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Building services, automation and integration 2010


Building automation (BA) is concerned with the control of building services. Its historical
roots are in the automatic control of HVAC systems, which have been subject to
automation since the early 20th century. The domain of indoor climate control still is
the main focus of this discipline due to its key role in making buildings a comfortable
environment. Initially, controllers were based on pneumatics. These were replaced by
electric and analogue electronic circuits. Finally, microprocessors were included in the
control loop. This concept was called direct digital control (DDC), a term which is still
widely used for programmable logic controllers (PLCs) intended for building automation

FIGURE 4-1 depicting various systems integrated at one platform

Integration is obviously far easier when systems that shall be joined talk the same
language. For example, unified presentation is achieved at no additional engineering
effort this way, potentially reducing investment cost. Especially large corporations with
hundreds or thousands of establishments spread out over large distances certainly

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would want to harmonize their building network infrastructure by using a certain

standard technology throughout.

Figure 4-2 Functional aspects of bas

Building services include elements usually perceived as passive technical infrastructure
(such as fresh and waste water management and power distribution) as well as
controllable, “active” systems such as HVAC. The boundary is not clear-cut, however.
For example, water supply may include pressurization pumps, and power distribution
may be extended with power factor monitoring or on-site cogeneration.

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Figure 4-3 picture showing an example of IBMS

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Integrated building management and lighting system
Lighting systems fall into two sub domains: artificial lighting, where luminaries are
switched and dimmed (by means of load switches, incandescent dimmers, and
controllable ballasts) and day lighting. The latter is concerned with limiting the amount
of daylight which enters the interior to avoid excessive light intensity and glare.
Motorized blinds allow automation of this task. Lighting is traditionally dominated
by simple open-loop control relationships in response to manual switches. Only
recently, complexity has increased. Artificial light can be centrally switched off during
non office hours, also automatically on a given schedule. In this period, a time-limited
mode of operation can be entered. Presence detector devices can be used to
automatically turn off the lights in unused rooms. Both luminaries and blinds can
be adjusted for the sun position according to the time of day. Advanced day lighting
systems follow the sun to adjust mirrors which reflect daylight into interior zones. Also,
luminaries and blinds can adapt to sky conditions to yield constant lighting conditions
with optimum energy efficiency. Lumen maintenance can be achieved both in an open-
loop (using a rooftop daylight detector) or a closed-loop manner (with lighting sensors
placed in the interior). Anemometers and weather vanes allow determining when
outside blinds have to be retracted to avoid damage. Recently, electro chromic windows
have become available commercially. The translucence of electro chromic glass is
continuously adjustable by applying a low voltage.
Lighting energy management has three elements:-
 providing the optimum lighting level for the tasks being performed,
 using the most efficient light source suitable for the application, and
 providing light during only those times when it is actually needed.

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By including lighting controls in their overall lighting energy management program,

facility executives can achieve even greater energy savings — up to 50 percent of the
total energy used for lighting.
Lighting control methods
Different control systems exist, again time-based control and optimiser parameter-
based where a level of illuminance or particular use of lighting is required.
 Zones: lights are switched on corresponding to the use and layout of the lit
areas, in order to avoid lighting a large area if only a small part of it needs light.
 Time control: to switch on and off automatically in each zone to a preset
schedule for light use.
 Passive Infra-Red (PIR) Occupancy sensing: In areas which are occupied
intermittently, occupancy sensors can be used to indicate whether or not
anybody is present and switch the light on or off accordingly.
 Light level monitoring: this consists of switching or dimming artificial lighting to
maintain a light level measured by a photocell.

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An ideal Lighting design for any space would have to judiciously combine both
day-lighting and artificial lighting.
Traditional Automated Lourve system are programmed according to the time of
day and not the existing sky conditions. These turn/rotate and allow in sunlight which is
reflected on to ceiling which is normally kept white, flat and angled such that it can
reflect diffused sunlight into maximum area in the room. These lourves are programmed
to react to the changing position of the sun every day, 365 days a year assuming it is
sunny all the time. If it is cloudy on a few days the lourves will not change their rotary
motion. The required surface of the loures are kept reflective and mirrored. The data
about the external conditions can be collected by providing photosensors on one of the
blade (lower one). The relevant DDC has the relevant data fed in i.e, at what time of the
day are the lourves supposed to be turned and what degree. This information can also
be received from a system controller. The time and the amount of rotation may vary for
the different times of the year and relevant dates and times are fed in. The DDC may
have a real time clock built into it from where it can read the time of the day, day of the
week and time of the year and issue commands accordingly. Variations for weekends
and holidays can also be fed in. There can also be a provision for manual overrides.
The more latest louver system turn/rotate and allow in sunlight depending on
the external conditions (the sun position). This is achieved by providing photosensors
which then send inputs to the DDC to calculate the amount of rotary motion needed.
o Motor and actuator at the louvers, contactors and relays in the electricity
supply line.
o Time clock- to know the time of the day.
o Calendar program- for identification of day/week/month of the year.
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Intelligent Glazing Panel with
Self-Adjusting Light Transmission
Properties achieves the desired
requirement. The fully automatic,
glazing panel with built-in intelligent
light controllers and an embedded
program that senses the daylight
outside and manages the level of light
and solar heat gain inside.
This convenient system enables users to control natural daylight and comfort
levels in any space all day long, and all year long, simply by setting desired light levels.
The glazing panel maintains the level of light inside by continuously adjusting its light
transmission properties according to the sunlight outside.
The glazing panels optimize the daylighting system’s shading coefficient by
reducing solar heat gain on hot summer days, and during peak sunlight hours year
Figure 4-11: Rota-Blades
while providing maximum light on cold winter days and when most needed.
In addition, minimizes glare and direct sunlight at peak sunlight periods, ensuring
comfort for anyone who occupies the space.
The panels consist of proprietary translucent half-cylinder Rota-blades built into
translucent light transmitting polycarbonate panels. The angle of the Rota-blades is
completely adjustable for controlling and maintaining the desired light intensity and
comfort level – any time of day, any time of year. ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING
It is meant to support the light provided by day-lighting, during the day time. The
various of adjusting the level of artificial lighting needed could be:

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 The simplest way to adjust the amount of artificial lighting is manually, but it
requires assigning definite responsibilities and some sort of monitoring.
 Another way to do this involves automatic switching with manual overrides.
 A third variation provides different levels of lighting for different tasks carried
out in the same space.
 A method involving modulation of amount of light provided to an area which
can manually or automatic (using some parameter).
When modulating control is combined with a computerized building automation
system, lighting levels can be adjusted by the system to reduce peak power demand in
the building. These systems provide the following benefits:
1. Easy adjustment of light level to task requirement.
2. Automatic compensation for availability of perimeter lighting.
3. More efficient ballasts thus saving on power losses.
4. Ability to incorporate lighting control in peak demand load shedding programs.
This is achieved mainly by three methods:
1. Cutting off power to a fixture.
2. Varying the power reaching a fixture.
3. Change to an alternative which is more efficient.
Controls cover a broad range of devices, each suited to a particular systems
requirements. The requirements must be established prior to selecting any control
This system is used when the number of hours of working is known or is fixed.
This system controls (switch on/off) a set of lights according to a programmed
pre-set time (depending upon the hours of working). The program here takes into
account the time of the time of the day, day of the week and time of the year along with
other parameters such as holidays, weekends or manual override requirement.

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 Receive day identification and occupancy schedule with respect to week, month
and year as well as parameters such as holidays, weekends or manual override
 Controller to make decisions regarding equipment operation.
o Relays
o Time clock- to know the time of the day.
o Calendar program- for identification of day/week/month of the year.
Expected energy savings can be of about 5-20%.
This system is used where there are sufficient glazed areas and natural light
contributes significantly to the overall lighting levels in the day time. Thereby
maintaining the required lux levels.
In this system the set of lights placed near windows can be switched off during
the periods when daylight is enough to meet the required lux levels in the required
space.This system can be also used for external lighting. The external lights can be
programmed to switch on when day lighting level falls below a certain point. This can be
done by placing a lux meter to provide with relevant information, to system to control
the lights (switch on/off function).
 Receive day identification and occupancy schedule with respect to week and
month of the year.
 System receives analog inputs from the lux level meter.
 The DDC to decide which lights to be switched on/off.

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o Lux level meter(s)
o Relays.
o Time clock- to know the time of the day.
o Calendar program- for identification of day/week/month of the year.
o On/off commands.
o Manual override.

Figure 3-9: Occupancy Sensing

(Source: Author)

Figure 3-10: Time Scheduling

(Source: Author)

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(Source: Author)

Expected energy savings can be of about 5-30%. This depends on the climatic
conditions and if was controlled manually.
This system can be used in spaces (rooms) which have variation in occupation
levels during working hours.
While using this system the lights in a space (room) is switched on if a person
enters a room and switches off when the person leaves the space. The occupation
pattern can either be pre programmed or can control on the prevailing situation.
 Receive day/ identification and occupancy schedule with respect to week and
month of the year.
 Receive input from occupancy sensor.
 DDC to switch on/off lights accordingly.
o Occupancy sensor (OS).
o Relays.
o Calendar program- for identification of day/week/month of the year.

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o Calculation programs- a) to calculate level of occupancy.

Energy is saved due to reduced hours of operation.
Parameters such as current drawn, voltage, frequency, power consumption can
be monitored at the substation or LT panel level. Current drawn can be measured at the
main meter as well as at all the different rising mains. Similarly these parameters can be
monitored at the DG set distribution network. Also other parameters such as power
factor, oil tank level etc. can also be monitored.
A current transducer is fixed across the phase and the neutral line which needs
to be measured. Similarly a voltage transducer can also be fixed along the same lines.
The measured signal (analog) shall continuously be sent to the DDC which will have an
alarm limit fed in. As soon as the level of any of the above mentioned parameters
crosses the safety limit an alarm is rised. The corrective measures are undertaken
In recent times many integrated control systems have been used in buildings.
The integrated lighting areas in a building are those which use daylight and artificial light
jointly to provide task, background or general illuminance.
The usage of daylight is designed to reduce the energy load due to artificial
lighting. Care should be taken that the light levels due to daylight does not increase the
HVAC load considerably.
The strategies used for electric lighting using an integrated approach are:
a. Integrated lighting control zones.
b. An automatic control strategy for each zone.
This system can be used when natural daylight contributes sufficiently to internal
lux levels. Adjustments can be made for holidays, weekends or manual overrides.

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The required lux level can be achieved in the room making optimum utilization
of available daylight and artificial lighting by controlling the louver system and artificial

Figure 4-12: Monitoring of Distribution system

(Source: Author)

Figure 4-13: Control schematic for Monitoring of distribution system

(Source: Author)

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Figure4-14: Automated louver system and Lux Lvl. Sensing Dimmers

(Source: Author)
 Receive day identification and occupancy schedule with respect to week and
month of the year.
 Controller to issue command to louvers to rotate
 Receive analog inputs fro the lux level meter.
 System to issue commands to DDC
 DDC to issue signal to lights to turn on/off and /or dim as required.
o Dimmable electric fixtures.
o Motor
o Relays
o Actuator
o Time clock- to know the time of the day.
o Calendar program- for identification of day/week/month of the year.
o Calculation programs- a) to calculate level of occupancy, b) limiting range
for dimmer and c) amount of rotation of louvers.
Energy is saved due to reduced hours of operation.

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The HVAC system strives to enhance the comfort level of the occupants inside a
building. The factors which are needed to be controlled achieve comfort working
conditions related to HVAC systems are:
a) Temperature b) Ventilation
c) Freshness d) Cleanliness
e) Humidity f) Air movement.
A HVAC system needs to respond to many factors to achieve comfort conditions
within a building. Some of them are:
a) Changing outside environment b) Varying degrees of occupancy of spaces
c) Varying uses and contaminants d) Varying heat gains
e) Requirement of smoke control f) Fire safety and escape
g) General response of the building.
It has been found that in general 60% of electrical energy consumption of a
building go into the running the HVAC system. Out of this 70-80% of the energy goes
into the running of the equipments in the Plant Room. Therefore the most of the energy
saving with respect to HVAC system can achieved by reducing the energy consumption
of the High side Equipments. Control systems
HVAC control systems can be broadly be classified into three types:
 Time Scheduled
 Sensor Based
 Combined
Time Scheduled based systems operate based upon the time of the day as the
governing condition.
a) Optimum start
This control system is used to control the start up of the HVAC system
equipment depending upon the optimum time based upon occupancy data available.
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System description
The optimum start program calculates a lead time to turn on HVAC equipment at
the last possible moment to bring temperature to proper levels by the time of
occupancy. It accurately determines the minimum time of HVAC operation needed to
satisfy the space environmental requirements at the start of the occupancy.
Outdoor air dampers and ventilation fans should be inactive during pre-
occupancy warm-up periods. For weekend shutdown periods, the program
automatically adjusts to provide longer lead times. The system is also programmed to
adjust to seasonal and building changes. It is based on indoor and outdoor temperatures
and a historical multiplier adjusted by start-up data from the previous day. To avoid
complex situation due to inflow a lot of information, it is a general practice to fix time.
Sequence of operation
 Receives analog inputs from outdoor environment and indoor environment via.
Temperature and humidity sensors.
 Compares inputs from both the environments.
 System determines least running time to cool/heat the indoor environment of
the space concerned. Based upon the required comfort level conditions, before
the occupants start coming into the establishment.
 System controller to issue commands to relevant DDCs accordingly.
 DDCs to issue operational commands to equipments.
System inputs required
− Temperature Sensors- for outdoor/Indoor Environment and Chilled water supply
− Humidity Sensors.
− Differential pressure switches.
− Calculation program
− Calendar program- for identification of day/week/month of the year

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(Source: Author)
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− Scheduling program- a) for identification of summer/winter occupancy schedule.

b) To schedule the chill water supply temperature based upon sensor inputs.
Energy savings
Energy is saved due to reduced hours of operation. For thermally light building, 5
to 10% savings in energy are possible.
B) Optimum stop
This control system is used to control the stop/switching off of the HVAC system
equipments depending upon the optimum time based upon occupancy data available.
Such as in the night or weekends.
System description
The optimum stop program utilizes stored energy (depending upon
chilled water supply temperature, with acceptable limits of variation) to handle the
building load to the end of the occupancy period. Depending on zone temperatures, the
program adjusts equipment stop time to allow stored energy to maintain the comfort
level to the end of the occupancy period. This program can adapt itself to changing
conditions. To avoid complex situation due to inflow a lot of information, it is a general
practice to fix time.
Sequence of operation
− Receives analog inputs from outdoor environment and indoor environment via.
Temperature and humidity sensors.
− Receives analog inputs from chilled water supply (CHWS) temperature sensor.
− Correlate values from the sensors.
− System to determine longest time when building retains comfort conditions
when plant equipment is shut off.
− System controller to issue commands to microprocessor panels and DDCs
System inputs required
− Temperature Sensors- for outdoor/Indoor Environment and Chilled water supply
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− Humidity Sensors.
− Differential pressure switches.
− Relays
− Calculation program- for building thermal coefficient.
− Calendar program- for identification of day/week/month of the year
− Scheduling program- a) for identification of summer/winter occupancy schedule.
b) To schedule the chill water supply temperature based upon sensor inputs.
Energy savings
Energy is saved due to reduced hours of working.

C) Sequenced operation
This is an automatic operation via built–in-interlocks whereby the plant can be
switched on as per required sequence. This feature eliminates manual operations and
costly repairs and result from error in switching-on operations.

D) Time and temperature profiling

System description
The air-conditioned spaces are kept at a single temperature level for the whole
of the period that a building is in use, though some of these areas may not be in
continuous use, because it would take too long to bring them up to the required
temperature if switched off completely.
These spaces are maintained at a standby temperature level from where it is
possible to go to required level at short notice. A difference of 5oC between occupancy
and stand-by temperature may not be noticeable.
Sequence of operation
 Receives analog inputs from indoor environment via. Temperature and
Occupancy sensors.
 System to determine time when to reduce/increase the capacity of
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of the indoor space with respect to standby temperature

 System controller to issue commands to microprocessor panels and DDCs
System inputs required
− Temperature Sensors- for outdoor/Indoor Environment and Chilled water supply
− Occupancy Sensors.
− Differential pressure switches.
− Relays.
− Calculation program- for building thermal coefficient.
− Calendar program- for identification of day/week/month of the year
− Scheduling program- a) for identification of occupancy schedule. b) To schedule
the chill water supply temperature based upon sensor inputs.
Energy is saved upto 30% during standby period.

E) Scheduled start/stop
The program should be used to determine the period of time, for shutting off the
The scheduled start/stop program consists of starting and stopping equipment
based on the time of the day and the day of the week. Scheduled start/stop is the
simplest of all BAS functions to implement. It is important here to have a feedback signal
indicating the status of the controlled equipment. The feedback signal verifies that the
command has been carried out and provides the BAS operator with an alarm when the
equipment fails or is locally started or stopped.

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 Receive day identification and occupancy schedule with respect to week and
month in the year.
 System controller to issue instructions to DDCs accordingly.
 DDCs to issue operational commands to equipments subject to constraints.
o Differential pressure switches.
o Relays.
o Calendar program- for identification of day/week/month of the year
o Scheduling program- a) for identification of occupancy schedule.
Energy is saved due to reduced hours of operation. SENSOR BASED CONTROLS

These systems function based upon sensors inputs.
A) Enthalpy control
This program should be used when there is a significant difference in the
temperatures of the outside air and the space air. The ideal takers for this system would
be industrial applications, where equipment would be running producing heat inside the
space. The room/space air enthalpy would be higher than outside air enthalpy.
The enthalpy of a system is its actual energy (termed the internal energy) plus
the product of its volume and the external pressure : H = E + PV. Though sometimes
termed “heat content” of a system. Enthalpy proves convenient for describing processes
in gases and liquids in laboratory environments.
If conditions prevail wherein the enthalpy of the outside air is lower than that of
the return air, the outside air intake is adjusted at the damper. The return air can be
totally thrown out. The enthalpy of the Outside Air (as supply air) is lower than that of

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the mixed air (as supply air). Therefore the CHWS and CHWR temperature difference is
not as high as it could have been if mixed air had been used. Hence load on the chiller is
 Receive analog inputs from outdoor and return air temperature and humidity
 System to compare enthalpy of space air with outdoor air and issue commands
to the DDCs accordingly.
 DDCs to instruct dampers in outdoor and return air ducts to open or close as
o Temperature Sensors- for outdoor/Indoor Environment.
o Humidity Sensors- for outdoor/Indoor Environment.
o Dampers.
o Actuators-at dampers.
o Calculation program- for damper positions and valve positions.
o Scheduling program- a) for identifications of outside air and relative air
temperature and humidity levels.
Energy is saved at CHWS pumps and chillers. Expected savings are about 2-
B) Zero energy band
This band provides a dead band where neither heating nor cooling is used.
Within this temperature range we feel comfortable; thus by switching off the
mechanical equipment in this period, the energy is saved. The energy use is limited by

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allowing the space temperature to float between minimum and maximum values. It also
controls the mixed air dampers to use available outdoor air if suitable for cooling.
o Temperature Sensors- for outdoor/Indoor Environment.
o Humidity Sensors- for outdoor/Indoor Environment.
o Dampers.
o Actuators-at dampers.
o Calculation program- a) for damper positions and valve positions and b)
for controlling start/stop of mechanical equipments I the plant room.
o Scheduling program- a) for identifications of outside air and relative air
temperature and humidity levels.
Energy is saved due to reduced hours of operation.
C) Variable water flow (vwf) system
This system should be employed where there is a range of Outside Air (OA)
temperature/ conditions for which it has to function.
HVAC systems are designed for peak loads so that equipment such as
chillers, pumps and others are sized to meet the peak requirement which occurs for a
small period in a year. In the constant volume system the constant speed pumps
operate at less than maximum design condition requiring relatively unchanged energy
input, thus wasting energy.
The VWF systems sense change in the demand conditions and vary the speed of
the pump to deliver only the pressure or flow required. As the energy input is directly
proportional to the load on the motor, variable speed pumping systems load the motor
only as required to meet the system demand. The changes in the demand load
conditions are sensed and the speed of the motors pumps is adjusted to deliver only the
flow required.
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Figure 4-5: VWF Program

(Source: Author)
a) chillers do not adapt well to variable chill water flow so their control is difficult and
often unstable as a result.

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b) the chill water pumps must be designed to accommodate varying chill water flow. To
eliminate this, a set of dedicated pumps for chillers and another set with variable
frequency drives for distribution are provided. As a separate set of pumps for
distribution are provided so that the chiller head loss has no effect.
 Receive the supply air and return air temperatures and humidifies and
 DDCs to send signal to 2-way valve to close/open.
 Pressure changes in CHWS line ensure changes in speed at VFD CHWS pumps.
 The rest of the CHW bypasses the main circuit and returns to the chiller to re-
o Temperature Sensors- for Indoor Environment.
o Humidity Sensors- for Indoor Environment.
o Actuators at valves.
o VFD pumps.
o Calculation program- a) valve position and b) RA and SA temperature and
humidity values.
Energy is saved due to reduced hours of pumping hours. Expected energy savings
are about 4-5%.
D) Variable air voulme (vav) system
This system should be used where the loads are varying at different times or in
different spaces as hotels.
Control of dry bulb temperature within a space requires that a balance be
established between the space load and the air supplied to offset the load. The designer

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may choose either to vary the supply air temperature (constant volume) or the volume
of air (variable volume) as the space load changes. A true variable system is where the
air flow is reduced at the terminals as well as at the supply air fan. The static pressure of
the system is normally controlled by the inlet vanes on the centrifugal fans by variable
speed controls on both. Air supply is controlled so as to meet the demand at various
points with varying cooling loads.
The following are the features of a properly designed VAV system:
1. The VAV concept when combined with one of the perimeter heating systems offers
an expensive temperature control means for multiple zoning and a High degree of
simultaneous heating/cooling flexibility.
2. The full advantage of a VAV system can be taken for shifting loads from lights,
occupancy and external load (solar permitance) permitting diversities of as much as 30%
compared to systems based on the sum of peak loads. Consequently the cost is lower
for fans, refrigeration, heating and associated plant auxillaries as well as of ducting,
piping and insulation. These savings are usually greater than the additional cost of
variable volume terminal devices and fan control apparatus.
3. It is easy and inexpensive to sub divide for new zones and to take increased loads
with new usage.
4. Operating cost savings are accrued from the following characteristics:
a) automatic reduction in Fan’s power consumption . As the fan is operating at lower
b) refrigeration, heating and pumping energy savings resulting directly from systems
c) full cut-off of unoccupied areas, decreasing both refrigeration and ventilation
d) Simultaneous heating and cooling without seasonal changeover.
e) no zoning is required in central equipment.
An ASHRAE survey over 50% of all energy used in building is for the operation of
fans- the enrage cost can be cut in half. In general, for fans:
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 Capacity (CFM) is directly proportional to speed (RPM) and

 Horsepower is proportional to the cube of the speed and to the cube of the fan
In other words, at 50% speed and capacity, a fan requires 12.5% of the HP required at
full speed and capacity.
The load reset program ensures that only the minimum amount of heating and
cooling energy is used to satisfy the zone temperature requirements. Samples of zone
temperature are taken and the zone with the greatest load is used to reset the
temperature of the heating or cooling source.
F) Chilled water temperature reset
This system should be applied when there is more than 60% variation in the load.
Energy can be saved by resetting chill water supply temperature to suit daily
requirements. It is know that energy required to produce chill water and refrigeration
suction temperature is proportional to chill water supply temperature, which is
generally designed for peak conditions. Also, the refrigerant suction temperature is also
a direct function of the leaving water temperature; the higher the suction temperature,
the lower the energy input per ton of refrigeration.
Expected increase in the efficiency for a centrifugal refrigeration machine = 1.5%
for each degree decrease/increase in CHW temperature. Also normally chiller efficiency
curves show poor efficiency below 25% load and best efficiency between 50% and 90%
 Receive analog inputs from the CHWS, CHWS header and CHWR header, outdoor
and space temperature sensors.
 Referring equations such as load (TR) = CHW flow in return header* (return
header temperature-supply header temperature). i.e.,

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Where flow= area(sqm) * velocity (m/s). System decides to alter CHWS temperature
keeping in mind alarm limits.
o Temperature Sensors- for Indoor Environment, CHWS and CHWRR.
o Actuator- chill water valve.
o Calculation program- a) space, CHWS and CHWRR temperatures, b) chill
water valve position, c) CHW temperature and space temperature
keeping in mind alarm limits and d) Equipment constraints.
A savings of 5.6% in the chiller’s energy consumption can be achieved by raising
the CHW temperature by one degree F.
This system should be used when outside air (OA) temperature is likely to fall to
useful levels.
Condenser water temperature is reset downwards if outside air WBT produces
lower condenser water temperature, so as to reduce power consumption.
 Receive analog inputs from outside air, CDWS and the CDWR temperature
 Controller to decide amount of CDW to bypass the cooling towers or reduction in
cooling tower fan speed.
o Temperature Sensors- for OA, CDWS, CDWR
o VFD fan and
o Actuator- fan.

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Figure 4-6: CHW Temperature Reset Program

(Source: Author)

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Figure 4-7: CDW Temperature Reset Program

(Source: Author)

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o Calculation program- a) condenser water temperature limits, b)
condenser water supply temperature, c) OA dry bulb temperature, d) OA
relative humidity and e) Equipment constraints.
Energy consumed by the system is proportional to condenser refrigerant
temperature. A one degree increase in the CDWS temperature yields energy savings of
These systems make decisions based on inputs related to both time and sensors.
The night cycle program maintains a higher temperature limit during unoccupied
periods, overtime periods, low occupancy periods by cycling the air handling units while
the out door air damper is closed.
 Receive analog inputs from the space and outside air temperature sensors.
 Controller to issue commands to DDCs accordingly.
 DDCs to instruct dampers to close as and when required.
o Temperature Sensors- for OA and space.
o Differential pressure switches.
o Actuators- at OA dampers.
o Calculation program- a) space and OA temperatures.
Expected energy savings are about 4-5%.

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This system should be used in climatic regions where there is a significant
summer time difference between day time and night time temperature and for
buildings in which the system is switched off for the night.
A night purge program can be used to remove the heat which may build up after
the normal daily occupancy period and the air conditioning has been switched off. This
heat build takes place during late evening and can result in an increased cooling load on
the system when it starts next morning or even more importantly after a weekend
The night purge program use early morning outdoor air to precool the building
before the mechanical cooling is turned on. For this the OA temperature and the dew
point and the space temperature is anlaysed and percentage of outdoor air to be
admitted is decided. 100% outside air is admitted only when the outdoor temperature is
below the space temperature by 4 to 5 oC or the outdoor dew point is less than 60F.
Apart from this, it improves the air quality of the space.
 Receive analog inputs from outdoor air and space temperature sensors analyse
the difference.
 Controller to issue commands to dampers at ducts and to blowers to function
o Temperature Sensors- for OA and space.
o Actuators-at the dampers.
o Calculation program- a) space and OA temperatures and b) actuator

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Figure 4-8 and 4-9: Night Purge and Night cycle Program
(Source: Author)

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Expected energy savings are about 0.5%. To assess the financial viability of a
night purge program, one should compare the cost of running supply and exhaust fans
against the cost of additional mechanical cooling which would be used during the
morning start-up.
The program recognizes that air handling equipment is sized for design load
conditions and need not run continuously except at design temperatures. This program
cycles equipment on and off at conditions other than design without loss of comfort. It
shuts down the equipment for predetermined short periods of time during the normal
operating hours. To assure that comfort conditions are maintained, space temperature
feedback is used to adjust the off time from the present minimum to the present
maximum. When comfort levels are exceeded, duty cycling is discontinued. To prevent
excess cycling of the equipment, minimum and maximum on and off times are
o Temperature Sensors- dry bulb type for space.

o Calendar program- for identification of day/week/month of the year

o Scheduling program- a) for identification of summer/winter equipment
o Calculation programs- a) equipment status and constraints, b) space
temperature, c) maximum temperature during occupied periods and d)
maximum humidity during occupied periods.
Expected energy savings depends on time-off of the equipment.

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This system is applicable where the air conditioning load is high and multiple
chillers are used.
Usually the equipment installed is designed for peak summer loads but the
average load required is about 50-60% of the available capacity. This partial capacity can
be achieved by running the plant on start/stop mode and through ‘chiller sequencing’.
Based on the chiller’s operating data and energy input requirements the
program selects chiller or chillers to meet the load with minimum energy consumption.
Centrifugal chillers are found to be more energy efficient than reciprocating ones when
run on partial loads. However, the energy wasted on the accompanying equipment such
as the cooling tower fans, condenser water pumps, chill water pumps etc., nullifies the
energy saved by running the chiller at partial load. Therefore, it is desirable to run fewer
chillers at full loads. This is achieved by a program that automatically switches on the
chillers depending on the cooling load.
This reduces the wear and tear of the chiller equipment as the running chillers
are set to automatically switch over to the idle chillers according to a present time.
o Temperature Sensors- CHWS and CHWR, Entering and leaving condenser
water temperature sensor.
o Flow sensors- chill water, condenser water.
o Pump- chill water, condenser water
o Fan-cooling tower fan status.
o Calculation programs- a) efficiency curves, b) chill water supply and
return temperature, c) chill water flow-entering and leaving condenser
and its temperature, d) instantaneous kW to chiller and e) equipment

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(Source: Author)
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Expected energy savings can be of about 10-15%.

In peak load conditions, if the demand exceeds the target demand value the
electrical (HVAC) loads are shed on priority basis.
Large consumers of electrical energy pay considerable amounts of money for
peak loads recorded during a certain billing period in addition to the normal kWh
consumption. As a rule the peak load is determined by measuring the consumption of
energy during time intervals of say 15 minutes. The various amounts of energy are
compared with each other and the largest value within a billing period is recorded by a
device supplied by the utility company.
The demand limiting program acquires the values from the meter. If within a
recording period, the program determines by extrapolation that the limit value as
stipulated in the contract will probably be exceeded, the loads with pre-selected
priorities contained in a catalogue will be switched off.
If during the next cycle the program ascertains that the loads may be switched
on again without exceeding the limit value, the appropriate loads will then be turned
on, taking the maximum switch off time and size of the nominal load into consideration.
When the loads are switched on or off, the minimum switch on and maximum
switch off time are also taken into account. The basic requirements for the employment
of the demand limiting program is the occurrence of peak loads on one hand and the
availability of loads that can be switched off during peak hours on the other.
 Receive current drawn at power supply.
 Compare figure with estimated limit value.
 System controller to issue commands to DDCs or microprocessors accordingly.
The DDCs panel to switch off equipment as required. Normally the compressor
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motor shall be switched off. Next would be cooling tower fan, CDW water, CHW
pump and then finally the AHU blowers. The lighting circuits are not meddled
with as they would not contribute greatly to the power limiting being attempted
because lighting loads form a very small fraction of loads in the building as
compared to air-conditioned loads.
o Equipment status- differential pressure switch, auxillary contact, flow
switch, metering points, demand signal.

o Calendar program- for identification of day/week/month of the year

o Calculation programs- a) equipment status and constraints, b) peak
demand limit target equipment priority schedule, c) instantaneous
demand, d) space temperatures.
The cost savings attainable with this program can be significant. However, they
depend upon the mode of operation of the building and the contracts with regards to
the charging of excess demand energy supplies.

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It include following subsystems:
- BMS / Building automation (cooling/heating control, ventilation control, pumps, etc.)
- Lighting control of common areas
- Consumption metering of water, electricity, cooling (heating) energy and gas
- Access control system for common areas
- Intruder alarm system for common areas
- Video monitoring system for common areas
- Fire alarm system
- Central battery system
• Building security
– Unwarranted motion in the secured building notified via GSM and
security personnel logs into the building network to obtain status
– Two functions for sensor nodes- motion detectors and backbone nodes
– Motion detectors in rooms and backbone nodes along corridor
– Motion detectors has direct comm. path with at least one backbone node
and each backbone node had contact with one other backbone node
– One backbone node equipped with external interface device
– Alarm from motion detector to its backbone node and from there to its
back bone node
– Eventually all backbone nodes have info. abt. entire state of network
– Security team with mobile backbone node to scan the information
– Uses spatial IP addressing but mobile backbone node has fixed IP address
from another n/w to differentiate it from other backbone nodes
– Marine monitoring
– Used to study water temp. and salinity
– Sensors attached to a buoy takes measurements at known depths
– These connected as fixed network as communication expensive
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– Above waterline on the buoy is a full function ESB

– These collect data from fixed n/w below and transfer over wireless
interface to gateway node
– From here by GPRS to marine sciences center
– HVAC Monitoring
– Explore feasibility of instrumenting a residential complex to improve the
efficiency of its HVAC
– Temperature and vibration sensors of ESB are used
– IP based sensor accommodated into the Ethernet of the energy control
Integrated Security
– Integration of intrusion protection, access control or video surveillance,
into the building automation and control system

Example Applications:
• Security Access Control Panels
• Fire Alarm Control Panels
• Biometric Readers
• Time and Attendance Systems
• Electronic Badge Systems
• Surveillance Cameras
Access control and security
Depending upon the level of access control and security needed at each level the
system is designed and installed. The four objectives of any security system is to:
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 Deter,
 Detect,
 Delay, and
 Defend.
This is done in an attempt to secure goods, personal and complex. The access
control system is used for building complex with multi-tenant occupancy and access is
restricted depending on the usage/access needed.
This refers to intrusion at boundary level. If one were to do it manually, the best
method would be to put up surveillance posts at some intervals. However, if one was to
do it mechanically the following devices would come in use:
These are placed on top of
boundary walls. The intruder trying to
enter will cut the IR beam and trigger
off an alarm. The alarm could cause
floodlights or hooters to come on. The
location of the alarm is messaged to the
central computer station and the
required action can be taken. Figure 4-15: Proximity Card Reader
These are used for vehicular entry. The card readers read from a distance and
the barrier lifts thus allowing the car to pass.
These are fixed to the boundaries and they trigger off an alarm if the intruder
causes a vibration that is large enough.
The above technologies can be co-related with anti-pass back system (which
ensures that the same card cannot be used to gain entry if it has been used to already

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enter) and member acceptance (which logs in the person who is entering the complex.
This way number of people inside a complex at any given point is known).
The compound consists of all the open spaces between the building and the
boundary. The devices mentioned below would help in manual patrolling and can record
the data to be analyzed later on. Security for this area is achieved by using the following
They are cross beamed to offset and cross
check false alarms.
These can be operated at will. These can be
fixed type (doom camera), the pan ty pe or the most
flexible type in which the camera can pan, zoom and focus if required.
Figure 4-16: Motorized zoom Day/Night vision CCTV


These are used in the night. They are also called by the name night vision
Check is maintained inside the building in the following order of importance:
1. Access control
2. By surveillance and
3. By Intrusion alarm.

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Access control readers and systems are designed to allow an authorized

personnel to enter a building or room or to have access to
some equipment and to keep unauthorized persons away.
The use of two or more devices in conjunction can make the
security more fool proof. The devices used for access
control are:
Accessibility to areas using proximity card is based
upon need to go basis. They can be defined/programmed
according to area of work, area of access, timing of access
for a person. Any unauthorized entries can be logged in too. The data inputed can be
analyzed at a later time.
Figure 4-17: Magnetic swipe card reader

C) PIN (Personal Identification Numbers):

This number is known only to the user and the reading
device. These are used in
building and equipment where high safety requirements must
be satisfied.
Figure 4-18: PIN Reader


This device is based on the theory of positive
identification based upon unique

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characteristics (such as fingerprints, silhouette of the palm of the hand, retina eye scan,
veins at the back of the hand etc.,) associated with every individual.
Figure 4-19: Biometric Hand Reader


They can be microwave, ultrasonic or infrared type. It detects any signal caused
reflection of signals by a body of the intruder. Whereas the infrared type detects the
presence of an intruder, with increase in the heat levels. These detectors can trigger
alarms and put on the lights or even block in the room.
CCTV’s and Motion Detectors are use for surveillance. The panic buttons can be
raised from the central command center/security room or at strategically located
positions within the building. This can be done manually or can be automatic. The signal
caused by alarm can alert the nearest police station.
CCTV’s can be used to track a situation in which a person (authorized) tries to Figure4-4-

4-20: Integrated Security and Life safety system

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help another gain unauthorized entry through an access controlled door. An access
control door has a programmed fixed time of opening (usually 20 seconds), if it still
remains open the camera can be activated in the area to record the happening in the
Conventionally, a human being is the most efficient fire detector. The
combination of his eyes, ears and nose allow him to differentiate between various
phenomenon. He can smell the difference between cigarette smoke, burning toast and
something more serious. He can see smoke and flames and well often hear a fire before
he has noticed either the flames or the smoke. Sometimes, the first thing that he may
notice is the heat. These phenomenon are the ones that fire detection designers
measure to detect the onset of fire. Also the smaller the fire, the less it may be observed
even though these may be the ones that can be put out quickly and safely. Fire
detectors must be designed without the risk of false alarms.
The fire safety can be broadly be classified into:
1. Detection system.
2. Control system
Fire detection needs prompt and quick response and monitoring by human being
or an automated system. The monitoring is done at a fire control panel, located at the
central command station. This panel has a number of outgoing lines called Loops (max.
10/panel)(differs from vendor to vendor). Each of these lines begins at the panel and
ends at it too. Hence called a Loop. Each loop is capable of being connected to 99
control modules and 99 monitor modules. Each of these modules is set in a parallel to
the loop. This ensures that each of the modules is able to get power even if a fault
occurs at any point in the loop. The building can be divided into zones and each loop
serves a zone.
Monitor modules are the detectors which measure smoke, heat and flame.
Control modules are of three types:
1. Health check modules: they convey to the panel if the detector is functioning or not.
2. Fault Indicator
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3. Command module: sends a command to other equipments(AHU) to shut off/on.

In an addressable system, a signal from each module can be identified at the
control command panel. Whereas in the non-addressable system, only the zone can be
identified at the panel. The operator will come to know which floor and which building.
The personnel on duty have to go to that floor and see which response indicator is on
alarm mode and know which room/space is under duress.
Hooters can be hooked on the loops. These would be fault indicator control
modules. These come into action to raise an alarm. First the one on the affected floor
shall come on and if the alarm is not acknowledged at the control panel, then all the
floors are alerted.
A graphical representation of the equipment required in various smoke-control zones

These are designed to detect fire in an area and indicate to main control panel
by an audio visual alarm, while displaying the zone number. The zone number gives a
general idea of the location of fire and does not pin point the specific detector in alarm.
The drawbacks with this system are:

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 They do not identify the exact location of the fire thereby increasing the
response time.
 They utilize a large amount of cabling which add the cost while also contributing
to maintenance problems.
On account of the above mentioned reasons Conventional Systems are getting
replaced with addressable systems.
These are classified under two categories:
1. Digital Addressable system and
2. Analog Addressable system
Addressable systems provide point ID of the detector on fire condition and they
utilize reduced amount of cabling.
They are essentially a concept developed to upgrade existing conventional
systems to a point ID system.
These systems are far the most advanced systems which offer highly flexible and
reliable design. It provides all features and requirements which are not available in
conventional or digital addressable system (centralized or distributed).
The main characteristic of the system is that each device connected to the fire
alarm panel has a unique address. Each loop can
comprise of intelligent devices connected to the two
core cable to the fire alarm system. The detectors
can be grouped into zones by software. The alarm
limits for individual sensors can be set at the fire
control panel so as to suite the site conditions which
reduces the generation of false alarms. The auto
tuning sensitivity feature allows the fire alarm panel
to adjust automatically the alarm and trouble limits for individual detector based on
surrounding environment of the detector. If the detector becomes dusty or its not
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maintained properly, the fire alarm detector generates an indication for maintenance of
the individual detector so that the system is maintained properly. All the intelligent
devices connected to the fire alarm panel are scanned by the fire alarm panel all the
time. Hence the entire system is checked for its normal operation at all the times. This
increases the reliability of the system.
Future modifications are also simpler whereby the detector only needs to be
added to the existing detector loop with a minimum change in the panel software. Cross
zoning can be achieved with the panel software without the need of extra cabling fro
the panel.
Figure 3-21:Analog Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP)

The fire shall be controlled by the automatic
coming on of the sprinklers. As the detectors sense the
presence of fire, the valves in the sprinkler pipes open
and water under pressure fills the pipe. When the fire
reaches a certain temperature, the set temperature of
the sprinklers, the water jets will come on and attempt
to put out the fire.
The water levels in the tanks can also be
monitored. The water pressure in the sprinkler lines can also be monitored.
Figure 3-22:Various types of sprinklers
Integrating fire alarm systems with building automation systems can result in many
economic and operational benefits. Such integration requires communication standards
and careful design practices. There are many reasons for integrating fire alarm systems
with other building automation and control systems. Examples include smoke control,
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single seat access to building information, easier maintenance, sharing sensor data,
obtaining information about the location of people during an emergency, and providing
infrastructure for new technology to improve performance and safety. Fire detection
systems have been integrated with door locks and with
HVAC fan and damper controls for smoke management for several years,
but these systems have relied on relays controlled by the fire alarm system to
override the normal controls. This kind of integration has primarily involved
constant-volume HVAC systems and required only on/off control of fans
and dampers to be moved to fully open or fully closed positions. Many modern HVAC
systems are far more complex. Variable air volume systems are used to reduce energy
consumption. These systems require sophisticated control algorithms to operate either
a continuously variable-speed fan or inlet guide vanes to control the static pressure in
the supply air duct. Variable air volume boxes control the airflow
from the supply duct into individual rooms by modulating dampers. The control
algorithms for these systems are complicated and require interlocks and safeties to
prevent overstressing ductwork in the event that dampers do not open when fans are
turned on. Smoke management is much more complicated with these systems and
outside of the capability of most fire alarm systems. What is needed is a way for the fire
alarm system to command the HVAC control system to enter a smoke control
mode and let the HVAC controllers manage the equipment. New sensors are being
developed that can recognize various contaminants in the air that can represent a fire
signature or a hazardous contaminant that a life safety threat. In an integrated
system, these sensors could be used by the HVAC control system to control ventilation
rates with no adverse impact on their life safety functions. Multiple uses for the same
information will make it more cost-effective to implement
new sensor technology. In some buildings, access control systems monitor the location
of building occupants. Providing access to this information to the life safety systems
could be very helpful in an emergency. Emergency response personnel would know
where to look for occupants who need to be evacuated. They could also
reduce the risk to themselves by avoiding dangerous areas where no people
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are present. Research is now underway at the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) to develop a new generation of smart fire alarm panels
that can make use of sensor data from an integrated system to calculate heat release
rates in a fire. Using this information, a fire model in the panel can
predict how the fire will grow and spread. Emergency response personnel can use these
predictions to plan a strategy for fighting the fire. It could even be transmitted by the
building systems to fire stations or fire trucks so that planning can begin before
emergency personnel reach the site. This could significantly improve response time,
saving lives and reducing property loss. For all of these reasons and probably others,
integrating fire alarm systems with other building systems makes a lot of sense. The
technology is already being driven in that direction by market forces. There are many
interpretations and definitions of an intelligent building. An intelligent building can be
defined by the information and control services that meet the needs of the occupants,
the software that controls telecommunications and building automation functions, or by
the actual electronic hardware and devices
implemented within the structure. It is necessary to have all of these components to
create such a facility, but a Structured Connectivity Solution (SCS) is the common
ingredient required to integrate the telecommunications (e.g., voice, data, video, etc.)
and Building Automation Systems (BAS). Other than the SCS, these low voltage or
power-limited services have nothing in common except similar transmission
characteristics (i.e., analogue or digital data signals), and the pathways (e.g., conduit,
cable tray, raceway, and so on) that support and protect the cabling investment.
Providing an internationally standardized SCS and consolidating the horizontal pathways
for all the systems can reduce the initial construction costs by 10-15%, and up to 30%,
for the cabling infrastructure of a modern intelligent building. The actual level of savings
achieved is dependent upon the configuration and the geographical
pricing for material and labour. An integrated systems approach also enables
management to quickly and cost effectively respond to the changing needs of the
tenants, which impacts the cost to occupy the space. In some cases, additional
construction expenditures for the SCS or BAS, such as devices to optimize the use of
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power consumption, may be necessary to reduce the operational expenses. However,

the costs for cabling-related changes can typically be reduced by 25-40% for a new or
renovated facility when using a total systems integration approach.
As can be seen from the graph below, typical costs for building operation and
alterations over a 40-year life cycle far exceed the initial construction costs. Proper
systems integration planning to optimize the construction process can reduce these on-
going life cycle costs
Vertical transportation is of much importance especially in multistory buildings.
They contribute in tying up the many floors, the occupants and the activities involved. In
multi-storey buildings, the floor area, number of storeys, plinth and type of building
along with entrances and other facilities are factors which are influenced by the number
and distribution of the occupants. The arrival and departure pattern of the population in
each floor and their circulation determines the volume and pattern of vertical traffic.
Design of vertical transportation systems varies depending on the functional
requirements which can, in turn, become quite complex arising from differences in
usage and design of buildings.
Passenger service requirements comprise of human and traffic constraints.
Human constraints can further be classified as: a) physiological and b) psychological. To
avoid physiological discomfort during vertical movement, certain acceptable limits of
acceleration and deceleration are set i.e., 1.5m/s. Whereas psychological constraints
mainly pertain to the waiting time. A secondary such constraint is transit time.
Traffic constraints have to be also considered. They are related to the critical
elevator traffic period. The type, direction and intensity of elevator traffic during this
period determines the quantity and quality of service for a particular type of building. A
good lift should provide for maximum passenger load expected within the critical
elevator traffic period and to reduce the waiting time as much as possible.
Critical traffic periods vary with building types and site locations in various areas.
Normally the different traffic patterns in an office building would be incoming traffic

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during morning hours, two-way and inter-floor traffic during normal working hours and
outgoing traffic during evening hours. CONTROL SYSTEMS
1. Automatic detection of traffic pattern and modified operation to favour dominant
traffic flow.
2. Capability to cut long waits by deviating lift routes from the collective principle.
3. Forecasting of service times so that the bypassed calls will not be worst cases.
4. Considering the car load in order of balance number of stops between cars and to
reduce passenger destination times.
5. Efficient dispatching of vacant lifts to determined floors to ensure short average
waiting time.
6. Positioning control which senses the car position within  ½ mm and helps in
positioning accuracy and alters memories to reflect changes.
7. Indicator and Communication system which consists of a TV monitor to display
information and graphically indicate elevator group operation.
8. Diagnostic techniques which are programmed for error recognition in elevator
machines, safety circuits, doors and operating fixtures.
9. Passenger detection done through image processing sensors mounted on the edges
of the car doors panels and/ or optical passenger detectors mounted on the car lintel.
10. Automatic doors which have selection of speed programs as functions of traffic load
and obstruction sensing to overrule built-in speeds for prevention of accidents.
11. Drive controls which have controlled drives to accelerate to maximum speed within
a short distance and features fast landing approach to save energy.


Intelligent building technologies facilitate monitoring of a building’s condition.
Since transducers or sensors can measure most building-related parameters, needs will
drive their specific use. Under appropriate conditions, any or all of these may be
 areas with heavy snowfalls may monitor the loads imposed by such snow on
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their roofs;
 monitoring the strain in key structural members may be important with regards
to wind loads, suspension of exhibits, loud speakers, and crowd loading in
 moisture detectors laid beneath membranes in a building can prevent significant
 monitoring the temperature in fuse panels, electrical switchgear and
transformers can warn of impending failure;
 monitoring current flow in conductors can identify trouble in lamps or other
electrical devices;
 monitoring vibration on mechanical systems can identify bearings needing
maintenance; and
 monitoring conductivity of lubricating oil can identify metal buildup due to wear.
All of these examples may be built into a building condition monitoring system via
the security system.


For the communication systems point of view, the evolution towards integration is
similar to the one presented for the building automation systems, where the existence
of the web can be considered as the revolutionary concept of the current state of the

From the early autonomous systems for voice, text and video transmission, we can find
nowadays the internet as the support for voice transmission (VoIP – voice over IP), text
transmission (email) and video transmission (video streaming, video broadcast and
Interestingly, it is also the web and the internet that can allow the merging of the two
worlds of automation and communication into the computer integrated building


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 A system that would notify operators of plant problems and permit the operator
to check plant conditions at any time, whether the operator was on site or off.
 Waste-water is processed using the seven steps. Each step includes digital or
analog signals. Digital signals are used for functions such as pump on/off or valve
open/close monitoring and controlling. Analog signals are used to report flow
speed, pressure, and other readings.

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