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Thin Solid Films 418 (2002) 151–155

In situ growth rate measurements for plasma processing of opaque

A. Salifu, G. Zhang, Edward A. Evans*
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-3906, USA

Received 2 August 2002; accepted 3 August 2002


The accurate measurement of growth and etch rates during plasma processing is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve for
opaque, three-dimensional substrates. Sensing small weight changes that correspond to discontinuous film formation on a substrate
is also difficult with traditional optical methods. Using a gravimetric recording microbalance, we have successfully measured
small weight changes of aluminum samples during the pre-cleaning and nitriding stages in low temperature plasma. The data will
show that the microbalance can provide useful information about the rates of various processes within a plasma. The data can be
interpreted using reaction–diffusion equations to determine the relevant rate parameters for a plasma process. This approach can
be extended to the study of many materials including oxides, metals, and nitrides subjected to various processes including etching
and deposition.
䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Microbalance; Plasma processing and deposition; Nitrides; Diffusion; Plasma chemistry

1. Introduction techniques are most sensitive if the substrate is atomi-

cally flat and has different optical properties than the
In situ gravimetric measurements during plasma proc- film being deposited. Films being deposited must be at
essing can provide accurate rate data for processes least semitransparent. Under these conditions, current
occurring on many types and shapes of substrates. optical techniques can sense film thicknesses down to a
Plasma processing of materials is a common technique monolayer. The optical techniques are not suitable for
but it is difficult to characterize accurately. Plasma measuring growth rates on rough or three-dimensional
processing involves a complex interplay between gas substrates with much accuracy. Optical techniques can-
phase reactions, ion dynamics, surface reactions, and not be used to sense changes that do not result in distinct
diffusion w1,2x. Accurate measurement of the parameters interfaces. Finally, optical techniques do not measure
that describe the reactions and transport of species within thicknesses or mass directly. The data obtained from
plasma processes is critical to continued process optim- optical techniques must be interpreted using models
ization w1x. To determine these parameters directly with- based on ideal systems. The only way to measure growth
in a plasma system for opaque materials is not possible rates directly on any substrate is by using a gravimetric
using current optical technology. technique. Gravimetric techniques can be used to deter-
Several in situ diagnostic techniques are used to mine growth rates on smooth, rough, two-, or three-
determine growth and or etch rates during thin film dimensional substrates with an accuracy that surpasses
processing w3x. Each technique provides useful infor- the optical techniques. Gravimetric techniques are inva-
mation about the growth of thin films. The optical sive and are limited to low mass substrates for the
highest sensitivity. The gravimetric microbalance
*Corresponding author. approach provides a suitable in situ technique for sen-
E-mail address: (E.A. Evans). sitive detection of growth rate.

0040-6090/02/$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 0 - 6 0 9 0 Ž 0 2 . 0 0 6 9 6 - X
152 A. Salifu et al. / Thin Solid Films 418 (2002) 151–155

these problems we have set up a vertical, inductively

coupled system with a low aspect ratio to make direct
weight measurements during plasma processing. The
microbalance measurements can be used to determine
process parameters such as rate constants and diffusivi-
ties. These parameters can then be used to refine models
of the growth processes.

2. Experimental description

The depositionyprocessing system is an axisymmetric,

inductively coupled plasma reactor (Fig. 1). The quartz
tube reactor is 60 cm long and has a diameter of 15
cm. Both ends of the 11 l quartz tube are seated into
aluminum base plates in shallow circular grooves with
square cross section. Both ends of the quartz tube are
sealed against the aluminum end plates using a viton o-
ring around the outside diameter of the tube compressed
with an aluminum ring (Manitou Systems) (Fig. 2). All
other flanges are MDC Kwik-Flange fittings and the
tube fittings are Swagelock. The reactor is enclosed by
a second quartz tube to allow for wall-temperature
control during a run. The entire reactor is shielded to
prevent radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic radiation
leakage into the lab. The plasma power supply (ENI)
and matching network are coupled to the plasma cham-
ber through a silver plated copper coil. The power
supply can deliver up to 1.5 kW of power at 13.56
Fig. 1. Schematic of inductively coupled plasma reactor with in situ MHz. An inductively coupled plasma allows for stable
microbalance. The microbalance is used to measure substrate weight plasma formation that is not perturbed by the substrate
during a run. if the substrate is small with respect to the plasma
Gravimetric microbalances have been used for deter-
mining the kinetics of thin film deposition in thermally
activated chemical vapor deposition (CVD) processes.
Within a stable flow environment the gravimetric micro-
balance provides the most accurate and direct measure-
ment of processing rates. A gravimetric microbalance
has been used to determine the kinetics of graphite
deposition and carbon infiltration into carbon–carbon
composites w4x. Gravimetric microbalances have also
been used to study low-pressure CVD of tungsten w5x.
Harris w6,7x, Angus w8,9x, and Evans w10x have used the
gravimetric microbalance extensively for determining
the kinetics of diamond film growth. From this work a
fundamental understanding of the stages involved in
diamond growth were determined; the three stages were
observed to be carburization, film nucleation, and
The gravimetric microbalance has not been used
previously in a plasma enhanced CVD process. Plasma
systems are difficult to combine with the gravimetric
technique because the substrate must hang freely, the Fig. 2. Schematic of sealing mechanism for the ends of the quartz
tubes. Both ends of the quartz tube are sealed against the aluminum
role of the substrate in plasma stability should be end plates using a viton o-ring around the outside diameter of the tube
minimized, and the flow around the substrate should be compressed with an aluminum ring. Schematic is a radial slice show-
stable to achieve precise measurements. To overcome ing half of the symmetric reactor.
A. Salifu et al. / Thin Solid Films 418 (2002) 151–155 153

Table 1
Operating conditions for plasma nitriding w11x

Sputter cleaning Nitriding

Gas used Ar Ar and nitrogen
Pressure (Pa) 100–133 100–133
Flow rate 10–20 sccm 10–20 sccm total
Power (W) 200 200–400
Thermocouple temperature (8C) 190 190
Substrate mass (g) 1 1

Table 2
Dimensionless groups describing the inductively coupled plasma reactor

Dimensionless Definition Physical Order

group interpretation
Knudsen lyL Ratio of mean free path to characteristic length 1=10y4
Grashof (bgL3DT)yv 2 Ratio of inertial and buoyant forces to viscous forces 1=10y3
Peclet (mass) VLyD Ratio of mass flux by convection to mass flux by diffusion 1
Rayleigh (bgL3DT)yav Ratio of thermal flux by free convection to thermal flux by conduction 1=10y3
Froude V 2ygL Ratio of inertial forces to gravity forces 1=10y4
l is the mean free path of the gas, L is the radius the reactor, b is the thermal expansion coefficient of the gas, g is the gravitational constant,
DT is the temperature difference across the radius, v is the kinematic viscosity, V is the velocity of the gas, D is the diffusivity of the gas, and
a is the ratio of the thermal conductivity to the product of the heat capacity and the density.

To determine the rate of material removal (sputtering)

or deposition, a Cahn D200 microbalance was used to
make direct in situ measurements of the substrate weight.
To demonstrate the utility of this system we measured
the nitriding rate of aluminum at low plasma powers.
The samples were hung directly from the balance using
either nichrome or quartz wire (Polymicro). With a
sample weight of less than 1.5 g the Cahn balance can
sense weight changes on the 0.1 mg level. Aluminum
substrates were cut from 5 mm diameter aluminum rod
or thin foil. The microbalance was used, as described
below, to record weight vs. time of the samples during
the cleaning and nitriding of the aluminum substrates.
The weight vs. time data is used to calculate rates. The
average of at least 60 rate measurements taken over a
10-min period is reported. The nitriding procedure fol-
lowed that which was described in the literature for
other plasma aluminum nitriding processes w11x; typical
conditions are given in Table 1. The aluminum sample
Fig. 3. Weight of aluminum sample measured during plasma nitriding was first cleaned with isopropyl alcohol and then dried
using an in situ Cahn microbalance. in air. The sample was then hung down the axis of the
chamber. Prior to exposing the samples to the nitrogen
volume. The operating pressure, the flow rate, and the plasma, samples were typically cleaned in a 100 Pa
supplied power control the plasma characteristics such argon plasma at 200 W for 15 min. The samples were
as volume, intensity, and shape. The coil length is equal then exposed to a 100 Pa nitrogen plasma sustained at
to one-quarter the wavelength of the RF power. The 200 W for at least 5 min and no more than 8 h. Table
length of the coil will allow for resonant mode operation 2 shows the value of the dimensionless groups that
when the capacitive component of the plasma potential characterize the system at these conditions.
is reduced using a Faraday shield. In the resonant mode
a much higher active species concentration can be 3. Results
achieved over a wide pressure range. The reactor design,
therefore, allows for the generation of active species From Table 2 it is reasonable to assume that the flow
over a wide range of pressures and temperatures. within the chamber is not subject to roll cells (Grashof)
154 A. Salifu et al. / Thin Solid Films 418 (2002) 151–155

8=10y7 cmymin (0.5 mmyh). These measurements

demonstrate the sensitivity of the microbalance tech-
nique for three-dimensional substrates.
The microbalance data allow one to precisely deter-
mine rates of mass change, characteristic times of the
diffusion process, and the effect of process changes.
During the nitriding of aluminum in a low temperature
plasma, the microbalance data indicate that after a short
time there is a diffusion barrier formed at the outermost
surface cutting off any further supply of nitrogen. This
trend can be interpreted using reaction–diffusion equa-
tions to determine the effective diffusivity and reaction
rate constant for aluminum nitride formation w12x. At a
temperature of 190 8C we have estimated that the
diffusivity of nitrogen in aluminum is 7.3=10y13 cm2 y
Fig. 4. Nitriding rate as a function of plasma power. The ratio of s w12x.
nitrogen to argon in the feed gas was 2:1. The total pressure was 128 The rate at which aluminum is nitrided depends on
Pa. the process conditions. The nitriding rate is determined
from the data taken after the large swing in the sample
and that the mass transport is dominated by diffusion weight that occurs after the nitrogen plasma has been
(Peclet). These conditions favor stable microbalance initiated (see the nitriding step in Fig. 1). Fig. 4 shows
measurements. Fig. 3 shows the weight of a sample the nitriding rate in a plasma with a ratio of nitrogen to
with respect to time for a typical nitriding experiment. argon of 2:1. Fig. 4 shows that as plasma power is
When either the argon or the nitrogen plasma is initiated increased the nitriding rate increases up to a power of
there is an apparent rapid weight increase followed by 250 W. As power is increased above 250 W the nitriding
the onset of etching or nitriding; the apparent increase rate decreases. The nitriding rate goes through a maxi-
is due to drag on the sample created by the change in mum with respect to power corresponding to a change
the gas flow. This apparent weight increase also occurs in the balance of deposition and etching. The different
during thermal processes w9x. During the argon pre- regimes are a result of changes in the species distribu-
cleaning step there is a weight loss. This weight loss tion, which results from changes in the plasma condi-
occurs for several minutes. When the sample weight tions w13x. The nitriding rate is a function of both the
becomes stable, the argon plasma is turned off and the plasma power and the plasma composition. Fig. 5 shows
system is allowed to cool. Nitrogen is then flowed into the dependence of the nitriding rate on composition of
the chamber causing a dramatic swing in the apparent the gas entering the plasma chamber. There is also a
sample weight. When the nitrogen plasma is initiated maximum in the nitriding rate with respect to composi-
an apparent weight increase is observed. The weight of tion. Following the trend from pure nitrogen to pure
the sample does not return to its previous value because argon shows that the addition of argon increases the
the pressure within the system increases slightly. In the nitriding rate; pure argon plasma results in an etching
nitriding step, a weight gain is observed for up to 10 environment for the aluminum plugs. Considering the
min. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of the
samples shows that nitrogen is incorporated into the
aluminum sample and the nitride is formed w12x. After
the 10-min weight gain the weight levels off and there
is no more significant weight gain for up to 8 h of
nitriding at 200 W. To estimate the noise in the data,
the average and standard deviation of both the weight
and the rate of change of the weight with respect to
time is determined. The data are only considered useful
if the standard deviation is less than 10% of the average
value. For example, in a low power plasma the average
rate of deposition is on the order of 3=10y3 mgymin
with a standard deviation of 1=10y4 mgymin; using
the average density of aluminum nitride (3.3=103 mgy
cm3) and the surface area of the sample, a rate of Fig. 5. Nitriding rate as a function of plasma composition. The total
3=10y3 mgymin corresponds to a linear growth rate of pressure was 128 Pa and the power was 250 W.
A. Salifu et al. / Thin Solid Films 418 (2002) 151–155 155

data in Figs. 4 and 5, it is evident that the argon in the Acknowledgments

mixture is acting to remove the diffusion barrier, or at
least the surface species that interfere with the diffusion The authors would like to thank The University of
process. It is also likely that argon increases the rate of Akron for support of this research project through start-
generation of active nitrogen species within the plasma up funds and an internal faculty research grant.

4. Conclusion w1x M.A. Lieberman, A.J. Lichtenberg, Principles of Plasma Dis-

charges and Materials Processing, Wiley, New York, 1994.
w2x E. Meeks, P. Ho, Thin Solid Films 365 (2000) 334.
To further refine growth processes for advanced mate- w3x D.A. Glocker, S. Ismat Shah (Eds.), Handbook of Thin Film
rials will require more accurate measurements of the Process Technology, IOP Publishing, 1995, pp. D03–D09.
w4x S. Bammidipati, G.D. Stewart, J.R. Elliot, S.A. Gokoglu, M.J.
parameters that characterize these processes. We have
Purdy, AIChE J. 42 (1996) 3123.
demonstrated that in situ rate measurements can be w5x J.A.M. Ammerlaan, P.J. Van der Put, J. Schoonman, J. Appl.
made in a plasma environment using a gravimetric Phys. 73 (1993) 4631.
recording microbalance. The microbalance technique can w6x S.J. Harris, A.M. Weiner, Thin Solid Films 212 (1992) 201.
be used to measure the parameters characterizing these w7x S.J. Harris, A.M. Weiner, J. Appl. Phys. 75 (1994) 5026.
w8x S.P. Chauhan, J.C. Angus, N.C. Gardner, J. Appl. Phys. 47
processes for a wide range of material systems. We have
(1976) 4746.
presented data that illustrate the sensitivity and useful- w9x E.A. Evans, J.C. Angus, Diamond Relat. Mater. 5 (1996) 200.
ness of this approach. For plasma nitriding of aluminum, w10x E.A. Evans, Ph.D. Thesis, Case Western Reserve University
there is a maximum in the nitriding rate with respect to (1998).
plasma power and composition. This maximum is the w11x H.R. Stock, C. Jarms, F. Seidel, J.E. Doring, Surf. Coat.
result of the competition between nitriding and etching Technol. 94–95 (1997) 247.
w12x R. Evans, A. Salifu, G. Zhang, E. Evans, S. Hariharan, G.
of the sample. Analytical and numerical models will be Young, Surf. Coat. Technol. 157 (2002) 59.
developed to increase the understanding of the plasma w13x N. Duez, B. Mutel, O. Dessaux, P. Goudmand, J. Grimblot,
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