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Business Plan

Japanese Restaurant Delivery Business

Laksmi Puspasari
Famila Anindia
Lily Ribawanti
Jl. K.H Wahid Hasyim/137-D
Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

+62 21 798-90-88
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary .......................................................................................................... 4
2. Description of Business ..................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 SWOT Analysis ..................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Industry background .................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Goals and Potential of the Business and Milestone ..................................................... 7
2.4 Uniqueness of the product and service ........................................................................ 8
2.5 Company ownership/legal entity .................................................................................. 9
2.6 Location ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Manufacturing ............................................................................................................ 10
2.8 Services..................................................................................................................... 10
2.9 Management ............................................................................................................. 11
2.9 Financial management .............................................................................................. 11
3. Marketing ........................................................................................................................ 12
3.1 Market Research ....................................................................................................... 12
3.1.1 Mission and Objectives ....................................................................................... 12
3.1.2 Target market segment strategy.......................................................................... 13
3.1.3 Market Size and Trends ...................................................................................... 13
3.1.4 Competition ......................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Marketing Strategy .................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Advertising and Promotion ......................................................................................... 18
3.4 Pricing ....................................................................................................................... 18
4. Operation ........................................................................................................................ 20
4.1 Production process .................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Location ..................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Human resources ...................................................................................................... 22
4.4 Inventory.................................................................................................................... 22
4.5 Payment system ........................................................................................................ 23
5. Management ................................................................................................................... 24
5.1 Management team..................................................................................................... 24
6. Finance ........................................................................................................................... 25
6.1 Required fund ............................................................................................................ 25
6.2 Fixed operating cost .................................................................................................. 26
6.3 Project sales forecast ................................................................................................ 27
6.4 Projected income statement ...................................................................................... 29
6.5 Projected cash flow ................................................................................................... 30
6.6 Projected balance sheet ............................................................................................ 31
6.7 Break even analysis .................................................................................................. 32
7. Critical risk ...................................................................................................................... 32
7.1 Potential problem....................................................................................................... 32
7.2 Obstacles and risk ..................................................................................................... 32
7.3 Alternative cause of action ......................................................................................... 33
8. Milestone Schedule ......................................................................................................... 34
References ......................................................................................................................... 35


1. Executive Summary

The business plan in this document is an innovative ideas of Japanese food business with
delivery service. Nowadays, in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, Japanese food has become
a trend in society. Japanese food brings a lot benefits to consumers. For Instance, the
famous sushi contains omega 3 because it is from seafood which is healthy and good for
brain intelligence. There are a lot of restaurants that serve Japanese food. It can easily be
found in the shopping centre, malls, and etc. And most of them offered a similar services.
GoSushi as a newcomer in the Japanese culinary food offers a special services to
customers, where consumers can order our products through our delivery services.
GoSushi deliver the orders directly to the destination. For instance, at school, office, or
home. Furthermore, with the Jakarta traffic conditions, it is our opportunity to attract the
Indonesian market. The menu offered by GoSushi is similiar with other Japanese restaurant.
We divided the menu into 11 groups consist of sushi, sashimi, sushi roll, ship, fried, dessert,
sushi combo, sashimi combo, salad, ramen and udon. GoSushi target consumer is a middle
class income and above who love to try Japanese food. GoSushi pricing strategy we do cost
based pricing, and it is still affordable for the targeted consumers.
GoSushi founded by three members. We started this business with an initial capital of IDR
150.000.000.Which funded from each owner. GoSushi operates in Jakarta, especially
central Jakarta. To run our business, we ensure that GoSushi have a legal entity in the form
of a limited liability company (LLC) and has registered to MUI halal certification. This is to
improve consumer trust in our products and services.
The mission of GoSushi is: “Provide Japanese food with a delivery service that provides the
best quality and excellent service with suits the Indonesian market.” The vision of GoSushi
is: “become the largest Japanese food restaurant in Indonesia. “


2. Description of Business

2.1 General Description of Business

GoSushi is a start-up business in the food industry. GoSushi was established in June 2015.
It is run by 3 investors with the equal ownership. GoSushi offered Japanese foods especially
Sushi with high quality and affordable prices. We offers a unique concept, if normally
consumers wants to eat sushi, we had to come directly to the restaurant, then GoSushi
provide on a delivery service concept. So sushi can be enjoyed everywhere, at home, school
or office.
The main idea of this business came up when we want to eat sushi, we often had to go to
the nearest mall to find a Japanese restaurant. From that moment, we found a new idea,
would not it be efficient if sushi can be deliver directly to the consumer, it is easier and
efficient for consumers to satisfy their needs. And we are challenged to establish a
businesses that meet the needs above.
Why sushi? Sushi is one of the famous Japanese food. Nowadays in Indonesia, sushi has
become a trend in the society. A lot of people liked to eat sushi. Sushi also has a benefits for
the body. We believe a business in the food industry especially sushi is quite promising.
The vision of our company is: become the largest Japanese food restaurant in Indonesia.
And our mission is: ‘’ to serves Japanese food with high quality that suits with Indonesian

2.1.1 SWOT Analysis

Table 2.1 SWOT Analysis
Provide good delivery service to consumers
Provide a high quality product
Competitive prices
Friendly, fast, and consistent service

Lack of experience in food industry

Lack of consumers because of new business

Lack of human resources

Growth of Japanese food trends

Improvement of living standards in Jakarta's society
The delivery service become an alternative in a dense city like Jakarta
Low number of competitors offered the delivery service

Competitors with top notch Japanese restaurant

Increase price of imported raw materials
Unpredictable Jakarta's road condition
Increase of gasoline price


2.2 Industry background
Southeast Asia is one of the world’s fastest growing market. There are plenty business in the
food industry. It is shows that the industry are still on demand and it is very promising if a
company could managed the business well. Everyone definitely needs food, and today
people are looking for new and unique types of food to eat. This has led to a rise in a
culinary specialty for example GoSushi a Japanese food restaurant which delivers a new
way to enjoy the food. We believe GoSushi will meets the market needs and able to achieve

Table 2.2 Industry Developments


From the chart above from the chamber of commerce (KADIN) year 2013 until 2014 it is
shown that food industry has the highest contribution to country’s GDP compared to other
industries. And by this, we believe that we can conquer the market.

As time goes by, sushi became more popular in Japan and everyone can enjoy the food.
Sushi has gone global, sushi products or restaurants almost be found across United States,
United Kingdom, Europe and even Asia. Especially in Indonesia.

In Indonesia, sushi became popular when it was brought by a famous sushi restaurant,
Sushi Tei, in 2003. Since then, it turns out the society are enthusiast for sushi. Indeed, prior
to that before Sushi Tei entered Indonesia there have been several sushi restaurant, but the
price is very high and only those of the upper classes who can enjoy it. Sushi Tei targeted
people for the upper middle class so that more people are able to enjoy the food. Then many
businesses stand to follow the success of Sushi Tei, such as Sushi Groove, Kiyadon Sushi,


and the other small business that operates in the food court or stalls that offers cheaper
price. Many of the sushi merchant’s in Indonesia are being creative by modifying flavors and
types of sushi making it more suitable for Indonesian taste. This is because the local people
tend to follow the trend of eating sushi, but it turned out to be different than the original
Japanese sushi.

2.3 Goals and Potential of the Business and Milestone

Milestone is very important to measure our business vision and goals become the largest
Japanese food restaurant in Indonesia. To achieve this goals, GoSushi have to expand new
branches which more accessible and known by consumers.

Here is a milestone of GoSushi for the next 3 years:

Table 2.4 Milestone

No. Details information Completion

1. Open a new branch in West Jakarta 6 Months
2. Open a new branch in South Jakarta 6 Months
3. Open a new branch in East Jakarta 6 Months
4. Open a new branch in North Jakarta 6 Months
5. Open a new branch in BODETABEK areas 12 Months
6. Expand the business throughout Java 12 Months


2.4 Uniqueness of the product and service
Our main products that we offer is Japanese food. For example: sushi, udon and ramen.
The advantages of our products that we provide a fresh and delicious food, and we also
provide delivery service to satisfy customer needs. The price that we offer also affordable
that still meets our target market, middle to upper middle income customers.

Here are the types of menus offered by GoSushi:

 Sushi
The original form of sushi. It is made of rice and on the top with the fish egg, squid,
avocado or nori.
Price: IDR 28.000 /4pcs
 Sashimi
Sashimi is one of Japanese food. It is thinly sliced raw meat such as seafood. It is
slightly different than sushi because it is usually prepared uncooked (raw). The sauce
dressings such as soy sauce, grated fresh ginger, and wasabi paste.
Price: IDR 25.000 /4pcs
 Sushi roll (nigiri)
Sushi roll is another type of Japanese food. It consisted of nori, rice and fish,
cucumber, shredded, chicken, avocado, or etc. The difference between sushi and
sushi roll only on the form of the food.
Price: IDR 25.000-35.000 /6pcs
 Fried sushi
Fried sushi is also our best selling products. For example: tempura, spring rolls,
meatballs seafood, etc. The main ingredient of tempura is shrimp.
Price: IDR 25.000 /3pcs
 Dessert
We also offers a sweet dishes such as sorbet, ice cream and mochi.
Price: IDR 15.000-25.000
 Sushi combo
Sushi combo is one package sushi that can be mix based on consumer’s choices. .
Price: IDR 35.000-50.000 /20-25pcs
 Sashimi combo
Sashimi combo is one package sashimi that can be mix based on consumer’s
Price: IDR 40.000-60.000 /10-15pcs


 Salad
We offers a fresh garden salad with assorted dressings.
Price: IDR 15.000-25.000
 Udon
Udon is a Japanese noodles. The size of the noodle is thicker than usual. The flavor
of broth and topping are varies for example, with seafood, chicken, mushroom and
Price: IDR 30.000
 Ramen
Ramen is a Japanese noodles. The size of the noodles is normal like any other
noodles. We provide various variants of ramen with seafood, chicken, mushroom,
and vegetables.
Price: IDR 30.000

GoSushi also provide a special package as shown in the menu. We also offers our favorite
products which are udon and ramen. GoSushi always develop a creative menu, for example
we have created a special dishes for a vegetarian.
For the delivery service, we strive to give a good service for consumers. Prior to that, we do
the pre-order system a night before the delivery day. When we have received the orders, we
will make sure that the order will be delivered on the agreed time. This is also to ensure our
product will still fresh and in a good condition.

Besides sushi, GoSushi offers other varieties of Japanese food, such as ramen, udon, curry,
and etc. The order will be safely packed in a box to ensure that our product is still in a good
condition until it reached the destination. GoSushi also offer packages for corporate for
meetings or any other events.

2.5 Company ownership/legal entity

Opening a new business has its own legal considerations. GoSushi have a legal entity in the
form of a limited liability company (LLC) where provides a separate legal entity and can help
protect founders personal assets from risk. We obtain Halal certification from MUI (Majelis
Ulama Indonesia). This certificate plays an important role especially in Moslem religion. With
this certification, it would not makes any doubt in consumer’s mind to buy our products.

2.6 Location
GoSushi located in Central Jakarta as an initial operating field. Jakarta is widely known as
the capital and largest city in Indonesia with a high urban population, we think it is a good


idea to start the business. With the society’s culture it is even easier for GoSushi to enter the

2.7 Manufacturing
The transportation of our food delivery, we decided to use a motorcycle. It will be more
efficient and convenient instead of a car. The vehicle will be equipped with a special
container delivery box. The box will be designed to maintain the food stay fresh and warm
and protect from the contamination during the trip. The messenger (courier) of GoSushi will
wear a proper uniform and supported with a training about the product knowledge and
handling consumers.
The consumers of GoSushi is not limited by gender or age. Everyone can enjoy our
products. However, GoSushi targeting middle to upper middle income consumers. Our
selling prices are ranging from IDR 15.000 – 60.000. With the delivery system, GoSushi
have a minimum order to avoid losses due to high delivery costs. The minimum order is IDR
GoSushi have two different order systems, offline and online. Offline, we will distribute a
brochure that includes our menus and the contact number. Consumers can order by directly
call the number and assist by GoSushi representative. While online, we built our own
website where the consumers could easily order in anytime and anywhere. New customers
just have to register their personal data and choose the order, after completed we will
confirm and deliver the order. It is important to keep the consumers personal database for
their next purchase order and also the promotion.

To maintain the product quality in our restaurants, we will cooperate with the suppliers of raw
materials. GoSushi ensure to use only the best ingredients, fresh, and guaranteed quality.
The raw material of making a sushi are: Japanese rice, seafood, nori or dried seaweed,
vinegar, vegetables, and fish eggs. These materials always available in our kitchen.
GoSushi payment system can be done in cash or by transfer to a bank account. Our next
plan, we are trying to cooperate with the bank hence we can have an EDC (Electronic Draft
Capture) also known as a card swipe machine. It is also easier for consumers who wants to
pay pay using debit cards, credit cards, or Flazz Cards.

2.8 Services
In order to create a good customer relationship, GoSushi offers a friendly, fast and
consistent service to our customers. We also accommodate our employees by give them a
training such as literacy and interpersonal skills training. Which we think both of those
trainings are important to create a solid and strong team within the employees and it will
definitely affect employees views about how to serves customers better. To maintain


customer relationship, we offered a loyalty programs, such as loyalty card. We invite
customers to sign up for our loyalty card program and promote them about a benefit and
bonus of merchandise or products by spending some minimum amount.
Our key activities is similar to the other Japanese restaurant. We received orders, prepare
and deliver to the consumers. What makes GoSushi different is we are strive to build a good
customer relationship and excel to serve customers better then, customers become aware
and continuously purchase our products. In order to that, we develop a powerful online
community which benefits both the customers and company. Where consumers can review
about the foods and services and company can also improve and promote the products and

2.9 Management
We estimated that GoSushi requires six workers, two person for messengers (couriers), one
person for coordinator administration, one person for sales and finance and two person in
charge for kitchen. As we continuously grow and improve our business we will demand more

2.9 Financial management

We started to build a business with the initial capital amount of IDR 150 Million. The amount
was distributed to buy an equipment, raw materials, vehicles, operational lease, employee’s
salary and etc. The capital was funded from the 3 founder with the equal amount. The owner
of GoSushi are: Laksmi Puspasari, Lily Ribawanti, and Famila Anindia. Every founder has
had the responsibilities to ensure the company will runs successfully.


3. Marketing
3.1 Market Research
Marketing plays an important role in our business success. In the process of decision
making, a company can no longer made simply based on the 'instinct'. Various kinds of
research are needed to complete the data in order to find the right decision.

The research conducted by GoSushi consists of two, namely primary research and
secondary research:

A. Primary research
Primary research is needed to gather information directly about consumer
preferences, consumer behavior, market conditions, and a growing trend in the
market. This primary research we did with interview, observation, survey, and a

B. Secondary research
Secondary research is needed to supplement and gathered the information we have
already collect from primary research. This secondary research we did by the study
of literature from various sources such as newspapers, magazines, books, and

3.1.1 Mission and Objectives

In business, mission and vision of a company is very important to ensure that the company
can achieve the goals and objectives.

GoSushi Mission:
" Provide Japanese food with a delivery service with a high quality and excellent service to

GoSushi Vision:
- Be the first Japanese delivery restaurant
- Expand the branches throughout Indonesia
- Increase the brand value and awareness


3.1.2 Target market segment strategy
It is important for GoSushi to define market segmentation to reduce risk in deciding where, when
and whom the product will be marketed and also to determined who our target market.
Sushi is a food that contains a lot of benefits for health and intelligence. Because of that sushi can be
consumed by everyone. Neither children, adults, nor even the elder people. GoSushi consumer
segmentation is everybody who likes Japanese food.
GoSushi target market are people with middle to upper income levels. Consumers GoSushi not
limited by age or gender because our products can be enjoyed by everyone. However we
recommend for pregnant women to not consume any type of products that are raw.

In the first 6 months we operate in the central Jakarta. We choose a location in the central Jakarta to
make the access easier and may cover many areas to deliver our products. After 6 months, if our
business runs well, we will open more branches in every region of the city. And the business will
continue our look and our regularly monitored again so that we may continue to widen our target
market geographically to throughout Indonesia.
Positioning of GoSushi is a Japanese restaurant which provides food delivery services that deliver
the best quality food and excellent service to customers.

3.1.3 Market Size and Trends

According to Central Statistic Agency (BPS), in 2010, the population of Indonesia is around
237.556.363 inhabitants. In Jakarta, the number of population is keep rising whether because of the
natural population increase, the net migration, and reclassification. In Jakarta Pusat, the total
population in 2014 is around 910.381 inhabitants with the density around 18.914.

The composition of Jakarta population is dominated by the productive age. In 2014, at the
percentage of 71.8%. The age of productivity is 15 – 64 years old.

The population of Jakarta is now nearing 10 Million. This also indicates a various social economic
events. Therefore from the statistical data above, we are sure that it is a good chance for GoSushi
to enter the market and grab the opportunity.


3.1.4 Competition
There are very huge numbers of competitors in the food industry business. There have been many
restaurant that offers a similar menu as GoSushi. Such as:

 Sushi Tei
Sushi Tei was the first Japanese restaurant who enter Jakarta’s market. Sushi Tei is very
famous, they often had a long queue especially on the weekend. The theme of the
restaurant is an open kitchen with a mix of modern Japanese touch.They already open
several branches such as Mall Alam Sutera, Pondok Indah, The Breeze, and Plaza Indonesia.
Price range: IDR 20.000 – 500.000

 Sushi Groove
Sushi Groove is now fairly known. Besides sushi, they also offers a Korean foods such as
bibimbab sushi groove also offers a cocktail and ice cream. They already open several
branches in the shopping malls such as Taman Anggrek, Mall Kelapa Gading, and etc.
Price range: IDR 15.000 – 100.000

 Genki Sushi
Genki Sushi is another Japanese restaurant that offers a creative products and services. They
use iPad Mini as a media to order, for example to call the waiter, to see the bills and to order
the menu. The menu they offers are sushi, tempura, udon, gyoza and etc. Genki Sushi has
only one branch in Plaza Senayan.
Price range: IDR 15.000 – 100.000

The estimation of market share of Japanese restaurant can be seen in the diagram below.

Figure 3.1 Estimated Market Share


Japanese Restaurant

Sushi Tei
20% Sushi Groove
Genki Sushi

The chart above shown that Sushi Tei is the market leader of the Japanese restaurant with a market
share of 50%. Then followed by Sushi Groove as a market challenger with a market share of 15%.
GoSushi as a newcomer have 10% of the market share. By this data, and as we continuously
develop GoSushi can be a market challenger and even become a market leader in the Japanese
food industry.


3.2 Marketing Strategy
Our main objective is to increase the market share in Japanese food industry. GoSushi marketing
strategies are, push strategy and pull strategy.

Pull Strategy
Pull is a marketing strategy that encourages consumers to actively search for a product based on
their own motives. This strategy focuses on "how to bring customers to us". At first, we have to raise
the awareness of our product. Here are a few strategies that we applied:

 Buzz marketing or word of mouth

Buzz marketing is one of the powerful marketing tools for business. It became a human
nature, when consumers buying decision depends on the recommendation by other people.
We cooperate with the biggest online news portal to have their positive review
towards our products and services.
 Blogs
An informational content like Blog could help company to attract customers who are
interested in similar products.
 Viral marketing
Viral marketing is one of the marketing strategy which uses existing social networks to
promote the products. Viral marketing also consider cheaper. For instance, we create a
teaser or trailers on YouTube before the product officially launched and keep customer
interests and curious.

Push Strategy
Push is a marketing strategy that focuses on taking the product to the customer, often also called as
a traditional marketing. The strategies that we applied:

• Advertising
As a new business, we try to attract more consumers with an attractive advertisement. For
instance, we put our advertisement on internet, social media, radio, magazine, and
• Direct marketing
The alternatives of direct marketing, we do a direct mail strategy. It is a very popular
strategy which GoSushi send an email regarding the products and services to the prospective


customers and the loyal customers. We use customer’s personal database to generate the
• Direct selling
We do direct selling strategy where the seller interacts directly with the customers. For
instance, when we open a booth or stall at the mall, our sales representative or sales
promotion girl offer our products to the prospective customers.

Adopting both strategies of pull and push marketing strategies are a must. Push strategies are more
cost effective, involve a promotional activities such as advertising, direct marketing, and direct
selling. While pull strategy involves on how to get customer to purchase our product. Customers are
made to contact the seller. They use mass media to promote the product such as, buzz marketing,
blog, and viral marketing. For pull strategy it requires high efforts has to be build and maintain over
a long period of time.
Our marketing budget at the beginning of the business for the promotional activities is IDR
10.000.000. And for the monthly promotion is IDR 100.000.

Figure 3.2 Marketing Strategy

Buzz Marketing

Pull Blogs

Viral Marketing YouTube

Marketing Strategy
Push Advertising
Direct Marketing

Direct Selling


3.3 Advertising and Promotion
GoSushi is a new start up business and we intend to promote the business mainly through online.
As nowadays online media become very powerful marketing tools to grow the business.
Our promotion plans are listed below:
1. Create our own website where consumers can easily make an online
reservation and as well as drop their comments and reviews about their experience.
2. Although we already have our own website, but we will put our business on a restaurant
review site such as or where the customers could connect with the
great local businesses.
3. We create twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to support our business as well as create
customer relationship.
4. We build a cooperation with the online news media, such as to review
and give a good publicity about our restaurant.
5. We invite a food blogger to our restaurant and have their review about our business by
offering them a free meal.

And to measure our marketing and promotional efforts we pay attention to the review sites and
thank customers for their inputs and suggestions.

3.4 Pricing
The pricing of our products is ranging from IDR 15.000 – 60.000. We implement a cost based pricing
strategies. Where the set price based on what costs a company to make a product. We implememt
this strategy because it is simple, flexible, and if the price goes up it is easy to adjust the price.
GoSushi set an affordable price to capture our target market which middle to upper income levels.
Compare to our competitors such as Sushi Tei and Sushi Groove, our price is slightly lower with
better services and quality.

Below are the GoSushi pricing list:

 Sushi IDR 28.000 (4pcs)

 Sashimi IDR 25.000 (3pcs)
 Sushi roll (nigiri) IDR 25.000 – 35.000 (6pcs)
 Ship IDR 25.000 (4pcs)
 Fried IDR 25.000 (4pcs)
 Dessert IDR 15.000 – 25.000
 Sushi combo IDR 35.000 – 50.000
 Sashimi combo IDR 40.000 – 60.000
 Salad IDR 15.000 – 25.000
 Udon IDR 30.000
 Ramen IDR 30.000


4. Operation
4.1 Production process
The order process of GoSushi could be done in online and online. For online, we have our own
website ( and email. For offline, customers can directly call or message.
Customers are required to send their detail personal information including name, home address,
email address, phone number, the order, and the date or time of the delivery. When we received
the order, we will confirm the order by phone and send the details information regarding the bills
and payment system through email. After everything is completed, the order can directly send to the
customer’s address.

Amendments to the content of your order can be made up to 45 minutes before the delivery
window begins. We also set a minimum delivery order is IDR 75.000. For the online order from our
website, we will notified when customer’s reach the basket if your order is below the minimum

Figure 4.1 Production process

Customer received
and pay the order

GoSushi delivered
the order

GoSushi prepared
the order

GoSushi received the


Customer order the


For production of raw materials we cooperate with our Japanese food suppliers. We choose the best
quality and prices for our raw materials. For example:

 Koshihikari Rice  Salt

 Seafood  Vegetables
 Tobiko  Fruits
 Nori  Ramen
 Vinegar  Udon
 Sugar  Meat


To ensure our product and services is consistent, we do a quality control management. We provide
an online tools to help customers give their opinion, comments, and critics about our services. For
instance, through social media such as Facebook, twitter, and Instagram. We also offer a hotline call
service to accommodate customer’s feedback.

An excellent customer service is essential in every business. Especially in service restaurant industry.
When we treat customers with warm and respect while providing them a delicious meal, they will
return to our restaurant. It also creates a good customer relationship.

We also do a product improvement, for instance, updating the menu and keep on updated with the
food and the trends.

4.2 Location
Choosing a location for a business might be challenging. A great location of business can improve
sales, productivity, and attract the right customers. We have a production office at Jl. K.H Wahid
Hasyim/137-D Central Jakarta area. We choose a location in the central of Jakarta to make the
access easier and may cover many areas to deliver our products.

GoSushi decided to rent a shared 4 floor shop. We occupies the first and second floor and the third
and fourth floor is for another company. The shop has a land use right certificate, good property,
and have sufficient electrical power. There are the factors or criteria that we need to consider:

 Good accessibility and parking place

 Safety
 Traffic
 Competitors location

We have to carefully consider those factors when choosing the best location. The total rent fees is
100 million per year. And each company pay 50 Million per year. And we are sure that our location
have good accessibility and also a business friendly area.
4.3 Human resources
At the beginning of our business, GoSushi have no employees. The company runs by the owners.
We have our own tasks to make sure the job performs well. , Laksmi Puspasari in charge for office
and administration department, Lily Ribawanti in charge for sales and finance department, and
Famila Anindia in charge for kitchen department. We divided the tasks as below:

 Office and administration (incl.customer service) : 1 person

 Sales and finance : 1 person
 Kitchen staff : 2 person
 Messenger (courier) : 2 person

Three months after we run our business, we hired three more employees to help our business. One
for kitchen department and two other person for our couriers. It might be challenging to hire the
best employees for our restaurant In terms of hire the best employees and avoid a turnover
employees in the food industry, we do a traditional methods in which we hire people we know, for
instance from friends or family. Because it is important to work with people you can trust and willing
to learn. As we continuously grow and improve our business we will demand more workers.

GoSushi also offer a training periodically for every employees which good for themselves to
perform their job better and also for the companies. The types of training that we provide are
literacy and interpersonal skills training.

The trainings is a part of company employee development it shows that employees are valued and it
can lead to superior work better culture in the workplace.

4.4 Inventory
GoSushi always provide the best service and quality for our customers. Therefore, we avoid stock
out of supplies. And try to have proper procedures to keep fresh and in stock. We cooperate with
the local suppliers which has a good quality and service, below are the list of suppliers:

1. Rice Supplier
Name: PT. Wira Utama Perkasa
Bintaro Utama No. 17
Sektor V, Tangerang Selatan 15222
Tangerang, Indonesia
Phone: +62 812 9375 8752


2. Seafood supplier
Name: CV Erinda
Kavling Cermai 1 No. 9 RT04/03
Petukangan Utara. Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +62 215 871 908

3. Seaweed, wasabi, ginger supplier

Imported directly from China as the biggest manufacturer of seaweed.
Room 1110-1111, 289 Wujin Road
Shanghai, China
Phone: 86 21 63831071

4. Ramen and udon supplier

Name: Osaka Ramen
Cidurian Raya No.166
Depok 16418
Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Phone: +62 818 0670 0600

We order a big quantity at once for rice, dried seaweed, wasabi, vinegar and etc. that could keep in a
long period of time. To maintain the freshness and quality of our products, we do review current
stock levels and always keep updated list on the stock record.

4.5 Payment system

GoSushi payment system can be done in cash when the order received by consumers, bank
transfer, or with debit and credit card. Currently, our payment system is still limited from cash and
bank transfer. Our next plan, we are trying to cooperate with the bank hence we can have an EDC
(Electronic Draft Capture) also known as a card swipe machine. We are going to cooperate with one
of the largest banks in Indonesia, Mandiri and BCA. We will complement the EDC machine with our
messengers (couriers), and consumer can make the payments easier when they have no cash.


5. Management
Management or Human Resources is very important to the success of a business. The contribution of
every employees to the business can make the growth and success of a business.

5.1 Management team

GoSushi founded by three people. Laksmi Puspasari, Lily Ribawanti, and Famila Anindia. With
additional three people, two person in charge as messenger (courier) and one person as kitchen
help. We give a clear task and help the employees together to build the success of a company.

Laksmi Puspasari – Chief Executive Officer

(Office and administration department)

Laksmi has a background in International Business Administration. As a founder, Laksmi is

responsible in administrative activities that facilitate the company runs smoothly. During the studies,
she had an internship at Allianz Indonesia in Human Resources Department. She have had an
experience in handling the office software, including email, spreadsheets and database. The typical
work activities are, develop and maintain new administrative systems for instance, record
management data, delegate the work to employees and manage their workload or output.

Lily Ribawanti – Chief Financial Officer

(Sales and finance department)

Lily holds a bachelor degree in finance and tax. She is energetic and able to work, plan and organize
according to the dateline. Lily is responsible to maximize return on investment while minimize the
risk. As well as budgeting, and review the operational performances. Lily has to present financial
analysis (company’s income, and expenses)

Famila Anindia – General Manager

(Kitchen department)

Famila as the general manager especially in kitchen department will work together with the kitchen
help. She is responsible to operate the restaurant (kitchen), examine the health and safety
procedure of the food, and also manage the food stock. It is important for the kitchen help, it has to
be creative, hardworking, and have a good time management.

Messenger (2 Person)


We have two messengers (courier) to deliver the products. Messenger also plays an important role
in our management team. They have to be discipline and familiar with the area, and the
responsibilities are receiving the orders to be delivered, planning the routes or destination, and
prepare the vehicles.

6. Finance
6.1 Required fund
With the capital of IDR 150.000.000 from the owners fund. Below are the details amount required of
GoSushi business.

Required Start Up Funds
or Opening Balance Sheet for an Existing Business
Start-up Expenses Amount (IDR)
Wages (opening) -
Insurance -
Legal and Accounting -
Stationery 500,000.00
Collateral Materials (brochures, cards) 500,000.00
Rent/lees deposit 50,000,000.00
Sales and Marketing (ads, direct mail, etc) 10,000,000.00
Licenses 20,000,000.00
Expensed Equipment 4,000,000.00
Other 5,000,000.00

Total Start-up Expenses IDR 90,000,000.00

Working Capital Amount (IDR) Depreciation

Fixed Assets
Land -
Building - 20 years
Electricity 10,000,000.00 8 years
Equipments 5,000,000.00 8 years
Furniture 10,000,000.00 4 years
Vehicles 30,000,000.00 4 years
Laptop and Smartphone 5,000,000.00 4 years

Total Fixed Assets IDR 60,000,000.00

Total Requirement Funds IDR 150,000,000.00


Details information:

Expensed Equipment: (1) Unit of refrigerator

Furniture: (1) Unit of working desk

(1) Unit of chair desk

(2) Set of kitchen table

Vehicles: (2) Units of Honda Vario with the delivery box

Rent deposit duration: 12 Months

Fixed Assets Equipment: Kitchen set (kitchen utensils, pan, etc.)

Sales and Marketing: Creation of website and social media activities

Licenses: Creation of PT (Perseroan Terbuka) and Halal certification

Other expenses: Notary and lawyer

6.2 Fixed operating cost

Below are GoSushi Fixed operating cost, in monthly period which is accumulated in the first year,
and with a growth of 3% in the second and third year.

Fixed Operational Cost Monthly Year One Year Two Year Three
Change of Percentage 3% 3%
Advertising 100,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,236,000.00 1,273,080.00
Vehicles 1,500,000.00 18,000,000.00 18,540,000.00 19,096,200.00
Bank Fees 20,000.00 240,000.00 247,200.00 254,616.00
Working contract - - - -
Workshop & Conference - - - -
Discount and refund 100,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,236,000.00 1,273,080.00
Subscription Fee 100,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,236,000.00 1,273,080.00
Others 100,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,236,000.00 1,273,080.00
Insurance 100,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,236,000.00 1,273,080.00
Licences/Permits - - - -
Legal and Consultants - - - -
Office Fee and Equipments 100,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,236,000.00 1,273,080.00
Post and Courier - - - -
Rent Fee - - - -
Rent Vehicles - - - -
Sales and Marketing - - - -
Tax - - - -
Telecommunications 100,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,236,000.00 1,273,080.00
Utilities -
Total Cost 2,220,000.00 26,640,000.00 27,439,200.00 28,262,376.00

The monthly fixed cost is IDR 2.220.000


6.3 Project sales forecast

Projected Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Totals
year 1 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 630
year 2 50 80 70 60 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 1260
year 3 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 160 195 210 225 240 1890
Accumulated Sales 25 55 90 130 175 225 200 340 405 475 550 630

Sushi IDR Sashimi IDR Sushi Roll IDR

Pri ce per uni t 28,000.00 Pri ce per uni t 25,000.00 Pri ce per uni t 35,000.00
Va r. pri ce per uni t 7,000.00 Va r. pri ce per uni t 7,000.00 Va r. pri ce per uni t 10,000.00
Gros s ma rgi n per uni t 21,000.00 Gros s ma rgi n per uni t 18,000.00 Gros s ma rgi n per uni t 25,000.00

Projecti on s a l es 17,640,000.00 Projecti on s a l es 15,750,000.00 Projecti on s a l es 22,050,000.00

Va ri a bl e cos t 4,410,000.00 Va ri a bl e cos t 4,410,000.00 Va ri a bl e cos t 6,300,000.00
Gros s ma rgi n 13,230,000.00 Gros s ma rgi n 11,340,000.00 Gros s ma rgi n 15,750,000.00
Fi xed cos t 2,664,000.00 Fi xed cos t 2,664,000.00 Fi xed cos t 2,664,000.00
Profit 10,566,000.00 Profit 14,004,000.00 Profit 18,414,000.00

Projected Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Totals
year 1 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 510
year 2 30 40 60 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 1020
year 3 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 1530
Accumulated Sales 35 35 60 90 125 165 210 260 315 375 440 510

Ship IDR Fried IDR Dessert IDR

Pri ce per uni t 25,000.00 Pri ce per uni t 25,000.00 Pri ce per uni t 25,000.00
Va r. pri ce per uni t 7,000.00 Va r. pri ce per uni t 7,000.00 Va r. pri ce per uni t 7,000.00
Gros s ma rgi n per uni t 18,000.00 Gros s ma rgi n per uni t 18,000.00 Gros s ma rgi n per uni t 18,000.00

Projecti on s a l es 12,750,000.00 Projecti on s a l es 12,750,000.00 Projecti on s a l es 12,750,000.00

Va ri a bl e cos t 3,570,000.00 Va ri a bl e cos t 3,570,000.00 Va ri a bl e cos t 3,570,000.00
Gros s ma rgi n 9,180,000.00 Gros s ma rgi n 9,180,000.00 Gros s ma rgi n 9,180,000.00
Fi xed cos t 2,664,000.00 Fi xed cos t 2,664,000.00 Fi xed cos t 2,664,000.00
Profit 11,844,000.00 Profit 11,844,000.00 Profit 11,844,000.00


Projected Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Totals
year 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 390
year 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 780
year 3 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 1170
Accumulated Sales 5 15 30 50 75 105 140 180 225 275 330 390

Sushi Combo IDR Sashimi Combo IDR

Pri ce per uni t 50,000.00 Pri ce per uni t 60,000.00
Va r. pri ce per uni t 15,000.00 Va r. pri ce per uni t 20,000.00
Gros s ma rgi n per uni t 35,000.00 Gros s ma rgi n per uni t 40,000.00

Projecti on s a l es 19,500,000.00 Projecti on s a l es 23,400,000.00

Va ri a bl e cos t 5,850,000.00 Va ri a bl e cos t 7,800,000.00
Gros s ma rgi n 13,650,000.00 Gros s ma rgi n 15,600,000.00
Fi xed cos t 2,664,000.00 Fi xed cos t 2,664,000.00
Profit 16,314,000.00 Profit 18,264,000.00

Projected Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Totals
year 1 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 40 50 55 60 65 450
year 2 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 80 100 110 120 130 900
year 3 30 45 60 75 90 105 105 120 150 165 180 195 1350
Accumulated Sales 10 25 45 70 100 135 140 175 270 325 365 450

Salad IDR Udon IDR Ramen IDR

Pri ce per uni t 25,000.00 Pri ce per uni t 30,000.00 Pri ce per uni t 30,000.00
Va r. pri ce per uni t 7,000.00 Va r. pri ce per uni t 15,000.00 Va r. pri ce per uni t 15,000.00
Gros s ma rgi n per uni t 18,000.00 Gros s ma rgi n per uni t 15,000.00 Gros s ma rgi n per uni t 15,000.00

Projecti on s a l es 11,250,000.00 Projecti on s a l es 13,500,000.00 Projecti on s a l es 13,500,000.00

Va ri a bl e cos t 3,150,000.00 Va ri a bl e cos t 6,750,000.00 Va ri a bl e cos t 6,750,000.00
Gros s ma rgi n 8,100,000.00 Gros s ma rgi n 6,750,000.00 Gros s ma rgi n 6,750,000.00
Fi xed cos t 2,664,000.00 Fi xed cos t 2,664,000.00 Fi xed cos t 2,664,000.00
Profit 10,764,000.00 Profit 9,414,000.00 Profit 9,414,000.00


6.4 Projected income statement
Below are the projected income statement of GoSushi within 1 year.

Pro Forma Profit and Loss
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Totals
Sushi 700,000.00 840,000.00 980,000.00 1,120,000.00 1,260,000.00 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 1,680,000.00 1,820,000.00 1,960,000.00 2,100,000.00 2,240,000.00 17,640,000.00
Sashimi 625,000.00 750,000.00 875,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,125,000.00 1,250,000.00 1,375,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,625,000.00 1,750,000.00 1,875,000.00 2,000,000.00 15,750,000.00
Sushi Roll 875,000.00 1,225,000.00 1,575,000.00 1,925,000.00 2,275,000.00 2,625,000.00 2,975,000.00 3,325,000.00 3,675,000.00 4,025,000.00 4,375,000.00 4,725,000.00 33,600,000.00
Ship 375,000.00 500,000.00 625,000.00 750,000.00 875,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,125,000.00 1,250,000.00 1,375,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,625,000.00 1,750,000.00 12,750,000.00
Fried 375,000.00 500,000.00 625,000.00 750,000.00 875,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,125,000.00 1,250,000.00 1,375,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,625,000.00 1,750,000.00 12,750,000.00
Dessert 375,000.00 500,000.00 625,000.00 750,000.00 875,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,125,000.00 1,250,000.00 1,375,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,625,000.00 1,750,000.00 12,750,000.00
Sushi Combo 250,000.00 500,000.00 750,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,250,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,750,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,250,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,750,000.00 3,000,000.00 19,500,000.00
Sashimi Combo 300,000.00 420,000.00 600,000.00 720,000.00 900,000.00 1,020,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,320,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,620,000.00 1,800,000.00 1,500,000.00 12,900,000.00
Salad 250,000.00 375,000.00 500,000.00 625,000.00 750,000.00 875,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,125,000.00 1,250,000.00 1,375,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,625,000.00 11,250,000.00
Udon 300,000.00 450,000.00 600,000.00 750,000.00 900,000.00 1,050,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,350,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,650,000.00 1,800,000.00 1,950,000.00 13,500,000.00
Ramen 300,000.00 450,000.00 600,000.00 750,000.00 900,000.00 1,050,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,350,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,650,000.00 1,800,000.00 1,950,000.00 13,500,000.00
Total Revenue 4,725,000.00 6,510,000.00 8,355,000.00 10,140,000.00 11,985,000.00 13,770,000.00 15,615,000.00 17,400,000.00 19,245,000.00 21,030,000.00 22,875,000.00 24,240,000.00 175,890,000.00

Sushi 175,000.00 210,000.00 245,000.00 280,000.00 315,000.00 350,000.00 385,000.00 420,000.00 455,000.00 490,000.00 525,000.00 560,000.00 4,410,000.00
Sashimi 175,000.00 210,000.00 245,000.00 280,000.00 315,000.00 350,000.00 385,000.00 420,000.00 455,000.00 490,000.00 525,000.00 560,000.00 4,410,000.00
Sushi Roll 250,000.00 350,000.00 450,000.00 550,000.00 650,000.00 750,000.00 850,000.00 950,000.00 1,050,000.00 1,150,000.00 1,250,000.00 1,350,000.00 9,600,000.00
Ship 105,000.00 140,000.00 175,000.00 210,000.00 245,000.00 280,000.00 315,000.00 350,000.00 385,000.00 420,000.00 455,000.00 490,000.00 3,570,000.00
Fried 105,000.00 140,000.00 175,000.00 210,000.00 245,000.00 280,000.00 315,000.00 350,000.00 385,000.00 420,000.00 455,000.00 490,000.00 3,570,000.00
Dessert 150,000.00 200,000.00 250,000.00 300,000.00 350,000.00 400,000.00 450,000.00 500,000.00 550,000.00 600,000.00 650,000.00 700,000.00 5,100,000.00
Sushi Combo 75,000.00 150,000.00 225,000.00 300,000.00 375,000.00 450,000.00 525,000.00 600,000.00 675,000.00 750,000.00 825,000.00 900,000.00 5,850,000.00
Sashimi Combo 100,000.00 140,000.00 200,000.00 240,000.00 300,000.00 340,000.00 400,000.00 440,000.00 500,000.00 540,000.00 600,000.00 500,000.00 4,300,000.00
Salad 70,000.00 105,000.00 140,000.00 175,000.00 210,000.00 245,000.00 280,000.00 315,000.00 350,000.00 385,000.00 420,000.00 455,000.00 3,150,000.00
Udon 150,000.00 225,000.00 300,000.00 375,000.00 450,000.00 525,000.00 600,000.00 675,000.00 750,000.00 825,000.00 900,000.00 975,000.00 6,750,000.00
Ramen 150,000.00 225,000.00 300,000.00 375,000.00 450,000.00 525,000.00 600,000.00 675,000.00 750,000.00 825,000.00 900,000.00 975,000.00 6,750,000.00
Total COGS 1,505,000.00 2,095,000.00 2,705,000.00 3,295,000.00 3,905,000.00 4,495,000.00 5,105,000.00 5,695,000.00 6,305,000.00 6,895,000.00 7,505,000.00 7,955,000.00 57,460,000.00

Gross Profit 3,220,000.00 4,415,000.00 5,650,000.00 6,845,000.00 8,080,000.00 9,275,000.00 10,510,000.00 11,705,000.00 12,940,000.00 14,135,000.00 15,370,000.00 16,285,000.00 118,430,000.00
Total Salary and Wages - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Operating Expenses 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 26,640,000.00
Total Other Expenses - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Net Income 1,000,000.00 2,195,000.00 3,430,000.00 4,625,000.00 5,860,000.00 7,055,000.00 8,290,000.00 9,485,000.00 10,720,000.00 11,915,000.00 13,150,000.00 14,065,000.00 91,790,000.00

As the table shown above, at the end of the year, IDR 90 Million will distributed to the owners. And
the remaining IDR 1.790.000 for the capital.


6.5 Projected cash flow
Below are the projected cash flow of GoSushi within 1 year.
Pro Forma Profit and Loss - Year one

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Totals

Opening Cash 6,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 9,195,000.00 11,761,750.00 16,386,750.00 22,246,750.00 26,318,500.00 34,608,500.00 44,093,500.00 49,702,250.00 61,617,250.00 74,767,250.00
Cash In:
Cash Sales 4,725,000.00 6,510,000.00 8,355,000.00 10,140,000.00 11,985,000.00 13,770,000.00 15,615,000.00 17,400,000.00 19,245,000.00 21,030,000.00 22,875,000.00 24,240,000.00 175,890,000.00
Receivables - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Cash Intake 4,725,000.00 6,510,000.00 8,355,000.00 10,140,000.00 11,985,000.00 13,770,000.00 15,615,000.00 17,400,000.00 19,245,000.00 21,030,000.00 22,875,000.00 24,240,000.00 175,890,000.00
Cash Out (expenses):
Asset - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Additional Cost - - - - - - - - - - - - -
COGS 1,505,000.00 2,095,000.00 2,705,000.00 3,295,000.00 3,905,000.00 4,495,000.00 5,105,000.00 5,695,000.00 6,305,000.00 6,895,000.00 7,505,000.00 7,955,000.00 57,460,000.00
Wages - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fixed Cost 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 26,640,000.00
Tax - - 863,250.00 - - 2,983,250.00 - - 5,111,250.00 - - 7,175,250.00 16,133,000.00
Bank Loan - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Interest - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dividends - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Cash Outgo 3,725,000.00 4,315,000.00 5,788,250.00 5,515,000.00 6,125,000.00 9,698,250.00 7,325,000.00 7,915,000.00 13,636,250.00 9,115,000.00 9,725,000.00 17,350,250.00 100,233,000.00

Cash Flow 1,000,000.00 2,195,000.00 2,566,750.00 4,625,000.00 5,860,000.00 4,071,750.00 8,290,000.00 9,485,000.00 5,608,750.00 11,915,000.00 13,150,000.00 6,889,750.00 75,657,000.00
Ending Balance 7,000,000.00 9,195,000.00 11,761,750.00 16,386,750.00 22,246,750.00 26,318,500.00 34,608,500.00 44,093,500.00 49,702,250.00 61,617,250.00 74,767,250.00 81,657,000.00

And the ending cash flow balance IDR 81.657.000


6.6 Projected balance sheet
Below are the projected balance sheet of GoSushi.

Pro Forma Balance Sheet - Year one
For the beginning to end year

Beginning year Ending year

Current Assets:
Cash: 6,000,000.00 81,657,000.00
Petty Cash - -
Accounts Receivable - -
Inventory - -
Short-Term Investment - -
Prepaid Expense 80,000,000.00 80,000,000.00
Other Assets 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00
Total Current Assets 90,000,000.00 165,657,000.00
Fixed Assets:
Land - -
Buildings - -
Improvements - -
Electricity 10,000,000.00 15,000,000.00
Equipment 5,000,000.00 11,000,000.00
Furniture 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
Automobiles/Vehicles 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00
Other Assets: 5,000,000.00 10,133,000.00
Total Fixed Assets 60,000,000.00 76,133,000.00
Total Assets 150,000,000.00 241,790,000.00
Current Liabilities: - -
Accounts Payable - -
Notes Payable - -
Interest Payable - -
Net Worth/Owner’s
Equity/Retained Earnings
150,000,000.00 150,000,000.00
Total Owner's Equity 150,000,000.00
Net Income 91,790,000.00
Total Liabilities and
Equity 150,000,000.00 241,790,000.00


6.7 Break even analysis
Below are the Break Even Analysis of GoSushi. The total Break Even Point is IDR 39.566.315

Break Even Analysis

Break Even Analysis IDR Percentage (%)

Yearly sales revenue 175,890,000.00 100%
Yearly sales break even 57,460,000.00 32.67%
Gross Margin 118,430,000.00 67.33%

Wages and Salary -

Fixed Operating Cost 26,640,000.00
Total Fixed Operating Cost 26,640,000.00

Break Even Point 26,640,000.00

Total Break Even Point 39,566,315.16

7. Critical risk
As we know, in every decision has a possibility of the negative effects and there is no business
without a risk. Therefore, in this section will explain about the risks that might occurs in the

7.1 Potential problem

As stated above in the general description of business that makes our business different is we
provide delivery service concept. Consumers can easily order via online through our website and
offline through our phone number. It is easier and efficient for consumers to satisfy their needs.

In this case, company needs a resources especially human resources to deliver our products to
consumers and also understand about the city. This is also become our obstacle to find the right and
trustworthy person.

7.2 Obstacles and risk

Our mission is to serves Japanese food with high quality. Our service is to deliver our products to
consumers, so customers can enjoy our products wherever they want. This strategy is very potential
to attract more customers, meanwhile it is also could be our problems for GoSushi, because the
unpredictable road and traffic that can cause a long wait and the delay of our products.


7.3 Alternative cause of action
In this section, will explained about the alternative solution for the problems that will arise. First, for
the human resources especially in the logistic, if the messenger had a difficulties to find the right
destination. GoSushi try to hire a person from several areas in Jakarta, west Jakarta, south Jakarta,
east Jakarta, north Jakarta, at least they know their own area. Second, we use GPS that placed on
the vehicles to find the destination.

The other problem could also arise because of the external factor. For instance climate and
environment. As we know, Jakarta is very populous and dense city. The road situation is very
unpredictable whether it is morning or in the evening. The problem that could occur could be the
delay of the delivery. GoSushi try to minimize this problem. First, we will put our store in central
Jakarta, it would be closer to reach the other Jakarta areas. Second, we use motorcycle which is
much faster. Third, if the messenger is late more than one hour, we will give a free coupon for the
next purchase.


8. Milestone Schedule
In this section, will explained sbout the milestone schedule of GoSushi. A schedule is needed in
every business, so we can be more focus and structured to our goals and reached our success. Below
are the milestone and the length of time from the beginning.

Tabel 8.1 Milestone Schedule

No. Description Length (days)

A Create a business plan
A1 Identify the business idea 3 days
A2 Screening the business idea 3 days
A3 Feasibility study 3 days
A4 Write a business plan 7 days
B Establish a business
B1 Find a location to start the business 14 days
B2 Prepare the business license 14 days
B3 Find a partnership 7 days
B4 Design an attractive location 7 days
B5 Provide tools and equipment needed 5 days
B6 Hire an employees 10 days
B7 Provide training for employees 7 days
B8 Administer the promotional activities 7 days
C Start the business
C1 Prepare the grand opening 3 days
C2 Grand opening 1 day
C3 Analyze the employees performance 30 days
C4 Analyze the financial performance 30 days
C5 Analyze consumer’s responds and comments 30 days
toward our products
C6 Evaluate the production process to perform better 30 days


GoSushi website preview.

GoSushi delivery vehicle.


GoSushi Packaging.


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