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Hydrology Report

Asupani Bridge

Bridge No. 11/1

CA Chainage :- 13+228
Bridge No. 11/1

b) Nalla:
Asupani River

c) Soil description: Boulder mixed with pebbles

d) CA Proposal:
Span arrangement 6x40 m
Outer carriageway width 12.9 m

e) Design Proposal:
Span arrangement 10x24
Outer carriageway width 12.9 m
Type of super structure Precast RCC Girder with cast insitu deck slab

g) Hydrology:
HFL 597.41 m
Velocity 6.36 m/sec
Design Discharge 3157.73 cumec
Project Road : Roing Hunli section (NH-313)
Name of River/Nallah/Stream : Asupani River
Name of nearest Village/Town : Ashu
Bridge No. : 11/1
Longitude : 95°46'39.50"E
Latitude : 28°14'34.38"N
GT Sheet No. : H46 X16,H47S07,H47S03
Hydrometerological Sub Zone : 2 (a)


Proposed span arrangement : 10x24
Total width provided : 240 m
Obstruction due to pier/abutment : 18 m
Clear water way provided (Skew) : 222 m
Skew Angle : 0 deg
Bed Level at proposed bridge site : 593.66 m
HFL assumed at proposed bridge site : 1.5 m above bed level
: 595.158 m


A = X-sectional Area
S = Slope considered
P = Wetted perimeter
R = Hydraulic mean radius = A/P
V = Velocity = 1/n R2/3 S1/2
n = Mainings rugosity coefficient = 0.04
Q = Discharge = A*V


Q = CM3/4 (Refer SP-13, page 7)
C = 14-19 where annual rainfall is more than 120 cm
= 11-14 where annual rainfall is 60-120 cm
= 22 in western Ghats
C adopted = 19
Catchments area (M) = 156.20 Sq km
Discharge Q = 839.49 cums
Discharge by Rational Formula
Catchment area (A) = 156.20 sqkm = 15620.0 Hectares
Length of path from toposheet (L) = 15.30 Km
Difference in levels from toposheet (H) = 92.3 m
Maximum rain fall (F) (100 years return period) = 500 mm
Storm Duration = 24 Hour
Conversion ratio for one hour rainfall = 0.26
One hour rainfall (Io) = 260.4167 mm/hrs
Time of concentration (I.R.C.SP-13, page 12) = 3.876 hrs
Critical rainfall intensity = 106.8 mm
Discharge Q = 0.028 * P*f* A* Ic
P= = 0.8
f= = 0.66
A= = 15620.0 Hectares
Ic = = 10.7 cm/hr
Q= = 2466.78 cum/sec
tc = Time of concentration i.e.time taken by the runoff from the farthest point on the periphery of catchments
= (0.87*L3/H)0.385
Io = One hour rainfall in cm.
= ( F/T )*( T+1 )/( 1+1 )
Ic = Critical intensity of rainfall in cm per hour
= Io*( 2/( 1+tc ) )
P = Coefficient of runoff for the catchments characteristics ( Ref.Table-4.1, P-13, I.R.C.:SP:13-2004)
A = Catchments area in hectare
Q = Maximum discharge in cumecs.
L = Distance from the critical point to the structure in Km.
H = The fall in level from the critical point to the structure in meter

Discharge by SUG = 3157.7 cumecs
Discharge by Dicken's Formula = 839.5 cumecs
Discharge by Rational Formula = 2466.8 cumecs
As per IRC SP 13, Design discharge should be highest of above three methods, limited to 1.5 times of second highest

Design Discharge = 3157.73 cumecs


Note : HFL is recalculated using Hit & trial method.
Assumed HFL = 597.15 m

X-section at m m2 m m m/m m/sec m3/sec
With afflux
Bridge site 597.15 496.1 236.1 2.1 0.02408 6.36 3157

As the discharge calculated is nearly equal to design discharge, hence assumed HFL is taken as design HFL.
W = 240 m
Dd = 496.12/240
= 2.067 m
L = 222 m

Velocity of unobstructed flow u = 6.36 m/sec

Discharge at bridge site Q = 3157.2 m /sec

L/W = 0.9
Coefficient e = 0.2
Coefficient CO = 0.9

By Orifice formula, the discharge is given as

h = [Q / ( C0 √(2g) L Dd ) ]2 - (1+e) u2 / 2g
= 2.71574 - 0.0605 *u
= 0.26561 m

By Weir formula, the discharge is given as :

Q = 1.706 Cw L H3/2
Cw = 0.98
H = 4.167
Du = H - u2/2g
= 2.10297

Afflux = Du - Dd
= 2.10297 - 2.067
= 0.036 m

Afflux by orifice formula h = 0.26561 m

Afflux by weir formula h = 0.036 m
Depth of flow at Down stream Dd = 2.067 m
Orifice formula is applicable only when h <= Dd/4
Hence afflux adopted = 0.266 m

Design HFL with Afflux = 597.41 m


Lesser of lacy's regime width and clear distance b/w bank shall be adopted as un-obstructed water way.
Lacy's Regime width W = 4.8Q1/2 = 269.73 m
Clear distance from bank to bank = 240 m
Un-obstracted water way adopted = 240 m
Total clear waterway provided L (right) = 222 m


HFL at proposed bridge site with afflux = 597.41 m
Minimum vertical clearance (IRC -5-1998, Cl. 105.2.1) = 1.5 m IRC SP:13 Page No. 37
Minimum soffit Level as per hydraulic requirement = 598.91 m

Depth of Super Structur = 2.22 m

Wearing coat = 0.065 m
Camber = 2.5 %
Carriage width for Camber = 6.45 m
Clearence due to camber = 0.1613 m
Additional Clearence due to deflection etc. = 0.15 m

Minimum deck level proposed = 601.51 m

Cross-sectional area of Stream at bridge site :
Recalculation of HFL for design discharge
HFL 597.1 m

Main channel Start = 18

End = 258



Level (m)




10 35 60 85 110 135 160 185 210 235 260
Distance (m)

Dist Av
Distanc Level Modifie Modifie Depth depth Perimet Top Area Avg Bed
e (m) (m) d. d (m) (m) er (m) width (sqm) level
0 612.8 0.0 612.8 0.00
10 602.1 10.0 602.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 607.48
11 601.1 10.9 601.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 601.64
16 600.6 18.0 600.5 -3.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.87
18 600.4 18.5 600.4 -3.28 -3.29 0.46 0.46 -1.52 600.52
30 596.2 30.0 596.2 0.91 -1.19 12.27 11.54 -14.11 598.33
30 596.3 30.0 596.3 0.83 0.87 0.09 0.05 0.06 596.28
37 596.2 36.9 596.2 0.99 0.91 6.88 6.87 6.25 596.24
38 595.6 38.2 595.6 1.51 1.25 1.42 1.33 1.72 595.90
39 595.5 39.1 595.5 1.61 1.56 0.82 0.82 1.28 595.59
40 595.5 40.0 595.5 1.67 1.64 0.94 0.94 1.54 595.51
41 595.1 41.3 595.1 2.05 1.86 1.35 1.29 2.45 595.29
48 595.2 48.5 595.2 1.99 2.02 7.21 7.21 14.54 595.13
50 595.2 50.0 595.2 1.97 1.98 1.50 1.50 2.97 595.17
58 594.9 57.8 594.9 2.27 2.12 7.82 7.81 16.58 595.02
60 595.0 60.0 595.0 2.20 2.24 2.19 2.19 4.89 594.91
70 594.5 70.0 594.5 2.61 2.40 10.01 10.00 24.04 594.74
73 594.1 73.2 594.1 3.04 2.82 3.23 3.20 9.08 594.32
73 594.1 73.2 594.1 3.04 3.04 0.03 0.03 0.09 594.11
74 594.1 73.8 594.1 3.03 3.03 0.55 0.55 1.68 594.11
80 594.2 80.0 594.2 2.98 3.00 6.21 6.21 18.66 594.14
85 594.3 84.6 594.3 2.83 2.90 4.64 4.63 13.46 594.24
85 594.3 85.0 594.3 2.83 2.83 0.38 0.38 1.06 594.31
90 594.3 90.0 594.3 2.84 2.83 4.99 4.99 14.14 594.31
93 594.6 93.1 594.6 2.56 2.70 3.08 3.07 8.28 594.45
100 594.5 100.0 594.5 2.64 2.60 6.93 6.93 18.02 594.55
108 594.2 107.6 594.2 2.96 2.80 7.62 7.61 21.33 594.35
109 594.2 109.3 594.2 2.96 2.96 1.66 1.66 4.92 594.19
110 594.2 110.0 594.2 2.97 2.97 0.72 0.72 2.14 594.18
120 594.0 120.0 594.0 3.16 3.07 10.00 10.00 30.68 594.08
121 594.0 121.0 594.0 3.18 3.17 1.00 1.00 3.16 593.97
129 593.7 128.6 593.7 3.49 3.33 7.58 7.57 25.26 593.81
130 593.8 130.0 593.8 3.31 3.40 1.45 1.43 4.89 593.75
136 594.5 136.5 594.5 2.67 2.99 6.49 6.46 19.37 594.15
137 594.5 137.4 594.5 2.69 2.68 0.94 0.94 2.52 594.46
140 594.5 140.0 594.5 2.69 2.69 2.60 2.60 7.00 594.46
144 594.5 144.4 594.5 2.69 2.69 4.42 4.42 11.91 594.45
150 594.2 150.0 594.2 2.92 2.81 5.58 5.58 15.67 594.34
151 594.2 151.4 594.2 2.98 2.95 1.36 1.36 4.00 594.20
160 594.4 160.0 594.4 2.71 2.84 8.65 8.64 24.56 594.30
163 594.4 162.8 594.4 2.72 2.71 2.84 2.84 7.71 594.43
170 594.4 170.0 594.4 2.73 2.72 7.16 7.16 19.50 594.42
173 594.4 173.2 594.4 2.74 2.74 3.16 3.16 8.64 594.41
180 594.4 180.0 594.4 2.74 2.74 6.84 6.84 18.76 594.40
183 594.4 183.1 594.4 2.75 2.75 3.11 3.11 8.53 594.40
184 594.7 183.6 594.7 2.45 2.60 0.55 0.46 1.32 594.55
190 594.8 190.0 594.8 2.35 2.40 6.43 6.43 15.41 594.75
192 594.8 191.8 594.8 2.35 2.35 1.75 1.75 4.11 594.80
193 595.0 192.6 595.0 2.17 2.26 0.90 0.88 2.01 594.89
200 595.0 200.0 595.0 2.12 2.14 7.37 7.37 15.79 595.00
203 594.9 203.2 594.9 2.23 2.17 3.24 3.24 7.03 594.97
210 594.8 210.0 594.8 2.35 2.29 6.76 6.76 15.46 594.86
212 594.8 212.0 594.8 2.35 2.35 1.95 1.95 4.58 594.80
216 594.7 215.9 594.7 2.46 2.40 3.97 3.97 9.54 594.75
220 595.0 220.0 595.0 2.12 2.29 4.09 4.07 9.33 594.86
225 595.4 225.1 595.4 1.70 1.91 5.09 5.08 9.71 595.24
230 595.4 230.0 595.4 1.71 1.71 4.92 4.92 8.40 595.44
234 595.5 233.7 595.5 1.70 1.70 3.73 3.73 6.36 595.44
234 595.5 234.3 595.5 1.66 1.68 0.61 0.61 1.02 595.47
237 595.9 237.2 595.9 1.26 1.46 2.92 2.90 4.25 595.69
240 595.9 240.0 595.9 1.25 1.25 2.76 2.76 3.46 595.89
244 595.9 244.2 595.9 1.21 1.23 4.17 4.17 5.12 595.92
249 597.8 248.7 597.8 -0.64 0.28 4.87 4.51 1.33 596.86
250 598.1 250.0 598.1 -0.91 -0.78 1.35 1.33 -1.04 597.92
251 598.3 251.3 598.3 -1.18 -1.05 1.36 1.34 -1.41 598.19
256 599.0 256.1 599.0 -1.86 -1.52 4.77 4.73 -7.23 598.67
260 600.0 258.0 599.5 -2.34 -2.10 2.00 1.94 -4.13 599.49
264 601.0 264.0 601.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.48
270 601.5 270.0 601.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 601.25
280 602.5 280.0 602.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 602.00
288 603.2 288.3 603.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 602.86
290 603.2 290.0 603.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 603.21

Total 236.12 240.00 496.12 595.081

Discharge By Synthetic Unit Hydrograph
Project Road : Roing Hunli section (NH-313)
Name of River/Nallah/Stream : Asupani River
Name of nearest Village/Town : Ashu
Road (Existing Km) : 186+140
Bridge No. : 11/1
Longitude : 95°46'39.50"E
Latitude : 28°14'34.38"N
GT Sheet No. : H46 X16,H47S07,H47S03
Hydrometerological Sub Zone : 2 (a)

Estimation of Physiographic parameter :

i) Catchment Area (A) : 156.2 Km2

ii) Length of longest stream (L) : 15.30 Km
iii) Length of longest main stream from (Lc) : 10.2 Km
(a point of opposite to centroid of the area to the gauging site along the main stream)
iv) Equivalent stream slope :-

∑ Li (Di-1 +Di)
Se =

Li : Lengtn of each river segment

Di : Height above Datum (Datum as RL at bridge site)
L1 : Distance From Bridge Site
RL : Reduced Level

Along Main Stream

S.N. L1 RL Li Di Di-1 +Di Li (Di-1 +Di)
Km m Km m m Km.m
1 0 593.658
2 2.5 625.36 2.5 31.7 31.7 79.3
3 5 725.36 2.5 131.7 163.4 408.5
4 7.5 825.24 2.5 231.6 363.3 908.2
5 10 901.31 2.5 307.7 539.2 1348.1
6 12.5 1021 2.5 427.3 735.0 1837.5
7 15 1136 2.5 542.3 969.7 2424.2
∑Li (Di-1 +Di)= 7006

∑ Li (Di-1 +Di)
Se = = 29.928 m/Km

Determination of synthetic unit hydograph parameters :

One hour unit duration for unitgraph i.e. unitgraph produced due to 1cm depth of rainfall excess in 1- hr
duration has been considered

Unit duration ( tr ) = 1 Hours

i) By Using synthetic relations :

Synthatic relation Calculated value Adopted value

1 qp=2.272*(LLc/S)-0.409 1.156 1.16
2 Qp=qp*A 180.72 180.72 Cumecs
3 tp=2.164*(qp)-0.940 1.887 1.89 Hours
4 Tm = t p + t r / 2 2.387 2.39 Hours
5 W50=2.084(qp)-1.065 1.784 1.79 Hours
6 W75=1.028(qp) 0.879 0.88 Hours
7 WR50=0.856(qp)-0.865 0.755 0.76 Hours

8 WR75=0.44(qp)-0.918 0.385 0.39 Hours

9 TB=5.428(tp) 9.323 9.32 Hours

Chart Title
Discharge in CUMECS

150 SUG Ordinate Calculated
140 Time SUG ordinatae
130 0 0
120 WR50 1.63 90.4
110 WR75 2.00 135.5
Unit graph calculated Wpeak 2.39 180.7
80 Series3 W75 2.88 135.5
70 W50 3.42 90.4
60 TB 9.32 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time in Hours
One Hours Synthetic Unitn Hydrograph :

Time SUG. Ordinate By Factor Actual sum total of SUG ordinate (at 1 hrs. interval)
Calculated Modified after adjustment
0 0.00 0.00 1
1 55.37 55.37 1 = 433.27 Cumecs (from graph)
1.632 90.36 WR50 90.36 1
2 135.30 135.30 1
2.002 135.54 WR75 135.54 1
2.387 180.72 Wpeak 180.72 1 Theoretical sum total of SUH Ordinate : Net
2.882 135.54 W75 135.54 1 surface runoff for 1 cm rain fall
3 125.58 111.76 0.89 = A/0.36*tr
3.417 90.36 W50 90.36 1 = 433.89 Cumecs
4 81.44 62.71 0.77
5 66.15 36.38 0.55 As throretical sum total of ordinates nearly equals the sum
6 50.85 20.34 0.4 total of Plotted SUG. (Modified) & Hence the Sug is in
7 35.55 8.89 0.25 order .
8 20.25 2.03 0.1
9 4.96 0.50 0.1
9.324 0.00 TB 0.00 0 Estimation of Design storm duration:

The design storm duration (TD) is equal to 1.1 times tp,

as recommended in section 3.1.0 of flood estimation report subzone -2a

TD = 2.08 Hrs. @ 2.08 Hrs.

Adjusting the design storm duration limited to 3Hrs.

The adopted design storm duration
TD = Min(TD,24Hrs.) = 3 Hrs.

Estimation of point rain fall & areal Rain fall :

Point Rain fall = 50 cm
(For 100 Years 24 Hrs (From Plate 10 Sub-zone-2a)
Point Rainfall for TD Hrs
= 0.46
Point Rainfall for 24 Hrs
(From Table Fig 10 sub zone 2a)

Point Rainfall for3hrs = 22.9 cm

For 100-Yr 24-hr

Arial rainfall/ Point rainfall = 0.94 \*catchment area

(From fig 11b, sub zone 2a)

Arial rainfall = 21.48 cm

Time distribution of areal rainfall for 3Hrs.strom duration :
Cumulative % Cumulative Hourly
Duration % of TD Areal Rainfall Areal Rainfall rainfall
(cm) (cm) increments
0 0.0 0.00 0.00
1 33.33 67.5 14.49 14.49 (Distribution Coefficient from Fig-12)
2 66.67 91.7 19.69 5.20
3 100.00 100.0 21.48 1.79

Total 21.48

Estimation of Rainfall Units:

Loss rate = 0.24 cm/Hour
Loss rate for one 0.24 x 1
hour = (section 2.3.0 of subzone 2(a) )
= 0.24 cm/Hour

Design Loss Effective
Time(hr) Increments
rate cm/hr Rainfall (cms)
1 14.49 0.24 14.25
2 5.20 0.24 4.96
3 1.79 0.24 1.55

Estimation of Base flow :

Base flow = 0.05 cumecs/sq Km

Total base flow = 0.05 x catchmnet area ( section 2.4 of subzone 2 (a) )
= 7.81 cumecs

Estimation of Design flood discharge (Peak only):

For estimation of peak discharge, the rainfall excess units have to be rearranged against the unit hydrograph ordinates such that maximum rainfall excess is placed
against the maximum unit hydrograph ordinate, the next maximum value of rainfall excess comes against the next lower value of unit hydrograph & so on.

1-hr. effective Direct Runoff

Time (hrs) rainfall (cm) (cumecs)
0 0.0 0 0
0.39 21.4 0.0 0.00
1.39 76.8 1.5 118.81
2.39 180.7 14.2 2574.88
3.39 91.9 5.0 456.23
4.39 52.5 0.0 0.00
5.39 30.2 0.0 0.00
6.39 15.9 0.0 0.00

Total 3149.92 cumecs

Base Flow 7.81 cumecs
100 year flood peak 3157.73 cumecs
Stream Slope in Longitudinal direction :




Level (m)





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Distance (m)

Average Slope = 0.02408 m/m

Catchment area:- 156.20 Km^2
Length of stream :-15.30 Km

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