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Conquest of Makkah

[Remember when you asked for help of your Lord, and He answered
you, “Indeed, I will reinforce you with a thousand from the Angels
,following one another”.]
When Islam was well-established in the hearts of Muslims ,Allah
decided that the time has come for his Prophet SAW and his
community to enter into Makkah. They would purify the Kaaba and so
that it would be the blessed place of guidance for the whole world.
They would restore Makkah as to its previous status and the sacred
city would offer security for all people once again.

The major incidents took place in the conquest of

Makkah are as follows:

A Broken Treaty
In peace treaty of Hudaybiyyah, it was laid down that anyone who
wanted to enter the treaty and alliance with the Prophet Muhammad
SAW should be able to do so; any one wanted alliance with Quryash
will be able to do so. The Banu Baker made alliance with Quryash
while Banu Khazia made alliance with Prophet SAW.
Long standing hostility existed between the two tribes of baker and
khazia .The advent of islam had put a barrier between the people as
the were engrossed with its affairs This treaty enabled both tribes to
settle an old dispute against each other. One night Banu baker
attacked Banu khazia when they were camped by a spring and killed
some of them. The khazis took shelter into the haram but banu baker
did not take care of the sacred of holy Kaaba and even there was
bloodshed inside the haram.
Some Quraish leaders also fought with Banu Baker and provided
them weapons. Some of the Quraish said we have entered the haram
mind your gods! Others replied thoughtlessly, There is no god today,
men of banu Baker. Take your revenge! You may never have another

Seeking Help:
Amr ibn saleem al-khuza went to Prophet SAW in Madina and asked
for help , saying that Quryaish had violated the agreement .His tribe
has been attacked at night, he mentioned, and men had been killed in
ruku and sajdah, while performing prayers.
Prophet SAW assured him , you will be helped , Amr ibn Salim!. He
SAW then sent a man to Makkah to get the confirmation of the attack
and to offer the Quraysh the chance to redress their effort. The reply
was impulsive and they ignored the likely consequences.

Abu Sufyan Fails

Abu Sufyan went to Prophet SAW , but he did not receive any
favorable answer. Then he went to Abu Baker (RA) and asked him to
speak to Prophet SAW for him but he refused. He tried to win over
Umar(RA),Ali(RA)and Fatima (RA) but they all said that the matter
was too serious for them to get involved. Abu Sufyan was confused
about what to do.

Making Preparations for War

The Prophet SAW asked Muslims to make preparations for an
expedition but He SAW asked them to keep this secret. Later, he
announced that he was going to Makkah.
He said,

O Allah! Impede the informers of Qurash so that we can take Makkah
by surprise. He left Madina with ten thousand men in Ramadan 8AH
and advance as far as Marr az-Zahran where they set up a camp.
Allah concealed this information from Quraish, so they waited in

A Pardoning
On the way, Prophet Muhammad SAW happened to meet his cousin,
Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith ibn Abdul Muttalib. He ignored him because
he had suffered insults and persecutions from Abu Sufyan. He
complained to Ali (RA) that he had been ignored. Ali (RA) said to him,
Go to Messenger of Allah and say to him what the brothers said to
Yousuf, Messenger of Allah and say to him what the brothers said to
Yousuf, By Allah, Allah has preferred you to us and we were indeed
Abu Sufyan did what he was advised and Prophet SAW replied ,Have
no fear this day. Allah will forgive you. He is the most merciful of the
He embraced Islam and was known for his piety.

Abu Sufyan Ibn Harb Accepts Islam

The Messenger of Allah was commanding the army and he ordered
campfires to be lit.Abu Sufyan ,who was spying out the ground for
Quraish , said : I have never seen so many fires or such an army.
Al Abbas had already left Makkah with his wife and children as a
Muslim Mahajir and joined Muslim army. He recognized Abu Sufyan s
voice and called him; See Prophet SAW is here with his army. What a
terrible morning the Qurayish will have!
He made Abu Sufyan ride on his mule, fearing that if a Muslim saw
him, he would kill him .Al Abbas took him to Prophet SAW who said

,Woe to you, Abu Sufyan! Has not the time come for you to
acknowledge that there is no God but Allah
Abu Sufyan replied,” How kind and gentle you are! By Allah , I think
that if there had been another God besides Allah , he would have
helped me today.”
“Woe to you , Abu Sufyan! Is it not time that you recognise that I am
the Messenger of Allah !”

Abu Sufyan replied ,”May my mother and father be your ransome!

How kind and gentle you are! But by Allah ,I still have some doubt as
so that.”
Al-Abbas intervened ,”Woe to you , Abu sufyan! Become a Muslim
and testify no god but Allah and that Muhammad SAW of Allah before
you lose your head.” Then Abu Sufyan recited the articles of faith and
become a Muslim.

The Amnesty
The Prophet Mohammad SAW was generous in granting amnesty to
everyone so that no one in Makkah need to be killed that morning.
Only those who courted danger ran any risk of losing their life. He
SAW declared, “ Whoever enters in the house of Abu Sufyan is safe.
Whoever locks his door is safe. Whoever enters in Mosque is safe.”
The Messenger of Allah told his army not to use weapons against any
one when they entered Makkah unless they met opposition or
resistance. He direction the army not to touch property or possessions
belonging to the people of Makkah and nothing should be destroyed.

A humble Victory
On the morning of Friday ,20 Ramadan, 8 AH , Prophet SAW entered
in Makkah with his head bowed. When He SAW realized the honor of

conquest, Allah had bestowed open him, He SAW felt so humble
before Allah that his chain almost touched the back of camel. He SAW
was reciting Surah al- Fatah as he rode to Makkah in victory. He
raised the standard of justice equality and humanity.
Prophet SAW said to people, “Be at ease .Don not be afraid . Iam not
a king.I am only the son of a woman of the Quraysh who used to eat
meat dried in the sun.”

Mercy Not Slaughter

When Saad ibn Ubadah in the squadron of the of the Ansar passed by
Abu Sufyan, he called out “ Today is a day of slaughter. Today there is
no more sanctuary. Today Allah has humbled the Quraysh.”
When the Messenger SAW of Allah s squadron came near Abu
Sufyan, he complained,” Messenger of Allah, did you not hear what
Saad said?”
“What was that that?” Said Messenger SAW of Allah, and Abu Sufyan
repeated what Saad had called out.
Prophet SAW of Allah disliked Saad s comments and replied. Today is
a day of mercy and forgiveness.”

Small Skirmishes
A small skirmish broke out between Safwan ibn Umayyah,
Ikrama bin Abu Jahl and Suhail bn Amr, who came up against the
companions of Khalid bin Walid. Twelve of the idol worshippers were
killed when they were tired to stop the advancing Muslims forces. The
rest gave in without bloodshed. Prophet SAW had told his men when
they entered Makkah, ”Do not fight anyone unless they attack you.”

Purifying the Haram
The Messenger of Allah got down from his camel when everything had
calm down. He went to Kaaba first and performed twaf.
Around were three hundred sixty idols. With a stick , he was carrying
to push them over, saying The truth has come and falsehood has
vanished away. Falsehood is ever vanishing (34:39). That is how he
purified the haram.

A day of Piety
The day of conquest of Makkah was declared as a day of piety and

The conquest of Makkah was the most peaceful revolution in the
history of mankind. Never victorious forces treat the natives since
ever. They were victorious they were armed they had power, they
were able to take revenge but they turned their victory into
Most of the members of Muslim force were insulted, humiliated and
forcefully expelled them from the city of Makkah. The Makkans were
thinking of their fate. But Prophet SAW made this day the day of
forgiveness and mercy.

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