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national Journal
J of Phytom
medicine 7 (2015) 459-467

Originaal Researchh Article ISSN: 0975-0185

Phyttochemicaal, Antibaacterial And Antifuungal Activity Of Rhizome From

phyllum Wightii
W .Schhott Againnst Clinical Isolatees And Plant Pathoogens
Manesh Kunjumon1, ShirlyK Thomas
T 1, Ros
shin Elizabethh George1, VaaidyanathaIyeerThankamani1*

*Corrrespondingg author: Abstract

Anaphyyllumwightii. Scchott is a very rare and endem
mic threatened plant belonging to the family
Maneesh Kunjumonn Areaceaa. It has been used
u in the tribaal medicine to treeat eczema, scaabies and as anntidote against
snakebiite.Different solvvent extracts off Anaphyllumwig ightii.Schott weree prepared andd analysed for
1Dept. of Biotechnolog
gy, University of phytochhemical screeninng by standardd protocols. Anttimicrobialactivitty was measureed using well
Keralaa,Kariavattom, diffusionn method and micro dilution broth method against a clinical isolates. The n-butanol
n and
Thiruvvananthapuram 695581, Kerala, methanol extracts of A. wightii showedssignificant activity against all of the selected microorganisms.
India Water extract
e did not show any activityy against any of the organisms except Klebsielllla sp.The MIC
value foor leaf n- butanool and methanol were 1.5 mg/ml to 2.5mg/ml annd the MBC valuues were 1.25
to 5 5mmg/ml respectiveely.The antimicroobial activity of rhizome observved in the preseent study may
provide the suggestion that the plant coould be a potenttial source of new w and effective antibacterial
a &
antifunggal agents. Hennce further studies arepropossed for the isolation of the antibacterial
a &
t rhizome extrracts of A. wightitii.
antifunggal agents from the
Keyworrds: Anaphyllumw mwightii, antibacteerial, antifungal, Rhizome, Plant pathogen, MIC, MBC

Agaasthyavanum, Thiruvanthapuram m, [5] and Malapandaram tribess

Inntroductionn of Achankovil
A foresst of Kollam disstrict[6] use fresh tuber of thesee
plannts as antidote against
a snakebitte and as food which
w makes thee
Thhe plants are plethora
p of natuural products, such as alkaloidds, chaaracterization of the genus impoortant[7 and 8]. The Kanikkars,aa
phhenolics, flavonooids and terpenooids or isoprenooidsetcwhich havve tribaal community froom Agasthiarmaalai Biosphere Reserve,
R Westernn
oftten been associated with medicinal m and pharmacologiccal Ghaats, Tamil Nadu use paste of o rhizome from m A wightii foor
prooperties of the plants.
p These biooactive compounnds have assisteed exteernalapplies twicce a day to treat eczema and scabies.
ass prime moleculees for the develoopment of many medical practicees Thee alcoholic extraact of the rhizoome from A.wigghtiihas shown a
annd synthetic pootential antibiottics. Synthetic antibiotics havve signnificant anthelmiintic activity at high
h concentratioon of 200 mg/m ml
soometimes show wnantagonistic effects on thee host includinng [9]. The rhizome extract
e of A.wigightii had signifiicant membranee
mmune-suppresssion, hypersenssitivity and allergic a reactionns stabbilization(Antiinfllammatory activvity)and antioxiddant activity [100
[1].For this reasson there is need n to establish and develoop andd 11].Methanol extract of the rhizomes of A.w wightii efficientlyy
anntimicrobial druggs from natural origin that are much safer, lesss inhibited both alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase enzymes inn
exxpensive and reliable. Plant baseed antimicrobialss represent a vaast vitroo in a dose deependent manneer [12]. A. wighhtii had an antii-
unntapped source for f medicines annd they provide enormous healinng diabbetic effect in alloxan induced diabetic
d rats and the effect wass
pootential. They aree effective in thee treatment of innfectious diseasees equuivalent to thhat of referennce drug Gliibenclamide. K
with fewer side effects
e that are often associated with synthettic [13]].Antimicrobial activityhas
a not beeen reported inA.wightii.
A Hencee,
anntimicrobials[2]. in the
t present studdy an attempt has h been made to evaluate thee
Anaphyllumwightii ii. Schott is a very rare and enndemic threateneed preliminary phytochemical analysis and antimicrrobial activity oof
plaant belonging too the family Areeacea. It is com mmonly known as a crudde extracts preepared from thee rhizome of A. A wightiiagainsst
ÂKeeerikizhanguÊ and a used by tribal people in Kerala annd clinically important bacterial,fungal strains and plannt pathogens.
Aggasthiarmalai Biosphere
B Resserve, Westernn Ghats, Tam mil
Naadu[3,4]. The twwo different varieeties were obserrved from differeent
loccalities of Ponm mudi, Agusthyaa peaks, Thenm mala, Thattekkaad,
Maaterials annd Methods
Peeriyar, and Wynnad in Kerala, India at an altitude a 650-12000
meeters [4]. The plaants are observeed growing in grooups and singly in Collection of sam
mple and idenntification
coool shady habitaat. Two varietiess of A. wightiiare observed - onne Anaaphyllumwightii was collected from near thee Jersey Farm
with broad leavess and other narrrow leaves. Tribal communities in Vithhura, Thiruvanthapuram District Kerala and Indiia. Rhizome wass
Keerala include thee kani tribal comm munities of Kottooor reserve foresst, wasshed with distilleed water, andexccess water was removed and aiir

This work is licensed under a Creative Com

mmons Attribution 3.0 Lice
Kunjumon et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine 7 (4) 459-467 [2015]

dried for two weeks at room temperature. The sample was finely entire agar surface and allowed to dry for 5 minutes. 80μl
powdered in a blender, weighed and stored in dry polythene bags (500mg/ml) of various extracts dissolved in DMSO were loaded
at 4◦C prior to antibacterial and antioxidant analysis. into the wells. Streptomycin (0.125mg/ml) was taken as positive
control.Plates were incubated at 370C for 24 hrs. For each
Extract preparation bacterial strain, pure solvent was used as control. At the end of the
incubation period, inhibition zones formed around the well were
The dry powdered material was subjected to successive organic measured.
solvent extraction by refluxing in the soxhlet apparatus each for 12
hours. The solvents used were non polar to polar consisting of
Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
hexane, n-butanol, methanol and water. Each fraction was
collected when no further elution of compounds was observed. The Determination of the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of
collected extracts were subject to distillation and drying in incubator antibacterial activities of selected extracts were done using by
.The dried extracts were stored in sterile containers in the micro dilution broth method based on National Committee for
refrigerator till further analysis. Clinical Laboratory Standards (2012) [16].Mueller Hinton broth was
used for the preparation ofa series of dilutions of extract at final
Phytochemical analysis concentrations ranging from 0.312 μg/ml to 40mg/ml. The inoculum
of microorganisms was prepared from 24 hours cultures and
Standard methods used for identification of a mixture of suspensions were adjusted to 0.5 McFarland standard
phytochemicals were followed by qualitative chemical test to obtain suspensions. The tubes were distributed into 1000 μL with different
information regarding the nature of constituents present in crude concentrations of extract and 100øL inoculum. The control tubes
extract.The various extracts of different parts of A.wightiiwere contained only NB and inoculum suspensions.The inoculated tubes
analyzed for the presence of carbohydrates, alkaloids, phenols and were incubated at 370 C for 24 hours. The MIC was calculated
tannins, flavonoids,saponins, steroids, triterpenoids and where in no visible growth of tested microorganism appeared, and
coumarins[14]. were expressed in μg/ml. The tests were conducted in triplicate.
The least concentration of each extract showing a clear zone of
Microorganisms inhibition was taken as the MIC.
The bacterial cultures used were obtained from the Collections of
clinical isolates maintained at Department of Biotechnology, Determination of the Minimal Bactericidal Concentration
University of Kerala and plant pathogens collected from Central (MBC)
Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI)Thiruvanathapuram ,
The minimal bactericidal concentration of the plant extract on the
Kerala, India. The clinical isolates consisted of Shigellasp.
clinical isolates was done according to the method highlighted in
Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginoisa, Escherichia National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards(2000)[17].
coli, Klebsiellasp,Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi. Briefly 5μL was pipetted from the microbe mixture obtained in the
Stock cultures were maintained at 40C on slopes of nutrient agar. A
determination of MIC stage was streaked out on the nutrient agar
pure single colony grown on an agar plate was
at 370 C for 24 hours. The least concentration of the extract with no
transferred to 5ml of peptone water and incubated for 2 hours at
visible growth was taken as the Minimal Bactericidal Concentration.
370C. The fungal strains such as Penicilliummarneffei,
Cryptococussp, Candida
sp,Curvlariasp,Pencilliumsp,Epidermoshytonsp,Microsporumsp,Fur Antifungal activity
ariumsp,Aspergillusflavus, Aspergilluniger, Rhizopussp., and Preparation of the media for fungal culture: Sabouraud Dextrose
Aspergillusfumigatus from among human pathogens and Agar (SDA) was used as the media for human pathogens and
Sclerotiarolfrii, Phytopthorapalmivora, Phytopthoracolocaceae, Carrot agar media for plant pathogen testing. The media were
Collectotriumsp plant pathogens were used to test the inhibition sterilized in an autoclave and poured in sterile culture tubes, 1ml in
activity of the extracts. Stock cultures were maintained at 40C on each tube. The slants were kept for sterility check before use.
slopes of Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (S.D.A). Control tubes were treated with solvents only. Fungal culture were
inoculated on SDA and Carrot agar slopes and incubated at room
Antibacterial activity temperature (30-320C). Results were analyzed after a period of
one week. The results were compared with Imidazole 100øg/ml of
The well diffusion method was used to evaluate the antimicrobial
SDA [18].
activity [15]. Nutrient agar (Hi-Media -Mumbai) plates were
prepared and wells of 8mm diameter were cut using a sterile borer.
100μl of each of the prepared culture of test bacteria was placed
Results and Discussion
on the nutrient agar. The inoculum was swabbed uniformly over the
PAGE | 460 |
Kunjumon et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine 7 (4) 459-467 [2015]

Phytochemical screening Staphylococcus aureusandKlebsiella sp.The MIC value of butanol

extract from A. wightiiranged from 1.25 mg/ml (Pseudomonas
The powdered rhizome sample of A.wightti was extracted with aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureusand Klebsiellasp) to 2.5 mg/ml
various solvents viz. hexane, butanol, methanol and water. These (Salmonella paratyphi). In methanol extract of rhizome, MIC values
extracts were subjected to qualitative chemical tests and the were 1.25mg/ml. MBC results of n-butanol and methanol extracts
results are summarized in Table No 1. Phytochemical analysis of of rhizome ranged from 2.5 to 5mg/ml against selected bacteria.
various extracts of the rhizome showed the presence of primary The highest value of MBC (5mg/ml) were againstKlebsiellasp.(n-
metabolites, starch, sugar, proteins carbohydrates, and secondary butanol ) and Staphylococcus aureus (methanol).
metabolites like flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, phenols, The results showedsignificant antibacterial effects expressed as
saponinsand cumarin. Similar phytochemicals have been reported MIC and MBC of the hexane, butanol and methanol extracts
in various extracts of rhizome from A.wightii.[11and 19].Dominic against the 4 strains of clinical isolates. The hexane extracts
etal[4] has reporteda similar phytochemical except the presence of showed the lowest MIC and MBC compared other root extracts.
cumarin in the rhizome of A.wightii. This result indicates the high efficacy against selected bacteria
andhigh MIC and MBC values represent the low activity[27]. The
Antibacterial activity demonstration of antibacterial activity of A.wightiiagainst selected
clinical isolates may be indicative of the presence of broad
Table No. 2 shows results of the antibacterial activity of the various
spectrum antibiotic like compounds.The antimicrobial activity of
rhizome extracts from A wightii tested against clinical isolates by
various plants belonging to familyAreacea has been reported by
the well diffusion methods ccompared with standard antibiotic
many researchers [28].
streptomycin (0.125mg/ml) as positive control and DMSO as
Mechanism of antimicrobial activity of such compounds has not
solvent control [20,21]. Among the extracts n-Butanol and
been clearly established, but they may possibly interfere with
Methanol extracts showed the highest antibacterial activity against
peptidoglycan bacterial cell wall synthesis in the effected
all the bacterial strains used with a zone of inhibition
organisms [29] inhibiting protein synthesis, interfering with nucleic
rangingfrom12μ1-16μ1mm.The biggest zone of inhibition of
acid synthesis, breaking the peptide bonds, inhibiting the metabolic
rhizome wasin n-butanol and methanol extracts of A.wightii was
pathway,acting as chelating agents, and preventing the utilization
found against Shigella, salmonella paratyphi, Pseudomonas
of available nutrients by the microorganisms. Saswati et al (2013)
aeruginosa (16μ1mm) and least activity was observed in hexane
[28] reported that many plants from the family Araceaepossessed
(11μ1 mm) and water (11μ1.52mm) extracts.The water extracts of
significant antibacterial activity against E.coli, Basillussubtilis
rhizome did not exhibit any reasonable activity against any of the
andStaphylocococusaeruginosa. This antimicrobial activity could
clinical isolates except Klebsiellasp (11μ1.52mm).In this study the
be incited by compounds presents in their composition such as
organic extracts provided more powerful antimicrobial activity as
phenolic compounds and/or flavonoids.The antibacterial activity of
compared to aqueous extracts. The antibiotic compounds already
these compounds are widely demonstrated [36,37 and38].
identified in plants were reportedly aromatic or saturated organic
Flavonoids which are hydroxylated phenolic substances might be
molecules which could easily be solubilized in organic
exerting antimicrobial activity due to their capability to complex with
solvents[22].The zone of inhibition of methanol and butanol
extracellular and soluble proteins and to complex with bacterial cell
extracts against Staphylococcus aureusand Pseudomonas
wall [31] . Phenolic constituents of plants can bind to bacterial cell
aeruginosawere comparatively more than standard antibiotic
wall and inactivation of bacterial enzymes[32]. The results obtained
streptomycin.Secondary metabolites of plants protect themselves
from these studies demonstrate that plants contain bioactive
from microorganisms, herbivores and insects, thus antimicrobial
compounds which are connected with antimicrobial properties in
effect is expected from plants containing flavonoids, alkaloids,
plants against bacterial and fungal strains. Most plants contain
tannins, saponins and tri-terpenoidswhich can be tested against
several compounds like flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins and phenolic
various range of microorganisms[23]. The results obtained from
compounds with antimicrobial properties for protection against
this work revealed that the plants contained phytocompoundswhich
aggressor agents, especially microorganisms.These bioactive
are associated with antimicrobial properties in plants [24].
compounds are important raw materials for drug production from
Flavonoids are hydroxylated phenolic substance known to be
the medicinal plants [33]. Chanda and Kaneria 2011[34] reported
synthesized by plants in response to microbial infection and it
that in plant cell the bioactive compounds are normally
should not be surprising that they have been found in vitro to be
accumulated as secondary metabolites but their concentration
effective antimicrobial substances against a wide array of
could vary in different parts of plants. Bioactivecompounds from
microorganisms[25]. Coumarins are also known to act against
plants serve as a novel source for infectious disease management
Gram positive bacterial and fungal infections which could be
as an alternate to synthetic drugs and several phytochemicals have
attributed to its antimicrobial activity[26].
been derived from the plant materials like bark,
Table No.3 shows results of the minimum inhibitory concentration
stem,leaves,roots,fruits,seeds,fruit rind, flowers andwhole
(MIC) of rhizome extracts from A. wightii against test bacterial
strains Salmonella paratyphi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
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Kunjumon et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine 7 (4) 459-467 [2015]

Antifungal activity No.4). The methanol extract showed inhibition of the growth of
selected 10 human pathogenic fungi and minimal growth in
The data pertaining to theantifungal potential of different extracts of Aspergillusfumigatus. It is notable that the methanol extract
A.wightti rhizome are presented in Table 3& 4. The n-Butanol, showed inhibition of Phytophthorapalmivora. The water extract
methanol and water extracts of A. wightii strongly inhibited the showed no inhibition of human and plant pathogenic fungi.The
growth of fungi including pathogenic strains of human and plant results obtained from these studies determine that various parts of
fungi. The n-butanol extract of rhizome showed inhibition against of plants contained bioactive compounds which possess antimicrobial
the growth of pathogenic fungus except Sclerotiarolfrii (Table properties in plants against external bacterial and fungal strains.

Table No.1 Preliminary screening for phytochemicals of rhizome extracts fromA, wightii
SL.No Name of the compound Name of the extracts
n-Hex n-But Met Wat
1 Carbohydrate + + + +
2 Protein & fat + + + -
3 Alkaloids - + + -
4 Phenolic Compounds - + + -
5 Terpenoid + + + -
6 Flavonoid + + + +
7 Coumarins - + + -
8 Steroids + + + +

(+) Presence; (-) Absence)

Table No.2Antibacterial activityof n-hexane, n-butanol, methanol and water extracts of Rhizome from A.wightii(500mg/ml).
Zone of inhibition in mm (diameter)
Sl. No Name of bacteria
1 Proteus sp 16μ0.57 0μ0.0 7μ0.57 15μ1.15 15μ1 0μ0.0
2 Shigellasp 0μ0.0 0μ0.0 10μ1052 16μ1 15μ0.57 0μ0.0
3 Salmonella paratyphi 16μ1.5 0μ0.0 0μ0.0 15μ1.52 15μ1 0μ0.0
4 Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 14μ1.52 0μ0.0 11μ1 15μ0.57 16μ1 0μ0.0
5 Klebsiellasp 16μ1.52 0μ0.0 0μ0.0 15μ0.57 15μ0.577 11μ1.52
6 Escherichia coli 19μ1 0μ0.0 0μ0.0 12μ1 14μ1.15 0μ0.0
7 Salmonella typhi 18μ0.577 0μ0.0 0μ0.0 15μ0.95 14μ0.52 0μ0.0
8 Staphylococcus aureus 16μ1.15 0μ0.0 0μ0.0 0μ0.0 15μ0.64 0μ0.0
All the values are mean μ SD; SD: standard deviation
Positive control: Streptomycin (0.125mg/ml) and Negative control: DMSO

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Kunjumon et al. Innternational Joournal of Phyttomedicine 7 (4) 459-467 [2015]

Plate No.1Inhibition activity off rhizome extractts from A. wightitii.Schottagainst
A) Proteus sp, (B
(A B) Shigellasp (C) Salmonella para
ratyphi,(D) Pseud
udomonas aerugi
ginosa(E) Klebsieellasp, (F) Escheerichia Coli, (G) Salmonella
S typhhi,
H) Staphylococcuus aureus.



4 n‐Hex

2 n‐But

0 Meth


Proteus sp Shigella sp Sallmonella  Pseudomonas  Klebsiella sp E‐coli Sallmonella typhi  Staphyylococcus 
paaratyphi aerugino
osa.  au

Figuree. No 1: Figure showing

s comparaative antimicrobiial activity of different solvent exxtract from A. Wightii
Wig .Schott.rhizzome.

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Kunjumon et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine 7 (4) 459-467 [2015]

Table No.3 Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of n-butanol and methanol extracts of rhizome from A. wightii.Schott.
Organism and Concentration (mg/ml)
solvent extract 40 20 10 5 2.5 1.25 0.625 0.312
n--Butanol Extract
1 Salmonella paratyphi - - - - - + + +
2 Pseudomonas aeruginosa - - - - - - + +
3 Klebsiellasp - - - - - - + +
4 Staphylococcus aureus - - - - - - + +
Methanol extract
1 Salmonella paratyphi - - - - - - + +
2 Pseudomonas aeruginosa - - - - - - + +
3 Klebsiellasp - - - - - - + +
4 Staphylococcus aureus - - - - - - + +
(-) Inhibition of organism, (+) Growth of organism

Table No.4Minimal Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) of n-butanol and methanol extracts of rhizome from A. wightii.
Test Microorganism and Concentration (mg/ml)
solvent extract 40 20 10 5 2.5 1.25 0.625 0.312
n--Butanol Extract
1 Salmonella paratyphi - - - - - + + +
2 Pseudomonas aeruginosa - - - - - + + +
3 Klebsiellasp - - - - + + + +
4 Staphylococcus aureus - - - - - + + +
Methanol extract
1 Salmonella paratyphi - - - - - + + +
2 Pseudomonas aeruginosa - - - - - + + +
3 Klebsiellasp - - - - - + + +
4 Staphylococcus aureus - - - - + + + +

Inhibition of organism, (+) Growth of organism.

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Kunjumon et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine 7 (4) 459-467 [2015]

Table No. 5 Activity of solvent crude extracts of rhizome fromA. wightii against fungal strains.

Rhizome solvent extracts (500mg /ml)

Sl. No Name of the fungus
n-Hexane N-Butanol Methanol Water
1 Penicilliummarneffei - - - +
2 Cryptococus - - - +
3 Candida - - - +
4 Penicilliumsp - - - +
5 Epidermophyton - - - +
6 Microsporum - - - +
7 Fusarium - - - +
8 Aspergillusflavus - - - +
9 Aspergillusniger - - - +
10 Rhizopussp - - - +

11 Aspergillusfumigatus - - - +

Inhibition of organism, (+) Growth of organism

Table No.6Activity of solvent crude extracts from rhizome of A. wightii against plant pathogens.
Solvent extracts (500mg/ml)
SI .No Name of the fungus n-Hex N-But Meth Wat
1 Sclerotiarolfrii - - - +
2 Phytopthorapalmivora + + + +
3 Phytopthoracolocaceae - - - +
4 Collectotriumsp - - + +
(-) Inhibition of organism, (+) Growth of organism

Conclusion Acknowledgement
From this study we concluded that this plant has a wide range of
The authors are thankful to the Central Tuber Crops Research
medicinal-antimicrobial activity. It has also been demonstrated that
Institute (CTCRI)Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India for providing
herbal medicine can be effective to combat
the plant pathogens.
pathogenicmicroorganisms. Using different purification methods,
these antimicrobial compounds can be further purified and studied.

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Kunjumon et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine 7 (4) 459-467 [2015]

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