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Name: _______________________

11 Biology Roll #:
Time: 35Min; Marks: 20 for video lectures, past papers and other helping material
Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 9 Marks
i) Which one belongs to bryopsida?
A) Marcantia B) Porella C) anthoceros D)polytrichum
ii) Microspore of seed plants (that contain micro gametophyte including gametes) is called ___
A) Seed B) Ovule C) Pollen grain D)Flower
iii) Solanaceae has plant:
A) Solanum tubersoum B) Pyrus C) Lathyrus odaratus D)Tamarandus indica
iv) Clitoria ternatea is used against:
A) Dog bite B) Horse bite C) Insect bite D)Snake bite
v) In spermatophytes seed is formed from ______
A) Ovary B) Ovule C) Anther D)Embryo sac
vi) The male gametophyte of angiosperms is _________
A) Anther B) Microspore C) Germinated pollen D)Megaspore
vii) Tomato and potato belong to the family _________
A) Poaceae B) Rosaceae C) Solanaceae D)Mimmosaceae
viii)Which of the following is not extinct?
A) Horneophyton B) Psilotum C) Psylophyton D)Cooksonia
ix) Megaspore within megasporangium develops into:
A) Ovule B) Fruit C) Embryo sac D)Ovary

Q2) Write short answers of the following: 20 Marks

i) Differentiate between leaf venation and circinate vernation.
ii) What is ovule?
iii) Write four characters of bryophyta.
iv) Enlist botanical names of four genera of family Poaceae.
v) What are arthrophytes? Give an example.
vi) Give two characters of Bryophta.
vii) What are gymnosperms? Give an example.
viii)What is phylogenetic system of classification?
ix) Define circinate vernation.
x) Define double fertilization in angiosperms. Give its importance.

Give explanatory answer of the following: 16 Marks

3A)Discuss various events in the evolution of megaphyll Leaf.
3B)Give detailed life cycle of adiantum and sketch it.
4A)Write main steps of evolution of seed.
4B)Discuss economic importance of family poaceae.

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