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Mary Shelley “Frankenstein”

Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” is a novel with a deep sense.This book is known all over the
world and and will appeal to many fans of Gothic literature."Frankenstein" marked the beginning of
science fiction that is so popular in modern times.Swiss scientist Victor Frankenstein, having
studied the works of medieval and modern scientists, penetrates into the secrets of living matter and
the origin of life.Determined to defeat Death itself and serve humanity, he creates a giant ugly
creature with parts of dead people.The product of the human brain turns out to be a powerful
destructive force, as its Creator did not think about the prospects and purpose of such a horrific
creature. 1Victor Frankenstein could not take the responsibility for his creature and was not able to
take care of his “child”.He could not cope with his discovery and simply ignored it. In this work
creature not only exists in addition to Professor Frankenstein,it opens the possibility of existence,he
learns to speak, enjoy the fruits of human labor, but can not be useful for people.

English traveler Walton goes from St. Petersburg to explore the North pole.The
Explorer's ship picks up barely living person among the ice.It was a scientist Victor
Frankenstein.Then,he told Walton what had happened to him.Frankenstein was born in a rich
Swiss family.Victor's mother died because of illness and after this tragic incident he promised
that he would stop death forever.Before her death, she left him a diary,which he had to fill in
the affairs of his life.The boy very early began to be interested in the supernatural and his
father sent him to prestigious University of Ingolstadt.There he met a talented scientist and
teacher Waldman, thanks to who he became interested in the mysteries of life and death.For
several years he conducted research until he was able to create a living being from inanimate
matter.Using parts of dead bodies of various people,Frankenstein created a huge humanoid
creature,which he revived with the help of electricity.The creature was so ugly that Victor in a
panic attack escaped from his laboratory.Then,he found out that his brother William was
killed.Frankenstein returns to his native Geneva,where the court finds guilty of the murder of
William servant Justine.But Victor understood that his brother killed the creature, because he
saw him in the forest.Finally Frankenstein meets face to face with his creation.The creature
says that he learned the human language, living in a barn of a local family and doing at night
hard work, he earned the love of the owners.But when the people saw him,they got scared and
drove him away.He was everywhere persecuted because of his frightening appearance.The
monster accidentally captured diary of Victor from the laboratory and after reading it,he hated
his Creator and killed the brother of Victor for revenge.The creature says it will leave the
humans forever if Victor creates a woman for him.Victor marries Elizabeth and decides to
leave,but the Creature finds them and kill Elizabeth.The action is transferred back to captain
Walton's ship.Frankenstein is dying.Near the body of its Creator the team discovers the
creature.After the ice around the ship recedes,Walton takes a course back to England. 2"I shall
die, and what I now feel be no longer felt. Soon these burning miseries will be extinctI shall
ascend my funeral pile triumphantly and exult in the agony of the torturing flames.The light of
that conflagration will fade away; my ashes will be swept into the sea by the winds.My spirit
will sleep in peace,or if it thinks, it will not surely think thus.Farewell."He sprang from the
cabin window as he said this,upon the ice raft which lay close to the vessel.He was soon borne
away by the waves and lost in darkness and distance.

In the novel,Frankenstein's creature is described as a murderer whose main goal is revenge.The
creature takes revenge for the fact that its Creator left him and did not teach him to speak,manage
emotions and live in this hostile world.The creature was not created evil he became it after his
"father" refused to take care of him.When the creature was born,he was like a little child because he
hoped to see his parents,to have a family and simply to be needed.Victor Frankenstein awakened
hatred in the creature by escaping from him.He was simply scared because of his terrifying
appearance,although the ugly creature had no evil intentions.The creature did not come on his own
will,but wanted to get love like all living beings on earth.The creature run away in the hope of
finding people who can accept it.It had a desire for support and love.But,unfortunately,all the
people he met on his way were afraid of him and expelled him because of his terrible appearance .
He couldn't understand what wrong with him and why everyone hurts him and makes him suffer.
He was completely alone,no one cared about him,that is why he was made a murderer. If were
people on his way who would not push him away from himself, perhaps he would not have
committed a single crime.

After reading this novel, you can blame Victor Frankenstein because if he hadn't created the
creature there wouldn't have been many murders and sufferings.But from his point of view he didn't
want anything bad and there are a few facts to prove it.For example,Victor tried to stop Justine's
execution:4«You are all mistaken;I kmow the murderer.Justine,poor,good Justine is innocent.»He
gave him life and what the creature chose to do next was his choise.He did not have any influence
over his developing character.Also,the creature killed William only because he was related to
Frankenstain.Another prove is that Victor destroyed the female creature because he was worried
about humanity.He understood that if they are going to be together they will create other unnatural
creatures.Therefore, there is definitely a scientist's fault in what happened,but mistakes are an
integral part of human life and he was punished for his desire to "deceive" nature.

The creature is a victim who suffers from the injustice of the world.The reason for this was the
indifference of people and judging everything basing on the appearance.The horrible monster,
which the young doctor created from different parts of the human body, is like a big baby who falls
into a world of cruelty and misunderstanding, disgust and dislike.Without name, but an intelligent
monster understands that it is not necessary to expect from the people nothing good just
pain,suffering, cruel hatred and need of revenge and murder fill his being.The novel is a kind of
warning to humanity, which seeks to reveal all the secrets and mysteries of nature.
Mary Shelley «Frankenstein»
Mary Shelley «Frankenstein»

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