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A Novel Coronavirus Emerging in China —

Key Questions for Impact Assessment
Vincent J. Munster, Ph.D., Marion Koopmans, D.V.M., Neeltje van Doremalen, Ph.D., Debby van Riel, Ph.D.,
and Emmie de Wit, Ph.D.​​

A Novel Coronavirus Emerging in China

novel coronavirus, designated as 2019-nCoV, China, Thailand, Korea, and Japan

emerged in Wuhan, China, at the end of indicate that the disease associat-
ed with 2019-nCoV appears to be
2019. As of January 24, 2020, at least 830 relatively mild as compared with
cases had been diagnosed in nine countries: China, SARS and MERS.
After initial reports of a SARS-
Thailand, Japan, South Korea, an emergence that has put global like virus emerging in Wuhan, it
Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan, Ne- public health institutions on high appears that 2019-nCoV may be
pal, and the United States. Twenty- alert. less pathogenic than MERS-CoV
six fatalities occurred, mainly in China responded quickly by in- and SARS-CoV (see table). How-
patients who had serious under- forming the World Health Orga- ever, the virus’s emergence raises
lying illness.1 Although many de- nization (WHO) of the outbreak an important question: What is
tails of the emergence of this vi- and sharing sequence information the role of overall pathogenicity in
rus — such as its origin and its with the international community our ability to contain emerging vi-
ability to spread among humans after discovery of the causative ruses, prevent large-scale spread,
— remain unknown, an increas- agent. The WHO responded rap- and prevent them from causing a
ing number of cases appear to idly by coordinating diagnostics pandemic or becoming endemic
have resulted from human-to- development; issuing guidance on in the human population? Im-
human transmission. Given the patient monitoring, specimen col- portant questions regarding any
severe acute respiratory syndrome lection, and treatment; and provid- emerging virus are, What is the
coronavirus (SARS-CoV) outbreak ing up-to-date information on the shape of the disease pyramid?
in 2002 and the Middle East re- outbreak.3 Several countries in the What proportion of infected peo-
spiratory syndrome coronavirus region as well as the United States ple develop disease? And what pro-
(MERS-CoV) outbreak in 2012,2 are screening travelers from Wu- portion of those seek health care?
2019-nCoV is the third coronavirus han for fever, aiming to detect These three questions inform the
to emerge in the human popula- 2019-nCoV cases before the virus classic surveillance pyramid (see
tion in the past two decades — spreads further. Updates from diagram).4 Emerging coronavirus-

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PERS PE C T IV E A Novel Coronavirus Emerging in China

Table 1. Pathogenicity and Transmissibility Characteristics of Recently Emerged Viruses in Relation to Outbreak Containment.

Case Fatality
Virus Rate (%) Pandemic Contained Remarks
2019-nCoV Unknown* Unknown No, efforts ongoing
pH1N1 0.02–0.4 Yes No, postpandemic circulation and es-
tablishment in human population
H7N9 39 No No, eradication efforts in poultry res-
ervoir ongoing
NL63 Unknown Unknown No, endemic in human population
SARS-CoV 9.5 Yes Yes, eradicated from intermediate ani- 58% of cases result from nos-
mal reservoir ocomial transmission
MERS-CoV 34.4 No No, continuous circulation in animal 70% of cases result from nos-
reservoir and zoonotic spillover ocomial transmission
Ebola virus (West 63 No Yes

* Number will most likely continue to change until all infected persons recover.

es raise an additional question: ing the relationship between SARS-CoV — cause disease of
How widespread is the virus in transmissibility and pathogenici- different severity. Whereas NL63
its reservoir? Currently, epidemi- ty of respiratory viruses has been usually causes mild upper respi-
ologic data that would allow us influenced by our understanding ratory tract disease and is en-
to draw this pyramid are largely of influenza A virus: the change demic in the human population,
unavailable (see diagram). in receptor specificity necessary SARS-CoV induced severe lower
Clearly, efficient human-to- for efficient human-to-human respiratory tract disease with a
human transmission is a require- transmission of avian influenza case-fatality rate of about 11%
ment for large-scale spread of this viruses leads to a tropism shift (see table). SARS-CoV was even-
emerging virus. However, the se- from the lower to the upper respi- tually contained by means of
verity of disease is an important ratory tract, resulting in a lower syndromic surveillance, isolation
indirect factor in a virus’s ability disease burden. Two primary — of patients, and quarantine of their
to spread, as well as in our ability and recent — examples are the contacts. Thus, disease severity is
to identify those infected and to pandemic H1N1 virus and the avi- not necessarily linked to transmis-
contain it — a relationship that an influenza H7N9 virus. Whereas sion efficiency.
holds true whether an outbreak the pandemic H1N1 virus — Even if a virus causes subclini-
results from a single spillover binding to receptors in the upper cal or mild disease in general,
event (SARS-CoV) or from repeat- respiratory tract — caused rela- some people may be more suscep-
ed crossing of the species barrier tively mild disease and became tible and end up seeking care. The
(MERS-CoV). endemic in the population, the majority of SARS-CoV and MERS-
If infection does not cause se- H7N9 virus — binding to recep- CoV cases were associated with
rious disease, infected people prob- tors in the lower respiratory tract nosocomial transmission in hos-
ably will not end up in health care — has a case-fatality rate of ap- pitals,5 resulting at least in part
centers. Instead, they will go to proximately 40% and has so far from the use of aerosol-generat-
work and travel, thereby potential- resulted in only a few small clus- ing procedures in patients with
ly spreading the virus to their con- ters of human-to-human trans- respiratory disease. In particular,
tacts, possibly even internationally. mission. nosocomial super-spreader events
Whether subclinical or mild dis- It is tempting to assume that appear to have driven large out-
ease from 2019-nCoV is also as- this association would apply to breaks within and between health
sociated with a reduced risk of other viruses as well, but such a care settings. For example, travel
virus spread remains to be deter- similarity is not a given: two from Hong Kong to Toronto by
mined. coronaviruses that use the same one person with SARS-CoV result-
Much of our thinking regard- receptor (ACE2) — NL63 and ed in 128 SARS cases in a local

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PE R S PE C T IV E A Novel Coronavirus Emerging in China

and thereby breaking the trans-

mission chain of 2019-nCoV.

Ability to contain emerging virus

in absence of countermeasures
Patients seek health care and can
be diagnosed and isolated, and Epidemiologic information on
Fatal their contacts can be traced. the pathogenicity and transmis-
A caveat is that coronaviruses
have a propensity for noso- sibility of this virus obtained by
Severe comial spread. means of molecular detection and
serosurveillance is needed to fill
Patients do not seek health care, in the details in the surveillance
do not receive a diagnosis, and
Mild or asymptomatic
may spread the virus to contacts. pyramid and guide the response to
this outbreak. Moreover, the pro-
pensity of novel coronaviruses to
Figure 1. Surveillance Pyramid and Its Relation to Outbreak Containment. spread in health care centers indi-
The proportion of mild and asymptomatic cases versus severe and fatal cases is cur- cates a need for peripheral health
rently unknown for 2019-nCoV — a knowledge gap that hampers realistic assess-
care facilities to be on standby to
ment of the virus’s epidemic potential and complicates the outbreak response.
identify potential cases as well.
hospital. Similarly, the introduc- ple are able to transmit the virus). In addition, increased prepared-
tion of a single patient with MERS- More pathogenic viruses that ness is needed at animal markets
CoV from Saudi Arabia into the transmit well between humans and other animal facilities, while
South Korean health care system can generally be contained effec- the possible source of this emerg-
resulted in 186 MERS cases. tively through syndromic (fever) ing virus is being investigated. If
The substantial involvement surveillance and contact tracing, we are proactive in these ways,
of nosocomial transmission in as exemplified by SARS-CoV and, perhaps we will never have to dis-
both SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV more recently, Ebola virus. Al- cover the true epidemic or pan-
outbreaks suggests that such trans- though containment of the ongo- demic potential of 2019-nCoV.
mission is a serious risk with other ing Ebola virus outbreak in the Disclosure forms provided by the authors
newly emerging respiratory coro- Democratic Republic of Congo is are available at

naviruses. In addition to the vul- complicated by violent conflict, From the Laboratory of Virology, National
nerability of health care settings all previous outbreaks were con- Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
to outbreaks of emerging coro- tained through identification of National Institutes of Health, Hamilton, MT
(V.J.M., N.D., E.W.); and the Department of
naviruses, hospital populations cases and tracing of contacts, de- Viroscience, Erasmus Medical Center, Rot-
are at significantly increased risk spite the virus’s efficient person- terdam, the Netherlands (M.K., D.R.).
for complications from infection. to-person transmission. This article was published on January 24,
Age and coexisting conditions We currently do not know 2020, at
(such as diabetes or heart dis- where 2019-nCoV falls on the scale 1. Disease outbreak news (DONs). Geneva:
ease) are independent predictors of human-to-human transmissi- World Health Organization, 2020 (https://
of adverse outcome in SARS-CoV bility. But it is safe to assume that
2. de Wit E, van Doremalen N, Falzarano
and MERS-CoV. Thus, emerging if this virus transmits efficiently, D, Munster VJ. SARS and MERS: recent in-
viruses that may go undetected its seemingly lower pathogenicity sights into emerging coronaviruses. Nat Rev
because of a lack of severe dis- as compared with SARS, possibly Microbiol 2016;14:523-34.
3. Laboratory testing for 2019 novel corona-
ease in healthy people can pose combined with super-spreader virus (2019-nCoV) in suspected human cases.
significant risk to vulnerable pop- events in specific cases, could al- Geneva: World Health Organization, 2020
ulations with underlying medical low large-scale spread. In this (
conditions. manner, a virus that poses a low -(2019-ncov)-in-suspected-human-cases).
A lack of severe disease mani- health threat on the individual 4. Gibbons CL, Mangen M-JJ, Plass D, et al.
festations affects our ability to level can pose a high risk on the Measuring underreporting and under-ascer-
tainment in infectious disease datasets: a
contain the spread of the virus. population level, with the poten- comparison of methods. BMC Public Health
Identification of chains of trans- tial to cause disruptions of global 2014;14:147.
mission and subsequent contact public health systems and eco- 5. Chowell G, Abdirizak F, Lee S, et al.
Transmission characteristics of MERS and
tracing are much more complicat- nomic losses. This possibility SARS in the healthcare setting: a compara-
ed if many infected people remain warrants the current aggressive tive study. BMC Med 2015;13:210.
asymptomatic or mildly sympto- response aimed at tracing and DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2000929
matic (assuming that these peo- diagnosing every infected patient Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.
A Novel Coronavirus Emerging in China

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