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Pillsbury Cookie Challenge

Case Analysis:

In the given case Guillen was facing the issue to solve 2 goals in the Canadian market i.e. Increase
the purchase frequency and market penetration of the cookies in Canada.

Looking at the learnings derived from the study done by Lou Pasato, Market Tools & TerraNova.
Guillen was confident about Canada that:
- Scratch baking was dominant method of baking cookies
- Convenience and taste were the top buying factor for cookie dough
- Lapsed user cause was still unknown – though they agreed to the convenience of the product
- Kids play a bigger role in driving purchases of cookie dough
- Baking was an experience for the Canadian family. It provided emotional warmth and
wellbeing. Cookies were made for sharing and giving
- Mom’s looked for easy, quick and practical solutions for kitchen
- Chub was accepted more than Ready to bake mix

Guillen can also use these learnings to leverage the brand connection not just with the mom’s but
also with the kids as they play a bigger role in driving purchases of cookie dough. Using Pillsbury
Doughboy in-line with the advert’s the company should leverage on its following strengths and
- Hassle free, Quick & Convenient to make- Mom and kids baking the tasty cookies together in
- Fun to make and portray family bonding time while baking. Not just baking cookies but baking
- The joy of baking cookies from scratch but not from scratch!

GMCC can communicate this message via various platforms but TVC would impact the most as we
see by research that the kids play bigger role in the selection of the cookie dough and TVC would
leave a lasting impact as to any other channel.
The TVC can portray it as a choice of children’s; a mom, kid(with a chef hat) & the Pillsbury
doughboy in the kitchen making cookies but it is so quick, simple, clutter free that it doesn’t seem
that they are bonding over this activity. And the baked cookies are not just tasty but spreads love and
happiness in just minutes!
Another way they can connect with the kids is have a person dressed as Pillsbury doughboy
standing outside the superstores – it makes interacting with kids easy and creates high brand recall.
GMCC can also capitalise on the packaging using Doughboy to attract the kids.

Print media can also be capitalised for creating the pull. Various forms of print media that can be
utilised are:
- Billboards – Having the message of making cookie making quick and clutter free
- Stickers and popups at various outlets

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