Arnis Syllabus8'6"6'6!

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School of Arnis Professionals

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces to students the basic skills, strategies and rules of arnis. It
introduces the development of the specific skills of traditional fundamental techniques of striking,
blocking and its application and fighting strategies in the form of exercises. It also covers different
stances, stick exercises and basics exercises of ANYO or form that develop the relax action, agility,
flexibility, speed and endurance. It develops movement, which contributes to an all around physical
development. Special training courses for defense and offense techniques for law enforcers.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: To give the students the minimum essentials of physical exercises through the
basic fundamentals of Arnis leading to the mastery of different styles of stick fighting.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. Develop control of certain fundamental body movement, such as stances, striking and

blocking techniques with the use of the stick;

2. Develop the less-dominant arm and hand with the use of two sticks in different exercises;
3. Develop vitality, posture, agility, flexibility, coordination, balance, speed, daring precision,

self-discipline and self-confidence;

4. Develop courage, alertness, firmness, quickness in thinking and full mental power;
5. Develop striking measures, which call for great coordination and timing;
6. Demonstrate skills on stick defenses, unarmed defenses and arresting techniques necessary
to law enforcers and
7. Identify legal techniques that can be used in law enforcing.

1. Display feeling of confidence after learning the skills.
2. Develop proper behavior, self-discipline and self-control.
3. Since Arnis employ the use of two sticks, the less-dominant arm is exercised and developed,
making one almost ambidextrous, and therefore more efficient in the use of the upper
4. Prevent using guns in arresting an unarmed attacker.
5. Become closer to the historical lore of the country and people, immensely proud of being a
Filipino because Arnis is a genuine component of our cultural heritage and will find an answer
to what an eminent Filipino scholar learned, “ the search for national identity”.


1. Arm extended wrist rotation - (middle grip)

2. Crossed-arm wrist rotation - (middle grip)
3. Wing stretcher - (middle grip)
4. Up and down - (middle grip)

5. Arm extended wrist rotation - (normal grip)
6. Crossed-arm wrist rotation - (normal grip)
7. Right and Left upward thrusting - (normal grip)
8. Figure 8 - (tip of stick leading)
9. Right and Left overhead circling - (normal grip)
10. Simultaneous two hands up and down strike - (normal grip)
11. Alternate two hands up and down strike - (normal grip)
12. Single wrist circling, up and down - (normal grip)
13. Double wrist circling, up and down - (normal grip)
14. Single wrist circling, side to side - (normal grip)
15. Single wrist circling, cross over - (normal grip)
16. Umbrella block - (normal grip)


Lesson 1 Correct Grip, Courtesy, Stances, and Body Shifting


1. Attention or Formal Stance

2. Open Leg Stance
3. Straddle Stance
4. Right & Left Forward Stances or ‘FIGHTING STANCE”
5. Right & Left Backward Stances
6. Right & Left Cat Stances
7. Right & Left Oblique Forward Stances


1. Stepping-In Forward Right & Left

2. Stepping-Back Right & Left

Lesson 2 Traditional Forms or Striking Techniques

1. Up and Down
2. Banda Y Banda
3. Rompida
4. Abanico Corto
5. Abanico Largo
6. Figure 8

LESSON 3 Single Sinawali

1. Stationary
2. Moving Forward-Backward
3. Moving Clockwise/Counter-Clockwise
4. Moving in Random Direction

LESSON 4 Double Sinawali

1. Stationary
2. Moving Forward-Backward
3. Moving Clockwise/Counter-Clockwise
4. Moving in Random Direction

LESSON 5 Redonda or “X” Movement

LESSON 6 The Eight (8) Striking Techniques

1. Left temple, left side of the neck and left shoulder strike
2. Right temple right side of the neck and right shoulder strike
3. Left knee strike
4. Right knee strike
5. Abdominal (upper & lower) groin & genitals thrust
6. Left eye or left chest thrust
7. Right eye or right chest thrust
8. Head or crown, left & right clavicles strike

1. Stationary
2. Right & Left Alternate
3. Forward Movement

LESSON 7 The six (6) Blocking Techniques

1. Left sideward-upward block

2. Right sideward-upward block
3. Left sideward-downward block
4. Right sideward-downward block
5. Vertical block
6. Rising block

1. Right & Left Alternate
2. Forward Movement

LESSON 8 Applications of the Eight (8) Striking Techniques with

The six (6) Blocking Techniques

1.Basic Application
2. With Counter Attack

LESSON 9 Disarming Techniques with counter Attack (Left Side UP & Down)

1. hand-wrist Circling
2. “X” Block
3. Stick Twisting – (upward/downward)


1. Counter attack from block No: 3 to S.T. No. 4 (R-knee)
2. Under wrist lock

LESSON 10 Disarming Techniques with Counter Attack (Right Side Up & Down)

1. Butt Strike to wrist
2. Wrist Twisting (encircle)
3. Right Arm Full

1. Block No. 4 to S.T. No.4
2. Stomach Thrust

LESSON 11 Counter Attack from striking techniques No. 8 (Head or Crown)

1. Block No. 6 to Elbow Pushing

2. Umbrella Block

LESSON 12 ANYO or Form (An Individual Creation)

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