Chapter 6 Intersubjectivity

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Sensitivity Test from the book

Intersubjectivity - What makes us human?

- Requires accepting differences and not to impose on others.

- Labels- positive or negative

Intersubjectivity as Ontology : The Social Dimensions of the self

Martin Buber’s and Karol Wojtylas’s believed in the notion of concrete experience/existence
of the human person. Both refuse to regard the human person as a composite of some
dimensions, such as animality and rationality.

For Wojtyla, the social dimension represented by “We Relation” our relation to common good.

For Buber, the interpersonal is signified by the “I-You relation”- differences of people.

Martin Buber is a Jewish existentialist philosopher, He was born in Vietnamn and was brought
up in Jewish tradition. In his work “I and thou” he conceived a human person in his
wholeness, totality, concrete existence and related to the world.

Human person as a subject, who is a different from things or from objects. Human person
experiences his wholeness not in virtue (good value) of his relation of one’s self but in virtue of
his relation to another self. The human person establishes the world of mutual relation of

Saint Pope John Paul II or Karol Wojtyla was born in Wadowise, Polamd. He was considered
a great Pope during his life time. He criticized the traditional definition of human as “
rational animal” . He maintains that human person as the one who exist and acts
(conscious acting, has a will and has self determination.)

Participation explains the essence of human person. Through participation, the person is able to
fulfill one self. A human person is oriented toward the relation and sharing in the communal life
for the common good.

St. Augustine of Hippo. “ No human being should become an end to him/herself. We are
responsible to our neighbors as we are to own actions”.
Person with Disabilities (PWD)


 Hearing impaired (highest problematic scores; more behavior management issues; Study
in N. America, 50% read less than normal children)
 Diabetic
 Asthmatic (parents- mothers- scored positively than other groups of mother; father-
higher parent attitudes,more sociable than other group of fathers)
 Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) ( find it difficult to f ocus or complete
as despite her best effort.)

Negative attitudes of family and community toward PWD may add to their poor academic and
vocational outcomes.

On Underprivileged Sectors of Society.

Dimensions of Poverty

The notion of poverty is not one-dimensional but multidimensional.

 Income (most common;in terms of (lack)good & services) World Bank categories
poverty - poor and extremely poor ; living below US $ 2.00/per day are poor; US $
1.25/day are extremely poor
 Health( Globally millions die to AIDS, Ebola virus,tuberculosis and malaria; infants
deaths largely preventable causes of diarrhea disease.
 Education
 Empowerment (to give power or authority to someone)
 Working condition
On the Right of Women

Poem from the book

Jean Jacques Rousseau “ women should educated to please men”. He believes that women r
should be useful to men, should take care, advise, console men and to render men’s lives easy
and agreeable.

Mary Wollstonecraft argued that such education would produce women who were
propagators of fools. She believes that women must be united to men in wisdom and rationality.
Society should allow women to attain equal rights to philosophy and education given to men.

She maintains that women should respect themselves. Men worth should not be based on the
vanity(pride) of women and babies for this degrade women by making them mare dolls.

She stress that women should not marry for a support. Instead, they should earn their “Bread”.

A Dialog in a Individual Difference.


In his essay, Martin Heidegger says that human kind is a conversation. A conversation is more
than a idle talk but a dialog.

Language as one of human procession creates human world. Language is a toll for human
communication, information and social interactions.

For Heidegger, a conversation attempts to articulate who and what we are, not a particular
individuals but a human being. Who are human beings we care about more than information and
gratification. (satisfaction).
Talents of PWDS and Underprivileged Sectors of Society

The Philippine Government supports persons with disabilities (PWD) to land a job.

As of 2014, NSO estimated about 1.44 millions Filipinos have some form of disabilities in the
employable 15 to 64 years old age bracket.

Laws to protect PWD’s

EO 417- All National Government Agencies and state run corporations to allot atleast 1% of
their annual budget for programs that will benefits the sector.

- The EO addresses the need for government to provide capitalization for PWD livelihood
activities, which include support for technical skills through labor development.

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