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• Intro to computing

– Type of computers (supercomputers, mainframe)

– Architectures of computers (e.g. Von-Neuman)

– Virtual and physical memory functioning

– Secure from cybercrimes

– Conversions (binary, decimal etc.)

• Programming fundamentals & Object Oriented Programming

– Virtual and physical memory functioning

– Coding Programs (inheritance, loops, conditions, data type, logic)

– Volatile and non-volatile memory difference, examples

– Designing a program for medical store (inheritance, classes and attributes

– Dry run of programs

– Preprocessor directives

– Tree Scenario (private, protected members, virtual function accessibility)

– Table (define is-a ,has-a relationship)

• Software Engineering

– Software Models and design methods(Agile, Waterfall etc.)

• Agile dev. And issues

• Incremental methods

• Importance of design patterns in agile dev.

– Software development life cycle

• difference b/w validation and verification (2 times)

• Importance of requirement engineering

• Process of requirement sign off

• Difference between SRS doc and design doc4r

• Difference between white box and black box

• Unit testing process for verification

• Software testing and methodologies

– Design issues in distributed software engineering (task allocation and partitioning)

• Algorithms and data structures

– Sorting algos (theory and sort sequence)

– Hashing process
– Build tree

– Type of trees (binary etc.)

• Type of nodes

– Time complexities

– Difference between graph and trees

– Heuristic search

– Genetic algo and problem solved by it

– Dangling pointer

• Compiler construction

– Modules of compiler

• Parser and lexical analyzer

• Compare with e.g. (top down parser based compiler and bottom up parser based

• Explain code optimization methods (loop and peephole)

• DFD and ERD purpose, diagram, example

• Lexical analysis

• Regular expressions convert to finite automation

• Explain Context free grammar with examples

• Difference between lexers and parsers

• BNF grammar

• Deterministic finite automation (convert DFA to RE)

• Computer comm. And networks

– Network Protocols (HTTP, TCP)

• Short notes

– Numericals

– Topologies and scenarios

– Ethernet LAN and types (function)

– Layers of TCP/IP stack

– Difference between hub, bridge, switch and router

– Network address translation

– Working of multiplexing at transport layer

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