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Kaal Chakra:
Shift in Marketing Paradigms ’coz of
Consumer Voraciousness for User
Experience, Quality, Quantity, Price and
Ease of Access

Sachindra: 1729
To understand different marketing methods To analyze how they (Customers) behaved to
used till date and their impact on Customers. Marketing Mantras of firms over the decades

Understanding the unpredictable nature of Impact of Sniffing Customer’s Behaviour via

Customers using Analytical Tools (GA) Social Media in planning Marketing

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How Customers respond to Price (Deep
Discounting), Quality Quantity and ease of
shopping (Door Step Delivery)

Understanding the reasons for High Offline

Sales w.r.t Online.

Which Demographic acting as driver for

Online and Offline sales

Who are responsible for Price War and re-

emergence of Brick n Mortar Stores.

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D e s i g n / M e t h o d o l o g y / Ap p r o a c h

Surveying Customer Behaviour individually for Price

Rise, Quality Vs Price, Quantity Vs Price, User
Experience Vs Ease of Access, Price Vs Ease of

Giants like Walmart, Amazon, Flipkart and getting

ready for Omni Channel marketing (Wall n Mortar

What Customers are doing Online nowadays?

(Comparing Online and Buying Offline)

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Va l u e :

To c o m p l e t e t h e P r o j e c t , I a m
closely looking at Live data by
aligning with e commerce firms

w w w . s h o p s y o u r. c o m
w w w. u r b a n a z ia . co m a n d a l s o
reading and analyzing last 5yrs.&
Big festive Sales (Big
Billion/Durga Puja/Diwali) sale of
Amazon & Flipkart and D-mart,
B i g B a z a a r, W a l m a r t t o
understand the behavior of
c u s t o m e r.

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As project is under way, I am still in process of
collecting data and in synthesis phase.
But as per Last year Trend and this year Big Billion
Sale and Puja Sale, its clear that:

Customers major area of shopping are Electronics

followed by Home Furnishing.

Offline sale showed up move in all categories.

Confusion is going high on what Customer want?

The retail market in India is expected to grow to

USD 1.2 trillion by 2021 from USD 795 billion in
2017 & E retail roaring at same pace.

© 2018 All rights reserved. P A G E 6


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