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Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform

aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through
proper nutrition,[1] moderate-vigorous physical exercise,[2] and sufficient rest.[3]
Before the industrial revolution, fitness was defined as the capacity to carry out the day’s activities
without undue fatigue. However, with automation and changes in lifestyles physical fitness is now
considered a measure of the body's ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure
activities, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases, and to meet emergency situations.[

Fitness is defined[5] as the quality or state of being fit. Around 1950, perhaps consistent with
the Industrial Revolution and the treatise of World War II, the term "fitness" increased in western
vernacular by a factor of ten.[6] Modern definition of fitness describe either a person or machine's
ability to perform a specific function or a holistic definition of human adaptability to cope with various
situations. This has led to an interrelation of human fitness and attractiveness which has mobilized
global fitness and fitness equipment industries. Regarding specific function, fitness is attributed to
persons who possess significant aerobic or anaerobic ability, i.e. strength or endurance. A well
rounded fitness program will improve a person in all aspects of fitness, rather than one, such as only
cardio/respiratory endurance or only weight training.
A comprehensive fitness program tailored to an individual typically focuses on one or more specific
skills,[7] and on age-[8] or health-related needs such as bone health.[9] Many sources[10] also
cite mental, social and emotional health as an important part of overall fitness. This is often
presented in textbooks as a triangle made up of three points, which represent physical, emotional,
and mental fitness. Physical fitness can also prevent or treat many chronic health conditions brought
on by unhealthy lifestyle or aging.[11] Working out can also help some people sleep better and
possibly alleviate some mood disorders in certain individuals.[12]
Developing research has demonstrated that many of the benefits of exercise are mediated through
the role of skeletal muscle as an endocrine organ. That is, contracting muscles release multiple
substances known as myokines which promote the growth of new tissue, tissue repair, and various
anti-inflammatory functions, which in turn reduce the risk of developing various inflammatory

What is Physical Fitness?

Physical fitness is an important part of life. It is an indicator which shows whether you have
the ability to perform and enjoy day to day physical activities with ease.

Physical fitness is generally achieved through -

• physical activity and exercise,

• correct nutrition,

• enough rest (good quality sleep),

• Stress management and relaxation.

Definition of Physical Fitness:

So what is Physical Fitness after all?

Physical fitness is defined as the state of general well being, physically sound and healthy,
along with mental stability.

Previously fitness was commonly defined as the capacity of the person to meet the physical
demands of daily life and carry out the day’s activities without undue fatigue.

However, because of increased leisure time, changes in lifestyles rendered this definition
insufficient. These days, physical fitness is considered a measure of the body’s ability to
function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist
hypo-kinetic diseases, and to meet emergency situations.

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is
the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”

John F. Kennedy

I hope you are still with me looking for an answer of what is physical fitness? Well, there is
no true physical fitness definition, as the meaning of that term varies frequently from expert
to expert. However, fitness does encompass the following key components. If you work
steadily on health related components of physical fitness, it will make you fit within a short
span of time.

Physical fitness can be classified into following categories:

A. Health related fitness components

B. Skill related components of physical fitness

C. Physiological components of fitness

D. Sports related components of fitness

Health related fitness components:

These are -

1. Body composition

2. Cardiovascular fitness

3. Flexibility

4. Muscular endurance

5. Muscle strength

Health Related Physical Fitness –

What is Physical Fitness or what is Health Related Physical fitness? - It is best defined as
activity aimed to improve your health. The goal of health related fitness is prevention of or
rehabilitation from disease as well as the development of a high level of functional capacity
for daily tasks.

Health related physical fitness is further divided into 5 parts i.e. components of health
related physical fitness are -


In other words the ratio of fat to muscle. Minimum of fat and maximum of lean mass is a
sign of a healthy and fit body.


Cardiovascular endurance can be defined as the component which helps to determine if the
heart and lungs are working in coordination. It shows the ability of the body to deliver
oxygen and nutrients to tissues and to remove wastes.
Cardiovascular exercises or aerobics -walking, running, biking, rowing, treadmills


Flexibility can be defined as the component which checks the ability of the joints in the body
to move to their full range of motion.

Flexibility exercises - stretching, yoga, Tai Chi


Muscular endurance is defined as the ability of the body to perform repeated exercises
without getting tired. If a person can perform more number of repetitions of a particular
strength training exercise, then it can be said that he/she has good muscular endurance.

Strength training exercises such as running, jogging, cross-training on an elliptical

machine, etc.


Muscle strength can be defined as the capability of the muscles to lift weight. By doing
weight training exercises every alternate day increases the muscle mass of the body.

Weight training exercises - push ups, pull ups, biceps curls, pectoral fly, leg extensions,
back extension, etc.

Skill related components of physical fitness:

1. Agility

2. Balance

3. Coordination

4. Power

5. Reaction Time

6. Speed
Physiological components of fitness:

1. Metabolic

2. Morphological

3. Bone integrity

4. Other

Sports related components of fitness:

1. Team sport

2. Individual sport

So what is physical fitness? It is a combination of all these fitness components mentioned


Physical fitness and wellness is far more attainable than commonly perceived. A good
physical fitness and wellness can be described as a condition that helps individuals look, feel
and do their best.

Physical fitness is not just about having a thin lean body frame, but it is about having
cardiovascular and muscular endurance, strong immunity system, and most importantly, a
satisfied, happy and well balanced state of mind.

You should get the full knowledge and information about the importanceand benefits of
physical fitness.

Body mass index: A key index for relating weight to height. Abbreviated BMI. BMI
is a person's weight in kilograms (kg) divided by his or her height in meters
squared. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) now defines normal weight,
overweight, and obesity according to BMI rather than the traditional height/weight
charts. Overweight is a BMI of 27.3 or more for women and 27.8 or more for
men. Obesity is a BMI of 30 or more for either sex (about 30 pounds overweight).
A very muscular person might have a high BMI without health risks.

1. Ectomorph: Lean and long, with difficulty building muscle

2. Endomorph: Big, high body fat, often pear-shaped, with a high tendency to store
body fat
3. Mesomorph: Muscular and well-built, with a high metabolism and responsive
muscle cells

An ectomorph is a typical skinny guy. Ecto’s have a light build with small joints
and lean muscle. Usually ectomorph’s have long thin limbs with stringy muscles.
Shoulders tend to be thin with little width.

Typical traits of an ectomorph:

 Small “delicate” frame and bone structure
 Classic “hardgainer”
 Flat chest
 Small shoulders
 Thin
 Lean muscle mass
 Finds it hard to gain weight
 Fast metabolism

Ectomorphs find it very hard to gain weight. They have a fast metabolism which
burns up calories very quickly. Ecto’s need a huge amount of calories in order to
gain weight. Workouts should be short and intense focusing on big muscle
groups. Supplements are definitely recommended. Ectomorphs should eat before
bed to prevent muscle catabolism during the night. Generally, ectomorphs can
lose fat very easily which makes cutting back to lean muscle easier for them.

 Fast metabolism
Ectomorphs find it very hard to gain weight. They have a fast metabolism which
burns up calories very quickly. Ecto’s need a huge amount of calories in order to
gain weight. Workouts should be short and intense focusing on big muscle
groups. Supplements are definitely recommended. Ectomorphs should eat before
bed to prevent muscle catabolism during the night. Generally, ectomorphs can
lose fat very easily which makes cutting back to lean muscle easier for them.

A mesomorph has a large bone structure, large muscles and a naturally athletic
physique. Mesomorphs are the best body type for bodybuilding. They find it quite
easy to gain and lose weight. They are naturally strong which is the perfect
platform for building muscle.

Typical traits on a Mesomorph:

 Athletic
 Generally hard body
 Well defined muscles
 Rectangular shaped body
 Strong
 Gains muscle easily
 Gains fat more easily than ectomorphs

The mesomorph body type responds the best to weight training. Gains are
usually seen very quickly, especially for beginners. The downside to
mesomorphs is they gain fat more easily than ectomorphs. This means they must
watch their calorie intake. Usually a combination of weight training and cardio
works best for mesomorphs.
The endomorph body type is solid and generally soft. Endomorphs gain fat very
easily. Endo’s are usually of a shorter build with thick arms and legs. Muscles are
strong, especially the upper legs. Endomorphs find they are naturally strong in
leg exercises like the squat.

Typical traits of an Endomorph:

 Soft and round body
 Gains muscle and fat very easily
 Is generally short
 "Stocky" build
 Round physique
 Finds it hard to lose fat
 Slow metabolism
 Muscles not so well defined

When it comes to training endomorphs find it very easy to gain weight.

Unfortunately, a large portion of this weight is fat not muscle. To keep fat gain to
a minimum, endomorphs must always train cardio as well as weights. Usually
supplements may not be needed as long as the person has a high protein intake
in their diet.

What is posture? Posture is a term used to describe a position of the body or the
arrangements of body parts relative to one another. Ideal postures are those assumed to
perform an activity in the most efficient manner utilizing the least amount of energy. All
activity begins with a posture and ends with a posture. The relationships between body
parts can be controlled voluntarily but to do this would require too much concentration.
During normal functioning one's postures and adjustments to postures are automatic and
occur quickly.

Posture exercises should include both stretching, strengthening, and proprioceptive

exercises and below I will explain why this is so.

Posture is a reflection of the “position” of many systems that are regulated, determined and created through
limited functional patterns. These patterns reflect our ability and inability to breathe, rotate and rest

"Limited functional patterns" refers to movement that is restricted in directions, planes or normal boundaries
of functional range, as a result of improper joint, muscle and mediastinum rest position. Function is therefore
limited because soft tissue and osseous restrictions prevent one from using muscles and joints in their
normal range. Adaptation and compensation for these limitations require neuromotor encoding and
hyperactivity of muscle that is placed in improper positions that exceed normal physiological length or in
positions that make them a mover or counter-mover in planes and directions that are not observed when
one is in a neutral or more symmetrical state of rest. This compensatory activity and hyperactivity usually
becomes dysynchronous in the accessory muscles of respiration and at the appendicular flexors and axial
extensors, thus limiting functional rotation at the trunk and through the lumbo-pelvic-femoral and cranial-
mandibular-cervical complex.

Causes of Poor Movement Patterns

Poor movement patterns can result from any of the following:

 Joint dysfunction
 Pain
 Stress
 Central nervous system disorder/injury
 Overwork or overtraining
 Prolonged postures or repetition of the same activity
The movements controlled by normal reflex mechanisms are very small alterations in the
position of the skeleton, shoulders, and pelvis. These normal reflex mechanisms are learned
as an infant and become automatic reactions to changes in posture. The functioning of this
system is dependent on adequate proprioception (position sense), strength, vision, and
other sensory input. Because of this we can not look at the muscles' functioning without
looking at the sensory input.

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