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Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy


Method Statement

Job No: Taplow/01


Prepared by Michael Kehoe MIDE MIcontM

Revision: V2

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Site Health & Safety Goals

BERKELEY HOMES (THREE VALLEYS LTD) have established a safety strategy for the works with a target of zero harm of any type, and in addition we will set a benchmark
standard for the monitoring of health and safety standards on this project by means of a system of monitoring of accident/incident frequency rates, using both active and reactive
monitoring procedures prior to the commencement of the works. Any contractors working on the site will be expected to achieve a similar minimum standard and provide outline
procedures for inspecting and auditing during the project.

• Zero RIDDOR reportable accidents or incidents.

• Zero enforcement notices from the Health & Safety Executive.

• Operatives are required to attend site specific health & safety inductions

• All operatives working on this project hold current CSCS/CCDO cards and have the relevant training to enable them to complete their job in a safe manner.

• All health & safety related incidents will be fully investigated and the relevant reports produced for agreement / compliance from all parties.

• Full commitment to BBCL Zero Harm policy.

The principle will co-ordinate and liaise with any sub-contractors via inductions, toolbox talks, informal discussions and weekly site meetings. The Client will be informed
regarding any activities that are deemed to be a threat to the health & safety of the project.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Monitoring & Review of Site H&S Performance

A site walk round will take place prior to any works taking place to ensure all operatives are fully aware of the site process. Toolbox talks will take place prior to
the works commencing. All operatives will be inducted by the onsite Principle Contractor. All operatives will sign and read all Principal Contactors (Three Valleys




C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

All vehicles will access the site via Mill Road .

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

All vehicles will access the site via Mill Road .

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy


There is vehicle access to site 3 via Mill Road.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy


There is vehicle access to site 4 via Mill Road.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy


A site logistics/traffic management plan shall be developed by the principal contractor prior to work commencing.


A full investigation of the water course and the river bank will be carried out by both the Demolition contractor and the approved environmental consultant. This
inspection will formalise a plan identifying location and the interface between the Demolition and the watercourse.
We will liaise with the environment agency initially to submit a draft copy of the method statement and risk assessment and also to ensure that we do not in any
way pollute the river course.

C&D Consultancy will ensure at pre tender stage that the Demolition contractor is fully aware of the needs and concerns of the environment agency in relation to
polluting any part of the river course.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Green De-notes the

access and egress
onto the site.

There will be no
The blue route De-notes through access on
the access and egress Mill Lane this is de-
road for the sites. noted in the traffic
plan by a no entry

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Hours to be confirmed.

BERKELEY HOMES (THREE VALLEYS LTD) DEMOLITION operatives will only park plant and re-fuel in the designated area which has been agreed as being the
site compound area.

All waste materials will be re-cycled when practicable as follows:

• All arisings from the demolition process will be re used and recycled where possible

The principal contractor’s personnel will wear hard hat mounted ear protectors.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

The bunded fuel tank will have a

series of spill kits adjacent to the
area and all operatives will be trained
in emergency procedures.

An example of a Spill Kit.

Spill kits will be located as shown by

the black squares.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Fire plan for Building 3.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

C&D Consultancy has been asked by Berkeley Homes (Three Valleys LTD) to produce a Demolition methodology that will be given to the successful contractor for the safe
Demolition of the former Taplow Paper Mill. C&D Consultancy will ensure that the correct methodology is carried out throughout the Demolition process and they have been
instructed to have a monitoring brief throughout the Demolition.

Environmental Agency

Due to the proximity of the RIVER THAMES that special precautions and procedures will need to be put into place. We will identify exclusion zones for plant,
machinery and operatives to ensure that no breach of the river is made. Also we will put in a series of control measures to ensure no fuels or contaminants enter
the river stream thus producing pollution.

Prior to all Demolition a series of consultations will be taken to ensure that the Demolition contractors and their operatives are fully aware of their duties and
responsibilities in relation to the water course. We understand where Demolition is within an 8 metre boundary the Environment Agency must give their approval
prior to commencement of the works. Following constructive discussions we have made allowances for the Environment Agency requirements and have
undertaken a further series of control measures.

Due to the restrictions of the Environment Agency we will minimalise the interface between the Demolition contractors and the water course by putting in place a
series of exclusion zones. We have marked on the drawings the exclusion zones in red and the Demolition contractor will ensure that plant and machinery do not
enter the exclusion zone whilst carrying out the Demolition works.

Site Access

During the site survey we identified a number of routes for access into the 4 areas of Demolition. We were mindful that we must ensure that the access has no
detrimental effect on the watercourse or the river. All access is via the existing roadway and we have ensured that the egress does not cross the bridge in-
between the two sites.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

On each separate entrance a fully trained vehicle marshal will be present to ensure the safe access and egress to all sites. The vehicle marshal will be connected
by means of two way radio and mobile phone to the site Manager. The traffic plan will be inducted to all personnel prior to commencement of Demolition and a
pre-determined traffic route and traffic management plan will be agreed by all.

We have shown on the diagram below that the bridge over the river will not be used and all traffic will head towards the main road system and can exit the
Demolition area accordingly.

We have marked on the

drawing the area in
green as specific site
entrances. These
entrances will be fully
gated and locked and
vehicle marshals will be
present throughout the
Demolition operation.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

We have marked on the

drawing the area in
green as specific site
entrances. These
entrances will be fully
gated and locked and
vehicle marshals will be
present throughout the
Demolition operation.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Exclusion Zones

Marked in red are the

exclusion zones on the
relevant Demolition site.

The red area will be a NO

GO ZONE and Demolition
operatives are prohibited
from entering them.

Also plant and machinery

will not be allowed to
enter the exclusion zone.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Marked in red are the

exclusion zones on the
relevant Demolition site.

The red area will be a NO

GO ZONE and Demolition
operatives are prohibited
from entering them.

Also plant and machinery

will not be allowed to
enter the exclusion zone.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Identified Risks
1. Asbestos products awaiting Asbestos report
2. Services may be live to area.
3. Un-authorised access to work area.
4. Operative cuts & grazes.
5. Cables in ground.
6. Waste disposal.
7. Vehicular access to site.
8. Pedestrian access to site.
9. Welfare facilities.
10. Interaction with employees and members of the public on foot & in vehicles.
11. Machine operation.
12. Dust.
13. Noise.
14. Working on uneven ground.
15. Premature collapse of excavations.
16. Fall into excavations.
17. Fire.
18. Other site contractors that remain are in vicinity.
19. Contaminants entering the water course.
20. Operatives working close to water.
21. Erection of scaffold adjacent to water course.
22. Spillage of fuels into the water course.
23. Crossing the road area to enter individual sites.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Control Measures

19. The Demolition contractor will ensure that all areas have spill kits and all machines carry appropriate spill kits. The fuel will be placed within a
bunded facility and spill kits will be located around this area. We have also identified exclusion zones adjacent to the water course to prevent any
plant or machinery accessing close to the water course.

20. Operatives will be trained in emergency procedures in relation to working close to the river. Each operative will be trained in the use of life vest
usage and the procedures to rescue operatives who accidently enter the river course.

21. We have identified areas of the former Taplow Paper Mill which come into close proximity with the river course. To prevent any possibility of
materials entering the water course these sections will be bought down by hand by operatives working from a fully erected scaffolding with flame
retardant mono flex to prevent materials entering thee water course. This work will be carried out under temporary works BS 5795 and we will
ensure that a CAT 3 check and design is carried out on the erection. Once erected PULL tests will be carried out to ensure that the scaffolding is
fixed and firm to the building and no possibility of the scaffolding entering the water course. Scaffolding will have a scaff tag and will be inspected
on a weekly basis and will also have a hand over certificate and be erected by an advanced scaffolder.

22. Each piece of plant will have a spill kit within the cab area also Spill Kits will be located along the river bank. We have previously described that
the fuel will be within a bunded container and all operatives will be fully trained within emergency procedures. The plant will also not enter the
dedicated exclusion zone.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Demolition Sequence

Demolition sequence
number: 3

Demolition sequence Demolition sequence

number: 4 number: 1

Demolition sequence
number: 2

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Demolition Building 1

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Demolition Methodology Building 1

The drawings above demonstrate the sequencing of the Demolition working from within the site boundaries and away from the exclusion zone. The buildings will
not require to be soft stripped as they are disused and empty steel framed buildings. The building structure allows us the ability to Demolish the framed structure
using a excavator with a 360 degree hydraulic sheer attached to the dipper arm. This shear helps the Demolition in a number of ways principally as no working
from height will be needed and all steel work can be cold cut and the use of oxy propane will be minimalised.

In addition the large 45 tonne excavator with sheer can work from within the confines of the site and will not need to enter the exclusion zone along the river
bank. This ensures that no surcharging of the river bank takes place and therefore no damaged or de stabilisation to the river bank.

The hydraulic sheer will cut and process the materials in-situ and all steel work will be loaded directly into 40 cubic yard skips after they are processed.

An example of a 45 Tonne excavator with Hydraulic sheer

processing steel.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Scaffolding Barrier

The black square de-notes where the Demolition excavator will commence from and to ensure that the materials stay within the site boundary the excavator will
work from within the black line. This ensures that the materials will be kept away from the river bank and materials will be processed away from the river bank.

Once the steel work has been cut and processed the selector grab seen in the
picture on the left will load the steel work into the skip wagon.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

We can see here that the building is a steel framed

building with a brick external wall the excavators will
demolish the building from the pre designated area
and the hydraulic sheers will cut the steel and bring it
within the footprint of the building.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

This steel frame building is adjoined to the main

building by a small platform. Once the main building
has been removed this building will be bought into the
area by means of large 360 degree excavator and
hydraulic sheer. The building will be demolished in one
operation bringing it into the site boundary and away
from the watercourse. It will be cut by means of
hydraulic sheer and no hot works will be involved.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Demolition Building 2

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Demolition of Building 2

The sequence drawings above shows that the Demolition excavator with sheer will process the building from the area closest to the exclusion zone and bringing
the materials into the open yard are away from the river bank. The hydraulic sheer will cut the steel work and process as previously described for building
number one. This methodology reduces the use of working at height and also hot works. The operation is a fully cold cutting operation and de risks the likelihood
of any materials or pollution entering the river course.

The picture on the left shows

an excavator with hydraulic
sheer cutting down a steel
frame building similar to the
building to be Demolished at
Taplow Mill.

The photograph on the right is

the actual building to be
Demolished and we can see
that there are no adjoin
buildings and it is within its
own excluded area.

The buildings are significantly

away from the river bank and
no interface with the river
course is predicated.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Demolition of Building 3

Building 3 was an old grand house on the banks of the river that was recently and extensively fire damaged. The damage had completely gutted the building and
had rendered the roof and floors unsafe. Therefore conventional Demolition i.e. to soft strip the building will be considered to dangerous and therefore machine
Demolition will be used throughout his operation.

We have identified the concerns of the Environment Agency and put in place an exclusion zone where plant and machinery will be unable to access. This zone
will prevent and surcharging of the river bank and also any chance of any pollution under the Pollution Prevention Guide being exerted into the river.

The Demolition with a 20 Tonne excavator with selector grab will Demolish the building from the rear of the property in the former garden area. This will ensure
that the excavator and Demolished materials remain away from the river. No operatives will enter the building and all demolition will be carried out by the 20
Tonne excavator with selector grab.

Once the building has been Demolished and is at ground level the selector grab using its rotating attachment will attempt to sort the timber, plaster, plastics and
all other non-inert materials into waste streams. These products will be placed into their own separate skips and will be recycled at a licenced transfer station.

The resulting clean hard-core will be later crushed and used as 6F5 for use for the sub bases and road base of the future development.

This picture shows the extent of the fire

damage and the fact that all floors and roof
areas have been completely damaged.

This angle of the photograph de-notes the

direction the excavator will proceed from
the garden area away from the river bank.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

This diagram shows the red area

as the river bank exclusion zone
and the house is de noted in

The black area is the location the

excavator pictured in the right
photograph will start from.

The soft strip materials will be

loaded onto skips and removed
off site and the brick materials
will be crushed at a later stage.

This area will be fenced of by

means of heras fencing and This photograph shows the
is within the red zone which extent of the fire damage and
is the exclusion zone where the need for total machine
no plant or machine will Demolition.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Demolition of Building 4

This building poses obvious challenges due to its location and the fact that it has suffered in the past a number of structural issues. Currently the building has a
structural scaffold with appropriate kentlege placed on the scaffold. This kentlege is designed to support the external wall adjacent to the live road opposite the
car garage. It is our intention that this scaffolding will remain in place and we will also scaffold the other two elevations to fully protect the building.

Due to the structural stability all the external wall elevations will be scaffolded and where necessary kentlege placed on the walls to ensure that no uncontrolled
collapse of the building occurs. In addition internal scaffolding will be placed to enable operatives to de construct the building in full by hand.

The methodology of hand Demolition will protect any eventuality of materials exiting the Demolition area into the watercourse. Operatives will completely
Demolish the building working form internal scaffolds removing the roof structure as their first operation. Once the roof has been removed ad all internal walls
remain in place we will undertake a systematic de construct of the walls by operatives using handheld tools until we have reached first floor level.

At first floor level with internal scaffolding still with the building we will remove the timber floor boards and timber joists. Once the timber has been removed the
walls again will be removed by hand from operatives using the internal scaffolding that has been erected. The operation of Brick by Brick Demolition will continue
till the whole structure has been reduced to ground floor level.

The scaffolding will be reduced on a lift by lift basis to accommodate the demolition operatives working on a floor by floor basis.

The building will be surrounded on three sides by

scaffolding and will be de constructed on a brick by
brick basis.

An example of an internal crash deck that will be

used throughout the building for operatives to
remove floors and walls by hand.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Environmental impact building 4

Due to the close proximity of adjoining buildings and the watercourse the methodology adopted will be one of brick by brick Demolition. This will prevent any
large Demolition Plant and machinery accessing the area and possibly polluting the river course with either debris or mechanical fuels. We have also taken this
decision due to the structural integrity of the building and the fact that it adjoins a series of terrace cottages along the river bank.

A series of CAT 3 scaffolding checks in relation to design will carried out and put in place to ensure there is no risk of scaffolding entering either the road or the
river course.

On completion of the handheld Demolition a small excavator will be used to load the brickwork on to skip wagons and remove off site.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

The area marked in red will be an exclusion zone

where no operative’s machinery will be able to enter.
This will ensure that no materials from handheld
demolished building will enter the watercourse.

Structural considerations for Building 4

Prior to any Demolition a full structural survey will be carried out to ascertain the structural stability of the building. This will be carried out by fully charted
engineering practise and their finding will form part of the construction file. In addition to the structural survey we would also commission a structural
scaffolding to internally support the building especially the affected areas. In conjunction with the structural engineer a CAT 3 check and design of all scaffolding
would be undertaken and signed off prior to Demolition.

Within the design and risk review we would ensure that all parties are aware of the risks of the adjacent watercourse.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Due to the structura

the fat that it is ad
properties we inten
but to also add fur

The existing scaffold

previously stated and ad

The partial lane closure w

however once the Demo
would be
C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX
| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Removal of Floor Slab and Foundations on Building 1,2,3,4.

Once all the buildings have been demolished to ground level and all materials removed from site, the client will inspect the area, confirm that all underground
services have been terminated and issue a permit to dig. On receipt of that permit to dig work will commence with the breaking and removal of the floor slabs and
foundations. A series of holes will firstly be punched through the slab in order to allow the machine to lift and break the materials.
C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX
| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

This work shall be in the opposite direction to the demolition, working back towards the desired stockpile location which will be agreed on site with the client

The machine will then break foundations into small manageable sections using the pneumatic hammer whilst a second machine lifts and munches the materials
into smaller sections.

Crushing of Arising’s
The plant will crush materials from the demolition process following the same sequence as the demolition when practicable. The materials created during the
demolition process will be transported and stockpiled adjacent to the crushing area and processed into 6F2 material.

The crusher is to be loaded with demolition arising’s using a 360o Hydraulic Excavator and bucket attachment see diagram Below.

The crushing plant is fitted with full dust suppression equipment (water) and is applied as and when required.

Location of the Crusher on site.


C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy


C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Due to the fact that we are working alongside and adjacent in a number of area to a watercourse we will have to take a number of measures to ensure safety of
the operatives. The operatives will receive specific training in relation to working alongside water and life jackets and life preservers will be supplied. In addition a
specific set of training and rescue plans will be put I in pace prior to Demolition All operatives including supervisors will receive this training prior to them
commencing work if they are to work near the water course.

We hope the control measures that we have put in place will prevent any interface with the water course and we have been mindful of the Pollution Prevention
Guide PPG5 which we have consulted.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

Any person on site, found to have acted in any one of the following ways, shall be liable to the site disciplinary procedure:

1. Wilfully breaching the safety rules or Safety Policy.

2. Removing any guard or protective device without permission.
3. Operating any machine, plant or equipment without authority.
4. Misusing items provided for first aid.
5. Recklessly interfering with or misusing anything provided in the interest of health, safety or welfare at work.
6. Defacing or removing notices, signs, labels or any other warning device.
7. Misusing any chemical, flammable substance, toxic material, etc.
8. Smoking in designated "No Smoking" areas or whilst using flammable substances.
9. Taking part in horseplay or practical jokes


Site Personnel
All Site Personnel must report immediately any accident, dangerous occurrence or near miss on site, regardless of severity, to the Site Supervisor/Foreman.
All operatives will be made aware of the danger, hazards and risks associated working near a water course. An additional reporting and instant procedure will
also take into account any accidental discharges into the river.

Site Supervisor/Foreman
The Site Supervisor/Foreman will record all accidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses onto the Incident Register
All operatives will be made aware of the danger, hazards and risks associated working near a water course. An additional reporting and instant procedure will
also take into account any accidental discharges into the river.

Site Supervisor/Foreman
The Site Supervisor/Foreman will ensure that in the event of an accident the following actions are taken immediately:

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

• Report details of the accident to either the Safety Advisor or designated person(s)
• Record details onto the Incident Record
• Generate an Accident Report
• Forward the Accident Report to the Office
• Record details into any other designated Accident Books
NB: Details of all accidents, regardless of severity, will be recorded
Dangerous Occurrences/Near Misses
The Site Supervisor/Foreman will ensure that in the event of a dangerous occurrence or near miss the following actions are taken immediately:
• Report verbally details of the dangerous occurrence or near miss to either the Safety Advisor or designated person, Contracts Director or Contracts Manager.
• Record details onto the Incident Record
• Generate a Dangerous Occurrence/Near Miss Record if the dangerous occurrence is detailed in the Table of Occurrences/Near Misses
• Forward the Dangerous Occurrence/Near Miss Record to the Office

The recipient of either an Accident Report or Dangerous Occurrence/Near Miss Record must ensure that the following actions are taken immediately:
• Generate a copy of the Accident Report
 Issue the original to Safety Advisor or designated person
 File one copy in the employee’s personnel file
Dangerous Occurrences/Near Misses
 Generate a copy of the Dangerous Occurrence/Near Miss Record
 issue the original to Safety Advisor or designated person
 file one copy in the appropriate Project file

Safety Advisor or designated person

Upon receipt of an Accident Report, the Safety Advisor or designated person will:
• Report all accidents reportable under the requirements of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) to the HSE
Incident Contact Centre at Caerphilly
• Record all accident details in the Incidents Register
• Retain the original in the ‘Incident Records and Analysis’ file
• In the case of RIDDOR reportable accidents, generate an Accident File to be retained in the ‘Incident Records and Analysis’ file
C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX
| T: 01902 686363 | W:
Demolition CDM-C Demolition Project Management Training Consultancy

• Issue copies of all documentation to the Company Insurers, in the case of RIDDOR reportable accidents immediately, others at the end of each month
Dangerous Occurrences/Near Misses
Upon receipt of a Dangerous Occurrence/Near Miss Record, the Safety Advisor or designated person will:
• Report all dangerous occurrences reportable under the requirements of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
(RIDDOR) to the HSE Incident Contact Centre at Caerphilly
• Record all dangerous occurrences in the Incidents Register
• Retain the original in the ‘Incident Records and Analysis’ file
 All operatives will be made aware of the danger, hazards and risks associated working near a water course. An additional reporting and instant procedure
will also take into account any accidental discharges into the river.

Investigation of accidents, dangerous occurrences or near misses will be at the discretion of the Safety Advisor in association with the Managing Director.
Accidents and dangerous occurrences reportable under RIDDOR will generally be investigated.
Investigation will be carried out by the Safety Advisor or designated person, where appropriate, in association with other personnel.
Accident investigations will be formally documented either onto the Investigation Record or other suitable third party documentation.
Any actions identified as a result of the investigation will be recorded and reviewed by the Safety Advisor or designated person in association with other
personnel deemed appropriate. Any identified actions will be recorded and actioned by the Safety Advisor or designated person.
If an investigation is carried out the Investigation Record and all related documentation will be retained in the Incident File.
All operatives will be made aware of the danger, hazards and risks associated working near a water course. An additional reporting and instant procedure will
also take into account any accidental discharges into the river.

The Safety Advisor or designated person will generate analysis records for all occurrences and accidents and review the findings to establish causes, identify
and implement appropriate corrective and/or preventive actions.
All operatives will be made aware of the danger, hazards and risks associated working near a water course. An additional reporting and instant procedure will
also take into account any accidental discharges into the river.

C&D Demolition Consultants | 20 Foxlands Avenue, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5LX

| T: 01902 686363 | W:

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