DailySocial Wellness Report 2019 EN

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The Penetration

of Active and Healthy

Urban Lifestyle
The Understanding of Wellness Market in Jakarta

Oct 2019
Everybody aims to have a healthy life. However, not everyone is ready to
have a healthy lifestyle. There are many challenges to live in one, including
the eating pattern that is not in accordance with the recommended nutrition
norm and little time for exercise. This gives opportunities for the presence
of wellness-based products and services.

Wellness is the antonym of illness, but the meaning is not the same as "not ill".

Wellness has a broad definition, in general, it can be concluded as an active process that leads
to options, activities, and lifestyle aimed at overall wellness, either physical, mental, or emo-
tional. Any wellness activity, beauty product, or healthy food, are included as elements in it.

The market share for the wellness industry is very promising. Global Wellness Institute (GWI)
research in 2017 has predicted the industry to value at $4.2 trillion globally with 6.4% growth
per year.

According to the research, Indonesia is highlighted as one of the wellness tourism destinations.
Through the tourist approach, this industry offered fitness services, including a local spa, health
activities, and tourism destinations designed to serve comfort space and nice weather. Bali
becomes one of its first target country.

In general, the high penetration of internet and smartphone users in Indonesia is expected to
lead the improving public's contribution and comprehensive in various wellness activities.

In this report, DSResearch partners with FITCO for reference and validation from the industry
players on the holistic figure of the wellness market in Jakarta as a national benchmark.

FITCO is an application made by The FIT Company that provides access to various active and
healthy lifestyle services. It consists of three pillars, Move (access to sports spaces and practice
rooms), Eats (healthy menu especially advised by nutritionist), and Shop (consumer products to
support the active and healthy lifestyle).

Introduction 01

Contents 02

Methods 03

Chapter 1
Introduction of The Wellness Concept

Chapter 2 21
The Use of Products and Services

Chapter 3 27
Digital Wellness Services

Chapter 4 33
Satisfaction Rate and Corporate Wellness

Conclusion 36

Appendix 38

AIA Healthy Living Index in 2018 shows an increase in the satisfaction rate of health for Indo-
nesian people compared to the previous survey. Based on the report, Indonesian consumers
have the highest rate, among the Asian countries involved, in healthy food consumption for
better body shape, however, they still lack digital devices used to support a healthy lifestyle.

For further information on the urban wellness landscape, DSResearch has conducted a quan-
titative research using online-based data. A total of 600 respondents from all over Jakarta,
representing the urban community, involved in this questionnaire.

Respondents based on gender have equal proportion, 50% of each. The approach was in
order to make the research capable of capturing and comparing male and female consumer
characteristics in the wellness industry.

Most Respondents (over 60%) represent the young and productive, age ranging between
20-29 as the market share reference to analyze various modern products or services.

The survey also includes respondents under 20 years old to represent teenage and 30-40
years old to represent adults who are settled.

Most respondents (over 60%) have a monthly income of around Rp3-10 million. Around 20%
have a monthly income of over Rp10 million.


50% 50%


30.5% 32.2%

4.5 %

< 20 y.o 20-24y.o 25-29y.o 30-34y.o 35-40 y.o

Monthly Income

34.0 % 36.5%



> Rp10 mill. Rp5-10 mill. Rp3-5 mill. Rp2-3 mill.

Figurer 1. Respondents Profile

Residential area

North Jakarta

West Jakarta
Central Jakarta

East Jakarta

South Jakarta

Figure 2. Respondents domicile (Jakarta)

The Introduction of The Wellness Concept
The wellness concept has existed in Eastern Culture thousands of years ago, specifically in
India and China. However, the modern concept we currently know was discovered post World
War II.

The survey begins with respondents' awareness of the wellness industry. The term alone is
related to the health definition in a wider context, not only physical but also mental and emo-
tional. Therefore, in order to simplify the questionnaire, wellness is translated as a health
service or product.

Unaware of the service

/health products

Aware of the service

/health products

Figure 3. Knowledge of health services and products [n=600]

Nearly 65% of respondents from Jakarta aged 19-40 are aware of the health services and prod-
ucts. In comparison to the male respondents with only 58%, the female respondents are likely
to have higher awareness (71%) of the health services and products.

In general, respondents above the age of 20 with various income rates tend to be more aware of
health products and services.

57.7% 71.0%
Aware of health services Aware of health services
and products and products

Unaware of health 29.0%
services and products Unaware of health
services and products

Figure 4. Awareness of health services and products based on gender

Furthermore, there are two main factors with the most influence on encouraging people to be
more aware of the health services or products, those are (1) the will to start a more active and
healthy lifestyle and (2) the will to adopt a more organized lifestyle.

Both factors are internal for the power comes from within or personal. This is in line with the AIA
Healthy Living Index findings which show personal desire, it is due to have a better body shape,
becomes an essential factor.

The external factor in charge here is the good quality of the product or service and the afford-
able price. Meanwhile, people's recommendations and the popularity of the products do not
have a significant impact.

Looking at the numbers, there is a tendency that the adoption of a public figure or influencer for
health products or services does not really effective because the product or service was chosen
due to personal reasons by each consumer.


The will to start a more active and healthy life

68.4% 50.5% 47.7% 47.2%

The will to adopt a more The product/service comes The product/service offers an The will to maintain
organized lifestyle with good quality affordable price various kinds of lifestyle

Figure 5. The top five reasons people are interested to use health products or services [n=386]
(Further information on Appendix Table 1)

We also have further analyzed the data based on gender, age, and economic rate. Male and
female respondents tend to have a similar way to express interest in health products
or services.

The male respondents have more preference in quality, popularity, and exploration of new
things; while the female respondents tend to be more interested in the health products and
services with special offers, more variants, innovative and unique.

In terms of age, respondents under the age of 20 generally have different enthusiasm with those
aged ranging from 20-40 years old. For the youth, health products or services are only used to
spend free time by trying out the latest tech.

Regarding the economic rate, the respondents with a high-income rate up to Rp10 million and
above tend to be more sensitive with the cost and people's recommendations, while those with
a lower income rate are more interested in the popular health products or services.

The will to start a more active and healthy life 70.7%

The will to adopt a more organized lifestyle 71.4%

The product/service comes with good quality 48.4%

The product/service offers an affordable price 47.9%

The will to maintain various kinds of lifestyle

Figure 6. Comparison of the top five reasons people are interested to use
health products or services based on gender [n=386]
(Further information on Appendix Table 2)

< 20y.o 20y.o - 24y.o 25y.o - 29y.o 30y.o - 34y.o 35y.o - 40y.o

The will to start a

71 .9% 67.2% 77.6% more active and
60.0% healthy life

The will to adopt

70 .4% 73.5% a more organized
68.3% 65 .7%

The product/service
comes with
57.0% good quality
49.3% 51 %
40.0% 45 %

The product/service
offers an
54 .8% 53 .7% affordable price
41.7% 44 .9%
13 .3%

The will to maintain

various kinds
of lifestyle
54 .8% 46.9%
40.0% 42.5% 41.8%

Figure 7. Comparison of the top five reasons people are interested to use
health products or services based on age [n=386]
(Further information on Appendix Table 3)

71.4% 71.4%
69.6% 51.9%
73.2% 64.1%
64.9% 72.7%

The will to start a more The will to adopt a The product/service comes
active and healthy life more organized lifestyle with good quality

59.5% 53.6%
44.2% 44.2%
48.1% 46.6%

The product/service offers The will to maintain

an affordable price various kinds of lifestyle

> Rp10 mill.

Rp5-10 mill.
Rp3-5 mill.
Rp2-3 mill.

Figure 8. Comparison of the top five reasons people are interested to use
health products or services based on economic rate [n=386]
(Further information on Appendix Table 4)

Aside from those who understand, 35% of the respondents are not aware, not understand, or
not interested in the health products or services. We aim to further analyze the main cause. The
external factors are mainly the reasons behind the disinterest and unawareness.

Around 36% of the unaware respondents admit that the cost becomes the main external factor,
also the lack of special offers, captivating ads, and innovation.

In terms of internal factors, 27% of the respondents thought they are not in urgency for a health
product or service, while 17% of the respondents have not enough time to try out the particular
service or product.


The service/product is expensive

26.6% 23.8% 23.4% 17.3%

The service/product The service/product Products/services have The service/product is

is not on demand doesn't have special offers no interesting offers not innovative

Figure 9. The top five reasons people are not interested to use health products or services [n=214]
(Further information on Appendix Table 5)

When the reasons are further analyzed based on gender, age, and economic rate, costs still
become the main issue, including to those with income rate exceeding Rp10 million per month.
The finding is similar to AIA Healthy Living Index 2018. Indonesian population is the sec-
ond-highest in the Asia Pacific region having an issue with medical cost.

The interesting part is, respondents aged between 35-40 years old, who should be more con-
cerned with the health issue, are mostly (37%) not interested in the health products or services.

The service/product is expensive 37.0%


The service/product is not on demand 32.2%

The service/product doesn't have special offers 27.6%

Products/services have no interesting offers

The service/product is not innovative 19.7%


Figure 10. Comparison of the top five reasons people are not interested to use
health products or services based on gender [n=214]
(Further information on Appendix Table 6)

< 20y.o 20y.o - 24y.o 25y.o - 29y.o 30y.o - 34y.o 35y.o - 40y.o

The service/product
36.5% 32.8% 33 .3% is expensive
33 .3%

The service/product
36.7% is not on demand
25 .4%
16 .7%

The service/product
doesn't have
special offers
27.0% 25 .9%
21.6% 23 .3%


have no
31 .0% interesting offers
23 .8% 23 .3%
0 .0%

The service/product
is not innovative

20.7% 20.0%
16 .7% 17.5%
11 .8%

Figure 11. Comparison of the top five reasons people are not interested to use
health products or services based on age [n=214]
(Further information on Appendix Table 7)





The service/product is expensive


The service/product is not The service/product doesn't

on demand have special offers

31.7% 12.2%

21.2% 18.2%

22.7% 19.3%
15.8% 15.8%

Products/services have The service/product

no interesting offers is not innovative

> Rp10 mill.

Rp5-10 mill.
Rp3-5 mill.
Rp2-3 mill.

Figure 12. Comparison of the top five reasons people are not interested to use
health products or services based on economic rate
(Further information on Appendix Table 8)

In fact, not everyone who is not aware of and understands the product or service will continue
to be like this. There are some factors to encourage them.

Cost becomes the main external factor. The 45% respondent admits that they are willing to pay
for the product or service at an affordable cost, comes with good quality, special offers,
user-friendly, and innovation.

Regarding internal factors, the will to live healthier with a more organized lifestyle has mainly
become the reason for them to adopt a health product or service.


The service/product has an affordable price

33.2% 31.8% 30.4% 29.9%

Aims to start a more active and Aims to get a more organized The service/product The service/product
healthy life lifestyle has a good quality has special offers

Figure 13. The top five reasons to encourage unaware respondents to use
health products or services [n=214]
(Further information on Appendix Table 9)

In an observation based on age, the characteristics vary. Respondents at the age of 25-40 years
old have a high sensitivity of cost issue, while the respondents aged under 25 years old said the
will to have a healthier lifestyle and special offers become essential factors.

The service/product has an affordable price

Aims to start a more active and healthy life 41.4%

Aims to get a more organized lifestyle 32.2%

The service/product has a good quality 31.5%


The service/product has special offers 30.7%


Figure 14. Comparison of the top five reasons to encourage unaware respondents to use
health products or services based on gender [n=214]
(Further information on Appendix Table 10)

< 20y.o 20y.o - 24y.o 25y.o - 29y.o 30y.o - 34y.o 35y.o - 40y.o

52 .9% 50 .0% The service

/product has an
34.9% affordable price
33 .3%

50 .0% Aims to start a

43.1% more active
30.2% and healthy life
27.6% 26 .7%

Aims to get a more

41 .7% organized lifestyle
34.9% 33 .3%
27.6% 29.4%

The service/product
43.1% has a good quality
33 .3%
25 .4% 27.6%

8 .3%

50 .0% The service/product

has special offers
35 .3%
27.6% 30.0%
23 .8%

Figure 15. Comparison of the top five reasons to encourage unaware respondents to use
health products or services based on age [n=214]
(Further information on Appendix Table 11)




The service/product has an affordable price


Aims to start a more Aims to get a more

active and healthy life organized lifestyle

29.3% 29.3%

31.8% 25.8%

34.1% 31.8%
26.3% 36.8%

The service/product The service/product

has a good quality has special offers

> Rp10 mill.

Rp5-10 mill.
Rp3-5 mill.
Rp2-3 mill.

Figure 16. Comparison of the top five reasons to encourage unaware respondents to use
health products or services based on economic rate [n=214]
(Further information on Appendix Table 12)

The Use of Products and Services

One of the most popular ads in the '90s is about a woman having difficulty to breathe as if tied
with a rope and happen to recover and "free of tight rope" by drinking a certain medicine. The
ads are getting viral when the mother turns out to be a mother of the popular public figure.

Wellness has various kinds of products, services, and activities. According to the basic needs in
the previous chapter, we aim to dig further on the kinds of health products or services mostly
known by respondents.

Drugs 73,5%

Health Supplement 70.0%

Food Supplement 69.2%
Active Lifestyle 57.0%
Diet 55.5%
Medical Tools 46.8%

Contraception 45.0%
Psychology Consulting 40.8%
Pregnant Women Nutrition 39.2%
Femininity 38.2%
Mental Health 32.0%

Meditation 26.7%

Figure 17. Types of products or services known by respondents [n=600]

The oral concept, in terms of drugs, food supplements, and health supplements, becomes the
top of mind of mostly known health products and services.

It is followed by an active lifestyle, diet, medical tools, and psychology consulting.


Health Supplement

54.7% 45.5% 31.3% 25.0%

Drugs Food Active Lifestyle Diet


21.2% 16.2% 15.2% 13.2% 9.2%

Medical Tools Femininity Contraception Pregnant Psychology

Women Nutrition Consulting

7.8% 7.0% 7.3%

Meditation Mental Health Never use a health


Figure 18. Types of health products or services that have been used [n=600]

Similar answers applied to the products or services that have been used or consumed. Health
supplements, drugs, and food supplements are products or services mostly used by consumers.

The availability of wellness services throughout the urban area supported the option in the
following order.

There are several considerations when a person decided to use a health product or service.
Decisions made based on demand become the biggest internal factor. Next, dominated by
external factors, including quality, cost, user-friendly, and effectivity.

The product/service is on demand 65.3%

The product/service has good quality 58.3%
The product/service is at affordable price 55.9%
The product/service is easy to use 43.5%
The product/service is effective 38.7%
The product/service is multifunction 35.3%
The product/service has interesting offers 28.6%
The product/service has many variants 27.7%
on demand
Recommendations 27.5%
The product/service is popular 23.6%
The product/service is innovative and unique 21.8%
The product/service is impressive 12.6%

Figure 19. Considerations for using health products or services [n=556]

Recommendations, along with public figure influence, are not really significant in this segment,
considering various demand from consumers. There is no significant distinction seen from the
consideration based on gender.

In general, more than 80% of the respondents have spent budget up to Rp250 thousand per
month consuming health products/services, while 19% of the respondents are setting up a
budget over Rp250 thousand per month.

* in Thousand


1.1% 0.4% 0.5%

< Rp100* Rp100* - Rp250* Rp250* - Rp500* Rp500* Rp1,000* Rp2,500* > Rp 5,000*
- Rp1,000* - Rp2,500* - Rp5,000*

Figure 20. The total cost of using health products or services per month [n=556]

Cost always happens to be the reason behind the consumer’s lack of enthusiasm to consumer
health products or services. Based on this, we question further on how much is the proper cost
to acquire this type of respondents.
For those who are not interested in using health products or services, although knowing the
presence of health-support products or services, cost and demand become the main factors.

The product/service is expensive 38.6%

The product/service is not on demand 36.4%
Lack of recommendation/testimony from others 22.7%
The product/service does not have interesting offers 18.2%
The product/service does not have variants on demand 18.2%
The product/service is not popular 15.9%
The product/service is hard to use 13.6%
The product/service is not impressive 11.4%
The product/service is not multifunction 9.1%
The product/service is not effective 6.8%
The product/service is not innovative and unique 4.5%
The product/service has bad quality 2.3%

Figure 21. Considerations for not using health products or services [n=44]

As predicted, wellness products or services under Rp100 thousand, even under Rp50 thousand,
is the amount mostly fit for consumers. Next, the amount that is properly fit for the budget is
around Rp250-500 thousand per month.

< Rp50,000 38.6%

Rp50,001 - Rp100,000 29.5%
Rp100,001 - Rp250,000 9.1%

Rp250,001 - Rp500,000 15.9%

Rp500,001 - Rp1,000,000 4.5%

Rp1,000,001 - Rp2,500,000 -
Rp2,500,001- Rp5,000,000 -

> Rp5,000,000 2.3%

Figure 22. The amount of money consumer is willing to pay for using health products or services [n=44]

Wellness Digital Service

AIA Healthy Living Index 2018 showed a lack of digital devices adoption, such as fitness tracker,
or the online-based teleconsulting with doctors.

In fact, we have seen the urban respondents have a high understanding of digital applications
in the wellness sector. Undoubtedly, the health sector is entering the disruption era. Patients
are now capable to book consultations with doctors through an application. Outpatient, labora-
tory service, or prescription are now available through a one-stop solution with online trans-
portation service.



7.3% 7.0% 7.0% 5.3% 5.2%

Halodoc Alodokter klikdokter Mobile JKN tanyadok.com K24 klik dokter.id go-med mediv Kalbe store

Figure 23. Health apps or sites that become respondent’s top-of-mind [n=600]

In general, 58% of the respondents answer Halodoc as the top-of-mind health app or site,
followed by Alodokter, Klikdokter, Mobile JKN (BPJS Health Insurance), and Tanyadok.com as the
top five positions

Halodoc is a health service supported by Gojek as one of its investors, it comes

with a GoMed menu and teleconsultation card that is accessible from one of the
most popular applications in Indonesia.

Halodoc has features that include teleconsultation with doctors, online drug
purchasing, and a check-up at the health lab. Besides offering teleconsultation, the
application and website also displays information about health, in the form of
articles, videos, or question and answer forums.

Halodoc 75.8%

Alodokter 64.8%

klikdokter 51.7%

DokterSehat 33.0%

dokter.id 32.2%

Mobile JKN 8.0%

flo 7.8%

K24 klik 6.7%

freeletics 6.7%

tanyadok.com 6.0%

go-med 5.0%

Figure 24. Application or website which is known by the respondents [n=600]

Halodoc is again leading the applications or websites which is known by the respondents (75%)
and used (45%). Followed by Alodokter, Klikdokter, DokterSehat, and Dokter.id in the top five

Mobile JKN under BPJS as the health insurance for public turns out not included in the top five
positions. The respondents tend to use the BPJS card for the service instead of using the app for
additional information.

An impressive movement is Freeletics and Doogether which supports wellness activity, are actu-
ally listed as the application or website which is used by the respondents.

Halodoc 45.3%

Alodokter 32.3%

Klikdokter 18.8%

dokter.id 11.7%

DokterSehat 9.8%

flo 4.7%

freeletics 3.4%

Calm 2.0%

Doogether 2.0%

MoCehat 1.5%

Figure 25. Application or website which is used by the respondents [n=438]

The application/website of products/services is easy to access 68.7%
The application/website has a complete feature 57.3%
The application/website are commonly used by other 49.8%
The application/website is at an affordable cost 46.1%
The application/website is innovative 40.6%
The application/website is popular 39.5%
The application/website has interesting display 39.3%
The application/website offers many promotions 36.1%
The application/website offers unique products/services 35.6%

Figure 26. Considerations for using health products or services [n=438]

The applications are chosen based on the easy use, complete feature, total user, affordable cost,
and innovation level.

The application/website is lack of promotions 34.0%

The application/website are often used by others 25.9%
The application/website is expensive 23.5%
The application/website is not popular 22.8%
The application/website is not on-demand 15.4%
The application/website does not have a complete feature 12.3%
The application/website offers common products/services 12.3%
The application/website of health products/services is hard to access 12.3%
The application/website has an unappealing display 11.1%
The application/website is not innovative 9.3%
The application/website is not accurate 2.5%

Figure 27. Reasons for not using health products or services [n=162]

The lack of promotions (34%) is highlighted as the main issue which encourages a highly adop-
tion rate of health application or websites, followed by the lack of use, cost issues, and the
popularity of products/services.

The application/website is easy to use

The application/website offers an affordable/

competitive cost for the health products/services

The application/website displays a complete information 26.3%

A live chat feature with doctors 21.7%
The application/website is responsive 20.1%
The articles are informative 19.4%
The application/website has impressive features 18.7%

Attractive promotions 16.7%

The application/website is accessible by time and place 15.3%
Doctors are responsive for consultation 13.7%

Figure 28. Preferences for using the current health products or services [n=438]

The easy use has become the most preferred subject of the health application or website which
is often used. In addition, information about the costs of services or products is also a favorite
subject for respondents.

It has to be understood that the teleconsultation process requires stable connectivity. Most of
the services in this segment have been optimized for the teleconsultation process in areas with
limited connectivity, therefore, to encourage better experience of using the services.

Satisfaction Rate and
Corporate Wellness
The AIA Healthy Living Index 2018 illustrates the value of the Indonesian health index, although
it has increased from the previous period, the number is still below the regional average.

In a contrary to this conclusion, respondents tend to be satisfied with the current stage of their
body wellness. The 39% of the respondents said they were satisfied or very satisfied with their
condition and only 15% of the respondents answered somewhat dissatisfied, dissatisfied, and
very dissatisfied.
24.3% 25%

0.8% 3.0%

Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very satisfied

dissatisfied satisfied

Figure 29. Satisfaction rate of the current body wellness [n=600]

The high level of satisfaction has possibility of backfire. There is a tendency they will not felt
"threatened" by his health unless they felt ill, including not regularly check-up their health con-
dition and have insufficient knowledge of the wellness product or service.

In addition to the personal satisfaction factors, 60% of the respondents said the current stage
of health is relevant or very relevant to the productivity in the workplace.

The health factors included are health insurance for personal and family, sufficient nutrition,
and easy access of wellness facilities.


2.0% 3.5% 2.5%

Very irrelevant Irrelevant Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Relevant Very Relevant

irrelevant relevant

Figure 30. The impact of health on productivity [n=600]

Recently, the modern office trend continues to encourage business owners to provide facilities
or benefits that employees can enjoy. One of them is wellness or health benefit.

Related to productivity, a 2017 study by the University of California Riverside points out to every
employee participating in the wellness program in a company has increased the average pro-
ductivity of one workday every month.

Nevertheless, respondents revealed that only 16% of the workplace provided additional health
facilities, such as fitness center membership, food catering healthy, etc.

12.4% I don’t know

Yes, there is
No, there is not


Figure 31. The availability of health benefits (such as wellness membership or healthy food catering)
at the office [n=600]

Furthermore, 67% of the respondents said the office should provide additional health benefits.
In 2019, Harvard Business School Research examined among companies in The United States
that the health costs decreased by $3.27 for each $1 prepared for the wellness program, while
the expenses due to employee absence decreased by $2.73.

17.4% Yes, Indeed

No need
16.2% I don’t know


Figure 32. Should the office provide health benefits

(such as wellness membership or healthy food catering) [n=600]

Starting a healthy life in Indonesia is not a simple matter. Although the knowledge and aware-
ness of wellness activities are somehow promising, the cost still becomes a burden for most of
the population in developing countries, including Indonesia. The average income per month
makes every penny in this segment to be calculated. Economic growth becomes a big driven
factor to fit this wellness culture into the daily life.

Speaking of utilization, meds, food and health supplements become the public's most con-
sumed product, while the wellness center's membership is getting increased as the facility
mushrooming the city. Despite the attention given to the preventive forms of health mainte-
nance, people are still focused on curative actions of healing after being ill.

The high rate of technology adoption, particularly in the form of a digital app, can be a catalyst
to encourage product knowledge and socialization or better health services in the region.

Although the satisfaction rate in health is high, it is possible for a boomerang effect to happen
because it does not encourage people to maintain health.

Basic Health Research Data in 2018 published by BPS shows the adult obesity rate in Indonesia
has increased to 21.8%. In fact, the health rate has a high influence on work productivity. Break-
through is necessary, including the health benefits by corporates, in order to encourage healthy
urban living.


Table 1. Reasons for choosing health products or services [n=386]

The will to start a more active and healthy life 69.9%

The will to adopt a more organized lifestyle 68.4%

The product/service comes with good quality 50.5%

The product/service offers an affordable price 47.7%

The will to maintain various kinds of lifestyle 47.2%

The product/service has special offers 44.3%

The product/service is easy to use 43.3%

The product/service is unique and innovative 40.4%

The product/service has on-demand variants 36.5%

The need to explore new things 29.8%

The way to spend free times by trying out new product/service 26.9%

Recommendation from others 25.6%

The current product/service is outdated 24.1%

The product/service is popular 21.0%

Table 2. Reasons for choosing health products or services based on gender [n=386]

Male Female

The will to start a more active and healthy life 69.9% 70.7%

64.7% 71.4%
The will to adopt a more organized lifestyle

53.2% 48.4%
The product/service comes with good quality

The product/service offers an affordable price 47.4% 47.9%

The will to maintain various kinds of lifestyle 46.8% 47.4%

The product/service has special offers 40.5% 47.4%

The product/service is easy to use 43.4% 43.2%

The product/service is unique and innovative 35.8% 44.1%

The product/service has on-demand variants 33.5% 39.0%

The need to explore new things 31.8% 28.2%

The way to spend free times by trying out new product/service 24.9% 28.6%

Recommendation from others 23.7% 27.2%

The current product/service is outdated 24.9% 23.5%

The product/service is popular 23.1% 19.2%

Table 3. Reasons for choosing health products or services based on age [n=386]

<20y.oy.o 20y.o -24y.o 25y.o -29y.o 30y.o -34th 35y.o -40y.o

The will to start a more active and healthy life 60.0% 67.5% 71.9% 67.2% 77.6%

The will to adopt a more organized lifestyle 46.7% 68.3% 70.4% 65.7% 73.5%

The product/service comes with good quality 40.0% 45.0% 57.0% 49.3% 51.0%

The product/service offers an affordable price 13.3% 41.7% 54.8% 53.7% 44.9%

The will to maintain various kinds of lifestyle 40.0% 42.5% 54.8% 41.8% 46.9%

The product/service has special offers 33.3% 41.7% 50.4% 44.8% 36.7%

The product/service is easy to use 26.7% 36.7% 48.9% 44.8% 46.9%

The product/service is unique and innovative 40.0% 38.3% 45.2% 37.3% 36.7%

The product/service has on-demand variants 26.7% 35.8% 39.3% 31.3% 40.8%

The need to explore new things 20.0% 33.3% 39.3% 19.4% 12.2%

The way to spend free times by trying out new product/service 33.3% 22.5% 32.6% 29.9% 16.3%

Recommendation from others 13.3% 26.7% 27.4% 23.9% 24.5%

The current product/service is outdated 26.7% 24.2% 27.4% 22.4% 16.3%

The product/service is popular 13.3% 15.8% 24.4% 28.4% 16.3%

Table 4. Reasons for choosing health products or services based on economic rate [n=386]

>Rp10mill. Rp5 - 10mill. Rp3 - 5mill. Rp2 - 3mill.

The will to start a more active and healthy life 71.4% 73.2% 64.9% 72.7%

The will to adopt a more organized lifestyle 71.4% 69.6% 64.1% 72.7%

The product/service comes with good quality 54.8% 48.6% 51.9% 42.4%

The product/service offers an affordable price 59.5% 44.2% 48.1% 30.3%

The will to maintain various kinds of lifestyle 53.6% 44.2% 46.6% 45.5%

The product/service has special offers 52.4% 40.6% 46.6% 30.3%

The product/service is easy to use 48.8% 42.0% 42.7% 36.4%

The product/service is unique and innovative 45.2% 43.5% 35.9% 33.3%

The product/service has on-demand variants 45.2% 36.2% 34.4% 24.2%

The need to explore new things 40.5% 24.6% 29.0% 27.3%

The way to spend free times by trying out new product/service 34.5% 25.4% 25.2% 21.2%

Recommendation from others 35.7% 24.6% 22.1% 18.2%

The current product/service is outdated 33.3% 20.3% 21.4% 27.3%

The product/service is popular 25.0% 21.0% 15.3% 33.3%

Table 5. Reasons for not using health products or services [n=214]

The service/product is expensive 36.4%

The service/product is not on demand 26.6%

The service/product doesn't have special offers 23.8%

Products/services have no interesting offers 23.4%

The service/product is not innovative 17.3%

Have no time to explore 16.8%

Have no interest to explore 16.4%

The service/product is difficult to use 14.5%

The service/product doesn't come with a new experience 14.5%

The service/product is too common 14.0%

The service/product is not popular 13.1%

The service/product doesn't have on-demand variants 12.1%

The service/product is boring 12.1%

The service/product is not recommended 11.2%

The service/product is not satisfying 9.8%

The service/product doesn't have a good quality 9.3%

Table 6. Reasons for not using health products or services based on gender [n=214]

Male Female
The service/product is expensive 37.0% 35.6%

The service/product is not on demand 22.8% 32.2%

The service/product doesn't have special offers 21.3% 27.6%

Products/services have no interesting offers 26.0% 19.5%

The service/product is not innovative 19.7% 13.8%

Have no time to explore 14.2% 20.7%

Have no interest to explore 11.8% 23.0%

The service/product is difficult to use 13,4% 16.1%

The service/product doesn't come with a new experience 15.7% 12.6%

The service/product is too common 16.5% 10.3%

The service/product is not popular 15.7% 9.2%

The service/product doesn't have on-demand variants 14.2% 9.2%

The service/product is boring 13.4% 10.3%

The service/product is not recommended 9.4% 13.8%

The service/product is not satisfying 10.2% 9.2%

The service/product doesn't have a good quality 12.6% 4.6%

Table 7. Reasons for not using health products or services based on age [n=214]

<20y.o 20y.o -24y.o 25y.o -29y.o 30y.o -34y.o 35y.o -40y.o 30th -34th

The service/product is expensive 33.3% 36.5% 32.8% 43.1% 33.3%

The service/product is not on demand 16.7% 25.4% 20.7% 31.4% 36.7%

The service/product doesn't have special offers 8.3% 27.0 % 25.9% 21.6% 23.3%

Products/services have no interesting offers 0.0% 23.8% 31.0% 19.6% 23.3%

The service/product is not innovative 16.7% 17.5% 20.7% 11.8% 20.0%

Have no time to explore 8.3% 15.9% 19.0% 19.6% 13.3%

Have no interest to explore 33.3% 14.3% 22.4% 11.8% 10.0%

The service/product is difficult to use 0.0% 15.9% 17.2% 11.8% 16.7%

The service/product doesn't come with a new experience 16.7% 20.6% 13.8% 9.8% 10.0%

The service/product is too common 16.7% 11.1% 17.2% 15.7% 10.0%

The service/product is not popular 8.3% 15.9% 19.0% 3.9% 13.3%

The service/product doesn't have on-demand variants 8.3% 7.9% 13.8% 13.7% 16.7%

The service/product is boring 0;0% 20.6% 10.3% 9.8% 6.7%

The service/product is not recommended 16.7% 14.3% 6.9% 9.8% 13.3%

The service/product is not satisfying 0;0% 11.1% 13.8% 7.8% 6.7%

The service/product doesn't have a good quality 8.3% 11.1% 8.6% 7.8% 10.0%

Table 8. Reasons for not using health products or services based on economic rate [n=214]

>Rp10mill. Rp5 - 10mill. Rp3 - 5mill. Rp2 - 3mill.

The service/product is expensive 43.9% 36.4% 33.0% 36.8%

The service/product is not on demand 17.1% 31.8% 31.8% 5.3%

The service/product doesn't have special offers 24.4% 22.2% 26.1% 15.8%

Products/services have no interesting offers 31.7% 21.7% 22.7% 15.8%

The service/product is not innovative 12.2% 18.2% 19.3% 15.8%

Have no time to explore 19.5% 24.2% 11.4% 10.5%

Have no interest to explore 17.1% 15.2% 15.9% 21.1%

The service/product is difficult to use 12.2% 16.7% 14.8% 10.5%

The service/product doesn't come with a new experience 9.8% 13.6% 18.2% 10.5%

The service/product is too common 7.3% 15.2% 15.9% 15.8%

The service/product is not popular 17.1% 10.6% 11.4% 21.1%

The service/product doesn't have on-demand variants 17.1% 18.2% 8.0% 0.0%

The service/product is boring 12.2% 13.6% 10.2% 15.8%

The service/product is not recommended 9.8% 12.1% 10.2% 14.6%

The service/product is not satisfying 14.6% 9.1% 10.2% 0.0%

The service/product doesn't have a good quality 4.9% 10.6% 11.4% 5.3%

Table 9. Things that encourage unaware respondents interested in
a health service or product [n=214]

The service/product has an affordable price 44.9%

Aims to start a more active and healthy life 33.2%

Aims to get a more organized lifestyle 31.8%

The service/product has a good quality 30.4%

The service/product has special offers 29.9%

The service/product is easy to use 29.4%

The service/product is unique and innovative 24.8%

Aims to maintain various kinds of lifestyle 23.4%

The service/product has on-demand variants 17.8%

Exploring new product/service 16.4%

Recommendation from others 13.6%

The service/product is popular 13.1%

Getting tired of the current product/service 11.2%

Explore new things 11.2%

Table 10. Things that encourage unaware respondents interested in
a health service or product based on gender [n=214]

Male Female
The service/product has an affordable price 44.1% 46.0%

Aims to start a more active and healthy life 27.6% 41.4%

Aims to get a more organized lifestyle 31.5% 32.2%

The service/product has a good quality 31.5% 28.7%

The service/product has special offers 30.7% 28.7%

The service/product is easy to use 33.1% 24.1%

The service/product is unique and innovative 24.4% 25.3%

Aims to maintain various kinds of lifestyle 29.9% 13.8%

The service/product has on-demand variants 15.0% 21.8%

Exploring new product/service 15.0% 18.4%

Recommendation from others 8.7% 20.7%

The service/product is popular 15.7% 9.2%

Getting tired of the current product/service 13.4% 8.0%

Explore new things 11.8% 10.3%

Table 11. Things that encourage unaware respondents interested in
a health service or product based on age [n=214]

<20y.o 20y.o -24y.o 25y.o -29y.o 30y.o -34y.o 35y.o -40y.o 30th -34th

The service/product has an affordable price 33.3% 34.9% 48.3% 52.9% 50.0%

Aims to start a more active and healthy life 50.0% 30.2% 27.6% 43.1% 26.7%

Aims to get a more organized lifestyle 41.7% 34.9% 27.6% 29.4% 33.3%

The service/product has a good quality 8.3% 25.4% 27.6% 43.1% 33.3%

The service/product has special offers 50.0% 23.8% 27.6% 35.3% 30.0%

The service/product is easy to use 16.7% 23.8% 32.8% 35.3% 30.0%

The service/product is unique and innovative 25.0% 25.4% 25.9% 27.5% 16.7%

Aims to maintain various kinds of lifestyle 0.0% 25.4% 27.6% 29.4% 10.0%

The service/product has on-demand variants 16.7% 14.3% 10.3% 25.5% 26.7%

Exploring new product/service 16.7% 17.5% 25.9% 9.8% 6.7%

Recommendation from others 16.7% 14.3% 13.8% 13.7% 10.0%

The service/product is popular 0.0% 19.0% 10.3% 11.8% 13.3%

Getting tired of the current product/service 0.0% 6.3% 15.5% 15.7% 10.0%

Explore new things 0.0% 14.3% 12.1% 7.8% 13.3%

Table 12. Things that encourage unaware respondents interested in
a health service or product based on economic rate [n=214]

>Rp10mill. Rp5 - 10mill. Rp3 - 5mill. Rp2 - 3mill.

The service/product has an affordable price 56.1% 48.5% 39.8% 31.6%

Aims to start a more active and healthy life 34.1% 40.9% 30.7% 15.8%

Aims to get a more organized lifestyle 29.3% 31.8% 34.1% 26.3%

The service/product has a good quality 29.3% 28.8% 35.2% 15.8%

The service/product has special offers 29.3% 25.8% 31.8% 36.8%

The service/product is easy to use 36.6% 27.3% 28.4% 26.3%

The service/product is unique and innovative 29.3% 25.8% 23.9% 15.8%

Aims to maintain various kinds of lifestyle 12.2% 25.8% 27.3% 21.1%

The service/product has on-demand variants 17.1% 22.7% 15.9% 10.5%

Exploring new product/service 14.6% 19.7% 17.0% 5.3%

Recommendation from others 9.8% 15.2% 12.5% 21.1%

The service/product is popular 7.3% 13.6% 15.9% 10.5%

Getting tired of the current product/service 14.6% 6.1% 12.5% 15.8%

Explore new things 9.8% 7.6% 14.8% 10.5%


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