Research Chapter 3 Format

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Chapter 3

Research Methods

[Introductory paragraph]. This chapter presents the research methodology of the study.

It includes discussion on the research design and research methods covering the research

environment, research subjects, sampling techniques, instrumentation, data gathering

techniques, and statistical treatment.

Research Design

[Identify and define the research design to be used. Cite its weakness as a design but
highlight its strength. Cite source. Use research books as sources. Avoid using previous theses
as sources for the definition, advantages and disadvantages of research design. The thesis is
meant to present the findings of a study, not as an authority in research methodology. Ensure
that the source is published recently, or not later than 2005.]

Research Environment

[Describe the target locale of the study. If a municipality/district/school, then include

information on the locale that is relevant to the topic. May include vicinity map.]

Research Participants (Research Subject, if the samples are non-human such as organisms,)

[Describe the target research participants/organisms. ].

Sampling Techniques

[Define the sampling technique used. Cite source/s. Describe how actual research
participants will be chosen.]


[Enumerate the materials or instruments to be used. Give the correct description of the
materials or instruments, such as volume, unit, etc.]

[Attach the instruments at the appendices.]


[Enumerate the steps in writing the procedure. If possible, divide the procedure to which
subject or treatment is to be done first. The general sentence pattern should be SUBJECT + BE

Data Gathering Techniques

Explain how the researcher will gather the data. Start by stating that permission to conduct
the study will be sought from proper authorities (School President or Schools Division

Statistical Treatment [for quantitative studies]

[Describe the types of data gathered and how these will be treated statistically. Identify
the tests to be conducted. (e.g. t-test, chi-square, ANOVA or analysis of variance for testing
significant differences or multiple regression or Pearson ”r” for testing significant relationship.)

Data Analysis [for qualitative studies]

[Describe what types of data are gathered and how these will be analysed].

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