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Information and Communications Technology (ICT)  Then they started to write symbols as substitutes for pictures to depict

ideas, objects, and animals. These gave rise to our modern-day alphabet.
 Refers to the technologies, both hardware and software, that enable
 Time passed and early humans soon realized that stone tablets are too
humans to communicate with one another
heavy and bulky (information to be stored was growing and was
 It is a common misconception that ICT is Internet or computer alone
becoming enormous, and writing these pieces of information in stone
 It is basically any form of technology that enables you to communicate
tablets was impractical).
HARDWARE  When paper was finally produced from the papyrus plant, storing of
information was revolutionized.
 In computer technology, the term hardware refers to any electronic or  Humans continued to write information that can be organized in some
mechanical equipment used in data processing manner and kept as a permanent record. They eventually compiled these
 It refers to the physical components that performs the functions of data records written on pieces of paper and bound them together, eventually
preparation, data input, data manipulation, data storage and output of giving birth to books.
information  As these books grew in number, they needed to be compiled and stored
SOFTWARE in areas; hence, libraries were created.
 Libraries were considered to be the first data centers in history.
 In computer technology, the term software refers to any written
programs or charts that may be used in connection with computer
operations In the late stages of this period, humans started using the numerical system.
Humans started to invent devices and techniques in counting.
Evolution of ICT
Manual Counting device:
The beginning of ICT can be traced back when humans started to use
objects to communicate with one another. It is ascertained/discovered that ICT  A simple mechanism powered by hand.
began along with the rise of humans.  Devices of this type required some sort of physical effort from the user
when used.
Main Periods in history that divide the era of ICT
Examples: Abacus, Napier’s Bones, Slide Rule
 Pre-mechanical
 Mechanical Abacus
 Electromechanical  The first manual data processing device.
 Electronic  The device has a frame with beads strung on wires or rods.
Periods of ICT Development  The abacus is an instrument used to perform arithmetic calculations by
manipulating the beads.
The Pre-mechanical Period  The Abacus was developed in China in the 12th century A.D., the abacus
 Humans started communicating with one another using words and is still used in China, Japan, and Korea.
pictograms carved in rocks. Reasons for its popularity: Simple, Effective
Napier’s Bones Mechanical Counting device:

 John Napier was a Scottish mathematician who became famous for his  Uses a combination of manual procedures and mechanical equipment.
invention of logarithms.
Examples: Pascal’s Calculator (Pascaline), Leibniz’s Calculator
 The use of “logs” enabled him to reduce any multiplication problem to a
problem of addition. Pascal's Calculator
 The “bones” are a set of eleven rods with numbers marked on them in
such a way that by simply placing the rods side by side products and  In 1645, Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician and experimental physicist
developed a mechanical calculator to speed arithmetic calculations for his
quotients of large numbers can be obtained.
father, a tax official.
 The sticks were called “bones” because they are made of bone or ivory.
 The calculating machine was capable of adding and subtracting numbers
 Napier’s “Bones” represented a significant contribution to the
up to eight digits.
development of computing devices.
 Numbers are dialed in on the metal wheels on the front of the calculator.
Oughtred’s Slide Rule  Addition was performed by “stepping” (hand turning) the appropriate
wheels by the amount to be added. Subtraction required turning the
 Invented by William Oughtred, an English mathematician during the 17th
wheels in reverse.
 The solutions appear in the little windows along the top.
 Prior to the invention of the hand-held calculator, the slide rule was a
standard tool for engineers and scientists. Serious drawback:
 Operating on the principle that all mathematical computations may be
carried out on sets of sliding scales, the device looks much like a heavily  It could not be produced by the technology of his time.
calibrated ruler with a movable midsection.  There was no industrial technology in the seventeenth century.
 The midsection, called the sliding center scales, is engraved with fine lines  The device received a patent, but Pascal did not have much success in
to allow the user to align different logarithmic scales rapidly and manufacturing it.
efficiently.  Despite the emerging uses for such devices, the need was not critical nor
 Multiplication, addition, subtraction, division, squaring, cubing, extracting even really evident for most people in the society.
roots, and more complicated calculations were computed regularly by Leibniz's Calculator
adept users until well into the 1960s.
 Invented by Gottfried Leibniz, a 17th century scientist who recognizes the
The Mechanical Period value of building machines that could do mathematical calculations and
 The interest in automating and speeding up numerical calculations grew save labor.
 The machines driven by mechanical means such as steam and gears  Leibniz was one of the greatest scientific geniuses of his time.
dominated information processing and calculation.  At age 26, he taught himself mathematics and then proceeded to invent
 This period also concentrated primarily on development of machines that calculus.
will enhance calculation speed.  In 1694, Leibniz completed his calculator.
 It utilizes the same techniques for addition and subtraction as Pascal’s started to revolutionize information handling and processing. Machines were
device but could also perform multiplication and division, as well as mechanical in nature but were run by electricity.
extract square roots.
Electromechanical device is usually powered by an electric motor and uses
 The machine was somewhat ahead of its time and society for the most
switches and relays.
part was not yet ready for calculating devices designed to save labor.
 The working models constructed in 1694 and 1704 were never duplicated. Examples: Telegraph, Telephone, Punched-card data processing equipment,
Household electrical appliances
Babbage’s Analytical Engine
 Charles Babbage, a 19th century British mathematician, designed the
difference engine machine in 1822.  Invented in 1837 by William Cooke and Sir Charles Wheatstone.
 Considered the father of the modern computer.  It was the first device to use electricity to transmit information over an
 Although he did not actually build an operational computer himself, his electrical media.
ideas became the basis for modern computational devices.  Samuel Morse, an American inventor who successfully introduce the first
 The difference engine was designed to automate a standard procedure single-circuit telegraph which gave rise to the Morse code in 1844.
for calculating the roots of polynomial.  However, humans were not satisfied with simply transmitting symbols or
 Despite his foresight and his keen ideas, Babbage lacked the letters over long distances; they became fascinated with the idea of voice
perseverance to complete the project. transmission.
 He abandoned the difference engine to work on a more powerful device,
the Analytical Engine, which was similar in concept to 20th century digital
computers.  Alexander Graham Bell was granted the patent for the telephone in 1876.
 This machine, was never realized owing to unavailable resources to fund  The telephone converts sounds into electricity and enables the telephone
the project and the limited technology of the time. network to transmit it over copper wires.
 Although the device did not have a memory, Babbage’s later idea for the
Hollerith’s Punched-Card Machine Electric Tabulating Machine
Analytical Engine would have been a true, programmable computer if the
technology of his time had been able to build it.  Herman Hollerith, an American engineer and statistician with the US
 Lady Ada Byron, countess of Lovelace (daughter of the poet Lord Byron), Bureau of the census, invented the electric tabulating machine, to help
worked with Babbage. process the results of the 1890 U.S. census.
 She wrote a demonstration program for the analytical engine, prompting  Early United States censuses were tabulated by hand, a process that took
many to refer to her as the first programmer. years.
The Electromechanical Period  Using 3 by 5 inch punched cards to record the data, he constructed an
electromagnetic counting machine to sort the data manually and tabulate
The use of electricity for information handling and transfer bloomed. The the data.
need and the urgency to share information with one another in a faster yet  Unlike Babbage, Hollerith had the advantage of electricity.
reliable manner over long distances aroused. At this time, computing devices also
 To use the machine, census clerks converted responses on census Since the 1940s several generations of computers have continuously
questionnaires to holes punched in predetermined locations on paper evolved. From first generation up to the present, the trend has been to produce
cards. more powerful, less expensive, smaller, and more reliable computers.
 When pins in the card reader passed through the holes, an electrical
The Vacuum Tube Period
circuit was completed that activated the appropriate mechanical counters.
 The machine was the first commercially successful data processing  A model of the Fleming valve illustrates the technology that led to the
machine that could sort 300 cards per minute. development of the vacuum tube, one of the most important early
electronic devices.
Computer Card Key Punch
 A typical vacuum tube consists of electrodes (metal plates) and wires
 The IBM 010 punch was one of the first devices designed to perforate in an evacuated glass bulb and is used to regulate electric currents or
cards. electronic signals.
 A hole or the lack of a hole in a card represented information that could  Before the advent of the transistor, vacuum tubes were used
be read by early computers. Modern optical storage devices, such as CD- extensively in the operation of devices such as televisions, radios, and
ROMs, use microscopic pits instead of punched paper holes to store computers.
Although the vacuum tube was the device that made computers so much
The Electronic Period faster and more powerful than any of its early predecessors, it had several faults:

 Started in the 1940’s and continues to the present.  It was not a long-live component. The average time between tube failures
 The highlight of this period is focused on the advent of solid state devices was 12 hours.
or electronic devices  It required some 3,500 kilowatts of electricity per day to provide the heat
needed to get electrons moving in all of its tubes.
Main events found in the Electronic Period
 Vacuum tubes produced a large amount of heat that computers required
 The vacuum tubes period, The transistors period, The integrated air conditioning and special insulation of the tubes to protect the other
circuits period, The computer processors period machine components.
 The vacuum tube made it necessary to construct enormous and bulky
Beginning in 1937, Howard Aiken set out to build an automatic calculating machines.
machine that would combine established technology with the punched cards of
Hollerith. The completed device was known as the Mark I digital computer. MARK I

The first electronic digital computer to be put into full operation was built  In the 1930s American mathematician Howard Aiken developed the Mark
as a secret wartime project between 1939 and 1946 at the University of I calculating machine, which was built by IBM.
Pennsylvania’s Moore School of Electrical Engineering. This machine, which used  The project was completed in 1944 and was known as the MARK I digital
vacuum tubes, was called the “ENIAC” computer. computer.
 This electronic calculating machine used relays and electromagnetic
Following the war, work began on the “EDVAC”, a computer which
components to replace mechanical components.
worked on the stored-program concept.
 The official name of MARK I was Automatic Sequence Controlled  ENIAC’s speed of calculation was a thousand times faster than the best
Calculator. mechanical calculators.
 It was approximately 50 ft. long and 8 ft. high, and consisted of some  In 1947, the ENIAC was moved to the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, a
700,000 moving parts and several hundred miles of wiring. government research center, where it continued to be used until October
 MARK I could perform the four basic arithmetic operations and could 1955.
locate information stored in tabular form.  In 1959 it was placed in the Smithsonian Institute.
 It processed numbers up to 23 digits long, and could multiply three eight-
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)
digit numbers in 1 second.
 Aiken also introduced computers to universities by establishing the first  John Von Neumann, a Hungarian-born mathematician proposed a
computer science program at Harvard University in Cambridge, modified version of the ENIAC in 1946.
Massachusetts.  Employs binary arithmetic rather than decimal arithmetic. The MARK I
 Aiken obsessively mistrusted the concept of storing a program within the and the ENIAC both used decimal arithmetic in all their calculations. Von
computer, insisting that the integrity of the machine could be maintained Neumann showed that binary arithmetic would make for much simpler
only through a strict separation of program instructions from data. computer circuitry.
 His computer had to read instructions from punched cards, which could  Would have stored-program capability.
be stored away from the computer.  Proposed wiring a permanent set of instructions within the computer and
 He also urged the National Bureau of Standards not to support the placing these operations under a central control.
development of computers, insisting that there would never be a need  Further proposed that the instruction codes governing the operations be
for more than five or six of them nationwide. stored in the same way that the data were stored as binary numbers.
 The EDVAC would have no need for special instruction wiring. Instead, it
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator)
would process instructions by the same mechanism and as quickly as it
 Was developed during the period 1943 to 1946 under the direction of processed data.
Presper Eckert Jr., and John Mauchly.  The EDVAC was not the first stored-program machine to go into operation.
 The project was funded by the government for a group of young  The honor went to an English-made computer, the EDSAC (Electronic
engineers working at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering of the Delay Storage Automatic Calculator), in 1949 at Cambridge University.
University of Pennsylvania to solve ballistic problems.  Its designer had attended a course of lectures on automatic computers at
 Was the first fully electronic digital computer. the Moore School, then returned to England to build a machine that had
 First introduced at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946, it remained in a more accurate memory, with smaller capacity, than the EDVAC.
service until 1955.
The Transistor Period
 ENIAC contained 18,000 vacuum tubes and required manual rewiring to
be programmed.  The transistor was invented in 1947.
 It could perform 300 multiplications per second.  It is an electronic device with properties and functions similar to vacuum
 In February of 1946, the ENIAC took only 2 hours to solve a nuclear tubes, except that electrons move through solid materials instead of
physics problem that would previously have required 100 years of through a vacuum.
calculation by a physicist.  The transistor is the foundation of every electronic device today.
 Computers become much smaller in size, faster, more reliable, and much
greater in processing capacity.
 The new transistor technology made the previous generation obsolete.

UNIVAC Computer (Universal Automatic Computer)

 The first commercially available electronic computer, UNIVAC I, was made

by the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation in 1951.
 UNIVAC was the first computer capable of handling both numeric and
textual information, and was used by the United States Census Bureau.

The Integrated Circuits (IC) Period

 Invented by an American electrical engineer named Jack Kilby in 1958.

 It is a device that is composed of a group of transistors and circuit
elements compressed in a single package.
 The IC revolutionized the use of computers and electronic devices
because circuits are integrated in a chip, limiting the distance between
components, resulting in a faster operating speed.
 A number of smaller devices intended for information processing and
communication were developed.

The Computer Processors Period

 The advent and development of Integrated Circuits ushered in the period

of powerful processors.
 ICs are used in processing devices, and processors are constructed in IC
 Personal computers then used these processors to deliver user
 Computers are evolving from basic textual interfaces to graphical user
interface (GUI).
 The fast-paced development and innovation in personal computing paved
the way for the birth of different user applications that introduced ease
and comfort for users.

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