PSS Airbus Training Flight

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PSS A319/A320/A321


Important Notes:
• Always start with engines off with cold & dark cockpit (option that can be selected by the Panel Configuration
• Use Metric/Feet setup in FS2002
• You need to have:
9MS FS2002
9PSS Airbus Base Pack: with latest navdata
9LGAV Scenery:
9PSS Airbus Checklist (included also in Zip File)
• For this Training Flight you are going to use A320 CFM type. All procedures, are the same for all 3 PSS
• Familiarize yourself with PSS A320, by executing this flight, offline, with no weather, so you can have the
same SIDs & STARs
• Before start MS FS2002, run PSS Load Editor program (metric version), choose your a/c A320 Chartered
Version and load it with 150 passengers, Full Baggage (3178 KG) and no Cargo (0 KG). This will make a
ZFW : 56478 KG. Remember to save changes!
• Set Fuel to 55% for Both Right & Left Tank and 0%, empty for Center Tank. When using Fuel Planner, have
always, EXTRA fuel onboard for alternate airport, holdings, taxi and APU.

© Eddie Armaos
Not to be used in real life, this is only for Flight Simulator

1. Cockpit Preparation
9Check in Pedestal that ENG MASTER SW (2) are OFF and ENG MODE SEL is NORM
9Check Flaps are up & Speed brake - retracted
9Check Landing Gear Lever is DOWN
9Set Parking Brakes
9From Overhead Panel
9Battery both – ON
9Passenger Signs – ON (Seat Belts & No Smoking)
9Nav & Logo Light – ON
9Altimeter – SET local QNH (1013)

Set MCDU (FMC) Data

9Set From/To: LGRP/LGAV and press LSK 1R
9Set Alternate: LGSA and press LSK 2R
9Set Flight No: e.g. OAL331 and press LSK 3L
9Set Final Flight Level: 240 and press LSK 6L
9Alight IRS: press LSK 3R
9Press Next Page and set the ZFW 56.5 (you‘ve got it from Load Editor program, 56.478 KG --> 56,5)
9Set in Block the amount of Fuel in tons 6,9 (you can find it also in Upper EICAS --> 6.880 KG)
9Press F-PLAN
9Press LSK 1L next to LGRP
9Press LSK 1L next to departure
9We are going to depart from rwy 25, so press LSK 3L
9Now you can choose the SID, press LSK 3L to choose ASIMI 1A departure
9To accept/insert the departure data, press LSK 6R
9You have programming the departure from rwy25 and you have to continue with remaining route
9Press LSK 5L (left to ASIMI)
9Type R19/VARIX and press LSK 2R
9Press LSK 6R to insert.
9All the waypoints, are inserted in MCDU (FMC) with last one, VARIX which is the begin of
9Move down, scrolling the data in MCDU (FMC) by pressing Up-arrow
9Notice that after VARIX, 3 lines below there is LGAV (with green letters)
9To programming the STAR, press LSK LEFT to LGAV
9Press LSK 1R (arrival)
9Choose ILS03L by pressing LSK 3L
9Scroll monitor (up-arrow), find VARI1C and press the LEFT LSK.
9Press LSK 6R to insert new data
9Press CLR button and press the LEFT LSK next to white dot line after VARIX and before KEA,
to remove also F-PLN DISCONINUTY (By pressing CLR, you can delete waypoints)
9All the Flight plan now is completed, if you want you can set Missed Approach procedure, at the
section below END OF F-PLN, or the route for alternate.
9Press now PERF Button and RIGHT click with mouse Left LSK buttons next to V1, VR and V2 to let
FMC calculate V-speeds for you.
9In PERF page, by pressing also LSK 6R you can view next pages, where you can set Data for
Climbing Phase CLB, Cruising, CRZ, Descending DES, Approaching & Go Around.
9Now you have complete at the moment the MCDU (FMC) programming. You will return to FMC
during flight, for monitor and check it and also for set some data, for the Approach phase

© Eddie Armaos
Not to be used in real life, this is only for Flight Simulator
2. Before Startup / Startup
9Check Fuel quantity
9Verify, from lower ECAS, that doors are closed
9Set Beacon – ON from Overhead
9 Start Engines
9Open Pedestal Panel
9Verify Throttles Idle (don’t forget throttle at your joystick!!)
9Set Engine MODE SEL button to the RIGHT to IGN/START position
9Turn Right Engine Master Switch - ON Wait until Engine is stabilized
9Turn Left Engine Master Switch - ON
9Verify both engines are stabilized on the Lower ECAM

3. After Start
9From Pedestal set Engine Mode SEL to NORMAL
9Check ECAM Status
9Overhead APU BLEED - OFF
9Overhead APU MASTER - OFF
9Overhead Anti ICE ENG - AS REQUIRED
9Go to Main Panel and set Final ALTITUDE and Push knob & Push also SPEED knob for a dot appear

4.Before Taxi
9Overhead Runway Turnoff Lights – ON
9Overhead Taxi Lights ON

5. Before Takeoff
9Check Flight Controls
9Set in Main Panel Auto brake to MAX by pressing button
9Press TO CONFIG on the lower Panel ECAM
9Look results on ECAM. You must have no Blue words, but all green
9Overhead Strobe Lights – ON
9Overhead Landing Lights – ON
9Overhead NAV & LOGO Lights - Verify ON
9In online flight Set Squawk Mode C (squawkbox)
9Release Parking Brakes
9Increase N1 to 50% by pressing F3 or by throttle of your joystick
9After reaching 50% N1, move to FLEX (use + twice on Num Pad), or to TOGA (use + three times in Num

6.After Takeoff
9Landing Gear - UP when you have positive climb rate
9At 200 Feet engage Auto Pilot AP1 – ON from main Panel
9When LVR CLB start to Flashing, (passing 1500 AGL) Pull Throttles back one Gate to CLB (use - on Num
9FLAPS - Retract by Schedule
9Passing TA (6000feet at Rhodes) set altimeter to STD pressure 1013 by pushing knob.
9At 10.000 Feet, set Lights - OFF, Passenger Signs or Only Seat Belts to OFF
9You have to monitor and check FMC F-PLAN and progress.
9Verifying you position by checking ND display with Navaids
9Check your speed & altitude.

© Eddie Armaos
Not to be used in real life, this is only for Flight Simulator
7. Descend & Approach
9Passing T/D select lower altitude & Push Altitude Knob
9Set Landing Data:
Prepare MDCU (FMC) for approach configuration
9Press PERF Button and Press Next Phase until APPROACH "APPR" shows up
9Enter the Altimeter QNH 1013
9Enter TEMP 14
9Enter the Mag/Winds 00/000
9Enter in Trans Alt 10.000 (this is Trans Level in LGAV, with std QNH)
9Enter MDA or DHA
9Look "VAPP" below this is the slowest speed for landing configuration (WARNING don't let the aircraft
slow down to this speed )
9Passing TL set Altimeter (as you are flying offline set it again to 1013, by pushing the knob)
9Passing 10.000 feet Set Passenger signs ON, Landing Lights, Wings Lights, Logo Lights - ON
9Approaching Decel Point go to MDCU (FMC) and Press Prev Phase until APPR Confirm Appears and
press it. This will make autopilot to reduce speed to minimum clean speed. (without flaps)
9In Main Panel Press ILS and when passing Decel Point press also LOC button. After LOC established, press
APPR button
9Start deploying flaps, this will reduce speed step by step

8. Landing
9Main Panel set Auto Brake MED
9From Pedestal Arm Spoilers (or use Shift + / )
9Set Flaps to 3
9Landing Gear down
9Set Flaps to Full
9Press AP2 on FCU Main Panel. This engage 2nd autopilot for Autoland
9Overhead Taxi Lights – ON & Runway Turnoff ON
9Let the aircraft to land by itself or you take the control on final
920 feet above ground when you hear Retard, move Throttle Lever to IDLE (press - on Num Pad)
9Press F1 (to zero trust), or move back your joystick’s throttle
9Press – on Num Pad to move Throttle to Rev &Press F2 to Engage Full Reverse Thruster
9Below 60 knots - Press F1 to stop Reverse and move Lever to IDLE (press + on Num Pad)
9Press Auto brake button on Main Panel, to disengage them.

9. After Landing
9Set Flaps – UP
9Pedestal Spoilers - RETARD
9Overhead Anti-Ice– OFF
9Overhead Strobe Light OFF
9Overhead Landing Light - OFF
9Overhead Runway Turnoff – OFF
9Overhead APU Master Switch – ON
9Overhead APU START – ON
9Main Panel Flight Director - OFF

10. Shutdown
9Parking Brakes - Set
9Overhead APU BLEED - ON
9ENG MASTER SWITCH – Both OFF (on the Throttle Pedestal)
9Overhead Beacon OFF
9Overhead Lights as req & Seat Belt Sign – OFF
9Overhead Fuel Pumps – OFF
9Parking Brakes Released
9Overhead APU BLEED - OFF
9Overhead APU Master SW – OFF
9Overhead Battery - OFF
© Eddie Armaos
Not to be used in real life, this is only for Flight Simulator

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