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Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan, Philippines


Content Courses


Submitted by
Mary Joy C. Ablas

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course

FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

March 10, 2018


Supervising Instructor


I am deeply thankful to those who had been part of this portfolio. It would never been successfully
complete without the help of them.

I am sincerely appreciate and gratefully acknowledged to the cooperation and assisstance of the
following person in our observation at Lada Elementary School.

To Mr. William H. Herrera, our supervising instructor for his teaching and instructions;

To Ms. Erlinda Bacosa, principal of Lada Elementary School for permitting and letting us to conduct
our observation at their school.

To the faculty members, especially to Ms. Padul and Ms. Vilma. I thank them so much for
cooperation and giving us a documents that needed in this portfolio and also for giving a chance to
us conducting an interview.

To my classmates, especially to Ate Charlotte, I am very thankful to her, for helping me when I at not
feeling well that time, during our second day of observation.

And most especially



Acknowledgement ……………………………………………

Table of Contents …………………………………………..

Vision …………………………………………...

Mission …...………………………………………

Goals ……………………………………………

Objectives ……………………………………………

Resume …………………………………………..

Statement of Purpose ……………………………………………

Personal Reflection …………………………………………….

My Field Study Portfolio

Episode 1 ………………………………………….

Episode 2 ………………………………………....

Episode 3 ………………………………………....

Episode 4 ………………………………………….

Episode 5 ….……………………………………….

Episode 6 …………………………………………..

Episode 7 ………………………………………….


Rubric for Reflection …………………………………..

Rubric for Portfolio ………………………………….

Daily Time Record …………………………………...


A premier State University in Southeast Asia that provides
Excellent and relevant higher education for sustainable development


The Palawan State University is committed to upgrade the quality of

life the people by providing higher education opportunities through
excellent instruction, research, extension, production services and
transnational collaborations and innovations


Experiences address local national and international needs through

activities that foster collaboration and mutually beneficial
relationships with its divers stake holder, and improve the
community's quality of life.


1. Promote the PSU Brooke's Point's initiative of Building
Better Communities, dedicated to expanding economic
opportunities and advancing quality of life in communities
across the locality;
2. Improve instructional programs/curricular offerings to meet
the needs of the locality as well as those within the new
immediate environs;
3. Create more impact in the locality served by participating
in meaningful and significant community activities;
4. Provide quality and relevant education, at a very affordable
cost, to the people it served;
5. Prepare learners for responsible, dedicated and for creative,
useful and productive membership in society;
6. Develop the entrepreneurial skills of business students and
promote self-employment among the graduates;
7. Improve financial conditions of the school through income
generating projects and productive activities;
8. Conduct relevant researches in the locality to clarify
problems and issues, and to preserve the culture, customs,
traditions and practices of different ethnic groups in the
locality that will serve as data bank for future references.


Statement of Purpose

Field Study 5, the course that allows the students to have hands-on experiences in selecting,
constructing and evaluating conventional, authentic and alternative assessment tools used in the
learning environment based on the principles of testing. In other words, it covers on the different
assessments and evaluation strategies that could be apply during practice teaching. It aims to
prepare the field study students before undergoing the practice teaching.

As of now while taking the FS 5, our duty is to observe first the assessment strategies or method
rendered by the teacher. So, to make it possible we are deployed to the different schools same as
what we did during our previous filed study subjects. But those FS’s were not the same on what we
have done in this Field Study 5. This time, I was assigned to observe in Lada Elementary School in the
6th Grade Class. Their teacher is Mrs. Marilyn R. Padul who serves as my mentor. She really did
anything for her pupils to learn the discussion and lessons even if the others are not paying attention
to her. In her class, I was not permanently observing her class it’s because we are required to
observe at least 3 grade levels in our observation. We are required to observe within 18 hours in two
weeks from the beginning of our deployment. But because of our vacant time for observation which
is not enough, we cannot able to complete the 18 hours in that certain time only. So we need to take
another time to complete the 18 hours as long as we have completed the required number of hours.
Anyway, the important thing is that we have done our duty and completed the 18 hours of
observation. But we need to remember that, this is not the end of our task when it comes to
observation activity because there is still one last field study to take up in the next semester which is
the FS 6 before entering the practice teaching. Being a Field Study Student, our duty is not really
easy because we need to face the hardships of our tasks. But I am totally hopeful that for the
incoming FS 6 and practice, I could surpass those incoming hardships.

Personal Reflection

After answering all the questions in this portfolio, I realized that as a future teacher we
should be more observant and give more attention to our pupils because all of them have a
different characteristics and capabilities that we should enhance through the use of
different methods, strategies and assessment tools. Also, after answering this field study, I
understand how a teacher should be handling his/her pupils. And through this, I have
learned many things that I can use when I am already in the field of teaching. That in giving
assessment is a task that we need to think and examine carefully and we should based it on
the learners and the learning objectives in order to be successfully done. Also, as a future
teacher, we should be skilled in choosing and developing assessment methods appropriate
in all types of learning. In this field of study, it's clear for me the importance of having an
assessment inside the classroom from traditional to authentic assessment. There are also
scoring rubrics for the performances. Actually, there's a lot of methods in assessing students
but it always depend on what we assessed.

I remembered when I was in grade one, I really want and dream of becoming a teacher
someday. Everytime I seen my teacher on how she teach, how she dressed up, how she
walked, and all of the way she act was really motivated me to pursue my dream. I have no
idea that time on how difficult become a teacher is.

There was a lot to consider in terms of teaching and especially assessing. We have to
consider the valid assessment tool matches with learning targets, the multiple intelligences
and varied learning styles and assessment learning must be done in a variety ways. It should
not be used as a punishment or disciplinary measure and it should free from any
discrimination, biases and subjectivity.

In my high school days, I remembered and experienced that there was a biases happened in
our section. Even if I was at a young age I noticed that our adviser was more giving attention
to my classmates which is a granddaughters and grandsons of our Mayor, daughters of
teachers and have a parents which is well-known in our Municipality. The reason is that,
their parents were always giving a donations in our schoo, such as cements, books and etc.
And when it comes to the rest of her students, she always getting mad and gives us a task to
cleaned around the classroom just to have a grade in T.L.E subject. But the worst thing is
that, our grades are lower than our classmates who gave a donation even though they are
not working for it. I can say that our teacher was subjective in giving a grades. So, as a
student, I felt discourage and lost interest in studying. I thought that, what's the point of
being studying harder if I was always getting a lower grades. But then, I remembered my
dream, I want to be a teacher. And if I am luckily become a teacher someday, I will used my
experienced as a way to be an effective and not subjective teacher. I will not let my student
feel what I felt and experienced that time. I will used all of my experienced to be a best
teacher ever.

Features of this Portfolio

This Portfolio is divided into Learning Episodes. Each Learning Episode comprises
the following element

My Target
This stipulates the goals, objectives and purposes of the learners. The objectives were stated
in a specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound (SMART) means.

My Performance
This makes use of an analytic scoring rubric that is processed-and product-oriented. It
evaluates the quality of the process of observation-documentation, analysis, reflection and
submission. It also evaluates the quality of product or output of the FS student portfolio. It is
primarily a tool intended for the Field Study teacher to rate the FS student upon
accomplishment of the episode. It can also be used by the FS student for self-rating purposes
after completing the episode. It is placed immediately after My Aim to give an idea to the FS
student on what points will be evaluated at the end of the learning episode.

My Map
This presents the means / directions, processes, ways which the learners need to undertake to
attain the target.

My Tools
This portion gives the learners the mechanisms that they have to use in activities to undertake in
the Learning Episodes to sharpen their skills.

My Reflections
This permits the FS student to get engaged in higher thinking process skills. This segment will
help to improve metacognitive skills as involved in solving problems, making judgments and
formulating inferences

My Portfolio
It is the student’s learning in pill, an authentic form of assessment. A bag of the learner’s
evidences and documents in various forms (photographs, illustrations, organizers, songs, rhymes,
acronyms and the like).

My Analysis
This part climaxes the FS student’s ability to break the information learned and experiences
undergone into parts for an in depth and perceptive study of the same.

FS 5

Course Description

This course provides the students with hands-on experience in selecting, constructing and
evaluating conventional and authentic assessment tools and launching them in different learning
environment of the classroom based on the principles of teaching.

Course Learning Outcomes

• Evaluate assessment tools used in the learning environment

• Identify the importance of the teacher’s knowledge and skills in the use of different tools

• Express one’s view on the use of the different forms of assessment.

FS 5 Learning Assessment Strategies

Episode 1


Name of the FS Student: _Maryjoy C. Ablas_______________________________________________________

Course: __B.E.Ed_____________________________
Resource Teacher: _____________________
Date: ___________
Cooperating School: _____LADA ELEMENTARY

While I observe two different classes, I will be able to identify applications of the principles of assessment.

My Performance (How I Will Be Related)

Field Study 5, Episode 1 – Guiding Principles in the Assessment of Learning.

Focus On: Application of principles of assessment.

Task Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of tasks
Documentation: done with tasks were were done with were done; or most
outstanding done with high acceptable objectives met but with
quality; work quality. quality. poor quality.
___ ___ ___ ____
My analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis questions are not
questions were Questions were questions are answered
answered answered not answered Grammar and spelling
completely ; completely completely unsatisfactory.
grounded on Vaguely related
theories/ Clear to the theories
Exemplary connections Grammar and
grammar and with theories spelling
spelling. acceptable
Grammar and
____ ____ ____ ____

My reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection statements are

statements are statements are statements are unclear and shallow and
profound and clear but not shallow; are not supported by
clear supported clearly supported by experiences from the
by experiences supported by experiences episode.
from the experiences from the
episode. from the episode.
____ ____ ____ ____
Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has many lacking
My portfolio complete, clear, complete, incomplete; components ;
well organized clear, well supporting Is unorganized and unclear.
and all organized documents is
supporting And most organized but is
documents are supporting lacking.
located in the documents are
section clearly available
designated. and/or in
logical and
clearly marked
____ ____ _____ _____

Submission Before On the A day after the Two days or more after the
deadline. deadline. deadline. deadline
____ ____ ____ _____
Sub totals

Over- all Score Rating:

(Based on Transmutation)

Signature of FS Instructor over Printed Name Date
Transmutation of Score to grade/ rating

Score Grade Score Grade

20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81
18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75
16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 and
15 - 2.00 - 87 7- below - 5.00 - below
14 - 2.25 - 84

I will observe at least 3 different classes. Pay attention to what the resource teacher does in relation to

To hit my target, I will work my way through these steps

Step 1
I will review the principles of assessment of learning

Step 2
I will observe two different classes

Step 3
I will identify evidence of applications of the principles of
assessment of

Step 4
Guided by question/questions, I will reflect on my experience.
Write down my reflection.

As I observe a class, I will use the observation sheet for a more fixated observation.
Principles of Learning Assessment Teaching Behavior of the Teacher/Learning
Behavior of the Learner as proof of the application
of the Principle of Learning.
1. Assessment is an integral part of the The teacher will be able to know if the pupils
teaching process. learned from her teaching. She used different
types of assessement methouds just to motivate
her pupils in order to learned.
2. Assessment tool/activity should match The teacher was used appropriate assessment just
with performance objective. to meet the objectives through different styles
and strategies of teaching.
3. The result of assessment must be When the teacher was found out that there are
feedback to the learners. pupils get a lower score, she repeat the topic until
they fully understand it.
4. Teachers must consider learner’s The teacher was provides a different activity to
learning styles and multiple intelligences the divergent pupils, she gives an opportunity to
and so must come up with a variety of express the idea of every learners and shown their
way of assessing learning. own skills to answer the questions.
5. Give some positive feedback along with The teacher was appreciates the answers of her
not so good ones. pupils even it was not exactly the answer. She
gives an appropriate feedback that will help the
pupils to extremly motivated.
6. Emphasized on self-assessment. The pupils will able to share and enhance their
own skills, intelligences and talents if the teacher
let them learned by themeselves.
7. Assessment of learning should never be The teacher was gives a questions that have been
used as punishment or as disciplinary discussed before on her examination.
8. Emphasized on real world application The teacher was allowedher student to the
that favors realistic performance over activity wherein the pupils would be discover new
out-of-context drills. learning through themselves.
9. Results of learning assessment must be The teacher was send the results of the pupils'
communicated regularly to parents. Sheet to their parents and have a sign on
Name of the School Observed: it.
School Address:
Date of Visit:
Grade / Year level:
Subject Area:
What are the possible consequences on the teaching-learning process if each of the principles is not
Principles of Learning Assessment Possible Consequences if Principle is not

1. Assessment is an integral part of the The teaching and learning process would be
teaching process. incomplete.

2. Assessment tool/activity should match The learners' performance and the objectives of
with performance objective. the teacher would not be evaluated and realized.

3. The result of assessment must be The teacher would not able to know and identify
feedback to the learners. if her pupils are really learned.

4. Teachers must consider learner’s learning The pupils' skills, intelligences and abilities would
styles and multiple intelligences and so not enhanced and realized.
must come up with a variety of way of
assessing learning.

5. Give some positive feedback along with The pupils would not motivate to strive harder
not so good ones. and they might not answered next time.

6. Emphasized on self-assessment. The teacher would not able to know and identify
who is excel in the class.

7. Assessment of learning should never be The pupils might not learned and they might
used as punishment or as disciplinary affraid next time to go to school. They also might
measure. loss of interest in school.
8. Emphasized on real world application that The learners might not really understand the
favors realistic performance over out-of- lesson because they do not experienced it or
context drills. relates it to the everyday aspects of life.
9. Results of learning assessment must be The parents would not able to know if their
communicated regularly to parents. children was really learned that can lead to them
to get not support to the needs of their children.

As a student, do I recall any incident when any of these principles was/were violated by my teachers? How
did it affect my classmates and me?
As a student, I remembered some instances about how my teachers violated some principles of
assessment. Sometimes, my teachers did not consider the learning styles of the learners and the
multiple intelligences, they just focusing on one skill most especially on my elementary days. Thus,
the results to the student were boredom, out of focus on the lesson and not expressing
themselves, because the teacher will not used different activities that enable to every students to
learned and not get bored . Another experienced that I remembered is that during my High School
days was during examination. Our Science and T.L.E teacher gived a hard type of questions that
was unable for us to answer. The type of questions were enumeration ranges from 15 to 30 item
test. That word which must need to enumerate was not just word but a sentence. So, it was very
difficult on our part to get high scores and passed the examination because almost half of our
examination was enumeration and those part of our topic was not really give us an attention
because our teachers are not focusing on that part that time and also we are expecting for the
easy type of question because they just focused on the easy and basic lesson that time and the
test that they gived to us was not discussed properly. We expect an easy type of questions based
on how she teached. It seems a punishment and a type of disciplinary to us. That's why, some of
us felt nervous everytime that there was an enumeration on examination and they chosed to
cheat rather than to strive harder. We felt affraid that time everytime we see her, because she has
a poor relationship to us. She does not even gave a feedback everytime the students will
answered. Another, experienced is that our teachers are lack of communication to the parents of
her pupils. The results of the students' quizess, exams, project and assignments did not have the
chance to reach to the parents. The effect was the parents do not have idea about the
performance of their children. And they get not support the needs and interests of their children.

Present the principles of assessment of learning in a very creative way.

Attainable objectives must be prepared

Self assessment of teacher for the technique and

Strategies must be appropriate so that

Evident outputs were achieved.

Sharing of knowledge inside the classroom is required

Students understanding is tested

Measurement is needed to have meaningful

Evaluation regarding their performances

Note the parents of the students

To inform them about their performances.

Observed equality in the class no

Favoritism among the students

Learn to appreciate your students

Encourage them to participate

And motivate them the best way you possibly do

Return to them their output but

Never criticize your judge because

Intelligence of learners will

Never be the same instead

Give them a chance to develop their skills and apply to their daily living.

FS 5 Learning Assessment Strategies

Episode 2

Name of the FS Student: ________________________________________________________

Course: _______________________________ Year and Section: ________________
Resource Teacher: _____________________ Date: ___________
Cooperating School: ____________________________________________________________

In this Episode, I must be able to identify assessment strategies / activities used by at least 2 resource

My Performance (How I will be rated)

Field Study 5 Episode 2 – Using Appropriate Assessment Tools

Focused on : Identifying assessment strategies / activities

Task Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of tasks
Documentation: done with tasks were were done with were done; or most
outstanding done with high acceptable objectives met but with
quality; work quality. quality. poor quality.
___ ___ ___ ___
My analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis questions are not
questions were Questions were questions are answered
answered answered not answered Grammar and spelling
completely ; completely completely unsatisfactory.
grounded on Vaguely related
theories/ Clear to the theories
Exemplary connections Grammar and
grammar and with theories spelling
spelling. acceptable
Grammar and
___ ____

Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection statements are

My reflection
statements are statements are statements are unclear and shallow and are
profound and clear but not shallow; not supported by
clear supported clearly supported by experiences from the
by experiences supported by experiences episode.
from the experiences from the
episode. from the episode.
____ ____ ____ ___
Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has many lacking
complete, clear, complete, clear, incomplete; components ;
My portfolio
well organized well organized supporting Is unorganized and unclear.
and all And most documents is
supporting supporting organized but is
documents are documents are lacking.
located in the available and/or
section clearly in logical and
designated. clearly marked

____ ____ ____

Before deadline. On the A day after the Two days or more after the
____ deadline. deadline. deadline
____ ____ _____
Sub totals

Over- all Score Rating:

(Based on Transmutation)

Signature of FS Teacher over Printed Name Date

Transmutation of Score to grade/ rating

Score Grade Score Grade

20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81
18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75
16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 and
15 - 2.00 - 87 7- below - 5.00 - below
14 - 2.25 - 84

My Map
I will go through the following steps:

Step 1. I will review appropriateness of assessment tools in assessment of learning 2

3 Resource Teachers and request for documents from them when necessary.

Step 3. I will identify proofs of the use of these assessment tools.

tion. reflec
en write down my
n my experience th

First day of our observation was their last day of 3rd grading
examination, so I can say that we were so lucky, because we will be
able to observed how the teacher giving an examination to their pupils.
In fact, I observed three subject of examination the Mathematics,
Which method was used? Please score.
Science and Arpa.Based on my observation, my cooperating teacher
was most often used a written response type of examination such as
identification, completion test and mostly was the multiple choice. The
Assessment Method Tally Frequency
least often she used was the Performance test. When it comes to
1. Written response instruments
discussion, she most often used the oral questioning and least often she
used a.
areMultiple choice and self reports, performace checklist and the
the observation
b. rating
product True-False
scales. In my opinion, I think my cooperating teacher was
c. Matching
just wanted to recall her pupils what was their topic that she discussed. was
elementary level yet, she doesn't used the higher order
e. skills type oftest
Completion teaching method and assessment strategies
2. Product Rating Scales(forthat
she might thought Bookher pupils would not be able to meet the
standards or objective that she set.
projects, other creative endeavors)
3. Performance test(Using a microscope, solving
math word problem)
4. Performance Checklist
5. Oral Questioning
6. Observation and self reports

My Analysis

1. Which assessment method/s did I observe to be most often used? Least often used? What could explain
such observations?

If I were to re-teach the same lesson, I would not assess the learning in the same way
as my resource teacher did. Because nowadays, teacher should used higher order
thinking skills types of assessment strategies and teaching method. I'd rather used
Product Rating Scales(for Book reports, projects, other creative
endeavors),Performance test(Using a microscope, solving math word problem),
Performance Checklist, Oral Questioning and Observation and self reports. I want my
pupils enhance their skills, abilities and creativity in an early age in order for them to
be productive and competitive individual when they enter in a higher level of
education. I will engage them to the real world situation activities for their better
2. If I were to re-teach the same lesson would I assess learning in the same way as my Resource teachers
understanding. I will used a different activities(more on hands on) just to meet the
did? Explain?
objectives that I set or expected from them.
Yes of course, there is. As the time passed by, there should be a development and improvement on
assessment method. Educators should always put in mind how they can help students to be more competetive
in the next generations. Since we are facing the computer age, there will be a lot of factors that could affect
students learning. Maybe the assessment methods that the teachers are using today might not be suitable in
the future. Everyone should invent a new assessment method which is appropriate for all types of learning.
3. Which
That assessment of the assessment
should methods of
cover all aspects arestudents
categorized as traditional
learning of allassessment?
assessment Which ones areisclassified
methods a great ashelp on it.
authentic assessment?
There are different assessment methods, assessment tools and assessment tasks to assess the three domains
of learning the cognitive, psychomotor and affective. No single assessment method can assess all forms of
learning. Because every learners had a different intelligence, and that is according to Howard Gardner who
proposed the nine multiple intelligences. Teacher, therefore, should make use of varied assessment tools and
tasks. In fact, one principles of assessment is to make use of varied methods and tools.

Varied activities inside the classroom helps students to perform very well. It will give them the opportunity to
develop their critical thinking, skills, talents and being part of the discussion. Also, this is the way to catch or
cater students attention despite of their diversity. It will also help the teacher to assess students based on
their performances.
Traditional assessment differs from authentic assessment by means of how it
administers the test. So, obviously, when we say traditional assessment, it focuses on
paper and pencil test. It would be written examination including multiple choices,
I remember one of my experience, when I was in elementary grade, the types of assessment that my teacher
used wasmatching
fromidentification, enumeration
my little sister's teacher usedand fill-in
Myblanks. Unlike
teacher usedwith
assessment wherein for
standardized test. On the other hand, authentic assessment focused on the
cognitive aspect only, we are just more on paper and pencil kind of assessment .Everytime I went go home, I
noticed that of the students
the assessment used byusing rubrics, criteria
the teacher and rating
of my sister is notscales.
only Authentic
for cognitive aspect but also for the
psychomotor too. Sois it's
more on application
means of theoretical
to say that,
it is not possible It measures how students educators would be able
the next generations,
engage themselves in worthwile and meaningful activities.
to found out the appropriate assessment method for all types of learning and suitable to the three aspects of

4. How does traditional assessments differ from authentic assessment?


1. Is there such thing as best assessment method or an assessment method that is appropriate for all types
of learning?
Complete the table on Assessment Methods.
Write the most appropriate use of each assessment method. To complete the table, do not hesitate to
further research.

Assessment Method Appropriate use

1. Written response instruments Appropriate for assessing the
the various levels of hierarchy of
educational objectives.
a. Multiple choice Appropriate for efficient and
reliable result; allow a wide
sampling context content.
Candidates select the
appropriate answer from several
possible responses.

b. True-False Many items can be administered

during a limited time period; and
easy to administer and score.
c. Matching Scoring is objective, measure
knowledge keyed to specific
learning outcomes and
competencies. Candidates select a
second statement that best
complements with each presented
d. Short answer Tend to emphasize factual
knowledge, rather than higher
order thinking skills performance
or attitudes. Candidate provides
short answers to question or
complete sentances.Requires
recollection of correct answer.
e. Completion test Use to test the students' grasp of
the higher level cognitive skills.

f. Essay Use to assess the student's

ability to communicate ideas in
writing and to measure the
understanding and mastery of
complex information.
2. Product Rating Scales(for Book reports, Use to rate products like books,
reports, maps, chartd diagram,
projects, other creative endeavors) notebook and etc. need to develop.

3. Performance test(Using a microscope, solving Used to provide information

math word problem) about a learner's ability to
organize, draw on prior
knowledge and experience,
improvise, choose from a range
of strategies, represent learning,
and make decisions to complete
a task.
a. Performance Checklist Provides "controlled sample of
real-life and work activity.
Allows for testing of complex
integrated skills.
4. Oral Questioning Use to provide a mechanism
which monitors a student's
understanding while assessing
student progress and to gather
information about a student's
learning needs.

5. Observation and self reports Useful supplementary methods

when used in conjunction with
oral questioning and
performance test.

FS 5 Learning Assessment Strategies


Name of the FS Student: ________________________________________________________

Course: _______________________________ Year and Section: ________________
Resource Teacher: _____________________ Date: ___________
Cooperating School: ____________________________________________________________

My Target

In Episode 3, I must be able to examine the content validity of a test/quiz, see the connection between Table
of specifications and test validity and construct test with content validity.

My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)

Field Study 5, Episode 3 – Tests with Content Validity

Focused on: Content validity of test/quiz, the connection between Table of Specifications and test
validity and constructing test with content validity.
Task Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
4 3 2 1
Observation/ All task were done All or nearly all Nearly all task Fewer than half
Documentation with outstanding tasks were done were done; or of task were
quality; work with high quality most objectives done; or most
exceeds met but with poor objectives met
expectations quality but with poor
____ _____ _____ _____
My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis
were answered were answered were not questions were
completely; in completely answered not answered.
depth answer; Clear connection completely. Grammar and
thoroughly with theories Vaguely related to spelling
grounded on Grammar and the theories unsatisfactory.
theories/ spelling are Grammar and
-Exemplary superior spelling acceptable
grammar and
____ ____ ____ ____

My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection

statements are statements are statements are statements are
profound and clear, but not shallow supported unclear and
clear, supported clearly supported by experiences shallow and are
by experiences by experiences from the episode. not supported
from the episode from the episode. by experiences
from the
____ _____ _____ _____
My Portfolio Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has
complete, clear, complete, clear, incomplete; many lacking
well-organized and well-organized and supporting components; is
all supporting most supporting documentation is unorganized
documentation documentation organized but is and unclear.
are located in are available lacking.
sections clearly and/or in logical
designated. and clearly marked
____ ____ _____ _____
Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day after the Two days or
deadline more after the
_____ _____ _____ ____
Sub Totals

Over-all Score (Based on

____________________ ____________________
Signature of FS Teacher Date
Above Printed Name
Transmutation of score to grade/rating

Score Grade Score Grade

20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81
18 -19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75
16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 and
15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5 - below
14 - 2.25 - 84

My Map

1. I will review “Development of Assessment Tools” in Assessment of Learning 1 and the steps they take to
ensure content validity of their tests.
2. Secure copies of a written quiz/test and a lesson plan upon which the quiz/test is based and a copy of a
Table of Specifications.
3. Answer given questions for analysis.
4. Reflect on my observations.

My Tools

A. Documentary Analysis ( Lesson Plans with the accompanying quiz/test)

My documentary analysis will be guided by this question: “Does the quiz/test measure what it is
intended to measure?”

My Analysis

1. What has a Table of Specification (TOS) to do with the content validity of tests?
2. If validity as a characteristic of test means that a test must measure what it is supposed to measure, is a
multiple choice type of test valid to determine learning of manipulative skill like focusing a microscope?

3. Do we have other type of validity of a test other than content validity? Research for an answer.

My Reflections
Face validity- the test appears to be assessing what it aims to
measure(outside appearance).
Write down what you learned on what to do to ensure validity of tests. Did you ever experience taking test
which was Concurrent validity-the
very difficult because answers the not
items were question "Is theinresult
at all covered class? similar
How didto
it other test How will you
affect you?
prevent your future studentsatfrom
about the samethetime?"
experiencing same?

Predictive validity- degree of accuracy of how a test predicts the level of

performance in a certain activity which it intends to foretell.

Construct validity- agreement of a test result with certain characteristics

that the test aims to portray.
My Portfolio

1. Research on at least two forms of TOS. Paste here. Between the two which you prefer?

2. Sample Table of Specifications

1. Copy one lesson objective from any source (or use same lesson objective that I used in the My tools
portion, letter B documentary analysis of this episode). I will develop an appropriate and valid quiz/test to
measure of that lesson objective.

Lesson Objective:

FS 5 Learning Assessment Strategies

Episode 4

Name of the FS Student: ________________________________________________________

Course: _______________________________ Year and Section: ________________
Resource Teacher: ________________________ Date: ___________
Cooperating School: ____________________________________________________________

In this episode, I must be able to examine different types of scoring rubrics used by My Resource Teacher
and relate them to assessment of student learning.
My Performance (How I will be rated)

Field Study 5 Episode 3- On Scoring Rubrics

Focused on : Identifying assessment strategies / activities

Task Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of tasks
Documentation: done with tasks were were done with were done; or most
outstanding done with high acceptable objectives met but with
quality; work quality. quality. poor quality.
_____ ______ _____ _____
My analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis questions are not
questions were Questions were questions are answered
answered answered not answered Grammar and spelling
completely ; completely completely unsatisfactory.
grounded on Vaguely related
theories/ Clear to the theories
Exemplary connections Grammar and
grammar and with theories spelling
spelling. acceptable
Grammar and
____ _____ ______ ______

Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection statements are

My reflection
statements are statements are statements are unclear and shallow and
profound and clear but not shallow; are not supported by
clear supported clearly supported by experiences from the
by experiences supported by experiences episode.
from the experiences from the
episode. from the episode.

____ _____ _____ _____

Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has many lacking
complete, clear, complete, incomplete; components ;
My portfolio
well organized clear, well supporting Is unorganized and
and all organized documents is unclear.
supporting And most organized but is
documents are supporting lacking.
located in the documents are
section clearly available
designated. and/or in
logical and
clearly marked
____ ____ ____ ____

Before On the A day after the Two days or more after the
deadline. deadline. deadline. deadline
_____ _____ _____ _____
Sub totals

Over- all Score Rating:

(Based on Transmutation)

Signature of FS Teacher over Printed Name Date

Transmutation of Score to grade/ rating

Score Grade Score Grade

20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81
18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75
16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 and
15 - 2.00 - 87 7- below - 5.00 - below
14 - 2.25 - 84

1. WhereMa'am Padul
do you use said that
the scoring "I was
rubrics? using both
(students depends
outputs on and
or products thestudent
activity. I was
using holistic rubrics more often in assessing product-oriented
performances and I was using analytic rubrics in process-oriented
Frequently, Thescoring
she used difference of in
rubrics the two isactivities,
project, that an analytic rubric
homework and has
recitation. (Both individual and group).
descriptions which make the scoring easy while a holistic rubric does not

2. What help have scoring rubrics given you? When there were no scoring rubrics yet, what did you use?

Ma'am Padul said that "the scoring rubrics gives a fairness and unbiased
in giving rating to my pupils every time we had an activities. When there
are no scoring rubrics yet, I was just give scores depends upon on how
they performed. Sometimes, I was used excellent very good, good and

3. What difficulties have you met in the use of scoring rubrics?

Ma'am Padul said that "Of course, yes. I was encountered difficulties in
the use of scoring rubrics by having a hard time in constructing it
especially when it is a self-made rubrics. Because it should be suitable to
the performances. Also, I was difficult to providing different scoring
rubrics for different activities.

4. Do you make use of holistic and analytic rubrics? How do they differ?
There are two types of rubrics, the analytic and the holistic rubric.
-the analytic rubrics identity and assess components of a finished product. It provides
specific feedback along several dimension.
-the holistic rubric assesses student work as a whole. It provides a single score based on
an overall impression of students' performance on a task.

5. Which is easier to use analytic or holistic?

6. Where you involve in the making of scoring rubrics? How do you make one? Which is easier to construct –
analytic or holistic?

I will research on the following:
 Types of rubrics
When to use rubrics

•We use when we want to determine if the students achieved the goals.
•Rubrics are expensive in terms of the time and energy they require to design and
implement. The decision to use a rubric must be weighed carefully. Rubrics are best suited
for situations where a wide range of variation exists between what's considered very
proficient and what's considered not yet proficient.
•Teachers have found rubrics to be very useful in providing guidance and feedback to
students where skills and processes are the targets being monitored. Examples of skills or
processes that adapt well to being rubriced include: The writing process, the application of
the method of scientific inquiry thinking skills (i.e. constructing, support, compare, problem
 etc.), and life-long learner skills (i.e. collaboration worker, quality producer, etc.)

 other than rubrics are more conducive to monitoring quantities or amounts of
 information known by a learner. These methods may include tests, quizzes, checklists,

etc. 
 hint: Don't rubric everything. Some teachers reserve rubrics for processes and skills

in which students are having difficulty demonstrating a high degree of proficiency. Others use
rubrics to scaffold new performance tasks or introduce new skills and processes. However, or

 How theto
decision is made
construct to used
the two a rubric,
types best results usually occur when students are
of rubric
involved in the work
a.) Steps in constructing/creating of designing
analytic rubric a rubric, as well as in the feedback loops and in the
1. Determinereporting - out
the various skillstoand
stakeholders process,
abilities that (i.e.,
students parents,
should school board
demonstrate members,
to show community,
achievement of the learning
etc.) skills and abilities are the various criteria. Each criterion should focus on a different skill
outcome(s). These
identified by Source:
a phase
or brief statement, and each criterion should be measurable through the examination of
student work.rubric
The criteria become the left most column of the grid
2. The next step is to determine the levels of achievement possible given the expectations of what students are to
be able to demonstrate. The levels can be numerical categories but more frequently are descriptions, sometimes
with an associated number. It is at this stage that the number of columns is determined and the levels of
achievement are listed across the top row.
3. The next step in the creation of an analytic rubric is to create descriptions for the criteria along each level of
achievement. While sometimes this step is skipped, this is not recommended as the descriptions are valuable for
helping to increase reliability among multiple raters and even for a single raters as s/he assess the work of different
b.) Steps in constructing/creating holistic rubric
1. Determine all the skills and abilities of the students need to demonstrate in order to achieve the learning
2. Determine the appropriate levels of accomplishment.
3. Write an overall description of how a student would demonstrate the learning outcome for each level of
accomplishment. When creating a holistic rubric this step cannot be skipped.

My Analysis

1. What benefits have scoring rubrics brought to the teaching-learning process?

2. How are scoring rubrics related to portfolio assessment?

3. To most from scoring rubrics, what should be observed in the making and use of scoring rubrics?


Reflect on this: Scoring Rubrics BOON or BANE?

For me, of course it is a boon, a blessing. Because if we are going to see the
advantages of it, it helps a teacher and student a lot. It has a great benefits
to both teachers and students. It can also an evident in case of problems in
grades of the students. Just like what I was experienced when I was in grade

It helps a teacher on how to giving a grades in a reliable, fair and accurate

way because there is a certain set of standard included on it.


Scoring Rubrics for Paragraph Writing

Criteria Points

4 3 2 1

Main / Topic idea Main / Topic idea Main / Topic idea Main / Topic idea
sentence is clear, sentence is either sentence is sentence is
correctly placed, unclear or unclear and unclear and
and is restated in incorrectly placed, incorrectly placed, incorrectly placed,
Main / Topic the closing and is restated in and is restated in and is not restated
sentence. the closing the closing in the closing
Idea Sentence sentence. sentence. sentence.
Paragraph(s) have Paragraph(s) have Paragraph(s) have Paragraph(s) have
three or more two supporting one supporting no supporting
Supporting supporting detail detail sentences detail sentence detail sentences
sentences that that relate back to that relate back to that relate back to
relate back to the the main idea. the main idea. the idea.
Sentence(s) main idea.

Each supporting Each supporting Each supporting Each supporting

detail sentence detail sentence detail sentence detail sentence
Elaborating has three or more has at least two has one has no elaborating
elaborating detail elaborating detail elaborating detail detail sentence.
sentences. sentences. sentence.

Legibility Legible Marginally legible Writing is not Writing is not

handwriting, handwriting, legible in places. legible.
typing or printing. typing or printing.

Paragraph has no Paragraph has one Paragraph has Paragraph has six
errors in or two three to five or more
Mechanics punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
capitalization, and capitalization, and capitalization, and capitalization and
and Grammar spelling spelling errors. spelling errors. spelling errors.

FS 5 Learning Assessment Strategies

Episode 5

Name of the FS Student: ________________________________________________________

Course: _______________________________ Year and Section: ________________
Resource Teacher: _____________________ Date: __________ _
Cooperating School: ____________________________________________________________

In This Episode, I am able to see and examine various types of learners’ portfolio that my Resource
Teachers used for assessing learners’ performance.

My Performance (How I Will Be Rated?)

Field Study 5, Episode 4 – On Portfolios

Focused on: Types of learners’ portfolio

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
All tasks were done All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half
Observation/ with outstanding tasks were done were done with of task was
Documentation quality; work exceeds with high quality. acceptable quality. done; or most
expectations. objectives met
but poor
____ ____ ____ ____
Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis
were answered were answered were not questions were
completely; in depth completely; clear answered answered.
answers; thoroughly connection with completely. Grammar and
grounded on theories. Grammar Vaguely related to spelling
My Analysis theories. Exemplary and spelling the theories. unsatisfactory.
grammar and superior. Grammar and
spelling. spelling
____ ____ ____ ____
Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements are
profound and clear, profound but not shallow supported unclear and
supported by clearly supported by experience s shallow are not
experiences from the by experiences from from the episode. supported by
My Reflection
episode. the episode. experience
from the
____ ____ ____ ____

Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has

clear; well-organized complete, clear; incomplete; many lacking
and all supporting well-organized and supporting components
documents are most supporting documents is unorganized
My Portfolio located in sections documentation are organized but and unclear.
clearly designated. available and in and lacking
logical and clearly
marked locations.
____ ____ ____ ____
Before deadline On the deadline A day after 2 days or more
Submission deadline after deadline
___ ____ ____ ____


(Based on
Over-all Score
Signature of FS Teacher above printed name Date

Transmulation of score to grade/rating

Score Grade Score Grade
20 1.0 99 13-12 2.5 81
18-19 1.25 96 11 2.75 78
17 1.5 93 10 3.0 75
16 1.75 90 8-9 3.5 72 and
15 2.0 87 7 5.0 below
14 2.25 84


I will follow the following steps:

Step 1: Review Portfolio Assessment Methods

Step 2: Look for two available learners’ portfolio.


Step 3: Classify the portfolio.

Step 4: Examine the elements and content of each portfolio.

Step 5: Analyze my observation.

Step 6: Reflect on my experiences



Classify and examine the portfolio. Use the checklist below:

Type of Portfolio Tally (How many did you see?) Frequency

Documentation portfolio
Process portfolio
Showcase portfolio

Observation Checklist

Select 3 best portfolios from what you examined. Which element/s is/are present in each? Please check.

Put your check ( )

Elements of a Portfolio here.
1. Cover letter – “About the Author” and “What mu Portfolio Shows
About My Progress as a Learner.

2. Table of Content with numbered pages.

3. Entries – Both core (required items) and optional items (chosen by


4. Dates on all entries to facilitate proof of growth over time.

5. Drafts of aural/oral and written products and revised versions, i.e.

(first drafts and corrected/revised versions.

6. Reflections


1. Did I see samples of the 3 different types of portfolio?

1. No, I only see documentation portfolio.

2. What did I observe to be the most commonly used portfolio?

2. The most commonly used portfolio that I observed was the documentation portfolio.

3. As I Examined 3 selected portfolios, did I see all the elements of a portfolio?

3. As I examined the documentation portfolio since it is the only portfolio used, I don't see all
the elements of portfolio, their is no table of contents presented there.

4. Is it necessary for a teacher to use varied types of portfolio? Why?

4. For me, it is not necessary for a teacher to use varied types of portfolio because the teacher
should haveone
only pick notwhich
madeisthe learning assessment
appropriate process
to use or it's up for inconvenient becauseon
a teacher depending it ishis/her
type. Theofteacher
the learning
consider the availability, efficient, easier to use and the
affordability of theThe
Yes, of course. saideffort
exerted on portfolio really commensurate to the
improvement of or
5. If one element learning that results
two elements fromare
of a portfolio themissing,
use ofwill
this havebecause it on
any impact gives
the the
reason for the students to
process? Explain your answer.
enhance more not only their cognitive aspect but also their
psychomotor and affective aspect. Thus, effort in making the portfolio is a good sign
that the students
5. Definitely, are well
this will have motivated
an impact in doing
on the such activity
assessment processwhich
if oneyields to students
or more elements of a
more are
portfolio meaningful
missing. learning.
It is just like a food, if the food are lack in ingredients, the taste might not
delicious. Thus, all elements of the portfolio are very important because if not, it would be
When I was in high school days our teacher were requiring us to make a scrapbook
unorganized. The assessment process would not be measured properly.
and been submitted at the end of every quarter. So, my experience there was really
great because as a student, it really enhanced my skill and talent. I also improve the
valuing of my work especially the quizzes and activities though it contains low score.
That's why, to get high grades in the scrapbook I see to it that it possess creativity. I am
motivated to make my scores in quizzes high and assure that it is organized.


1. Have portfolios made the learning assessment process inconvenient? Is the effort exerted on portfolio
assessment commensurate to the improvement of learning that results from the use of portfolio?
Types of portfolio
-since, documentation portfolio was the only type of portfolio I have
Capture what you learned on types, function and elements of a portfolio by means of 3 separate graphic
observed I learned that this type of portfolio is more focused on the work of
the students. This type of portfolio shows finished product of the student's
Types of Portfolio

Function of portfolio

-the purpose of the portfolio was really awesome. Thus, I learned a lot
especially in the function of it. I realized that portfolio is made for the
students to strive harder on their studies, for them to motivate and allow
them to be more active in school. It provides important information about
the learners' progress and development. It displays the work of the students
in a certain period of time.
Functions of Portfolio
Elements of portfolio

-the elements of portfolio was really important because it makes the

assessment process more meaningful. I learned that the elements should be
completely presented in the portfolio. If one or more missing, the tendency
would not be organized. The presentation of the portfolio would not be
good. Just like a food, for it to be delicious and palatable, the ingredients
should be there. It should have a complete ingredients.
Elements of Portfolio

1. Cover Letter “About the author” and “What my portfolio shows about my progress as a learner” (written
at the end, but put at the beginning). The cover letter summarizes the evidence of a student’s learning and
2. Table of Contents with numbered pages.
3. Entries - both core (items students have to include) and optional (items of student’s choice). The core
elements will be required for each student and will provide a common base from which to make decisions
on assessment. The optional items will allow the folder to represent the uniqueness of each student.
Students can choose to include “best” pieces of work, but also a piece of work which gave trouble or one
that was less successful, and give reasons why.
4. Dates on all entries, to facilitate proof of growth over time.
5. Drafts of aural/oral and written products and revised versions;
i.e., first drafts and corrected/revised versions.
6. Reflections can appear at different stages in the learning process (for formative and/or summative
purposes.) and can be written in the mother tongue at the lower levels or by students who find it difficult
to express themselves in English.

FS 5 Learning Assessment Strategies

Episode 6


Name of the FS Student: ________________________________________________________

Course: _______________________________ Year and Section: ________________
Resource Teacher: _____________________ Date: ___________
Cooperating School: ____________________________________________________________

In this episode, I will have “hands-on” experience in scoring test items and computing grade and I will
observe classroom proceedings during the card-getting day.

My Performance (How I Will Be Rated?)

Field Study 5, Episode 6 – Scoring, Grading and Communicating Results

Focused on: Scoring on test items, computing grades and communicating results to parents

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
All tasks were done All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half
Observation/ with outstanding tasks were done were done with of task was
quality; work exceeds with high quality. acceptable quality. done; or most
Documentation expectations. objectives met
but poor
____ ____ ____ ____ _____

Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis

were answered were answered were not questions were
completely; in depth completely; clear answered answered.
answers; thoroughly connection with completely. Grammar and
grounded on theories. Grammar Vaguely related to spelling
My Analysis theories. Exemplary and spelling the theories. unsatisfactory.
grammar and superior. Grammar and
spelling. spelling

____ ____ ____ ____

Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements are
profound and clear, profound but not shallow supported unclear and
supported by clearly supported by experience s shallow are not
My Reflection experiences from the by experiences from from the episode. supported by
episode. the episode. experience
from the
____ ____ ____ ____
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has
clear; well-organized complete, clear; incomplete; many lacking
and all supporting well-organized and supporting components
documents are most supporting documents is unorganized
My Portfolio located in sections documentation are organized but and unclear.
clearly designated. available and in and lacking
logical and clearly
marked locations.
_____ _____ ____ ____
Before deadline On the deadline A day after 2 days or more
Submission deadline after deadline
____ ____ ____ ____


Over-all Score (Based on

Signature of FS Teacher above printed name Date

Transmulation of score to grade/rating

Score Grade Score Grade
20 1.0 99 13-12 2.5 81
18-19 1.25 96 11 2.75 78
17 1.5 93 10 3.0 75
16 1.75 90 8-9 3.5 72 and
15 2.0 87 7 5.0 below
14 2.25 84


I will make the following steps:

1. Review “grading and reporting” in Assessment of Learning 2

2. Offer my help to any Teacher in the checking of test papers especially in the scoring of
answers to essay tests. (Visit a school during exam week to make arrangements.)

3. Checking test papers and score essay tests.

4. Analyze my experience.

5. Write my reflections.


Activity 1

I will score tests given by my Resource Teacher.

Activity Sheet

Please feel free to add items to column 1 of the Table, should you find it necessary.

Type of Test scored Any difficulty/ties met?

1. Multiple Choice

2. Completion Tests

3. Essay
Activity 2

I will compute the grades of students with the guidance of my Resource Teacher.

Put sample computation here!

As I experienced in checking test paper, the tests that are easier to

MY ANALYSISscore is the written response test such as multiple choice,
matching type, identification and true or false type of exam. It is
Scoring and Grading
because the key answers is exactly and just one only. It is also an
objective to score. While the more difficultly to score is the essay
1. Which tests are easier to score? More difficulty to score? Why?
type of question and problem solving. It is because in an essay, you
have to be careful because sometimes my focus is the longer the
answer, the higher the score is. Even if it is out of the question.
Also, you have to look at the rubrics every papers you checked. In
problem solving, you have to solved it manually why are they
come up to their answers especially when the direction of the
teacher is "show the solution". In short it is time consuming and
sometimes bias aroused.
2. Based on your actual computation of grades, from what were the grades of the learners derived?

Based on my actual computation of grades, the grades of the pupils

were derived from their performance task/recitation, written works
such as assignment and quizzess, project and major examination.
3. Which type of grading system does the school have? (letter- grade system, as a range 4.0-1.0 in
percentages, as descriptions- excellent for needs improvement, pass-fail, checklists of objectives, etc.)

The type of grades does the school have is the Grade Transmutation
Table for k to 12 Basic Education Program.

1. Grades are often a source of misunderstanding. How should I do the scoring (especially essay), grading and
reporting so that the scores and grades are given fairly promote learning?

Research on Best Practices of schools on effective scoring, grading and reporting.
Fortunately, there is a lot of guidance for school leaders and faculty on how to structure meaningful, helpful
grading systems that actually promote students achievement. From the resources provided at the end of this brief,
school can construct a list of best practices for their own setting.
Start the conversation
-grading purposes, standards and practices should be a matter of discussion among the faculty with the goal of
achieving agreement on major issues and approaches. Once agreement is reached, faculty can share best practices.
2. Determine the audience
-figure out who the audience for grading really is. What most he communicated to that audience? What's the best
way (perhaps other than grades) to do so?
3. Establish standards-based rubrics
-encourage faculty collaboration to develop department, grade or even school wide rubrics for assessing student
performance on key standards, such as writing, reading and speaking. If everyone uses the same rubric to assess
essential standards, learning is reinforced across disciplines and achievement increases.
4. Eliminate toxic grading practices
-get rid of practices that impede achievement such as the use of the zero, averaging and others that discourage
students and suppress effort.
5. Allow re-dos and updating of assessments
-distinguish between feedback and grading and allow students to submit their best work for assessment. Also,
permit "grade forgiveness" (as practiced in many colleges) where students can re-do assignments and replace a
poor grade with an improved one.
6. Don't penalize practice
-rather than grading, everything a student does, base grade assessments on final products, not all of the practice
steps leading to the product. And be sure that the assessments are linked to common standards.
7. Focus on demonstration of learning, not task completion
-if a student can demonstrate that she can balance chemistry formulas, how many times must she do it for a
passing grade? Too often, "rigor" simply means more work, not more challenging or demanding work.
Field Study (Experiential Learning Courses)…
Maria Rita D. Lucas, Lourdes G. dela Torre, Jerome A. Ouano, June P. Salana

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