry of Digital Affairs; the Mayor
a special issue of IEEE Journal of the The conference also included an ex­­ of Warsaw, the Mayor of Kraków; the
Electron Devices Society. For the first tensive social program. During the rector of AGH UST, the rector of Jagiel-
time in ESSCIRC history, there will welcome reception at AGH UST, par- lonian University, and the rector of the
be copublication of qualified papers ticipants met with representatives Warsaw University of Technology.
in IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters. from national and local authorities. The gala dinner took place at the
Wieliczka Salt Mine, which is among
the oldest salt mines in Europe and
appears on the UNESCO World Heri-
tage list. During the gala dinner, the
Obsession quartet gave a short con-
cert, a musical and humorous journey
through the world of sounds that sur-
round all of us, regardless of our musi-
cal preferences.
The conference social events offered
ample opportunities for networking.
Corporate sponsors of ESSCIRC/ESS-
DERC 2019 were Rigaku Corporation,
Xilinx, SK hynix, Silicon Creations,
Student volunteers from AGH UST with members of the local organizing committee. ABB, TechInsights, Cadence Academic

The welcome reception at AGH UST. (Source: Foundation for AGH UST; used with permission.)




(a) The gala dinner at the Wieliczka Salt Mine and (b) representatives of the corporate sponsors of ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2019. (Source: Foundation
for AGH UST; used with permission.)

Network, Nordic Semiconductor, the With 450,000 inhabitants, it is European territories in sectors
Micron Foundation, Analog Devices, the most important European including micro and nanotech-
XFAB, SCALINX, KIOXIA Corporation, metropole in the heart of the nologies, software, life sciences,
STMicroelectronics, EUROPRACTICE, Alps. For more than 150 years, and energy. It is the second
Cambridge University Press, Springer, the men and women of this French regional research center
and River Publishers. area have created a unique sys- with 25,000 researchers, five
tem, built on close relationships major European instruments
Looking Forward: ESSDERC/ between the companies, the uni- (such as Institut Laue–Langevin
ESSCIRC 2020 in Grenoble, versities, and public research and the European Synchrotron
the French ­“Silicon Valley” labs. In the heart of Auvergne- Radiation Facility), and eight
“A blend of mountains, lifestyle, and cos- Rhône-Alpes (second g ­ reatest national research organizations
mopolitan culture, Grenoble stands out French economic region, eighth (such as the French Alternative
from other cities in France and Europe E u r o p e a n) a n d f i v e m aj o r Energies and Atomic Energy
for its proximity to the Alpine chains,” com­­petitiveness clusters, the Commission), and five clusters.”
notes the announcement for ESSDERC/ Grenoble-Alpes Metropole is
ESSCIRC 2020 Grenoble, continuing, one of today’s most innovative  —Pawel Grybos


IMESS 2019
AI, 5G, and IoT: Technology Convergence for Betterment of Humanity

The IEEE Malaysia Electron Devices
Society (EDS), IEEE Microwave Theory
and Techniques Society (MTT-S), and
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS)
Penang Joint Chapter organized the
by academia and industry experts;
sponsor exhibitions; a design com-
petition co-organized with FILPAL Pte.
Ltd.; and a student technical visit
to the Penang Design Center of the
has remained
since 2016,
fourth IEEE International Microwave, Plexus Islandview plant. owing to strong
Electron Devices, and Solid-State The IMESS has remained admis- support from
Circuits Symposium (IMESS) on 8–9 sion-free since 2016, owing to strong industry.
October 2019, at the Penang Skills support from industry. IMESS 2019
Development Center (PSDC). Since received funding support from indus-
the inaugural meeting in 2016, the try sponsors FILPAL, Motorola Solu- Rahman. Tat shared his view on tech-
IMESS has been recognized as a flag- tions, MFS Technology, QDOS, QRF nology revolution, ­economic evolu-
ship IEEE event in northern penin- Solutions, Smartrac Technology, Syn- tion, and moving forward to develop
sular Malaysia. The theme of IMESS vue, Career Growth, Elliance, and human capital to deal with new chal-
2019 was Atificial Intelligence (AI), Robert Bosch. IMESS 2019 was also lenges in engineering and education.
5G, and IoT: Technology Convergence supported by IEEE Region 10; the Penang’s Deputy Chief Minister I of
for Betterment of Humanity. It was a EDS, MTT-S, and SSCS; the Institution Penang, Datuk Ahmad Zakiyuddin
successful event with approximately of Engineers, Malaysia; the Institu- Abdul Rahman, represented the chief
200 participants from industry and tion of Engineering and Technology; minister and gracefully officiated at
academia exchanging ideas regard- investPenang; the IEEE Nanotechnol- IMESS 2019 during the afternoon.
ing topics related to microwaves, ogy Council; the Penang Convention The opening ceremony started with
electron devices, and SSCs. IMESS and Exhibition Bureau; PSDC; and stu- a welcoming address by the IMESS
2019 featured keynote speeches, Distin- dent volunteers from Universiti Sains 2019 chair, Ir. Dr. Lee Choo Yong. He
guished Lecturers, and technical talks Malaysia (USM). noted that technology is a double-
The symposium kicked off with a edged sword and that we must use
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951654 keynote speech by Prof. Ewe Hong Tat, technology wisely for the betterment
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 president of Universiti Tunku Abdul of humanity in areas such as autonomous

The IMESS 2019 opening ceremony.


driving, faster and easier commu­ chief executive officer of PSDC. He Industry 4.0. One of these programs is
nication, interactive learning, and emphasized that PSDC was establish­­ the Penang Manufacturing Excellence
seamless connectivity, all of which ed to develop talent in s
­ ­upporting Conference and Exhibition.
enable smart cities, smart agriculture, industry. Since 2016, PSDC, as the This speech was followed by an
and more. Center of Excellence for Industry 4.0 in opening address by Deputy Zakiyud-
The ceremony continued with a Penang, has initiated many programs din, who noted that the IMESS 2019
speech by Muhamed Ali Hajah Mydin, to support companies moving toward theme was closely associated with


Keynote Address
Prof. Ewe Hong Tat Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, “AI, 5G, and IoT: Technology Convergence and Human Capital
Malaysia Development”
Dr. Pannirselvam Kanagaratnam MIMOS Berhard, Malaysia “AI at the Edge”
(represented by Luke Jing Yuan)
Prof. Cor Claeys KU Leuven, Belgium “Material and Device Challenges for Future CMOS Technologies”
Dr. Khoh Soo Beng PMO Innovations Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia “Fuelling Innovation With Emerging Technology @4IR”
SSC Track
Dr. Wong Yan Chew Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka “–32dBm Sensitivity High Efficiency Rectifier for Energy Harvesting”
Liew Vui Yong Intel Corporation, Malaysia “Advancement of Research in the Area of AI and 5G Opening Up New
Way of Living, New Opportunities and New Product”
Cheng Boon Seng Malaysia Robotics and Automation “Artificial Intelligence: The Chronology: Its Opportunities,
Society Challenges, and Risks”
Kalai Selvan Subramaniam Infinecs Systems Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia “Talent Recruitment for IR4 and Beyond”
Dr. Colin Chee Motorola Solutions, Malaysia “Voltage Versus Current Mode Direct Conversion Receiver”
Dr. Ong Sze Wei Intel Corporation, Malaysia “Developing the Innovation Capabilities for Engineering Advancements”
Mark Wong QRF Solutions Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia “Lowering the Risk of Analog IPs Through Design Automation
and Smart Integration”
MTT-S Track
Prof. Lim Eng Hock Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, “Recent Trends and Design Considerations of Passive UHF RFID Tags”
Prof. Widad Ismail Universiti Sains Malaysia “Convergence of Industrial Internet of Things Toward
Technology Humanization”
Dr. Wong Peng Wen FILPAL Pte. Ltd. “A Sustainable and Fast Approach to Filter Design for 5G Implementation”
Prof. Tharek A. Rahman Universiti Teknologi Malaysia “5G Mobile Communication: Evolution or Revolution”
Dr. Soh Ping Jack Universiti Malaysia Perlis “Wearable Antennas: Innovative Designs, Materials, and Features”
Yeoh Chun Yeow TM R&D Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia “5G Building Blocks for IoT Use Case”
Anwar Faizd Osman Rohde & Schwarz, Malaysia “The Study of Electromagnetic Compatibility Between 5G and
Fixed Satellite Services Operating in C-Band in Malaysia”
EDS Track
Prof. (Dr.) V.R. Singh National Physical Laboratory, India “Advanced Electronic Sensing Systems and Devices in Ubiquitous
Health Care”
Dr. P. Susthitha Menon Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia “Angular Interrogation Sensing in Visible Wavelengths Using K-SPR”
Dr. John Tan Teng Hwang SilTerra, Malaysia “The Next Generation Sensors for IoT Applications”: MEMS on CMOS
Prof. Seiji Samukawa Tohoku University, Japan “Creating Green Nanostructures and Nanomaterials for Advanced
Energy Nanodevices”
Prof. Aimin Song University of Manchester, “Ultrafast Graphene Electronic Devices”
United Kingdom
Ir. Dr. Lim Kok Sing Universiti Malaya, Malaysia “Optical Fiber Devices and Instruments for Biomedical Applications”
Ravisangar Muniandy Semiconductor quality/reliability “New MOSFET Design, Test, Quality, and Reliability Challenges Arising
consultant, Malaysia From Latest Trends in Deep Nanometer Transistor and Voltage Scaling”


the Penang 2030 transformation plan, din, the electrical and electronic (E&E) export-driven economy. He also high-
which focuses on increasing quality of industry is a key enabler of emerging lighted that, in 2018, Penang contrib-
life, upgrading the economy, empow- AI, 5G, and IoT technologies. Today, uted close to 30% of Malaysia’s total
ering the people, and investing in the the E&E industry remains one of export and 79% of Malaysia’s total trade
environment. According to Zakiyud- the most important pillars in Malaysia’s surplus. This achievement would not

Dr. Wong Peng Wen (left) presenting a certificate of appreciation to

keynote speaker Prof. Tharek Abdul Rahman. An exhibition tour.

Participants (from left) include IMESS 2019 Chair Ir. Dr. Lee Choo
Yong, IEEE Penang Chapter Vice Chair Dr. Jagadheswaran R ­ ajendran, The finalists and judges of the design competition co-organized with
Chair Ir. Bernard Lim, and keynote speaker Prof. Ewe Hong Tat. FILPAL.

Ir. Bernard Lim (right) awarding a certificate of appreciation to key- IMESS 2019 Secretary Lance Lai (left) presenting a certificate of ap-
note speaker Prof. Cor Claeys. preciation to Prof. Seiji Samukawa.


have been possible except for the hard Lim, IMESS 2019 Chair Ir. Dr. Lee Choo
work of all the stakeholders that have Yong, and Muhamed Ali Hajah Mydin Today, the E&E
built a thriving ecosystem in the state accompanied Zakiyuddin on an exhi- industry remains
by focusing on cutting-edge technolo- bition tour and press conference. one of the most
gies and high-value jobs. He expressed Zakiyuddin was impressed with the important pillars
his hope that Penang’s presence in the products and portfolios showcased in Malaysia’s
global scene of electronic manufacturing by exhibitors such as RFID tags, flex- export-driven
services, research and development, ible circuits, application-specified economy.
assembly, and testing of various elec- IC design, and complete solutions for
tronic products will continue to drive Industry 4.0 implementation.
Malaysia’s economy and create skilled The second day of the symposium design challenge demo and prize pre-
job opportunities. kicked off with a keynote speech by sentation were held during the tea
Following the opening ceremony, Prof. Cor Claeys of Katholieke Univer- break and the closing of symposium,
IEEE Penang Chapter Chair Ir. Bernard siteit Leuven (KU Leuven). The FILPAL respectively. The FILPAL design win-
ners were as follows:
■■ First Prize: Dr. Siti Zuraidah Ibra-

him and her Ph.D. student

■■ Second Prize: Ng Guan Shen

■■ Third Prize: David Bong.

In parallel, a 20-student delegation

from USM led by Ir. Dr. Khor Jeen Ghee
and Azwati Azmin paid a technical visit
to the Penang Design Center of the
Plexus Islandview plant. The sympo-
sium adjourned at 4:30 p.m. with clos-
ing remarks by Ir. Bernard Lim. Ir. Lim
extended gratitude to PSDC, sponsors,
and participants for their support in
making IMESS 2019 a successful event.

—Lee Choo Yong and

The presentation of a souvenir to Deputy Chief Minister 1 Zakiyuddin. Lai Menn Tatt

The USM student technical visit to the Penang Design Center of the Plexus Islandview plant, led by Ir. Dr. Khor Jeen Ghee and
Ms. Azwati Azmin.


2019 International Conference on Microelectronics

The 31st International Conference
on Microelectronics (MIEL 2019)
was held 16–18 September 2019 at the
Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Uni-
versity of Niš, Serbia. The meeting
was organized by the joint IEEE Elec-
tron Devices Society (EDS) and IEEE
Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Ser-
bia and Montenegro Section in coop-
eration with the Serbian Academy of
Sciences and Arts Branch in Niš and
the Faculty of Electronic Engineer-
ing, University of Niš. Cosponsorship
was provided by the EDS; the Ser-
bian Ministry of Education, Science,
and Technological Development; the
Academy of Engineering Sciences
at Serbia; and the Serbian Society
for Electronics, Telecommunications,
Conference chair, Academician Ninoslav Stojadinovic´, addressing the audience during the
Computers, Automatic Control, and MIEL 2019 opening session.
Nuclear Engineering.

The attendees,
42 domestic and
40 foreign, came
from 20 different

The Mini-Colloquium on Nano and

Flexible Electronics (
-mini-colloquia-program), held on 16
September, attracted interest from
both domestic and foreign partici-
pants. It was an excellent introduction
to the main technical program of MIEL Arokia Nathan (left) presents the 2018 IEEE EDS Region 8 Chapter of the Year award to
2019, which consisted of a tutorial on Danijel Dankovic, EDS/SSCS University of Niš SB Chapter chair.
power devices and modules, a plenary
session, and four regular sessions 49 posters) were presented. The con- tions, best paper awards were pre-
(two oral and two poster) on device ference proceedings (359 pages) are sented to the following:
physics, technology, and character- available in IEEE Xplore. ■■ D. Osipov (University of Bremen,

ization as well as circuit and system The keynote speakers were G. Germany) for an oral paper, “SAR
design and testing. The attendees, 42 Wachutka (Technical University of ADC Architecture With Fully Pas-
domestic and 40 foreign, came from Munich, Germany), S. Dimitrijev sive Noise Shaping”
20 different countries. A total of four (Griffith University, Nathan, Aus- ■■ Yu. I. Bogdanov (MEPhI, Moscow,

invited keynote papers and 74 regular tralia), Z. Prijić (University of Niš), Russia) for a poster paper, “Nonpara-
contributions (25 in oral sessions and and Z. Stamenković (IHP, Frank- metric Statistical Analysis of Radia-
furt, Germany). tion Hardness Threshold Variation
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951675 Based on the evaluation of the in CMOS IC Wafer Lots Series With
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 quality of the papers and presenta- the Aim of Process Monitoring”


Participants of MIEL 2019.

In addition to
MIEL conferences
are generally
by a friendly
and the great
hospitality of
the local people.

to Danijel Dankovic, IEEE EDS/SSCS

University of Niš SB Chapter chair.
The social program of this year’s
Best paper awards were presented during the closing ceremony (from left): Y.M. Moskovs-
kaya (Russia), Ninoslav Stojadinovic´, L. Jürimägi (Estonia), and R. Długosz (Poland). conference included a conference
banquet and gala dinner as high-
lights. In addition to high-quality
■■ L. Jürimägi (Tallinn University of The IEEE EDS/SSCS University of presentations, MIEL conferences are
Technology, Estonia) for a student Niš Student Branch (SB) Chapter was generally characterized by a friendly
paper, “Algorithm for Restructur- selected as the 2018 recipient of the atmosphere and the great hospital-
ing of Structurally Synthesized IEEE EDS Region 8 Chapter of the Year ity of the local people. This special
BDDs.” Award. This award recognized the charm adds to the positive impres-
In addition, the journal FACTA UNI- quality and quantity of the activi- sions the participants bring back
VERSITATIS: Series Electronics and ties and programs implemented by from the conference and is one of
Energetics awarded the best paper the Region 8 Chapters during the 1 the reasons that a conference-goer
award to “A Parallel Adaptive LMS July 2017–30 June 2018 period. The rarely attends MIEL just once.
FIR Filter Realized in CMOS Technol- University of Niš SB Chapter chose
ogy” by R. Długosz (UTP University MIEL 2019 as the venue to receive its —Ninoslav Stojadinović
of Science and Technology, Bydgo- plaque. During the opening session, and Danijel Danković
szcz, Poland). Arokia Nathan presented the award



CEDA Currents

The following is a reprint from CEDA
Currents, September 2019 issue, a publi-
cation of the IEEE Council on Electronic
Design Automation (CEDA). Please
send contributions to Vasilis Pavli-
activities were organized in con-
junction with the Chip in Sampa
2019 (
chipinsampa/) event that took place
in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Chip in Sampa is
dis ( This issue the fantasy name that was given to
reports on recent EDA activities and and challenging topics in EDA. This this year’s edition of the most impor-
welcomes upcoming events with year, we also obtained industry spon- tant ensemble of symposia and work-
the support of CEDA. sorship from Cadence, Inc. shops related to microelectronics and
embedded systems that takes place
EDAthon 2019 at the Chinese Great Success for the First Workshop each year in Brazil. Among those
University of Hong Kong on Machine Learning for CAD scientific events is the Symposium
EDAthon 2019 was held successfully The first ACM/IEEE Workshop on on Integrated Circuits and Systems
on 26 July 2019 with 18 teams com- Machine Learning for CAD was held Design (SBCCI), which is technically
ing from universities across main- 2–4 September 2020, in Canmore, sponsored by CEDA. The total audi-
land China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Alberta, Canada. Its location at the ence of Chip in Sampa reached almost
During the one-day competition, all entrance to Banff National Park main- 400 people, including ­r esearchers
participants exercised their sophis- tained a long tradition of mountain from academia and industry, students,
ticated coding and analytical skills locations for technical meetings. and entrepreneurs.
to solve interesting EDA problems. The workshop welcomed 52 partici- The Chip in Sampa technical pro-
Three teams were awarded for their pants including eight graduate stu- gram included the participation of
outstanding performance as follows: dents. The program committee was Dr. Sachin Sapatnekar, made possi-
■■ Champion: Peng Zou and Zhipeng cochaired by Hussam Amrouch of ble thanks to the support of CEDA’s
Huang (supervised by Prof. Jianli Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ­Distinguished Lecturer Program. On
Chen), Fuzhou University, China and Bei Yu of the Chinese University 27 August, Dr. Sapatnekar gave one of
■■ Second place: Hongzheng Chen and of Hong Kong. The event included 30 the four SBCCI 2019 tutorials, “Reli-
Jiawei Feng (supervised by Prof. contributed presentations based on ability, Error Resilience, and Approx-
Minghua Shen), Sun Yat-sen Univer- submissions to the program commit- imation in Integrated ­ Systems.” On
sity, China tee as well as five invited talks, fea- 28 August, Dr. Sapatnekar gave one
■■ Third place: Mengke Ge and Jun- turing lectures from both industry of the three keynote talks of Chip in
peng Wang (supervised by Prof. and academia and participants based Sampa. The talk, “Spintronics: From
Song Chen), University of Science in Asia, Europe, and North America. Devices to Circuits to Systems” was
and Technology of China. The program provided time for in-
EDAthon is one of the major events depth discussion; topics included
organized by IEEE CEDA Hong Kong appropriate types of machine-learn- IEEE Embedded Systems Letters is open
and sponsored by IEEE CEDA. It is a ing methods for various types of for submissions. Visit
full-day programming contest (9:00 CAD problems and challenges associ- .publication/esl-publication/author
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. programming in ated with training data. -guidelines.
addition to a seminar from 3:30 to IEEE Design & Test is open for submis-
4:30 p.m.) that features interesting CEDA Brazil Chapter Activities sions. Visit
During Chip in Sampa 2019 ieee-design-test-dt/paper-submission
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951676 The last week of August was intense -instructions.
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 for the CEDA Brazil Chapter. Three


The competition required the sub-
mission of a full paper and a presenta-
tion at the conference, together with a
live demonstration by the first author,
who had to be an M.Sc. or Ph.D. stu- President: David Atienza
President-Elect: Yao-Wen Chang
dent. The presenter also had to answer
Past President: Shishpal Rawat
questions from the judging committee,
Secretary: Agnieszka Dubaj
which was formed by the following
Find us online at VP Conferences: Luca Fanucci
experts from industry and academia:
VP Finance: Cristiana Bolchini
David Atienza, EPFL (current president
VP Publications: L. Miguel Silveira
of IEEE CEDA); Elena Blokhina, Uni-
VP Publicity: Vasilis Pavlidis
attended by a large audience who versity College Dublin; Anton Klotz, VP Standards: Dennis Brophy
enthusiastically interacted by posing Cadence, Inc.; and Marco Cerchi, AMS. VP Activities: Gi-Joon Nam
several questions. This committee had to evaluate papers, VP Awards: Subhasish Mitra
Besides the technical activities, presentations, and tools according to VP Initiatives: Jose Ayala
Chip in Sampa also hosted the CEDA the complexity of the problem, level Council Operations Manager:
Brazil Chapter annual meeting, in of automation, applicability of the pro- Jennifir McGillis
which the executive committee re­­ posal, integration with existing tools,
ported on activities of the previous and methodologies and robustness of
12 months and presented the activi- the design solutions. A number of horizontal extensions
ties planned for the next months. In Fourteen proposals were submitted to RDF are also achieved by incorpo-
the sequel, some new actions were and competed for the awards, which rating additional tool options at the
proposed and discussed, aiming to included a monetary prize of US$1,000 static timing analysis, global place-
reach a larger number of students in for first place, provided by IEEE CEDA. ment, gate sizing, and detailed rout-
Brazil. Among those, the most rel- The awarded contributions and pre- ing stages of the flow.
evant is “CEDA Brazil Talks,” to be senters were “Mixed-Signal Hardware RDF-2019 provides significantly
organized in cooperation with the Security Using MixLock: Demonstra- enhanced support of and interoper-
Brazilian Computer Society. tion in an Audio Application,” by Julian ability with industry-standard tools
Leonhard, Sorbonne Université (sec- and design formats such as LEF/
ond place), and “TiDeVa: A Toolbox for DEF, SPEF, Liberty, SDC, and so on. Be
The SMACD EDA the Automated and Robust Analysis of sure to check out the official Github
competition Time-Dependent Variability at Transis- repository of IEEE CEDA DATC at
was a thrilling
tor Level,” by Pablo Saraza-Canflanca,
event in which
Instituto de Microelectronica de Sevilla datc_robust_design_flow.
students competed
(first place).
by presenting
their best ideas, NOCS 2019
methodologies, Release of New Robust Design The International Symposium on Net-
flows, and tools. Flow at ICCAD 2019 works-on-Chip (NOCS) (17–18 October
The IEEE CEDA Design Automation 2019) was a premier event dedicated to
Technical Committee (DATC) has devel- interdisciplinary research on on-chip,
EDA Competition at SMACD 2019 oped an open reference design flow, package-scale, chip-to-chip, and data-
An EDA competition sponsored by called DATC Robust Design Flow (RDF), center rack-scale communication
IEEE CEDA, chaired by Engin Afacan to facilitate research on flow-scale technology, architecture, design meth-
from Kocaeli University and Fabio methodology and cross-stage optimi- ods, applications, and systems. NOCS
Passos from Instituto de Telecomu- zations. The latest RDF-2019 develop- brings together scientists and engineers
nicações, took place during the Inter- ment, scheduled to be released at the working on network-on-chip innova-
national Conference on Synthesis, IEEE/ACM International Conference tions and applications from interre-
Modeling, Analysis and Simulation On Computer Aided Design, makes a lated research communities, including
Methods and Applications to Circuit significant revision of the previously discrete optimization and algorithms,
Design (SMACD) in Lausanne, Swit- reported RDF-2018 flow. computer architecture, networking, cir-
zerland, 15–18 July 2019. The SMACD Leveraging recent academic tool cuits and systems, packaging, embed-
EDA competition was a t h r illing developments made in the OpenROAD ded systems, and design automation.
event in which students competed project (https://theopenroadproject The conference program included
by presenting their best ideas, meth- .org/), RDF-2019 adds previously miss- several keynotes, tutorials, and special
odologies, flows, and tools aimed at ing steps, such as floorplanning, I/O and regular paper sessions with par-
improving design automation for ICs placement, power planning, and clock ticipants from industry and academia.
and systems. tree synthesis. 



Diversity Luncheon at ESSDERC/ESSCIRC

The IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
(SSCS) and the Women in Circuits Com-
mittee hosted a diversity luncheon at
the 49th European Solid-State Device
Research Conference (ESSDERC)/45th
European Solid-State Circuits Confer-
ence (ESSCIRC) in Kraków, Poland.
Approximately 50 people attended
the event, which emphasized ways
to cultivate engineering confidence.
This focus was selected because it is
inclusive, appeals to a diverse audi- Kofi Makinwa sharing tips on mentorship.
ence, and can help engineers, no
matter their background or level of
expertise, to collectively become bet-
ter. Viola Schäffer from Texas Instru-
ments, Munich, Germany, moderated
the event.
The first guest speaker was Prof.
Kofi Makinwa from Delft University
of Technology, The Netherlands. He
highlighted the importance of mak-
ing sound decisions in one’s tech-
nical career and shared personal
experiences illustrating how mentor-
ing helped him to navigate oppor-
tunities. Makinwa provided best
practices, tips, and lessons learned The diversity luncheon speakers, conference chair, and moderator (from left): Téa Williams,
regarding becoming an impactful Viola Schäffer, Pawel Grybos, Andreia Cathelin, Kofi Makinwa, Maud Vinet, and Marian
mentor. He noted that a good men- Verhelst.
tor listens, encourages, helps to set
goals, points out the good and the tions but does not need to follow a vocacy. She emphasized that, even
bad, allows room for failure but mentor’s advice and that not every- though we all are at different stages
also helps to mitigate consequences, one can or wants to be mentored. of that journey, when it comes to
practices what he or she preaches, Téa Williams, the second guest increasing diversity in engineering
a nd is av a ila ble when ne eded. speaker, is a business unit man- and boosting confidence, we can
Makinwa emphasized that a mentee ager from Texas Instruments, Dal- all benefit from supporting each
should listen and be open to sugges- las, Texas. Her talk focused on the other by applying more openness
importance and benefits of sup- and empathy. Williams emphasized
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951677 porting one another in the journey that this encourages competitive
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 of self-discovery, expertise, and ad­­ and robust solutions in technology


and leads to a better pipeline of
future engineers.
The third guest speaker was Prof.
Maud Vinet from the French Alter-
native Energies and Atomic Energy
Commission Leti, Grenoble, France.
Her talk underlined the role of part-
nerships toward increasing skills
and rewards for successful proj-
ects. Vinet reflected on how people
she has encountered contributed to
her growth as a better engineer by
providing complementary perspec-
tives, challenging her views, and
supporting her.
The diversity luncheon was well
attended, and attendees were fully
engaged. Despite their diverse back-
Téa Williams discusses how we can all benefit from supporting each other by having more
openness and empathy. grounds, all speakers expressed some
initial discomfort about presenting at
an event focused on diversity. How-
ever, they agreed that inclusion and
a wide variety of perspectives are
key for getting the best solutions and
results. Participants wanted to con-
tribute to the solution and motivate
others to do so as well. All agreed
that maintaining an open dialogue
and organizing similar events in the
future will help improve the engi-
neering environment for everyone.

Viola Schäffer (right) introduces Maud Vinet. —Viola Schäffer

SSCS Young Professionals Connect

at ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2019 in Kraków, Poland

Another Young Professional (YP) event
organized by the IEEE Solid-State
Circuits Society (SSCS) Poland Sec-
tion has concluded with success.
An international group of YPs and stu-
dents, as well as scientists and indus-
try representatives, met to make new
contacts and exchange knowledge.
This year’s gathering was organized
at the 49th European Solid-State Device
place in Kraków, Poland, on 23 Septem-
ber 2019, the first day of the conference.
Close to 60 guests from Germany, Swe-
den, Poland, Austria, The Netherlands,
Italy, and other countries gathered for
Research Conference (ESSDERC)/45th the event. Attendees included not only
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951678 European Solid-State Circuits Confer- IEEE Members but also those who have
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 ence (ESSCIRC). The YP meeting took not discovered this opportunity yet.


It was a full house at the YP event at ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2019.

earphones, or YP pin. Information on

how to join the IEEE was also distrib-
uted. At the end of the gathering, the
attendees were asked for their feed-
back via electronic survey.
This event organized by the SSCS
Poland Section YP AG was the third of
its kind. The previous two took place
in 2017 and 2018 during, respectively,
the 19th European Conference on
Power Electronics and Applications
and the 22nd International Micro-
wave and Radar Conference. For all
three events, more than 360 guests
from all over the world were given
the opportunity to extend their con-
tact networks, both professional and
personal, and learn more about the
IEEE. Such YP meetups are friendly
gatherings that enable and encour-
YPs, students, and mentors discuss a wide range of topics including industry versus
academia and entrepreneurship. age communication among students,
scientists, and professionals; the cir-
The evening kicked off with Dr. machine-learning arithmetic for an cumstances of large scientific confer-
Konrad Markowski, YP Affinity Group integrated circuit designer. Partici- ences are certainly conducive to such
(AG) Chair of the IEEE Poland Section, pants spent the next couple of hours interaction. Organizing these events
who provided some brief information integrating and exchanging ideas. allows the IEEE Poland Section YP AG
about the YP Poland Section and the However, not only science and tech- to seek opportunities and cooper-
activities of this AG. Afterward, the nology were discussed that evening. ate with various IEEE Societies. The
invited guests, Prof. Paweł Gryboś Some attendees met with old friends meetings have been successful and
(general chair of the conference) and while others made new acquain- received positive ratings and reviews.
Prof. Barm Nauta (president of SSCS) tances. All guests were free to enjoy
welcomed attendees. food and drinks, and, during regis- —Adrian Lipowski
In a brief lecture, Prof. Vojin Oklob- tration, attendees could treat them-
dzija shared his knowledge about selves to a gift, including a notepad, 


the possibilities of the next generation a wider audience innovation by
technology by using of innovators and in appreciating the celebrating
it to address global engineers value and importance technological
challenges of engineering and excellence

The world’s most daunting challenges The IEEE Foundation is leading a special
require innovations in engineering, and campaign to raise awareness, create
IEEE is committed to finding the solutions. partnerships, and generate financial resources
needed to combat these global challenges.

Our goal is to raise $30 million by 2020.


SSCS-SPONSORED 2020 IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits 2020 International Symposium on VLSI
CONFERENCES Conference (A-SSCC) Design, Automation, and Test (VLSI-DAT)
9–11 November 20–23 April
2020 Hiroshima, Japan Hsinchu, Taiwan

2020 IEEE International Solid-State 2020 IEEE Symposium on VLSI

Circuits Conference (ISSCC) SSCS TECHNICALLY Technology and Circuits COSPONSORED CONFERENCES
16–20 February 14–19 June
San Francisco, California, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
United States 2020
2020 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound
2020 IEEE Custom Integrated Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and
2020 Design, Automation, and Test in
Circuits Conference (CICC) Technology Symposium (BCICTS)
Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE)
22–25 March 8–11 November
9–13 March
Boston, Massachusetts, United States Monterey, California,
Grenoble, France
United States
2020 IEEE Symposia on VLSI Circuits 2020 International Symposium on VLSI For more information on upcoming
16–18 June Technology, Systems, and Applications conferences, please visit: http://
Honolulu, Hawaii, United States (VLSI-TSA)
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951679 20–23 April
Date of current version: 23 January 2020 Hsinchu, Taiwan 

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